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Basal plates of natural beryls were studied by optical microscope, X-ray topography, and electron microprobe analysis. Optical anomalies were found to depend on growth history and on variation of impurity content: in particular optical axial plane orientations and 2V values were found to depend on minor element concentration differences in growth sectors. Knowledge of growth history of minerals can now make possible the differentiation between primary and secondary optical anomalies.  相似文献   

The basic parameters and detailed chemical compositions of three asymptotic giant branch stars with similar effective temperatures and surface gravities have been determined using CCD spectra obtained with the échelle spectrometers of the SAO 6-m telescope. The metallicity and chemical composition of the optical counterpart of the OH/IR star IRAS 18123 + 0511 have been derived for the first time. The abundance [X/H] of the iron group elements (V, Cr, Fe) is ?0.45 dex. An overabundance of oxygen, [O/Fe]=1.44 dex, is detected in the atmosphere of this star. The abundances of s-process heavy elements are not enhanced, and are instead underabundant with respect to the metallicity: the average value of [X/Fe] for Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd is ?0.25. The derived abundances confirm that IRAS 18123 + 0511 is in the AGB stage of its evolution. The metallicity of the object, together with its radial velocity V r=78.0 km/s and Galactic latitude |b|=11°, suggest that it belongs to the old disk population. The expansion velocity of the circumstellar envelope, V exp≈21 km/s, is derived from the positions of circumstellar absorption bands. The set of parameters obtained for the low-metallicity, highlatitude supergiants BD + 18° 2757 and BD + 18° 2890 (with iron abundances [Fe/H]=2.10 and ?1.48, respectively) confirm that they are evolved halo stars, and probably UU Her-type stars.  相似文献   

Tourmaline solid solutions containing Fe, Fe+ Ti, Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, Mn chromophoric centers have been grown hydrothermally at 650° C and 1,5 kbar on natural seeding plates close to the elbaite composition. The newly grown tourmalines were characterized by chemical analyses and optical absorption spectroscopy in the range 26316-5000 cm-1 at 297 K and in the range 26316-9090 cm-1 at 77 K. Most characteristic of Fe2+, Fe3+-bearing specimens is the presence of intensive σpolarized absorption bands caused by exchange-coupled Fe2+-Fe3+ pairs in Y- and Z-sites of the tourmaline structure. An additional intensive absorption band 12500 cm-1 (σ-polarisation) appears in some specimens but is not yet found in spectra of natural tourmalines. The colour and spectroscopic properties of the Fe3+, Mn3+ and Cu2+ containing tourmalines are significantly affected by the presence of even the smallest Li-contents. The results suggest that Fe2+, Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+-ions occupy, predominantly, Y-sites of the tourmaline structure, whereas the Cr3+-ions seem to enter the smaller Z-octachedra.  相似文献   

Optical processing is a fast, easy, economical, and reliable method of quantifying map patterns. A reduced transparency of a zebra-like pattern, obtained by blackening in alternate contour bands of a map, is used as input to an optical system of a laser source and objective lens to produce Fourier transforms. By sampling the intensity distribution across the transform, information about the spatial frequency (periodicity) and orientation in the original map can be inferred. Parameters used for comparing the map images are the values of intensity distribution in the transform. These intensities are normalized and subjected to comparison using various similarity methods. Cross-multiplication of the intensities is suggested as a measure of vectorial comparison of the orientations. By plotting the directional intensities into a polar coordinate system, rose diagrams are prepared for visual comparison. Optically derived parameters are independent of scale and other restrictive and limiting requirements as demanded in techniques of map analyses based on numerically derived parameters. The technique can be used in analyzing other pictorial data including aerial photographs, rock-fabric diagrams, and thin sections.  相似文献   

为预防地下矿山采空区群系统高应变能的突然释放引发的灾害,通过构建顶板-矿柱三维空间力学模型,利用突变理论和流变力学理论对其稳定性及突变倾向性作定量与定性分析,推导出系统在不同时刻突变并释放能量的数学判据和力学条件,提出系统稳定性的分析算法并验证了其有效性和实用性,在此基础上探讨各影响因子对该系统稳定性的影响。结果表明:随着矿柱流变,系统突变倾向性减小,但顶板整体性逐渐破坏且边界条件依次进入固支、简支和自由边3个阶段,维持系统稳定的矿柱有效承载面积比率临界值 仅在各阶段内连续减小,在顶板简支和自由边的阶段起点处 值突跳增大,3个阶段 值的平均减小速率依次降低;顶板刚度D、上覆岩层荷载 、矿柱面积比率 和空区群尺寸之间的数值关系对系统稳定性起主导作用。该研究结果可为矿山安全开采规划和采空区群系统稳定性评判及调控提供新思路和新方法。  相似文献   

矿化线索或矿苗的发现,对地质找矿具有重要意义。找矿理论、方法创新是重要的地质科学问题,一直备受地质学家关注。近年,随着各种成矿、成矿模式的建立,找矿向更宏观更微观演化。文章在分析我国当前地质找矿勘查存在问题的基础上,指出野外一线找矿工作者需心存宏观找矿概念,并应加强中观找矿理论、方法的学习和研究,进而提出了热岩-枝找矿理论,重点阐述了热岩-枝组矿模型的特征及地质异常找矿方法,并结合近年来作者找矿体验,分析了其特点及应用前景。  相似文献   

This work develops the theory of measuring fracture frequency with curved scanlines, as a direct development of work done by others on straight scanlines. Various possible shapes for curved scanlines range between triangular and rectangular, with circular as a reasonable preliminary selection. The discrepancy among different selections decreases with increasing roughness amplitude of the scanline. Analytic solutions for average fracture frequency are given for circular scanlines through single and multiple fracture sets. Results for single fracture sets are plotted. The analytic solution for the general situation of any shape scanline through multiple fracture sets is given. Analytic solutions are given and plotted for circular scanlines through a fracture fabric ellipsoid. A circular scanline spanning 180 degrees yields a global fracture frequency of statistical significance. This work was carried out under U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. DEAC03-76SF00098 for the Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management, Office of External Relations, and was administered by the Nevada Operations Office, U.S. Department of Energy. This work also was supported partially by the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation of Japan.  相似文献   

This work develops the theory of measuring fracture frequency with curved scanlines, as a direct development of work done by others on straight scanlines. Various possible shapes for curved scanlines range between triangular and rectangular, with circular as a reasonable preliminary selection. The discrepancy among different selections decreases with increasing roughness amplitude of the scanline. Analytic solutions for average fracture frequency are given for circular scanlines through single and multiple fracture sets. Results for single fracture sets are plotted. The analytic solution for the general situation of any shape scanline through multiple fracture sets is given. Analytic solutions are given and plotted for circular scanlines through a fracture fabric ellipsoid. A circular scanline spanning 180 degrees yields a global fracture frequency of statistical significance.  相似文献   

We present classifications, optical identifications, and radio spectra for eight radio sources from three flux-density-complete samples in the following declination ranges: 4°–6° (B1950), S 3.9 > 200 mJy; 10°–12°30′ (J2000), S 4.85 > 200 mJy; 74°?75° (J2000), S 4.85 > 100 mJy. For all these samples, the right ascensions are 0h–24h and the Galactic latitudes, |b| > 15°. Our optical observations at 4000–7500 ° were made with the 6-m telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory; we also observed at 0.97–21.7 GHz with the RATAN-600 radio telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory. We classify four of the objects as quasars and four as galaxies. Five of the radio sources have power-law spectra at 0.97–21.7 GHz, while two objects have flat spectra. The quasar J2358+0430 virtually did not vary during 23 years.  相似文献   

The results of many-year uniform spectroscopic observations of the Herbig Ae/Be star IL Cep A are presented. Its Hα line has either a single or a barely resolved two-component emission profile. The Hβ emission line is clearly divided into two components with a deep central absorption. Smooth variations of the observed parameters of individual spectral lines over nine years are observed. The He I λ5876 Å line has a complex absorption profile, probably with superposed emission components. The NaI D1, D2 doublet exhibits weak changes due to variations in the circumstellar envelope. The variations observed in the stellar spectrum can be explained by either binarity or variations of the magnetic field in the stellar disk. Difficulties associated with both these possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

晶体的重折射率指示体是由作者引入的一种新的光性指示体,它表述了晶体在各个方向上的重折射特征。在本文中,作者通过运算推导得出了重折射率指示体方程,并在此基础上讨论了各晶族晶体之重折射率指示体的性质。  相似文献   

The spaces of actor-network theory   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Jonathan Murdoch 《Geoforum》1998,29(4):357-374

Don L. Anderson 《《幕》》2008,31(4):452-453
From time to time the phrase 'Theory of the Earth' occurs among titles in Earth science history. It usually happens after times of changing major scientific paradigms. A first peak occurred in the Renaissance at the time of the origin of modern science with the introduction of the word geology by Ulisse Aldrovandi in 1603; and the phrase moved around in the controversy about the origin of marine fossils found in mountains, with works by Alessandro degli Alessandri (about 1500), Girolamo Cardano (1550), Gabriele Falloppio (1564), Bernard Palissy (1580), Andrea Cesalpino (1596), and Simeone Maioli (1597).  相似文献   

Theoretical ideas based on the results of numerical modeling of mantle convection are presented. The thermochemical model has taken into consideration such factors as two-layer structure of the mantle, formation of light substance in the D” layer (owing to transition of metallic components into the core), and heavy substances in subduction zones (eclogite-alteration of the oceanic crust). Numerical experiments have shown that this system allows phenomena of global mantle overturns, which make possible to model the general pattern of the Earth’s geologic evolution. The suggested theory establishes cause-effect relationships in the sequence of geological events and is conformed to all the empirical data.  相似文献   

The theory of metasomatic zoning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The main features of the theory of metasomatic zoning, developed by the author, are here exposed. The basic differential equations of metasomatic zoning, of the infiltration as well as of the diffusion type, are deduced for the conditions of local equilibrium, the kinetic phenomena being neglected. The sharpness of the fronts of replacement and other regularities of metasomatic columns are established and the differences between infiltration and diffusion columns are shown. The mathematical model of the outstripping wave of acidic components in the flow of postmagmatic solutions is discussed, in relation with the acidic filtration effect, i.e., with the higher filtration rate of acidic components as compared with basic ones. The passage of this acidity wave causes the acid leaching of metals out of rocks and their subsequent concentrated redeposition in veins. One may therefore speak of a lateral and vertical hydrothermal acid-base differentiation.
Zusammenfassung Die wesentlichsten Ergebnisse der vom Autor entwickelten Theorien über metasomatische Zonenbildungen werden dargelegt. Die grundlegenden Gleichungen der metasomatischen Infiltrations- und Diffusionszonalität werden unter der Annahme entwickelt, daß lokales Gleichgewicht geherrscht hat unter Vernachlässigung der kinetischen Beziehungen. Die Bildung scharfer Verdrängungsfronten und anderer Regelmäßigkeiten im Aufbau der metasomatischen Kolonnen und Unterscheidungsmerkmale zwischen Infiltrationsund Diffusionskolonnen werden festgehalten. Das mathematische Modell der Überholenden Aziditätswelle im Migrationsstrom der postmagmatischen Lösungen wird betrachtet. Diese Welle ist mit dem azidischen Filtrationseffekt verbunden, d.h., mit der schnelleren Filtration der azidischen Komponenten im Vergleich zu den basischen. Der Durchlauf der Aziditätswelle im Strom der postmagmatischen Lösungen ruft die azidische Auslaugung der Metalle aus Gesteinen hervor, mit darauffolgender angereicherter Ablagerung der Metalle in Gängen. Dadurch wird eine laterale und vertikale hydrothermale azid-basische Differentiation hervorgerufen.

A report prepared for a lecture tour in France in 1967.  相似文献   

Optical dating: Recuperation after bleaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bleaching by sunlight results in rapid reduction of optically-stimulated luminescence, e.g. by a factor of 300 in 15 min for one of the several samples of quartz so far tried. However, if the bleached sample is stored before measurement the signal partially recovers, suggesting the possibility that the observed natural luminescence from a young sediment sample may contain a significant contribution from this component. Recuperation is accelerated if the sample is warmed during storage: after 5 min at 220°C the recuperation levels in the samples of quartz studied were equivalent to the order of one gray. Recuperative effects are also observed in zircon. We suggest that the effect is associated with phototransfer into shallow light-insensitive traps during bleaching, with subsequent thermal redistribution into the traps responsible for the initial luminescence. Investigation of recuperation gives a useful insight into the mechanisms upon which optical dating relies.  相似文献   

We present the results of optical monitoring of the blazar 2007 + 777 on the 60-cm Zeiss-600 reflector of the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Light curves in the B and V bands obtained from August 8, 2000, through May 25, 2001, reveal variability with characteristic time scales from 10 to 40 days.  相似文献   

Absorption bands are determined in polarized optical spectra of vivianite Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O, recorded at room and low temperatures. These bands are caused by spin-allowed d-d transitions in structurally nonequivalent Fe A 2+ (~11000 cm-1 (γ-polarization) (and) ~12000 cm-1 (β-polarization)) (and) Fe B 2+ (~8400 cm-1 (γ, α-polarization) and ~11200 cm-1 (α-polarization)) ions. A charge transfer band (CTB) Fe B 2+ +Fe B 3+ →Fe B 2+ +Fe B 2+ (~15000 cm-1) also determined, has polarizing features giving evidence of a change in the Fe B 2+ -Fe B 3+ bond direction, when compared with Fe B 2+ -Fe B 2+ . Bands of exchange-coupled Fe3+-Fe3+ pairs (~19400, ~20400, ~21300 and ~21700 cm-1) which appear on oxidation of Fe2+ in paired Fe B octahedra are also characterized.  相似文献   

An optical comparison illustrates the difference in behaviour of the two mica minerals biotite and muscovite; their response to deformation, and to chemical processes such as grain dissolution. Non-passive mechanical rotation, segmentation of deformed grains by a recovery-recrystallization type process and syntectonic growth of the phyllosilicates all contribute to the development of a strong tectonic foliation within a deformed pegmatite from the Italian Alps. There are significant mechanical differences between the two micas. Biotite readily deforms by kinking whereas muscovite forms sinusoidal folds and seldom kinks. If kink-like structures (deformation zones) are present in muscovite they are generally accompanied by fracturing. Fracturing and displacements are obvious in most deformed muscovites both parallel to axial surfaces and between (001) cleavages. Fracturing is occasionally recognised in biotite. However, it is often obscured by extensive dissolution and new grain nucleation. Evidence for dissolution processes in biotite is more abundant than in muscovite.  相似文献   

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