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Seed management has until recently been neglected in agrobiodiversity research. Gender dimensions in seed selection, processing, storage and exchange embody critical task areas in the human management of diverse crop species and varieties. This paper focuses on women's roles in seed management in field and homegarden crops in Bangladesh and reports on the findings of a study in two villages in Tangail District. Seventy-five women were surveyed with a questionnaire and subsets interviewed in-depth; focus groups conducted for women and men provided a means of cross-checking responses. Three distinct areas of agrobiodiversity were addressed: the gendered divisions of labour among agricultural tasks; the pervasiveness of seed saving among respondents; and seed management practices and techniques. The results indicate that while men have greater authority over field activities, homegarden production is the exclusive domain of women. Seed management is seen as an extension of women's domestic duties: women are responsible for all seed processing, storage and exchange for field as well as homegarden crops. The vast majority of seeds sown are saved on-farm by women, revealing important cultural, economic and environmental implications for agrobiodiversity conservation and local differences.  相似文献   

Traditional culture bears a dynamic,cosmologi-cal vision in the wetland ecology and its biodiversityconservation in Nepal.The role of culture and rela-tionship in wetland biodiversity protection and wiseuse has not well been documented yet.Wetlands likeri…  相似文献   

全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护与适应性管理(英文)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
世界各地世代居住的农牧民,以多样化的自然资源为基础,通过因地制宜的生产实践活动,创造、形成并保持着许多独具特色的农业系统和景观。这些在本土知识和传统经验基础上所建立起来的农业文化遗产巧夺天工,充分反映了人类及其文化多样性和与自然环境之间深刻关系的演进历程。这些系统不仅维持并适应了具有全球重要意义的农业生物多样性,形成了丰富的本土知识体系,而且更为重要的是,还为人类持续提供了多样化的产品和服务,保障了食物安全和生计安全,提高了人们的生活质量。但是,许多这样的农业生产系统正面临着包括全球化在内的多种影响因素的威胁。2002年,联合国粮农组织发起了一个国际合作计划"全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)保护与适应性管理"。这一全球性倡议旨在建立这些农业文化遗产及其有关的生物多样性、食物与生计安全、景观与文化的保护体系,并在世界范围内得到认可,实现动态保护和可持续管理。  相似文献   

Loss of biological diversity is among the most pressing environmental problems facing modern societies. Whereas today much is known about peoples' opinions on climate change, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding how people asses the issue of biological diversity. The article represents a step towards a better understanding of public opinions on the issue of biodiversity, and hence also of the prerequisites and possibilities for a more or less vigorous or legitimate policy on this issue. The analyses show that social background matters for concern about biodiversity, but only to a certain extent: women are less negative towards biodiversity protection than men, the older segments of the population, at least in Norway, are less concerned with biodiversity, and education has only a marginal effect. Hence, to a large extent, political attitudes matter and indicate that concern for biodiversity seems to work by various types of available heuristics whereby a given case is linked to political understandings of other and similar and/or familiar issues. The inclusion of other political variables (local decision-making) and what the authors label ‘cultural variables’ (e.g. view of nature and trust in science) seem also to matter decisively for attitudes towards biodiversity.  相似文献   

农户保护性耕作技术采纳行为及其影响因素研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭芬  金建君  张晨阳  何睿  邱欣 《地理科学进展》2022,41(11):2165-2177
保护性耕作对于防止水土流失、改善土壤质量、保障国家粮食安全等具有重要意义。农户作为保护性耕作技术采纳的直接决策者,研究其采纳行为及其影响因素有助于促进保护性耕作技术的推广应用。基于此,论文系统梳理了国内外农户保护性耕作技术采纳行为及其影响因素的相关研究,以期为更有效的技术推广提供参考。结果发现:不同类型农户的保护性耕作技术采纳行为存在较大差异;农户保护性耕作技术采纳的研究区域较为集中;影响农户保护性耕作技术采纳行为的因素主要包括基本因素(个体特征和家庭特征)和差别因素(社会网络、风险偏好与风险感知、政府政策、心理认知及区位特征)2类。基于上述分析,论文提出了未来重点的研究方向:技术推广要考虑农户群体内的异质性;应注重各种研究理论间的融合;未来可进一步加强多学科交叉的系统研究。  相似文献   

干旱荒漠土壤动物分布格局对降水脉动的响应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘继亮  赵文智  李锋瑞 《中国沙漠》2014,34(5):1337-1342
在干旱荒漠区,降水呈现强烈的脉动特征(即降水频率、强度及数量的高度变异性),降水脉动变化对荒漠土壤动物的分布格局有显著影响。目前对降水脉动如何影响和调控荒漠土壤动物分布格局形成与维持的生态机制的认识非常有限。因此,深入开展干旱荒漠区降水脉动变化对土壤动物群落分布及多样性影响研究具有重要的科学意义。本文围绕“降水脉动驱动资源脉动影响土壤动物食物网结构”这一核心问题,重点从自然降水变化、冬季降雪变化和夏季降雨变化等方面对国内外的研究动态及最新研究进展做比较系统的评述。在此基础上,探索干旱荒漠生态系统响应降水变化研究中应重点关注的几个前沿科学问题,这可为中国干旱荒漠生态系统生物多样性保护管理提供科学依据,促进荒漠生态系统生物多样性保育理论、资源脉动生态学理论和研究方法的发展。  相似文献   

昆虫不仅是世界上最多的物种,同时也对生态系统功能和全球经济有着十分重要的作用。因此,昆虫多样性的保护对全球来说都有着十分重要的意义。然而,昆虫多样性常被"生物多样性"研究者们所忽略, 昆虫多样性与植物、气候变化的关系更是不明确。本文对将来昆虫多样性的研究方向提出了几点建议,基于中国北部两大典型的森林生态系统——东北长白山地区和华北东灵山地区。这两大地区的植被和气候已经有长期并且完整的调查,而对于其中昆虫多样性的了解却不多。因此在这两个地区开展研究认识昆虫多样性格局和进一步分析昆虫和植物的关系具有重要的科学和应用价值。  相似文献   

西方城市女性时空行为研究的新趋势及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
塔娜  刘志林 《地理科学进展》2017,36(10):1208-1217
为满足当前城市社会发展与城市建设需要,西方女性时空行为研究近年来取得了长足进展,研究主题覆盖行为特征、社会公平、可持续性等方面。中国城市女性在转型期同样面临着重大的挑战,城市空间的性别不平等正在深刻地影响女性的日常行为与生活质量。本文系统梳理了近50年来西方女性时空行为研究成果,介绍了女性通勤行为、非工作活动等传统议题和家庭关系、联合行为、可达性等新问题的研究进展,并总结了女性时空行为研究的理论解释。西方女性时空行为研究早期关注经济转型背景下的女性出行行为,对就业可达性、通勤和非工作活动的性别差异进行了大量研究。近年来,西方研究呈现出多元化趋势,研究重点转向家庭关系、家庭联合行为与时空可达性等新主题,指出女性在日常生活中面临社会排斥与空间不平等。为理解女性时空行为模式的形成机制,学者从经济学、社会学、地理学等角度进行探讨,提出了地租与工资理论、劳动力市场隔离理论、家庭责任假说、女性的自我认知与社会文化、家庭资源分配说、时空固定性制约等解释理论。这些研究为中国城市女性时空行为研究提供了借鉴。针对中国女性面临的城市社会转型的独特背景,其时空行为受制度、家庭和自身的多重制约,提出了中国城市女性时空行为研究的框架和未来研究方向。  相似文献   

梁璐 《热带地理》2020,40(5):786-794
近年来,女性主义地理学的研究内容转向身体、身份认同和象征空间等微观地理,消费空间的性别研究成为关注热点。文章基于女性主义视角,借助对典型消费空间的实证调查,考察空间性别化特征以及性别因素决定下的空间之权力隐喻关系,总结了人—地互动模式中的性别建构特征。研究发现,消费空间为女性提供了参与城市公共空间的场所,见证了女性空间权的觉醒与实践,但女性仍受男性规训与控制;现代女性在消费空间中的行为延续了传统的角色定位,公共空间参与度并未显著改变她们的性别角色和在家务上的性别化分工;消费空间再现和建构的性别关系、性别地位是一种典型的隐形歧视,女性处于实际上的不平等地位。因此,空间和性别不可分割且互为构成,两性在消费空间中的表现实质上是性别权力关系的投射,折射出这一地理空间中两性的宰控关系。  相似文献   

随着社会的进步与发展,教育、经济等资源配置更加趋向于性别平衡,女性地位不断提升,女性群体开始逐步受到各界学者的广泛关注,女性主义地理学也成为地理学中一个新兴的研究热点。本研究采用知识图谱分析和传统文献研究相结合的方法,借助CiteSpace软件通过知识图谱分析了1978—2018年间女性主义地理学研究的关键词与不同阶段的研究主题,归纳了当前女性主义地理学研究的重点,提出了中国女性主义地理学研究的框架和未来研究方向。研究结果表明:①女性主义地理学逐渐进入大众视野并具有明显的跨学科特点,其研究在不同时期以不同主题为研究重点,整体来看阶段性特征比较突出;②研究主题上,目前国内女性主义地理学主要围绕五大主题展开,但研究的广度和深度仍待进一步加强;③研究视角上,西方更注重女性在空间中的情感体验,国内则更关注由于女性角色的不同而形成的时空行为模式。今后,女性主义地理学研究应进一步革新数据获取方式,对多元化研究主体给予更多学术关注。  相似文献   

The Great Plains of the United States is a grassland region managed primarily for homogeneity associated with production agriculture. The resulting decline of obligate fauna makes enhancing biodiversity an increasingly important ecological goal. A survey was administered to land managers and the general population in ranching regions of Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the Texas Panhandle. This research explores the preferred characteristics of privately owned grasslands among ranchers and the general population for vegetation structure and biodiversity. Results indicate a knowledge gap between biodiversity and the vegetation heterogeneity required to support it. Preference for grassland structure is seen as a sociocultural driver of decisions on management practices that constrain adoption of heterogeneity management. Conserving biodiversity and enhancing ecosystem services provided by heterogeneous grasslands can be accomplished by demonstrating that conservation advantages of heterogeneity and production agriculture are compatible.  相似文献   

生物多样性是农业遗产系统的重要组成部分,一些消费者倾向于花费更高的价格去购买通过保护生物多样性的方式生产的农产品。那么,具有促进农产品生物多样性价值提高作用的市场导向型政策能否被用来保护生物多样性?我们的研究着眼于消费者对"life brand"产品的反应,研究对象之一就是在丰冈(Toyooka)销售的标有"Stork-raising"标识的大米,大米生产所采取的环境友好型措施有助于濒危鹳的保护。同时,运用选择实验,我们分析了此类农产品能否获得更高的市场价格。结果表明,对鹳数量上升是由于农业措施的改变这一事实有所了解的消费者,他们愿意购买较贵的大米以促进生物多样性的保护。然而,还有一部分消费者仅仅出于对绿色食品的偏好而选择购买价格高昂的大米,他们缺少对鹳复苏历史的了解,因此他们并不愿意为了促进生物多样性的保护而花费更高。事实上,日本绝大多数的农产品消费者均属于后者。因此,仅通过"life brand"农产品来促进生物多样性的保护是远远不够的,政府支持和公共活动对生物多样性保护而言是必不可少的。  相似文献   

The authors surveyed a representative sample of the Norwegian population (N = 4077) to examine perceptions of biodiversity loss and management, the relative importance of biodiversity loss to other environmental issues, and perceived implications of biodiversity loss. The results showed that 50% of the sample population saw biodiversity as a reality and major environmental issue, and 75% recognized that biodiversity loss occurs. Biodiversity loss was perceived as a lesser global environmental problem than environmental toxins, climate change, air and water pollution, and loss of rainforest, despite the fact that these topics can be difficult to separate since biodiversity loss is a function of other environmental problems. Loss of biodiversity was seen to have negative impacts on people's relationship to the natural environment, to impact environmental resilience, to be at least partly human-induced, and to be an issue of importance and relevance to the general public, not merely to the scientific community. Self-reported levels of knowledge of environmental topics were associated with increasing concern about consequences of reductions in species diversity. The authors conclude that efforts to increase public support for biodiversity conservation can be strengthened by increased emphasis on aesthetic, emotional and cultural aspects of biodiversity.  相似文献   

东北黑土区保护性耕作的发展现状与成效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北黑土区承担着国家粮食安全“稳压器”的重要责任。然而,由于长期超负荷开发利用导致黑土日益退化,黑土资源的永续利用受到严重制约。理论与实践证明,保护性耕作是保护黑土地、推动黑土耕地质量和耕作效益绿色增长的发展模式。综述了保护性耕作的基本内涵及其在东北黑土区的发展现状与技术概况,从保护性耕作在土壤保持、保墒效益、结构改善、固碳培肥和土壤生物多样性增加、节本增效等方面系统评估了东北黑土区实施保护性耕作后的生态与经济效益,提出黑土区实施保护性耕作存在的问题与未来发展方向,以促进黑土地保护与利用协调发展、推动保护性耕作高质量跨越式发展。  相似文献   

土库曼斯坦与中国新疆在地理地形、景观带以及气候特征等诸多方面具有相似之处,这些因素共同决定了二者在物种多样性方面的相似性与可比性,加之人类活动影响加剧,两地物种多样性均遭受着严重的威胁。在对土库曼斯坦和中国新疆现有物种多样性数据进行总结的基础上,分析了二者的物种多样性现状、珍稀动植物特征以及濒危种和入侵种相关研究进展,对比了二者在物种多样性年际尺度上的异同,总结了土库曼斯坦与中国新疆物种多样性保护现状与相关政策,以期为深入开展两地生物多样性合作与交流提供支持。  相似文献   

Increases in biodiversity losses are a growing concern globally. In farm animals, related concerns about losses in genetic diversity have potentially increased with the emergence of breeding technologies that allow for faster genetic change in herds. Farmer and public acceptance of specific breeding practices can be influenced by a number of factors, including concerns about biodiversity and knowledge of biodiversity. The link between these factors and acceptance of new genetic technologies, if it exists, may help explain concerns about genetic technologies. This article examines the effect of attitudes and knowledge about biodiversity on the acceptance of genomic selection in livestock production using farmer and public survey data from Canada. Our results suggest that the link between biodiversity concerns and the acceptance of genomic selection is more robust for the public than for farmers. We also find that biodiversity knowledge and attitudes have opposite effects on acceptance of genomic selection.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate the ways in which changing gender roles in a Bedouin community in Upper Egypt, brought about by settlement over the last 20 years on the shores of Lake Nasser, have impacted on the accumulation and development of indigenous environmental knowledges by Bedouin women. The research was carried out among four groups of Ababda Bedouin in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and involved in-depth monthly conversations carried out over a period of 12 months. The main conclusions of the study are that the women of the study area have had to develop new knowledges which, in some cases, are now different from those held by men because of the different economic circumstances in which many find themselves; that these knowledges are fluid, dynamic and ever-changing with their own internal dynamism; and that socially constructed notions of gender are vital in the development process, notions that are sensitive to both men's and women's interests and their interrelationships.  相似文献   

The authors reflect on knowledge-generating and communication processes involved in the recently developed Norwegian Nature Index, particularly the communication process among experts involved in providing the required biodiversity knowledge. Eliciting a comprehensive overview of biodiversity is a complex process involving choices of approaches and methods in order to reach a common understanding of uncertainties and values as a basis for quantification. Part of the complexity is the establishment of dialogue between experts from research institutions with different research traditions and approaches. The authors discuss how the index was developed through communication processes, challenging involved experts to provide not only biodiversity data for the current situation, but also forecasts of future trends, assessments of uncertainty, and evaluations of the urgency of biodiversity loss and possibility of implementing policy and management measures. The Nature Index framework has potential for informing the biodiversity policy debate by involving stakeholders beyond the science-policy community and enhancing deliberations about biodiversity policy in a wider context of sustainable development. As a policy tool, the Nature Index may develop through a process of practical application, which in turn may have an impact on the selection of narratives, definition of management targets, and technical concepts such as reference states.  相似文献   

There are opportunities for more effectively integrating resource‐based recreation and tourism with goals for primary production and nature conservation across a range of landscapes and land tenure types. ‘Naturalness’ sought for recreation and tourism, like biodiversity, is not confined to the conservation estate, and the ‘recreation estate’ extends into private land. Although it may be argued that ongoing privatisation of land ownership reduces public opportunities for recreation, diversity in ownership, at least at the regional level, enhances the overall spectrum of recreational opportunities. Diversification into recreation and tourism on private land may also help protect biodiversity through such processes as ‘sympathetic management’, as well as by making production land‐use systems more economically robust.  相似文献   

侗族禁忌文化的生态学解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闵庆文  张丹 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1437-1443
传统文化和传统的生态知识在当今环境和生物多样性保护中的重要性已被越来越多的研究者和决策者所认识,通过文化多样性保护促进生物多样性保护也成为重要的研究内容。我国禁忌文化是传统文化的重要组成部分,是一个民族在不同的自然环境和社会交际中自发地、逐步形成的一种复杂的社会文化现象。随着社会的发展,许多禁忌的具体内容与形式会随之发生转化甚至消亡,但是有些禁忌却仍然在现实生活中担当着重要的角色,许多民族的禁忌习俗对生态环境的保护仍然发挥着其他法律规范、制度措施所不能比拟的积极作用。在大量文献调研和实地考察的基础上,以黔东南侗族地区为例,较为系统地研究了一些禁忌产生的原因,重点分析了稻作文化中的一些禁忌及其生态学意义,揭示了少数民族地区包括禁忌在内的传统文化对生态保护和生物多样性保护的积极作用。  相似文献   

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