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吕洪方  易帆 《地球物理学报》2006,49(6):1582-1587
本文利用武汉大学的瑞利激光雷达的瑞利散射回波数据(30~65km)来研究武汉地区上空(30.5°N,114.4°E)重力波的活动规律和统计特性.通过对2003年12月到2005年3月观测的200h数据反演的密度进行处理分析,得到了重力波的一些个例特征,并提取垂直波长为2 km以上的重力波进行统计分析.结果表明,最可几的垂直波长是3~4 km和17~20 km,重力波振幅的月平均值在冬季有较大值,夏季值较小.与武汉2004年无线电探空仪的密度扰动提取到的重力波做比较,发现与瑞利激光雷达得到的重力波振幅的月平均值有很强的相关性,也是冬季值比较大,夏季值比较小.通过无线电探空仪的风场数据,本文还得到了急流的季节变化规律、最大风剪切年变化规律,发现急流和最大风剪切与激光雷达的重力波统计结果有很强的相关性.  相似文献   

本文利用武汉大学的瑞利激光雷达的瑞利散射回波数据(30~65 km)来研究武汉地区上空(305°N,1144°E)〖JP〗重力波的活动规律和统计特性.通过对2003年12月到2005年3月观测的200 h数据反演的密度进行处理分析,得到了重力波的一些个例特征,并提取垂直波长为2 km以上的重力波进行统计分析.结果表明,最可几的垂直波长是3~4 km和17~20 km,重力波振幅的月平均值在冬季有较大值,夏季值较小.与武汉2004年无线电探空仪的密度扰动提取到的重力波做比较,发现与瑞利激光雷达得到的重力波振幅的月平均值有很强的相关性,也是冬季值比较大,夏季值比较小.通过无线电探空仪的风场数据,本文还得到了急流的季节变化规律、最大风剪切年变化规律,发现急流和最大风剪切与激光雷达的重力波统计结果有很强的相关性.  相似文献   

利用激光雷达测量重力波三维结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

激光雷达观测得到的密度、温度等数据被广泛应用于大气重力波研究.瑞利激光雷达可以获取激光路径上的大气密度、温度数据.对于大气中的三维波动而言,单条路径上的观测参量能提取得到的波动信息有限.本文首先以单色重力波为例,分析了利用激光雷达直接观测三维波动结构的可行性.激光雷达垂直观测即可得到重力波的垂直波长,当激光雷达以一定的天顶角斜向测量时,所得到的波长包含了重力波的垂直波长以及水平波长信息.因此,利用激光雷达同时以三个方向(垂直、向南(天顶角30°)以及向西(天顶角30°))测量,可以提取得到重力波的垂直波长和水平波长.本文利用中国科学院国家空间科学中心研制的车载532 nm瑞利激光雷达的经向系统和纬向系统同时以不同的指向角观测大气重力波,对利用激光雷达获取三维波动结构的方法进行了分析研究.本文给出了北京地区激光雷达观测重力波的诸多案例,分析了30~60 km高度范围内北京地区大气重力波的垂直及水平波长信息.并以2017年11月7日观测的准单色重力波为例,结合再分析资料的风场数据,分析了该重力波的水平波长,垂直波长及传播方向等信息.


在地震工程中,经常观测到地震波受地表起伏的影响而产生地形效应.本文基于数值模拟,研究了地震远场区域起伏地形对地表瑞利面波传播影响和对应的地形效应特征.结果表明:起伏地形的转折点或面的散射或反射,产生反方向传播的反射RR波和向空间扩散传播的转换RS体波,导致通过地形的瑞利面波能量极大的减弱,地形总体表现出强的隔震效应.地形起伏与地震动的波长比越大,隔震效应越强.凹陷地形表现出远比隆起地形更大的隔震效应.起伏地形转折引起的地表张角变化,导致地震动能量分布密度改变,是地形出现局部放大或减弱特征的主要因素.地表张角小于180°,地震动放大,张角越小放大作用越明显.地表张角大于180°,地震动减弱,张角越大减弱作用越强.当地形对地震动产生放大作用时,地震动水平分量比垂直分量放大效果更明显,而当地形产生减弱作用时,相对于水平分量,垂直分量更容易被减弱.  相似文献   

本文利用2006年5月至2013年4月COSMIC干温廓线数据,提取了青藏高原地区大气重力波势能,以此研究了青藏高原大气重力波势能的分布频率模型和大气重力波活动的时空变化特征,并进一步分析了高原大气重力波活动与高原地形、风速和高原大陆热辐射之间的相关性.青藏高原地区大气重力波势能的分布频率服从对数生长分布;青藏高原地区大气重力波在16~18 km和28~31 km高度较活跃,而在20~26 km高度较平静;高原大陆边缘各季节重力波活动均较活跃,而高原大陆上空大气重力波活动呈明显季节性变化,其在冬春季节较活跃,在夏秋季节较平静;2010年冬季青藏高原大气重力波活动异常平静;各季节整个高原上空大气重力波活跃度有随大气高度升高而降低的趋势,高原上低层大气重力波向高层传播会发生耗散作用.地形与风速是影响青藏高原大气重力波活动的重要因素.地形主要影响平流层底部的重力波活动;纬向风比经向风对该地区平流层大气重力波活动的影响大,纬向风总体上会促进高原大气重力波活动.青藏高原大陆热辐射对高原大气的加热作用是导致青藏高原大气重力波活动呈季节性变化的重要因素.  相似文献   

AIRS观测的东亚夏季平流层重力波特征   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对流性重力波对中层大气环境有显著影响.重力波活动及重力波源的地理和季节性变化等信息是理解和模拟重力波效应的基础.卫星高光谱红外大气垂直探测器AIRS的4 μm和15 μm波段可用于识别30~40 km高度范围和41 km高度附近的重力波,其11 μm通道可同步观测对流层深对流.观测个例表明,海面和陆面上空的平流层扰动影响范围均可达1000 km,不同高度的扰动强度分布也存在差异.基于2007年6月至8月的AIRS观测资料,分析了东亚区域的对流层深对流活动和平流层的重力波,得到了深对流和重力波发生频率的水平分布.统计结果表明,东亚区域夏季夜间的深对流活动明显少于白天,但AIRS观测到的平流层重力波发生频率和扰动强度均显著大于白天,揭示了夜间对流层深对流诱发的平流层重力波在强度、范围等方面可能与白天存在显著差异.进一步对比分析表明,AIRS观测的平流层扰动高值区与深对流高值区明显不同.平流层重力波与对流层深对流之间的相关分析表明,在36°N以南的区域,41 km高度上AIRS观测的重力波中,深对流云诱发的重力波的比例约为30%~100%.在10°N至36°N区间,90%的深对流均可诱发平流层重力波.分析得到的30~40 km高度区间和41 km高度附近的重力波水平分布对比表明,后一高度上的扰动强度明显大于前一高度,且前一高度在东南亚区域存在强扰动中心而在后一高度则没有.最后,给出了AIRS观测的几种典型形态的东亚区域平流层波动,表明了该区域平流层环境波动形态的复杂性和多样性.  相似文献   

利用子午工程海南激光雷达对我国海南地区上空进行持续观测,通过3年的累积观测数据对我国低纬度地区重力波活动的季节分布特性进行研究,依据重力波线性理论对海南地区上空的大气密度扰动规律、空间功率谱及时间频率谱进行分析,并通过选择波长在1 km至8 km范围内具有特定波长以及具有波动周期为60 min至25 min的特定频率的重力波辅助研究大气密度扰动的季节变化规律,总结得出海南地区重力波活动具有夏季大、春秋季小、而冬季依然频繁的季节性分布规律.结合海南地区特殊的地理位置与当地季节性气候特征分析得出海南地区上空重力波活动季节性变化的可能原因为青藏高原地形及我国南海地区存在的热带强对流与赤道潜流共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

梁晨  薛向辉  陈廷娣 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3668-3678
本文利用2007年1月至2012年12月的COSMIC卫星温度剖线,从中提取了垂直波长在3~10 km的重力波扰动信息,进而分析了全球平流层大气重力波的分布特征.赤道地区低平流层重力波表现出明显的准两年变化,这种变化与风场的准两年变化具有明显的相关性,向下发展速度约为1 km/月;赤道地区高平流层(35 km以上区域)的重力波活动则存在明显的半年变化.中高纬度重力波活动主要表现为冬季强夏季弱.在南极地区存在着与急流的时间、空间以及强度变化密切相关的重力波分布特征,这说明在南极极夜急流是非常重要的一个重力波源;而在北极极夜急流的作用则没有那么强.此外,通过考察不同高度的重力波活动特征,我们发现:30 km以下重力波活动较强区域主要在赤道地区且与强对流区分布基本吻合,地形诱发的以及与天气系统相关的强重力波活动在该高度范围内同样出现;而在30 km以上的区域重力波活动强度分布则会出现与平流层爆发性增温以及极夜急流有关的变化.  相似文献   

北极地区低平流层惯性重力波的观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

南极地区重力波活动有大量报道,相对而言,北极地区重力波的研究还很少.本文利用极区Ny-Alesund站点(78.9°N,11.9°E)无线电探空仪从2012年4月1日到2017年3月31日共5年的观测数据,统计分析了北极地区低平流层惯性重力波的特征.观测显示,月平均纬向风在20 km以下盛行东向风,再随着高度增加,逐渐呈现出半年振荡现象.对流层顶高度在5~13 km范围内变化,其月平均高度显示出年循环,最高出现在夏季,约为10 km,最低出现在冬季,约为8.5 km.对流层和低平流层月平均温度都显示出明显的年周期变化,这与中低纬度观测结果有所不同.结合Lomb-Scargle谱分析和矢端曲线方法,估算了准单色惯性重力波参数.个例研究表明,低平流层惯性重力波呈现出远离源区的自由传播性质.统计结果显示,惯性重力波的水平和垂直波长分别集中在50~450 km和1~4 km范围内,本征频率集中在1~2.5倍惯性频率间,这些值都比中低纬度观测值稍小.垂直方向本征相速度主要集中在-0.3~0 m·s-1,而纬向和经向本征相速度集中在-40~40 m·s-1之间.在5年的观测中,大约91.5%的惯性重力波向上传播.在冬季和早春,由于极地平流层极涡活动,激发出向下传播的惯性重力波,因此,向下传播的比例上升到相应月份的20%左右.由于低层大气盛行的东向风的滤波效应,低平流层大部分惯性重力波向西传播.波能量呈现出明显的年周期变化,最大值在冬季、最小值在夏季,与北半球中低纬度观测结果一致,表明北半球重力波活动普遍冬季强、夏季弱.



利用中国科学院国家空间科学中心廊坊站(40.0°N,116.3°E)钠荧光多普勒激光雷达2011年至2013年共约82 h的钠原子数密度和垂直风观测数据,分析了廊坊地区中间层顶区域大气重力波耗散引起的钠原子输送特征.分析得到,90~100 km处重力波耗散引起的平均钠原子垂直通量整体为负,钠原子向下输送,在93 km处达到最大负值-1.47×108m-3 m·s-1,85~90 km处平均钠原子垂直通量为正,钠原子向上输送,但通量值随高度递减.钠原子垂直通量方向在90 km处发生转变,垂直通量随高度的变化造成钠原子汇聚,汇聚效应引起的平均钠原子产生率最大值在91 km处达到了1.40×108 m-3/h,该值超过了相同高度上模式计算流星烧蚀注入引起的钠原子产生率峰值,说明重力波耗散对钠层结构的形成具有重要影响.与美国SOR和Maui观测结果相比,平均钠原子产生率峰值大小相近,但出现高度不同,说明大气重力波耗散引起的物质输送具有显著的地域变化特征.研究结果可为大气物质输送理论的完善以及大气金属层物理模式的改进提供观测事实参考.


Lidar observations of Rayleigh backscatter and temperature profiles measured by ozonesondes have been used to investigate gravity waves in the upper and lower stratosphere, respectively, over Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W). Both data sets have been used to investigate the vertical wavenumber spectrum of the wave field at high wavenumbers. Similar analytic techniques applied to each data set enable direct comparison of the spectra. The possibility of laminar structures generated by differential advection contaminating gravity-wave fields deduced from temperature and/or density measurement is discussed and the behaviour of the wave-field mean potential energy reveals a seasonal cycle throughout the stratosphere with a late winter maximum and a summer minimum.  相似文献   

Observations made with the co-located Rayleigh lidar and MST radar systems at Aberystwyth (52.4°N, 4.1°W) in Wales and radiosondes from Valentia (51.9°N, 10.2°W) in Eire are used to investigate the changes in the vertical propagation of gravity waves during periods of 4 days in June 1995 and February 1993. In each month, the lidar observations show that the wave activity in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere changes between two pairs of days. The radar and radiosonde measurements indicate that mountain waves make no contribution to the changes in intensity. Instead, the changes seem to arise largely from the presence or absence of long-period waves with vertical wavelengths near 8 and 10 km in June and February, respectively. The influence of such waves on the vertical wavenumber spectra is examined and related to the evidence for convective instabilities provided by the temperature profiles.  相似文献   


An analytical spectral model of the barotropic divergent equations on a sphere is developed using the potential-stream function formulation and the normal modes as basic functions. Explicit expressions of the coefficients of nonlinear interaction are obtained in the asymptotic case of a slowly rotating sphere, i.e. when the normal modes can be expressed as single spherical harmonics.  相似文献   

A single-wavelength Rayleigh lidar system has been used to measure the temperatures in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in the night in the altitude range from about 8 to 30km. The temperature derivation is based on an inversion algorithm of the pure Rayleigh backscatter. Calculations include the derivation of the air molecular concentration by an iterative method and the backscattered signals corrected by the background aerosol, which is now found to be low and stable. The uncertainties in estimating the temperature using this method are discussed in detail.The temperature profiles and the tropopause characteristics derived by using the lidar measurements are compared with the radiosonde data. Good agreement is found between these two measurements revealing the potential of this method. The comparison with radiosonde data shows that the lidar measured tropopause temperature is lower by 0.8±1.5K and the tropopause height is higher by 0.45±0.8km than the radiosonde measurements. The climatology of local tropopause (24.57°N,121.13°E) is briefly discussed in terms of a double tropopause formation and seasonal variations of the tropopause height and temperature.  相似文献   

Marked wavelike variations of the lower stratospheric wind observed on 7–10 May, 1985 by an MST radar in Japan (by the MU radar) are analyzed assuming that they are induced by monochromatic internal inertio-gravity waves. These variations are mainly composed of two modes (periods: 22 and 24 hours), both of which have zonal phase velocities (C X ) slower than the mean westerly wind (). A statistical analysis of the zonal phase velocity shows thatC X above andC X below the tropopause jet stream, which is considered to be a vivid proof of wave selection due to the tropospheric mean flow and upward wave emission from the tropopause jet. A comparison between the MU radar results and routine meteorological observations leads to the conclusion that the marked waves appear when the jet stream takes a maximum wind speed.  相似文献   

A study of inertial scale gravity wave motions in the region of the atmosphere between 30 and 60 km has been undertaken, using wind and temperature data derived from rocket-borne falling sphere density experiments performed over Woomera, Australia between 1962 nad 1976. The gross features of the wave field compare favorably with those found in similar northern hemispheric studies. Wave propagation is found to be both vertically and horizontally anisotropic. A rotary spectral analysis indicates predominately upgoing wave energy, suggesting that the majority of sources of these waves lie below 30 km. A detailed statistical investigation of the waves, made using the Stokes parameters technique, reveals that phase progression is also highly directional in the horizontal, with a significant zonal component in summer, but with a strong meridional component in winter. Propagation towards the southeast is inferred in summer, with the waves possibly emanating from tropospheric sources in equatorial regions to the north of Australia. The technique also shows that, on average, the waves appear to have mean ellipse eccentricities (=f/) around 0.4–0.45. Indirect estimates of a number of important wave parameters are made. In particular,v andw flux estimates are made over several height intervals. The vertical gradient of density weighted flux implies wave-induced mean flow accelerations of the order 0.1–1 ms–1day–1. This suggests that dissipating gravity waves are a significant source of the momentum residuals that are encountered in studies of satellite data from this region.  相似文献   

The dispersion relation for Rayleigh waves in a layer on a half-space is modified by introducing the quadratic wave number instead of the phase velocity. The implicit function theorem is then used to derive analytical formulae for the group velocity and for the phase- and group velocity partial derivatives with respect to the parameters of the medium. As two examples, the method is applied to the interpretation of dispersion curves for short-period Rayleigh waves observed in a sedimentary basin of the West Carpathians, and in the Moravo-Silesian region, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Asymptotic methods and numerical simulations are used to examine the evolution of an internal gravity wave packet comprising a continuous spectrum of horizontal wavenumbers and propagating upwards in a continuously stratified shear flow. In the multiple-scale framework for a horizontally localized wave packet generated by stratified flow over a localized mountain range with multiple peaks, there are in general two horizontal scales: the “fast” scale which is defined by the oscillations within the packet, i.e. the number of peaks, and the “slow scale” which is defined by the horizontal extent of the packet, i.e. the width of the mountain range. The focus here is on the specific case of an isolated mountain where the spectrum of horizontal wavenumbers is centred at zero and the multiple-scaling procedure is thus simplified by the absence of the fast spatial scale. The background flow is vertically sheared and critical-level interactions occur. The time frame within which non-linear critical-level effects become significant is determined by the magnitude of the non-linear terms in the governing equations. With the isolated mountain forcing this time frame is significantly longer than in the case of a multiple-peak mountain range forcing and it depends on the horizontal scale of the forcing, as well as on the amplitude. At leading-order, the non-linear asymptotic solution approaches a steady state in the outer region at late time, but the zero-wavenumber component of the solution continues to evolve with time in the vicinity of the critical level.  相似文献   

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