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Dynamic replacement (DR) is a relatively new ground-modification technique that has been used successfully to stabilize organic soil deposits by replacing the organic soil with sand columns. A full-scale DR field study was conducted in order to assess its effectiveness on Florida organic soils. A computer-based quality control system was developed using data-acquisition-management techniques to evaluate the degree of improvement of the organic soil layer at a given stage of treatment. One of the DR drop locations was instrumented in order to select technical criteria such as the print spacing and the number of blows per print for effective DR implementation, and to facilitate monitoring of the improvement of soil properties. The new quality control system evaluates the effects of treatment by computing the dynamic settlement modulus (DSM) from the impact acceleration data collected during the treatment period. This paper presents the results obtained from the pilot study and their subsequent use in establishing evaluation criteria for the test programme. It is also shown how the DSM-based treatment criteria are in agreement with those obtained from conventional methods. Hence, it is concluded that with the use of the quality control system presented, the implementation of any DR programme can be effectively monitored.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Guanabara Bay (Brazil) was analyzed for 210Pb dating, grain size, total organic carbon (TOC) and total nitrogen, carbon stable isotope ratio (δ13C), nitrogen stable isotope ratio (δ15N) and the metals Fe, Mn, Ni, Co, Cu, Pb, V and Zn, to assess the influence of land use changes on the aquatic system in a region for which large industrial and urban development is expected in the next few decades. To obtain baseline data for improving the monitoring of the expected increase in anthropogenic impacts from surrounding drainage basins, a multivariate analysis of data from different sediment layers was carried out to evaluate the dated sediment record. The geochemical data suggested three different sedimentary phases along the last 200 years. Before the 1880s, the highest clay and TOC contents were observed, where the C/N ratios and the δ13C values suggested a mixture of algal and terrestrial organic matter and the lowest concentrations of Co, Cu, Pb, V and Zn, for which background levels were estimated (4.6, 2.7, 14.9, 24.3 and 70.2 mg kg−1, respectively). From the 1880s to the 1950s, the metal concentrations and sand particles increased, but no change in organic matter quality was observed, reflecting a period of land use change, still without significant sewage input. After the 1950s, the sedimentation rate increased from 0.42 to 0.77 cm year−1 and increasing urban sewage input was evidenced by lower C/N ratios, higher δ15N, decrease of Fe and Mn concentrations and increased fluxes of metals and TOC, which showed a good relationship with population growth data.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1986,1(2):241-247
Samples of sedimentary organic matter from several geologic environments and ages which are enriched in uranium (56 ppm to 12%) have been characterized. The three analytical techniqyes used to study the samples were Rock-Eval pyrolysis, pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, and solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In samples with low uranium content, the pyrolysis-gas chromatography products contain oxygenated functional groups (as hydroxyl) and molecules with both aliphatic and aromatic carbon atoms. These samples with low uranium content give measurable Rock-Eval hydrocarbon and organic-CO2 yields, and C-13 NMR values of > 30% aliphatic carbon. In contrast, uranium-rich samples have few hydrocarbon pyrolysis products, increased Rock-Eval organic-CO2 contents and > 70% aromatic carbon contents from C-13 NMR. The increase in aromaticity and decrease in hydrocarbon pyrolysis yield are related to the amount of uranium and the age of the uranium minerals, which correspond to the degree of radiation damage. The three analytical techniques give complementary results. Increase in Rock-Eval organic-CO2 yield correlates with uranium content for samples from the Grants uranium region. Calculations show that the amount of organic-CO2 corresponds to the quantity of uranium chemically reduced by the organic matter for the Grants uranium region samples.  相似文献   

An analytical procedure involving Rock-Eval pyrolysis of whole-rocks was adopted on fresh outcrop samples covering the three lithostratigraphic units in the Afikpo Basin of the Lower Benue Trough. Three petroleum systems are present in the Cretaceous delta frame: the Asu-River Group, the Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta sequences. The Afikpo Basin has been correlated to three petroleum systems in the Lower Congo Basin, Niger Delta and the Anambra Basin. The organic geochemistry of the shales, carbonaceous mudstones and coal beds show relatively moderate to high total organic carbon contents. The best potential hydrocarbon source rocks are the Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta shales, carbonaceous mudstones and coal beds where maturation was attained. The high total or-ganic contents, thermal maturity and terrigenous characters of the Asu-River Group, Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta sediments, suggest the presence of a large amount of natural gas with a small quantity of oil accumulation. Variations in source rock facies were observed from one lithostratigraphic unit to another, and initial HI values as a function of TOC were proposed for each lithostratigraphic unit. The results also show that TOC, HI, OI, S2 and Tmax vary from older to younger rocks. The Tmax values discriminate the rocks into immature and mature source rocks. Source rocks with high Tmax suggest high geothermal gradient/or recycled organic matter. Also high Tmax and S2 yield indicate late and post maturity. Recycled organic matter is characterized by low Tmax. The principal source rocks for gas in the Afikpo Basin are the Eze-Aku Group and proto-Niger Delta beds deltaic systems, consisting mainly of III to IV kerogens with a subordinate amount of type II organic matter. Based on the obtained results, it is concluded that the Cretaceous shales, carbonaceous mudstones and coals in the Afikpo Basin of the Lower Benue Trough are capable of generating and expelling hydrocarbons in the case of sufficient maturity.  相似文献   

Organic geochemical evaluation of thirty-two Aptian to Campanian shale samples from seven wells drilled on the shelf of the Orange Basin (southwestern Atlantic margin) was carried out in order to determine their origin, depositional environment, thermal maturity and hydrocarbon potential. The shale samples, selected to represent highstand, lowstand and transgressive systems tracts, were analysed by Rock–Eval pyrolysis for total organic C characteristics and by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) for n-alkanes, aliphatic isoprenoid hydrocarbons and biomarkers (steranes, hopanes and tricylic terpanes). For most of the shale samples Rock–Eval data, hydrogen (HI) and oxygen index (OI) point to mainly Type III terrigenous organic matter. Only a few samples of Turonian age reveal a higher proportion of marine organic matter being classified as Type II/III or Type II. Biomarker parameters suggest that the samples are deposited under suboxic to oxic environmental conditions. Rock–Eval data and biomarker maturity parameters assign for most of the samples a maturity level at the beginning of the oil window with some more mature samples of Aptian, Albian and Cenomanian age. The hydrocarbon generation potential is low for most of the shelf shales as indicated by the S2/S3 ratio and HI values. Exceptions are some samples of Turonian and Aptian age.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is important for soil fertility and for the global C cycle. Previous studies have shown that during SOM formation no new compound classes are formed and that it consists basically of plant- and microorganism-derived materials. However, little data on the contribution from microbial sources are available. Therefore, we investigated previously in a model study the fate of C from 13C-labelled Gram-negative bacteria in soil (Kindler, R., Miltner, A. Richnow, H.H., Kästner, M., 2006. Fate of gram negative bacterial biomass in soil – mineralization and contribution to SOM. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38, 2860–2870) and showed that 44% of the bulk 13C remained in the soil. Here we present the corresponding data on the fate of amino acids hydrolysed from proteins, which are the most abundant components of microbial biomass. After 224 days incubation, the label in the total amino acids in the soil amended with 13C-labelled cells decreased only to >95%. The total amino acids therefore clearly showed a lower turnover than the bulk 13C and a surprisingly stable concentration. Proteins therefore have to be considered as being stabilised in soil in dead, non-extractable biomass or cell fragments by known general stabilisation mechanisms. The label in the amino acids in a fraction highly enriched in living microbial biomass decreased to a greater extent, i.e. to 25% of the initially added amount. The amino acids removed from this fraction were redistributed via the microbial food web to non-living SOM. All amino acids in the microbial biomass were degraded at similar rates without a change in isotopic signature. The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of the soils were very similar and indicate that the residues of the degraded microbial biomass were very similar to those of the SOM and are a significant source for the formation of the SOM.  相似文献   

通过对东山坞地区土壤元素含量进行数学地质分析及单元素异常评价可知,研究区土壤中Au、As和Ag、Mo、Sb之间具有良好的亲和性,Ag、Mo在研究区黑色岩系中具高背景;Sb浓度克拉克值及变异系数大,指示Sb卷入了成矿作用,深部工程已发现锑工业矿体,预示研究区锑找矿前景较好;Au和As的异常范围一致性较好,Au为富集元素,变异系数最大,说明矿化不均匀,Au矿化与赋存的构造蚀变岩相关,与硅化呈正相关.通过土壤测量工作在研究区圈定了4个土壤地球化学异常区,其中Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅳ号异常带具较好的找矿前景,为项目续作的重点靶区,同时认识到主成矿元素Sb和Au属于不同期地质作用叠加的结果.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) is a major pool of the global C cycle and determines soil fertility. The stability of SOM strongly depends on the molecular precursors and structures. Plant residues have been regarded as the dominant precursors, but recent results showed a major contribution of microbial biomass. The fate of microbial biomass constituents has not yet been explored; therefore, we investigated the fate of fatty acids (FA) from 13C labeled Gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli) in a model soil study [Kindler, R., Miltner, A., Richnow, H.H., Kästner, M., 2006. Fate of gram negative bacterial biomass in soil—mineralization and contribution to SOM. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 38, 2860–2870]. After 224 days of incubation, the label in the total fatty acids (t-FA) in the soil decreased to 24% and in the phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) of living microbes to 11% of the initially added amount. Since the bulk C decreased only to 44% in this period, the turnover of FA is clearly higher indicating that other compounds must have a lower turnover. The 13C label in the t-FA reached a stable level after 50 days but the label of the PLFA of the living microbial biomass declined until the end of the experiment. The isotopic enrichment of individual PLFA shows that the biomass derived C was spread across the microbial food web. Modelling of the C fluxes in this experiment indicated that microbial biomass is continuously mineralized after cell death and recycled by other organisms down to the 10% level, whereas the majority of biomass derived residual bulk C (~33%) was stabilized in the non-living SOM pool.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1993,8(4):391-402
The total and exchangeable concentration of major elements and the mineralogical composition of sediments collected along the Amazon River floodplain (várzea) were determined. Average elemental composition (wt%) decreased in the order: Si>Al>Fe>Na>Ca>K>Mg>Ti. There was some spatial variability: the concentration of Al, Na and Mg decreased downstream; the concentration of Fe, K and Ti remained constant; the Si concentration increased toward the Amazon River mouth. Mineralogically, there was a downriver increase in the concentration of quartz and kaolinite, and a concurrent decrease in the concentration of Na- and Ca-plagioclases. On the other hand smectite-vermiculite clay minerals increased and the mica (illite) concentration remained constant. A mass balance indicated that, except for illite, downriver changes in the other minerals were not caused solely by mixing of Amazon River water with water from the major tributaries, which have a distinctly different composition. Therefore, the mass balance indicated that plagioclases and smectite-vermiculite had been lost in the várzea, while kaolinite was formed there.  相似文献   

A petrological, organic geochemical and geochemical study was performed on coal samples from the Soko Mine, Soko Banja basin, Serbia. Ten coal and two carbonaceous clay samples were collected from fresh, working faces in the underground brown coal mine from different parts of the main coal seam. The Lower Miocene, low-rank coal of the Soko Mine is a typical humic coal with huminite concentrations of up to 76.2 vol.%, liptinite less than 14 vol.% and inertinite less than 11 vol.%. Ulminite is the most abundant maceral with variable amounts of densinite and clay minerals. Sporinite and resinite are the most common macerals of the liptinite group. Inertodetrinite is the most abundant maceral of the inertinite group. The mineral-bituminous groundmass identified in some coal samples, and carbonaceous marly clay, indicate sub-aquatic origin and strong bacterial decomposition. The mean random huminite reflectance (ulminite B) for the main coal seam is 0.40 ± 0.05% Rr, which is typical for an immature to early mature stage of organic matter.The extract yields from the coal of the Soko Banja basin ranges from 9413 to 14,096 ppm, in which alkanes constituted 1.0–20.1%, aromatics 1.3–14.7%, asphaltenes 28.1–76.2% and resins 20.2–43.5%. The saturated hydrocarbon fractions included n-C15 to n-C32, with an odd carbon number that predominate in almost all the samples. The contents of n-C27 and n-C29 alkanes are extremely high in some samples, as a contribution of epicuticular waxes from higher plants. Acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons are minor constituents in the aliphatic fraction, and the pristane/phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio varies between 0.56 and 3.13, which implies anaerobic to oxic conditions during sedimentation. The most abundant diterpanes were abietane, dehydroabietane and 16α(H)-phyllocladane. In samples from the upper part of the coal seam, diterpanes are the dominant constituents of the alkane fraction. Polycyclic alkanes of the triterpane type are important constituents of alkane fractions. The occurrence of ββ- and αβ-type hopanes from C27 to C31, but without C28, is typical for the Soko Banja coals.The major and trace elements in the coal were analysed using X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In comparison with world lignites, using the geometric mean value, the coal from the Soko Banja Basin has a high content of strontium (306.953 mg/kg). Higher values than the world lignites were obtained for Mo (3.614 mg/kg), Ni (8.119 mg/kg), Se (0.884 mg/kg), U (2.642 mg/kg) and W (0.148 mg/kg). Correlation analysis shows inorganic affinity for almost all the major and trace elements, except for S, which has an organic affinity.  相似文献   

The raw material soil of Al-Sowera factory quarry (quarry soil and mixture) used for building brick industry was tested mineralogically, geochemically and geotechnically. Mineral components of soil are characterized by Clay minerals (Palygoriskite and chlorite) and non-clay minerals like calcite, quratz, feldspar, gypsum and halite. The raw material is deficient in SiO2, Al2O3, K2O, Fe2O3 and MgO, while enriched in CaO. Loss on ignition and Na2O are in suitable level and appear to be concordant with the standard. Grain size analyses show that the decreasing sand and clay, and increasing silt ratio in both quarry soil and mixture caused decreasing in strength of brick during molding and after firing. The quarry soil is characterized by high plasticity clayey soil of 30.49 plastic index (P.I), whereas the mixture considered a clayey soil has a low plasticity of 7.7 plastic index (P.I). To improve the chemical and physical properties of the raw material, alumina-silicate minerals rich in K2O, Fe2O3 and MgO are recommended as additive materials to the main mixture.  相似文献   

海南抱板金矿铅同位素化探评价   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过对海南抱板金矿几个切穿矿脉剖面的矿石和围岩的铅同位素组成分析。发现铅同位素组成与矿的产出具有相关关系。铅同位素的异常可能反映了成矿物质来源深度的差异,据此可进行铅同位素化探评价,提出了“正异常以深部找矿为主。负异常注意扩大横向找矿”的原则,土外山地区是地表的浅层金矿化,而二甲,北牛为深源金矿化,在土外山地区深部应可能找到对应于二甲,北牛的深源金矿化层。  相似文献   

文章分析了安徽宁国石口地区土壤地球化学异常特征并对单元素进行异常评价,发现Cu、Pb、Zn、Bi和Sn异常较弱,Ag、W、Mo异常次之,Ag、W、Mo在黑色岩系具有较高的背景值;Au、As、Sb异常面积大、强度高,异常套合较好,各元素之间具有较好的亲和性;Au为富集元素,变异系数较大,反映矿化不均匀,深部已发现工业金矿体,与构造破碎带有关,与硅化、黄铁矿化呈正相关.通过土壤地球化学测量,在研究区圈定了19个Au异常,3条Au异常带.对异常进一步验证,发现NW向金异常带AuP3异常具有较好的找矿前景.NE向异常带中的AuP1异常和AuP2异常,可能为寒武纪西阳山组钙质泥岩风化导致Au次生富集引起的异常.  相似文献   

The Pontgibaud vein swarm, which has been exploited since Roman times for Pb, Zn and Ag, is a NNE-trending system located in the Massif Central about 30 km west of Clermont-Ferrand.  相似文献   

Lead isotopes have been widely applied in geochemical exploration and evaluation of ore deposits, as well as in ascertaining the age of mineralization and the source of ore fluids.Long-term practice showed that the method of lead isotope targeting is somewhat efficient for macroscopic evaluation of forecasting areas, but not powerful enough for for ecasting concealed orebodies. As the contents of U and the variation of U/Pb ratio sharply decrease with depth in the lithosphere, U-Th-Pb isotopic differentiation must have occurred during the crust-mantle e-volution. Lead isotopic ratios show a wide variation range, varying in the front of mineralizationand shallow-derived ores, but maintaining very stable in the major orebody and being usuallyclose to the average isotopic composition of the crust and mantle of the continent block fromwhich the ores were derived. Therefore, the lead isotopic composition can serve as a measure for identifying the position of mineralization. The lead isotope geochemistry was applied to the ex-ploration and evaluation of the Baoban gold deposits of Hainan Province, China. The an alyticalresults of ore veins and adjacent rocks showed that there is a correlation between the lead isotopedata and the position of orebody. Based on the experience from the Baoban gold deposits and other ore deposits in Yunnan Province, an exploration principle has been established, that is,positive anomalies of lead isotope eigenvectors for prospecting deep-seated orebodies and nega-tive anomalies of eigenvectors for enlarging lateral exploration surrounding the known deposit.The ore beds in the Erjia and Beiniu mining districts should be as signed to the deep part of the orebody and those in the Tuwaishan mining district should be the shallow part, so ore beds cor-responding to those in the Erjia and Beiniu mining districts may be found in the Tuwaishan min-ing district.  相似文献   

通过1/万不规则测网土壤地球化学测量方法在安图县金星金矿勘查区的实施,发现了一批具有找矿意义的土壤地球化学金异常。根据元素地球化学特征和土壤地球化学特征分析,结合地质成矿条件,确定有望找矿区段,并进行了槽探工程揭露,发现了金(银)矿化体,取得了较好的找矿效果。实践证明1/万不规则测网土壤地球化学测量找矿方法在本区是行之有效的。  相似文献   

Industrial waste landfills produce great impacts on soil and groundwater. There are many industrial waste landfills in Vale dos Sinos, Southern Brazil, which were inadequately planned and maintained since the industry started in the first half of the twentieth century. The largest industrial landfill in the Valley, which causes the most severe impacts on soil and groundwater, is the subject of this paper, which studies the environmental impacts and behavior of contaminants in soil. The landfill was carefully mapped on a scale of 1:1,000; 88 samples were collected from soil probes; the leachate of three samples was comprehensively analyzed; and soils mineralogy and chemistry were studied. Few studies have been made on this landfill. This study shows widespread contamination of soil in the surrounding areas of the landfill. Chromium, chloride and ammonium have the highest contamination levels, reflecting their high contents in landfill leachate. Contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons, cyanide and mercury is registered in more than 65% of soil samples with low concentrations. Lead, copper and barium show low contamination restricted to a few soil samples. Soil contamination occurs mainly in the unsaturated zone of the aquifer at the convergence points of stormwater, showing that the preferential transport of contaminants occurs on surface flow followed by soil infiltration. The results of leaching tests indicate high metal sorption capacity of soil. The remediation of contaminated soil must contain at least the following actions: sealing the top of the landfill, installation of geochemical barriers, removal of the liquid waste basins without sealing the base and collection and treatment of the rainwater drainage.  相似文献   

The current work investigates the hydrocarbon potentiality of the upper Jurassic–lower Cretaceous rocks in the Marib-Shabwah Basin, Central Yemen, through the Sabatayn-1 well. Therefore, palynological and organic geochemical analyses were carried out on 37 ditch cutting and 12 core samples from the well. Palynofacies analysis of the Madbi (late Oxfordian–early Tithonian) and Nayfa (Berriasian–Valanginian) Formations sediments indicates deposition of their organic-rich shale, calcareous shale and marl in middle to outer shelf environments under dysoxic–anoxic conditions, containing mainly kerogen of types II to III. However, the shales of the lower Sabatayn (Tithonian) Formation were deposited in an inner shelf environment of prevailing dysoxic–suboxic conditions, and show kerogen types III to II. Regional warm and relatively dry palaeoclimate but with local humid conditions developed near the site of the well is thought to have prevailed during deposition of the studied well sediments. The geochemical analyses of the Madbi Formation show higher total organic carbon content (TOC) than the overlying Sabatayn and Nayfa formations: it is varies between 1.2 and 7, and with average 4 wt% TOC, and the obtained S2 values (~3–10, average 7 mg HC/g rock) indicates that the Madbi Formation is mainly good source rock. It shows a good petroleum potential of 4–11 mg HC/g dry rock, and the Rock-Eval pyrolysis indicates mainly kerogen types II to III (oil to gas prone) of hydrogen index values (132–258, and only one sample from Lam Member is of 360 and average 215 mg HC/g TOC). The thermal maturation parameters as T max (425–440 °C), production index (average 0.13 mg HC/g rock) and thermal alteration index (2 to 2+) reflected that this formation is present at margin of maturation to early mature stage oil window. So, the Lam Member (upper part) of the Madbi Formation is considered the main hydrocarbon (oil and gas) source rock in the Marib-Shabwah Basin. Accordingly, we predict that the Meem Member is an active source for gas and oil accumulations in the overlying sandstone reservoir of the Sabatayn Formation in the Sabatayn-1 well.  相似文献   

Vein-type gold deposits in the Atud area are related to the metagabbro–diorite complex that occurred in Gabal Atud in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt. This gold mineralization is located within quartz veins and intense hydrothermal alteration haloes along the NW–SE brittle–ductile shear zone, as well as along the contacts between them. By using the mass balance calculations, this work is to determine the mass/volume gains and losses of the chemical components during the hydrothermal alteration processes in the studied deposits. In addition, we report new data on the mineral chemistry of the alteration minerals to define the condition of the gold deposition and the mineralizing fluid based on the convenient geothermometers. Two generations of quartz veins include the mineralized grayish-to-white old vein (trending NW–SE), and the younger, non-mineralized milky white vein (trending NE–SW). The ore minerals associated with gold are essentially arsenopyrite and pyrite, with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, enargite, and goethite forming during three phases of mineralization; first, second (main ore), and third (supergene) phases. Three main hydrothermal alteration zones of mineral assemblages were identified (zones 1–3), placed around mineralized and non-mineralized quartz veins in the underground levels. The concentrations of Au, Ag, and Cu are different from zone to zone having 25–790 ppb, 0.7–69.6 ppm, and 6–93.8 ppm; 48.6–176.1 ppb, 0.9–12.3 ppm, and 39.6–118.2 ppm; and 53.9–155.4 ppb, 0.7–3.4 ppm, and 0.2–79 ppm for zones 1, 2, and 3, respectively.The mass balance calculations and isocon diagrams (calculated using the GEOISO-Windows program) revealed the gold to be highly associated with the main mineralized zone as well as sericitization/kaolinitization and muscovitization in zone 1 more than in zones 2 and 3. The sericite had a higher muscovite component in all analyzed flakes (average XMs = 0.89), with 0.10%–0.55% phengite content in wall rocks and 0.13%–0.29% phengite content in mineralized quartz veins. Wall rocks had higher calcite (CaCO3) contents and lower MgCO3 and FeCO3 contents than the quartz veins. The chlorite flakes in the altered wall rocks were composed of pycnochlorite and ripidolite, with estimated formation temperatures of 289–295 °C and 301–312 °C, respectively. Albite has higher albite content (95.08%–99.20%) which occurs with chlorite in zone 3.  相似文献   

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