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关于工程地震实践若干问题   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:11  
本文介绍和讨论了有关工程地震实践中的某些成果和问题:(1)考虑近源地震动饱和的衰减场模式及其转换;(2)核电厂厂址设计基准地面运动和不同核法规对人工设计时程合成的技术要求对比;(3)水利水电工程场地地震安全性评价;(4)以金沙江中下游地区为例介绍地震设防区划和设防区划图系;(5)从科学性和工程可接受性, 以工程法规为基础提出工程活动断裂的定义、断裂活动性工程分类和地震断错形变工程评价。  相似文献   

一、引言静力触探与其他勘察手段比较,有众所周知的许多优点。目前,静力触探一般使用在(1)探明建(构)筑物地基的工程特性及场地的复杂情况;(2)作为与常规试验比较的手段,提供设计参数;(3)检验施工质量等。其中以第一种情况为最多。在工程地质勘察中,一般根据工程场地的工程地质条件,建筑物的大小、类型、重要性,选择地基土的勘察方法。在软土地基勘察时,常在钻探时配一定数量的静力触探,辅以探明土的工程性质及其  相似文献   

在1999年—2003年5年中,西南地区部署了下列水工环地质太调查工作:(1)西南岩溶石山地区地下水勘查与生态环境地质调查;(2)西南红层找水勘查示范;(3)西藏“一江两河”地区干旱县地下水资源调查;(4)长江上游生态环境地质调查;(5)长江上游主要环境地质问题调查;(6)四川省、云南省、贵州省、重庆市和西藏自治区1:50万环境地质调查;(7)云南省、四川省矿山环境地质调查与评估;  相似文献   

三维地质建模已在区域地质调查、矿产资源勘查、数字矿山、城市地质、水文地质、工程地质、环境地质等诸多领域得到初步应用,但在开发及应用过程中也遇到了限制其发展的几个瓶颈问题:(1)建模软件操作太复杂,难于为基层广大地质作图人员所掌握;(2)三维建模约束条件太严苛,编辑工作量巨大;(3)没有三维地质建模标准,模型数据难以交换与共享;(4)勘探规范没有硬性规定,项目负责单位积极性不高;(5)三维地质模型的建摸成本预算支付问题。根据目前三维护地质建模现状,建议,(1)国家应加大对三维地质建模技术开发的支持力度;(2)三维地质建模开发要紧密结合专业需求,提高系统的实用性;(3)建立三维地质建模标准;(4)在勘探规范中增加三维地质建模的内容;(5)三维软件开发商提高软件的可操作性,提高容错能力与自动化程度。  相似文献   

1974年著名的工程地质学家L.Müiller教授曾以《工程地质学的今天》为题论述过工程地质学在工程建设中的作用、工程地质学与土力学和岩石力学间的关系等问题。著者现在又以《工程地质的今天》为题阐述了:(1)工程地质学研究领域应该扩大,它不仅应该为具体的工程建设服务,而且要扩大到包括自然地质作用和人类开挖、堆积作用在内引起的地质灾害预报和防治,它已成为与资源、能源探查相并提的地质学两大实践课题之一——防灾;(2)今天的工程地质学研究必须从第一环境研究出发进行第二环境预测,工程地质与环境地质已经是不可分的;(3)工程地质学今天的任务不仅要研究工程地质条件,而且应包括与地质体工程活动有关的设计、施工及地质体改造等整个领域,即地质工程领域。著者认为今天的工程地质应该向地质工程方向发展,确切些说可称为环境地质工程;(4)本文明确地提出了《地质构造控制论》是工程地质学或环境地质工程研究的基础理论;(5)文中还论述了岩体改造的原理、方案和技术。最后还概括地论述了2000年时中国工程地质学家面临的艰巨任务。  相似文献   

主办单位:中国岩石力学与工程学会承办单位:中国岩石力学与工程学会环境岩土工程分会;中国岩石力学与工程学会工程安全与防护分会;中国岩石力学与工程学会地下空间分会;江苏省岩土力学与工程学会;河海大学;解放军理工大学大会主题:岩石力学与重大工程中的新挑战会议专题:(1)岩石力学基本性质与本构关系;(2)岩石力学新理论、新方法;(3)岩石工程数值分析与仿真;(4)岩石动力学;(5)岩石高边坡工程;(6)岩石地下工程;(7)环境岩土工程;(8)岩土工程加固的新原理、新方法和新技术;(9)岩土力学试验研究方法;(10)岩土工程风险分析;(11)岩石工程实例分析;(12)其他岩石力学与岩土工程问题。  相似文献   

1 .论坛论题(1)青藏高原构造活动与地质环境 ;(2 )西北地区环境地质与地质灾害 ;(3)深埋长隧道工程地质问题 ;(4 )特殊土 (黄土、高原冻土、沙漠土、盐渍土、膨胀土 )工程地质与岩土工程问题 ;(5 )重大工程中工程地质问题分析 (黄河上游水电工程、西电东送、西气东输工程、南水北调工程、城市建设工程、干线公路工程等 ) ;(6 )信息技术在工程地质中的应用 ;(7)新材料与新技术在地质工程中的应用 ;(8)中国工程地质 80年与未来展望 ;(9)其他重大工程地质问题。2 .论坛征文(1)征文范围凡围绕上述主题撰写写的学术论文均在征文范围之列。(2 )论…  相似文献   

近年来,政府和社会越来越关注生态环境修复及其美化,对各类生产行为导致的生态环境破坏场地按照"自然恢复为主,重点部位工程治理"的原则实施规划、整治。露天矿山集中区特别是饰面石材矿山无序开发是整治、规划的重点靶区。通过对福建敖江流域(古田、连江段)所有饰面石材废弃矿山进行基础资料收集与现场调查,阐述主要地质环境问题,明确矿山生态环境影响评估分区的原则和方法,根据评估结果制订全流域饰面石材废弃矿山生态环境综合整治规划,提出治理措施,分析预期效益。  相似文献   

在澳大利亚于1981年开采金18吨,到1986年增加到80吨,推测将来可增至150吨。其增长原因是(1)发现了新的地质线索;(2)矿山开采和选矿工作的勘探技术有所提高;(3)澳元贬值;(4)金在美国最低价格稳定;(5)金的纳税章程不同于南非和北美。澳大利亚的金矿床的金品位不高,矿床规模不大,为进一步增长金的开采量,尚需有相应的纳税章程。  相似文献   

8月6日至8日,由北京市地质矿产勘查开发局、北京市人力资源和社会保障局、北京大学地球与空间科学学院联合主办的矿山地质环境保护与污染场地修复技术高级研修班在京开班,旨在保障矿山地质环境和污染场地环境安全,提高矿山地质环境和场地污染治理领域创新能力和技术水平,加强高精尖地质环境和污染场地修复人才队伍建设。  相似文献   

A site in south-central Turkey has been proposed as the source for early bronze-age tin. Examination of the site shows that this proposal is confounded by the presence of extensive mining and smelting activities for lead. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

李光平  夏敏楠 《江苏地质》2009,33(2):209-211
介绍了南京市矿业形势和生态城市建设的形势,提出了南京市矿业环境整治的目标思路与技术路线,研究了采石基地及整治点布局项目。从采石业入手,对规划调整地区矿业格局,做了一些有益的尝试。  相似文献   

 The source of many environmental incidents involving engineering works has been traced to inadequate geologic site characterization (GSC). Even though critics may argue that hindsight is almost always clearer than foresight, what is reasonable to some geologists may be overkill to others and GSC is often underperformed. Communication between designers, geologists, engineers, and regulators is paramount at all stages of a project, each recognizing the essential needs of the other. For large projects having substantial longevity, it is essential to periodically review initial conclusions because assumptions and criteria change as the geosciences evolve, engineering precepts are refined, and analytical capabilities increase. A brief consideration of the changing geological paradigms of the 1950s and 1960s as compared with the 1990s should leave little room for debate on this. Geologic site characterization should be a dynamic, continuing process. A balanced approach must be sought, to provide adequate information for safety of operations, neither slighting or overdoing the effort. Several examples are taken from the salt mining and storage industry, which illustrate these principles, but there is widespread application to other geological media and engineering projects. The ultimate benefit of valuing site characterization efforts may be more than just enhanced safety and health – costs not expended in lost facilities and ligation can become profit. Received: 13 September 1995 · Accepted: 21 November 1995  相似文献   

 In the present paper, an environmental analysis of Manikpur area, Korba coalfield, Bilaspur, M.P., India is undertaken. The area lies in the Geological Survey of India Toposheet no. 64J/11 Latitude 82°42′54″–82°45′10″ North; Longitude 22°18′46″–22°19′46″ East. The paper deals with pollution and its control measures through the natural plants found in the vicinity of the coalmines, namely Mangifera indica, Eucalyptus spp., Cassia siamea, Delbergia sissoo, etc. The plants control the Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Nitrous Oxides (NOx), Sulphur Oxides (SOx) of the mines and mining site. Therefore, plantation in the mining site should be encouraged. Received: 12 May 1998 · Accepted: 6 October 1998  相似文献   

研究区内历史上存在强烈的以采煤为主的采矿活动,形成了大规模的采空塌陷,为了集约用地和防灾减灾,运用理论分析、定量计算及现场观测相结合的技术路线,根据“三带”理论对采空区波及地表的影响程度和地表移动的范围定性定量评价,应用应力分析法对场区进行稳定性分析。结果表明:该区大部分采空区基本稳定,目前可能处于残余变形阶段,地表处于相对稳定状态,残余变形在建筑物可承受范围之内;浅部采空区存在未完全塌实区,在地表建筑物荷载、地震及地下水等因素的影响下,仍存在二次活化的可能;中南部深部老采空区均超过5a,其“活化”是比较平稳和长期的过程,一般对地表的影响是较小的和缓慢的沉降,其不均衡沉降量是有限的;中南部存在原开滦矾土矿,采矿方式为洞采,赋存深度较浅,在地表建筑物荷载的作用下极易发生塌陷而发生“活化”,危险性大。针对不同的区域和“活化”类型,提出相应的防治措施,对于建设场地地基稳定性评价工作具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Zinc isotope ratios were measured in the top sections of dated ombrotrophic peat cores in Finland to investigate their potential as proxies for atmospheric sources and to constrain post depositional processes affecting the geochemical record. The peat deposits were located in Hietajärvi, a background site well away from any point pollution source and representing ‘background’ conditions, in Outokumpu, next to a mining site, and in Harjavalta, next to a smelter. Measured total concentrations, calculated excess concentrations and mass balance considerations suggest that zinc is subjected to important biogeochemical cycling within the peat. Significant isotopic variability was found in all three peat bogs, with heavier zinc in the deeper and lighter zinc in the upper sections. Isotope ratios and concentrations correlated in the two peats located next to dominant point sources, i.e. the smelting and mining site, suggesting that zinc isotopes trace pollution sources. Concentration and isotope peaks were offset from the period of mining and smelting activity, supporting migration of zinc down the profile. The δ66ZnJMC (where δ66Zn = [(66Zn/64Zn)sample/(66Zn/64Zn)JMC-standard − 1] × 103) of the top section sample at the remote Hietajärvi site was 0.9‰ and we suggest this represents the regional background isotope signature of atmospheric zinc. The deeper sections of the peat cores show isotopically heavier zinc than any potential atmospheric source, indicating that post depositional processes affected the isotopic records. The large variations encountered (up to 1.05‰ for δ66Zn) and Rayleigh modelling imply that multiple fractionation of zinc during diagenetic alterations occurs and nutrient recycling alone cannot explain the fractionation pattern.We propose that zinc isotopes are amenable to identify different atmospheric zinc sources, including zinc derived from anthropogenic activities such as mining and smelting, but multiple biogeochemical processes seriously affect the record and they need to be evaluated and assessed carefully if zinc isotopes are used in terrestrial paleorecords.  相似文献   

蒋波  安守林  黄敬军 《江苏地质》2019,43(1):155-160
通过对徐州众多矿业废弃地治理示范工程的总结,提出不同矿业废弃地的典型治理模式。采空塌陷型矿业废弃地的治理模式有湿地公园建设、光伏发电基地建设、富硒耕地开发和土地复垦整治;开山采石型矿业废弃地的治理模式有遗址公园建设、地质公园建设、文化遗迹开发和生态环境保护。治理模式可为徐州矿业废弃地治理提供科学依据,并对我国众多处于转型建设时期的矿业城市具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Few studies exist that investigate the potential impact of groundwater mounding due to mining near an environmentally sensitive area in a real world scenario. This paper presents a case study in which the development and extent of groundwater mounding due to mining near the Shark Bay World Heritage Property (SBWHP) in Western Australia (WA) has been simulated. A numerical model was developed that enabled a detailed simulation of groundwater level response to the discharge of a water saturated sand slurry during mining at the project site near Coburn in WA. The simulations showed that after a mining period of around two and a half years, a groundwater mound of around 2.5 m would develop along the margins of the open pit at the SBWHP boundary. 500 m further into the SBWHP, the groundwater mound is predicted to be around 1 m high. A depth to water analysis showed that the groundwater may come within 4 m of the surface in the area of a sand dune swale that traverses from SW to NE near the SBWHP boundary. The results of these analyses provide a perspective of mine-related impacts in a unique environment. The results have been included in an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and used for mine water balance predictions.  相似文献   

断裂构造对利民矿井煤与瓦斯突出的控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了断裂构造对煤与瓦斯突出的控制和不同构造部位瓦斯突出的差异性。因煤层围岩性质的不同,地质构造的差异,瓦斯突出的地段和危险性也不一样。主控断裂的作用形成了不同的构造应力分区,从而导致瓦斯不同程度地聚积与泄散,决定着煤与瓦斯突出的强度、密度的分区分带性。这些研究成果对利民矿井各采区瓦斯突出危险性的预测,具有现实意义。  相似文献   

金川矿区1#矿体是金川矿区主要矿体,也是二矿区二期开采的矿体。由于矿体埋藏深、地压大,矿区地应力高,岩体节理裂隙发育,围岩稳定性极差。随着开采延深、采场面积扩大,采场地压活动剧烈。因此,采场地压控制和巷道稳定性维护是二期深部开采中的关键技术难题。它不仅直接关系到二期工程的安全生产,而且还决定了深部采矿的生产成本。因此,探索最佳采场地压控制措施和巷道支护技术和采场系统分析与参数优化,是二矿区深部采矿的重要研究课题,而工程地质研究与岩体质量评价是这一研究的基础。本文在进行了深部工程围岩的现场调查、分析与研究的基础上,进行了工程围岩分类和质量评价,给出了可以用于深部地压控制和系统分析的地质基础。  相似文献   

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