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As a result of the analysis of the observed interstellar 2800 Mgii absorption line data, an empirical relationship — a positive correlation — between the equivalent widthW(2800) and the effective temperature of the starT was discovered (Figure 1). However, in the case when this doublet is of stellar (photospheric) origin, only a negative correlation betweenW(2800) andT exists. Hence, the existence itself of such a positive correlation betweenW(2800) andT may be viewed as incomprehensible for the present influence of the star on the strength of the absorption line 2800 Mgii of nonstellar origin.On the other hand, we have evidence that the ionizing radiation of hot stars cannot provide for the observed very high degree of ionization of the interstellar magnesium. In particular, the observations give for interstellar magnesium the ratioN +/N 1 1000, while in the case of ionization under the action of stellar radiation only we haveN +/N 1 10.The assumption that circumstellar clouds surround hot stars can naturally explain these and other similar facts. A method for the determination of the general parameters-size, concentration, mass etc. — of the circumstellar clouds is developed. The main results of the application of this method to the relation of more than 20 hot stars are:(1) The circumstellar clouds surround almost (70%) all hot giants and subgiants. In the remaining (30%) cases, the absence of circumstellar envelopes requires additional evidence. (2) The linear sizes of circumstellar clouds vary within wide ranges — from 0.002 pc up to 1 pc. Most frequent are clouds with size of 0.1 pc. (3) The main concentration of hydrogen atoms (electrons) in circumstellar clouds is of the order of 100 cm–3; the minimum value is 20–30 cm–3, the maximum 104 cm–3. In one case (Deneb) the electron concentration rises up to 105 cm–3 for the size of the cloud 0.001 pc=3×1015 cm. (4) Stars of the same spectral and luminosity classes may possess circumstellar clouds characterized by quite different parameters. (5) Hydrogen in circumstellar clouds is completely ionized; for these clouds the optical depth c 1; on the average,T c 0.005. (6) The integrated brightness of circumstellar clouds is substantially fainter (by 8–10m) than that of the central star. This is the reason why these clouds cannot be detected by ground-based observations. (7) The masses of individual circumstellar clouds vary from 1 down to 10–4 . This gives for the mass ejection rate from 10–10 to 10–6 per year in case if these clouds are formed by the braking and accumulation of the ejected mass.The method of 2800 Mgii seems very convenient, fruitful and promising for the detection and study of circumstellar envelopes. Also, this method is very sensitive for a determination of the general parameters of such clouds, and concerns practically all their geometric, physical, kinematic and other properties.  相似文献   

The properties of a massive star prior to its final explosion are imprinted in the circumstellar medium (CSM) created by its wind and termination shock. We perform a detailed, comprehensive calculation of the time-variable and angle-dependent transmission spectra of an average-luminosity gamma-ray burst (GRB) which explodes in the CSM structure produced by the collapse of a  20 M  , rapidly rotating,   Z = 0.001  progenitor star. We study both the case in which metals are initially in the gaseous phase and the situation in which they are heavily depleted into dust. We find that high-velocity lines from low-ionization states of silicon, carbon and iron are initially present in the spectrum only if the metals are heavily depleted into dust prior to the GRB explosion. However, such lines disappear on time-scales of a fraction of a second for a burst observed on-axis, and of a few seconds for a burst seen at high latitude, making their observation virtually impossible. Rest-frame lines produced in the termination shock are instead clearly visible in all conditions. We conclude that time-resolved, early-time spectroscopy is not a promising way in which the properties of the GRB progenitor wind can be routinely studied. Previous detections of high-velocity features in GRB ultraviolet spectra must have been either due to a superposition of a physically unrelated absorber or due to a progenitor star with very unusual properties.  相似文献   

In this paper I will review some recent developments in the field of circumstellar shocks, particularly as they relate to colliding stellar winds. I shall review the basic physics of colliding winds and shocks, and discuss recent developments in hydrodynamic modelling of colliding winds. I shall also report on recent X-ray observations of shock emission in Wolf-Rayet binary systems where high resolution X-ray spectra of colliding wind shock emission is being seen. I will discuss the occurrence of colliding winds to such diverse systems as Wolf-Rayet binaries, pre-main sequence binaries, symbiotic stars as well as the Galactic center object IRS 7, where recent results on interacting winds are yielded insight into the structure of winds in general.  相似文献   

In this paper it is investigated whether molecular outflows can support the turbulence in molecular clouds against decay. In the momentum-driven regime of molecular flows the time scale of the replenishment of the fluctuations is longer than the dissipation time scale of pure hydrodynamical supersonic turbulence.  相似文献   

Recent R -matrix calculations of electron impact excitation rates for transitions among the 2s22p2, 2s2p3 and 2p4 levels of Fe  xxi are used to derive theoretical electron density ( N e) sensitive emission-line ratios involving 2s22p2–2s2p3 transitions in the ∼98–146Å wavelength range. A comparison of these with observations from the PLT tokamak plasma, for which the electron density has been independently determined, reveals generally very good agreement between theory and experiment, and in some instances removes discrepancies found previously. The observed Fe  xxi ratios for a solar flare, obtained with the OSO–5 satellite, imply electron densities which are consistent, with discrepancies that do not exceed 0.2 dex. In addition, the derived values of N e are similar to those estimated for the high-temperature regions of other solar flares. The good agreement between theory and observation, in particular for the tokamak spectra, provides experimental support for the accuracy of the present line-ratio calculations, and hence for the atomic data on which they are based.  相似文献   

The surface gravities and radii of stars are calculated for different MK spectral types using the masses of stars determined from their evolutionary tracks in the HR diagram and the most reliable values of effective temperatures and absolute bolometric magnitudes. MK spectral types are calibrated in absolute visual magnitudes using the studies ofM v published since 1965. The calibration of MK types in temperatures is based on the newest investigations including the results both from the ultraviolet and the infrared. The obtained masses, gravities, and the mass-luminosity relationship show reasonable agreement with independent observational data.  相似文献   

The relation between molecular clouds, star clusters, and the stellar component of the galactic disk is investigated. According to Elmegreen (1985) bound stellar systems, e.g., open star clusters, can be formed from molecular cloud of mass 104 M . A close encounter with a giant molecular cloud or massive black hole disrupts such stellar systems and forms superclusters. This explains why some open star clusters are so mass-deficient. Unbound stellar systems, e.g., expanding OB associations, are formed from molecular clouds of mass 105 M . When disruptive O-type stars appear the star formation is halted and the cloud is destroyed. An example of the relict of GMC disruption in the solar vicinity is Gould's belt. The velocity dispersion-versus-age relation is also investigated and explained as a consequence of gravitational scattering of stars on GMC, or massive black holes, or as due to recurrent transient spirals.Paper presented at a Workshop on The Role of Dust in Dense Regions of Interstellar Matter, held at Georgenthal, G.D.R., in March 1986.  相似文献   

A method which provides the possibility to connect the global characteristics of the interstellar medium with that of the young stellar population of the Galaxy is proposed.  相似文献   

We analyze the process of absorption which is produced under conditions of strong magnetic fields in the magnetosphere of a compact stellar source. The magnitude of the magnetic field lies in the range 1012-1013 Gauss, which are common values in modelling pulsars.Analyzing the first absorption lines (N = 0 toN 3) we arrive to the conclusions that the orientation of electron's spin does not change if it absorbs a photon. It means it maintains its orientation opposite to the external magnetic field after the absorption. For the fundamental line (N = 0 toN = 1) the dominant polarization of the photon is. For the next two transition lines (N = 0 toN = 2 andN = 0 toN = 3), the polarization is. In the case that the absorption lines belong to one of the first three transition lines, then the mean photon energy can be approached with the relation =AN B and thus we get an error of 13.6% with respect to values obtained by the theoretical expression. Also we applied our absorption transition probabilities some known pulsar spectra and we determine which transition feature corresponds in their spectra.Presented at the 2nd UN/ESA Workshop, held in Bogotá, Colombia, 9-13 November, 1992.  相似文献   

We analyze the peculiarities of the optical spectra of luminous stars with circumstellar gas and dust envelopes: the time variability of the absorption-emission profiles of the Hα line, the presence of stationary emission and absorption molecular bands, multicomponent absorption-emission profiles of the Na I D doublet lines. We show that the peculiarities of the line profiles (the presence of an emission component in the Na I D doublet lines, the specific type of the molecular features, the asymmetry and splitting of the profiles of strong absorption features with low excitation potential of the low level) can be associated with the kinematic and chemical properties of the envelope and its morphological type.  相似文献   

We are investigating the hypothesis that Compact High-Velocity Clouds (CHVCs) are the left-over building blocks of Local Group galaxies. To this end, we are searching for their embedded stellar populations using FORS at the VLT. The search is done with single-star photometry in V and I bands, which is sensitive to both, young and old, stellar populations. Five CHVCs of our sample have been observed so far down to I=24. We pointed the VLT towards the highest HI column density regions, as determined in Effelsberg radio data. In an alternate approach, we searched 2MASS public data towards those 5 CHVCs down to K=16. While the VLT data probe the central regions out to distance moduli of about 27, the 2MASS data are sensitive to a population of red giant stars to distance moduli of about 20. The 2MASS data, on the other hand, cover a much wider field of view than the VLT data (radius of 1 degree versus FORS field of 6.8 arcmin). We did not find a stellar population intrinsic to the CHVCs in either data. In this paper, we illustrate our search methods. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stellar occultations behind Saturn's ring A reveal sharp-edged gaps in its outer parts. Observed fluctuations in stellar brightness during one observation can be interpreted as Fresnel's diffraction zones. According to this the sharpness of the edges of the gap are estimated to be under 700 m, which also means that the thickness of ring A in that part cannot exceed a few hundred metres. A further conclusion is that particle size must be a lot less than a few hundred metres.  相似文献   

A progress report is given of investigations related to observations of stellar spectra obtained with the ultraviolet stellar spectrophotometer S59 aboard the ESRO TD-1A satellite. We describe first the processing of the observations: intensity and wavelength calibration, identification of lines, classification of spectra. Thereafter some important groups of lines are dealt with: non-LTE computation of the Mgii lines are presented: apart from the peculiar emission line and shell stars they compare well with the observations; intensity ratios, of Feii and Feiii lines are an important temperature classification criterion. Interstellar UV lines indicate large deficiencies of some metals, as compared to solar values. A new ultraviolet continuous extinction curve is determined. We discuss the strong outstreaming motions observed in α Cygni, and the consequent mass loss of this star (< 3 × 10?10 \(\mathfrak{M}_ \odot \) yr?1and finally we describe the composite spectrum of the (WC8+09I) bnary γ2 Velorum; the ultraviolet continuous spectrum of the WC star is about one magnitude brighter than any theory predicts.  相似文献   

From observations of interstellar Mgi, ii resonance lines, Gurzadyan has proposed recently that for the majority of hot stars most of the line-of-sight gas originates in dense, circumstellar clouds. To support this conclusion, which is contrary to most current models of the interstellar gas, he has set out apparently strong theoretical arguments based on empirical evidence from the sample of stars considered. In this paper we have considered the same data and have included some additional observations of interstellar Mg lines. We suggest that an empirical relationship between Mgii equivalent width and stellar effective temperature, which is central to the model proposed by Gurzadyan, may be explained by an observational selection effect. Further, we suggest that while circumstellar material may well contribute in part to observed column densities, there is no firm evidence that most of the gas is located in circumstellar clouds.Based in part on observations by the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite collected at the Villafranca Tracking Station of the European Space Agency.  相似文献   

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