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统计及数值模式客观预报已作为当今发布要素预报的重要参考依据,而制作客观预报的基础是初始资料及初始场的分析。气象场的客观分析方法有很多种,主要的有多项式插值法、遂次订正法、变分技术法、特征函数展开法,和统计插值法等。对于客观分析结果的一些特征近年来曾有过不少的研究。例如,对于美国国家气象中心的Hough函数业务客观分析(特征函数展开法的一种)的研究发  相似文献   

To have a clearer picture of mechanisms responsible for the deviation of tropical cyclone (to be simplified as TC hereafter) tracks, the current work assumes the TC as a circular vortex with a radius of R. A general motion equation of TC is then determined by averaging its horizontal motion equation over the sentire region of TC. In the meantime, with the moving track of TC assumed as a characteristic arc, the curvature equation is derived for the track of movement and patterns of its deviation due to TC structure and variation are discussed. The result shows that the scale, size, maximum wind speed and radius are factors causing the deviation of TC tracks. In addition, asymmetric structure of TC is also important for the deviation of tracks. The results, achieved with hypothesis, agree with facts in some cases but disagree with them in others, which are to be verified with more observations or numerical simulations.  相似文献   

吴中海  邱君瑞 《气象学报》1986,44(2):220-222
目前,用于业务的客观路径预报方法很多,大部份在业务中起到了一定的参考和指导作用。但是,对于各种方法所预报的台风路径,要想在实况出现之前就有充分的把握还是困难的。特别当台风有可能接近直接负责的预报范围时,各种因素的干扰,常常会影响着值班预报员的判断。由于台风路径呈现着较明显的气候规律性,因而对侵袭某地区的台风有一个整体的了解,认识其气候背景的特点,对判断  相似文献   

本文从动力学原理出发,对30°N以南的北半球西太平洋和南海地区摆动的台风路径进行了研究。结果表明,在旋转地球上台风环流的旋转作用既可影响台风路径摆动的周期,与环境气流相互作用又可改变台风的移向移速,高层辐散与低层辐合差值对台风路径摆动起着增幅作用。本文用台风移动方程对各种类型的实际台风摆动路径作拟合检验,并提出一种改进台风摆动路径预报精度的方法,效果较好。   相似文献   

以2013年两个路径相似但大暴雨分布有较大差别的台风“苏力”和“潭美”为研究对象,从台风结构及其动力、水汽等方面讨论了它们的降水条件差异,结果表明:台风登陆过程中,“苏力”结构发生南倾是造成台风南侧大暴雨产生的主要原因;副高南侧弱东风气流导致“苏力”北侧水汽辐合上升运动较弱,水汽辐合呈现南强北弱的分布;流场垂直运动南强北弱的不均分布是台风环流南侧大暴雨产生的有利动力条件;台风受南亚高压的东南侧东北气流影响,二者的相对位置,有可能影响到台风辐合区随高度向南倾斜和高层辐散场南强北弱的分布,从而对台风暴雨南强北弱的分布产生重要影响;中层弱冷空气侵入台风环流西南侧,对台风南侧暴雨增幅起重要作用。台风“潭美”结构对称,低空西南与东风两支急流将充沛水汽汇合于台风环流北侧,副高南侧东风急流的增强和闽东北地形抬升对台风北侧暴雨的增幅作用十分显著。台风位于南亚高压东环的西南侧,受偏东气流的分流辐散影响,“潭美”辐合中心随高度北倾和中层弱冷空气侵入台风环流北侧,也是促进台风北侧暴雨增强的原因。   相似文献   

一次海南秋季台风暴雨的特征和成因分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
利用ECMWF再分析资料、TRMM-3B42降水资料及FY2E卫星TBB资料综合对2013年一次海南秋季台风“海燕”的暴雨特征及成因进行了诊断分析。结果发现:(1)台风内的中尺度云团是造成海南大暴雨的直接影响系统, 地形抬升作用和弱冷空气的入侵加剧了海南大暴雨的强度, 暴雨中心落在五指山迎风坡; (2)偏南气流和东南气流的辐合及低空急流的存在是触发和维持大暴雨的有利条件; (3)暴雨产生在θe面陡峭密集区, 陡立密集导致了倾斜涡度发展。MPV1和MPV2与强降水有很好的对应关系, 暴雨发生时, 对流层低层MPV1 < 0, 同时MPV2>0;(4) 850 hPa垂直螺旋度正值区对未来6 h强降水落区有很好的指示意义。   相似文献   

典型相关分析在台风路径预报中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对500hPa上的五个因子场分别与台风中心未来48小时和60小时经纬度的预报量场进行典型相关分析,求出由各因子场组成的典型变量,以此作为预报因子,再结合经实践证明预报效果较好的天气学经验因子,用逐步回归方法建立台风中心未来48小时和60小时的路径预报方程。通过对历史样本的拟合和实际试报,表明该方程的预报能力有明显的提高;典型变量权重系数的地理分布与因子场的天气学意义基本吻合。   相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Inflicting hundreds of millions yuan (RMB) worth of economic losses annually, strong winds and torrential rains caused by tropical cyclones are two of the major meteorological disasters exposed in the southeastern coast of China. Much effort has been devoted to the research on the patterns of TC genesis, evolution and variation. Being to southeast of Chinese mainland, the island of Taiwan is separated from Fujian province by the Taiwan Strait to the west and faces the P…  相似文献   

利用COSMIC资料对17个台风热力结构的合成分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
COSMIC是2006年4月建立的利用掩星技术探测大气要素的人造卫星星座观测系统.利用COSMIC提供的大量海洋上空的高垂直分辨率的气象探测资料,对台风的各热力要素进行合成分析,达到进一步认识台风区域内热力结构特征的目的.收集和处理了2006-2007年的西北太平洋17个台风期间在台风区域内的掩星点的探测资料,按台风的...  相似文献   

台风路径统计预报的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用数值预报产品并采用多种预报方案相结合建立了台风路径的统计释用综合预报模式,从而提高了台风路径预报的技巧。经1994年台风季节业务试用,其预报性能比原有的统计预报模式有较大的提高,试验表明,充分利用在预报时可得到的数值预报输出产品的采用多种方案集成是改进台风路径客观的有效途径。  相似文献   

In this paper, a statistical interpretation composite forecast model for typhoon track is set up by using numerical forecast products and several forecast schemes. Tested in 1994 typhoon season, its forecastperformance is much better than that of a previous statistical forecast model. The test shows that it is aneffective method that sufficiently Anproves objective forecast of typhoon track using the numerical forecast output products obtained in forecast and adopting several schemes in composition.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Inflicting hundreds of millions yuan (RMB) worth of economic losses annually, strong winds and torrential rains caused by tropical cyclones are two of the major meteorological disasters exposed in the southeastern coast of China. Much effort has been devoted to the research on the patterns of TC genesis, evolution and variation.  相似文献   

Typhoon eye, one of the most outstanding features in the evolution of typhoon, has various complex configurations: circular, elliptic, oval, square, polygonal, or irregular shapes. It is very interesting to note that some typhoons show the concentric double-eyes encircled with two concentric cloud towers.The concentric double-eye structure and intensity of typhoons are investigated and discussed by using reconnaissance aircraft data, radar echo photos and satellite images, 76 double-eye typhoons were observed during 1949-1983. The results indicate that the concentric double-eye structure, generally appearing in intense typhoons over the northwestern Pacific Ocean, is closely related to typhoon’s intensity. This kind of structure has apparent characteristics in geographical and seasonal distributions.Based on the observational data, an idealized structure model for the concentric double-eye typhoons is proposed.  相似文献   

台风中尺度对流云团与中尺度暴雨相互关系的综合分析   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
选取1996-1998年5个登陆福建的台风,分析其中尺度暴雨时空分布规律;并通过对数学化处理的逐时红外卫星云图的研究,揭示台风中尺度对流系统发生发展的云图特征。分析表明台风中尺度暴雨的强度与中尺度对流云团的最冷云区温度和面积密切相关,常出现在中尺度对流云团偏东侧具有云顶温度梯度密集、云顶温度等值线曲率较大、云团处在发展阶段这些云图特征的区域。  相似文献   

9806号台风非对称结构形成及其高纬西折路径分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
对9806号台风在弱环境场中的向北移动,至强环境场中折向西行的物理机制进行了分析,得出在弱环境场中台风可形成不对称结构,其物理量如高度的变化在台风进入强环境场后与环境场叠加,从而改变台风移向,强弱环境场的更替,可能是9806号台风移向突变的重要原因。  相似文献   

根据城市建设的迫切需要,我们对1949~1990年影响南京及周边地区(共九个站)的130个台风进行了天气气候和台风造成的风雨天气过程的分析,本文分析的结果有益于有关部门对气象情报信息的应用。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP/NCAR-2再分析资料和NOAA的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料,比较分析了近60年来登陆我国大陆的两个4月台风9902(LEO,利奥)和0801(NEOGURI,浣熊)的生成发展背景、路径变化和风雨分布特征。结果表明:(1)4月台风"利奥"和"浣熊"均是在La Ni?a事件下发生,在此背景下南海地区偏强的对流活动、弱的水平风垂直切变和高层辐散条件有利于4月台风的形成;"利奥"由季风低压发展而成,"浣熊"由东风波演变而成;(2)"利奥"路径多变与大陆冷高压强盛和副热带高压偏弱多变有关;"浣熊"移动则受偏强且稳定的副高环流影响,路径以稳定西北行为主;(3)"利奥"和"浣熊"登陆时强度和地形条件相似,热带气旋带来的强降水量级差异主要受水汽输送和动力抬升大小及持续时间的影响。  相似文献   

The conventional observations data,NCAR/NCEP-2 reanalysis data,and NOAA outgoing longwave radiation data are used to investigate different characteristics of Leo and Neoguri,two April typhoons that ever made landfall on the continent of China over the past 60 years.The results showed that both Leo and Neoguri occurred during the La Nina events.Strong convective activity,weak vertical wind shear and upper-level divergence were in favor of the formation of these April typhoons.Leo originated from a monsoon depression and Neoguri evolved from an easterly wave.The meandering moving track of Leo attributed to strong northeast monsoon and a weak and changeable subtropical high;the steady moving track of Neoguri was governed by a strong and stable subtropical high.Leo and Neoguri had similar terrain conditions and intensities during landfall but were different in precipitation as water vapor transport and duration of kinetic uplifting resulted in apparent discrepancies between them.  相似文献   

重庆市区气象能见度低劣的成因   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

The real-time data of the high level atmosphere obtained by the R/V Xiangyanghong No.5 involved in the international TOGA-COARE project at 2°S, 155°E and at fixed real time of 05, 11, 19 and 23 h GMT each day from Nov. 5, 1992 to Feb. 18, 1993 are used to analyze diagnostically the vertical structure of wind and humidity over the central area of the warm pool. The results show that (1) the lowfrequency oscillation of the equatorial westerlies (i. e. reconstruction-development-decline) is closely related to the vigour and interruption of the Asian-Australian monsoon (including air flow across the equator caused by East Asia cold wave), (2) the variabilities of the vertical structure of wind and humidity, and the processes of precipitation and gale weather in the troposphere of the warm pool area are closely related to the intensity of the equatorial westerlies, and (3) there are strong wind belts over the high and low level atmosphere in the western equatorial Pacific at the inception of the ENSO event, and jet flow at the high and low level atmosphere during the equatorial westerly burst.  相似文献   

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