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藏北羌塘高原双湖地表热源强度及地表水热平衡   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
青藏高原加热及地—气间物质能量交换对我国、东亚乃至全球的天气和气候系统都有着非常重要的作用,受客观条件限制,藏北羌塘高原腹地尚无系统的地—气相互作用过程观测。本文利用中国科学院羌塘双湖极端环境综合观测研究站2011年10月-2012年9月一年的自动气象站观测数据,分析了年内季节和日尺度下双湖地区地面加热场特征,探讨了地表能量平衡及水量平衡特征,结果表明:(1) 双湖地区年内地表热源强度基本为正,年平均热源强度为79.5 W/m2;然而地表热源强度呈现明显的季节和日变化规律,夏季热源强度大于冬季,白天热源强度大于夜间。夏季地表白天为强热源,夜间为弱热源,冬季地表白天为强热源,夜间为冷源。(2) 双湖地区地表能量分配季节变化明显,7、8月份地—气间主要以潜热交换为主,其他月份主要以感热方式进行热量交换,年平均上主要以感热交换为主,年均感热通量和潜热通量分别为55.4 W/m2和24.1 W/m2,波文比为2.3。(3) 双湖地区降水和蒸发皆主要集中在6-9月,年降雨量为332 mm,年蒸发量为312.9 mm,年水量差为19.1 mm,地表水量存在不平衡现象。(4) 双湖地区地表蒸发力很强,年潜在蒸发为1888.2 mm,年均湿润指数为0.17,属典型半干旱气候特征。  相似文献   


The northern Tibetan Plateau has been subject to recent warming far above the global average. With few instrumental climate records available for this region before the 1950s, paleoclimatic reconstructions must be used to understand annual-to-centennial-scale climate variations and local climate response to large-scale forcing mechanisms. We developed a maximum latewood density chronology of Qinghai spruce (Picea crassifolia) from the southern slope of the Qilian Mountains, northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the chronology, we reconstructed August–September temperature for 1780–2008. The temperature reconstruction model accounts for 39.7% of instrumental temperature variance from 1957 to 2008, successfully capturing the most recent warming. Superposed epoch analysis indicated a volcanic forcing for temperature, resulting in pulses of cooler conditions that can persist for 2–4 years. Tree-ring data indicated that warm-dry and cold-wet climate combinations mainly occurred in northern Tibetan Plateau before CE 1900, and revealed a clear wetting and warming trend since the 1980s. Our study provides long-term perspective on recent climate change in northern Tibetan Plateau to guide expectations of future climate variability and aid sustainable development, and provides scenarios for climate change adaptation and inputs for climate models representing a broader range of conditions than those of historical climate records.  相似文献   

Lakes regulate the water and heat exchange between the ground and the atmosphere on different temporal and spatial scales. However, studies of the lake effect in the high-altitude Tibetan Plateau(TP) rarely have been performed until recently, and little attention has been paid to modelling of frozen lakes. In this study, the Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF v. 3.6.1) is employed to conduct three numerical experiments in the Ngoring Lake Basin(the original experiment, an experiment with a tuned model, and a no-lake experiment) to investigate the influences of parameter optimization on the lake simulation and of the high-altitude lake on the regional climate. After the lake depth, the roughness lengths, and initial surface temperature are corrected in the model, the simulation of the air temperature is distinctly improved. In the experiment using a tuned model, the simulated sensible-heat flux(H) is clearly improved, especially during periods of ice melting(from late spring to early summer) and freezing(late fall). The improvement of latent-heat flux(LE) is mainly manifested by the sharp increase in the correlation coefficient between simulation and observation, whereas the improvement in the average value is small. The optimization of initial surface temperature shows the most prominent effect in the first year and distinctly weakens after a freezing period. After the lakes become grassland in the model, the daytime temperature clearly increases during the freezing and melting periods; but the nocturnal cooling appears in other stages, especially from September to October. The annual mean H increases by 6.4 times in the regions of the Ngoring Lake and the Gyaring Lake, and the LE declines by 56.2%. The sum of H and LE increases from 71.2 W/m2(with lake) to 84.6 W/m2(no lake). For the entire simulation region, the sum of H and LE also increases slightly. After the lakes are removed, the air temperature increases significantly from June to September over the area corresponding to the two lakes, and an abnormal convergence field appears; at the same time, the precipitation clearly increases over the two lakes and surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5°-32.5°N) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on in-situ observational data of the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) Asia-Australia Monsoon Project (CAMP) on the Tibetan Plateau (CAMP-Tibet), structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) was preliminarily studied during the dry and rainy seasons. The main results show: (a) Diurnal variation of the ABL is obvious over the northern Tibetan Plateau area. The height of the ABL is different with the season change, which ranges from 2,211 m to 4,430 m during the pre-monsoon season and from 1,006 m to 2,212 m during the monsoon season. The ABL height is higher during the dry period than during the rainy period. (b) The humidity is lower during the dry period than during the rainy period, and there are reverse humidity during both periods. (c) Horizontal wind direction is mostly west during the dry period, east under the height of 2,500 m and west above the height of 2,500 m during the rainy period. The wind speed is low during both the rainy and dry periods in the lower ABL layer. The wind speed is stronger within the upper ABL during the dry period than during the rainy period.  相似文献   

Atmospheric hydrological budget with its effects over Tibetan Plateau   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1IntroductionThe Tibetan Plateau is the most prominent feature located at unique latitudes in the world and shows special dynamic and thermal effects, thus responsible for a conspicuous hydrological cycle in the atmosphere within Asian monsoon areas, and an extremely sensitive region of land-air interactions in East Asia. A lot of researches have dealt with Tibetan dynamic and thermal effects on atmospheric circulation (Ye and Gao, 1979; Zhang etal., 1988; Ye and Fang, 1999; Zheng etal., 2…  相似文献   

Based on 1961-2000 NCEP/NCAR monthly mean reanalysis datasets, vapor transfer and hydrological budget over the Tibetan Plateau are investigated. The Plateau is a vapor sink all the year round. In summer, vapor is convergent in lower levels (from surface to 500 hPa) and divergent in upper levels (from 400 to 300 hPa), with 450 hPa referred to as level of non-divergence. Two levels have different hydrologic budget signatures: the budget is negative at the upper levels from February to November, i.e., vapor transfers from the upper levels over the plateau; as to the lower, the negative (positive) budget occurs during the winter (summer) half year. Evidence also indicates that Tibetan Plateau is a "vapor transition belt", vapor from the south and the west is transferred from lower to upper levels there in summer, which will affect surrounding regions, including eastern China, especially, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze. Vapor transfer exerts significant influence on precipitation in summertime months. Vapor transferred from the upper layers helps humidify eastern China, with coefficient -0.3 of the upper budget to the precipitation over the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze (MLRY); also, vapor transferred from east side (27.5o-32.5oN) of the upper level has remarkable relationship with precipitation, the coefficient being 0.41. The convergence of the lower level vapor has great effects on the local precipitation over the plateau, with coefficient reaching 0.44, and the vapor passage affects the advance and retreat of the rainbelt. In general, atmospheric hydrologic budget and vapor transfer over the plateau have noticeable effects on precipitation of the target region as well as the ambient areas.  相似文献   

The land-atmosphere energy and turbulence exchange is key to understanding land surface processes on the Tibetan Plateau(TP). Using observed data for Aug. 4 to Dec. 3, 2012 from the Bujiao observation point(BJ) of the Nagqu Plateau Climate and Environment Station(NPCE-BJ), different characteristics of the energy flux during the Asian summer monsoon(ASM) season and post-monsoon period were analyzed. This study outlines the impact of the ASM on energy fluxes in the central TP. It also demonstrates that the surface energy closure rate during the ASM season is higher than that of the post-monsoon period. Footprint modeling shows the distribution of data quality assessments(QA) and quality controls(QC) surrounding the observation point. The measured turbulent flux data at the NPCE-BJ site were highly representative of the target land-use type. The target surface contributed more to the fluxes under unstable conditions than under stable conditions. The main wind directions(180° and 210°) with the highest data density showed flux contributions reaching 100%, even under stable conditions. The lowest flux contributions were found in sectors with low data density, e.g., 90.4% in the 360° sector under stable conditions during the ASM season. Lastly, a surface energy water balance(SEWAB) model was used to gap-fill any absent or corrected turbulence data. The potential simulation error was also explored in this study. The Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiency coefficients(NSEs) of the observed fluxes with the SEWAB model runs were 0.78 for sensible heat flux and 0.63 for latent heat flux during the ASM season, but unrealistic values of-0.9 for latent heat flux during the post-monsoon period.  相似文献   

利用青藏高原东北部68个国家气象站的气象资料,统计了1961—2015年的全区月、季、年冷空气次数、强度和强降温综合强度资料,应用气候诊断方法分析了冷空气次数、强度和强降温综合强度的变化特征及其成因。结果表明:在年尺度上,1961—2015年青藏高原东北部全区冷空气年平均出现次数为49.6次,冷空气次数气候变化倾向率每10 a减少0.600次,减少趋势不显著;全区冷空气年平均强度为0.39,气候变化倾向率每10 a降低0.022,减弱趋势显著;全区冷空气年强降温综合平均强度为0.67,气候变化倾向率每10 a降低0.005,减弱趋势不显著。在季节尺度上,冷空气次数夏季减少的趋势显著,而春季减少的趋势和秋季、冬季增加的趋势不显著;冷空气强度冬季减弱的趋势显著,而其他季节减弱的趋势不明显;强降温综合强度春季增强趋势和其他季节减弱的趋势不显著。1961—2015年大西洋欧洲区极涡面积指数等因子减小以及热带北大西洋海温指数等因子增大是导致全区年冷空气次数减少的主要成因之一,而西藏高原指数等因子增强和热带印度洋海温偶极子指数等因子减弱是导致年冷空气强度减弱的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

This study was based on the CEOP/CAMP-Tibet observed data at AWS (Automatic Weather Station) of MS3478 in the seasonal frozen soil region of northern Tibetan Plateau from March 2007 to February 2008. The variation characteristics of PE (potential evapotranspiration) were analyzed based on the Penman-Monteith method recommended by FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The contributions of dynamic, thermal and water factors to PE were discussed, and the wet-dry condition of the plateau region was further studied. The results indicated that daily PE was between 0.52 mm and 6.46 mm for the whole year. Monthly PE was over 107 mm from May to September, but decreased to less than 41 mm from November to February. Annual PE was 1,037.8 mm. In the summer, thermal PE was significantly more than dynamic PE, but conversely in the winter. Annual variation of thermal PE was of sine wave pattern. In addition, drought and semi-drought climate lasted for a long time while semi-humid climate was short. The effect of water and dynamic factors on PE varied considerably with the seasons. Annual variation of thermal PE was of sine wave pattern.  相似文献   

西藏高原降水变化趋势的气候分析   总被引:76,自引:8,他引:76  
杜军  马玉才 《地理学报》2004,59(3):375-382
利用西藏1971~2000年月降水量、降水日数资料,分析了近30年高原降水的变化趋势。结果发现,西藏大部分地区年降水量变化为正趋势,降水倾向率为1.4~66.6 mm/10a,而阿里地区呈较为明显的减少趋势。年降水日数变化阿里地区、林芝地区东部为负趋势,正趋势以那曲地区中西部、昌都地区北部最为明显。20世纪70年代高原西部为正距平、东部为负距平,20世纪80年代大部分地区为负距平,20世纪90年代高原西部为负距平,东部为正距平。近30年来西藏高原平均年、四季降水量均呈增加趋势,年降水量以19.9 mm/10a的速率增加,尤其是20世纪90年代增幅较大,1992年以来春、夏季降水明显增加。阿里地区出现了暖干化趋势。年降水异常偏涝年主要出现在20世纪80和90年代。  相似文献   

In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growing seasons.  相似文献   

In this paper, the CO2 concentrations profile from 1.5 m depth in soil to 32 m height in atmosphere were measured from July 2000 to July 2001 in an alpine grassland ecosystem located in the permafrost area on the Tibetan Plateau, which revealed that CO2 concentrations varied greatly during this study period. Mean concentrations during the whole experiment in the atmosphere were absolutely lower than the CO2 concentrations in soil, which resulted in CO2 emissions from the alpine steppe soil to the atmosphere. The highest CO2 concentration was found at a depth of 1.5 m in soil while the lowest CO2 concentration occurred in the atmosphere. Mean CO2 concentrations in soil generally increased with depth. This was the compositive influence of the increasing soil moistures and decreasing soil pH, which induced the increasing biological activities with depth. Temporally, the CO2 concentrations at different layers in air remained a more steady state because of the atmospheric turbulent milking. During the seasonal variations, CO2 concentrations at surface soil interface showed symmetrical patterns, with the lowest accumulation of CO2 occurring in the late winter and the highest CO2 concentration in the growing seasons.  相似文献   

藏北高原地气之间的水分循环   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12  
利用GAME-Tibet期间所取得的高分辨率土壤温度、含水量以及降水量资料,对藏北高原地气之间的水分循环过程进行了分析。结果表明,唐古拉山以南平坦地表7-8月份地表蒸发的水汽量可达177.1mm,占同期降水量的73.2%;唐古拉山以北平坦地表7-8月份地表蒸发的水汽量可达73.3mm,占同期降水量的57.7%。地表土壤通过蒸发不但将大量的水分输送给其上的大气,而且将热量传给了其上的大气,从而抑制了土壤温度的升高。如果仅就唐古拉山南北地表蒸发而言,引起其较大差异的原因主要是降水量的不同。  相似文献   

本文利用西藏高原近40年来的逐月气象数据,通过时间序列分析和非参数Mann-Kendall检验方法,对西藏高原日照时数、平均气温、小型蒸发皿蒸发量和降水量4个基本气象要素变化特征进行了较为全面的分析,揭示了近40年来西藏高原气候变化的主要特征.结果表明:⑴日照时数是西北部长,东南部短,且东南部呈一定的下降趋势,西北部呈一定的上升趋势;⑵年平均气温以0℃和5℃为界划分为3个区,研究区全年总体表现出升温趋势,藏西地区的气温变化趋势大于藏东地区;⑶蒸发量年变化很大,研究区整体呈下降趋势,空间上表现为从西部向东部逐渐减少的趋势,其中仅西部和东南部小部分地区呈现出上升趋势,其余地区都为下降趋势;⑷降水趋势变率空间分布上的基本规律是:其大小由东往西逐渐减小,藏中和藏东为上升趋势,藏西为下降趋势.另外,4个要素各月与各季节的变化趋势与年变化趋势间表现出很好的一致性.  相似文献   

Trends of annual and monthly temperature, precipitation, potential evapotranspi-ration and aridity index were analyzed to understand climate change during the period 1971–2000 over the Tibetan Plateau which is one of the most special regions sensitive to global climate change. FAO56–Penmen–Monteith model was modified to calculate potential evapotranspiration which integrated many climatic elements including maximum and mini-mum temperatures, solar radiation, relative humidity and wind speed. Results indicate gen-erally warming trends of the annual averaged and monthly temperatures, increasing trends of precipitation except in April and September, decreasing trends of annual and monthly poten-tial evapotranspiration, and increasing aridity index except in September. It is not the isolated climatic elements that are important to moisture conditions, but their integrated and simulta-neous effect. Moreover, potential evapotranspiration often changes the effect of precipitation on moisture conditions. The climate trends suggest an important warm and humid tendency averaged over the southern plateau in annual period and in August. Moisture conditions would probably get drier at large area in the headwater region of the three rivers in annual average and months from April to November, and the northeast of the plateau from July to September. Complicated climatic trends over the Tibetan Plateau reveal that climatic factors have nonlinear relationships, and resulte in much uncertainty together with the scarcity of observation data. The results would enhance our understanding of the potential impact of climate change on environment in the Tibetan Plateau. Further research of the sensitivity and attribution of climate change to moisture conditions on the plateau is necessary.  相似文献   

青藏高原夏季夜雨率空间分布及其变化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选取了1961-2007年青藏高原海拔2000m以上76个气象站夏季(6-9月)逐日地面降水观测资料,分析了青藏高原夏季夜雨率的时空特征,结果表明:1.青藏高原夜雨率具有显著的区域差异性,在西藏中西部夜雨率呈“纬向型”分布,而西藏东部、川西高原至滇北夜雨率则表现为“西北-东南”走向;夜雨率高值中心出现在雅鲁藏布江中段(日喀则地区东北部至拉萨市一带),达到75%以上,同时喜马拉雅山脉南麓可能是夜雨率>70%的另一个高值区域;夜雨率最低值在青海省西北部,仅为33%;2.高原夜雨率具有明显的海拔效应,夜雨率与海拔呈显著的反相关,即海拔越高夜雨率越低,反之亦然;3.高原夜雨率随夏季日期推后呈增大趋势,而年际变化上则表现为明显的下降趋势,20世纪80年代初存在明显的突变现象;4.高原夜雨率与日降水量之间存在一定的关联:当日降水量<1 mm时夜雨率仅为48.8%,此后夜雨率随着日降水量增加而明显增大,特别是降水量在20 mm以下时,夜雨率上升速度最快,上升幅度超过20%;当日降水量为23~40 mm时,夜雨率稳定在70%~76%间,随后又略有波动下降;当日降水量为33 mm时,夜雨率达到极大值,为75.1%.青藏高原夜雨率的空间变化可能受大地形的影响.高原夜雨对农牧业生产有利的同时,也可能会带来诸多自然灾害.因此,深入探讨夜雨率是制定有效防御气象灾害对策的重要依据.  相似文献   

影响中国西北及青藏高原沙尘天气变化的因子分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
任余龙  王劲松 《中国沙漠》2009,29(4):734-743
利用1948—2006年的NCEP(2.5°×2.5°)月平均再分析资料,分析了影响西北及青藏高原沙尘天气变化的动力、热力因子。结果表明:①200 hPa副热带西风急流是影响沙尘天气的动力因子,高层天气系统的季节性变化,导致了其位置及强弱的季节性变化,从而导致了高原南部扬沙、沙尘暴季节性南北移动;急流的动力结构使局地环流得以形成,局地环流的下沉支流使得高空动量下传,使地面风速增大,从而使扬沙和沙尘暴发生。②浮尘和扬沙、沙尘暴天气成因有所不同,地表温度等热力因素对浮尘天气有直接影响;而急流等动力因子则影响浮尘天气的频率,对发生范围影响较小;动力因子是扬沙、沙尘暴发生的直接原因;500 hPa锋生函数大值带的季节性南北移动也是扬沙、沙尘暴南北季节性变化的重要原因。③500 hPa水汽输送带的边缘是扬沙和沙尘暴容易发生的区域。④地表湿度是沙尘天气发生的一个因子,当地表较干时,沙尘天气发生频率增加,而当地表湿度增大时,沙尘天气发生的频率减小。  相似文献   

高寒草甸是广布于青藏高原的主要植被类型,它是青藏高原大气与地面之间生物地球化学循环的重要构成部分,在区域碳平衡中起着极为重要的作用。基于对青藏高原主要高寒草甸生态系统类型CO2通量研究方面的综述,系统分析了高寒草甸生态系统CO2通量日、季、年等不同时间尺度的变化特征以及温度、光合有效辐射、降水等主要环境因子对高寒草甸生态系统CO2通量的影响;同时,结合其他地区草地生态系统,就青藏高原三种典型高寒草甸生态系统类型源汇效应和Q10值进行了比较;最后,结合青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统CO2通量研究的现实与需要,提出了当前存在一些不确定性和有待深入研究的问题。  相似文献   

Sediment provenance studies have proven to be an effective method to extract the sediment provenance and tectonic process information recorded by detrital minerals. In this contribution, we conducted detrital monazite and zircon U‐Pb geochronology and detrital Cr‐spinel major element chemistry analyses on samples from the Qaidam Basin to reconstruct the spatial and temporal evolution of the Altyn Tagh Range and the Qimen Tagh Range in the northern Tibetan Plateau. Based on the significant variation in [Th/U]N, [Gd/Lu]N and [Eu/Eu*]N and the U‐Pb ages of the monazite and zircon, the South Altyn Tagh subduction‐collision belt and the North Qimen Tagh Range were, respectively, the main provenances of the Ganchaigou section and the Dongchaishan‐Weitai section in the Qaidam Basin in the Cenozoic. Paleozoic peak metamorphism, retrograde granulite‐facies metamorphism and amphibolite‐facies metamorphism in the South Altyn Tagh subduction‐collision belt were well recorded by the detrital monazite. In comparison, the detrital zircon is a better indicator of igneous events than detrital monazite. Synthesizing the detrital monazite, zircon and Cr‐spinel data, we concluded that the South Altyn Tagh Ocean and Qimen Tagh Ocean existed in the early Paleozoic and that the Altyn Tagh terrane and Qimen Tagh terrane experienced different Paleozoic tectonothermal histories. The collision between the Qaidam terrane and the Azhong terrane occurred at ca. 500 Ma. The Middle Ordovician was the key period of transformation from the collision‐induced compressional environment to an extensional environment in the area of the South Altyn Tagh Range. In the early Paleozoic, the Qimen Tagh area was characterized by the subduction of oceanic crust.  相似文献   

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