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张盼  邢贞贞  胡勇 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3974-3987
在常规地震采集中,被动源地震波场往往被视为噪声而去除,这就造成了部分有用信息的丢失.在目标区进行主动源和被动源弹性波地震数据的多分量混合采集,并对两种数据进行联合应用,使其在照明和频带上优势互补,能显著提高成像和反演的质量.本文针对两种不同类型的主被动源混采地震数据,分别提出了相应的联合全波形反演方法.首先,针对主动源与瞬态被动源弹性波混采地震数据,为充分利用被动源对深部照明的优势,同时有效压制被动震源点附近的成像异常值,提出了基于动态随机组合的弹性波被动源照明补偿反演策略.然后,针对低频缺失主动源与背景噪声型被动源弹性波混采地震数据,为充分利用被动源波场携带的低频信息,并避免对被动源的定位和子波估计,提出了基于地震干涉与不依赖子波算法的弹性波主被动源串联反演策略.最后,分别将两种方法在Marmousi模型上进行反演测试.结果说明,综合利用主动源和被动源弹性波混采地震数据,不仅能增强深部弹性参数反演效果,还能更好地构建弹性参数模型的宏观结构,并有助于缓解常规弹性波全波形反演的跳周问题.  相似文献   

基于L2范数的常规全波形反演目标函数是一个强非线性泛函,在反演过程中容易陷入局部极小值.本文提出归一化能量谱目标函数来缓解全波形反演过程中的强非线性问题,同时能够有效地缓解噪声和震源子波不准等因素的影响.能量谱目标函数是通过匹配观测数据与模拟数据随频率分布的能量信息来实现最小二乘反演的,其忽略了地震数据波形与相位变化的细节特征,这在反演的过程中能够有效缓解波形匹配错位等问题.数值测试结果表明,基于归一化能量谱目标函数在构建初始速度模型、抗噪性和缓解震源子波依赖等方面都优于归一化全波形反演目标函数.金属矿模型测试结果表明,即使地震数据缺失低频分量,基于归一化能量谱目标函数的全波形反演方法在像金属矿这样的强散射介质反演问题上同样具有一定的优势.  相似文献   

多震源编码技术可以提高全波形反演的计算效率,但同时会引入串扰噪声使反演结果质量降低. 全变分约束可以有效地压制层内噪声并突出模型界面,其与多震源技术的结合,能在大大提高弹性波全波形反演效率的同时提高反演质量. 本文提出了一种高效的动态多震源全波形反演策略,可以在离散串扰噪声的同时保证照明的均匀性. 根据残留串扰噪声的分布特征,构建了与之匹配的基于各向异性全变分约束的弹性波全波形反演方法. 为了减少周期跳跃效应,将基于稀疏约束的低频重构算法应用于弹性波地震记录,给出了利用快速梯度投影算法求解各向异性全变分约束的全波形反演流程. 模型数据测试结果表明本文的方法不仅能有效地抑制多震源方法导致的串扰噪声,同时也能降低观测数据中的噪声对反演结果的影响.  相似文献   

全波形反演方法是一种数据域高精度反演方法,该方法通过匹配观测数据与模拟数据的地震波形,利用梯度法准确反演地下介质参数的分布情况.由于观测数据普遍缺少低频信息,该方法易受周期跳跃现象影响.特别是当地下存在大尺度强反射界面的构造时,地下介质的反演转化为强非线性问题求解.该情形下,即使观测数据包含充足的低频信息,全波形反演也难以给出准确的反演结果.一般可以通过减弱反演对初始模型参数的依赖性来克服上述问题,具体表现为使用新变量(例如瞬时相位、包络等)代替目标函数中的采样后波场,以增强新目标函数的凸性.但是,对该新目标函数进行反演时,伴随状态方程中存在关于新变量和波场的一个链式微分项,该项保留了反演问题的非线性,导致新的反演方法难以处理包含大尺度构造的强非线性反演问题.此外,基于新变量的反演问题依然在波场空间中计算模型梯度,难以充分利用新变量与模型参数之间的弱非线性关系.因此,本文提出用频率域波动方程的相位形式代替传统的波动方程来消除伴随状态方程中的链式微分项,用解缠绕的相位代替目标函数中采样前波场并在相位空间进行反演.该方法可以最大程度地利用地下介质参数和解缠绕相位之间的弱非线性关系,从而削弱反演的非线性性.由于基于频率域波场计算得到相位有严重的缠绕问题,本文采用基于振幅排序的多聚类算法来对相位进行解缠绕.虽然将介质参数到波场的映射替换为介质参数与解缠绕相位的映射,会导致反演结果的分辨率有所下降,但该方法可以在相位空间恢复介质参数的大尺度低波数分量.Marmousi模型测试证明了该方法的有效性和准确性,针对部分BP模型的测试也证明了该方法处理强非线性问题的能力.  相似文献   

毛博  韩立国 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):4010-4019
由于深部金属矿埋深和自身的复杂性,利用重、磁、电方法和一般的地震方法很难有效地对其进行高精度定位.全波形反演通过最小化模拟数据与观测数据的差异使深部金属矿的高精度探测成为可能,但全波形反演是一个局部优化过程,需要准确的低频数据作为起始,而这在一般的地震数据采集中难以做到.本文先在频域中使用伴随状态震源函数反演方法,通过震源附近的直达波能精确地反演出震源函数的形态.然后利用得到的高精度震源子波结合褶积与反褶积思想及相似性现象重构含有低频成分的自激自收数据.将该数据应用到全波形反演中,有效缓减了反演过程中出现的周波跳跃现象,并提高了模型反演的正确性.Marmousi模型和金属矿模型的数值模拟实验证明了新方法改善了在没有低频数据时的全波形反演结果,并有较好抗噪性.  相似文献   

多分量地震数据中低频缺失是弹性波全波形反演中的一大难题,低频的缺失导致全波形反演无法有效恢复介质的长波长成分进而使反演陷入局部极值。为此,本文提出了反演介质纵横波速度长波长分量的弹性波包络反演方法。该方法利用包络算子具有的解调多分量数据中隐含的低频信息的能力,构造多分量地震数据的包络目标函数进行反演,用以恢复地下介质纵横波速度的长波长成分。一系列数值试验表明,即使在多分量地震数据中缺失低频信息、并且初始模型缺少先验信息的情况下,这种弹性波包络反演方法能够有效降低波形反演的非线性,可以为后续的常规弹性波全波形反演或者深度偏移提供足够精确的初始模型,且该方法对横波速度长波长分量的重建尤为有效。Mamousi-2模型的高精度纵横波速度的反演结果表明,利用该方法反演的纵横波速度作为常规弹性波全波形反演的初始模型,可以显著提高反演结果的精度。此外,本文对弹性波包络反演方法的适用性也进行了初步的研究与讨论。  相似文献   

全波形反演是一种高精度的反演方法,其目标函数是一个强非线性函数,易受局部极值影响,而且反演过程计算量较大.波场重构反演是近几年提出的一种改进的全波形反演理论.该反演方法通过将波动方程作为惩罚项引入到目标函数中,通过拓宽解的寻找空间减弱了局部极小值的影响,而且反演过程不需要计算伴随波场,提高了计算效率.但该反演方法一直缺少准确的惩罚因子算法,直接影响到该方法的准确度.本文将波场重构反演拓展到时间域并利用梯度法进行波场重构.频率域的惩罚因子用来加强波动方程的约束,而时间域惩罚因子表现为调节模拟波场和实际波场的权重因子.为此,我们根据约束优化理论,在波动方程准确以及重构波场与反演参数解耦的假设下,提出以波动方程为目标函数的新的惩罚因子算法.根据波形反演在应用时普遍存在的噪音干扰、子波错误和低频信息缺失的情况下,应用部分Sigsbee2A模型合成数据对本文提出的算法进行实验.数值实验结果表明:基于新的惩罚因子算法,在其他信息不准确的情况下,波场重构反演可以给出高精度的反演结果.  相似文献   

本文使用炮并行和区域分解(物理上分割模型,使用基于MPI的分布式存储架构的计算集群,节约单个CPU内核的内存使用量,快速进行正演数值模拟)两种并行算法.该方法的每一步迭代都能确保近似海森矩阵的正定,因此,算法稳健.将时间正向传播的炮波场和反向逆时间传播的残差波场(伴随波场)进行零延迟互相关计算,得到误差泛函的梯度,然后对梯度乘以一个预条件算子,从而加快反演的收敛速度.通过抛物线搜索方法而估计步长,使用L-BFGS算法(限定内存的BFGS算法)求解模型的更新量,进行二维时间空间域弹性波全波形反演.将该反演方法应用到Marmousi2弹性波理论模型,分别反演Marmousi2理论模型的纵波速度、横波速度以及密度等三个参数.我们分别使用截止频率为2 Hz、5 Hz、10 Hz和20 Hz四个阶段的低通巴特沃斯滤波器,采用多尺度的策略,从理论模型数据的低频分量开始反演,将低频分量的反演结果作为高频分量反演时的初始模型,然后依次反演数据的高频分量.理论模型数值试验反演所得到的结果证实:二维时间空间域弹性波全波形反演计算灵活,适用于各种观测系统,能够方便地对地震数据进行加时窗;二维时间空间域弹性波全波形反演所得纵波速度模型的分辨率最高,横波速度模型的分辨率次之,密度模型的分辨率稍微差些.  相似文献   

低频成分缺失和地下速度强烈变化会导致严重的周期跳现象,是地震数据全波形反演的难题.通过对地震数据加时间阻尼和时间积分降主频处理,提出了一种可有效去除周期跳现象的多主频波场时间阻尼全波形反演方法.由浅到深的速度不准确会造成波形走时失配和走时失配的累积.浅部速度的准确反演可有效地减小深部波形走时失配与周期跳现象.对地震数据施加时间阻尼得到时间阻尼数据,利用不同阻尼值的时间阻尼地震数据实现由浅到深的全波形反演.低主频波场的周期跳现象相对高主频波场的要弱.对地震波场进行不同阶的时间积分以得到不同主频的波场,把低主频波场的全波形反演结果作为高主频波场全波形反演的初始模型.应用缺失4 Hz以下频谱成分的二维盐丘模型合成数据验证所提出的全波形反演方法的正确性和有效性,数值试验结果显示多主频波场的时间阻尼全波形反演方法对缺失低频成分地震数据和地下速度强烈变化具有很好的适应性.  相似文献   

频率域全波形反演方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
全波形反演方法利用叠前地震波场的运动学和动力学信息重建地下速度结构,具有揭示复杂地质背景下构造与岩性细节信息的潜力.根据研究需要,全波形反演既可在时间域也可在频率域实现.频率域相对于时间域反演具有计算高效、数据选择灵活等优势.近十几年来频率域全波形反演理论在波场模拟方法、反演频率选择策略、目标函数设置方式、震源子波处理方式、梯度预处理方法等方面取得了进展.目标函数存在大量局部极值的特性是影响反射地震全波形反演效果的重要内在因素之一.如果将Laplace域波形反演、频率域阻尼波场反演、频率域波形反演三种方法有机结合,可以降低反演的非线性程度.  相似文献   

The key objective of an imaging algorithm is to produce accurate and high‐resolution images of the subsurface geology. However, significant wavefield distortions occur due to wave propagation through complex structures and irregular acquisition geometries causing uneven wavefield illumination at the target. Therefore, conventional imaging conditions are unable to correctly compensate for variable illumination effects. We propose a generalised wave‐based imaging condition, which incorporates a weighting function based on energy illumination at each subsurface reflection and azimuth angles. Our proposed imaging kernel, named as the directional‐oriented wavefield imaging, compensates for illumination effects produced by possible surface obstructions during acquisition, sparse geometries employed in the field, and complex velocity models. An integral part of the directional‐oriented wavefield imaging condition is a methodology for applying down‐going/up‐going wavefield decomposition to both source and receiver extrapolated wavefields. This type of wavefield decomposition eliminates low‐frequency artefacts and scattering noise caused by the two‐way wave equation and can facilitate the robust estimation for energy fluxes of wavefields required for the seismic illumination analysis. Then, based on the estimation of the respective wavefield propagation vectors and associated directions, we evaluate the illumination energy for each subsurface location as a function of image depth point and subsurface azimuth and reflection angles. Thus, the final directional‐oriented wavefield imaging kernel is a cross‐correlation of the decomposed source and receiver wavefields weighted by the illuminated energy estimated at each depth location. The application of the directional‐oriented wavefield imaging condition can be employed during the generation of both depth‐stacked images and azimuth–reflection angle‐domain common image gathers. Numerical examples using synthetic and real data demonstrate that the new imaging condition can properly image complex wave paths and produce high‐fidelity depth sections.  相似文献   

The attenuation of seismic waves propagating in reservoirs can be obtained accurately from the data analysis of vertical seismic profile in terms of the quality-factor Q. The common methods usually use the downgoing wavefields in vertical seismic profile data. However, the downgoing wavefields consist of more than 90% energy of the spectrum of the vertical seismic profile data, making it difficult to estimate the viscoacoustic parameters accurately. Thus, a joint viscoacoustic waveform inversion of velocity and quality-factor is proposed based on the multi-objective functions and analysis of the difference between the results inverted from the separated upgoing and downgoing wavefields. A simple separating step is accomplished by the reflectivity method to obtain the individual wavefields in vertical seismic profile data, and then a joint inversion is carried out to make full use of the information of the individual wavefields and improve the convergence of viscoacoustic full-waveform inversion. The sensitivity analysis of the different wavefields to the velocity and quality-factor shows that the upgoing and downgoing wavefields contribute differently to the viscoacoustic parameters. A numerical example validates our method can improve the accuracy of viscoacoustic parameters compared with the direct inversion using full wavefield and the separate inversion using upgoing or downgoing wavefield. The application on real field data indicates our method can recover a reliable viscoacoustic model, which helps reservoir appraisal.  相似文献   

Waveform inversion is a velocity‐model‐building technique based on full waveforms as the input and seismic wavefields as the information carrier. Conventional waveform inversion is implemented in the data domain. However, similar techniques referred to as image‐domain wavefield tomography can be formulated in the image domain and use a seismic image as the input and seismic wavefields as the information carrier. The objective function for the image‐domain approach is designed to optimize the coherency of reflections in extended common‐image gathers. The function applies a penalty operator to the gathers, thus highlighting image inaccuracies arising from the velocity model error. Minimizing the objective function optimizes the model and improves the image quality. The gradient of the objective function is computed using the adjoint state method in a way similar to that in the analogous data‐domain implementation. We propose an image‐domain velocity‐model building method using extended common‐image‐point space‐ and time‐lag gathers constructed sparsely at reflections in the image. The gathers are effective in reconstructing the velocity model in complex geologic environments and can be used as an economical replacement for conventional common‐image gathers in wave‐equation tomography. A test on the Marmousi model illustrates successful updating of the velocity model using common‐image‐point gathers and resulting improved image quality.  相似文献   

王维红  张伟  石颖  柯璇 《地球物理学报》2017,60(7):2813-2824
尽管叠前逆时偏移成像精度高,但仅针对单一纵波的成像也可能形成地下介质成像盲区,由于基于弹性波方程的逆时偏移成像可形成多波模式的成像数据,因此弹性波逆时偏移成像可提供更为丰富的地下构造信息.本文依据各向同性介质的一阶速度-应力方程组构建震源和检波点矢量波场,再利用Helmholtz分解提取纯纵波和纯横波波场,使用震源归一化的互相关成像条件获得纯波成像,避免了直接使用坐标分量成像而引起的纵横波串扰问题.针对转换波成像的极性反转问题,文中提出一种共炮域极性校正方法.为有效节约存储成本,也提出一种适用于弹性波逆时偏移的震源波场逆时重建方法,在震源波场正传过程中,仅保存PML边界内若干层的速度分量波场,进而逆时重建出所有分量的震源波场.本文分别对地堑模型和Marmousi2模型进行了弹性波逆时偏移成像测试,结果表明:所提出的共炮域极性校正方法正确有效,基于波场分离的弹性波逆时偏移成像的纯波数据能够对复杂地下构造准确成像.  相似文献   

Multiple scattering is usually ignored in migration algorithms, although it is a genuine part of the physical reflection response. When properly included, multiples can add to the illumination of the subsurface, although their crosstalk effects are removed. Therefore, we introduce full‐wavefield migration. It includes all multiples and transmission effects in deriving an image via an inversion approach. Since it tries to minimize the misfit between modeled and observed data, it may be considered a full waveform inversion process. However, full‐wavefield migration involves a forward modelling process that uses the estimated seismic image (i.e., the reflectivities) to generate the modelled full wavefield response, whereas a smooth migration velocity model can be used to describe the propagation effects. This separation of modelling in terms of scattering and propagation is not easily achievable when finite‐difference or finite‐element modelling is used. By this separation, a more linear inversion problem is obtained. Moreover, during the forward modelling, the wavefields are computed separately in the incident and scattered directions, which allows the implementation of various imaging conditions, such as imaging reflectors from below, and avoids low‐frequency image artefacts, such as typically observed during reverse‐time migration. The full wavefield modelling process also has the flexibility to image directly the total data (i.e., primaries and multiples together) or the primaries and the multiples separately. Based on various numerical data examples for the 2D and 3D cases, the advantages of this methodology are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Nowadays, full-waveform inversion, based on fitting the measured surface data with modelled data, has become the preferred approach to recover detailed physical parameters from the subsurface. However, its application is computationally expensive for large inversion domains. Furthermore, when the subsurface has a complex geological setting, the inversion process requires an appropriate pre-conditioning scheme to retrieve the medium parameters for the desired target area in a reliable manner. One way of dealing with both aspects is by waveform inversion schemes in a target-oriented fashion. Therefore, we propose a prospective application of the convolution-type representation for the acoustic wavefield in the frequency–space domain formulated as a target-oriented waveform inversion method. Our approach aims at matching the observed and modelled upgoing wavefields at a target depth level in the subsurface, where the seismic wavefields, generated by sources distributed above this level, are available. The forward modelling is performed by combining the convolution-type representation for the acoustic wavefield with solving the two-way acoustic wave-equation in the frequency–space domain for the target area. We evaluate the effectiveness of our inversion method by comparing it with the full-domain full-waveform inversion process through some numerical examples using synthetic data from a horizontal well acquisition geometry, where the sources are located at the surface and the receivers are located along a horizontal well at the target level. Our proposed inversion method requires less computational effort and, for this particular acquisition, it has proven to provide more accurate estimates of the target zone below a complex overburden compared to both full-domain full-waveform inversion process and local full-waveform inversion after applying interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution to get local-impulse responses.  相似文献   

时间二阶积分波场的全波形反演   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
陈生昌  陈国新 《地球物理学报》2016,59(10):3765-3776
通过对波场的时间二阶积分运算以增强地震数据中的低频成分,提出了一种可有效减小对初始速度模型依赖性的地震数据全波形反演方法—时间二阶积分波场的全波形反演方法.根据散射理论中的散射波场传播方程,推导出时间二阶积分散射波场的传播方程,再利用一阶Born近似对时间二阶积分散射波场传播方程进行线性化.在时间二阶积分散射波场传播方程的基础上,利用散射波场反演地下散射源分布,再利用波场模拟的方法构建地下入射波场,然后根据时间二阶积分散射波场线性传播方程中散射波场与入射波场、速度扰动间的线性关系,应用类似偏移成像的公式得到速度扰动的估计,以此建立时间二阶积分波场的全波形迭代反演方法.最后把时间二阶积分波场的全波形反演结果作为常规全波形反演的初始模型可有效地减小地震波场全波形反演对初始模型的依赖性.应用于Marmousi模型的全频带合成数据和缺失4Hz以下频谱成分的缺低频合成数据验证所提出的全波形反演方法的正确性和有效性,数值试验显示缺失4Hz以下频谱成分数据的反演结果与全频带数据的反演结果没有明显差异.  相似文献   

Reverse-time migration has attracted more and more attention owing to the advantages of high imaging accuracy, no dip restriction, and adaptation to complex velocity models. Cross-correlation imaging method is typically used in conventional reverse-time migration that produces images with strong low-frequency noise. Wavefield decomposition imaging can suppress such noise; however, some residual noise persists in the imaging results. We propose a 2D multidirectional wavefield decomposition method based on the traditional wavefield decomposition method. First, source wavefields and receiver wavefields are separated into eight subwavefields, respectively. Second, cross-correlation imaging is applied to selected subwavefields to produce subimages. Finally, the subimages are stacked to generate the final image. Numerical examples suggest that the proposed method can eliminate the low-frequency noise effectively and produce high-quality imaging profiles.  相似文献   

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