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Late Mesozoic Nb-rich basaltic andesites and high-Mg adakitic volcanic rocks from the Hailar-Tamtsag Basin,northeast China,provide important insights into the recycling processes of crustal materials and their role in late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning.The Late Jurassic Nb-rich basaltic andesites(154 ± 4 Ma) are enriched in large-ion lithophile and light rare earth elements,slightly depleted in high-field-strength elements,and have high TiO_2,P_2 O_5,and Nb contents,and(Nb/Th)PM and Nb/U ratios,which together with the relatively depleted Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic compositions indicate a derivation from a mantle wedge metasomatized by hydrous melts from subducted oceanic crust.The Early Cretaceous high-Mg adakitic volcanic rocks(129-117 Ma) are characterized by low Y and heavy rare earth element contents,and high Sr contents and Sr/Y ratios,similar to those of rocks derived from partial melting of an eclogitic source.They also have high Rb/Sr, K_2 O/Na_2 O,and Mg#values,and high MgO, Cr, and Ni contents.These geochemical features sugge st that the adakitic lavas were derived from partial melting of delaminated lower continental crust,followed by interaction of the resulting melts with mantle material during their ascent Our data,along with available geological,paleomagnetic,and geophysical evidence,lead us to propose that recycling of Paleo-Pacific oceanic crustal materials into the upper mantle due to flat-slab subduction and rollback of the Paleo-Pacific Plate during the late Mesozoic likely provided the precondition for lithospheric thinning in northeast China,with consequent lithospheric delamination causing recycling of continental crustal materials and further lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   

The Lower Permian sedimentary succession of the Paraná Basin in southernmost Brazil has an overall transgressive sedimentation regime, recorded by a clear retrogradation of the facies belt. However, important depositional strike-orientated variations and regional inversions occur in the sedimentation regime along the paleo-shoreline (i.e., along-strike) of the basin. At the regional scale, a huge source area was uplifted by the end of the Artinskian in the north and caused regression; the southern part of the study area increasingly was transgressed by the epicontinental sea (= regional inversion). This important tectonic overprint on the stratigraphic signature of the basin’s infill has a tectonic origin. The variable sedimentation regime along the paleo-shoreline is controlled by the structural framework of the basement, which is formed by several crustal blocks with different responses to tectonic strain induced by terrain accretion on the occidental margin of Gondwana during the Permian. Stratigraphic data indicate that during the Early Permian, there were at least two differential subsidence and uplift events, one by the end of the Sakmarian–Artinskian and another during the Late Artinskian–Kungurian.  相似文献   

This study concentrates on the petrological and geochemical investigation of mafic rocks embedded within the voluminous Triassic June Complex of the central Sanandaj–Sirjan zone (Iran), which are crucial to reconstruct the geodynamics of the Neotethyan passive margin. The Triassic mafic rocks are alkaline to sub-alkaline basalts, containing 43.36–49.09 wt% SiO2, 5.19–20.61 wt% MgO and 0.66–4.59 wt% total alkalis. Based on MgO concentrations, the mafic rocks fall into two groups: cumulates (Mg# = 51.61–58.94) and isotropic basaltic liquids (Mg# = 24.54–42.66). In all samples, the chondrite-normalized REE patterns show enrichment of light REEs with variable (La/Yb)N ratios ranging from 2.48 to 9.00, which confirm their amalgamated OIB-like and E-MORB-like signatures. Enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSE) relative to the primitive mantle further support this interpretation. No samples point to crustal contamination, all having undergone fractionation of olivine + clinopyroxene + plagioclase. Nevertheless, elemental data suggest that the substantial variations in (La/Sm)PM and Zr/Nb ratios can be explained by variable degrees of partial melting rather than fractional crystallization from a common parental magma. The high (Nb/Yb)PM ratio in the alkaline mafic rocks points to the mixing of magmas from enriched and depleted mantle sources. Abundant OIB alkaline basalts and rare E-MORB appear to be linked to the drifting stage on the northern passive margin of the Neotethys Ocean.  相似文献   

40Ar–39Ar geochronological studies carried out on the Khardung volcanics of Ladakh, India and our earlier Ar–Ar results from the volcanics of the Shyok suture along with the available geological and geochemical data provide good constraints for post-collision evolution of the Shyok suture zone. Whole-rock samples from the Shyok volcanics yielded disturbed age-spectra and we have demonstrated earlier that the youngest tectonic event in the Shyok suture zone responsible for the thermal disturbance of these samples is Karakoram fault activation at ~14 Ma. Contrastingly whole-rock samples from the Khardung volcanics, which are in tectonic contact with these Shyok volcanics, and are exposed in the form of thick rhyolitic and ignimbritic flows, yielded undisturbed age-spectra and good plateau-ages. The whole-rock plateau-ages of two rhyolite samples are 52.8 ± 0.9 and 56.4 ± 0.4 Ma. We interpret these ages to be the time and duration of emplacement of these volcanics over thickened margin of the continental crust, which appears to be coeval with the initiation of the collision between the Indian and Asian plate. The lesser extent of post-emplacement isotopic re-equilibration in these samples unlike the Shyok volcanics indicate that these samples were present in different tectonic settings, away from the Karakoram fault, at the time of deformation in the Shyok suture zone. We propose that the two volcanic belts of contrasting nature were brought together in juxtaposition by the Karakoram strike slip faulting at ~14 Ma.  相似文献   

Knickzones are common features along rivers on the basaltic plateaus of the Paraná Basin. According to current conceptual models, knickpoints are formed in massive basalts that have a high density of vertical joints. Vesicular–amygdaloidal basalts and those with horizontal joints tend to form reaches of low slope due to their lower resistance to erosion. However, field surveys revealed complexities in this general relationship. The research presented here sought to verify the controls on the genesis of knickzones in this type of geological environment. We studied a 61 km-long mixed bedrock–alluvial river. The longitudinal profile of the river was surveyed on a topographic map with 5 m contour intervals. Tectonic lineaments oriented transverse to the channel and longitudinal lineaments in which the river lies were identified from maps. A detailed field survey of the lithologic characteristics of the riverbed was also performed. The results show that knickzones may form in any litho-structural zone in the flood basalts. On the other hand, low slope zones are predominantly sculpted into vesicular–amygdaloidal basalts, which are less resistant to erosion. The fracture densities of vesicular–amygdaloidal basalts are similar in low slope zones and in knickzones (4.86 and 4.93 m/m2, respectively). This indicates that knickzones in this type of basalt are not caused by higher resistance to erosion. Approximately 60% of the 18 knickzones identified are associated with tectonic lineaments, irrespective of the structural characteristics of the basalts. Vesicular–amygdaloidal basalt and/or basalt with horizontal joints allow the fastest knickzone migration and aid in the formation of convexities. Knickpoints in these basalts do not migrate, but erosion in the pools advances downstream and breaks the bedrock steps, thus increasing the slope. Massive basalt with vertical joints causes slower migration, and its presence at convexities indicates local uplift. Convex segments are only formed upstream of faults.  相似文献   

Two oil families in Ordovician reservoirs from the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin are distinguished by the distribution of regular steranes, triaromatic steroids, norcholestanes and dinosteroids. Oils with relatively lower contents of C28 regular steranes, C26 20S, C26 20R + C27 20S and C27 20R regular triaromatic steroids, dinosteranes, 24-norcholestanes and triaromatic dinosteroids originated from Middle–Upper Ordovician source rocks. In contrast, oils with abnormally high abundances of the above compounds are derived from Cambrian and Lower Ordovician source rocks. Only a few oils have previously been reported to be of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician origin, especially in the east region of the Tarim Basin. This study further reports the discovery of oil accumulations of Cambrian and Lower Ordovician origin in the Tabei and Tazhong Uplifts, which indicates a potential for further discoveries involving Cambrian and Lower Ordovician sourced oils in the Tarim Basin. Dinosteroids in petroleum and ancient sediments are generally thought to be biomarkers for dinoflagellates and 24-norcholestanes for dinoflagellates and diatoms. Therefore, the abnormally high abundance of these compounds in extracts from the organic-rich sediments in the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician and related oils in the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin suggests that phytoplankton algae related to dinoflagellates have appeared and might have flourished in the Tarim Basin during the Cambrian Period. Steroids with less common structural configurations are underutilized and can expand understanding of the early development history of organisms, as well as define petroleum systems.  相似文献   

Two ash fall beds (tonstein) sampled from the post-glacial Permian deposits of the Paraná Basin have provided new U–Pb radiometric age constraints for this stratigraphic interval. The zircon grains were recovered from tonstein layers interbedded with fine-grained and carbonaceous lithologies in the middle portion of the Rio Bonito Formation. In both samples, the dominant population is interpreted as generated by explosive volcanism, as having formed immediately before the eruption. Based on 238U/206Pb, the selected zircon grains from the dominant population have weighted mean ages of 290.6 ± 2.8 Ma and 281.7 ± 3.2 Ma, corresponding to the Sakmarian and Kungurian ages in the Cisuralian epoch, respectively. These ages constrain the time of the deposition of the tonstein horizons and have important stratigraphic implications for the Late Paleozoic evolution of both the Paraná Basin and the southwestern region of Gondwana. The results presented here and the radiometric data already published suggest that deposition of the post-glacial coal-bearing deposits of the Rio Bonito Formation was probably initiated before the Early Permian. Thus, we infer that the climate had already ameliorated by this period in order to allow for the formation and accumulation of peat in this region of Gondwana.  相似文献   

The first results of geochemical and Sm–Nd isotope–geochemical studies of metavolcanic rocks, metagabbroids, and diabase of the Nora-Sukhotino terrane, the least studied part of the South Mongolian–Khingan orogenic belt in the system of the Central Asian orogenic belt are reported. It is established that the basic rocks composing this terrane include varieties comparable with E-MORB, tholeiitic, and calc-alkaline basalt of island arc, calc-alkaline gabbro-diabase, and gabbroids of island arcs. Most likely, these formations should be correlated with metabasalt and associated Late Ordovician gabbro-amphibolite of the Sukdulkin “block” of the South Mongolian–Khingan orogenic belt, which are similar to tholeiite of intraplate island arcs by their geochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

The Pb isotope composition of polyformational Mesozoic igneous rocks of the Ketkap–Yuna igneous province (KYIP) and lower crustal metamorphic rocks of the Batomga granite–greenstone area (the complex of the KYIP basement) of the Aldan Shield was studied for the first time. Based on the data obtained, several types of material sources participating in petrogenetic processes were distinguished. The mantle source identified as PREMA is registered in most of the igneous formations and predominates in mafic alkaline rocks. According to the isotope characteristics, the upper crustal source corresponds to a source of the “Orogen” type by the model of “plumbotectonics” or to the average composition of the continental crust by the Stacey–Kramers model. The lower crust is the third material source; however, the type of lower crustal protolith involved in the igneous process is still not defined, which makes difficult to estimate its role in the petrogenetic processes.  相似文献   

The Khorat Plateau on the Indochina Terrane is known to have formed during the closure of the Tethys Ocean, although the origin of its potash mineral deposits is a topic of current debate. Data from a borehole on Savannakhet Basin is used in this study to re-define the evaporation processes of the study area. Geochemical analyses of halite from various borehole-derived evaporite strata have elucidated the fluid sources from which these ores formed. Measured δ11 B indicated that ore deposits formed primarily due to evaporation of seawater, although non-marine fluids affected the later stages of the evaporation process. Fluctuations in B and Br concentrations in carnallite-and sylvite-rich strata indicate the influence of fresh water. Boron concentration in carnallite unit indicated the influence of hydrothermal fluids. From the relative timings of these various fluid influxes, the evolution of these evaporates can be divided into four stages:(1) an initial marine evaporation at the beginning of the deposit's formation, where seawater(and minor fresh water) trapped on the uplifted Khorat Plateau produced sediments and salts with Br contents lower than those of normal marine-derived evaporites;(2) a transgression stage, where seawater recharged the basin;(3) a hydrothermal infiltration stage, which was coeval with the late Yanshan movement; and(4) a stage of fresh water supply, as recorded by fluctuations in B and Br contents, inferring intermittent fresh water influx into the basin. Thus, although evaporites on the Savannakhet Basin primarily formed via marine evaporation, they were also influenced to a significant degree by the addition of non–marine fresh water and hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Wood fossil charcoal is identified from the upper Lower Cretaceous (Serra do Tucano Formation, Aptian–Albian) of Roraima (North Brazil). The presence of charcoal demonstrates the occurrence of Early Cretaceous palaeo-wildfires for the first time in this region and only the third time for the entirety of South America. A gymnospermous taxonomic affinity can be established for the charred woods and a relationship with conifers is likely, thus providing additional evidence for the taxonomic composition of Early Cretaceous floras in this region.  相似文献   

Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks (including andesites, rhyolites, and granodiorites) occur in the Jiang Co and Zigetang Co areas of the middle segment of the Bangong–Nujiang suture zone, Tibet, and zircon UPb dating reveals that the magmatism took place between 118 and 113 Ma. The Zigetang Co andesites have geochemical features of the high-Mg adakitic andesites (HMAA) and are characterized by high K2O (2.95–3.58 wt%), Th (12.5–15.0 ppm), MgO (2.50–3.31 wt%), and Mg# (58–59), and relatively juvenile εHf(t) (+ 2.7 to + 6.4) isotopic compositions. These observations suggest that the andesites were derived from partial melting of the delaminated juvenile lower continental crust of the northern Lhasa terrane. The Zigetang Co granodiorites represent the melts generated by high-degree fractional crystallization of the HMAA magma. The andesites from the Jiang Co area are interpreted as deriving from partial melting of ancient heterogeneous subduction-modified lithospheric mantle. The Jiang Co rhyolites are probably products of crustal anatexis in a heterogeneous source. Taking into account previous data, we propose that these late Early Cretaceous magmatic rocks developed in a postcollisional tectonic setting and that they were related to the delamination of thickened lithosphere following the final Lhasa-Qiangtang amalgamation.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results obtained by land degradation assessment in the Fortaleza Metropolitan Region, in the state of Ceará, Brazil. Area assessment was done in a two-phase study: the characterization of the environmental components by field and laboratory work, and a more detailed study in the degraded sites. Environmental geoindicators were used to classify the degradation level for each drainage basin as low, intermediate, or high. Coastal erosion, gravitational mass movements, dune movements, water erosion, sedimentation, water pollution, sanitary landfills in inappropriate sites, caves and abandoned mines of aggregates exploitation and occupation in swamp areas are the main land degradation sources registered in the region. Among the drainage basins for degradation level, 5 were classified as high, 3 as intermediate, and 4 as low. These problems have affected the people living in the region and demanded heavy investments to rehabilitate degraded areas.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionThe Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is an importantregion for the study of the global change andstructural evolution history). The in-depth knowledgeon its uplift process is the ke}' to understand theformation and development of temporary ph}'sicalenvironment of China or even East Asia. Therefore.a large quantity of researchers have given muchmore attention on this field (Burbank et al.. l982;Fang Xiaornin et al.. 1995f Ruddoman. ]997f AnZhisheng et al.. 1998). The macroscopic e\'o…  相似文献   

《Journal of Structural Geology》2001,23(6-7):1167-1178
S–C fabrics similar to those found in mylonites are observed in foliated cataclastic granitic rocks from the Nojima fault zone, southwest Japan. The foliated cataclastic rocks comprise cataclasite, fault breccia, gouge, and crushing-originated pseudotachylyte. The S–C fabrics observed in these cataclastic rocks involve S-surfaces defined by shape preferred orientation of biotite fragments or aggregates of quartz and feldspar fragments, and C-and C′-surfaces defined by microshears and shear bands, respectively, where fine-grained material is concentrated. Striations on the main fault plane are oriented parallel to the cataclasite lineations. A significant microstructural difference between the foliated cataclastic rocks and S–C mylonites is the absence of dynamically recrystallized grains in the foliated cataclasites. The striations, cataclastic lineations, and the S–C fabrics in the cataclastic rocks formed from the late Tertiary to the late Holocene indicate that the Nojima fault zone has moved as a dextral strike-slip fault, with a minor reverse component since it formed. S–C fabrics in cataclastic rocks provide important information on the tectonic history and are reliable kinematic indicators of the shear sense in brittle shear zones or faults.  相似文献   

《Chemical Geology》2003,193(3-4):167-179
REE analyses were performed on authigenic illitic clay minerals from Late Permian mudrocks, sandstones and bentonites from the Bowen Basin (Australia). The mixed-layer illite–smectite exhibit REE patterns with an obvious fractionation of the HREE from the LREE and MREE, which is an apparent function of degree of illitization reaction. The highly illitic (R≥3) illite–smectite from the northern Bowen Basin show a depletion of LREE relative to the less illitic (R=0 and 1) clays. In contrast, an enrichment of HREE for the illite-rich clays relative to less illitic clays is evident for the southern Bowen Basin samples. The North American Shale Composite-normalized (La/Lu)sn ratios show negative correlations with the illite content in illite–smectite and positive correlations with the δ18O values of the clays for both the northern and southern Bowen Basin samples. These correlations indicate that the increasing depletion of LREE in hydrothermal fluids is a function of increasing water/rock ratios in the northern Bowen Basin. Good negative correlations between (La/Lu)sn ratios and illite content in illite–smectite from the southern Bowen Basin suggest the involvement of fluids with higher alkalinity and higher pH in low water/rock ratio conditions. Increasing HREE enrichment with δ18O decrease indicates the effect of increasing temperature at low water/rock ratios in the southern Bowen Basin.Results of the present study confirm the conclusions of some earlier studies suggesting that REE in illitic clay minerals are mobile and fractionated during illitization and that this fact should be considered in studies of sedimentary processes and in identifying provenance. Moreover, our results show that REE systematic of illitic clay minerals can be applied as an useful technique to gain information about physico-chemical conditions during thermal and fluid flow events in certain sedimentary basins.  相似文献   

The Seridó Mobile Belt (SMB) is located in the Borborema Province in northeastern Brazil and consists of a gneiss basement (Archean to Paleo-Proterozoic), a metasedimentary sequence (marble, quartzites, and schists), and the Brasiliano igneous suite (both of Neo-Proterozoic age). In this region, skarns occur within marble and at the marble–schist contact in the metasedimentary sequence. Most of the skarn deposits have been discovered in the early 1940s, and since then, they have been exploited for tungsten and locally gold. Recently, the discovery of gold in the Bonfim tungsten skarn has resulted in a better understanding of the skarn mineralization in this region. The main characteristics of the SMB skarns are that they are dominantly oxidized tungsten skarns, with the exception of the Itajubatiba and Bonfim gold-bearing skarns, which are reduced based on pyrrhotite as the dominant sulfide, garnet with high almandine and spessartine component, and elevated gold contents. In the Bonfim deposit, pressure estimates indicate that the skarns formed at 10- to 15-km depth. The mineralized skarns present the prograde stage with almandine, diopside, anorthite, and actinolite-magnesio-hornblende, and titanite, apatite, allanite, zircon, and monazite as accessory minerals. The retrograde stage is characterized by alkali feldspar, clinozoisite–zoisite–sericite, calcite, and quartz. Scheelite occurs in four ore-shoots distributed within the marble and at the marble–schist contact. The main ore body is 5–120 cm wide and contains an average of 4.8-wt.% WO3, which occurs in the basal marble–schist contact. Fold hinges appear to control the location of high-grade scheelite. The late-stage gold mineralization contains bismite (Bi2O3), fluorine-bearing bismite, native bismuth, bismuthinite (Bi2S3), and joseite [Bi4(Te,S)3], and also chlorite, epidote, prehnite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite. This gold–bismuth–tellurium mineralization exhibits a typical late character and occurs as a black fine-grained mineral assemblage controlled by conjugate brittle-ductile faults (and extensional fractures) that crosscut not only the banding in prograde skarn but also the retrograde alkali feldspar and clinozoisite–zoisite–sericite assemblage. The Au–Bi–Te-bearing minerals are intergrown with retrograde epidote, prehnite, chlorite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite, indicating that gold mineralization at Bonfim is linked to a late-stage skarn event. The polymetallic nature of the Bonfim deposit can be used as an important guide for the exploration of this type of skarn deposit in the Borborema Province, which potentially contains significant new, undiscovered gold and polymetallic deposits.  相似文献   

Several major volcanic zones are distributed across the eastern North China Craton, from northwest to southeast: the Greater Xing’an Range, Jibei-Liaoxi, Xishan, and Songliao Basins, and the Yanji, Huanghua, and Ludong volcanic zones. The Huanghua depression within the Bohai Bay Basin was filled by middle Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks and abundant Cenozoic alkaline basalts. Zircon LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP U–Pb dating show that basicintermediate volcanic rocks were extruded in the Early Cretaceous of 118.8 ± 1.0 Ma (weighted mean 206Pb/238U age), before Late Cretaceous acid lavas at 71.5 ± 2.6 Ma. An inherited zircon from andesite has a Paleoprotoerozoic core crystallization age of 2,424 ± 22 Ma (206Pb/207Pb age) indicating that the basement of the Bohai Bay Basin is part of the North China Craton. Early Cretaceous basic and intermediate lavas are characterized by strong enrichments in LREE and LILE and depletions in HREE and HFSE, indicating a volcanic arc origin related to oceanic subduction. Depletion in Zr only occurs in basic and intermediate volcanic rocks, while depletions in Sr and Ti exist only in acid samples, indicating that the acid series is not genetically related to the basic–intermediate series. Formation ages and geochemical features indicate that the Late Cretaceous acid lavas are products of crustal remelting in an extensional regime. Combined information from all these volcanic zones shows that subduction-related volcanic rocks were generated in the Jibei-Liaoxi and Xishan volcanic zones during the Early Jurassic, about 60 Ma earlier than their analogues extruded in the Huanghua and Ludong volcanic zones during the Early Cretaceous. This younging trend also exists in the youngest extension-related volcanism in each of these zones: Early Cretaceous asthenosphere-derived alkaline basalts in the northwest and Late Cretaceous in the southeast. A tectonic model of northwestward subduction and continuous oceanward retreat of the Paleo-Pacific Plate is proposed to explain the migration pattern of both arc-related and post-subduction extension-related volcanic rocks. As the subduction zone continuously migrated, active continental margin and backarc regimes successively played their roles in different parts of North China during the Late Mesozoic (J1–K2).  相似文献   

Ordovician igneous rocks in the western Acatlán Complex (Olinalá area) of southern Mexico include a bimodal igneous suite that intrudes quartzites and gneisses of the Zacango Unit, and all these rocks were polydeformed and metamorphosed in the amphibolite facies during the Devono-Carboniferous. The Ordovician igneous rocks consist of the penecontemporaneous amphibolites, megacrystic granitoids and leucogranite, the latter dated at ca. 464 Ma. Geochemical and Sm–Nd data indicate that the amphibolites have a differentiated tholeiitic signature, and that its mafic protoliths formed in an extensional setting transitional between within-plate and ocean floor. The amphibolites are variably contaminated by a Mesoproterozoic crustal source, inferred to be the Oaxacan basement exposed in the adjacent terrane. The most primitive samples have εNdt (t = 465 Ma) values significantly below that of the contemporary depleted mantle and were probably derived from the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The megacrystic granites were most probably derived by partial melting of an arc crustal source (similar to the Oaxacan Complex) and triggered by the ascent of mafic magma from the lithospheric mantle. Sm–Nd isotopic signatures suggest that metasedimentary rocks from Zacango Unit were derived from adjacent Oaxacan Complex. Trace elements relationships (e.g. La/Th vs. Hf) and REE patterns suggest provenance in felsic-intermediate igneous rocks with a calc-alkaline signature. The Ordovician bimodal magmatism is inferred to have resulted from rifting on the southern flank of the Rheic Ocean and is an expression of a major rifting event that occurred along much of the northern Gondwanan margin in the Ordovician.  相似文献   

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