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Gully erosion is an important environmental issue with severe impacts. This study aimed to characterize gully erosion susceptibility and assess the capability of information value (InfVal) and frequency ratio (FR) models for its spatial prediction in Ourika watershed of the High Atlas region of Morocco. These two bivariate statistical methods have been used for gully erosion susceptibility mapping by comparing each data layer of causative factor to the existing gully distribution. Weights to the gully causative factors are assigned based on gully density. Gullies have been mapped through field surveys and Google earth high-resolution images. Lithofacies, land use, slope gradient, length-slope, aspect, stream power index, topographical wetness index and plan curvature were considered predisposing factors to gullying. The digitized gullies were randomly split into two parts. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the mapped gullies were randomly selected as training set to build gully susceptibility models, while the remaining 35% cases were used as validation set for the models’ validation. The results showed that barren and sparse vegetation lands and slope gradient above 50% were very susceptible to gully erosion. The ROC curve was used for testing the accuracy of the mentioned models. The analysis confirms that the FR model (AUC 80.61%) shows a better accuracy than InfVal model (AUC 52.07%). The performance of the gully erosion susceptibility map constructed by FR model is greater than that of the map produced by InfVal model. The findings proved that GIS-based bivariate statistical methods such as frequency ratio model could be successfully applied in gully susceptibility mapping in Morocco mountainous regions and in other similar environments. The produced susceptibility map represents a useful tool for sustainable planning, conservation and protection of land from gully processes.  相似文献   

This work aims to evaluate the predictive capability of three bivariate statistical models, namely information value, frequency ratio, and evidential belief functions, in gully erosion susceptibility mapping in northeastern Maysan Governorate (Ali Al-Gharbi District) in southern Iraq. The gully inventory map, consisting of 21 gullies of different sizes, was prepared based on the interpretation of remotely sensed data supported by field survey. The gully inventory data (polygon format) were randomly partitioned into two sets: 14 gullies for build and training the bivariate model, and the remaining 7 gullies for validating purposes. Twelve gully influential factors were selected based on data availability and the literature review. The selected factors were related to lithology, geomorphology, soil, land cover, and topography (primary and secondary) settings. Analysis of factor importance using information gain ratio proved that out of 12 gully influential factors, eight were of more importance in developing gullies (the average merit was greater than zero). The most important factors and the training gully inventory map were used to generate three gully erosion susceptibility maps based on the three bivariate models used. For validation, the area under the operating characteristics curves for both success and prediction rates was used. The results indicated that the highest prediction rate of 82.9% was achieved using the information value technique. All the bivariate models had prediction rates greater than 80%, and thus they were regarded as very good estimators. The final conclusion was that the bivariate models offer advanced techniques for mapping gully erosion susceptibility.  相似文献   

Toroud Watershed in Semnan Province, Iran is a prone area to gully erosion that causes to soil loss and land degradation. To consider the gully erosion, a comprehensive map of gully erosion susceptibility is required as useful tool for decreasing losses of soil. The purpose of this research is to generate a reliable gully erosion susceptibility map (GESM) using GIS-based models including frequency ratio (FR), weights-of-evidence (WofE), index of entropy (IOE), and their comparison to an expert knowledge-based technique, namely, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). At first, 80 gully locations were identified by extensive field surveys and Google Earth images. Then, 56 (70%) gully locations were randomly selected for modeling process, and the remaining 26 (30%) gully locations were used for validation of four models. For considering geo-environmental factors, VIF and tolerance indices are used and among 18 factors, 13 factors including elevation, slope degree, slope aspect, plan curvature, distance from river, drainage density, distance from road, lithology, land use/land cover, topography wetness index (TWI), stream power index (SPI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and slope–length (LS) were selected for modeling aims. After preparing GESMs through the mentioned models, final maps divided into five classes including very low, low, moderate, high, and very high susceptibility. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and the seed cell area index (SCAI) as two validation techniques applied for assessment of the built models. The results showed that the AUC (area under the curve) in training data are 0.973 (97.3%), 0.912 (91.2%), 0.939 (93.9%), and 0.926 (92.6%) for AHP, FR, IOE, and WofE models, respectively. In contrast, the prediction rates (validating data) were 0.954 (95.4%), 0.917 (91.7), 0.925 (92.5%), and 0.921 (92.1%) for above models, respectively. Results of AUC indicated that four model have excellent accuracy in prediction of prone areas to gully erosion. In addition, the SCAI values showed that the produced maps are generally reasonable, because the high and very high susceptibility classes had very low SCAI values. The results of this research can be used in soil conservation plans in the study area.  相似文献   

The Calabria (Southern Italy) region is characterized by many geological hazards among which landslides, due to the geological, geomorphological, and climatic characteristics, constitute one of the major cause of significant and widespread damage. The present work aims to exploit a bivariate statistics-based approach for drafting a landslide susceptibility map in a specific scenario of the region (the Vitravo River catchment) to provide a useful and easy tool for future land planning. Landslides have been detected through air-photo interpretation and field surveys, by identifying both the landslide detachment zones (LDZ) and landslide bodies; a geospatial database of predisposing factors has been constructed using the ESRI ArcView 3.2 GIS. The landslide susceptibility has been assessed by computing the weighting values (Wi) for each class of the predisposing factors (lithology, proximity to fault and drainage line, land use, slope angle, aspect, plan curvature), thus evaluating the distribution of the landslide detachment zones within each class. The extracted predisposing factors maps have then been re-classified on the basis of the calculated weighting values (Wi) and by means of overlay processes. Finally, the landslide susceptibility map has been considered by five classes. It has been determined that a high percentage (61%) of the study area is characterized by a high to very high degree of susceptibility; clay and marly lithologies, and slope exceeding 20° in inclination would be much prone to landsliding. Furthermore, in order to ascertain the proposed landslide susceptibility estimate, a validation procedure has been carried out, by splitting the landslide detachment zones into two groups: a training and a validation set. By means of the training set, the susceptibility map has first been produced; then, it has been compared with the validation set. As a result, a great majority of LDZ-validation set (85%) would be located in highly and very highly susceptible areas. The predictive power of the model is considered reliable, since more than 50% of the LDZ fall into 20% of the most susceptible areas. The reliability of the susceptibility map is also suggested by computing the SCAI index, true positive and false positive rates; nevertheless, the most susceptible areas are overestimated. As a whole, the results indicate that landslide susceptibility assessment based on a bivariate statistics-based method in a GIS environment may be useful for land planning policy, especially when considering its cost/benefit ratio and the need of using an easy tool.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to analyze the susceptibility conditions to gully erosion phenomena in the Magazzolo River basin and to test a method that allows for driving the factors selection. The study area is one of the largest (225 km2) watershed of southern Sicily and it is mostly characterized by gentle slopes carved into clayey and evaporitic sediments, except for the northern sector where carbonatic rocks give rise to steep slopes. In order to obtain a quantitative evaluation of gully erosion susceptibility, statistical relationships between the spatial distributions of gullies affecting the area and a set of twelve environmental variables were analyzed. Stereoscopic analysis of aerial photographs dated 2000, and field surveys carried out in 2006, allowed us to map about a thousand landforms produced by linear water erosion processes, classifiable as ephemeral and permanent gullies. The linear density of the gullies, computed on each of the factors classes, was assumed as the function expressing the susceptibility level of the latter. A 40-m digital elevation model (DEM) prepared from 1:10,000-scale topographic maps was used to compute the values of nine topographic attributes (primary: slope, aspect, plan curvature, profile curvature, general curvature, tangential curvature; secondary: stream power index; topographic wetness index; LS-USLE factor); from available thematic maps and field checks three other physical attributes (lithology, soil texture, land use) were derived. For each of these variables, a 40-m grid layer was generated, reclassifying the topographic variables according to their standard deviation values. In order to evaluate the controlling role of the selected predictive variables, one-variable susceptibility models, based on the spatial relationships between each single factor and gullies, were produced and submitted to a validation procedure. The latter was carried out by evaluating the predictive performance of models trained on one half of the landform archive and tested on the other. Large differences of accuracy were verified by computing geometric indexes of the validation curves (prediction and success rate curves; ROC curves) drawn for each one-variable model; in particular, soil texture, general curvature and aspect demonstrated a weak or a null influence on the spatial distribution of gullies within the studied area, while, on the contrary, tangential curvature, stream power index and plan curvature showed high predictive skills. Hence, predictive models were produced on a multi-variable basis, by variously combining the one-variable models. The validation of the multi-variables models, which generally indicated quite satisfactory results, were used as a sensitivity analysis tool to evaluate differences in the prediction results produced by changing the set of combined physical attributes. The sensitivity analysis pointed out that by increasing the number of combined environmental variables, an improvement of the susceptibility assessment is produced; this is true with the exception of adding to the multi-variables models a variable, as slope aspect, not correlated to the target variable. The addition of this attribute produces effects on the validation curves that are not distinguishable from noise and, as a consequence, the slope aspect was excluded from the final multi-variables model used to draw the gully erosion susceptibility map of the Magazzolo River basin. In conclusion, the research showed that the validation of one-variable models can be used as a tool for selecting factors to be combined to prepare the best performing multi-variables gully erosion susceptibility model.  相似文献   

In this work, an integrated methodology was applied to assess the water erosion hazard in Upper Orcia Valley, an area of Southern Tuscany (Italy), greatly affected by severe denudation processes, that caused the development of widespread badlands. Prediction of areas prone to calanchi badland development was carried out by applying a susceptibility assessment method based on conditional statistical analysis, preceded by a bivariate statistical analysis aimed at selecting the most influential causal factors of erosion. Water erosion rates at badland sites were estimated by means of an empirical statistical method, implemented to evaluate the erosion intensity (Tu denudation index) and based on some geomorphic parameters as independent variables. This methodology allows associating the denudation intensity to the spatial prediction. The validation procedure, based on a random partition of calanchi badland areas, confirmed the efficiency of the spatial zonation of the erosion hazard values. Moreover, the comparison of the estimated erosion rates with the results of decadal investigations on denudation processes affecting the study area, performed by different monitoring methods, showed the effectiveness of the estimation model. These results allowed concluding that the proposed procedure represents a useful tool to be applicable for soil protection strategy planning in land management of Mediterranean areas characterized by similar morphoclimatic features, even when direct erosion rate measures are not available.  相似文献   

This study presented herein compares the bivariate and multivariate landslide susceptibility mapping methods and presents the landslide susceptibility map of the territory of Western Carpathians in small scale. This study also describes pioneer work for the territory of Western Carpathians, overreaching state borders, using verified sophisticated statistical methods. In the susceptibility mapping, digital elevation model was first constructed using a GIS software, and parameter maps affecting the slope stability such as geology, seismicity, precipitation, topographical elevation, slope angle, slope aspect and land cover were considered. In the last stage of the analyses, landslide susceptibility maps were produced using bivariate and multivariate analyses, and they were then compared by means of their validations. The validation of the bivariate analysis data was performed using the results of bivariate analysis for landslide areas of Slovakia containing five classes of susceptibility in scale 1:500,000. The validation area is the area of Western Carpathians within Slovakia. Eighty-two per cent of area does not differ in more than one class. The validation of the multivariate analysis data was performed using the results from the Kysuce region in the northern part of Slovakia in scale 1:10,000. The raster calculator was used to express the difference between each pair of pixels within these two layers. Seventy-seven per cent of the pixels do not differ in more than 25 %, 94 % of the pixels do not differ in more than 50 %. The maximal possible difference is 100 % (one pixel with value 0 and other with value 1, or vice versa). Receiver operating characteristic analysis was also performed, the area under curve value for bivariate model was calculated to be 0.735, while it was 0.823 for multivariate. The results of the validation can be considered as satisfactory.  相似文献   

The main goal of this study was to investigate the application of the weights-of-evidence and certainty factor approaches for producing landslide susceptibility maps of a landslide-prone area (Haraz) in Iran. For this purpose, the input layers of the landslide conditioning factors were prepared in the first stage. The landslide conditioning factors considered for the study area were slope gradient, slope aspect, altitude, lithology, land use, distance from streams, distance from roads, distance from faults, topographic wetness index, stream power index, stream transport index and plan curvature. For validation of the produced landslide susceptibility maps, the results of the analyses were compared with the field-verified landslide locations. Additionally, the receiver operating characteristic curves for all the landslide susceptibility models were constructed and the areas under the curves were calculated. The landslide locations were used to validate results of the landslide susceptibility maps. The verification results showed that the weights-of-evidence model (79.87%) performed better than certainty factor (72.02%) model with a standard error of 0.0663 and 0.0756, respectively. According to the results of the area under curve evaluation, the map produced by weights-of-evidence exhibits satisfactory properties.  相似文献   

A certain number of studies have been carried out in recent years that aim at developing and applying a model capable of assessing water erosion of soil. Some of these have tried to quantitatively evaluate the volumes of soil loss, while others have focused their efforts on the recognition of the areas most prone to water erosion processes. This article presents the results of a research whose objective was that of evaluating water erosion susceptibility in a Sicilian watershed: the Naro river basin. A geomorphological study was carried out to recognize the water erosion landforms and define a set of parameters expressing both the intensity of hydraulic forces and the resistance of rocks/soils. The landforms were mapped and classified according to the dominant process in landsurfaces affected by diffuse or linear water erosion. A GIS layer was obtained by combining six determining factors (bedrock lithology, land use, soil texture, plan curvature, stream power index and slope-length factor) in unique conditions units. A geostatistical multivariate approach was applied by analysing the relationships between the spatial distributions of the erosion landforms and the unique condition units. Particularly, the density of eroded area for each combination of determining factors has been calculated: such function corresponds, in fact, to the conditional probability of erosion landforms to develop, under the same geoenvironmental conditions. In light of the obtained results, a general geomorphologic model for water erosion in the Naro river basin can be depicted: cultivated areas in clayey slopes, having fine-medium soil texture, are the most prone to be eroded; linear or diffuse water erosion processes dominate where the topography is favourable to a convergent or divergent runoff, respectively. For each of the two erosion process types, a susceptibility map was produced and submitted to a validation procedure based on a spatial random partition strategy. Both the success of the validation procedure of the susceptibility models and the geomorphological coherence of the relationships between factors and process that such models suggest, confirm the reliability of the method and the goodness of the predictions.  相似文献   

Landslide susceptibility maps are vital for disaster management and for planning development activities in the mountainous country like Nepal. In the present study, landslide susceptibility assessment of Mugling?CNarayanghat road and its surrounding area is made using bivariate (certainty factor and index of entropy) and multivariate (logistic regression) models. At first, a landslide inventory map was prepared using earlier reports and aerial photographs as well as by carrying out field survey. As a result, 321 landslides were mapped and out of which 241 (75?%) were randomly selected for building landslide susceptibility models, while the remaining 80 (25?%) were used for validating the models. The effectiveness of landslide susceptibility assessment using GIS and statistics is based on appropriate selection of the factors which play a dominant role in slope stability. In this case study, the following landslide conditioning factors were evaluated: slope gradient; slope aspect; altitude; plan curvature; lithology; land use; distance from faults, rivers and roads; topographic wetness index; stream power index; and sediment transport index. These factors were prepared from topographic map, drainage map, road map, and the geological map. Finally, the validation of landslide susceptibility map was carried out using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. The ROC plot estimation results showed that the susceptibility map using index of entropy model with AUC value of 0.9016 has highest prediction accuracy of 90.16?%. Similarly, the susceptibility maps produced using logistic regression model and certainty factor model showed 86.29 and 83.57?% of prediction accuracy, respectively. Furthermore, the ROC plot showed that the success rate of all the three models performed more than 80?% accuracy (i.e. 89.15?% for IOE model, 89.10?% for LR model and 87.21?% for CF model). Hence, it is concluded that all the models employed in this study showed reasonably good accuracy in predicting the landslide susceptibility of Mugling?CNarayanghat road section. These landslide susceptibility maps can be used for preliminary land use planning and hazard mitigation purpose.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to investigate potential application of frequency ratio (FR), weights of evidence (WoE), and statistical index (SI) models for landslide susceptibility mapping in a part of Mazandaran Province, Iran. First, a landslide inventory map was constructed from various sources. The landslide inventory map was then randomly divided in a ratio of 70/30 for training and validation of the models, respectively. Second, 13 landslide conditioning factors including slope degree, slope aspect, altitude, plan curvature, stream power index, topographic wetness index, sediment transport index, topographic roughness index, lithology, distance from streams, faults, roads, and land use type were prepared, and the relationships between these factors and the landslide inventory map were extracted by using the mentioned models. Subsequently, the multi-class weighted factors were used to generate landslide susceptibility maps. Finally, the susceptibility maps were verified and compared using several methods including receiver operating characteristic curve with the areas under the curve (AUC), landslide density, and spatially agreed area analyses. The success rate curve showed that the AUC for FR, WoE, and SI models was 81.51, 79.43, and 81.27, respectively. The prediction rate curve demonstrated that the AUC achieved by the three models was 80.44, 77.94, and 79.55, respectively. Although the sensitivity analysis using the FR model revealed that the modeling process was sensitive to input factors, the accuracy results suggest that the three models used in this study can be effective approaches for landslide susceptibility mapping in Mazandaran Province, and the resultant susceptibility maps are trustworthy for hazard mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

This investigation assessed the efficacy of 10 widely used machine learning algorithms (MLA) comprising the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO), generalized linear model (GLM), stepwise generalized linear model (SGLM), elastic net (ENET), partial least square (PLS), ridge regression, support vector machine (SVM), classification and regression trees (CART), bagged CART, and random forest (RF) for gully erosion susceptibility mapping (GESM) in Iran. The location of 462 previously existing gully erosion sites were mapped through widespread field investigations, of which 70% (323) and 30% (139) of observations were arbitrarily divided for algorithm calibration and validation. Twelve controlling factors for gully erosion, namely, soil texture, annual mean rainfall, digital elevation model (DEM), drainage density, slope, lithology, topographic wetness index (TWI), distance from rivers, aspect, distance from roads, plan curvature, and profile curvature were ranked in terms of their importance using each MLA. The MLA were compared using a training dataset for gully erosion and statistical measures such as RMSE (root mean square error), MAE (mean absolute error), and R-squared. Based on the comparisons among MLA, the RF algorithm exhibited the minimum RMSE and MAE and the maximum value of R-squared, and was therefore selected as the best model. The variable importance evaluation using the RF model revealed that distance from rivers had the highest significance in influencing the occurrence of gully erosion whereas plan curvature had the least importance. According to the GESM generated using RF, most of the study area is predicted to have a low (53.72%) or moderate (29.65%) susceptibility to gully erosion, whereas only a small area is identified to have a high (12.56%) or very high (4.07%) susceptibility. The outcome generated by RF model is validated using the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curve approach, which returned an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.985, proving the excellent forecasting ability of the model. The GESM prepared using the RF algorithm can aid decision-makers in targeting remedial actions for minimizing the damage caused by gully erosion.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to produce and evaluate a landslide susceptibility map for weathered granite soils in Deokjeok-ri Creek, South Korea. The relative effect (RE) method was used to determine the relationship between landslide causative factors (CFs) and landslide occurrence. To determine the effect of CFs on landslides, data layers of aspect, elevation, slope, internal relief, curvature, distance to drainage, drainage density, stream power index, sediment transport index, topographic wetness index, soil drainage character, soil type, soil depth, forest type, timber age, and geology were analyzed in a geographical information system (GIS) environment. A GIS-based landslide inventory map of 748 landslide locations was prepared using data from previous reports, aerial photographic interpretation, and extensive field work. A RE model was generated from a training set consisting of 673 randomly selected landslides in the inventory map, with the remaining 75 landslides used for validation of the susceptibility map. The results of the analysis were verified using the landslide location data. According to the analysis, the RE model had a success rate of 86.3 % and a predictive accuracy of 88.6 %. The validation results showed satisfactory agreement between the susceptibility map and the existing data on landslide locations. The results of this study can therefore be used to mitigate landslide-induced hazards and to plan land use.  相似文献   

The Sibiciu Basin is located in Romania between the Buzău Mountains and the Buzau Subcarpathians (Curvature Carpathians and Subcarpathians). The geology of the basin consists of Paleogene flysch deposits represented by an alternation of sandstones, marls, clays and schists and Neogene deposits represented by marls, clays and sands. The area is affected by different types of landslides (shallow, medium-deep and deep-seated failures). In Romania, in the last decades, direct and indirect methods have been applied for landslide susceptibility assessment. The most utilized before 2000 were based on qualitative approaches. This study evaluates the landslide susceptibility in the Sibiciu Basin using a bivariate statistical analysis and an index of entropy. A landslide inventory map was prepared, and a susceptibility estimate was assessed based on the following parameters which influence the landslide occurrence: slope angle, slope aspect, curvature, lithology and land use. The landslide susceptibility map was divided into five classes showing very low to very high landslide susceptibility areas.  相似文献   

Mehrabi  Mohammad 《Natural Hazards》2022,111(1):901-937

This study deals with landslide susceptibility mapping in the northern part of Lecco Province, Lombardy Region, Italy. In so doing, a valid landslide inventory map and thirteen predisposing factors (including elevation, slope aspect, slope degree, plan curvature, profile curvature, distance to waterway, distance to road, distance to fault, soil type, land use, lithology, stream power index, and topographic wetness index) form the spatial database within geographic information system. The used predictive models comprise a bivariate statistical approach called frequency ratio (FR) and two machine learning tools, namely multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). These models first use landslide and non-landslide records for comprehending the relationship between the landslide occurrence and predisposing factors. Then, landslide susceptibility values are predicted for the whole area. The accuracy of the produced susceptibility maps is measured using area under the curve (AUC) index, according to which, the MLPNN (AUC?=?0.916) presented the most accurate map, followed by the ANFIS (AUC?=?0.889) and FR (AUC?=?0.888). Visual interpretation of the susceptibility maps, FR-based correlation analysis, as well as the importance assessment of predisposing factors, all indicated the significant contribution of the road networks to the crucial susceptibility of landslide. Lastly, an explicit predictive formula is extracted from the implemented MLPNN model for a convenient approximation of landslide susceptibility value.


The “Costa Viola” mountain ridge (southern Calabria), in the sector between Bagnara Calabra and Scilla, is particularly exposed to geo-hydrological risk conditions. The study area has repeatedly been affected by slope instability events in the last decades, mainly related to debris slides, rock falls and debris flows. These types of slope movements are among the most destructive and dangerous for people and infrastructures, and are characterized by abrupt onset and extremely rapid movements. Susceptibility evaluations to shallow landslides have been performed by only focusing on source activation. A logistic regression approach has been applied to estimating the presence/absence of sources in terms of probability, on the basis of linear statistical relationships with a set of territorial variables. An inventory map of 181 sources, obtained from interpretation of air photographs taken in 1954–1955, has been used as training set, and another map of 81 sources, extracted from 1990 to 1991 photographs, has been adopted for validation purposes. An initial set of 12 territorial variables (i.e. lithology, land use, soil sand percentage, elevation, slope angle, aspect, across-slope and down-slope curvatures, topographic wetness index, distance to road, distance to fault and index of daily rainfall) has been considered. The adopted regression procedure consists of the following steps: (1) parameterization of the independent variables, (2) sampling, (3) calibration, (4) application and (5) evaluation of the forecasting capability. The “best set” of variables could be identified by iteratively excluding one variable at a time, and comparing the ROC results. Through a sensitivity analysis, the role of the considered factors in predisposing shallow slope failures in the study area has been evaluated. The results obtained for the Costa Viola mountain ridge can be considered acceptable, as 98.1 % of the cells are correctly classified. According to the susceptibility map, the village of Scilla and its surroundings fall in the highest susceptibility class.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is a significant problem in arid and semi-arid areas of large parts of Iran. Water erosion is one of the most effective phenomena that leads to decreasing soil productivity and pollution of water resources; especially, in the Mazayjan watershed in the southwest of Fars Province gully erosion contributes to the sediment dynamics in a significant way. Consequently, the intention of this research is to identify the different types of soil erosion processes acting in the area and to assess the process dynamics in an integrative way. Therefore, we applied GIS and satellite image analysis techniques to derive input information for the numeric models. For sheet and rill erosion the Unit Stream Power-based Erosion Deposition Model (USPED) was utilized. The spatial distribution of gully erosion was assessed using a statistical approach, which used three variables (stream power index, slope, and flow accumulation) to predict the spatial distribution of gullies in the study area. The eroded gully volumes were estimated for a 7-year period by fieldwork and Google Earth high-resolution images. Finally the gully retreat rates were integrated into the USPED model. The results show that the integration of the SPI approach to quantify gully erosion with the USPED model is a suitable method to qualitatively and quantitatively assess water erosion processes. The application of GIS and stochastic model approaches to spatialize the USPED model input yields valuable results for the prediction of soil erosion in the Mazayjan catchment. The results of this research help to develop an appropriate management of soil and water resources in the southwestern parts of Iran.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a methodology aimed at reconstructing the maximum thickness mobilized by shallow landslides in fine-grained soils with the aid of geological and geotechnical analyses. The methodology, implemented within a geographic information system (GIS) environment, is composed of two stages for map reconstruction and two stages for map validation. The first stage of map reconstruction is aimed at individuating the soil thickness on the basis of only topographical and geological analyses; the second stage improves the previously obtained map with the aid of morphological and geotechnical analyses that provide a thickness map usable for shallow landslide susceptibility assessment. This map is validated with the aid of both in situ investigations (stage I), and geotechnical models able to back-analyse shallow precipitation-induced landslides over a wide area (stage II). An application of the proposed methodology is provided for a test area of the Calabria region (southern Italy) that is representative of the Catanzaro Strait, where widely diffused shallow landslides in fine-grained soils systematically occur. The results highlight the usefulness and reliability of the geotechnical models when implemented with the aid of a database representative of fine-grained soils while a secondary role is played by in situ investigations that in the test site have been performed only in a few representative and accessible areas.  相似文献   

Land subsidence is one of the frequent geological hazards worldwide. Urban areas and agricultural industries are the entities most affected by the consequences of land subsidence. The main objective of this study was to estimate the land subsidence (sinkhole) hazards at the Kinta Valley of Perak, Malaysia, using geographic information system and remote sensing techniques. To start, land subsidence locations were observed by surveying measurements using GPS and using the tabular data, which were produced as coordinates of each sinkhole incident. Various land subsidence conditioning factors were used such as altitude, slope, aspect, lithology, distance from the fault, distance from the river, normalized difference vegetation index, soil type, stream power index, topographic wetness index, and land use/cover. In this article, a data-driven technique of an evidential belief function (EBF), which is in the category of multivariate statistical analysis, was used to map the land subsidence-prone areas. The frequency ratio (FR) was performed as an efficient bivariate statistical analysis method in order compare it with the acquired results from the EBF analysis. The probability maps were acquired and the results of the analysis validated by the area under the (ROC) curve using the testing land subsidence locations. The results indicated that the FR model could produce a 71.16 % prediction rate, while the EBF showed better prediction accuracy with a rate of 73.63 %. Furthermore, the success rate was measured and accuracies of 75.30 and 79.45 % achieved for FR and EBF, respectively. These results can produce an understanding of the nature of land subsidence as well as promulgate public awareness of such geo-hazards to decrease human and economic losses.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to apply a statistical (information value) model using geographic information system (GIS) to the Chencang District of Baoji, China. Landslide locations within the study area were identified using reports and aerial photographs, and a field survey. A total of 120 landslides were mapped, of which 84 (70 %) were randomly selected for building the landslide susceptibility model. The remaining 36 (30 %) were used for model validation. We considered a total of 10 potential factors that predispose an area to a landslide for the landslide susceptibility mapping. These included slope degree, altitude, slope aspect, plan curvature, geomorphology, distance from faults, lithology, land use, mean annual rainfall, and peak ground acceleration. Following an analysis of these factors, a landslide susceptibility map was produced using the information value model with GIS. The resulting landslide susceptibility index was divided into five classes (very high, high, moderate, low, and very low) using the natural breaks method. The corresponding distribution area percentages were 29.22, 25.14, 15.66, 15.60, and 14.38 %, respectively. Finally, landslide locations were used to validate the results of the landslide susceptibility map using areas under the curve (AUC). The AUC plot showed that the susceptibility map had a success rate of 81.79 % and a prediction accuracy of 82.95 %. Based on the results of the AUC evaluation, the landslide susceptibility map produced using the information value model exhibited good performance.  相似文献   

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