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The first radial velocity curves for V404 And have been obtained. Combined with new light curve data, simultaneous Roche-based light curve analyses have been carried out using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code. New values for the masses, radii, and luminosities have been obtained: M1 = 0.870 (11) M ʘ, M 2 = 0.706 (9) M ʘ, R1 = 1.10 (13) Rʘ, R2 = 1.37 (13) Rʘ, L1 = 0.75 (7) L ʘ, and L 2 = 0.87 (8) L ʘ. Reference to the sample of close binary stars from Yakut and Eggleton (2005) and the ZAMS indicates that both stars are evolved. Further, the system may have been a classical Algol in the past but with the secondary then contracting, yielding the near semi-contact binary that we have today.  相似文献   

Spherical-symmetric massive structures with a relativistic polytropic equation of state have been studied in detail. Thevarious static parameters have been calculated under all possible variations of 0 (=P 0/E 00 pertaining to the central value) and the polytropic indexn. In particular, the values of the static parameters have been identified under the extreme relativistic conditions and for the most bound structures. The structures have been used to model neutron stars and the various neutron parameters have been calculated. Radial pulsation and rotation of these configurations have also been discussed.  相似文献   

Inhomogeneous universes admitting an AbelianG 2 of isometry and filled with perfect fluid have been derived. These contain as special cases exact homogeneous universes of Bianchi type VIh.Many of these universes asymptotically tend to homogeneous Bianchi VIh universes. The models have been discussed for their physical and kinematical behaviours.  相似文献   

Abstract– Fourteen major basaltic units in Mare Serenitatis have been identified and mapped from differences in TiO2 wt%. The ages of these units have been inferred from their crater densities and reference to isotopically dated Apollo samples. It has been found that FeO and TiO2 wt% of the units do not show any apparent trend with time. However, the oldest units have much greater variation in FeO and TiO2 wt% than younger ones. No lateral trend in the age of the basaltic units is apparent within the basin. A vertical profile of Mare Serenitatis has been produced based on the depth of basalt within impact craters. The minimum depth of basalt has been estimated where craters have not exposed underlying highland material. The profile has been used to estimate the minimum volume of basalt within the basin to be ≈500,000 km3.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric observations of the head of comet Austin (1989 C1) during five nights in May 1990 are presented. Emission bands due to CN, C2 and C3 molecules have been identified. An estimate of their column densities and production rates have been made.  相似文献   

The chemistry and spectroscopy of proton-irradiated H2O + O2 ices have been investigated in relation to the production of oxidants in icy satellite surfaces. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), ozone (O3), and the hydroperoxy (HO2) and hydrogen trioxide (HO3) radicals have all been observed, and their temperature and dose dependent production trends have been measured. We find that O2 aggregates form during the growth of H2O + O2 ice films, and the presence of these aggregates greatly affects the HO2 and H2O2 yields. In addition, we have found that the position of the spectral maximum of the ν3 vibration of O3 shifts with ice composition, giving an indication of the degree of dispersion of O3 molecules within the ice. We discuss the relevance of these measurements to icy satellite surfaces.  相似文献   

Absolute spectrophotometry of the coma of Comet Kohoutek 1973f during post-perihelion period has been presented for seven nights in January 1984. Moderately wide range of heliocentric distance (0.436–0.799 AU) covered during observations allowed us to study the flux variation of emission bands with heliocentric distance. The emission features of CN, CH, C2, C3, and NaI have been identified in this comet. The abundances of CN and C2 have been estimated and the production rates of CN, C2 and C3 have been derived. Production rates of CN and C2 seem to vary as r –0.33 and r –3.50 respectively. The continuum of the comet became more and more redder as the heliocentric distance of the comet increased and phase angle decreased.  相似文献   

A quantitative comparison of energetics of different manifestations of the activity of the UV Cet-type flare stars — sporadic flares, quiet chromospheres and coronae and stellar spots — have been carried out. On the basis of a statistical analysis of about 1800 flares registered for 23 flare stars, the energy spectra of flares have been constructed and time-averaged powers of optical radiation of flares —L flares — have been estimated. By use of spectroscopic observations of 26 flare stars between flares, the total radiation in Balmer lines of quiet chromospheres —L Bal — have been found. On the basis of these data and the soft X-ray observations of 29 flare stars, the mean of the ratiosL flares/L bol,L Bal/L bol andL X /L bol have been found to be equal to (1–2)×10?4. By use of photometric observations for 9 stars, the total starspot radiation deficits —L spots — have been estimated as (4×10?3?6×10?2L bol. Discussions of probable underestimates in the valuesL flares,L Bal,L X , andL spots leads to the conclusion that the total power of non-equilibrium processes that take place in flare star atmospheres is close to the total starspot radiation deficit in these stars.  相似文献   

Absorption cross sections have been calculated for molecular oxygen as a function of wavelength over the domain λ = 1750–2050 A? for temperatures between 190 and 400°K. The spectrum has been divided into 19 wavelength intervals and opacity distribution functions have been constructed for each interval. Atmospheric photodissociation rates of O2, O3, CO2, H2O, H2O2, NO2 and HNO3 are presented.  相似文献   

Spectral scans of the head of periodic Comet Halley (1982i) have been presented in the optical region (3200–7000 Å) for six nights. Emission features due to NH, CN, CH, C3, C2 and NH2 molecules have been identified. It is found that the comet exhibits night-to-night variation of emission bands. The abundances and production rates of CN and C2 species have been derived.  相似文献   

Scanner observations of the coma of periodic comet Encke (P/Encke) are presented for four nights in March 1984 during its post-perihelion period. The strong emission features of CN and C2 molecules have been identified and the abundances of CN and C2 are estimated. The production rates of these molecules have also been derived from their band luminosities. No trace of sodium emission has been found in this comet.  相似文献   

A general analysis of the absorption of the Schumann-Runge bands of molecular oxygen has been made in order to compare the various experimental and theoretical results which have been obtained for an application to the O2 atmospheric absorption and its photodissociation in the mesosphere and stratosphere. The different values of the oscillator strengths deduced from the laboratory absorption spectra and of the predissociation linewidths used for the calculation of the absorption have been compared.Calculations based on a Voight profile of the O2 rotational lines have led to simple formulas for atmospheric applications taking into account that the total photodissociation rate in the stratosphere depends strongly on the absorption of solar radiation in the spectral range of the O2 Herzberg continuum. Specific examples are given.  相似文献   

The distribution of monthly counts of grouped solar flares N f has been studied for the time period 1967–1985 and they have been compared to other solar activity index R z , F 2800, and F 3750 i.e. intensities of solar radio flux at 2800 MH z and 3750 MH z . Seasonal variations have been found in the monthly distribution of solar flares.We have also studied the variation of the correlation coefficient for every year between N F and R z for the time period 1967–1985. The distribution of monthly counts of grouped solar flares N f has also been compared to the number at high velocity solar-wind streamers for the same period.  相似文献   

The population densities of all levels with principal quantum numbern=2 in a number of helium-like ions with nuclear charge numberZ, in the range 6 to 28 have been evaluated as a function of various parameters, i.e., electron temperature,T e, electron density,N e, radiation temperature,T r, dilution factor,W, and of the state of ionization. The spectral line fluxes from all possible radiative transitions from these levels have been calculated for an optically thin plasma. The effects of cascades following collisional excitation of higher levels or radiative and dielectronic recombination have been computed in detail. Innershell ionization of the lithium-like ion to form the helium-like ion in a 23 S or 21 S state has been considered. It can have a strong influence on the forbidden line intensity in a non-equilibrium plasma. Collisional and radiative coupling of levels of the same multiplicity (e.g. 23 S 1 and 23 P 2,1,0) have been considered as a function ofT e, Ne orT r, W, respectively. The computations were performed both for stationary and time-varying plasmas. In the latter case strong departures from a stationary ionization equilibrium can significantly alter the line fluxes. A few examples of the results are shown and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Rare, ultrafine-grained Ti oxides (Ti3O5 and the Magnéli phases, Ti5O9 and Ti8O15) have been identified by transmission electron microscopy in the CM2 carbonaceous chondrite, Bells and a carbonaceous chondrite matrix clast from the Nilpena polymict ureilite. In both meteorites the Ti oxides occur in the matrix as isolated grains and clusters of two or more grains. They are euhedral in shape and have grain sizes of 0.05–0.3 μm. Magnéli phases have been recently shown to be a common component in some interplanetary dust particles, but this is the first reported occurrence in a meteorite. The morphological properties and grain size of the Ti oxides are consistent with formation by vapor phase condensation either within the solar nebula or possibly in a presolar environment.  相似文献   

52 possible optical identifications (V ≲ 19.5) of 43 radio sources of the 5C3 area have been spectroscopically examined by use of objective prism plates from KARL SCHWARZSCHILD Observatory Tautenburg. The aim was to select objects of special interest for further slit spectrographic investigation. Besides 42 probably ordinary stars and 3 galaxies, five quasar spectra have been found, but only one redshift could be determined. Two further objects probably have unusual spectra.  相似文献   

A new general expression for the theoretical momentsA 2m of the light curves of eclipsing systems has been presented in the form of infinite series expansion. In this expansion, the terms have been given as the product of two different polynomials which satisfy certain three-term recursion formulae, and the coefficients diminish rapidly with increasing number of terms. Thus, the numerical values of the theoretical momentsA 2m can be generated recursively up to four significant figures for any given set of eclipse elements. This can be utilized to solve the eclipse elements in two ways: (i) with an indirect method (for the procedures see Paper XIV, Kopal and Demircan, 1978), (ii) with a direct method as minimization to the observational momentsA 2m (area fitting). The procedures given in Paper XIV for obtaining the elements of any eclipsing system consisting of spherical stars have been automated by making use of the new expression for the momentsA 2m of the light curves. The theoretical functionsf 0,f 2,f 4,f 6,g 2 andg 4 which are the functions ofa andc 0, have been used to solve the eclipse elements from the observed photometric data. The closed-form expressions for the functionsf 2,f 4 andf 6 have also been derived (Section 3) in terms of Kopal'sI-integrals.The automated methods for obtaining the eclipse elements from one minimum alone have been tested on the light curves of YZ (21) Cassiopeiae under the spherical model assumptions. The results of these applications will be given in Section 5 which follows a brief introduction to the procedure we followed.  相似文献   

The main bands of the Schüler system of ND4 and NH4 have been observed at high resolution. On the basis of these spectra, Watson, in a separate paper, has analysed the ND4 main band showing that it represents a2F2 2 A1 transition of a tetrahedral molecule. The observed wavenumber data for both ND4 and NH4 are presented; the latter have not yet been analysed. Isotopic bands for15ND4,14ND3H,14ND2H2,14NDH3 have also been obtained and as previously pointed out confirm the assumed carrier of the spectrum. The much weaker bands accompanying the main Schüler band on the short and long wavelength sides are photographed at medium resolution. The interpretation of these bands in terms of the vibrational levels of upper and lower states is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

CH4 has been observed on Mars both by remote sensing and in situ during the past 15 yr. It could have been produced by early Mars serpentinization processes that could also explain the observed Martian remanent magnetic field. Assuming a cold early Mars, a cryosphere could trap such CH4 as clathrates in stable form at depth. The maximum storage capacity of such a clathrate cryosphere has been recently estimated to be 2 × 1019 to 2 × 1020 moles of methane. We estimate how large amounts of serpentinization‐derived CH4 stored in the cryosphere have been released into the atmosphere during the Noachian and the early Hesperian. Due to rapid clathrate dissociation and photochemical conversion of CH4 to H2, these episodes of massive CH4 release may have resulted in transient H2‐rich atmospheres, at typical levels of 10–20% in a background 1–2 bar CO2 atmosphere. The collision‐induced heating effect of H2 present in such an atmosphere has been shown to raise the surface temperature above the water freezing point. We show how local and rapid destabilization of the cryosphere can be induced by large events (such as the Hellas Basin or Tharsis bulge formation) and lead to such releases. Our results show that the early Mars cryosphere had a sufficient CH4 storage capacity to have maintained H2‐rich transient atmospheres during a total time period up to several million years or tens of million years, having potentially contributed to the formation of valley networks during the Noachian/early Hesperian.  相似文献   

Spectral scans of the head of periodic Comet Halley (1982i) have been presented and analysed in detail in the optical region (3200–7000 Å); for ten nights during pre-perihelion period. Emission features due to NH, CN, CH, C3, and C2 molecules have been identified. The behaviour of the variation of different emission lines strength as a function of heliocentric distance has been investigated. It is found that the comet exhibits night-to-night variation of brightness. The abundances and production rates of CN and C2 species have also been derived.  相似文献   

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