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Most streams draining to the Mediterranean basin are temporary. As a result of their hydrological regime, temporary streams are affected by drying and rewetting periods. Drying can alter in-stream nitrogen (N) availability and reduce N processing rates and subsequent retention after re-wetting. We sought to determine if hydrologic drying modifies reach-scale sediment chemical properties and constrains the response of N processing to rewetting. We compared different abiotic characteristics of sediments and nitrification and denitrification rates between a perennial and intermittent reach in the same stream over a wet period, when surface water flowed in both reaches, and a dry period, when the intermittent reach dried up. We analyzed N processing rates by incubating sediments with stream water, thereby simulating a rewetting when sediments from the intermittent reach were dry. We found that drying increased the sediment nitrate (NO3 ?) content. Conversely, drying did not reduce the recovery of N processing rates to pre-dry levels after simulated flooding conditions. Our results suggest that dry reaches may act as a potential NO3 ? source by releasing downstream NO3 ? pulses after stream flow recovery. Given the European Water Framework Directive requirements to assess stream ecological status, these N pulses following rewetting should be considered when designing management plans in temporary streams. Our study highlights the rapid response of in-stream N processing to rewetting period following a drought. This high resilience to process N should be seen as a vital ecosystem service provided by temporary streams despite annual dry periods.  相似文献   

The influence of magma expansion due to volatile exsolution and gas dilation on dyke propagation is studied using a new numerical code. Many natural magmas contain sufficient amounts of volatiles for fragmentation to occur well below Earth's surface. Magma fragmentation has been studied for volcanic flows through open conduits but it should also occur within dykes that rise towards Earth's surface. The characteristics of volatile-rich magma flow within a hydraulic fracture are studied numerically. The mixture of melt and gas is treated as a compressible viscous fluid below the fragmentation level and as a gas phase carrying melt droplets above it. The numerical code solves for elastic deformation of host rocks, the flow of the magmatic mixture and fracturing at the dyke tip. With volatile-free magma, a dyke fed at a constant rate in a uniform medium adopts a constant shape and width and rises at a constant velocity. With volatiles involved, magma expands and hence the volume flux of magma increases. With no fragmentation, this enhanced flux leads to acceleration and thinning of the dyke. Simple scaling laws allow accurate predictions of dyke width and ascent rate for a wide range of conditions. With fragmentation, dyke behaviour is markedly different. Due to the sharp drop of head loss that occurs in gas-rich fragmented material, large internal overpressures develop below the dyke tip and induce swelling of the nose region, leading to deceleration of the dyke. These results are applied to the two-month long period of volcanic unrest that preceded the May 1980 eruption of Mount St Helens. An initial phase of rapid earthquake migration from the 7–8 km deep reservoir to shallow levels was followed by very slow progression of magma within the edifice. Such behaviour can be accounted for by magma fragmentation at the top of a dyke.  相似文献   

River water temperature is a common target of water quality models at the watershed scale, owing to its principal role in shaping biogeochemical processes and in stream ecology. Usually, models include physically‐based, deterministic formulations to calculate water temperatures from detailed meteorological information, which usually comes from meteorological stations located far from the river reaches. However, alternative empirical approaches have been proposed, that usually depend on air temperature as master variable. This study explored the performance of a semidistributed water quality application modelling river water temperature in a Mediterranean watershed, using three different approaches. First, a deterministic approach was used accounting for the different heat exchange components usually considered in water temperature models. Second, an empirical approximation was applied using the equilibrium temperature concept, assuming a linear relationship with air temperature. And third, a hybrid approach was constructed, in which the temperature equilibrium concept and the deterministic approach were combined. Results showed that the hybrid approach gave the best results, followed by the empirical approximation. The deterministic formulation gave the worst results. The hybrid approach not only fitted daily river water temperatures, but also adequately modelled the daily temperature range (maximum–minimum daily temperature). Other river water features directly dependent on water temperature, such as river intrusion depth in lentic systems (i.e. the depth at which the river inflow plunges to equilibrate density differences with lake water), were also correctly modelled even at hourly time steps. However, results for the different heat fluxes between river and atmosphere were very unrealistic. Although direct evidence of discrepancies between meteorological drivers measured at the meteorological stations and the actual river microclimate was not found, the use of models including empirical or hybrid formulations depending mainly on air temperature is recommended if only meteorological data from locations far from the river reaches are available. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Mediterranean rivers are characterized by the irregularity of flow, harsh hydrological fluctuations and a profound transformation as the result of human activity. In this study, we investigate the streamflow response of a Mediterranean temporary river in which different groundwater, agriculture and urban contributions play an important role. Streamflow was measured at three nested gauging stations installed along Na Borges River, a lowland agricultural catchment (319 km2) on the island of Mallorca. Based on two hydrological years (2004/05 and 2005/06), potential evapotranspiration and surface water–groundwater interaction generated a succession of four different hydrological periods playing an important role in baseflow dynamics. The runoff coefficients were very low (<5%). At the event scale, groundwater also controlled runoff response, being very different according to hydrogeology, antecedent conditions and human impacts. During dry seasons, wastewater and karstic spring discharges maintain an influent regime into some streams. As a result, intense rainstorms in late summer generated water volumes over the impervious urban surfaces involved, with the result that quickflow was significant because the hydrological pathways were active. Citation Estrany, J., Garcia, C. & Alberich, R. (2010 Estrany, J., Garcia, C. and Batalla, R. J. 2010. Hydrological response of a small Mediterranean agricultural catchment. J. Hydrol., 380(1-2): 180190. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.10.035[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) Streamflow dynamics in a Mediterranean temporary river. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(5), 717–736.   相似文献   

Brush Creek drains a 76·1 km2 watershed within urban Kansas City, Missouri and eastern Kansas. A concrete-lined reach trending 6·1 km through the Plaza District of Kansas City, Missouri has been the focus for several major floods over the past ten years. Channel geometry, slope, and floodwater elevations were determined in the field for segments of the concrete-lined section of Brush Creek for a flood event that occurred on September 18, 1986. Discharge was computed by indirect methods and compared to a value determined from a rating curve established by the Water Resources Division of the U.S.G.S. Boundary shear stress, unit stream power, and average velocity were also computed in order to establish a quantitative relationship between sediment distribution, volume, and size fractions; and flow dynamics operating throughout the channel during this event. Boundary shear stress ranged from 91-96 Nm?2, stream power was 528-557 Wm?2, while average velocity was 5-8 ms?1. These values were sufficient to displace concrete slabs as large as 5 m long by 4·6 m wide by 0·23 m thick weighing an estimated 12 245 kg. As the channel was sediment free and unsecured prior to the flood, the distribution of deposits and subsequent channel scour provide valuable evidence for potentially hazardous sections of this urban stream.  相似文献   

Data from a paired-catchment study in south coastal British Columbia, Canada, were analyzed to assess the thermal effects of clearcut harvesting with no riparian buffer on a fish-bearing headwater stream. The approach used time series of daily mean water temperatures for East Creek (control) and A Creek (treatment), both before and after harvest. Statistical models were developed to predict (a) what the temperatures would have been in the post-harvest period had harvesting not occurred, and (b) what temperatures would have been in the pre-harvest period had harvesting already occurred. The Wisconsin Bioenergetics Model was used to simulate growth of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) for the first year following fry emergence using the predicted and observed stream temperatures to generate scenarios representing with-harvest and no-harvest thermal regimes. A Monte Carlo approach was used to quantify the effects of uncertainty associated with the regression models on predicted stream temperature and trout growth. Summer daily mean temperatures in the with-harvest scenario were up to $5^{\circ}\hbox{C}$ higher than those for the no-harvest scenario. Harvesting-induced warming reduced growth rates during summer, but increased growth rates during autumn and spring. In the with-harvest scenario, trout were 0.2?C2.0?g (absolute weight) smaller throughout the winter period than in the no-harvest scenario. However, the bioenergetic simulations suggest that trout growth may be more sensitive to potential changes in food supply following harvesting than to direct impacts of stream temperature changes.  相似文献   

In the semi‐arid Mediterranean environment, the rainfall–runoff relationships are complex because of the markedly irregular patterns in rainfall, the seasonal mismatch between evaporation and rainfall, and the spatial heterogeneity in landscape properties. Watersheds often display considerable non‐linear threshold behavior, which still make runoff generation an open research question. Our objectives in this context were: to identify the primary processes of runoff generation in a small natural catchment; to test whether a physically based model, which takes into consideration only the primary processes, is able to predict spatially distributed water‐table and stream discharge dynamics; and to use the hydrological model to increase our understanding of runoff generation mechanisms. The observed seasonal dynamics of soil moisture, water‐table depth, and stream discharge indicated that Hortonian overland‐flow was negligible and the main mechanism of runoff generation was saturated subsurface‐flow. This gives rise to base‐flow, controls the formation of the saturated areas, and contributes to storm‐flow together with saturation overland‐flow. The distributed model, with a 1D scheme for the kinematic surface‐flow, a 2D sub‐horizontal scheme for the saturated subsurface‐flow, and ignoring the unsaturated flow, performed efficiently in years when runoff volume was high and medium, although there was a smoothing effect on the observed water‐table. In dry years, small errors greatly reduced the efficiency of the model. The hydrological model has allowed to relate the runoff generation mechanisms with the land‐use. The forested hillslopes, where the calibrated soil conductivity was high, were never saturated, except at the foot of the slopes, where exfiltration of saturated subsurface‐flow contributed to storm‐flow. Saturation overland‐flow was only found near the streams, except when there were storm‐flow peaks, when it also occurred on hillslopes used for pasture, where soil conductivity was low. The bedrock–soil percolation, simulated by a threshold mechanism, further increased the non‐linearity of the rainfall–runoff processes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nutrient dynamics in karst agroecosystems remain poorly understood, in part due to limited long‐term nested datasets that can discriminate upland and in‐stream processes. We present a 10‐year dataset from a karst watershed in the Inner‐Bluegrass Region of central Kentucky, consisting of nitrate (nitrate‐N [NO3?]), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), total organic carbon (TOC), and total ammoniacal‐N (TAN) measurements at nested spring and stream sites as well as flowrate at the watershed outlet. Hydrograph separation techniques were coupled with multiple linear regression and Empirical Mode Decomposition time‐series analysis to determine significance of seasonal processes and to generate continuous estimates of nutrient pathway loadings. Further, we used model results of benthic algae growth and decomposition dynamics from a nearby watershed to assess if transient storage in algal biomass could explain differences in spring and downstream watershed nutrient loading. Results highlight statistically significant seasonality for all nutrients at stream sites, but only for NO3? at springs with longitudinal variability showing significant decreases occurring from spring to stream sites for NO3? and DRP, and significant increases for TOC and TAN. Pathway loading analysis highlighted the importance of slow flow pathways to source approximately 70% of DRP and 80% of NO3?. Results for in‐stream dynamics suggest that benthic autotroph dynamics can explain summer deviations for TOC, TAN, and DRP but not NO3?. Regarding upland dynamics, our findings agree well with existing perceptions in karst for N pathways and upland source seasonality but deviate from perceptions that karst conduits are retentive of P, reflecting the limited buffering capacity of the soil profile and conduit sediments in the Inner‐Bluegrass. Regarding in‐stream fate, our findings highlighted the significance of seasonally driven nutrient processing in the bedrock‐controlled streambed to influence nutrient fluxes at the watershed outlet. Contrary to existing perceptions, we found high N attenuation and an unexplained NO3? sink in the bedrock stream, leading us to postulate that floating macrophytes facilitate high rates of denitrification.  相似文献   

In peatlands, poorly maintained baseflows mean that network expansion during storm events can be rapid and pronounced, resulting in large changes in catchment connectivity. This has implications for the timing and magnitude of material fluxes from these environments, understanding of which is becoming increasingly important due to peatlands' significance as global carbon stores. In this study, electrical resistance (ER) technology has been used to create sensors capable of detecting the presence and absence of flow in ephemeral portions of the channel network. These sensors provide data on the patterns of network variation in the Upper North Grain research catchment, a small peatland headwater in the South Pennines, UK. Networks of around 40 sensors were deployed in autumn 2007 and summer 2008, giving a total of almost four months of high‐resolution monitoring data. Drainage density in the catchment was found to vary between 1.4 and 30.0 km/km2, suggesting significant differences in connectivity between the expanded and contracted networks. Water table depth was identified as the key factor determining the temporal pattern of streamflow at both the site‐ and catchment‐wide scales. Spatially, network expansion and contraction occurred in a disjointed manner, following a similar pattern between events, suggesting that localized controls are important for flow generation. Spatial controls on flow generation relate to local water table levels, and include drainage area, local dissection, channel slope and gully morphology. The importance of water table as the key control on catchment connectivity suggests that potential future change in catchment water tables, associated with projected climate change or with peatland restoration by rewetting, will modify the frequency of full catchment connectivity. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Carbon storage values in the Amazon basin have been studied through different approaches in the last decades in order to clarify whether the rainforest ecosystem is likely to act as a sink or source for carbon in the near future. This water balance, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nutrient export study were carried out in a micro‐scale heath forest (Campina) catchment in central Amazonia, Brazil. For a 1‐year study period (18 March 2007 until 19 March 2008), rainfall amounted to 3054 mm; of which, 1532 mm was evaporated by the forest (4.1 mm day?1). Rainfall interception loss amounted to 15.6% of gross rainfall. Surface runoff amounted to 485 mm, whereas another 1071 mm was discharged as regional groundwater outflow. Accumulated DOC exports in surface runoff amounted to 15.3 g m?2 year?1, whereas the total carbon exported was 55.9 g m?2. This is much higher than that observed for a nearby tall rainforest catchment in central Amazonia (DOC export < 20 g m?2). As Campina heath forest areas cover a significant proportion of the Amazon Basin, these differences in ecosystem hydrological carbon exports should be taken into account in future studies assessing the carbon budget for the Amazon Basin. Macro‐nutrient exports were low, but those of calcium and potassium were higher than those observed for tall rainforest in the Amazon, which may be caused by a lower retention capacity of the heath forest ecosystem. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Malmer  H. Grip 《水文研究》1994,8(3):195-209
Streamwater chemistry was monitored for five years in six streams in a paired catchment experiment in Mendolong, Sabah, Malaysia, comparing the effects of different ways to establish forest plantations with Acacia mangium. At the start of the monitoring in 1985 three catchments were covered with selectively logged rain forest (W4-W6) and three with secondary vegetation after forest fire (W1-W3). The treatments were: (1) clearing of secondary vegetation, burning and planting (W1 and W2); (2) clear-felling, crawler tractor extraction, burning and planting (W5); and (3) clear-felling, manual extraction, no burning and planting (W4). W3 and W6, with no treatment, were monitored as control catchments. Reference monitoring at all streams was for two years and was followed by treatments which lasted for nine months before the full establishment of a new vegetation cover. This paper covers monitoring for a further 2.5 years. The soil types of the catchments were Orthic Acrisol in W3, Gleyic Podsol in W6 and a mix of both soil types in the other catchments. The effect of treatments on streamwater chemistry was clear at both base- and stormflows. Concentrations of major plant nutrients (N, P and K.) became positively correlated to streamflow during treatments. The response of leaching from slash at clear-felling was fast and larger from the clear-felling residues (W4 and W5) than the cleared secondary vegetation (W1 and W2). The intense response to burning was more marked. The stormflow period mean nutrient concentrations were approximately 10-fold for N and K and 10-100 fold for P after burning compared with baseflow mean concentrations over the same period. Significant differences in baseflow concentrations in treated streams generally lasted one year for most elements, but elevated concentrations were still detectable after three years. The first large pulse of leaching was related to mineralization after tree-felling and particularly burning. The longer lasting elevated concentrations in baseflow were associated with the loss of weathering products. The amounts of nutrients lost, calculated by regression analysis as the effect of treatment compared with control, were found to be higher with the degree of vegetation killed and with increased soil disturbance. Consequently, normal forestry practices, with crawler tractor extraction and burning before planting, created the largest leaching losses. The total calculated effect of losses in total N, P and K were (i) W1 + W2 0.5, 1.8, 83.9; (ii) W4 0.8, 0.8, 105.6; and (iii) W5 1.3, 1.3, 189.4 kg ha?1 for the period of 33 months during and after treatment. With normal forestry practice using crawler tractors and with burning before planting (W5), the treatment-induced loss of K was equivalent to 86% of the content of easily decomposed parts of the biomass (leaves, twigs, fine roots and ground vegetation) of the old forest, or larger than K removed by harvest. Exhaustion effects of lowered leaching after repeated burning (forest fire and pre-planting fire) was observed for several elements, indicating possible nutrient deficiencies.  相似文献   

G. Richards  R. D. Moore 《水文研究》2003,17(9):1733-1753
This study examined suspended sediment concentration (SSC) during the ablation seasons of 2000 and 2001 in Place Creek, Canada, a steep, glacier‐fed mountain stream. Comparison of stream flow in Place Creek with that in an adjacent, almost unglacierized catchment provided a rational basis for separating the ablation seasons into nival, nival–glacial, glacial and autumn recession subseasons. Distinct groupings of points in plots of electrical conductivity against discharge supported the validity of the subseasonal divisions in terms of varying hydrological conditions. Relationships between SSC and discharge (Q) varied between the two study seasons, and between subseasons. Hysteresis in the SSC–Q relationship was evident at both event and weekly time‐scales. Some suspended sediment released from pro‐glacial Place Lake (the source of Place Creek) appeared to be lost to channel storage at low flows, especially early in the ablation season, with re‐entrainment at higher flows. Multiple regression models were derived for the subseasons using predictor variables including Q, Q2, the change in Q over the previous 3 h, cumulative discharge over the ablation season, total precipitation over the previous 24 h and SSC measured at 1500 hours as an index value for each day. The models produced adjusted R2 values ranging from 0·71 to 0·91, and provided tentative insights into the differences in SSC dynamics amongst subseasons. Introduction of the index value of SSC significantly improved the model fit during the nival–glacial and glacial subseasons for both years, as it adjusts the model to the current condition of sediment supply. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The effects of short-term flooding on soil water content and subsequent tree response were examined in a riparian Eucalyptus camaldulensis forest which was dissected by a series of shallow ephemeral channels, locally known as runners. Twelve isolated plots, each approximately 0.8 ha, were established in three blocks of four treatments. One of the blocks was underlain by a moist, sandy aquifer 2–4 m below the surface. The four treatments were (1) flooding each spring; (2) flooding each summer; (3) flooding each spring plus each summer; (4) control (zero flooding). Depth of water percolation after a summer flooding varied from 1.3 to over 6 m below the surface. Horizontal movement away from the edge of the floodwater ranged from almost zero on some plots to at least 38 m. The extensive horizontal movement was confined within narrow aquifers which occurred under some plots. Trees in plots underlain by a shallow aquifer always had higher xylem pressure potential (XPP, MPa) than other trees, and flooding these plots increased XPP by a non-significant quantity (−0.14 MPa to −0.12 MPa). However, on the other plots, flooding resulted in a statistically significant increase in XPP from −0.45 to −0.10 MPa. The effect of flooding on XPP was evident for between 22.5 and 37.5 m from the floodwater. This was ascribed to root interception and some horizontal movement of water. Increased flood frequency from zero to one to two per year resulted in mean leaf areas of 11.0 cm2, 12.2 cm2 and 13.2 cm2, respectively. Trees in the runner, at 8 or at 38 m from the channels, had mean leaf areas of 12.9 cm2, 13.6 cm2 and 9.9 cm2, respectively. The presence of shallow aquifers increased mean leaf area from 11.5 to 13.3 cm2. Increased flood frequency significantly increased relative growth rate of trees up to 22.5 m from the edge of the floodwater. We conclude that short-term flooding of channels that occupied 15–20% of the forest floor temporarily improved tree moisture status and this increased tree growth rate in up to 70% of the forest.  相似文献   

This paper describes the in situ response of groundwater biofilms in an alluvial gravel aquifer system on the Canterbury Plains, New Zealand. Biofilms were developed on aquifer gravel, encased in fine mesh bags and suspended in protective columns in monitoring wells for at least 20 weeks. Four sites were selected in the same groundwater system where previous analyses indicated a gradient of increasing nitrate down the hydraulic gradient from Sites 1 to 4. Measurements during the current study classified the groundwater as oligotrophic. Biofilm responses to the nutrient gradients were assessed using bioassays, with biomass determined using protein and cellular and nucleic acid staining and biofilm activity using enzyme assays for lipid, carbohydrate, phosphate metabolism, and cell viability. In general, biofilm activity decreased as nitrate levels increased from Sites 1 to 4, with the opposite relationship for carbon and phosphorus concentrations. These results showed that the groundwater system supported biofilm growth and that the upper catchment supported efficient and productive biofilms (high ratio of activity per unit biomass).  相似文献   

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