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This paper extends previous large-eddy simulations of the convective boundary layer over a surface with a spatially varying sensible heat flux. The heat flux variations are sinusoidal and one-dimensional. The wavelength is 1500 or 4500 m (corresponding to 1.3 and 3.8 times the boundary-layer depth, respectively) and the wind speed is 0, 1 or 2 m s-1.In every case the heat flux variation drives a mean circulation. As expected, with zero wind there is ascent over the heat flux maxima. The strength of the circulation increases substantially with an increase in the wavelength of the perturbation. A light wind weakens the circulation drastically and moves it downwind. The circulation has a significant effect on the average concentration field from a simulated, elevated source.The heat flux variation modulates turbulence in the boundary layer. Turbulence is stronger (in several senses) above or downwind of the heat flux maxima than it is above or downwind of the heat flux minima. The effect remains significant even when the mean circulation is very weak. There are effects too on profiles of horizontal-average turbulence statistics. In most cases the effects would be undetectable in the atmosphere.We consider how the surface heat flux variations penetrate into the lower and middle boundary layer and propose that to a first approximation the process resembles passive scalar diffusion.The research reported in this paper was conducted while the first author was on study leave at Colorado State University.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations of the convective boundary layer are compared over hilly versus flat surfaces. Moderate values for the height and horizontal spacing of the hills were selected. Thermally-direct hill-valley circulations are induced by the uneven terrain, accounting for a significant fraction of the resolved energy in the boundary-layer eddies. The probability of upward eddy motion reaches up to 70% over the hilltops and down to 15% over the valleys. Above-average values of both subgrid scale turbulent kinetic energy and upward eddy heat transport are found above the higher terrain. Horizontal spectra of vertical motion are strongly biased toward the horizontal scales of the terrain. Vertical profiles of atmospheric variables obtained by horizontal averaging, however, exhibit no significant differences between hilly and flat terrain simulations.  相似文献   

The boundary layer wind tunnel at the Technische Universit?t München was tested for atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulations. The ABLs developing above rural, suburban, and urban terrains were reproduced using the Counihan method, i.e., castellated barrier wall, vortex generators, and a fetch of surface roughness elements. A series of flow-characteristic evaluations was performed to investigate the flow development and uniformity. Experimental results presented as mean velocity, turbulence intensity, integral length scale of turbulence, Reynolds stress, and power spectral density of velocity fluctuations were compared with the ESDU data and/or theoretical models. Generated ABL wind-tunnel simulations compare well with the rural, suburban, and urban ABLs. In the test section area used for experiments on structural models, the ABL simulation is developed and uniform. Results of this study indicate the boundary layer wind tunnel at the Technische Universit?t München can be successfully employed in a broad spectrum of engineering, environmental, and micrometeorological studies, where it is required to accurately reproduce ABL characteristics.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulations of the neutrally stratified flow over the Askervein Hill were performed, to improve the knowledge of the flow obtained from field measurements and numerical simulations with Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. A Lagrangian dynamic subgrid model was used but, to avoid the underdissipative character near the ground, it was merged with a damped Smagorinsky model. Simulations of a flat boundary-layer flow with this subgrid model showed that the turbulent vertical motions and shear stress were better resolved using grids with a stream to spanwise aspect ratio Δx / Δy = 2 than with an aspect ratio Δx / Δy = 1. Regarding the flow over the Askervein Hill, it was found that large-eddy simulations provide an acceptable solution for the mean-velocity field and better predictions of the turbulent kinetic energy in the upstream side of the hill than the model. However, as with the model, grid convergence was not achieved in the lee side and the size of the zone with reversed flow increased with the grid refinement. Nevertheless, the existence of the intermittent separation predicted with unsteady RANS in part one of this work seems unquestionable, due to the deceleration of the flow. In our opinion, a better modelling of the decelerating boundary layer in the lee side is required to improve the results obtained using equilibrium assumptions and achieve grid convergence.  相似文献   

Computations of the buoyantly unstable Ekman layer are performed at low Reynolds number. The turbulent fields are obtained directly by solving the three-dimensional time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations (using the Boussinesq approximation to account for buoyancy effects), and no turbulence model is needed. Two levels of heating are considered, one quite vigorous, the other more moderate. Statistics for the vigorously heated case are found to agree reasonably well with laboratory, field, and large-eddy simulation results, when Deardorff's mixed-layer scaling is used. No indication of large-scale longitudinal roll cells is found in this convection-dominated flow, for which the inversion height to Obukhov length scale ratio –z i /L *=26. However, when heating is more moderate (so that –z i /L *=2), evidence of coherent rolls is present. About 10% of the total turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent heat flux, and 20% of the Reynolds shear stress, are estimated to be a direct consequence of the observed cells.  相似文献   

Summary The problem of along-stream ageostrophic frontogenesis is studied by employing a numerical model at meso-alpha and meso-beta scales in simulations of the downstream circulations over the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. Three-dimensional real data simulations at these two scales of motion are used to diagnose the transition from semigeostrophic cross-stream frontogenesis accompanying a propagating baroclinic upper-level jet streak to midtropospheric along-stream ageostrophic frontogenesis. This along-stream ageostrophic frontogenesis results from the perturbation of the jet streak by the Rocky Mountain range. The case study represents an example of internal wave dynamics which are forced by the drag of the Rocky Mountains on a strong jet streak in the presence of a low-level inversion.The simulation results indicate that, unlike semi-geostrophic frontogenesis, a front (which is alligned perpendicular to the axis of the jet stream) may form when significant adiabatic heating occurs within a stratified shear flow over horizontal length scales shorter than the Rossby radius of deformation. The mechanism responsible for the frontogenesis is the growth of the divergent along-stream wind velocity component which becomes coupled to the front's along-stream pressure gradient force. This nonlinear interaction produces hydrostatic mesoscale frontogenesis as follows: 1) vertical wind shear in the along-stream plane strengthens resulting in the increasingly nonuniform vertical variation of horizontal temperature advection as the ageostrophic wind component grows in magnitude downstream of the meso-scale terrain-induced adiabatic heating, 2) increasing along-stream differential vertical motions (i.e., along-stream thermally indirect circulation with warm air sinking to the west and cold air rising to the east) tilt the vertical gradient of isentropes into the horizontal as the vertical temperature gradient increases due to the previous process in proximity to horizontal gradients in the along-stream component of the ageostrophic wind, 3) as tilting motions act to increase the along-stream horizontal temperature gradient, the along-stream confluence acts to nonuniformly increase the along-stream frontal temperature gradient which increases the along-stream pressure gradient force resulting in further accelerations, ageostrophy, and frontal steepening as part of a scale contraction process.The evolution of the aforementioned processes results in the three-dimensional hydrostatic frontogenesis accompanying the overturning of isentropic surfaces. These adjustments act to turn air parcels to the right of the southwesterly geostrophic wind vector at successively lower atmospheric levels as the scale contraction continues. This simulated along-stream front is verified from diagnostic analysis of the profiler-derived temperature and wind fields.With 17 Figures  相似文献   

一个对流边界层中的随机扩散模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对对流边界层(CBL)湍流结构的分析,首次提出用两种不同尺度的湍流模拟CBL中的铅直扩散.在此基础上发展了一个随机扩散模式,并用它模拟了典型对流条件下两种高架连续点源的扩散.与Willis水槽模拟和Lamb等人数值模拟以及CONDORS计划外场试验的结果的比较表明,本模式能成功地模拟CBL中的横向积分浓度.与其它数值模式相比,还具有输入参数少、计算量极小和更加简单实用的优点.  相似文献   

Two runs of a large-eddy simulation model with Deardorff's and Schumann's subgrid parametrizations have been compared in order to analyze spurious effects at the top of the mixed layer due to a presence of a strong temperature jump. Simulations performed showed that Schumann's subgrid eddy viscosity was sufficient to spreads out sharp ripples which appeared in the numerical solution due to numerical dispersion. Deardorff's subgrid eddy viscosity was found too small near the top of the mixed layer, and as a result truncation dispersion errors caused unphysical solutions in this region.  相似文献   

Summary The equations of motion applied to the planetary boundary layer are numerically integrated for certain special eddy viscosity distributions. Accelerations are retained, eddy viscosity varied with height and, to a lesser extent, with time. The resulting inertial oscillations, although very limited in generality, show agreement with observations. Not only clockwise but also counterclockwise rotation of the end point of the wind vector can occur in some cases. Some solutions agree and others disagree with the analytical solutions for unbounded eddy viscosity.
Zusammenfassung Die auf die planetare Grenzschicht angewandten Bewegungsgleichungen werden für spezielle Verteilungen des Austauschkoeffizienten numerisch integriert. Beschleunigungen werden beibehalten, vertikale, und, in geringerem Maße, zeitliche Variationen des Austauschkoeffizienten angenommen. Die resultierenden Trägheitsschwingungen sind zwar im allgemeinen sehr beschränkt, zeigen jedoch gute Übereinstimmung mit den Beobachtungen. In einzelnen Fällen kann eine Drehung des Windvektors nicht nur im Uhrzeigersinn, sondern auch im Gegenuhrzeigersinn auftreten. Einige Lösungen stimmen gut, andere nicht mit den analytischen Lösungen für einen unbegrenzten Austauschkoeffizienten überein.

Résumé Les équations du mouvement appliquées à la couche limite planétaire sont intégrées pour des distributions particulières du coefficient d'échange turbulent. On tient compte des accélérations et on admet des variations verticales et, en moindre mesure, temporelles du coefficient d'échange. Les oscillations d'inertie qui en résultent sont, il est vrai, très limitées mais s'accordent bien avec les observations. Dans certains cas une rotation de la résultante du vecteur vent peut apparaître, non seulement dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre, mais aussi en sens contraire. Quelques solutions concordent avec celles que l'on obtient en admettant un coefficient d'échange illimité, d'autres pas.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   

We examine daily (morning–afternoon) transitions in the atmospheric boundary layer based on large-eddy simulations. Under consideration are the effects of the stratification at the top of the mixed layer and of the wind shear. The results describe the transitory behaviour of temperature and wind velocity, their second moments, the boundary-layer height Z m (defined by the maximum of the potential temperature gradient) and its standard deviation σ m , the mixed-layer height z i (defined by the minimum of the potential temperature flux), entrainment velocity W e, and the entrainment flux H i . The entrainment flux and the entrainment velocity are found to lag slightly in time with respect to the surface temperature flux. The simulations imply that the atmospheric values of velocity variances, measured at various instants during the daytime, and normalized in terms of the actual convective scale w*, are not expected to collapse to a single curve, but to produce a significant scatter of observational points. The measured values of the temperature variance, normalized in terms of the actual convective scale Θ*, are expected to form a single curve in the mixed layer, and to exhibit a considerable scatter in the interfacial layer.  相似文献   

A laboratory water-analog of clear-air penetrative convection in the atmosphere has been constructed to continue studies of the turbulent dispersion of buoyant plumes in the convective boundary layer (CBL). A unique feature is the utilization of saline rather than thermal convection, which has been made possible by the development of a reliable method for delivering a controllable buoyancy flux through a porous membrane. It has been shown in an earlier paper that at typical laboratory scales, a saline convection tank is well suited to modelling buoyant plume dipersion under strongly convective (light wind) conditions.A range of experiments has clearly demonstrated the validity of the model. Results for density and velocity variances show much less scatter than most comparable measurements because of the greatly improved sampling that is possible in the tank. The results are generally in good agreement with field data and other laboratory simulations but the improved accuracy of the data has highlighted the anomalously low values for the horizontal velocity variances produced by large-eddy simulations of the CBL. The cause of this apparent underprediction remains unresolved.  相似文献   

The kinematic structure of the convective boundary layer, observed by a dual-Doppler radar system, is compared with the structure predicted by simple shear models. We first consider the models to be inviscid, then add viscous effects. Model 1 assumes a linear ambient wind profile from the surface through the boundary layer, and a constant wind above. The shear layer is assumed to be statically neutral, but static stability is permitted in the region above the shear. Model 2 has a hyperbolic tangent ambient wind profile.After considering the inviscid models, some of the effects of viscosity are incorporated into the models in a crude way, and the results are compared.We conclude that although the presence of shear is important, the kinematic structure is relatively independent of the details of the wind and temperature profiles. Viscosity has important effects, especially near the critical level where the disturbance velocity is equal to the wind speed. The patterns predicted by both models agree very well with the dual-Doppler radar observations when viscosity is included.  相似文献   

Recently Frech and Mahrt proposed a closure scheme which includes alarge-scale stress term to represent the effects of non-local momentummixing in the convective boundary layer. Here large-eddy simulation (LES)datasets are used to evaluate the performance of this scheme across a rangeof stabilities between neutral and highly convective conditions, and as afunction of baroclinity. Generally the inclusion of the non-local term inthe closure model leads to results in better agreement with LES, althoughsome modifications to the model formulation are suggested.  相似文献   

The role of thermals in the convective boundary layer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Detailed measurements of the structure of thermals throughout the convective boundary layer were obtained from the NCAR Electra aircraft over the ocean during the Air Mass Transformation Experiment (AMTEX). Humidity was used as an indicator of thermals. The variables were first high-pass filtered with a 5 km cutoff digital filter to eliminate mesoscale variations. Segments of the 5 min (30 km length) horizontal flight legs with humidity greater than half the standard deviation of humidity fluctuations for that leg were defined as thermals. This was found to be a better indicator of thermals than temperature in the upper part of the boundary layer since the temperature in a thermal is cooler than its environment in the upper part of the boundary layer. Using mixed-layer scaling, the normalized length and number of thermals were found to scale with the 1/3 and -1/3 powers, respectively, of normalized height, while vertical velocity and temperature scaled according to similarity predictions in the free convection region of the surface layer. The observational results presented here extend throughout the entire mixed layer. Using these results in the equation for mean updraft velocity of a field of thermals, the sum of the vertical pressure gradient and edge-effect terms can be estimated. This residual term is found to be important throughout most of the boundary layer. The magnitude of the divergence of vertical velocity variance within a thermal is found to be larger than the magnitude of the mean updraft velocity term throughout most of the mixed layer.Part of this work was completed while visiting Risø National Laboratory, Denmark.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Paper reviews recent laboratory and numerical model studies of passive gaseous tracer dispersion in the atmospheric convective boundary layer (CBL) with surface and elevated wind shears. Atmospheric measurement data used for validation of these two model techniques are briefly discussed as well. A historical overview is given of laboratory studies of dispersion in the atmospheric CBL. Model studies of tracer dispersion in two CBL types, the (i) non-steady, horizontally homogeneous CBL and (ii) quasi-stationary, horizontally heterogeneous CBL, are reviewed. The discussion is focused on the dispersion of non-buoyant plume emitted from a point source located at different elevations within the CBL. Approaches towards CBL modeling employed in different laboratory facilities (water tanks and wind tunnels) are described. The reviewed numerical techniques include Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Lagrangian modeling. Numerical data on dispersion in the sheared CBL is analyzed in conjunction with experimental results from wind-tunnel CBLs.  相似文献   

Based on the measurement of the velocity field in the convective boundary layer (CBL) in a convection water tank with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) technique, this paper studies the characteristics of the CBL turbulent velocity in a modified convection tank. The experiment results show that the velocity distribution in the mixed layer clearly possesses the characteristics of the CBL thermals, and the turbulent eddies can be seen obviously. The comparison of the vertical distribution of the turbulent velocity variables indicates that the modeling in the new tank is better than in the old one. The experiment data show that the thermal's motion in the entrainment zone sometimes fluctuates obviously due to the intermittence of turbulence. Analyses show that this fluctuation can influence the agreement of the measurement data with the parameterization scheme, in which the convective Richardson number is used to characterize the entrainment zone depth. The normalized square velocity wi^2/w*^2. at the top of the mixed layer seems to be time-dependent, and has a decreasing trend during the experiments. This implies that the vertical turbulent velocity at the top of the mixed layer may not be proportional to the convective velocity (w*).  相似文献   

From sodar measurements gathered during the Voves experiment (France, summer 1977), the variations of the temperature structure parameter C T 2 were studied in the morning planetary boundary layer. Dimensionless profiles of C T 2 are consistent with the mixed-layer scaling of Kaimal et al. (1976); however, for z < 0,5 z i, the decrease of C T 2 as z 4/3 should be weighted according to Frisch and Ochs (1975).When the final breakup of the nocturnal inversion is achieved, the variations of the maximum of the C T 2 profile are in good agreement with those predicted by Wyngaard and Le Mone (1980). Discrepancies are observed mainly when the mixed layer is shallow and mechanical turbulence is important compared with buoyancy-driven turbulence.  相似文献   

We study the interactions of chemistry and turbulent mixing of tracersin the convective boundary layer with a second-order closure model,including higher order chemistry terms. In order to limit the number of predictive equations we prescribe the profiles for ¯w¯, ¯w¯ ¯ and the lengthscale l. However, for model validation we treat temperature and humidity asinert tracers, and compare the results with profiles observed during theAir Mass Transformation Experiment, and with similarity expressions for thesurface layer. We find good agreement of the mean profiles, but the (co-)variances are slightly underpredicted. Furthermore, the model usesdiagnostic equations expressing third moments of concentration in terms ofsecond moments and their vertical derivatives. They are compared withlarge-eddy model results, showing good agreement and, therefore, thesimplifications are justified. The model is applied to the transport of two gases subject to one bimolecular reaction. The importance of concentration correlations on themean transformation rate is studied. For two gases diffusing in oppositedirections we find for moderate and fast chemistry a 50% and90% decreased transformation rate due to the negatively correlatedconcentrations. These values are similar to large-eddy results of Schumannand Sykes et al. For two bottom-up tracers we find that the covariance ofboth reactive species is either positive or negative, increasing or reducingthe effective transformation rate depending on the Damköhler number (the ratio of the turbulent and the chemistry timescale). A significantdirect influence of chemistry on the flux divergence is found in bothcases. According to the model the effective transport to mid-levels of theboundary layer is increased when two reactive tracers diffuse in oppositedirections, and decreased in the case of two bottom-up tracers.  相似文献   

The operating ranges of meteorological wind tunnels for convective boundary-layer (CBL) simulation are defined in this paper based on a review of the theoretical and practical limitations of the flow phenomena and the facilities available. Wind-tunnel operating ranges are limited by the dimensions of the simulated circulations and of the tunnel itself, the tunnel flow speed and turbulence processes, and the characteristics of the measurement instrumentation. When it is desired to simulate both the CBL and the behavior of other flows imbedded within the boundary layer, such as power-plant plume rise and dispersion, then additional constraints exist on the fluid modeling process. The capabilities of meteorological wind tunnels can also be extended through the judicious use of boundary and side wall flow controls.  相似文献   

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