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We have calculated the coefficient of turbulent diffusion in a random flow with time restoration, describing the interstellar medium. Such a flow abruptly loses its memory at random times, forming a Poisson flow of events. The coefficient of turbulent diffusion in the flow is determined by the rms velocity and correlation time, as in mixing-length theory, but the numerical coefficient differs from that predicted by this theory. The closure equation derived by us for the transport of the mean concentration of a passive scalar takes a more complicated form than obtained in standard mean-field theory, but the main properties of the equation retain their validity. The possibility of extending the results of this exactly solved problem to the problem of transport in the turbulent interstellar medium is discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of the C56α line—the first carbon radio recombination line in the millimeter waveband—in the directions of the Orion Bar, NGC 2024, and W3 are reported. The results are analyzed together with data for the IR fine-structure lines of CII and OI, enabling unambiguous determination of the temperature and density in the photodissociation regions separating the HII regions and parent molecular clouds.  相似文献   

A model describing the main processes determining the evolution of hydrocarbon dust grains of arbitrary size under astrophysical conditions corresponding to regions of ionized hydrogen (HII regions) and supernova remnants is presented. The processes considered include aromatization and photodestruction, sputtering by electrons and ions, and shattering during collisions between grains. The model can be used to calculate the size distribution of the grains and the degree of aromatization during the evolution of HII regions and supernova remnants for a specified radiation field, relative velocity between the gas and dust, etc. The contribution of various processes to the evolution of hydrocarbon dust grains for parameters typical for the interstellar medium of our Galaxy is considered. Small grains (with fewer than 50 carbon atoms) should be fully aromatized in the interstellar medium. If larger grains initially have an aliphatic structure, this is preserved to a substantial extent. Variation in the size distribution of the grains due to collisions between grains depend appreciably on the adopted initial size distribution. With an initial distribution corresponding to that of Mathis et al. (1977), the mass fraction contributed by smaller grains tends to increase with time, while, with an initial distribution corresponding to that of Jones et al. (2013), in which the fraction of small grains is initially high, there is a general decrease in the number of grains of various sizes with time.  相似文献   

The empirical dependence of the scattering angle on the emission measure in the Galaxy is constructed, and suggestions made for the use of this dependence in practice. It is shown that the relative level of turbulent fluctuations of the interstellar plasma grows with the electron density.  相似文献   

Observations of various types of objects in the northern sky were obtained at 44 GHz in the 70-61 A + methanol line on the 20-m Onsala radio telescope (Sweden), in order to search for Class I methanol maser emission in the interstellar medium: regions of formation of high-mass stars, dust rings around HII regions, and protostellar candidates associated with powerful molecular outflows and Galactic HII regions. Seven new Class Imethanolmasers have been discovered toward regions of formation of highmass stars, and the existence of two previously observed masers confirmed. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) neither the association of a bipolar outflow manifest in the wings of CO lines with a highmass protostellar object (HMPO) nor the presence of thermal emission in lines of complex molecules are sufficient conditions for the detection of Class I methanol emission; no association with HMPOs radiating at 44 GHz was found for EGOs (a new class of object tracing bipolar outflows); (2) the existence of H2O masers and Class II methanol masers in the region of aHMPOenhances the probability of detecting Class I methanol emission toward the HMPO; Class II methanol masers with stronger line fluxes are associated with Class I methanol masers.  相似文献   

The radial velocity fields of molecular clouds, OB stars, and ionized hydrogen in the Cygnus arm (l ~ 72°–8°) are analyzed. A gradientΔV LSRlin the mean line-of-sight velocities of molecular clouds and ionized hydrogen due to differential Galactic rotation is detected, and two groups of physically and genetically associated objects moving with different line-of-sight velocities are identified. One of the two molecular-cloud complexes (l~77.3°–80°) is located within 1 kpc of the Sun, closer to the inner edge of the arm, whereas the other complex (l~78.5°–85°) lies 1–1.5 kpc from the Sun and is farther from the inner edge of the arm. The residual azimuthal velocities of the objects in both groups are analyzed. The residual azimuthal velocities of the first molecular-cloud complex are directed opposite to the Galactic rotation (V Θ ~ ?7 km/s), while those of the second complex are near zero or in the direction of Galactic rotation, independent of the distance to the complex (V Θ ≥ 1 km/s). Like the molecular clouds, stars of the Cygnus arm form two kinematic groups with similar azimuthal velocities. On the whole, the mean azimuthal velocities V Θ for the ionized hydrogen averaged over large areas agree with the velocities of either the first or second molecular-cloud complex. In terms of density-wave theory, the observed differences between the magnitudes and directions of the azimuthal velocities of the kinematic groups considered could be due to their different locations within the arm.  相似文献   

Computations of the evolution of the distributions of the size and degree of aromatization of interstellar dust grains, destruction by radiation and collisions with gas particles, and fragmentation during collisions with other grains are presented. The results of these computations are used to model dust emission spectra. The evolution of an ensemble of dust particles sensitively depends on the initial size distribution of the grains. Radiation in the considered range of fluxes mainly aromatizes grains. With the exception of the smallest grains, it is mainly erosion during collisions with gas particles that leads to the destruction of grains. In the presence of particle velocities above 50 km/s, characteristic for shocks in supernova remnants, grains greater than 20 Å in size are absent. The IR emission spectrum changes appreciably during the evolution of the dust, and depends on the adopted characteristics of the grains, in particular, the energy of their C–Cbonds (E0). Aromatic bands are not observed in the near-IR (2–15 μm) when E0 is low, even when the medium characteristics are typical for the average interstellarmedium in our Galaxy; this indicates a preference for high E0 values. The influence of the characteristics of the medium on the intensity ratios for the dust emission in various photometric bands is considered. The I3.4/I11.3 intensity ratio is most sensitive to the degree of aromatization of small grains. The I3.3/I70+160 ratio is a sensitive indicator of the contribution of aromatic grains to the total mass of dust.  相似文献   

对煤矿井下回采工作面多频率无线电波透视探测进行了研究,分析了多频率探测的实测场强值及层析成像结果。研究结果表明:对同一工作面采用多个频率进行探测,其中较低的频率穿透性较好,但仅对物性差异较大的地质异常区能够反映,相对较高的频率对地质异常区的探测较为灵敏;对于工作面宽度240 m的中厚煤层,最佳的探测频率为0.158 MHz;坑透发射点距断层较近时,可以结合不同频率探测结果,综合圈定地质异常区。  相似文献   

The effects on the formation of Galactic shocks and the vertical structure of the Galactic disk due to thermal processes in a cloudy interstellar medium as it flows through a spiral density wave in the plane of the Galactic disk are considered. The evolution of the gas is fundamentally different, depending on the thermal properties of the medium. For example, if it is compressed in the horizontal direction (parallel to the Galactic plane) by the gravitational forces of the spiral density waves responsible for the formation of spiral arms, an isothermal and adiabatic medium is swept out in the vertical direction. However, on the contrary, a medium whose volume loss function increases fairly rapidly with density and temperature is further compressed under the action of the overall gravitational field of the galaxy. This effect is referred to as “self-focusing,” and may serve as an additional mechanism to explain the recently discovered anticorrelation between the width of the atomic hydrogen layer in the Galaxy and the gas density. The difference in the vertical behavior of media with different thermal properties can be used as an indicator of the thermal properties of a particular component of the interstellar gas (atomic or molecular). Attention is drawn to the fact that Galactic shocks themselves represent a mechanism that can heat the ensemble of clouds, i.e., increase the dispersion of cloud velocities. The vertical structure of a Galactic shock front is constructed, which is in qualitative agreement with the “bow shock” inferred from radio data.  相似文献   

Observations of the nebula S3 associated with the WO star in the galaxy IC 1613 and of an extended region surrounding S3 are reported. The star and bright core of the nebula were observed with a multipupil fiber spectrograph mounted on the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Images in the principle spectral lines and integrated spectra of the star and three compact clumps were obtained, and the radial-velocity field constructed. An extended region of the galaxy was observed with the Very Large Array at 21 cm. A giant ring or H I shell enclosing a large fraction of the stellar population in IC 1613 was discovered. The WO star and associated bipolar nebula, which we discovered earlier, lie at the inner edge of the H I ring. A local H I deficiency and two arclike H I ridges were also detected for the first time and probably represent the neutral component of the bipolar shell surrounding the WO star. The two arclike ridges may also have been produced by the collective stellar wind (and supernova explosions?) in OB association No. 9 from the list of Hodge. A scenario for the formation of the extended bipolar feature is discussed, based on the new data.  相似文献   

The detection of pulsed radio emission from the X-ray pulsar AXP 4U 0142+61 with a period of P = 8.68832935(6) s and a period derivative of $ \dot P $ \dot P = 18.713(4) × 10−13 s/s is reported. The observations were carried out on two high-sensitivity radio telescopes of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory: the Large Phased Array at 111MHz and the DKR-1000 at 40MHz.Mean pulse profiles are presented; the measured flux density is S 111 = 30 ± 20 mJy. The estimated distance derived from the dispersion measure, 27 pc/cm3, is 1.4 kpc, and the integrated radio luminosity is L R = 1.5 × 1027 erg/cm. Comparison with X-ray data shows an appreciable difference in the pulse duration (the radio pulse is about a factor of 20 more narrow) and strong variations in the flux density.  相似文献   

Using the results of our Hα interferometric observations and observational data on the 21 cm and CO lines, we have analyzed the structure and kinematics of the interstellar medium in the extended vicinity of the star WR 137 and the supernova remnants CTB 87 and G73.9+0.9. A shell structure with a radius of up to 40′ observable in optical lines has been discovered around WR 137. The high-velocity motions of ionized hydrogen inside this shell can be interpreted as expansion of the gas swept out by the wind of WR 137 at velocities of up to 60 km/s. The ionized hydrogen near WR 137 emits at the systematic velocity V LSR ∼ 6–18 km/s. The expansion ofG73.9+0.9 at a velocity of up to 55 km/s has been confirmed. The systematic velocities of the ionized hydrogen toward this supernova remnant are V LSR ≃ −14…+14 km/s. An HI shell around G73.9+0.9 has been detected at velocities V LSR≃−14…−8 km/s. A very faint optical shell of CTB 87 with a size of about 20′ has also been detected. Evidence that CTB 87 is located in the Cygnus Arm is presented.  相似文献   

We have detected the new pulsar PSR J2225+35, which displays the properties of the new class of radio sources “Rotating Radio Transients” (RRATs). RRATs are distinguished by isolated bursts of radio emission and long quiet periods. Throughout 45 observations with a total duration of about 3 hr, only two bursts of radio emission lasting a total of about 10 min were detected in two observations. The temporal and frequency delay of the pulses corresponds to the dispersion measure DM = 51.8 pc/cm3 and the distance d = 3.05 kpc. The period of the pulses is P = 0.94 s. The emission is polarized, with the rotation measure being RM = 49.8 rad/m2.  相似文献   

Relations enabling estimation of the limiting brightness temperature of synchrotron radiation subject to self-absorption and inverse Compton scattering are presented for the case of relativistic electrons (positrons) and protons. Analogous expressions are presented for relativistic particles moving along curved magnetic lines of force (curvature radiation) and coherent radiation by relativistic particles. These relations can be used to determine the brightness temperatures expected for the central regions of active galactic nuclei, neutron stars, and other objects that produce relativistic particles. Radiation by relativistic protons yields higher intensities, and could be a source of the highest-energy cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Observations of the active region AR 7962 obtained at 2–32 cm on the RATAN-600 radio telescope on May 10–12, 1996, are presented. The high-resolution measurements detected a narrow feature near 8.5 cm against the background of the smooth spectrum of the local source associated with sunspots. This narrow-band emission is identified with a bright, pointlike, high-frequency source at 1.7 cm recorded on maps made using the Nobeyama radio telescope. The characteristics of the observed line (lifetime 3 days, brightness temperature of the order of several million Kelvin, relative width of about 10%) suggest that it can be explained as thermal cyclotron radiation at the third harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency from a compact source containing a dense, hot plasma; the corresponding higher frequency emission could be due to thermal Bremsstrahlung. Analysis of the RATAN-600 and Nobeyama data can be used to probe the magnetic field, kinetic temperature, and electron density in the radiation source in the corona.  相似文献   

The results of spectral observations of the region of massive star formation L379IRS1 (IRAS18265–1517) are presented. The observations were carried out with the 30-m Pico Veleta radio telescope (Spain) at seven frequencies in the 1-mm, 2-mm, and 3-mm wavelength bands. Lines of 24 molecules were detected, from simple diatomic or triatomic species to complex eight- or nine-atom compounds such as CH3OCHO or CH3OCH3. Rotation diagrams constructed from methanol andmethyl cyanide lines were used to determine the temperature of the quiescent gas in this region, which is about 40–50 K. In addition to this warm gas, there is a hot component that is revealed through high-energy lines of methanol and methyl cyanide, molecular lines arising in hot regions, and the presence of H2O masers and Class II methanol masers at 6.7 GHz, which are also related to hot gas. One of the hot regions is probably a compact hot core, which is located near the southern submillimeter peak and is related to a group of methanol masers at 6.7 GHz. High-excitation lines at other positions may be associated with other hot cores or hot post-shock gas in the lobes of bipolar outflows. The rotation diagrams can be use to determine the column densities and abundances of methanol (10?9) and methyl cyanide (about 10?11) in the quiescent gas. The column densities of A- and E-methanol in L379IRS1 are essentually the same. The column densities of other observedmolecules were calculated assuming that the ratios of the molecular level abundances correspond to a temperature of 40 K. The molecular composition of the quiescent gas is close to that in another region of massive star formation, DR21(OH). The only appreciable difference is that the column density of SO2 in L379IRS1 is at least a factor of 20 lower than the value in DR21(OH). The SO2/CS and SO2/OCS abundance ratios, which can be used as chemical clocks, are lower in L379IRS1 than in DR21(OH), suggesting that L379IRS1 is probably younger than DR21(OH).  相似文献   

A method for searching for new periodic radio sources is described. The method is based on the spectral analysis of data from daily monitoring of the sky on the Large Phased Antenna (LPA) of the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory at 111 MHz in a 2.5-MHz band. The 96-beam directivity pattern of the LPA is used. The signal is received in six 0.42-MHz frequency channels with a sampling rate of 0.1 s. The duration of the processed survey is four months. The particulars of detecting periodic sources with the LPA are considered. In total, 16 such radio sources have been detected, for which equatorial and Galactic coordinates, periods, and dispersion measures are given.  相似文献   

Observations of ten bright pulsars were obtained on the Giant Meter-wavelength Radio Telescope (GMRT, India) in order to study the effects of scattering of their radio waves by contructing and analyzing secondary dynamical spectra. The observations were conducted at 610 and 1420 MHz using a digital spectral analyzer operating in a real-time regime. The frequency resolution was 32.5 or 65.1 kHz, and the readout time was from 61.44 to 512 μs. Archival data for five pulsars at 327 MHz were also used. Procedures for normalizing the spectra and for constructing the secondary dynamical spectra were developed. Parabolic arcs were found in the secondary spectra of four pulsars (B1642-03, B1556-44, B2154+40, and B2021+51). The curvature of these arcs can be used to determine the distance to the effective scattering screen. In all cases, these screens are located relatively near the pulsars themselves.  相似文献   

热液成矿系统是世界上最主要的金属矿物来源,其中的S和Cl是流体中最为重要的两种配体,对地壳内金属在流体中的迁移起到重要作用。在中低温(25~300℃)的温度范围下,根据最新的可用热力学性质,利用地球化学模拟软件GWB (Geochemist’s Workbench),对Cu-Fe-NaCl-H2O-S体系进行了地球化学模拟,比较了氯配合物和硫氢配合物在Cu金属迁移当中的作用。模拟流体的各组分浓度均以天然热液的流体范围相当,该模型解释了热液中Cu对于S和Cl的配合模式。在较低的温度下,硫氢配合物是体系中主要的Cu迁移物种,但这种优势也与所处的pH值和氧化还原环境关系密切。而较高温度下则主要为氯配合物形态进行迁移。作为硫氢配合物或氯配合物的输送则决定了金属富集的模式,该模型可用于参考评估自然界中的热液流体成矿过程。  相似文献   

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