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The orthorhombic-hexagonal phase transition of K2SO4 has been investigated by measurements of the temperature dependencies of the specific heat, expansion, and X-ray intensity of superstructure reflections, correlated with the structural point of view. The values of the net enthalpy and entropy changes are ΔH=4.28 KJ/mol and ΔS=4.98 J/mol·K at the phase transition temperature (587°C), respectively. The thermal expansion along the c axis shows strong anisotropic character above about 300°C and exhibits a very large discontinuous increase at 587°C, whereas those along the a and b axes increase linearly and exhibit small discontinuous decreases at 587°C. The X-ray intensity of superstructure reflections in the low-temperature form gradually decrease with increasing temperature, and come to extinction at 587°C, exhibiting a discontinuity. The observed entropy change and pressure dependence of the phase transition temperature were explained successfully by the use of results of the structural analysis and measured physical properties. The temperature dependencies of the spontaneous strain, X-ray intensity of superstructure reflection, and birefringence were consistently described by introducing a transition parameter on the basis of an instability at the M point in the Brillouin zone of the hexagonal phase.  相似文献   

The thermal phase transition of K2SO4 has been investigated by high temperature polarized light microscopy. K2SO4 undergoes a first-order transition at 587° C where the orthorhombic low temperature form (Pmcn) transforms into a hexagonal high temperature modification (P63/mmc). Prior to the beginning of the phase transition, K2SO4 shows an anomalous optical behavior. The crystal apparently becomes optically uniaxial twice at 338° and 425° C, respectively, and truly optically uniaxial at 587° C. The phase transition propagates through an intermediate temperature form, which is sandwiched between the low and the high temperature forms and moves in a definite direction, 〈130〉 (orthorhombic indices), in the vicinity of the phase transition. Passing through the phase transition point on cooling, dark belts crossing each other are observed which are a result of the transformation twins parallel to {110} and {130}.  相似文献   

The transition from P213(T 4) to P212121(D 2 4 ) in the langbeinite K2Cd2(SO4)3 has been analyzed using group theoretical methods and previously published structural data above and below the transition. We find that because the transition is strongly first-order, the primary-order parameter has relatively large values at the transition temperature, and higher order terms which involve the order parameter, the strain, and the coupling of the two must be included in the Landau expansion for the free energy. Complex displacements occur at the transition for all atoms of the unit cell, but these displacements can be resolved into contributions which can be shown from symmetry considerations to transform as the 2 3 irrep of P2 1 3(T 4) as well as contributions from symmetry-preserving displacements which transform under the irrep 1. Therefore, the transition is not a simple one and involves sulfate rotations and cadmium and potassium ion displacements.  相似文献   

Polarized single crystal Raman spectra of the langbeinite K2Cd2(SO4)3 were recorded for different polarisations. With a view to understanding the phase transition mechanism, the lattice vibrational spectra (0–300 cm?1), as well as the SO4 symmetric stretching mode v 1 (1,022 cm?1), were recorded at different temperatures. No soft modes were observed. From the study of the temperature variation of the integrated intensity I 0 and band width Γ of the hard mode (1,022 cm?1), both SO4 libration and SO4 order/disorder models were ruled out as possible phase transition models. On the other hand, the model of Speer and Salje (paper I), involving the distortion of the polyhedra around Cd and K ions, explains the observed temperature behaviour of the Raman spectra very well. The consequences of a possible hypothetical high-temperature phase are discussed.  相似文献   

Heat capacity measurements have been made on a synthetic sample of langbeinite, K2Mg2(SO4)3, from 13 to 342 K in an adiabatic calorimeter. Three phase transitions, at 51.0, 54.9 and 63.8 K, have been observed in this material. Our study is the first to report the existence of such phase transitions in K2Mg2(S04)3 and disputes predictions that none would take place below 77 K. Two models which have been proposed to explain the transition in potassium langbeinites are discussed in light of these results.  相似文献   

Sulfate fluids are common fluids in nature, and their salinity studies can provide important information for the evolution of ore-forming fluids, migration and enrichment of ore-forming elements, and the classification of deposit types. Considerable research has been carried out to investigate the solubility of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 in hydrothermal fluids, however most of the literature reported experimental data were under saturated vapor pressure or the water supercritical region. A few data have been reported for the low temperature hydrothermal mineralization region. Thermodynamic model is a useful method to study the properties of hydrothermal geofluids, especially for mineral solubility. Pitzer interaction model is one of the most widely used model to calculate the thermodynamic properties of hydrothermal fluids, but few work have ever been carried out to calculate the solubility of sulfate at high temperature and pressure. With Pitzer specific interaction model, using the literature reported density data of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solutions at high temperature and pressure, the pressure effect on Pitzer activity coefficient of sulfate and the standard partial molar volume change during sulfate dissolution process were evaluated and related parameters were obtained. The standard partial molar volumes of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 calculated with these parameters agreed well with those reported in the literature. Combined with the relevant parameters in the literature under saturated vapor pressure, a thermodynamic model for Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solubility calculation with temperature up to 250 ℃ and pressure up to 40 MPa was developed. The model gave very good agreement with the experimental solubility data. With this model, Na2SO4 and K2SO4 solubility was calculated at high temperature and pressure. The calculation results showed that pressure had a positive effect on both the average activity coefficient and solubility product of Na2SO4 and K2SO4, but the solubility of Na2SO4 and K2SO4 decreased with pressure due to the larger change of the average activity coefficient with pressure. And as the temperature increased, the degree of such reduction became larger. The results herein can provide instructions for the compositional analysis of sulfate fluid inclusions.  相似文献   

K2Mn2(SO4)3 orders magnetically at TN= 1.75 K. One of the orthorhombic cell edges of the low temperature Langbeinite structure becomes doubled in the magnetically ordered state. The antiferromagnetic spin structure found is characterized by weak or vanishing molecular fields due to nearest neighbours. There are no indications of magnetic order down to 1.45 K in the isomorphic compound K2Co2 (SO4)3.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline material of a sulfate apatite with chemical composition Na6Ca4(SO4)6F2 or (Na2Ca4)Na4(SO4)6F2 has been synthesized by solid state reactions. Basic crystallographic data are as follows: hexagonal symmetry, a?=?9.3976(1) Å, c?=?6.8956(1) Å, V?=?527.39(1) Å3, Z?=?1, space group P63/m. For structural investigations the Rietveld method was employed. Thermal expansion has been studied between 25 and 600 °C. High temperature (HT) powder diffraction data as well as thermal analysis indicate that the apatite-type compound undergoes a reconstructive phase transition in the range between 610 and 630 °C. Single-crystals of the HT-polymorph were directly grown from the melt. Structural investigations based on single-crystal diffraction data of the quenched crystals performed at ?100 °C showed orthorhombic symmetry (space group Pna21) with a?=?12.7560(8) Å, b?=?8.6930(4) Å, c?=?9.8980(5) Å, V?=?1097.57(10) Å3 and Z?=?2. Unit cell parameters for a quenched polycrystalline sample of the HT-form obtained at ambient conditions from a LeBail-fit are as follows: a?=?12.7875(1) Å, b?=?8.7255(1) Å, c?=?9.9261(1) Å, V?=?1107.53(2) Å3. The lattice parameters of both modifications are related by the following approximate relationships: a HT?≈?2c RT, b HT?≈?-(½a RT?+?b RT), c HT?≈?a RT. The HT-modification is isotypic with the corresponding potassium compound K6Ca4(SO4)6F2. The pronounced disorder of the sulphate group even at low temperatures has been studied by maximum entropy calculations. Despite the first-order character of the transformation clusters of sulfate groups surrounding the fluorine anions can be identified in both polymorphs. Each of the three next neighbor SO4-tetrahedra within a cluster is in turn surrounded by 8–9 M-cations (M: Na,Ca) defining cage-like units. However, in the apatite structure the corresponding three tricapped trigonal prisms are symmetry equivalent. Furthermore, the central fluorine atom of each cluster is coordinated by three next M-neighbors (FM3-triangles), whereas in the HT-polymorph a four-fold coordination is observed (FM4-tetrahedra).  相似文献   

研究了不同添加剂对晶体生长的影响,对NaCl和K2SO4晶体在流化床中的动态生长行为及单个晶体在溶液中的静态生长行为进行了研究.实验中还考虑了晶体表面的完整程度对晶体生长的影响,并对上述晶体的生长机理进行了分析.此外,对存在添加剂及纯溶液中NaCl和K2SO4晶体的溶解过程进行了研究.结果表明,本实验所选用的添加剂在低浓度下即能有效抑制NaCl和K2SO4晶体生长.  相似文献   

桑世华  李明  李恒  孙明亮 《地质学报》2010,84(11):1704-1707
采用等温溶解平衡法研究了288K时Li+, Mg2+//SO2-4, B4O2-7- H2O四元体系的固液相平衡关系,测定了该四元体系在288K时平衡液相的溶解度和密度.依据实验测定的平衡溶解度数据及对应的平衡固相,绘制了该四元体系的平衡相图及密度组成图.研究结果表明:交互四元体系Li+, Mg2+//SO2-4, B4O2-7- H2O 288K时平衡相图中有2个共饱点,5条单变量曲线,4个结晶区对应的平衡固相分别为Li2B4O7·3H2O,Li2SO4·H2O,MgB4O7·9H2O和MgSO4·7H2O.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des triklin-pinakoidalen Polyhalits, K2Ca2Mg[SO4]4. 2H2O wurde aus photographischen Daten mit Hilfe der 3-dimensionalen Patterson-Funktion ermittelt. Die Verfeinerung mit der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate führte mit individuellen, isotropen Temperaturfaktoren für die beobachteten Reflexe auf R=0,09.In der Atomanordnung sind Sulfatgruppen durch oktaedrisch koordinierte Mg2+, 8-koordinierte Ca2+ und 11-koordinierte K+ miteinander verknüpft. Die H2O-Moleküle sind jeweils an ein Mg2+ und ein K+ koordiniert. Die wahrscheinliche Lage der H-Atome wird aus den interatomaren Abständen erschlossen.
The crystal structure of polyhalite, K2Ca2Mg[SO4]4.2H2O
Summary The crystal structure of the triclinic-pinacoidal mineral polyhalite, K2Ca2Mg[SO4].2H2O, is derived from photographic data by means of the 3-dimensional Patterson-function. The least squares-refinement resulted for the observed reflections and individual, isotropic temperature factors in R=0.09.In the atomic arrangement the sulfate groups are linked by octahedrally coordinated Mg2+, 8-coordinated Ca2+, and 11-coordinated K+. Each H2O-molecule is coordinated to one Mg2+ and one K+. The probable positions of the H-atoms are derived from the interatomic distances.

Mit 2 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Synthetic olivines, with composition Fa50, Fa75 and Fa100, have been transformed into spinel in a laser-heated diamond-cell at pressures from 70 to 200 kbar and at a luminance temperature of about 1,200° C. The electrical conductivity σ was measured, at room temperature and up to 200 kbar, on olivine (Lacam 1982; 1983) and spinel (present study). The data obtained permit the following conclusions:
  1. Sample nature effect: under the same conditions (composition, pressure), the σ of spinel is more than three orders of magnitude of the σ of olivine.
  2. Composition effect: there are more than three orders of magnitude between the values of σ for spinels derived from initial compositions of Fa50 and Fa100, respectively.
  3. Pressure effect: The P-effect on σ is greater for olivines than for spinels.
Besides, as in the case of olivine, in spinel the σ obeys an empirical Boltzmann relation: $$\log {\text{ }}\sigma = n \times x + S \times P + const$$ where the first and second term are the composition and pressure contributions, respectively; x the ratio Fa/Fo in mole percent. In spinel, the activation volume, in direct connection with S, was found to be in the order of 0.3 cm3/mol, about one half of that for olivine.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the langbeinite type M 2 + + K2(SO4)3 with M + +=Mg, Ni, Co, Zn, Ca in their cubic phase (P 2 1 3) and Ca2K2(SO4)3 in its orthorhombic phase (P 2 1 2 1 2 1) are determined. Whereas the SO4-tetrahedra in these compounds are almost undistorted, the two symmetry-independent coordination polyhedra of M + + are highly distorted octahedra with trigonal site symmetry in P 2 1 3. The deformation of the oxygen octahedra and the off-centering of M + + along the trigonal axis show systematic dependences on the ionic radii and the electronegativities of the M + +-ions. The correlations are remarkably different for the two symmetry-independent M + +-ions indicating different M + + — O bonding. The octahedral deformations show also linear correlations with the phase transition temperatures (P 2 1 3P 2 1 2 1 2 1) of the different compounds. This observation leads to a new model for the phase transition mechanism which is based on thermal instabilities of the M + + — O and K — O polyhedral distortions. The cubic high temperature phase is characterized by high symmetric oxygen coordinations around M + + which distort with decreasing temperature. At T c the trigonal site symmetry is broken in such a way that the K — O coordination becomes denser at the expense of a wider and less symmetric M + + — O coordination.  相似文献   

硫酸侵蚀下水泥土的电阻率特性研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过室内试验模拟了水泥土试块受不同浓度硫酸(H2SO4)溶液侵蚀的过程,采用电阻率法研究了电阻率与各参数、无侧限抗压强度之间的关系。结果表明,受H2SO4侵蚀后,水泥土电阻率、孔隙水电阻率、水泥土抗压强度均随着溶液浓度的增加而减小,而水泥土的结构因子和重度均随着溶液浓度的增加而增加,水泥土抗压强度与水泥土电阻率成正比。在试验的基础上,考虑侵蚀因素对水泥土电阻率的影响,通过对Archie法则进行修正,得到了H2SO4侵蚀下水泥土电阻率模型。通过对无侧限抗压强度试验结果的分析,并结合试块表观变化,提出了利用电阻率来评价侵蚀程度的方法。  相似文献   

The structural phase transition in titanite near 500 K (averaged symmetries A2/aP2 1/a) and a second anomaly around 900 K have been studied using infrared spectroscopy on single crystals aqnd powder samples, measurements of the dielectric properties and the specific heat. The same synthetic single crystal was used in all experiments.The phase transition near 500 K is associated with a break in the temperature evolution of phonon frequencies and absorption intensities. Some phonon signals decrease rapidly under further heating and their extrapolated intensities disappear at ca. 850 K. The most dominant temperature effect relates to Ti-O phonons with amplitudes along the crystallographic a axis. These phonons show large LO-To splitting and continue to soften under heating even at temperatures above the transitions point (ca. 500 K).  相似文献   

X-ray structure determinations of Langbeinite type K2(Cd1-xCox)2(SO4)3, x≅0.02 at three temperatures (440, 540 and 640 K) above the P2 13-P2 12121 transition temperature (434 K) reveal that the M 2+ (M 2+=Cd) ion is displaced from the centre of the octahedron at all temperatures in the cubic phase. Simultaneously the distortion of the oxygen framework decreases with increasing temperature. The structural phase transition occurs when the bond lengths of the six bonds in each of the M 2+ octahedra are all equal, and it is proposed that this equalisation of bond lengths acts as the trigger for the phase transition. The structural deformation of the oxygen sublattice is such that rather regular octahedra around Cd occur at very high temperatures with Cd displaced from the centre. With decreasing temperature the octahedra distort under conservation of the triad, such that the differences between the various bond lengths Cd-O decrease. The phase transition occurs when all bond lengths around the Cd position become equal. The behaviour of the oxygen framework and the offcentring of the Cd/Co atom combine to produce an increasing distortion with increasing temperature as viewed by the central atom. Thus the interpretation of Optical Spectra, in which an increase in line splitting with temperature was observed, as being due to the off-centring of the Co, is confirmed.  相似文献   

正1 Introduction The brines with high concentrations of magnesium and boron resources are widely distributed in the Qaidam Basin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau,China(ZhengTang,1988).Although some works on the ternary system  相似文献   

Crystal field spectra have been obtained from K2Co2(SO4)3 at a number of temperatures from 20 K to room temperature. The transition to the 4 T 1g(P) excited state is found to be split at all temperatures owing to the trigonal distortion of the Co site. Below the P213-P212121 phase transition temperature an excess splitting is observed owing to the additional distortion of the site in the orthorhombic phase. This excess distortion is found to be a linear function of temperature with no first order step at T c. Thus on a local scale the transition appears to be second order. The trigonal splitting increases with increasing temperature above Tc; this is not expected from the Speer-Salje model of the transition mechanism, which predicted decreasing distortion of the oxygen octahedra with increasing temperature. We propose that the apparent increase of asymmetry is due to the off centring of the Co atom in the high temperature phase in a more regular environment.  相似文献   

 Synthetic Zn-ferrite (ideally ZnFe2O4; mineral name: franklinite) was studied up to 37 GPa, by X-ray powder diffraction at ESRF (Grenoble, France), on the ID9 beamline; high pressure was achieved by means of a DAC. The P-V equation of state of franklinite was investigated using the Birch-Murnaghan function, and the elastic properties thus inferred [K0 = 166.4(±3.0) GPa K0  = 9.3(±0.6) K0  = −0.22 GPa−1] are compared with earlier determinations for MgAl-spinel and magnetite. The structural behaviour of Zn-ferrite as a function of pressure was studied by Rietveld refinements, and interpreted in the light of a phase transition from spinel to either CaTi2O4- or MnFe2O4-like structure; this transformation occurs above 24 GPa. Received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 22 April 2000  相似文献   

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