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ABSTRACT Gravity cores of Holocene sediments from a shallow ephemeral lake in the Coorong region (Pellet Lake, southeastern coastal Australia) show a mineral assemblage and sequence particular to its hydrology. The mineralogical sequence above an initial dolomitic siliciclastic sand reflects conditions of increasing salinity in the lower portions of the core (i.e. organic-rich aragonite to magnesite + hydromagnesite + aragonite) followed by a relative decrease in salinity (i.e. magnesite + aragonite + hydromagnesite to aragonite + hydromagnesite) in the upper portions of the core. This sequence is capped by ? 0.4 m of micritic dolomite and minor amounts of hydromagnesite, with the relative abundance of dolomite increasing upwards. Three stratigraphically and spatially distinct dolomite units (upper, lower and margin) are recognized using stable carbon and oxygen isotope data, unit cell calculations and MgCO3 mole per cent data of the dolomite. Detailed X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses of samples with more than 80% dolomite shows that the dolomite is ordered. Average unit cell parameters, calculated from the XRD patterns, indicate that the upper dolomite unit has crystal lattices expanded in the co direction (co= 16.09 Å) relative to ideal dolomite (co= 16.02 Å) and contracted in the ao direction (ao= 4.796 Å) relative to ideal dolomite (ao= 4.812 Å). The mol fraction of MgCO3 in the upper dolomite shows up to 4.0 ±M 2.0 mole per cent excess Mg in the dolomite crystal lattice (calculated from XRD). This unusual dolomite crystal chemistry is probably generated by rapid precipitation from solutions which have greatly elevated Mg/Ca ratios. Transmission electron microscopy reveals that the upper dolomite has a heterogeneous microstructure which also suggests rapid precipitation from solution. The modulated microstructure found in calcium-rich dolomite is completely lacking. Dolomite ordering reflections are present in electron diffraction patterns, but are weak. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of the upper dolomite are tightly grouped (ave. δ18O ~+ 7.55%o, δ13C ~+ 4.10%o), yet show three upward-lightening oxygen cycles. The oxygen cycles correlate with three upward decreases in the calculated Mg content of the dolomite zone. These cycles may indicate the increased importance of rain-water dilution of the brine at times when the water in the lake was at its shallowest levels. Analyses of the lower dolomite and the margin dolomite suggest that these units precipitated more slowly from less evaporitic brines than the upper dolomite unit. The lower dolomite is close to stoichiometric, has less evaporitic stable isotope values than the upper dolomite, and has only a slightly expanded co-axis. The margin dolomite is Ca-rich, has a more homogeneous microstructure, and has expanded ao and co axes. The abundance of relatively soluble Mg-bearing phases, such as hydromagnesite and magnesite, may supply additional magnesium for the dolomitization of aragonite and calcite during subsequent diagenesis and burial of the sediment. This process may leave a finely laminated dolomicrite deposit which retains little, if any, evidence of evaporite minerals.  相似文献   

Dolomite was successfully precipitated in culture experiments that simulated microbiogeochemical conditions prevailing during late stages of evaporation in ephemeral, hypersaline dolomitic lakes of the Coorong region, South Australia. Analyses of lake- and pore-water samples document rapid geochemical changes with time and depth in both dolomitic and non-dolomitic lakes. Extremely high sulphate and magnesium ion concentrations in lake waters decline rapidly with depth in pore waters throughout the sulphate-reduction zone, whereas carbonate concentrations in pore waters reach levels up to 100 times those of normal sea water. Ultimately, sulphate is totally consumed and no solid sulphate is recorded in the dolomitic lake sediments. ‘Most probable number’ calculations of lake sediment samples record the presence of large populations of sulphate-reducing bacteria, whereas sulphur-isotope analyses of lake-water samples indicate microbial fractionation in all the lakes studied. Viable populations of microbes from the lake sediments were cultured in anoxic conditions in the laboratory. Samples were then injected into vials containing sterilized clastic or carbonate grains, or glass beads, immersed in a solution that simulated the lake water. Falls in the levels of sulphate and rising pH in positive vials were interpreted as indicating active bacterial sulphate reduction accompanied by increased concentrations of carbonate. Within 2 months, sub-spherical, sub-micron-size crystals of dolomite identical to those of lake sediments were precipitated. It is concluded that bacterial sulphate reduction overcomes kinetic constraints on dolomite formation by removing sulphate and releasing magnesium and calcium ions from neutral ion pairs, and by generating elevated carbonate concentrations, in a hypersaline, strongly electrolytic solution. The results demonstrate that bacterial sulphate reduction controls dolomite precipitation in both the laboratory experiments and lake sediments. It is proposed that dolomite formation, through bacterial sulphate reduction, provides a process analogue applicable to thick platformal dolostones of the past, where benthic microbial communities were the sole or dominant colonizers of shallow marine environments.  相似文献   

Geophysical techniques have been widely employed for the noninvasive location of burial sites in archaeological and forensic investigations. This approach has met with varying degrees of success, depending on factors such as equipment choice, survey methodology, burial type, and geological setting. This paper reports the results of a multitechnique geophysical survey carried out immediately prior to the salvage excavation of two Indigenous burials from an eolian dune in coastal South Australia. Ground‐penetrating radar was not successful in defining the location of the burials owing to the disturbed nature of the local stratigraphy. Magnetic field intensity and apparent magnetic susceptibility surveys identified discrete anomalies that coincided with the location of skeletal material revealed during excavation, which we hypothesize to be due to burning or ochre use during funerary practices. Despite the spatial association of these features, subsequent laboratory analyses of the mineralogy and magnetic properties of sediments collected from the site failed to find a definite cause of the anomalies. Nevertheless, the association between them and the primary interment locations has implications for archaeological surveys carried out in the Australian coastal zone, as it highlights the potential of magnetic field intensity and apparent magnetic susceptibility geophysical techniques undertaken with a more refined survey methodology to afford a noninvasive, culturally appropriate means through which to detect Indigenous burials. This approach may prove particularly useful in areas with disturbed stratigraphy where ground‐penetrating radar is less effective. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

正Isotopic,biomarker,and trace elements of a 65 cm long sedimentary core from Lake Cantara south in Adelaide,Australia were measured in an effort to trace environmental change clues in the southern Hemisphere.The geochemical  相似文献   

Well exposed, often laminated gypsum sequences occur in many Quarternary salt lakes in southern South Australia. The gypsum in the salt lakes is classified by increasing grain size into gypsite, gypsarenite and selenite. The salt lakes are classified by age and hydrological setting into coastal salinas which are Holocene sea-water fed groundwater lakes, and continental playas which are late Pleistocene endorheic basins. A study of the relationships between coastal salina hydrology and the associated gypsum deposition has shown the different types of gypsum form under distinct hydrological regimes. As the hydrology above a coastal salina depositional surface changes through time so does the type of gypsum deposited. Application of a gypsum depositional model derived from a study of the coastal salina gypsum to those portions of a continental playa gypsum unit where deposition is no longer occurring confirms the applicability of the model to non-salina gypsum deposits.  相似文献   

Pollen and diatom assemblages, and peat stratigraphies, from a coastal wetland on the northern shore of Lake Erie were used to analyze water level and climatic changes since the middle Holocene and their effects on wetland plant communities. Peat deposition began 4700 cal yr B.P. during the Nipissing II transgression, which was driven by isostatic rebound. At that time, a diatom-rich wild rice marsh existed at the site. Water level dropped at the end of the Nipissing rise at least 2 m within 200 yr, leading to the development of shallower-water plant communities and an environment too dry for most diatoms to persist. The sharp decline in water level was probably driven primarily by outlet incision, but climate likely played some role. The paleoecological records provide evidence for post-Nipissing century-scale transgressions occurring around 2300, 1160, 700 and 450 cal yr B.P. The chronology for these transgressions correlates with other studies from the region and implies climatic forcing. Peat inception in shallow sloughs across part of the study area around 700 cal yr B.P. coincides with the Little Ice Age. These records, considered alongside others from the region, suggest that the Little Ice Age may have resulted in a wetter climate across the eastern Great Lakes region.  相似文献   

A variety of finely laminated, subfossil, aragonitic stromatolites and oncolites occur on a regressive marginal flat surrounding Marion Lake, South Australia. These algal forms overlie a substrate of coarse, highly porous, moldic aragonitic limestone which passes progressively towards the take centre through a zone of interstatified aragonite and gypsum and ultimately to pure crystalline gypsum. All of these facies overlie Holocene marine carbonate bank sediments which unconformably overlie at least one upper Pleistocene marine unit. Detailed petrographic and stratigraphic studies, combined with comparative studies of related nearby lakes containing a variety of living aragonitic cryptalgalaminates, provide a model for development of the Holocene sedimentary sequence. Marion Lake last became inundated by the sea around 6500 years ago during the Holocene transgression, when a protected marine environment was initiated. Lateral sediment accretion sealed marine passes into the resulting lagoon system soon after sealvel stabilized, and a variety of gypsum and gypsum-carbonate-algal facies evolved. Pure gypsum was deposited in waters 2–3 m deep in the central basin area concurrently with formation of seasonally alternating gypsum and aragonite layers towards basin margins. Blue-green filamentous algae thrived in the shallower marginal areas and at least partly controlled carbonate deposition, which must have occurred during seasonal outflow of carbonate-rich ground water from the calcareous dune aquifer over denser gypsum-saturated waters. These systems eventually migrated towards the centre of the lake to produce the relationships preserved today. The fresher waters also leached the gypsum from the marginal gypsum-carbonate facies. Collapse due to gypsum dissolution, along with aragonite crystallization, combined to form a lake-marginal mega-polygonal facies. Teepee structures formed around polygon margins, with optimum conditions for stromatolite development occurring on the teepee crests. The actual stromatolites which occur around Marion Lake are strongly indurated and involve a variety of morphologies, the most common of which are laterally linked hemispheroids. Stacked hemispheroids and oncolites are also relatively common, along with irregular forms, many of which encrust a variety of substrate irregularities. Vertical relief of the stromatolites varies from centimetres to tens of centimetres and all forms are characterized by extremely fine internal interlaminations of alternate light and dark grey laminae which typically occur several per millimetre. The microstructure comprises micritic aragonite crystals with fibrous habit associated with organic matter, and occasional zones of abundant algal filament molds which are generally oriented normal to the laminae.  相似文献   

Guichen Bay on the south‐east coast of South Australia faces west towards the prevailing westerly winds of the Southern Ocean. The bay is backed by a 4 km wide Holocene beach‐ridge plain with more than 100 beach ridges. The morphology of the Guichen Bay strandplain complex shows changes in the width, length, height and orientation of beach ridges. A combination of geomorphological interpretation, shallow geophysics and existing geochronology is used to interpret the Holocene fill of Guichen Bay. Six sets of beach ridges are identified from the interpretation of orthorectified aerial photographs. The ridge sets are distinguished on the basis of beach‐ridge orientation and continuity. A 2·25 km ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) profile across the beach ridges reveals the sedimentary structures and stratigraphic units. The beach ridges visible in the surface topography are a succession of stabilized foredunes that overlie progradational foreshore and upper shoreface sediments. The beach progrades show multiple truncation surfaces interpreted as storm events. The GPR profile shows that there are many more erosion surfaces in the subsurface than beach ridges on the surface. The width and dip of preserved beach progrades imaged by GPR shows that the shoreface has steepened from around 2·9° to around 7·5°. The changes in beach slope are attributed to increasing wave energy associated with beach progradation into deeper water as Guichen Bay was infilled. At the same time, the thickness of the preserved beach progrades increases slightly as the beach prograded into deeper water. Using the surface area of the ridge sets measured from the orthophotography, and the average thickness of upper shoreface, foreshore and coastal dune sands interpreted from the GPR profile, the volume of Holocene sediments within three of the six sets of beach‐ridge accretion has been calculated. Combining optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages and volume calculations, rates of sediment accumulation for Ridge Sets 3, 4 and 5 have been estimated. Linear rates of beach‐ridge progradation appear to decrease in the mid‐Holocene. However, the rates of sediment accumulation calculated from beach volumes have remained remarkably consistent through the mid‐ to late Holocene. This suggests that sediment supply to the beach has been constant and that the decrease in the rate of progradation is due to increasing accommodation space as the beach progrades into deeper water. Changes in beach‐ridge morphology and orientation reflect environmental factors such as changes in wave climate and wind regime.  相似文献   

Shoreline geomorphology, shoreline stratigraphy, and radiocarbon dates of organic material incorporated in constructional beach ridges record large lakes during the late Pleistocene and late Holocene in the Pyramid Lake subbasin of Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA. During the late Holocene, a transgression began at or after 3595 ± 35 14C yr B.P. and continued, perhaps in pulses, through 2635 ± 40 14C yr B.P., resulting in a lake as high as 1199 m. During the latest Pleistocene and overlapping with the earliest part of the Younger Dryas interval, a lake stood at approximately 1212 m at 10,820 ± 35 14C yr B.P. and a geomorphically and stratigraphically distinct suite of constructional shorelines associated with this lake can be traced to 1230 m. These two lake highstands correspond to periods of elevated regional wetness in the western Basin and Range that are not clearly represented in existing northern Sierra Nevada climate proxy records.  相似文献   

European settlement and drought have significantly impacted the hydrology of the Coorong, a shallow coastal lagoon complex in South Australia, which is part of a terminal wetland at the mouth of the River Murray. An increased salinity associated with lower water levels and progressive isolation from ocean flushes contributed to a severe decline in ecological diversity over the past decades. Here we have conducted a molecular and stable isotopic study of a sedimentary core from the northern Coorong Lagoon spanning more than 5000 years to investigate the recent palaeoenvironmental history of the ecosystem. Major alterations were evident in many biogeochemical parameters in sediments deposited after the 1950s coinciding with the beginning of intensified water regulations. The most prominent shift occurred in δ13C profiles of C21–C33 n-alkanes from average values of −23.5‰ to an average of −28.2‰. Further changes included decreases in carbon preference index (CPI) and average chain length (ACL) of the n-alkane series as well as significant increases in algal (e.g. C20 HBI, long chain alkenes and C29-alkadiene) and bacterial (e.g. 13C depleted short chain n-alkanes and hopanoids, δ13C: −35.9‰ to −30.1‰) derived hydrocarbons. Long chain n-alkanes with a strong odd/even predominance as observed here are typically attributed to terrigenous plants. In the Coorong however, terrigenous input to sedimentary OM is only minor. Therefore changes in the before mentioned parameters were attributed to a source transition from a major contribution of macrophytes towards predominantly microalgae and bacteria.δD values of C21–C33 n-alkanes showed a general trend towards more enriched values in younger sediments, indicating an overall rising salinity. However, the most pronounced positive shift in these profiles again occurred after the 1950s. Altogether this study demonstrates that the recent human induced changes of the Coorong hydrology, compounded by a severe drought led to an increase in salinity and alterations of primary production which have been much more significant than natural variations occurring throughout the Holocene over several thousands of years.  相似文献   

New dating in the Carson Sink at the termini of the Humboldt and Carson rivers in the Great Basin of the western United States indicates that lakes reached elevations of 1204 and 1198 m between 915 and 652 and between 1519 and 1308 cal yr B.P., respectively. These dates confirm Morrison's original interpretation (Lake Lahontan: Geology of the Southern Carson Desert, Professional Paper 40, U.S. Geol. Survey, 1964) that these shorelines are late Holocene features, rather than late Pleistocene as interpreted by later researchers. Paleohydrologic modeling suggests that discharge into the Carson Sink must have been increased by a factor of about four, and maintained for decades, to account for the 1204-m lake stand. The hydrologic effects of diversions of the Walker River to the Carson Sink were probably not sufficient, by themselves, to account for the late Holocene lake-level rises. The decadal-long period of increased runoff represented by the 1204-m lake is also reflected in other lake records and in tree ring records from the western United States.  相似文献   

Pollen analyses (pollen, dinocysts and others) were combined with high‐resolution seismic‐stratigraphy sequences to reconstruct environmental dynamics and regional sea‐level (RSL) changes in a ria in NW Iberia. The chronological framework was established using radiocarbon dating and pollen markers that are related to a number of historical events. Major intensifications of the regional upwelling regime occurred during predominant NAO positive stages, dated to c. 4600–4300, 3800–3600, 3200–2700 and 2600–2400 cal. a BP. The regional Early Highstand System Tract spans from before 4500 to c. 3200 cal. a BP. During this period RSL was still rising, but several short episodes of higher terrestrial influence were detected between c. 4300–3800 and 3600–3200 cal. a BP. A readjustment occurred between 3200 and 2300 cal. a BP, including the first stage of relative sea‐level drop (2.8 ka event) dated to 3200–2800 cal. a BP, with the RSL recovering between 2800 and 2300 cal. a BP. The subsequent Later Highstand System Tract, after 2300 cal. a BP, corresponds to a final period of rising sea level that caused the final inundation of San Simón Bay. Since then, only minor changes in relative sea level can be postulated (e.g. towards the end of the Roman Period, in the Middle Ages and during the Little Ice Age). This new evidence is consistent with most of the available palaeoecological and historical information, but it provides a more detailed, near‐complete succession of simultaneous changes occurring in both the terrestrial and the marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Multiproxy analysis of three littoral cores from western New Caledonia supports the hypothesis that the main controlling factors of environmental changes are sea-level change, ENSO variability and extra-tropical phenomena, such as the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) marked by a tendency for La Niña-like conditions in the tropical Pacific. The record starts during the late Holocene sea-level rise when the terrestrial vegetation indicated wet and cool conditions. The site was a coastal bay definitely transformed into a freshwater swamp at around 3400 cal yr BP, after the rapid drawdown of sea level to its current level. Sediments and foraminiferal assemblages indicated subsequent episodes of freshwater infillings, emersion or very high-energy conditions, likely related to climatic changes and mostly controlled by ENSO variability. Between 2750 and 2000 cal yr BP, relatively dry and cool climate prevailed, while wetter conditions predominated between ca. 1800 and 900 cal yr BP. The Rhizophoraceae peak between ca. 1080 and 750 cal yr BP, coeval with the MWP, may indicate a global phenomenon. Microcharcoal particles present throughout the record increased after 1500 cal yr BP, suggesting an anthropogenic source. From ca. 750 cal yr BP the appearance of current type of vegetation marks the human impact.  相似文献   

汪卫国  叶翔 《古地理学报》2009,11(3):348-354
为研究福建沿海的全新世气候环境变化,对取自晋江龙湖的柱样进行了沉积相、粒度、磁化率、有机碳、有机氮等分析,结合加速器14〖KG-*5〗C测年结果,对龙湖的形成演化以及该地区中晚全新世的气候环境变化进行了研究。认为,龙湖形成于约5580 calaBP〖DK〗.〖KG-*5〗,之前为河流相沉积;约5580~850 calaBP〖DK〗.〖KG-*5〗,该区为深灰色粉沙和砂质粉沙的湖泊相沉积;约850~470 calaBP〖DK〗.〖KG-*5〗,龙湖水位下降,变为沼泽湿地;之后,湖泊水位再次上升,再次形成湖相沉积。各种气候环境指标分析结果显示,自龙湖形成以来,当地的气候呈阶段性相对干、湿变化,并呈变化幅度逐渐减小的趋势。这一方面反映了福建沿海中晚全新世气候的不稳定性,还反映了当地气候环境变化与太阳辐射的长周期变化有关。沼泽湿地的形成,反映当地降水的进一步减少,而湿地的形成年代,可与太阳活动、北大西洋冰筏、亚洲季风等突发事件对比,说明该沼泽层的形成与叠加在气候长期变化趋势下的突发气候事件有关。龙湖沉积记录也表明,气候变冷,福建沿海与台风有关的降水将减少;反之,全球变暖,福建沿海台风降水将增加。  相似文献   

Holocene lake-level fluctuations in Lake Bysjön are reconstructed from recorded changes in the sediment limit and the content of reworked minerogenic matter in the sediment. These recorded changes are related to past lake-level fluctuations by correlation to fluctuations convincingly demonstrated in earlier studies. A correlation of regionally significant fluctuations in South Sweden is presented, and the climatic interpretation is discussed. A distinct lowering in lake level culminated at about 9,500-9,200 B.P., recording a major period of drier climate in the earlier part of the Holocene. After a succeeding period of increased humidity, recorded by rising and relatively higher lake level, another major period of increased dryness began at about 6,800-6,500 B.P. In contrast to the older period, the climate was not uniformly drier, but anumber of demonstrated lake-level fluctuations suggest a fluctuating climate. From the reconstruction in Bysjön, dryness culminated at about 4,900-4,600 B.P., and the major period lasted until about 2,900-2,600 B.P. After a succeeding rise in lake level, another distinct lowering is recorded some time between 1,800 B.P. and 1,200 B.P.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and oxygen isotope analyses of ungulate grazers from four archaeological sites located in different environs within the Caledon River Valley have provided a relatively well‐dated proxy palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic sequence for the period between 16 000 and 6000 calendar (cal.) yr BP. Within the overall trend towards hot mid‐Holocene temperatures and a summer rainfall pattern, stable carbon isotope results show that there were three periods when growth season temperatures were cool enough for C3 grasses to be present: 16 000–14 000; 10 200–9600, and 8400–8000 cal. yr BP. Similar trends were recorded in stable oxygen isotope values, reflecting shifts in either temperature or available moisture. Although having a similar pattern to that of the lower altitude site, sites situated in foothills and montane portions of the valley consistently maintained lower temperatures until the mid‐Holocene altithermal. At this time growth season temperatures warmed sufficiently for a 100% C4 grassland to expand in altitude from the warmer low lying localities. In relation to present understanding of synoptic and global climatic patterning, these findings suggest that the early to middle Holocene transition was not a gradual warming trend, but rather it was marked by a series of climatic fluctuations. Of particular note is the possible global, rather than regional, occurrence of the 8200 cal. yr BP ‘event’. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

海河平原北部地区山前-滨海表层土壤地质地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王轶  曹峰  李瑞敏  马忠社  郭海全  马浩 《地质通报》2010,29(8):1210-1214
对海河平原北部地区不同地质地貌类型的表层土壤粒度、矿物成分和元素地球化学进行了研究,结果显示,从山前至滨海表层土壤地质地球化学特征与原生沉积环境的相关关系,在空间上表现出随着地质地貌和沉积环境特征的变化而演变的规律。  相似文献   

石卫刚  张文峰  程俊  翟杰 《地质通报》2016,35(9):1463-1471
通过对西藏白朗县南地区新发现的中性侵入体岩石学、岩石地球化学、同位素年代学特征的研究,认为其属钙碱性岩系列,具轻稀土元素富集,重稀土元素亏损的特征,岩石地球化学特征具有板内玄武岩特征,为喜马拉雅被动陆缘伸张-挤压阶段的中基性岩,侵入体形成时代为晚三叠世。以上研究为雅鲁藏布江新特提斯洋早期被动陆缘沉积盆地演化历程提供了岩浆岩方面的新证据。  相似文献   

元素La和Ce同属低活动性的稀土元素,能够对碎屑岩物源进行示踪。但目前尚缺乏对碎屑岩LaCe同位素体系的研究。本文以峡东泗溪南华纪—震旦纪碎屑岩为研究对象,进行了Ce同位素组成分析。结果显示:这些碎屑岩的138 Ce/142 Ce比值为0.022 583 2~0.022 587 8,εCe(t)值变化于1.06~6.13,整体上呈逐渐升高的演化特征,并与εNd(t)值呈耦合关系。结合碎屑岩Nd同位素分析结果认为,峡东南华纪—震旦纪碎屑岩的主要来源,以古元古代—中元古代甚至更老的地壳岩石为主,并存在幔源初生地壳物质加入。  相似文献   

Kiacatoo Man, a large, rugged Aboriginal adult buried in the Lachlan riverine plains of southeastern Australia, was discovered in 2011. Laser‐ablation uranium series analysis on bone yielded a minimum age for the burial of 27.4 ± 0.4 ka (2σ). Single‐grain, optically stimulated luminescence ages on quartz sediment in which the grave had been dug gave a weighted mean age of 26.4 ± 1.5 ka (1σ). Luminescence samples from the grave infill and from sediment beneath the grave exhibit overdispersed dose distributions consistent with bioturbation or other disturbance, which has obscured the burial signal. The overlap between the minimum (U‐series) and maximum (luminescence) ages places the burial between 27.0 and 29.4 ka (2σ). Luminescence ages obtained from the channel belt of between 28 ± 2 and 25 ± 3 ka indicate that fluvial sedimentation was occurring before the Last Glacial Maximum, which is consistent with the broader geomorphic setting. Together, these results are internally and regionally consistent, and indicate that Kiacatoo Man was one of the more ancient individuals so far identified in Australia. His remains are important to our understanding of patterns of biological variation and other processes that have shaped people in the Murray‐Darling Basin through time. Copyright © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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