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英国《新科学家》报道,随着大气二氧化碳排放量的不断增加,越来越多的二氧化碳与海水发生反应,产生大量重碳酸盐和氢离子,导致表层海水的酸度增加。在上一个冰川时代,地球海洋的pH值为8.3,自工业革命以来,随着大量的二氧化碳  相似文献   

生物礁是由珊瑚虫、藻类等造礁生物组成、具有抗浪结构的海相碳酸盐岩,是全球主要碳库之一,也是观察热带海洋影响中-高纬度环境过程的重要窗口。近二、三十年以来,伴随着海洋水体的显著酸化和增温,全球热带海洋生物礁的主体——珊瑚礁系统遭受了不同程度的影响。其中,对于高温强迫而言,海水温度上升诱发珊瑚白化、抑制珊瑚的自我修复;海洋酸化可以显著改变珊瑚钙化率、抑制珊瑚幼虫发育、引发珊瑚礁的溶解;两大因素均可改变珊瑚礁的群落结构。针对这些环境要素的改变,珊瑚自身可以通过共生藻的种类转换以及调控基因表达等手段在一定程度上抵抗高温胁迫;但若温室气体的排放不受控制,绝大多数珊瑚礁到21世纪末都将遭受灾难性打击。为应对未来不同场景下的珊瑚礁变化,还需要对高温、酸化等关键因子响应特征进行更深入的研究;珊瑚礁长序列研究有可能为珊瑚的长周期演化特征提供关键认识,也为现代观测提供有益补充。  相似文献   

本文简要总结了海洋酸化时间序列研究的主要方法,重点综述了时间序列研究在揭示海洋酸化长期变化方面的重要进展。大气中 CO2 不断溶解进入海洋,导致海水 pH 与碳酸钙饱和度 (Ω) 降低,这一过程即为海洋酸化。海洋酸化时间序列研究主要关注 pH 与Ω的实时、动态、长期变化。在海洋酸化时间序列研究中,pH 一般通过锚泊浮标所搭载的传感器现场获得,而Ω则需借助相关参数间接计算得到。目前全球共有 21 套正在运行的锚泊浮标,分别布设在大洋、近岸和珊瑚礁等海域,记录了近十几年来全球典型区域海洋酸化的长期变化过程。受上升流、生产力、陆源输入等因素的协同影响,近岸海域的酸化现象极具季节/年际变化,pH 和Ω 的变化范围较大,分别为 7.780~8.723,1.07~9.25。大洋的 pH 变化范围为 7.890~8.238,珊瑚礁的 pH 变化范围为 7.837~8.273,大洋的Ω变化范围为 1.93~4.19,珊瑚礁的Ω 变化范围为 2.06~5.22。海洋酸化时间序列研究表明,受人为活动与气候变化的共同影响,北半球近岸典型海域的Ω在冬季和春季已出现低于生物耐受阈值的现象,将产生十分严重的生态危害,需要尽快采取应对措施。  相似文献   

近年,一些国家的海洋学家和海洋水产学家利用海洋真光层以下海水具有的常年稳定在10℃左右的水温和富含无机营养盐、极少病源微生物以及清洁的特性,发展海水养殖业,用于培养铒料生性浮游硅藻的附养硅藻,以包头鲁、虾、蟹种苗,用于培养微型藻类以生产β-胡萝卜素、类胡萝卜素以及用于生产淡水和冷却设备与装置等多项生产领域,已取得重大进展。  相似文献   

莫知 《海洋世界》2010,(9):37-37
<正>人们普遍认同,由人类工业生产及其他活动而释放的二氧化碳大量弥漫于大气当中,导致气候变暖,给地球生命造成了巨大的影响。但是,与气候变暖危害相似的海洋酸化问题,相比却鲜受重视。造成海洋酸化的原因主要就是海  相似文献   

赵玉颖  孙军  魏玉秋 《海洋科学》2020,44(10):121-132
当前全球气候变化下的上层海洋变暖与酸化对以浮游植物为主的海洋生态系产生了重大影响,理解此背景下的海洋浮游植物生理生态响应,对我们理解和抑制全球气候变化具有重要意义。在全球大气二氧化碳分压(p CO2)升高情景下,浮游植物通过光合作用、微生物循环等过程,通过不同功能群对海洋生源要素循环模式的改变,进而影响区域及全球海洋的生物地球化学循环。研究全球浮游植物对海洋酸化生理生态的响应使得我们对生物地球化学系统的认识更加全面、系统。  相似文献   

海洋酸化及国际研究动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
全球海洋酸化是对海洋生态系统的最大威胁之一,其对海洋健康的影响已逐渐显示出来,引起世界主要沿海国家和国际组织的高度重视,美国、英国、德国、日本、澳大利亚、韩国等国家纷纷制定海洋酸化问题研究计划,研究应对海洋酸化和保护海洋生态环境的对策.有关国际组织召开海洋酸化问题国际研讨会,协调沿海国家的行动,提高行动的功效,全力以赴...  相似文献   

海洋酸化是21世纪人类面临的重大环境问题,酸化将对钙化生物造成非常严重的损害,给海洋生态系统带来目前还无法准确评估的影响。海洋酸化是人类强烈干预地球系统背景下的自然过程,是与全球变暖相关的重大全球性环境问题,对人类赖以生存的海洋生态系统的维系和持续利用有着及其深刻的影响。美国、欧盟以及英国等发达国家均在近期加强了对海洋酸化问题的研究,启动多项相关计划。扼要综述了最近10年来海洋酸化对海洋生态系统影响的若干进展。  相似文献   

海洋沉积硅藻研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综述了国外近40 a海洋沉积硅藻表层组合及其在地层划分与对比、古地理环境重建、海平面升降和岸线变迁等方面的应用,以及硅藻休眠孢子化石的分类学、地层学和分子系统发育学研究的最新进展.对中国海洋沉积硅藻的研究进展作了概述,基本查明了渤海、黄海、东海、南海4大海区表层硅藻属种组成及表层硅藻组合面貌;利用硅藻组合进行了地层划分与对比、古海洋环境演变过程的研究;并将各种数理统计方法结合到硅藻分析中,使中国海洋沉积硅藻研究逐渐由定性或半定量向定量研究发展.但在利用硅藻进行古环境定量重建等方面,与国外的研究还存在一定差距.今后应加强建立现代硅藻-环境变量数据库、表层沉积生物硅的溶解、硅藻休眠孢子化石的分类学和地层学等方面的研究.  相似文献   

海水pH值直接指征海洋酸化程度,是对生物地球化学循环具有重要意义的海水碳酸盐体系进行定量描述的重要指标之一。文章概述pH值的定义及其发展,解析不同pH标度的换算和选取;详述采用电极电位法和分光光度法测定海水pH值的原理和特点;根据目前国际海洋酸化监测和研究的新要求以及我国近海海域海洋酸化形势,提出我国现行标准存在的问题,基于此提出全程恒温测样和从NIST标度向总氢离子浓度标度转化的优化建议,以提高我国海水pH值测定的准确度。  相似文献   

随着工业化进程的发展,温室气体二氧化碳(CO2)大量排放,约四分之一被海洋吸收,导致海水pH值和碳酸钙饱和度降低,出现了海洋酸化的现象.海洋酸化及引起的碳酸盐化学体系的变化已对各种海洋生物产生影响.贝类作为海洋生态系统中的代表性生物类群,自身具有一定的酸碱平衡调节能力,但其属于钙化生物,极易受到海水酸化的影响.在对贝类...  相似文献   

While ocean acidification (OA) poses a significant threat to ocean-related ecosystems and communities reliant on marine fisheries, aquaculture, and coral reef systems, limited public understanding and awareness can prevent coastal regions from being able to adequately assess the need for OA adaptation or mitigation. This study assessed public understanding of OA and how social and demographic factors influence the public’s concern for OA. The analysis was based on 311 questionnaires from full-time Alaska residents. The results showed that most Alaskans self-reported to have a basic awareness of OA, and subsequently were able to recognize that CO2 emissions related to human activity are the dominant driver of changing ocean conditions. However, there was a low recognition of how natural variability in the marine environment affects OA, and most respondents were not very confident in their understanding of OA-related science. Moreover, even though many communities in Alaska are reliant on commercial and subsistence fishing activities, the respondents had a low awareness of fisheries-related OA risk. Given the ongoing debate associated with climate change research, evaluating CO2 mitigation efforts through the perspective of OA could give individuals an unbiased way to assess the pros and cons of more intensive efforts to curb CO2 emissions. Furthermore, using OA communication to enhance the understanding of how natural variability influences OA around the state and the potential economic implications for Alaska fisheries would help residents and stakeholders make informed decisions when considering fisheries management plans, food security, and job diversity as OA intensifies. Solidifying the understanding that any reduction in pH and intensification of OA can have implications for marine species that are irreversible on human timescales will reinforce not only that OA is an immediate concern, but also the importance of taking action now.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification appears as another environmental pressure associated with anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide. This paper aims to assess the likely magnitude of this phenomenon in the Mediterranean region. This involves translating expected changes in ocean chemistry into impacts, first on marine and coastal ecosystems and then, through effects on services provided by these to humans, into socio-economic costs. Economic market and non-market valuation techniques are needed for this purpose. Important sectors affected are tourism and recreation, red coral extraction, and fisheries (both capture and aquaculture production). In addition, the costs associated with the disruption of ecosystem regulating services, notably carbon sequestration and non-use values will be considered. Finally, indirect impacts on other economic sectors will have to be estimated. The paper discusses the framework and methods to accomplish all of this, and offers a preliminary, qualitative overall assessment.  相似文献   

There are still major gaps in our understanding of the impact of ocean acidification (OA) on some groups of organisms within different geographic regions. We investigated the effect of OA on two common and ecologically important temperate sponge species in New Zealand (Tethya bergquistae and Crella incrustans). Sponges were kept at pH 8 (control) and 7.6 for 4 weeks. Responses of the two species varied, with T. bergquistae kept at pH 7.6 showing some mortality in response to reduced pH and evidence of tissues necrosis. In contrast, only one C. incrustans died in the pH 7.6 treatment and showed little evidence of any tissue degradation. Only T. bergquistae showed evidence for physiological effects of reduced pH as respiration rates were generally higher in the pH 7.6 treatment. Our results provide preliminary evidence to support a general tolerance of temperate sponges to reduced pH, but that some species-specific responses may exist.  相似文献   

海水酸化造成全球珊瑚礁严重退化,应用卫星遥感手段可以快速地对珊瑚礁进行监测。在野外做酸度对比实验具有条件不易控制、周期长等局限性。文章提出一种室内测量珊瑚光谱的方法,通过比较不同酸度梯度下珊瑚光谱的变化,为研究海水酸化对珊瑚的影响提供了一种新的思路。试验采用7.6、7.9和8.1的酸度梯度,结果表明:在pH为8.1和7.9环境条件下,珊瑚的光谱趋势大体一致,总体上珊瑚光谱波峰出现了向长波方向的红移。但是在pH为7.6的条件下,珊瑚的光谱在650~700nm之间出现一个反常的吸收谷,这是由于pH 7.6的酸度条件适宜一些藻类生长,藻类附着在珊瑚表面,从而影响了其光谱特性。  相似文献   

Marine environments with naturally high CO2 concentrations have become important research sites for studying the impacts of future ocean acidification on biological processes. We conducted high temporal resolution pH and temperature measurements in and around a shallow (2.5-3 m) CO2 vent site off Ischia, Italy in May and June 2008. Loggers were deployed at five stations to monitor water at both the surface and benthos. Our reference station, 500 m from the CO2 vent, had no noticeable vent influence. It had a naturally high and stable benthic pH (mean 8.16, inter-quartile range (IQ): 8.14-8.18) fluctuating with diel periodicity, presumably driven by community photosynthesis and respiration. A principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that the pH of this station was well constrained by meteorological parameters. In contrast, a station positioned within the vent zone, had a low and very variable benthic mean pH of 7.11 (IQ: 6.91-7.62) with large pH fluctuations not well constrained by a PCA. Any stations positioned within 20 m of the main vent zone had lowered pH, but suffered from abnormally large pH fluctuations making them unsuitable representatives to predict future changes to a shallow coastal environment. Between these extremes, we identified a benthic area with a lower pH of 7.84 (IQ: 7.83-7.88) that retained many of the characteristics of the reference station such as a natural diel pH periodicity and low variability. Our results indicate that a range of pH environments maybe commonplace near CO2 vents due to their characteristic acidification of benthic water over a wide area. Such environments could become invaluable natural laboratories for ocean acidification research, closely mimicking future CO2 conditions in a natural setting.  相似文献   

王晓杰  肖潇  李超  岳娜 《海洋学报》2015,37(12):116-122
本文在实验室模拟近期海洋酸化水平,对海洋酸化对海水青鳉鱼(Oryzia melastigma)胚胎骨骼发育的影响进行了初步研究。实验中,通过往实验水体中充入一定浓度CO2气体酸化海水。对照组CO2分压为450×10-6,两个处理组CO2浓度分别为1 160×10-6和1 783×10-6,对应的水体pH值分别为8.14,7.85和7.67。将海水青鳉鱼受精卵放入实验水体中至仔鱼孵化出膜,对初孵仔鱼经骨骼染色、显微拍照,挑取了仔鱼头部、躯干及尾部骨骼染色清晰的28个骨骼参数的长度进行了显微软件测量及数据统计分析。结果发现,酸化处理对实验鱼所测量的骨骼长度影响均不显著。因此推测,未来100~200年间海洋酸化对海水青鳉鱼的胚胎及初孵仔鱼的骨骼发育没有显著影响。  相似文献   

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