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1 总则1 .1 为规范升空氢气球充灌、悬挂、施放的技术操作 ,保障国家和人民的生命与财产安全 ,依据《陕西省气象条例》和有关规定 ,制定本规范。1 .2 本规范适用于庆典、宣传、广告活动中升空氢气球的充灌、悬挂、施放及其所使用氢气的运输、贮存等技术操作 ,其他升空气球的管理按国家有关规定执行。1 .3 充灌、悬挂、施放升空氢气球应坚持安全第一、预防为主的方针 ,坚持精心组织、规范操作、严防事故、确保安全的原则。1 .4 四级风以上及雷电天气禁止升空氢气球的充灌、悬挂、施放作业 ;已经作业的 ,应立即采取措施停止作业。1 .5 …  相似文献   

探空气球的充灌和施放是高空气象观测工作的重要组成部分.目前高空观测中雷达跟踪探空仪、探空信号接收和数据处理都已经实现自动化,只有探空气球的充灌和施放是人工操作,气球充灌氢气有一定危险性,且至少需要一个观测员来完成施放气球工作.该文在分析探空气球充灌和施放各环节工作的基础上,介绍了一种探空气球施放筒的设计方案,以及在业务试验中存在的问题和改进方法,为高空气象观测系统的全程自动化创造条件.  相似文献   

探空球的充灌与施放高度在探空专业中,中国气象局有6项工作指标,其中一条就是要求施放高度。气球的施放高度与充气量的多少密切相关。气球是靠空气中的浮力上升的。由于氢气和空气间的密度差异,气球中充的氢气越多,球体就越大,获得的浮力就越大,上升的速度就越大。...  相似文献   

介绍了氢气的易燃易爆特性,并针对氢气球充灌放气时的静电现象,提出了相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

个体户叶某因无证充灌、施放氢气球 ,仙桃市气象执法人员依照有关法律法规对其做出了5 0 0 0元罚款的处罚。叶某不仅在法定期限内拒不接受处罚 ,也未按法律程序进行听证和行政复议。为此 ,仙桃市气象局向法院申请了强制执行。2 0 0 1年底仙桃市人民法院以 (2 0 0 1)仙法行执字第75号处罚通知对叶某强制执行罚款 5 0 0 0元。2 0 0 1年 5月 2 8日 ,仙桃市民政局凤凰酒楼举行开业庆典 ,个体户叶某以有工商局核发的营业执照为由 ,在未取得施放升空气球技术资格的情况下 ,施放了 6个氢气球。气象执法人员得知此事后 ,邀请市公证处两名公证人员 ,…  相似文献   

从施放气球现场出发 ,叙述了充气、捆扎条幅、定位等方面的技术要点 ,并从理论上计算出氢气球施放的环境要求。1 充 气一般都是现场用贮气瓶充气。由于瓶内氢气气温低 ,因此不能充得过饱 ,应留足氢气接受太阳辐射升温后膨胀的空间。一般在充气口高度上 ,用手掌挤压球皮能下陷 5~ 10cm即可 ,太饱球皮容易爆炸 ,太瘪影响效果。2 捆扎条幅捆扎条幅是气球宣传的关键 ,直接影响宣传效果。现场服务工作人员首先应依风向 ,把条幅垂绳边定位在风的来向 ,以便条幅随风展开。其次 ,捆扎条幅的横竿与垂绳夹角应以10 0°为宜 ,因为夹角太大横竿易…  相似文献   

通过对2015—2017年格尔木高空站探测施放高度的统计分析,总结影响探空高度的因素有气球质量、天气变化、氢气的充灌、气球的存放等,提出了存放气球要远离火源水源且存放时间不宜过长、充气时气流量要保持均匀、阴雨天要比晴天多充10%~20%的氢气、尽量使用纯度较高的氢气等相应的措施,有效提高高空探测施放高度和质量,获取更多更准确的探空资料,为提高天气预报准确率提供第一手观测资料。  相似文献   

警惕氢气爆燃事故的发生王汝祥(陕西省气象局技术装备处西安·710016)氢气充入各种类型的气球内统称氢气球,目前已广泛被用于各类庆典、宣传和广告活动中。由于一些非专业人员缺乏对有关氢的性质知识的了解和操作不当,近来氢气球爆燃事故时有发生。因此,从事气...  相似文献   

充灌气球的操作方法与步骤正确与否,也会影响到探测高度。气象探测人员必须严格遵守灌球的有关规定,保证在各种情况下准确、及时、安全地进行充灌气球。 下面介绍我台热氢充灌气球的方法及注意事项: 一、筒内氢气完全反应后,应先将氢气冷却10分钟后再进行充球,但不得用冷水冲筒身来强行冷却,以免影响氢气产量和造成残渣结块。 二、热氢充球,速度不宜过快,要均匀。充灌一个120号探空气球,一般以25分  相似文献   

陕气发 [2 0 0 1 ]1 8号  2 0 0 1年 7月 1 3日  第一条 为加强升空气球充灌、悬挂、施放的技术管理 ,保障国家和人民的生命与财产安全 ,依据《陕西省气象条例》和有关规定 ,制定本办法。第二条 在本省行政区域内从事升空气球充灌、悬挂、施放及其相关活动 ,应当遵守本办法。第三条 陕西省气象主管机构负责本省行政区域内升空气球的技术管理工作。各市 (地区 )、县 (市、区 )气象主管机构按照职责分工 ,负责本行政区域内升空气球的有关技术管理工作。第四条 在本省行政区域内从事升空气球充灌、悬挂、施放的组织应当持有省、市 (地区…  相似文献   

The present paper examines the vortex breakdown and large-scale stirring during the final warming of the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere during the spring of 2005. A unique set of in situ observations collected by 27 superpressure balloons (SPBs) is used. The balloons, which were launched from McMurdo, Antarctica, by the Stratéole/VORCORE project, drifted for several weeks on two different isopycnic levels in the lower stratosphere. We describe balloon trajectories and compare them with simulations obtained on the basis of the velocity field from the GEOS-5 and NCEP/NCAR reanalyses performed with and without VORCORE data. To gain insight on the mechanisms responsible for the horizontal transport of air inside and outside the well-isolated vortex we examine the balloon trajectories in the framework of the Lagrangian properties of the stratospheric flow. Coherent structures of the flow are visualized by computing finite-time Lyapunov exponents (FTLE). A combination of isentropic analysis and FTLE distributions reveals that air is stripped away from the vortex’s interior as stable manifolds eventually cross the vortex’s edge. It is shown that two SPBs escaped from the vortex within high potential vorticity tongues that developed in association with wave breaking at locations along the vortex’s edge where forward and backward FTLE maxima approximately intersect. The trajectories of three SPBs flying as a group at the same isopycnic level are examined and their behavior is interpreted in reference to the FTLE field. These results support the concept of stable and unstable manifolds governing transport of air masses across the periphery of the stratospheric polar vortex.  相似文献   

刘清洵 《气象》1998,24(12):51-54
分析了热气球飞行的气象条件及泰山对热气球飞行的影响。利用1988-1995年9-10月历史资料,对适宜热气球飞越泰山的气象条件进行了统计分析,在总结天气形势特征的基础上,针对热气球飞越泰山受诸多气象要素影响的特点,分析素选取相关性较好的因子,分别建立天空状况,低空风向,地面风速预报方程,最后制作综合预报。经1996年,1997年9-10月试报效果较好。  相似文献   

根据阳江探空站高空气象探测用750g气象气球施放的实际高度的现状,结合中国大探中心组织国产GPS探空仪在阳江用国产2000g气象气球比对试验时施放的高度以及广东阳江第8届国际探空仪系统比对期间施放的实际高度,探讨雨天和高空相对湿度较大的气象条件下对国产气象气球施放高度的影响。结果显示,雨天或高空相对湿度较大时,对国产现有的气象气球施放的高度存在较大的影响。研究表明,解决了国产气象气球的球皮防雨、防潮问题,很大程度上解决了国产气象气球施放高度不稳定的难题。  相似文献   

利用平移气球(或称等高气球或等压面气球)观测大气运动轨迹以及沿轨迹气象要素的分布,具有独特优点,因此在气象工作中的应用已日益广泛。目前所用的平移气球大致有两种。一种较大,一般用于对流层上层和平流层,主要探测大尺度气流特征;另一种较小,用于对流层中、低层。1956年我们进行了平移气球观测试验。本文将介绍我们所用气球的性能,并根据1957年和1958年观测资料对北京及附近地区对流层中下层晴天扰动进行初步分析。  相似文献   

Aviation is a fast-growing sector, releasing more carbon dioxide per passenger kilometre than other transport modes. For climate change researchers, work-related travel – including for conferences and fieldwork – is a major carbon-emitting activity. At the same time, many argue that climate scientists have an important role in curbing their own aviation emissions to align their practices with their assertions in relation to emissions reduction. We examine the tensions between competing professional demands in relation to flying; measure levels of flying by climate and non-climate researchers; assess influences on choices and attitudes; and consider how information provision and structural changes might enable changes in practice. Study 1 entails a large, international survey of flying undertaken by climate change (including sustainability and environmental science) researchers and those from other disciplines (N = 1408). Study 2 tests effects of varying information provision on researchers’ behavioural intentions and policy support to reduce flying (N = 362). Unexpectedly, we find climate change researchers – particularly professors – fly more than other researchers, but are also more likely to have taken steps to reduce or offset their flying. Providing information about the impacts of aviation increases behavioural intentions and support for institutional policies to reduce flying, particularly amongst more pro-environmental respondents. However, while attitudinal factors (e.g., personal norm) predict willingness to reduce flying, structural/social factors (e.g., family commitments, location) are more important in predicting actual flying behaviour. Recent initiatives to develop a low-carbon and more inclusive research culture within climate science and the broader research community thus need to be supported by broader policies and technologies to encourage and enable low-carbon and avoided travel.  相似文献   

A 3rd‐generation smart balloon designed at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Air Resources Laboratory Field Research Division, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii, was released from ship‐board during the recent Second Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE‐2) to provide Lagrangian air‐mass tracking data. ACE‐2 is the 3rd in a series of field experiments designed to study the chemical, physical, and radiative properties and processes of atmospheric aerosols and their role in climate and is organized by the international global atmospheric chemistry (IGAC) program. The adjective smart in the title of this paper refers to the fact that the buoyancy of the balloon automatically adjusts through the act of pumping air into or releasing air from the ballast portion of the balloon when it travels vertically outside a barometric pressure range set prior to release. The smart balloon design provides GPS location, barometric pressure, temperature, relative humidity, and other data via a transponder to a C130 research aircraft flying in the vicinity of the balloon. The addition of 2‐way communication allows interactive control of the balloon operating parameters by an observer. A total of 3 cloudy Lagrangian experiments were conducted during the ACE‐2 field program which lasted from 16 June through 26 July 1997. This paper reviews the design and capability of the smart balloons and their performance during the ACE‐2 Lagrangian experiments. Future development and applications of the technology are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对桃仙机场仅有的两次雷雨转雨夹雪天气过程的分析,总结出此类天气的形势特点,并初步得出此类天气预报的着眼点,为秋季飞行提供可靠的预报保障。  相似文献   

桃仙机场雷雨转雨夹雪天气的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
许彤  田丰 《广西气象》2006,27(4):34-36
通过对桃仙机场仅有的两次雷雨转雨夹雪天气过程的分析,总结出此类天气的形势特点,并初步得出此类天气预报的着眼点,为秋季飞行提供可靠的预报保障。  相似文献   

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