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This paper presents a novel mass-conservative mixed multiscale method for solving flow equations in heterogeneous porous media. The media properties (the permeability) contain multiple scales and high contrast. The proposed method solves the flow equation in a mixed formulation on a coarse grid by constructing multiscale basis functions. The resulting velocity field is mass-conservative on the fine grid. Our main goal is to obtain first-order convergence in terms of the mesh size which is independent of local contrast. This is achieved, first, by constructing some auxiliary spaces, which contain global information that cannot be localized, in general. This is built on our previous work on the generalized multiscale finite element method (GMsFEM). In the auxiliary space, multiscale basis functions corresponding to small (contrast-dependent) eigenvalues are selected. These basis functions represent the high-conductivity channels (which connect the boundaries of a coarse block). Next, we solve local problems to construct multiscale basis functions for the velocity field. These local problems are formulated in the oversampled domain, taking into account some constraints with respect to auxiliary spaces. The latter allows fast spatial decay of local solutions and, thus, allows taking smaller oversampled regions. The number of basis functions depends on small eigenvalues of the local spectral problems. Moreover, multiscale pressure basis functions are needed in constructing the velocity space. Our multiscale spaces have a minimal dimension, which is needed to avoid contrast dependence in the convergence. The method’s convergence requires an oversampling of several layers. We present an analysis of our approach. Our numerical results confirm that the convergence rate is first order with respect to the mesh size and independent of the contrast.  相似文献   

Multiscale mixed/mimetic methods on corner-point grids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiscale simulation is a promising approach to facilitate direct simulation of large and complex grid models for highly heterogeneous petroleum reservoirs. Unlike traditional simulation, approaches based on upscaling/downscaling, multiscale methods seek to solve the full flow problem by incorporating subscale heterogeneities into local discrete approximation spaces. We consider a multiscale formulation based on a hierarchical grid approach, where basis functions with subgrid resolution are computed numerically to correctly and accurately account for subscale variations from an underlying (fine-scale) geomodel when solving the global flow equations on a coarse grid. By using multiscale basis functions to discretise the global flow equations on a (moderately sized) coarse grid, one can retain the efficiency of an upscaling method and, at the same time, produce detailed and conservative velocity fields on the underlying fine grid. For pressure equations, the multiscale mixed finite-element method (MsMFEM) has been shown to be a particularly versatile approach. In this paper, we extend the method to corner-point grids, which is the industry standard for modelling complex reservoir geology. To implement MsMFEM, one needs a discretisation method for solving local flow problems on the underlying fine grids. In principle, any stable and conservative method can be used. Here, we use a mimetic discretisation, which is a generalisation of mixed finite elements that gives a discrete inner product, allows for polyhedral elements, and can (easily) be extended to curved grid faces. The coarse grid can, in principle, be any partition of the subgrid, where each coarse block is a connected collection of subgrid cells. However, we argue that, when generating coarse grids, one should follow certain simple guidelines to achieve improved accuracy. We discuss partitioning in both index space and physical space and suggest simple processing techniques. The versatility and accuracy of the new multiscale mixed methodology is demonstrated on two corner-point models: a small Y-shaped sector model and a complex model of a layered sedimentary bed. A variety of coarse grids, both violating and obeying the above mentioned guidelines, are employed. The MsMFEM solutions are compared with a reference solution obtained by direct simulation on the subgrid.  相似文献   

We present a variational multiscale mixed finite element method for the solution of Darcy flow in porous media, in which both the permeability field and the source term display a multiscale character. The formulation is based on a multiscale split of the solution into coarse and subgrid scales. This decomposition is invoked in a variational setting that leads to a rigorous definition of a (global) coarse problem and a set of (local) subgrid problems. One of the key issues for the success of the method is the proper definition of the boundary conditions for the localization of the subgrid problems. We identify a weak compatibility condition that allows for subgrid communication across element interfaces, a feature that turns out to be essential for obtaining high-quality solutions. We also remove the singularities due to concentrated sources from the coarse-scale problem by introducing additional multiscale basis functions, based on a decomposition of fine-scale source terms into coarse and deviatoric components. The method is locally conservative and employs a low-order approximation of pressure and velocity at both scales. We illustrate the performance of the method on several synthetic cases and conclude that the method is able to capture the global and local flow patterns accurately.  相似文献   

We present a locally mass conservative scheme for the approximation of two-phase flow in a porous medium that allows us to obtain detailed fine scale solutions on relatively coarse meshes. The permeability is assumed to be resolvable on a fine numerical grid, but limits on computational power require that computations be performed on a coarse grid. We define a two-scale mixed finite element space and resulting method, and describe in detail the solution algorithm. It involves a coarse scale operator coupled to a subgrid scale operator localized in space to each coarse grid element. An influence function (numerical Greens function) technique allows us to solve these subgrid scale problems independently of the coarse grid approximation. The coarse grid problem is modified to take into account the subgrid scale solution and solved as a large linear system of equations posed over a coarse grid. Finally, the coarse scale solution is corrected on the subgrid scale, providing a fine grid representation of the solution. Numerical examples are presented, which show that near-well behavior and even extremely heterogeneous permeability barriers and streaks are upscaled well by the technique.  相似文献   

Multiscale methods can in many cases be viewed as special types of domain decomposition preconditioners. The localisation approximations introduced within the multiscale framework are dependent upon both the heterogeneity of the reservoir and the structure of the computational grid. While previous works on multiscale control volume methods have focused on heterogeneous elliptic problems on regular Cartesian grids, we have tested the multiscale control volume formulations on two-dimensional elliptic problems involving heterogeneous media and irregular grid structures. Our study shows that the tangential flow approximation commonly used within multiscale methods is not suited for problems involving rough grids. We present a more robust mass conservative domain decomposition preconditioner for simulating flow in heterogeneous porous media on general grids.  相似文献   

The present paper proposes a new family of multiscale finite volume methods. These methods usually deal with a dual mesh resolution, where the pressure field is solved on a coarse mesh, while the saturation fields, which may have discontinuities, are solved on a finer reservoir grid, on which petrophysical heterogeneities are defined. Unfortunately, the efficiency of dual mesh methods is strongly related to the definition of up-gridding and down-gridding steps, allowing defining accurately pressure and saturation fields on both fine and coarse meshes and the ability of the approach to be parallelized. In the new dual mesh formulation we developed, the pressure is solved on a coarse grid using a new hybrid formulation of the parabolic problem. This type of multiscale method for pressure equation called multiscale hybrid-mixed method (MHMM) has been recently proposed for finite elements and mixed-finite element approach (Harder et al. 2013). We extend here the MH-mixed method to a finite volume discretization, in order to deal with large multiphase reservoir models. The pressure solution is obtained by solving a hybrid form of the pressure problem on the coarse mesh, for which unknowns are fluxes defined on the coarse mesh faces. Basis flux functions are defined through the resolution of a local finite volume problem, which accounts for local heterogeneity, whereas pressure continuity between cells is weakly imposed through flux basis functions, regarded as Lagrange multipliers. Such an approach is conservative both on the coarse and local scales and can be easily parallelized, which is an advantage compared to other existing finite volume multiscale approaches. It has also a high flexibility to refine the coarse discretization just by refinement of the lagrange multiplier space defined on the coarse faces without changing nor the coarse nor the fine meshes. This refinement can also be done adaptively w.r.t. a posteriori error estimators. The method is applied to single phase (well-testing) and multiphase flow in heterogeneous porous media.  相似文献   

应用多尺度有限单元法模拟非均质多孔介质中的三维地下水流问题。与传统有限单元法相比,多尺度有限单元法的基函数具有能反映单元内参数变化的优点,所以这种方法能在大尺度上抓住解的小尺度特征获得较精确的解。在介绍多尺度有限单元法求解非均质多孔介质中三维地下水流问题的基本原理之后,对参数水平方向渐变垂直方向突变的非均质多孔介质中的三维地下水流和Borden实验场的三维地下水流分别用多尺度有限单元法和传统等参有限单元法进行了计算,结果表明在模拟高度非均质多孔介质中的三维地下水流问题时,多尺度有限单元法比传统有限单元法有效,既节省计算量又有较高的精度;在模拟非均质性弱的多孔介质中的三维地下水流问题时,多尺度有限单元法虽然也能在大尺度上获得较为精确的解,但效果不明显。  相似文献   

For the past 10 years or so, a number of so-called multiscale methods have been developed as an alternative approach to upscaling and to accelerate reservoir simulation. The key idea of all these methods is to construct a set of prolongation operators that map between unknowns associated with cells in a fine grid holding the petrophysical properties of the geological reservoir model and unknowns on a coarser grid used for dynamic simulation. The prolongation operators are computed numerically by solving localized flow problems, much in the same way as for flow-based upscaling methods, and can be used to construct a reduced coarse-scale system of flow equations that describe the macro-scale displacement driven by global forces. Unlike effective parameters, the multiscale basis functions have subscale resolution, which ensures that fine-scale heterogeneity is correctly accounted for in a systematic manner. Among all multiscale formulations discussed in the literature, the multiscale restriction-smoothed basis (MsRSB) method has proved to be particularly promising. This method has been implemented in a commercially available simulator and has three main advantages. First, the input grid and its coarse partition can have general polyhedral geometry and unstructured topology. Secondly, MsRSB is accurate and robust when used as an approximate solver and converges relatively fast when used as an iterative fine-scale solver. Finally, the method is formulated on top of a cell-centered, conservative, finite-volume method and is applicable to any flow model for which one can isolate a pressure equation. We discuss numerical challenges posed by contemporary geomodels and report a number of validation cases showing that the MsRSB method is an efficient, robust, and versatile method for simulating complex models of real reservoirs.  相似文献   

We present a robust and accurate strategy for upscaling two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media composed of different rock-types. The method is tested by means of numerical simulations and compared with other upscaling methods.  相似文献   

A Dirichlet–Neumann representation method was recently proposed for upscaling and simulating flow in reservoirs. The DNR method expresses coarse fluxes as linear functions of multiple pressure values along the boundary and at the center of each coarse block. The number of flux and pressure values at the boundary can be adjusted to improve the accuracy of simulation results and, in particular, to resolve important fine-scale details. Improvement over existing approaches is substantial especially for reservoirs that contain high-permeability streaks or channels. As an alternative, the multiscale mixed finite-element (MsMFE) method was designed to obtain fine-scale fluxes at the cost of solving a coarsened problem, but can also be used as upscaling methods that are flexible with respect to geometry and topology of the coarsened grid. Both methods can be expressed in mixed-hybrid form, with local stiffness matrices obtained as “inner products” of numerically computed basis functions with fine-scale sub-resolution. These basis functions are determined by solving local flow problems with piecewise linear Dirichlet boundary conditions for the DNR method and piecewise constant Neumann conditions for MsMFE. Adding discrete pressure points in the DNR method corresponds to subdividing faces in the coarse grid and hence increasing the number of basis functions in the MsMFE method. The methods show similar accuracy for 2D Cartesian cases, but the MsMFE method is more straightforward to formulate in 3D and implement for general grids.  相似文献   

Mortar Upscaling for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In mortar space upscaling methods, a reservoir is decomposed into a series of subdomains (blocks) in which independently constructed numerical grids and possibly different physical models and discretization techniques can be employed in each block. Physically meaningful matching conditions are imposed on block interfaces in a numerically stable and accurate way using mortar finite element spaces. Coarse mortar grids and fine subdomain grids provide two-scale approximations. In the resulting effective solution flow is computed in subdomains on the fine scale while fluxes are matched on the coarse scale. In addition the flexibility to vary adaptively the number of interface degrees of freedom leads to more accurate multiscale approximations. This methodology has been implemented in the Center for Subsurface Modeling's multiphysics multiblock simulator IPARS (Integrated Parallel Accurate reservoir Simulator). Computational experiments demonstrate that this approach is scalable in parallel and it can be applied to non-matching grids across the interface, multinumerics and multiphysics models, and mortar adaptivity. Moreover unlike most upscaling approaches the underlying systems can be treated fully implicitly.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with numerical methods for the modeling of flow and transport of contaminant in porous media. The numerical methods feature the mixed finite element method over triangles as a solver to the Darcy flow equation and a conservative finite volume scheme for the concentration equation. The convective term is approximated with a Godunov scheme over the dual finite volume mesh, whereas the diffusion–dispersion term is discretized by piecewise linear conforming triangular finite elements. It is shown that the scheme satisfies a discrete maximum principle. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology for a coupled system that includes an elliptic equation and a diffusion–convection–reaction equation arising when modeling flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media. The proposed scheme is robust, conservative, efficient, and stable, as confirmed by numerical simulations.   相似文献   

Modern geostatistical techniques allow the generation of high-resolution heterogeneous models of hydraulic conductivity containing millions to billions of cells. Selective upscaling is a numerical approach for the change of scale of fine-scale hydraulic conductivity models into coarser scale models that are suitable for numerical simulations of groundwater flow and mass transport. Selective upscaling uses an elastic gridding technique to selectively determine the geometry of the coarse grid by an iterative procedure. The geometry of the coarse grid is built so that the variances of flow velocities within the coarse blocks are minimum. Selective upscaling is able to handle complex geological formations and flow patterns, and provides full hydraulic conductivity tensor for each block. Selective upscaling is applied to a cross-bedded formation in which the fine-scale hydraulic conductivities are full tensors with principal directions not parallel to the statistical anisotropy of their spatial distribution. Mass transport results from three coarse-scale models constructed by different upscaling techniques are compared to the fine-scale results for different flow conditions. Selective upscaling provides coarse grids in which mass transport simulation is in good agreement with the fine-scale simulations, and consistently superior to simulations on traditional regular (equal-sized) grids or elastic grids built without accounting for flow velocities.  相似文献   

A new method for upscaling fine scale permeability fields to general quadrilateral-shaped coarse cells is presented. The procedure, referred to as the conforming scale up method, applies a triangle-based finite element technique, capable of accurately resolving both the coarse cell geometry and the subgrid heterogeneity, to the solution of the local fine scale problem. An appropriate averaging of this solution provides the equivalent permeability tensor for the coarse scale quadrilateral cell. The general level of accuracy of the technique is demonstrated through application to a number of flow problems. The real strength of the conforming scale up method is demonstrated when the method is applied in conjunction with a flow-based gridding technique. In this case, the approach is shown to provide results that are significantly more accurate than those obtained using standard techniques.  相似文献   

The use of limited global information in multiscale simulations is needed when there is no scale separation. Previous approaches entail fine-scale simulations in the computation of the global information. The computation of the global information is expensive. In this paper, we propose the use of approximate global information based on partial upscaling. A requirement for partial homogenization is to capture long-range (non-local) effects present in the fine-scale solution, while homogenizing some of the smallest scales. The local information at these smallest scales is captured in the computation of basis functions. Thus, the proposed approach allows us to avoid the computations at the scales that can be homogenized. This results in coarser problems for the computation of global fields. We analyze the convergence of the proposed method. Mathematical formalism is introduced, which allows estimating the errors due to small scales that are homogenized. The proposed method is applied to simulate two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media. Numerical results are presented for various permeability fields, including those generated using two-point correlation functions and channelized permeability fields from the SPE Comparative Project (Christie and Blunt, SPE Reserv Evalu Eng 4:308–317, 2001). We consider simple cases where one can identify the scales that can be homogenized. For more general cases, we suggest the use of upscaling on the coarse grid with the size smaller than the target coarse grid where multiscale basis functions are constructed. This intermediate coarse grid renders a partially upscaled solution that contains essential non-local information. Numerical examples demonstrate that the use of approximate global information provides better accuracy than purely local multiscale methods.  相似文献   

Homogenization has proved its effectiveness as a method of upscaling for linear problems, as they occur in single-phase porous media flow for arbitrary heterogeneous rocks. Here we extend the classical homogenization approach to nonlinear problems by considering incompressible, immiscible two-phase porous media flow. The extensions have been based on the principle of preservation of form, stating that the mathematical form of the fine-scale equations should be preserved as much as possible on the coarse scale. This principle leads to the required extensions, while making the physics underlying homogenization transparent. The method is process-independent in a way that coarse-scale results obtained for a particular reservoir can be used in any simulation, irrespective of the scenario that is simulated. Homogenization is based on steady-state flow equations with periodic boundary conditions for the capillary pressure. The resulting equations are solved numerically by two complementary finite element methods. This makes it possible to assess a posteriori error bounds.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multiscale technique for the simulation of porous media flows in a flow-based coordinate system. A flow-based coordinate system allows us to simplify the scale interaction and derive the upscaled equations for purely hyperbolic transport equations. We discuss the applications of the method to two-phase flows in heterogeneous porous media. For two-phase flow simulations, the use of a flow-based coordinate system requires limited global information, such as the solution of single-phase flow. Numerical results show that one can achieve accurate upscaling results using a flow-based coordinate system.  相似文献   

Flow Simulations To Evaluate Upscaling of Permeability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study upscaling of the permeability for porous media flow on a grid with one million blocks. The purpose is to illustrate how flow simulations can be used to evaluate upscaling methods.  相似文献   

The aim of upscaling is to determine equivalent homogeneous parameters at a coarse-scale from a spatially oscillating fine-scale parameter distribution. To be able to use a limited number of relatively large grid-blocks in numerical oil reservoir simulators or groundwater models, upscaling of the permeability is frequently applied. The spatial fine-scale permeability distribution is generally obtained from geological and geostatistical models. After upscaling, the coarse-scale permeabilities are incorporated in the relatively large grid-blocks of the numerical model. If the porous rock may be approximated as a periodic medium, upscaling can be performed by the method of homogenization. In this paper the homogenization is performed numerically, which gives rise to an approximation error. The complementarity between two different numerical methods – the conformal-nodal finite element method and the mixed-hybrid finite element method – has been used to quantify this error. These two methods yield respectively upper and lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the coarse-scale permeability tensor. Results of 3D numerical experiments are shown, both for the far field and around wells.  相似文献   

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