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Abstract Analysis of extensive exposures of the Permian Laingsburg Formation, Karoo basin, South Africa, have enabled a detailed reconstruction of the base of slope stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments in a deep-water system characterized by a very narrow grain-size range (fine sandstone). The deposits include an ≈ 4 km wide and 80 m thick channel complex, fringed by sandy sheet deposits that extend laterally for at least 6 km across depositional strike. Within the channel complex, individual channel fills are marked by shallow basal erosion surfaces draped by thin, parallel-stratified beds of very fine sandstone and siltstone, interpreted as flow tails to largely bypassing flows. These thin beds are overlain by 0·4 to 5 m thick beds of structureless, fine-grained sandstone that represent the majority of the channel fills. The basal packages may be partially to completely removed by localized scour in the axial zone of the channel complex but can be mapped laterally into overbank areas where they thicken and are dominated by rippled fine sandstones with intercalated siltstones. Axial confinement resulted from subtle topography on the basin floor, whereby the lower, dense parts of the initially erosive and bypassing flows were partially confined in the lows and the more dilute, slower moving upper parts of the flows deposited sheet-like successions across slightly elevated overbank areas. The narrow grain-size distribution prohibited the formation ofcoarse-grained residual bypass deposits during the initial phases of channel formation. With decreasing magnitude, later flows became more depositional, filling remaining axial depressions with thick-bedded structureless sandstone. The smaller volumes of late-stage sediment were more axially focused, producing local scour-and-fill features and starvation of the overbank areas. Resulting grain-size vertical profiles are complex. The basal flow tail packages and overlying massive deposits form a thickening and slightly coarsening-upward trend in the channel fills. The overbank deposits show a thinning- and fining-upward profile as a result of less bypass plus late-stage starvation of sand. Application of traditional deep-water facies models could therefore potentially lead to erroneous interpretations of the channel complex as a prograding lobe and the overbank sheets as channel-fills.  相似文献   

The lower part of the Cretaceous Sego Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale in east‐central Utah contains three 10‐ to 20‐m thick layers of tide‐deposited sandstone arranged in a forward‐ and then backward‐stepping stacking pattern. Each layer of tidal sandstone formed during an episode of shoreline regression and transgression, and offshore wave‐influenced marine deposits separating these layers formed after subsequent shoreline transgression and marine ravinement. Detailed facies architecture studies of these deposits suggest sandstone layers formed on broad tide‐influenced river deltas during a time of fluctuating relative sea‐level. Shale‐dominated offshore marine deposits gradually shoal and become more sandstone‐rich upward to the base of a tidal sandstone layer. The tidal sandstones have sharp erosional bases that formed as falling relative sea‐level allowed tides to scour offshore marine deposits. The tidal sandstones were deposited as ebb migrating tidal bars aggraded on delta fronts. Most delta top deposits were stripped during transgression. Where the distal edge of a deltaic sandstone is exposed, a sharp‐based stack of tidal bar deposits successively fines upward recording a landward shift in deposition after maximum lowstand. Where more proximal parts of a deltaic‐sandstone are exposed, a sharp‐based upward‐coarsening succession of late highstand tidal bar deposits is locally cut by fluvial valleys, or tide‐eroded estuaries, formed during relative sea‐level lowstand or early stages of a subsequent transgression. Estuary fills are highly variable, reflecting local depositional processes and variable rates of sediment supply along the coastline. Lateral juxtaposition of regressive deltaic deposits and incised transgressive estuarine fills produced marked facies changes in sandstone layers along strike. Estuarine fills cut into the forward‐stepped deltaic sandstone tend to be more deeply incised and richer in sandstone than those cut into the backward‐stepped deltaic sandstone. Tidal currents strongly influenced deposition during both forced regression and subsequent transgression of shorelines. This contrasts with sandstones in similar basinal settings elsewhere, which have been interpreted as tidally influenced only in transgressive parts of depositional successions.  相似文献   

Willis  Bhattacharya  Gabel  & White 《Sedimentology》1999,46(4):667-688
The Frewens sandstone is composed of two elongate tide-influenced sandstone bodies that are positioned directly above and slightly landward of a more wave-influenced lobate sandstone. The 20-km-long, 3-km-wide Frewens sandstone bodies coarsen upwards and fine away from their axes, have gradational bases and margins and have eroded tops abruptly overlain by marine shales. These sandstones are superbly exposed in large cliffs on the banks of the South Fork of the Powder River in central Wyoming, USA. The deposits change upwards from thinly interbedded sandstones and mudstones to metre-thick heterolithic cross-strata and, finally, to metres-thick sandstone-dominated cross-strata. There is abundant evidence for tidal modulation of depositional flows; however, palaeocurrents were strongly ebb-dominated and nearly parallel the trend of sandstone-body elongation. Detailed mapping of stratal geometry and facies across these exposures shows a complex internal architecture. Large-scale bedding units within sandstone bodies are defined by alternations in facies, bed thickness and the abundance of shales. Such bedsets are inclined (5°–15°) in walls oriented parallel to palaeoflow and gradually decrease in dip over hundreds of metres as they extend from the sandstone-dominated deposits higher in a sandstone body to muddier deposits lower in the body. Where viewed perpendicular to palaeoflow, bedsets are 100-metre-wide lenses that shingle off the sandstone-body axis towards its margins. The sandstone bodies are interpreted as sand ridge deposits formed on the shoreface of a tide-influenced river delta. Metres-thick cross-strata in the upper parts of sandstone bodies resemble deposits of bars (sandwaves) formed where tidal currents moved across shallows and the tops of tidal ridges. Heterolithic deposits lower in sandstone bodies record fluctuating currents caused by ebb and flood tides and varying river discharge. Erosion surfaces capping sandstone bodies record tidal ravinement. The tidal ridges were abandoned following transgression and covered with marine mud as waters deepened.  相似文献   

Quaternary incised valley systems are usually characterized by the preservation of a single valley-fill attributed to the last post-glacial period. Moreover, there are very few cases of correlation between incised valley system developed on inner shelf and sedimentary units observed on the mid to outer shelf, mainly forced regressive wedges. The Roussillon shelf, in the western part of the Gulf of Lion, is a particular example of preserved Quaternary compound incised valley system also characterized by a direct correlation with the forced regressive lowstand wedges on the mid-outer shelf. High-resolution seismic data and a borehole, 60 m deep, located on the beach barrier permit an accurate study of the geometry and lithology of the system. Six imbricated and more or less preserved incised valleys and valley-fills are observed up to the inner to mid-shelf. The key surfaces associated to the incised valleys are correlated to the boundaries of the forced regressive wedges. They are assumed to be reworked surfaces. At the borehole location, only few thin layers, less than 1 m thick, of coarse grain and/or floating pebbles, are observed and should correspond to preserved fluvial lowstand deposits reworked under marine influence. The valley fills are mainly composed of estuarine muddy silts. From AMS 14C age dating it is inferred that the uppermost incised valley system is younger than 45 ky cal BP. Based on those observations, the six preserved incised valley systems are assumed to be controlled by the last six 4th order sea-level cycles — 100 ky — of the middle to late Quaternary. The paleo-topography of the underlying Plio-Quaternary deposits controls the compound incised valley system location. The deep topography of the Messinian Erosionnal Surface is a controlling factor at a lower degree. The partial preservation of the successive valley fill is attributed not only to the differential subsidence but also to the lateral migration of each incision and to the hydrodynamic regime.  相似文献   

The Lower Tagus Valley in Portugal contains a well-developed valley-fill succession covering the complete Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods. As large-scale stratigraphic and chronologic frameworks of the Lower Tagus Valley are not yet available, this paper describes facies, facies distribution, and sedimentary architecture of the late Quaternary valley fill. Twenty four radiocarbon ages provide a detailed chronological framework. Local factors affected the nature and architecture of the incised valley-fill succession. The valley is confined by pre-Holocene deposits and is connected with a narrow continental shelf. This configuration facilitated deep incision, which prevented large-scale marine flooding and erosion. Consequently a thick lowstand systems tract has been preserved. The unusually thick lowstand systems tract was probably formed in a previously (30,000–20,000 cal BP) incised narrow valley, when relative sea-level fall was maximal. The lowstand deposits were preserved due to subsequent rapid early Holocene relative sea-level rise and transgression, when tidal and marine environments migrated inland (transgressive systems tract). A constant sea level in the middle to late Holocene, and continuous fluvial sediment supply, caused rapid bayhead delta progradation (highstand systems tract). This study shows that the late Quaternary evolution of the Lower Tagus Valley is determined by a narrow continental shelf and deep glacial incision, rapid post-glacial relative sea-level rise, a wave-protected setting, and large fluvial sediment supply.  相似文献   

The influence of palaeodrainage characteristics, palaeogeography and tectonic setting are rarely considered as controls on stratigraphic organization in palaeovalley or incised valley systems. This study is an examination of the influence of source region vs. downstream base level controls on the sedimentary architecture of a set of bedrock-confined palaeovalleys developed along the distal margin of the Alpine foreland basin in south-eastern France. Three distinct facies associations are observed within the palaeovalley fills. Fluvial facies association A is mainly dominated by poorly sorted, highly disorganized, clast-to-matrix-supported cobble-to-boulder conglomerates that are interpreted as streamflood deposits. Facies association B comprises mainly yellow siltstones and is interpreted as recording deposition in an estuarine basin environment. Estuarine marine facies association C comprises interstratified estuarine siltstones and clean, well-sorted washover sandstones. The sedimentary characteristics of the valley fill successions are related to the proximity of depositional sites to sediment source areas. Palaeovalleys located proximal to structurally controlled basement palaeohighs are entirely dominated by coarse fluvial streamflood deposits. In contrast, distal palaeovalley segments, which are located several kilometres downstream, contain successions showing upward transition from coarse fluvial facies into estuarine central basin fines, and finally into estuarine-marginal marine facies. Facies distributions suggest that the fluvial deposits form wedge-shaped, downstream-thinning sediment bodies, whereas the estuarine deposits form an upstream-thinning wedge. The vertical stacking of fluvial to estuarine to marginal marine depositional environments records the fluvial aggradation and subsequent transgression of relatively small bedrock-confined river valleys, which drained a rugged, upland terrain. Facies geometries suggest that a fluvial sediment wedge initially prograded downvalley, in response to high bed load sediment yields. Subsequently, palaeovalleys became drowned during the passage of a marine transgression, with the establishment of estuarine conditions. Initial fluvial aggradation and subsequent marine flooding of the palaeovalleys is a consequence of the interaction of high local rates of sediment supply and relative sea-level rise driven by flexural subsidence of the basin.  相似文献   

Alluvial strata of the Cretaceous Dakota Formation of southern Utah are part of a transgressive systems tract associated with a foreland basin developed adjacent to the Sevier orogenic belt. These strata contain valley fill deposits, anastomosed channel systems and widespread coals. The coals constitute a relatively minor part of the Dakota Formation in terms of sediment volume, but may represent a substantial amount of the time represented by the formation. The coals are separated by clastic units up to 20 m thick. The stratigraphically lowest clastic unit of the Dakota Formation lies above an unconformity cut into Jurassic rocks. Incised valleys associated with the unconformity are up to 12 m deep. Two discrete episodes of valley fill sedimentation are recognized, including a lower sandstone unit with conglomerate layers, and an upper, discontinuous, coal-bearing unit. After the valleys filled, the area became one of low relief where extensive mires formed. Peat accumulation was interrupted at least three times by deposition of clastic sediment derived from the west. The clastic units consist of sandstone, mudstone or heterolithic ribbon bodies, stacked tabular sandstones, and laminated mudstones, and contain minor coal beds less than 0·35 m thick. Ribbon bodies are 1–9 m thick and 15–160 m wide, have pronounced basal scours, and are filled with both lateral and vertical accretion deposits. An anastomosed channel complex is suggested by the large number of coeval channels of varying dimensions, the variation in the structure and grain size of channel fills, and the presence of abundant tabular sandstones interpreted as crevasse splays. Although some sandstone bodies have well developed lateral accretion surfaces, the overall ribbon geometry indicates that mature meandering streams were not well developed. This is in contrast to modern anastomosed systems, which are commonly thought to be a transitional morphology caused by avulsion of a meander belt to a new position on its floodplain. Rather than being a transitional channel pattern related to river avulsion, the anastomosed channels of the Dakota Formation may have formed part of a large inland delta that episodically invaded widespread mires. The mires developed during periods when clastic influx was reduced either by high rates of subsidence close to the thrust belt or by deflection of rivers by emergent thrusts.  相似文献   

A tidal coast is documented in mixed siliciclastic and carbonate sands of the uppermost Muschelkalk (Middle Triassic) along the southwestern margin of the Germanic basin in Luxembourg. The coastal sediments are vertically and laterally stacked channel fills, interpreted to have formed in a tidal flat environment. The channel fills overlie carbonates of a shallow subtidal ramp. The strong progradation of the tidal flat indicates deposition during a late stage of sea-level highstand, but before sea-level fall. In their upper part, the channel fills are overprinted by a thick paleosol, which resulted from subaerial exposure around the time of the Muschelkalk/Keuper boundary. The exposure and formation of the paleosol in the subtidal coastal sediments and, in basinward sections, the deposition of dolomicrites above the Muschelkalk/ Keuper boundary in the lowermost Keuper both indicate a sea-level fall.  相似文献   

Upper Carboniferous Coal Measures strata have been interpreted traditionally in terms of cyclothems bounded by marine flooding surfaces (marine bands) and coal seams. Correlation of such cyclothems in an extensive grid of closely spaced coal exploration boreholes provides a robust stratigraphic framework in which to study the Lower Coal Measures (Namurian C–Westphalian A) of the Ruhr district, north-west Germany. Three distinct types of cyclothem are recognized, based on their bounding surfaces and internal facies architecture. (1) Type 1 cyclothems are bounded by marine bands. Each cyclothem comprises a thick (30–80 m), regionally extensive, coarsening-upward delta front succession of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones, which may be deeply incised by a major fluvial sandstone complex. The delta front succession is capped by a thin (<1 m), regionally extensive coal seam and an overlying marine band defining the top of the cyclothem. (2) Type 2 cyclothems are bounded by thick (≈1 m), regionally extensive coal seams with few splits. The basal part of a typical cyclothem comprises a thick (15–50 m), widespread, coarsening-upward delta front or lake infill succession consisting of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones. Networks of major (>5 km wide, 20–40 m thick), steep-sided, multistorey fluvial sandstone complexes erode deeply into and, in some cases, through these successions and are overlain by the coal seam defining the cyclothem top. (3) Type 3 cyclothems are bounded by regionally extensive coal seam groups, characterized by numerous seam splits on a local (0·1–10 km) scale. Intervening strata vary in thickness (15–60 m) and are characterized by strong local facies variability. Root-penetrated, aggradational floodplain heteroliths pass laterally into single-storey fluvial channel-fill sandstones and coarsening-upward, shallow lake infill successions of interbedded shales, siltstones and sandstones over distances of several hundred metres to a few kilometres. Narrow (<2 km) but thick (20–50 m) multistorey fluvial sandstone complexes are rare, but occur in a few type 3 cyclothems. Several cyclothems are observed to change character from type 1 to type 2 and from type 2 to type 3 up the regional palaeoslope. Consequently, we envisage a model in which each cyclothem type represents a different palaeogeographic belt within the same, idealized delta system, subject to the same allogenic and autogenic controls on facies architecture. Type 1 cyclothems are dominated by deltaic shorelines deposited during a falling stage and lowstand of sea level. Type 2 cyclothems represent the coeval lower delta plain, which was deeply eroded by incised valleys that fed the falling stage and lowstand deltas. Type 3 cyclothems comprise mainly upper delta plain deposits in which the allogenic sea-level control was secondary to autogenic controls on facies architecture. The marine bands, widespread coals and coal seam groups that bound these three cyclothem types record abandonment of the delta system during periods of rapid sea-level rise. The model suggests that the extant cyclothem paradigm does not adequately describe the detailed facies architecture of Lower Coal Measures strata. Instead, these architectures may be better understood within a high-resolution stratigraphic framework incorporating sequence stratigraphic key surfaces, integrated with depositional models derived from analogous Pleistocene–Holocene fluvio-deltaic strata.  相似文献   

Eighteen coastal-plain depositional sequences that can be correlated to shallow- to deep-water clinoforms in the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen were studied in 1 × 15 km scale mountainside exposures. The overall mud-prone (>300 m thick) coastal-plain succession is divided by prominent fluvial erosion surfaces into vertically stacked depositional sequences, 7–44 m thick. The erosion surfaces are overlain by fluvial conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones. The fluvial deposits show tidal influence at their seaward ends. The fluvial deposits pass upwards into macrotidal tide-dominated estuarine deposits, with coarse-grained river-dominated facies followed further seawards by high- and low-sinuosity tidal channels, upper-flow-regime tidal flats, and tidal sand bar facies associations. Laterally, marginal sandy to muddy tidal flat and marsh deposits occur. The fluvial/estuarine sequences are interpreted as having accumulated as a series of incised valley fills because: (i) the basal fluvial erosion surfaces, with at least 16 m of local erosional relief, are regional incisions; (ii) the basal fluvial deposits exhibit a significant basinward facies shift; (iii) the regional erosion surfaces can be correlated with rooted horizons in the interfluve areas; and (iv) the estuarine deposits onlap the valley walls in a landward direction. The coastal-plain deposits represent the topset to clinoforms that formed during progradational infilling of the Eocene Central Basin. Despite large-scale progradation, the sequences are volumetrically dominated by lowstand fluvial deposits and especially by transgressive estuarine deposits. The transgressive deposits are overlain by highstand units in only about 30% of the sequences. The depositional system remained an estuary even during highstand conditions, as evidenced by the continued bedload convergence in the inner-estuarine tidal channels.  相似文献   

A detailed record of late Quaternary sea-level oscillations is preserved within the upper 45 m of deposits along an eight km transect across Croatan Sound, a drowned tributary of the Roanoke/Albemarle drainage system, northeastern North Carolina. Drill-hole and seismic data reveal nine relatively complete sequences filling an antecedent valley comprised of discontinuous middle and early Pleistocene deposits. On interfluves, lithologically similar marine deposits of different sequences occur stacked in vertical succession and separated by ravinement surfaces. Within the paleo-drainage, marine deposits are separated by fluvial and/or estuarine sediments deposited during periods of lowered sea level. Foraminiferal and molluscan fossil assemblages indicate that marine facies were deposited in a shallow-marine embayment with open connection to shelf waters. Each sequence modifies or truncates portions of the preceding sequence or sequences. Sequence boundaries are the product of a combination of fluvial, estuarine, and marine erosional processes. Stratigraphic and age analyses constrain the ages of sequences to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6 and younger (∼ 140 ka to present), indicating multiple sea-level oscillations during this interval. Elevations of highstand deposits associated with late MIS 5 and MIS 3 imply that sea level was either similar to present during those times, or that the region may have been influenced by glacio-isostatic uplift and subsidence.  相似文献   

The late Early Permian (273 – 271 Ma) Wandrawandian Siltstone in the southern Sydney Basin of New South Wales represents a marine highstand that can be correlated over 2000 km. A mainly fine-grained terrigenous clastic succession, the Wandrawandian Siltstone contains evidence for cold, possibly glacial conditions based on the presence of outsized clasts and glendonites, mineral pseudomorphs after ikaite, a mineral that forms in cold (0 – 7°C) marine sediments. A lithostratigraphic and facies analysis of the unit was conducted, based on extensive coastal outcrops and continuous drillcores. Eight facies associations were identified: (i) siltstone; (ii) siltstone with minor interbedded sandstone; (iii) interbedded tabular sandstone and siltstone; (iv) admixed sandstone and siltstone to medium-grained sandstone; (v) discrete, discontinuous sandstone intervals; (vi) chaotic conglomerate and sandstone in large channel forms; (vii) chaotically bedded and pervasively soft-sediment-deformed intervals; and (viii) tuffaceous siltstone and claystone. Using lithology and ichnology, relative water depths were ascribed to each facies association. Based on these associations, the unit was divided into five informal members that reveal a history of significant relative sea-level fluctuations throughout the formation: member I, interbedded/admixed sandstone and siltstone; member II, siltstone; member III, slumped masses of members I and II; member IV, siltstone and erosionally based lensoid sandstone beds and channel bodies; and member V, interbedded/admixed sandstone and siltstone with abundant tuffs. Member I marks an initial marine transgression from shoreface to offshore depths. Member II records the maximum water depth of the shelf. Member III is interpreted to be a slump sheet; plausible mechanisms for its emplacement include seismicity produced by tectonism or glacio-isostatic rebound, changes in pore-water pressures due to sea-level fluctuations, or an increase in sedimentation rates. Members IV and V record minor fluctuations in depositional environments from offshore to shoreface water depths. Member IV includes regionally extensive, large channel bodies, with composite fills that are interpreted as storm-influenced mass-flow deposits. Member V includes a greater abundance of volcanic ash. Glacial controls (isostasy, eustasy) and tectonic affects may have worked in concert to produce the changes in depositional environments observed in the Wandrawandian Siltstone.  相似文献   

Quantitative interpretation of an evolving ancient river system   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Multistorey sandstone bodies described from the Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous of Kerry Head (Ireland) are interpreted as deposits of aggrading, perennial, river channels migrating laterally across alluvial plains. Point bars displayed surface features such as scroll bars, chute channels and chute bars. Relatively uncommon channel fills are both coarse- and fine-grained. Quantitative interpretation of the sandstone bodies was accomplished by comparison with a physical model that predicts the sedimentology of single point bar deposits developed in channels of prescribed geometry and hydraulics. This analysis reveals that the separate storeys (point bars) in each sandstone body were deposited in a single channel belt in which channel geometry and hydraulics varied little with time (order of 103 yr) and space (order of 103 m). Two southerly flowing rivers of markedly different size were responsible for all sandstone bodies: bankfull widths, depths and mean velocities of both rivers varied little with time (order of 105 yr), implying a stable climatic setting. Channel sinuosities were usually 1.15–1.2 throughout the succession. Both rivers decreased in mean channel slope as time progressed, in association with a rising base-level and a shoreline encroaching from the south. Using Bridge & Leeder's (1979) alluvial stratigraphy model, the nature and distribution of channel sandstone bodies relative to overbank deposits in the succession can be explained by an average (compacted) floodplain deposition rate of about 0.005 m yr?1, if avulsion occurred with a frequency of about once every 103 yr. Local variation in the relative amount of channel sandstone in the succession is probably due to local tectonic control of deposition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Upper Carboniferous deep‐water rocks of the Shannon Group were deposited in the extensional Shannon Basin of County Clare in western Ireland and are superbly exposed in sea cliffs along the Shannon estuary. Carboniferous limestone floors the basin, and the basin‐fill succession begins with the deep‐water Clare Shales. These shales are overlain by various turbidite facies of the Ross Formation (460 m thick). The type of turbidite system, scale of turbidite sandstone bodies and the overall character of the stratigraphic succession make the Ross Formation well suited as an analogue for sand‐rich turbidite plays in passive margin basins around the world. The lower 170 m of the Ross Formation contains tabular turbidites with no channels, with an overall tendency to become sandier upwards, although there are no small‐scale thickening‐ or thinning‐upward successions. The upper 290 m of the Ross Formation consists of turbidites, commonly arranged in thickening‐upward packages, and amalgamated turbidites that form channel fills that are individually up to 10 m thick. A few of the upper Ross channels have an initial lateral accretion phase with interbedded sandstone and mudstone deposits and a subsequent vertical aggradation phase with thick‐bedded amalgamated turbidites. This paper proposes that, as the channels filled, more and more turbidites spilled further and further overbank. Superb outcrops show that thickening‐upward packages developed when channels initially spilled muds and thin‐bedded turbidites up to 1 km overbank, followed by thick‐bedded amalgamated turbidites that spilled close to the channel margins. The palaeocurrent directions associated with the amalgamated channel fills suggest a low channel sinuosity. Stacks of channels and spillover packages 25–40 m thick may show significant palaeocurrent variability at the same stratigraphic interval but at different locations. This suggests that individual channels and spillover packages were stacked into channel‐spillover belts, and that the belts also followed a sinuous pattern. Reservoir elements of the Ross system include tabular turbidites, channel‐fill deposits, thickening‐upward packages that formed as spillover lobes and, on a larger scale, sinuous channel belts 2·5–5 km wide. The edges of the belts can be roughly defined where well‐packaged spillover deposits pass laterally into muddier, poorly packaged tabular turbidites. The low‐sinuosity channel belts are interpreted to pass downstream into unchannellized tabular turbidites, equivalent to lower Ross Formation facies.  相似文献   

The Buller Coalfield on the West Coast of the South Island, New Zealand, contains the Eocene Brunner Coal Measures. The coal measures unconformably overlie Paleozoic-Cretaceous basement rocks and are conformably overlain by, and laterally interfinger with, the Eocene marine Kaiata Formation. This study examines the lithofacies frameworks of the coal measures in order to interpret their depositional environments. The lower part of the coal measures is dominated by conglomeratic lithofacies that rest on a basal erosional surface and thicken in paleovalleys incised into an undulating peneplain surface. These lithofacies are overlain by sandstone, mudstone and organic-rich lithofacies of the upper part of the coal measures. The main coal seam of the organic-rich lithofacies is thick (10–20 m), extensive, locally split, and locally absent. This seam and associated coal seams in the Buller Coalfield are of low- to high-volatile bituminous rank (vitrinite reflectance between 0.65% and 1.75%). The main seam contains a variable percentage of ash and sulphur. These values are related to the thickening and areal distribution of the seam, which in turn, were controlled by the nature of clastic deposition and peat-forming mire systems, marine transgression and local tidal incursion. The conglomeratic lithofacies represent deposits of trunk and tributary braided streams that rapidly aggraded incised paleovalleys during sea-level stillstands. The main seam represents a deposit of raised mires that initially developed as topogenous mires on abandoned margins of inactive braidbelts. Peat accumulated in mires as a response to a rise in the water table, probably initially due to gradual sea-level rise and climate, and the resulting raised topography served as protection from floods.The upper part of the coal measures consists of sandstone lithofacies of fluvial origin and bioturbated sandstone, mudstone and organic-rich lithofacies, which represent deposits of paralic (deltaic, barrier shoreface, tidal and mire) and marine environments. The fluvial sandstone lithofacies accumulated in channels during a sea-level stillstand. The channels were infilled by coeval braided and meandering streams prior to transgression. Continued transgression, ranging from tidal channel-estuarine incursions to widespread but uneven paleoshoreline encroachment, accompanied by moderate basin subsidence, is marked by a stacked, back-stepping geometry of bioturbated sandstone and marine mudstone lithofacies. Final retrogradation (sea-level highstand) is marked by backfilling of estuaries and by rapid landward deposition of the marine Kaiata Formation in the late Eocene.  相似文献   

The 2 to 5 km thick, sandstone-dominated (>90%) Jura Quartzite is an extreme example of a mature Neoproterozoic sandstone, previously interpreted as a tide-influenced shelf deposit and herein re-interpreted within a fluvio-tidal deltaic depositional model. Three issues are addressed: (i) evidence for the re-interpretation from tidal shelf to tidal delta; (ii) reasons for vertical facies uniformity; and (iii) sand supply mechanisms to form thick tidal-shelf sandstones. The predominant facies (compound cross-bedded, coarse-grained sandstones) represents the lower parts of metres to tens of metres high, transverse fluvio-tidal bedforms with superimposed smaller bedforms. Ubiquitous erosional surfaces, some with granule–pebble lags, record erosion of the upper parts of those bedforms. There was selective preservation of the higher energy, topographically-lower, parts of channel-bar systems. Strongly asymmetrical, bimodal, palaeocurrents are interpreted as due to associated selective preservation of fluvially-enhanced ebb tidal currents. Finer-grained facies are scarce, due largely to suspended sediment bypass. They record deposition in lower-energy environments, including channel mouth bars, between and down depositional-dip of higher energy fluvio-ebb tidal bars. The lack of wave-formed sedimentary structures and low continuity of mudstone and sandstone interbeds, support deposition in a non-shelf setting. Hence, a sand-rich, fluvial–tidal, current-dominated, largely sub-tidal, delta setting is proposed. This new interpretation avoids the problem of transporting large amounts of coarse sand to a shelf. Facies uniformity and vertical stacking are likely due to sediment oversupply and bypass rather than balanced sediment supply and subsidence rates. However, facies evidence of relative sea level changes is difficult to recognise, which is attributed to: (i) the areally extensive and polygenetic nature of the preserved facies, and (ii) a large stored sediment buffer that dampened response to relative sea-level and/or sediment supply changes. Consideration of preservation bias towards high-energy deposits may be more generally relevant, especially to thick Neoproterozoic and Lower Palaeozoic marine sandstones.  相似文献   

In earliest Jurassic times, terrigenous, continental and marginal marine deposition occurred in a large epeiric basin along the Tornquist Line in Europe. Detailed sedimentological studies allow recognition of palaeoenvironmental fluctuations in space and time. The main earliest Jurassic transgressions occurred in the early Hettangian, early Sinemurian, mid-Sinemurian and latest Sinemurian and formed bounding discontinuities (transgressive surfaces) of considerable correlative significance. There is a step-wise trend of increasing marine extension and influence during the early Hettangian, early Sinemurian, mid-Sinemurian and latest Sinemurian-earliest Pliensbachian transgressions. Four sequences, four transgressive systems tracts, three highstand systems tracts and three levels regarded as equivalents of maximum flooding surfaces are distinguished. In the case of type 2 sequences, when incised valley-fill deposits are not developed and regional erosion is less common, it may be rather difficult to define the sequence boundaries, which are often concealed within the amalgamated fluvial deposits occurring in the neighbouring parts of two adjacent sequences (fluvial/deltaic sediments terminate the highstand systems tracts and in this setting the transgressive systems tracts start with continental deposits prior to the transgressive surfaces). Generally, an exact correlation can be achieved between the sequence stratigraphy of the northeast and northwest European Lower Jurassic and the eustatic curve proposed by EPR (assuming some changes proposed by A. Hallam). The establishment of this correlation hopefully will stimulate future studies of the sequence stratigraphy of poorly dated siliciclastic deposits of marginal basins. In this setting even minor changes in sea-level may cause major changes in facies development over large areas.  相似文献   

The mode of channel‐bend transformation (i.e. expansion, translation, rotation or a combination thereof) has a direct bearing on the dimensions, shape, bedding architecture and connectivity of point‐bar sandstone bodies within a fluvial meander belt, but is generally difficult to recognize in vertical outcrops. This study demonstrates how the bend transformation mode and relative rate of channel‐floor aggradation can be deciphered from longitudinal outcrop sections aligned parallel to the meander‐belt axis, as a crucial methodological aid to the reconstruction of ancient fluvial systems and the development of outcrop analogue models for fluvial petroleum reservoirs. The study focuses on single‐storey and multi‐storey fluvial meander‐belt sandstone bodies in the Palaeogene piggyback Boyabat Basin of north‐central Turkey. The sandstone bodies are several hundred metres wide, 5 to 40 m thick and encased in muddy floodplain deposits. The individual channel‐belt storeys are 5 to 9 m thick and their transverse sections show lateral‐accretion bed packages representing point bars. Point bars in longitudinal sections are recognizable as broad mounds whose parts with downstream‐inclined, subhorizontal and upstream‐inclined bedding represent, respectively, the bar downstream, central and upstream parts. The inter‐bar channel thalweg is recognizable as the transition zone between adjacent point‐bar bedsets with opposing dip directions into or out of the outcrop section. The diverging or converging adjacent thalweg trajectories, or a trajectory migrating in up‐valley direction, indicate point‐bar broadening and hence channel‐bend expansion. A concurrent down‐valley migration of adjacent trajectories indicates channel‐bend translation. Bend rotation is recognizable from the replacement of a depositional riffle by an erosional pool zone or vice versa along the thalweg trajectory. The steepness of the thalweg trajectory reflects the relative rate of channel‐floor aggradation. This study discusses further how the late‐stage foreland tectonics, with its alternating pulses of uplift and subsidence and a progressive narrowing of the basin, has forced aggradation of fluvial channels and caused vertical stacking of meander belts.  相似文献   

Sedimentary successions of non‐marine basins can be considered in terms of accommodation space and sedimentary supply changes. Changes in accommodation space controlling the large‐scale architecture of non‐marine basins are different in areas with high and low sedimentary supplies. Uplift of intrabasinal monoclines and anticlines reduced the available accommodation space, resulting in changes in both the geometry of the depositional sequences and the large‐scale architecture of fluvial, mudflat and shallow carbonate lacustrine deposits. Main drainage fluvial systems record areas with a high sedimentary supply, while mudflats and shallow fluctuating lakes represent areas that received less sediment. Two end members in the large‐scale architecture of main drainage fluvial system in the Almazán Basin (Spain) are: (i) ribbon‐shaped channel fills with low interconnectivity which pass laterally into mudflats dominated by mudstones and evaporites and into palustrine and shallow carbonate lacustrine deposits (mainly in the A2 depositional sequence); and (ii) sheet‐like channel fills with high interconnectivity laterally correlated with stacked calcretes in the marginal mudflats (in the upper part of A3). Ribbon‐shaped channel fills formed in areas of high accommodation space and sheet‐like channel fills formed in areas of reduced accommodation space.  相似文献   

High-resolution seismic data shed light on latest Pleistocene and Holocene sedimentation beneath the Büyükçekmece Bay, northern shelf area of the Marmara Sea, Turkey. Discontinuous fluvio-marine and marine deposits overlying the erosional truncation surface of Oligocene–Lower Miocene deposits are as thick as 30 m and preserved preferentially within the incised valleys that were controlled by some old faults. A series of prograding shoreline, laterally passing to the latest Pleistocene–Holocene valley-fill deposits, are thought to have accumulated mainly during times of shoreline transgression and sea-level rise. The overall morphology and stratigraphic setting observed in the Büyükçekmece Bay and at the southern outlet of the Bosphorus Strait have nearly same characteristics, implying that similar hydrodynamic conditions, erosional and depositional processes were mainly under the control of strong northerly flows during the Late Quaternary. These flows were less powerful in the Büyükçekmece region with decreased sediment input and smaller accommodation space.  相似文献   

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