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The Masila Basin is an important hydrocarbon province in Yemen, but the origin of hydrocarbons and their generation history are not fully understood. In this regard, 10 crude oils from different petroleum reservoir sections in the Masila Basin were characterized by a variety of biomarker and non-biomarker parameters using GC, GC-MS and stable carbon isotope techniques. Oils from the Masila Basin display pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratios ranging from 1.7 to 2.0, low sulfur content, high C35 homohopane index, relatively high C27 sterane concentrations and relatively high tricyclic terpanes suggesting a marine clay source rock that was deposited in mildly anoxic to suboxic conditions with dominantly algal organic matter. C29 20S/(20S + 20R) steranes and ββ/(ββ + αα) sterane ratios indicate that the Masila oils have reached peak oil window maturity. Another related feature of these oils is the absence of 18α (H)-oleanane, which suggests a source age older than Cretaceous. The carbon isotope compositions are similar to those of the potential source rocks, which range from −25.4‰ to −28.3‰, indicating a marine environment. The new data presented in this paper suggest that the Masila oils constitute one oil family and that the oil originated from the Upper Jurassic Madbi source rock in the basin.  相似文献   

The Lower Cretaceous Qishn Formation at Masila Basin, Yemen, contains substantial amounts of proven crude oil. It is divided into a lower shaly silisiclastic member and an upper carbonate member. In the present work, detailed formation evaluation of the Upper Qishn Clastic Member was carried out using the digitized well logging data from 12 wells, via computer-assisted analysis, to accomplish its reservoir characteristics and oil potentiality. Accordingly, the true resistivity (R t), porosity (total φ t and effective φ e), shale content (V sh), permeability (K), water saturation (S w), hydrocarbon saturation (S h) (movable “S hm” and residual “S hr”) and lithologic composition in each well were estimated, analyzed, and illustrated versus depth on litho-saturation cross-plots. Likewise, the areal distribution of such parameters alongside the member in the investigated area and their relations to geological setting were defined from the constructed isoparametric contour maps. Based on the obtained results, the components of Upper Qishn Clastic Member of Masila Basin are mainly shaly sandstone and minor calcareous sandstone with considerable amount of shale. Regionally, the Member was deposited on an inner neritic to shallow-marine platform setting. It is interpreted as a good-quality reservoir rock which has been established from high total porosity (15–22 %), good effective porosity (8–13 %), and variable shale volume (24–31 %). A number of high hydrocarbon saturation zones (exceeding 55 %) are detected through intervals having S w?<?60 % and S hm?>?20 % which have been considered as economic oil producers. The storage and pay capacities of the reservoir intervals have been resolved. The obtained results were confirmed from the available data of core analyses and production tests. The Upper Qishn Clastic Member reveals promising reservoir characteristics which should be taken into consideration during future development of the oilfields in the area.  相似文献   

为了了解黄县盆地煤与油页岩的形成环境及其综合开发利用潜力,运用有机岩石学方法,对其有机岩石学和地球化学特征进行了研究。结果表明,煤层与油页岩中的有机质主要形成于陆上高等植物。盆地边界断层控制着成煤作用过程:当断层停止活动时,形成泥炭沼泽;当断层重新活动时,盆地下沉,湖水侵入泥炭沼泽,形成油页岩。油页岩中含有丰富的角质体和壳屑体,导致长链饱和烃增加。  相似文献   

为深入研究油砂山地区油砂的古沉积环境、成熟度及母质来源,促进柴西地区非常规资源勘探开发,本文以油砂山干柴沟组油砂为研究对象,通过气相色谱-质谱分析,发现该区油砂正构烷烃受到轻度损失,降解程度为1级;该区油砂具有低的m(Ts)/m(Tm)值,相对低的m(C29ββ)/m[(ββ+αα)]和m(C29ααα-20S)/m[20(S+R)]的值,表明油砂油属低成熟油砂油;m(Pr)/m(Ph)较低,表明其源岩沉积强还原环境;油砂油样品具较高的m(r-蜡烷)/m(0.5C31)值,显示为高盐度咸水环境沉积;甾烷C27、C28和C29参数成"L"型或"V"型分布,表明油砂油母质来源水生生物相对较多。  相似文献   

西藏羌塘盆地上侏罗统索瓦组油藏发现及地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨易卓  赵珍  吴珍汉  唐友军 《地质论评》2020,66(5):1230-1240
在青藏高原羌塘盆地发现规模较大的上侏罗统索瓦组油藏带,主要分布在双湖南、鸭湖、才多茶卡及阿木错一带。利用抽提、分离、GC—MS等地球化学分析手段详细分析了油苗的族组分、有机质来源,沉积环境以及成熟度。生物标志化合物参数分析表明油藏中有机质沉积环境为具有一定盐度的还原性较强的环境,其中,才多茶卡油藏有机质的来源主要为低等水生生物;而双湖南、鸭湖油藏有机质来源则具有低等水生生物和高等植物共同输入;阿木错油藏中有机质以陆源有机质的贡献为主。成熟度参数分析显示油藏样品有机质热演化已达到低成熟—成熟阶段,说明烃源岩的成熟度均已达到生油门限,暗示这些烃源岩曾经有过一定规模的生烃。双湖地区古油藏普遍受自北向南的逆冲推覆构造影响,而位于逆冲推覆构造根带的北羌塘地块索瓦组地层出露较好且具有良好圈闭条件。因此,双湖地区索瓦组古油藏的发现及地球化学特征对于北羌塘盆地上侏罗统油气资源的勘探具有重要指示意义。  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Madbi Formation, located in the Masila Basin, eastern Yemen, represents the major source rock in this basin. Organic rich shales from two oilfields (Kharir and Wadi Taribah) were analysed to evaluate the type and origin of the organic matter and to determine the factors controlling its deposition. This study is based on geochemical analyses of whole rock (total organic carbon content, Rock-Eval pyrolysis and carbon isotope data) and petrographic analyses on organic matter (kerogen maceral composition and palynofacies) by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Organic petrographic composition of kerogen shows that the Madbi shale is characterized by high amounts of organic matter, consisting predominantly of yellow fluorescing amorphous organic matter and alginite of marine origin. Terrigenous organic materials such as vitrinite, spores and pollen are present in low quantities. The predominance of marine plankton, as indicated by visual kerogen analysis, is consistent with reported carbon isotopic values. It appears that the high amounts of organic matter in the Madbi shale succession might be mainly due to good preservation under suboxic–anoxic conditions. Consequently the Madbi shales possess very good petroleum generative potential, owing to high content of hydrogen rich Type II and I oil prone kerogen.  相似文献   

金岭寺-羊山盆地(金羊盆地)是中国北方侏罗系发育最完备的地区之一,盆地内充填的下侏罗统北票组为一套湖相泥岩,具有良好的油气潜力。在金羊盆地章吉营子凹陷西缘布置实施的4口地质调查井中,有3口井见油气显示。通过对SZK2及SZK3钻井岩心进行现场解析,北票组泥页岩在浅层测试到可观的页岩气含量,且随着深度的变化,总含气量及甲烷含量有所增加。另外,其总含气量与有机碳含量呈良好的正相关关系,是影响页岩含气量的关键因素。对比金羊盆地北票组泥页岩吸附气C同位素特征,其气体成因主要存在生物成因气和煤型气2种类型,表明下侏罗统北票组页岩气具有混合多成因的特征。通过X衍射分析综合评价,金羊盆地下侏罗统北票组泥页岩压裂条件好、天然气吸附能力强,具备一定的页岩气勘探前景,是有利的页岩气勘探开发新层系。  相似文献   

胡宗全  冯动军  李鹏  王倩茹  刘忠宝  王濡岳  赵国伟 《地质论评》2023,69(6):2023060019-2023060019
四川盆地下侏罗统自流井组发育东岳庙段和大安寨段两套富有机质页岩层系,主要为湖泊相的页岩夹粉砂岩、介壳灰岩。基于页岩、介壳灰岩和粉砂岩之间的组合特征,自流井组共识别出3类7种页岩岩相组合类型。页岩有机质丰度中等,有机质类型以Ⅱ1、Ⅱ2型为主,热演化程度中等,油气共存。页岩储集空间既有无机孔,也有有机质孔,局部发育微裂缝。自流井组页岩中无机矿物与有机质、有机质与有机质孔的配置关系控制着页岩源—储配置的有效性,在较高的演化程度下,随着TOC的增大有机质孔隙度增大,页岩的源—储配置关系变好。刚性矿物稳定支撑格架下保存的固体沥青个体大,内部有机质孔数量多、孔径大;黏土矿物不稳定支撑格架下保存的沥青呈长条形,内部的有机质孔孔径较小。基于页岩层系不同岩性源—储耦合条件评价结果,页岩的源—储耦合条件明显优于夹层,源—储耦合条件好的优质页岩层段是页岩油气的甜点层段,其中黏土质页岩最好,介壳灰质页岩、粉砂质页岩为次;介壳灰岩和粉砂岩夹层不具备烃源条件且储集条件差,只能与相邻的富有机质页岩形成近源聚集体系。  相似文献   

松辽盆地北部上白垩统油页岩属中一差油页岩;有机质类型以Ⅰ型为主,Ⅱ.型为辅,处于低成熟一成熟阶段.生物标记化合物都含有丰富的正构烷烃、类异戊二烯型烷烃、萜类化合物和甾类化合物.正构烷烃呈前高后低的单峰型分布,nC23、nC27为主峰碳,重烃组份占绝对优势,OEP值为1.02~6.63,具有明显的奇碳数优势.Pr/Ph比值为0.13~1.37,多数小于0.6,具植烷优势,伽马蜡烷含量较高,油页岩沉积环境为咸化还原环境且盐度较高.萜烷丰度顺序为五环三萜烷>三环萜烷,三环萜烷中C20、C21和C23,丰度相对较高,且C20、C21和C23多呈倒“V”形分布,C23相对富集.甾类化合物主要成份为规则甾烷C27、C28和C29,ααα20RC27、C28和C29甾烷多数呈几乎对称的“V”形分布,C29 >C28 >C27.甾萜烷分布特征反映其原始有机母质构成中既有丰富的菌藻类等低等水生生物,又有一定比例的陆生高等植物混合输入.  相似文献   

【研究目的】本文旨在通过对比准噶尔盆地吉木萨尔地区二叠系芦草沟组高品位和低品位油页岩的品质和成因差异,揭示高品位油页岩的特殊成矿条件。【研究方法】对吉木萨尔地区两个剖面采集的露头样品,进行TOC、热解、含油率、微量、稀土元素测试,从而开展高品位和低品位油页岩有机地球化学特征,微量稀土元素特征及成矿条件差异分析。【研究结果】研究区高品位油页岩有机质类型为I型;低品位油页岩有机质类型为I-II1型。高品位和低品位油页岩中B、Ba、Cr、Nb、Sr、V、Zr等微量元素含量差异明显,高品位油页岩中各稀土元素平均含量和各样品稀土元素分布区间都小于低品位油页岩,且外源元素富集程度也相对更低,显示了更少的陆源碎屑输入。微量元素比值显示,研究区油页岩形成于温暖湿润气候,淡水—半咸水,还原环境。高品位油页岩与低品位油页岩相比,形成时水体盐度值更大,有机质生产力更高。【结论】温暖湿润气候背景下,相对较少的陆源碎屑供给,减少了对有机质的稀释和氧化破坏,同时较高的水体盐度值更利于水体分层,从而形成一个长时间的还原环境,再加上更高的有机质生产力,从而形成了高品位油页岩。  相似文献   

藏北托纳木地区发现上侏罗统海相油页岩   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
西藏地区是中国大陆上油气勘探程度最低的含油气大区,近些年来随着研究程度的不断深入,该区油气调查与勘探越来越受到重视,其中中生代羌塘盆地被认为是该区油气资源潜力最大和最有希望取得勘探突破的首选盆地。2004年,笔者参加了由中国地质调查局承担的国家财政部专项计划《青藏高原油气资源战略选区调查与评价》科技工程项目,在羌塘盆地托纳木地区进行1∶5万石油地质调查时,发现了2层深灰色—灰黑色泥岩,经过详细的剖面测制和区域地层对比分析,认为该黑色泥岩产出层位为上侏罗统索瓦组,室内有机地球化学初步分析进一步证实该页岩属油页岩,…  相似文献   

基于柴达木盆地北缘侏罗系中下统富有机质泥页岩厚度、有机地化特征、物性及泥页岩含油气性等的分析研究,探讨了该地区页岩油气成藏的地质条件,对有利的勘探层段和区带进行了预测。结果表明,柴达木盆地北缘湖西山组和大煤沟组富有机质泥页岩厚度大,有机碳含量多在1.5%以上;有机质类型主要为Ⅱ和Ⅲ型;有机质成熟度从未成熟至过成熟皆有;泥页岩中脆性矿物含量约占50%,孔隙度多在1%~8%之间,孔隙类型多样。湖西山组和大煤沟组泥页岩显示出较强的吸附气体能力,多口钻井在泥页岩段存在明显全烃异常。综上表明,柴达木盆地北缘地区湖西山组、大煤沟组2个层位具备形成页岩油气的地质条件,其中湖西山组中上部泥页岩段为页岩油气有利层段,有利区在冷湖4号-5号构造一带;大煤沟组五段为页岩气有利层段、大煤沟组七段为页岩油有利层段,有利区分布于苏干湖坳陷、鱼卡断陷、红山断陷、欧南凹陷和德令哈断陷东部、南部区。  相似文献   

通过对罗子沟盆地大砬子组上段油页岩干酪根镜检、热解、GC 和GC-MS 等分析,并对其有机地球化学多项特征参数进行研究,讨论罗子沟油页岩有机地化特征及其地质意义。根据姥植比及伽马蜡烷、孕甾烷、重排甾烷、重排藿烷等参数特征分析,推测油页岩形成的古湖泊水体性质为淡水--微咸水的还原沉积环境。综合分析显微组分镜检和热解结果及甾烷( C27--C29 ) 分布等参数,认为研究区油页岩有机质主要为混合母源输入。依据热解、Ro、甾烷和C31 升藿烷异构化程度、C29 莫烷/C29 藿烷、 Ts 与Tm 相对含量比值等指标的对比,指出研究区油页岩处于未熟- 低熟热演化阶段。  相似文献   

Organic geochemical evaluation of thirty-two Aptian to Campanian shale samples from seven wells drilled on the shelf of the Orange Basin (southwestern Atlantic margin) was carried out in order to determine their origin, depositional environment, thermal maturity and hydrocarbon potential. The shale samples, selected to represent highstand, lowstand and transgressive systems tracts, were analysed by Rock–Eval pyrolysis for total organic C characteristics and by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) for n-alkanes, aliphatic isoprenoid hydrocarbons and biomarkers (steranes, hopanes and tricylic terpanes). For most of the shale samples Rock–Eval data, hydrogen (HI) and oxygen index (OI) point to mainly Type III terrigenous organic matter. Only a few samples of Turonian age reveal a higher proportion of marine organic matter being classified as Type II/III or Type II. Biomarker parameters suggest that the samples are deposited under suboxic to oxic environmental conditions. Rock–Eval data and biomarker maturity parameters assign for most of the samples a maturity level at the beginning of the oil window with some more mature samples of Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian age. The hydrocarbon generation potential is low for most of the shelf shales as indicated by the S2/S3 ratio and HI values. Exceptions are some samples of Turonian and Aptian age.  相似文献   

沉积岩的地球化学特征记录了岩石沉积时的重要地质信息,是研究沉积古环境、源区构造背景及源岩属性的有效手段。采用X衍射荧光光谱(XRF)和等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)对鄂尔多斯盆地西缘宁东地区中侏罗统直罗组下段地层砂岩和泥岩样品的主、微量元素及稀土元素含量进行测试分析,旨在对其沉积古环境进行恢复,并对其源区构造背景、源岩属性等特征进行综合研究。研究表明:Sr含量、Sr/Cu值、V/(V+Ni)值、U/Th值、化学蚀变指数(CIA)等地球化学指标综合指示出研究区直罗组下段地层沉积古气候为半干旱-半湿润气候,古水体环境为富氧的淡水环境。根据稀土元素(REE)特征分析,推测研究区直罗组下段地层物源主要来自盆地西北部的阿拉善古陆,源岩岩性主要为片麻岩、石榴石浅粒岩、变不等粒石英砂岩和变中细粒石英砂岩。源区构造背景主要为大陆岛弧,与大洋岛弧也有一定关联。  相似文献   

The Upper Jurassic Emuerhe Formation was developed with abundant sedimentary facies types in the western section of the Mohe Basin. Based on the systematic sampling and detailed observation on the Emuerhe Formation of this section, the research on the sandstone grain size characteristics of the Emuerhe Formation was carried out with the grain size parameters features (Mz, SK1, KG and σ1), the sensitive components parameters features (SCPGS, SCGSR and SCPV) and the grain size analytical graphs features (grain size frequency curves, grain size cumulative curves, probability cumulative curves and C–M plots). The comprehensive analytical results illustrate that the hydrodynamic energy of the Emuerhe Formation (three times fan delta facies, two times sandy shallow lake microfacies and five times turbidite deposit) in the western section gradually reduced from bottom to top. In addition, the hydrodynamic energy of each fan delta facies gradually enhanced from bottom to top. Based on the analysis of the hydrodynamic conditions of the Emuerhe Formation in the western section, the hydrodynamic conditions evolution history of this section can be divided into five sedimentary phases, namely respectively for the fan delta sedimentary phase, the first‐time sandy shallow lake microfacies sedimentary phase, the short‐term deep lake subfacies sedimentary phase, the second‐time sandy shallow lake microfacies sedimentary phase and the relatively stable deep lake subfacies sedimentary phase from bottom to top. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

滇池湖泊沉积物中游离类脂物的有机地球化学特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在对滇池湖泊沉积物有机质总体特征分析的基础上,对沉积物中可溶性有机质的组成进行了定量测定,并揭示了其剖面变化特征.研究结果表明:(1)正构烷烃组分具有较强的稳定性,反映出滇池沉积有机质以菌藻类来源为主,沉积柱上、下两段存在陆源高等植物输入相对增加的特征,且从下往上存在草本植物相对贡献增加的特征;(2)脂肪醇组分,以具有强烈偶碳优势的高碳数脂肪醇为主,反映了沉积有机质中陆源输入的部分;(3)脂肪酸组分揭示出可溶有机质中以浮游植物贡献为主,局部层段存在相对较强的细菌改造作用.因此,湖泊沉积物记录了滇池从一个贫营养的湖泊演变成富营养化湖泊的过程,特别是最近几十年,滇池内源有机物和陆源有机物的输入都呈现快速增长的趋势,结合同位素组成特征表明滇池进入了重富营养化阶段.  相似文献   

[研究目的]证实四川盆地中部地区大安寨段具备良好的页岩油气勘探潜力.[研究方法]本文通过岩心、薄片、扫描电镜、全岩X射线衍射、有机地球化学、三轴应力实验、核磁共振测试等方法分析了大一三亚段页岩油气形成条件及富集因素.[研究结果]结果表明:大一三亚段泥页岩具湖相混合层系、分布广、厚度大、储集空间类型多、物性条件较好、生烃...  相似文献   

以金衢盆地白垩系金华组为研究对象,在钻井资料分析的基础上,结合区域沉积背景,通过分析暗色泥页岩有机质丰度、厚度和分布范围,研究和探索了金衢盆地上白垩统金华组湖相页岩油气地质特征。金衢盆地金华组湖相暗色泥页岩样品的有机质丰度特征表明,TOC值一般小于0.5%,属于非烃源岩,个别样品达到1.57%,属于优质烃源岩; 富有机质层段以富砂夹泥型或富泥夹砂型为主,具多产层特征,盆地北部凹陷具备一定的页岩油气勘探潜力。金华组湖相暗色泥页岩主要发育在西北部衢州—龙游沉积中心区,区域较为局限,厚度不均,范围5~100 m,平均孔隙度3.867%,平均最大渗透率0.087 2×10-3 μm2,属于典型的致密型储层。将富有机质层段砂泥地层作为一个整体进行页岩油气勘探,源储一体是今后陆相页岩油气的重要勘探思路。  相似文献   

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