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本文所依据的分析样品是取自珠江最大的一个河口湾伶仃洋中部的水下钻孔岩芯,其底部到达花岗岩基底。通过对第四纪有孔虫群与孢粉化石带特征的分析,阐明在相同的钻孔岩芯中,有孔虫分布变化所反映的古沉积环境特征与孢粉分析的古气候特征较为吻合,并与相应的沉积相对应,结合 ̄(14)C和 ̄(230)Th/ ̄(232)Th比值法测年数据,从而较好地重塑本区晚更新世中期以来的地质历史。  相似文献   

以探讨历史海洋学为目的的新生代海相地层的有孔虫研究工作,近年来已取得了一定的成效.  相似文献   

本文通过对闽江口琅岐岛钻孔的孢粉,有孔虫及硅藻的综合分析,发现第四纪地层中有五个孢粉组合带,五个硅藻组合带与一个微体化石层。结合~(14)C测年资料与沉积物特征认为该地区第四纪地层可以划分为晚更新世晚期与全新世(早期、中期、晚期)。气候演化依次为:冷干→温暖略干→温暖湿润→炎热潮湿→温暖略干。沉积相发展顺序为:冲积相、冲洪积相→河流相、湖沼相→湖沼相、河口相→海湾相→河口相。  相似文献   

通过对翁通-爪哇海台ODP807站的浮游有孔虫进行定量分析,结合已有的氧、碳稳定同位素数据,揭示了晚第四纪赤道西太平洋表层海水温度及上部海水垂向结构的冰期/间冰期变化特征。研究表明,自530kaBP以来,西太平洋暖池区的表层海水温度(SST)和温跃层深度(DOT)都经历过显著的变化,其中年平均SST的冰期/间冰期变化幅度达4.2℃,DOT的波动范围更是超过100m,这进一步论证了西太平洋暖池的不稳定性。频谱分析还揭示出SST和DOT变化不仅具有典型的100ka冰期/间冰期旋回,还有热带地区特有的半岁差周期,说明研究区的古海洋学变化既有高纬驱动的作用,也有热带驱动的影响。  相似文献   

SYS-0803孔取于南黄海西北部(35°02'N、121°45'E,水深49.00 m),其60.30 m长的柱状样记录了约140 ka以来的沉积环境演变。对248个样品中25个底栖有孔虫变量的Q型因子分析得到4个主因子,累计方差贡献为93.0%。通过底栖有孔虫组合分析,在140 ka以来的沉积中共发现4个海相层和4个陆相层,其中MIS 6晚期海侵层(孔深53.06~50.28 m)中以含典型暖水底栖有孔虫为特征,推测该时期可能存在有暖流;MIS 5e期高海面海相层(孔深33.76~30.55 m)中的微体化石群以典型的冷水底栖有孔虫和介形虫占优势,推断当时的黄海与现代一样,发育有强盛的冷水团。在冰后期海侵层位中发现了以短期海退为特征的YD事件(孔深13.80~12.91 m,12 460~11 572 cal.aBP)。  相似文献   

根据台湾地区已发表的白垩纪和第三纪孢粉资料,总结各时期的孢粉植物群序列并与相邻大陆相应孢粉组合进行了对比。台湾地区缺乏晚白垩世、古新世、晚始新世以及早渐新世孢粉资料。除晚上新世外,台湾地区及其相邻大陆白垩纪和第三纪各地质时期孢粉组合特征十分相似,可以进行对比。  相似文献   

对位于江苏中部海岸的07SR01钻孔沉积物进行了粒度和磁化率测量,分析了粒度与磁化率的变化特征及其两者间的相关关系,并结合北半球晚更新世气候与相对海面变化以及该孔年代框架和沉积相的研究认识,进一步揭示了研究区的古环境变化。研究表明,MIS 5晚期至MIS 3时期,江苏中部海岸先后经历了3个阶段的环境演化:① MIS 5晚期为较高海面、较强水动力的潮汐河口(边滩、河床)阶段(36.10~26.65 m),该阶段沉积物主要受古长江物源影响,粒度粗,分选性波动大(0.55~2.35),粒度频率分布曲线呈极正偏的窄峰(主峰位于3 Φ附近)且“拖细尾”,磁化率较高且波动小[(5.81~42.16)×10−8 m3·kg−1],与砂组分(<4 Φ)呈强正相关;② MIS 4-3时期为冷干转为暖湿、海面先下降后上升和较弱水动力的淡水与滨岸湖沼阶段(26.65~15.77 m),该阶段沉积物细,分选性稳定(1.51~3.03),粒度频率分布曲线呈正偏的宽峰(主峰位于4.75 Φ附近),磁化率低且稳定[(6.46~20.04)×10−8 m3·kg−1],主要与粗粉砂组分(4~5 Φ)呈弱正相关;③ MIS 3时期为较高海面、较强水动力的潮汐河口(分流河道)阶段(15.77~0 m),该阶段沉积物受MIS 3苏北古黄河的影响增强,粒度较粗,分选性波动大(0.94~2.82),粒度频率分布曲线呈极正偏的窄峰(主峰位于3.75 Φ附近)且“拖细尾”,磁化率较高且波动大[(10.21~57.25)×10−8 m3·kg−1],与砂和粗粉砂组分(<5 Φ)呈弱正相关。揭示海岸沉积物粒度和磁化率组合指标的古环境指示意义,将为进一步深入研究这一指示意义的形成机理提供必要的基础。  相似文献   

The B/Ca ratio of planktonic foraminifer shells has been used as a proxy for reconstructing past ocean carbonate chemistry. However, recent studies have revealed significant uncertainties associated with this proxy, such as whether seawater temperature or [ CO_3~(2-)] is the dominant control on the partition coefficient(K_D) of planktonic foraminiferal B/Ca. To address these uncertainties and thus improve our understanding of the planktonic foraminiferal B/Ca proxy, we analysed B/Ca ratios in the tests of Neogloboquadrina dutertrei(300–355 μm) and Pulleniatina obliquiloculata(355–400 μm) in surface sediment samples from the tropical western Pacific and South China Sea. The relationship between these B/Ca ratios and bottom water calcite saturation states(Δ[ CO_3~(2-)]) is weak, thus suggesting only a small dissolution effect on the B/Ca of the two species. The correlation coefficients(R~2) between the B/Ca ratios of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata and environmental parameters(e.g., temperature, salinity, phosphate, DIC and ALK) in the tropical western Pacific and South China Sea are not high enough to justify using B/Ca ratios as a palaeoenvironmental proxy in the study areas. The significant correlation between K_D values of N. dutertrei and P. obliquiloculata and carbonate system parameters(e.g.,[ CO_3~(2-)], DIC, ALK, pH and [ HCO_3~-]) in the study area reflect chemical links between the K_D denominator and these variables. Based on our surface sediment calibration, an empirical relationship between the K_D of N.dutertrei and temperature is proposed in the tropical western Pacific. We also generated a record of B/Ca ratios in N. dutertrei(300–355 μm) from Core MD06-3052 in the tropical western Pacific over the past 24 ka to evaluate the application of the revised B/Ca proxy method. Based on the reconstructed empirical relationship for B/Ca and subsurface seawater ALK, we estimated subsurface seawater carbonate system parameters in the tropical western Pacific since 24 ka. In general, the estimated subsurface seawater pH and [ CO_3~(2-)] show an increase with time, and the record of subsurface seawater pCO_2 shows a decrease with time, in the tropical western Pacific over the past 24 ka. The consistent trends in subsurface seawater pCO_2 and opal flux during deglaciation may imply that the reported increase in subsurface water pCO_2 in the study area was promoted by enhanced upwelling in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

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