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北京地区土地利用/覆盖变化研究   总被引:93,自引:15,他引:93  
本文利用1975、1984、1991和1997的LandsatTM/MSS数据,对北京地区改革开放以来22年的土地利用/覆盖变化进行了研究。结果表明从1975~1997年,北京地区发生了快速城市化背景下的大规模土地利用/覆盖变化,表现出城镇用地通过大量占用平原区耕地扩展,非城镇用地间结构变化明显的基本特征。同时土地利用/覆盖变化区域差异明显,近郊区和远郊区的土地利用/覆盖变化强度发生了逆转,远郊区土地利用/覆盖变化强度在90年代已经超过近郊区,而且该区高密度城镇用地的重心也向西北方向发生了一定程度的移动,显示出同期北京城镇用地向西北方向扩展的趋势  相似文献   

Landsat ETM/TM data and an artificial neural network (ANN) were applied to analyse the expansion of the city of Xi'an and land use/cover change of its surrounding area between 2000 and 2003. Supervised classification and normalized difference barren index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. Results showed that the urban area increased by an annual rate of 12.3%, with area expansion from 253.37 km2 in 2000 to 358.60 km2 in 2003. Large areas of farmland in the north and southwest were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Xi'an were mainly caused by fast development of urban economy, population migration from countryside, great development of infrastructure such as transportation, and huge demands for urban market. In addition, affected by the government policy of "returning farmland to woodland", some farmland was converted into economic woodland, such as Chinese goosebeery garden, vineyard etc.  相似文献   

Landsat ETM/TM data and an artificial neural network (ANN) were applied to analyse the expansion of the city of Xi'an and land use/cover change of its surrounding area between 2000 and 2003. Supervised classification and normalized difference barren index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. Results showed that the urban area increased by an annual rate of 12.3%, with area expansion from 253.37 km2 in 2000 to 358.60 km2 in 2003. Large areas of farmland in the north and southwest were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Xi'an were mainly caused by fast development of urban economy, population immigration from countryside, great development of infrastructure such as transportation, and huge demands for urban market. In addition, affected by the government policy of "returning farmland to woodland", some farmland was converted into economic woodland, such as Chinese goosebeery garden, vineyard etc.  相似文献   

Landsat ETM/TM data and an artificial neural network (ANN) were applied to analyse the expansion of the city of Xi'an and land use/cover change of its surrounding area between 2000 and 2003. Supervised classification and normalized difference barren index (NDBI) were used respectively to retrieve its urban boundary. Results showed that the urban area increased by an annual rate of 12.3%, with area expansion from 253.37 km^2 in 2000 to 358.60 km^2 in 2003. Large areas of farmland in the north and southwest were converted into urban construction land. The land use/cover changes of Xi'an were mainly caused by fast development of urban economy, population immigration from countryside, great development of infrastructure such as transportation, and huge demands for urban market. In addition, affected by the government policy of “returning farmland to woodland”, some farmland was converted into economic woodland, such as Chinese goosebeerv garden, vineyard etc.  相似文献   

中国可持续发展问题与土地利用/覆被变化研究   总被引:171,自引:9,他引:171  
刘彦随  陈百明 《地理研究》2002,21(3):324-330
土地利用 /覆被变化 (LUCC)研究 ,已成为全球环境变化和可持续发展领域前沿的核心问题。中国是世界上人多地少、生态与环境问题较为突出的发展中国家 ,目前中国可持续发展所面临的许多问题 ,都与土地利用及其变化有着内在的、必然的联系。因此 ,面向可持续发展战略的实施 ,开展土地利用 /覆被变化的系统研究 ,具有重要的科学价值与战略意义。本文重点对土地利用 /覆被变化与可持续发展重点问题的关系 ,以及面向可持续发展问题的LUCC研究目标、主要内容和技术方法等进行了讨论  相似文献   

北京近百年城市用地变化与相关社会人文因素简论   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:25  
鲁奇  战金艳  任国柱 《地理研究》2001,20(6):688-696
北京是中国的历史名城之一。历史上,其地域范围内的土地利用与土地覆被随人类活动强度而变化,各个时期的城市用地扩张是其中最明显的变化之一。本文将北京的历史发展过程划分为两个阶段,前一阶段从辽代建都到1911年封建王朝的瓦解;第二阶段从1911年到现在。本文围绕后一阶段进行探讨。指出:在过去的大约100年中,通过城市化表现的北京土地利用与土地覆被变化巨大,在过去的50年间尤为明显。北京的城市用地扩张及由此推动的土地利用/土地覆被变化之所以更为显著,与政治及社会意识形态改变、政策和制度变化、以及人口增长、科技进步和经济实力增强等社会、经济、人文因素密切相关。它们与土地利用/土地覆被变化相关关系的量化研究值得深入开展  相似文献   

1 Introduction1.1 Introduction to Liaocheng PrefectureLiaocheng Prefecture lies in northwest of Shandong Province and slightly north to the center of the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain with latitudes between 35(47'N and 37(02'N and longitudes between 115(16'E and 116(32'E. Administratively, it consists of two cities (Liaocheng and Linqing) and six counties (Yanggu, Shenxian, Chiping, Dong'e, Guanxian and Gaotang). It covers a total area of 8590 km2 with a maximum distance of 114 km from eas…  相似文献   

天山北坡土地利用/覆被及生态系统服务功能变化   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
土地利用/覆被变化及其生态效应是生态环境演变最重要的因素之一,其研究对于促进区域生态经济协调发展有重要意义。以天山北坡土地利用/覆被数据为基础,分析了土地利用/覆被与生态系统服务功能的时空特征及其差异。结果表明:1989年到2000年研究区草地、未利用土地面积明显减少,其它类型土地面积在增加,奇台县土地利用变化动态度最高,乌鲁木齐最低;区域生态系统服务功能从1989年的31 993.31×106元增加到2000年的32 126.27×106元,增加量为132.96×106元,增长率为0.42%,其中,增长最多的是奇台县,下降最大的是玛纳斯县;山前倾斜平原圈是土地利用/覆被变化与生态系统服务功能价值变化的集中区域。天山北坡生态系统服务价值没有降低不能说明生态环境得到了良好的维护与保育,将来区域发展必须加强生态环境保护力度。  相似文献   

This article explores the dimensions of rapid urbanization in the Phoenix Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) over the past thirty years with respect to land use change. We devote primary attention to developing an understanding of what land transformations took place, the extent to which they occurred, and where they occurred. Our findings indicate that 32 percent of the Phoenix SMSA changed between 1970 and 2000. More than half of the overall change was from agriculture to some form of urban land use, and although a large percentage of the region remains open desert the parcels of desert are increasingly fragmented. This has significant implications for urban ecology and biodiversity. The growth indicates that rather than a pattern that reflects the agglomeration effects of a polycentric metropolis, the central business district of the City of Phoenix dominates the region. This has implications with respect to employment patterns, traffic congestion, and urban air quality and climate.  相似文献   

In this study, historical Tibetan tax-related data pertaining to cultivated land in central Tibet are studied by means of GIS and compared with contemporary patterns. A Tibetan land decree from 1830 contains aggregated data on the amount of land-based tax units for estates in 57 districts of central Tibet. The purpose of this study is to devise a GIS methodology to study the potential utility of these data for historical geographical research, and to determine the approximate changes in cultivated land areas between 1830 and 1990. Traditional Tibetan tax data are significant for current efforts to construct historical land cover databases of the Tibetan Plateau region for the study of the human dimensions of global change.  相似文献   

1990-2018年土地利用/覆盖变化研究的特征和进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
何春阳  张金茜  刘志锋  黄庆旭 《地理学报》2021,76(11):2730-2748
土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)是地表综合集成研究的一个学科基础和前沿领域。本文利用定性与定量相结合的方法对1990—2018年的LUCC研究进展进行了系统综述。在回顾LUCC研究历程的基础上,结合文献分析,详细总结了不同LUCC研究阶段的基本特征和主要进展。进而阐述了当前LUCC研究面临的主要挑战,提出了未来LUCC研究的主要发展方向。1990年以来LUCC研究关注度不断提升,相关英文论文发文量和引文量呈指数增长趋势。LUCC研究正从1990—2004年间的过程研究阶段和2005—2013年间的影响研究阶段迈向2014年以后的可持续性研究阶段。当前LUCC研究正面临着如何借鉴可持续科学框架、整合新兴技术和支撑国土空间规划等挑战。未来LUCC研究需要与景观可持续科学和地理设计紧密结合,积极面向国土空间规划主战场,为建设美丽中国和落实联合国可持续发展目标服务。  相似文献   

刘宇  傅伯杰 《干旱区地理》2013,36(6):1097-1102
基于16 d合成MODIS NDVI数据提取的时间序列植被覆盖度数据,采用一元线性回归趋势分析,对黄土高原2000-2008年植被覆盖度的时空变化及其地形分异、土地利用/覆被变化的影响进行了定量分析。结果表明:(1)研究时段黄土高原植被覆盖度整体呈快速上升趋势,局部下降;(2)黄土高原植被覆盖度变化存在明显的地形分异,陡坡等植被恢复、重建和保育的主要区域植被覆盖度增速显著;(3)土地利用/覆被变化对植被覆盖度的增加影响突出,土地利用/覆被类型变更区植被覆盖度增速显著高于未变化区域,退耕还林还草区增速尤其突出;(4)土地利用/覆被类型未变化区域植被覆盖度总体上也呈增加趋势,但因植被覆盖度水平相对较高,增速明显低于土地利用/覆被类型变化区。上述结果表明,黄土高原植被保育、植被恢复和重建在植被覆盖度提升方面取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial information on land use/cover is a prerequisite for effective planning decisions in the context of social and economic development. Satellite remote sensing data have become increasingly important in the study of land use/cover changes. This paper uses multitemporal satellite data to measure and spatially characterize land use/cover changes in the Jaffna Peninsula, northern Sri Lanka over the two decades from 1984 to early 2004 in terms of potential drivers. Over this period, the Jaffna Peninsula has been impacted severely by armed conflict between the government of Sri Lanka and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. A postclassification method is used to compare land use/cover classes from satellite images using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to analyze the spatial pattern of land use/cover changes over the study period. Results indicate that the land use/cover pattern has been very dynamic since early the 1980s, showing a remarkable decrease in agricultural land use and concomitant increase in non-agricultural land uses. The ethnic conflict and its consequences, particularly large-scale population migrations, have been the main driving forces for such land use/cover changes in the Jaffna Peninsula. The results of this study are not only important in aiding efforts to reconstruct this area after decades of physical and socioeconomic devastation, but should also prompt similarly urgent studies in other inaccessible war-torn areas of the world.  相似文献   

The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and the hot spots in the global change research. Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatial-temporal database, and using the Landsat TM and ETM data of 1990 and 2000 respectively, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area during the last decade. The result shows that during the last ten years there were three land-use types that had changed remarkably. The cultivated land decreased by 0.57% of the total cultivated land. The built-up land and water area expanded, with an increase of 8.97% and 0.43% respectively. The conversion between land use types mostly happened among these three land-use types, especially frequently between cultivated land and water area. The land-use change speed of land-use type is different. Three cities experienced the greatest degree of land-use change among all the administrative districts, which means that the land use in these cities changed much quickly. The following changed area was the west and south of the Dongting Lake area. The slowest changed area is the north and east area.  相似文献   

近10年洞庭湖区土地利用变化时空特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The research on the land use/cover change is one of the frontiers and the hot spots in the global change research. Based on the Chinese resource and environment spatial-temporal database,and using the Landsat TM and ETM data of 1990 and 2000 respectively, we analyzed the spatial-temporal characteristics of land use/cover changes in the Dongting Lake area during the last decade. The result shows that during the last ten years there were three land-use types that had changed remarkably. The cultivated land decreased by 0.57% of the total cultivated land. The built-up land and water area expanded, with an increase of 8.97% and 0.43% respectively. The conversion between land use types mostly happened among these three land-use types, especially frequently between cultivated land and water area. The land-use change speed of land-use type is different. Three cities experienced the greatest degree of land-use change among all the administrative districts, which means that the land use in these cities changed much quickly. The following changed area was the west and south of the Dongting Lake area. The slowest changed area is the north and east area.  相似文献   

In spite of widely documented studies of deforestation rates and land use/cover changes in tropical dry forests in Mexico, relatively little is known about fragmentation patterns in such forests. This study defines the spatial distribution of landforms and land use/cover types the lower Papagayo River basin and examines their influence on fragmentation patterns and biological diversity in a tropical dry forest in that southern Pacific region. The land use/cover map was constructed from aerial photographs, Landsat TM imagery (2000) and fieldwork. Landform units were defined based on altitude, slope, lithology and morphology. Landscape fragmentation parameters were obtained using FRAGSTATS (version 3.3) considering the numbers of patches, mean, minimum and maximum patch size, edge density, total edge and connectivity. Results show tropical dry forest to be remnant vegetation (~11 per cent), characterized by isolation and low connectivity. Land use/cover types have different effects on fragmentation patterns. Agriculture and cattle raising produce similar numbers of patches, but with a different mean size; and human settlements have a scattered distribution pattern. The abandonment of rural agricultural livelihoods has favoured the expansion of secondary tropical dry forest characterized by continuity and high connectivity, which suggests a high regeneration potential from land abandonment. It can be concluded that tropical dry forest fragmentation and recovery at regional scales depend on such landscape attributes as lithology, slope, geomorphology and management.  相似文献   

Despite many studies on land degradation in the Highlands of Northern Ethiopia, quantitative information regarding long-term changes in land use/cover (LUC) is rare. Hence, this study aims to investigate the LUC changes in the Geba catchment (5142 km2), Northern Ethiopia, over 80 years (1935–2014). Aerial photographs (APs) of the 1930s and Google Earth (GE) images (2014) were used. The point-count technique was utilized by overlaying a grid on APs and GE images. The occurrence of cropland, forest, grassland, shrubland, bare land, built-up areas and water body was counted to compute their fractions. A multivariate adaptive regression spline was applied to identify the explanatory factors of LUC and to create fractional maps of LUC. The results indicate significant changes of most types, except for forest and cropland. In the 1930s, shrubland (48%) was dominant, followed by cropland (39%). The fraction of cropland in 2014 (42%) remained approximately the same as in the 1930s, while shrubland significantly dropped to 37%. Forests shrank further from a meagre 6.3% in the 1930s to 2.3% in 2014. High overall accuracies (93% and 83%) and strong Kappa coefficients (89% and 72%) for point counts and fractional maps respectively indicate the validity of the techniques used for LUC mapping.  相似文献   

巴西土地利用/覆盖变化时空格局及驱动因素   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
土地利用/覆盖变化(LUCC)是全球变化研究的热点问题之一。本文采用人机交互方法基于2005 年基准年的Landsat TM/ETM遥感影像修正欧空局GlobalCover 2005 年土地利用数据,进而采用逆时相目视解译法从1980年基准年的Landsat MSS/TM遥感影像数据提取1980-2005 年土地利用/覆盖变化信息,分析其变化的时空格局及驱动因素。结果表明:1980-2005年的25年间,巴西土地利用/覆盖变化面积达79.43万km2,占土地总面积的9.33%。其中,单纯耕地像元面积增加了20.18 万km2;耕地/自然植被镶嵌混合像元区面积增加了10.70 万km2;林地面积减少了53.12 万km2;灌丛与草地净增加21.10 万km2;水体面积增加0.46 万km2;城乡建设用地面积增加7573.87 km2。由此导致热带和亚热带湿润阔叶林生态地理区、热带和亚热带干旱阔叶林生态地理区、热带及亚热带草原生态地理区、草原和沼泽湿地生态地理区、沙漠和旱生植物生态地理区以及红树林生态地理区内分别呈现不同的土地利用/覆盖变化特征。近25 年间,地形地貌、气候、植被等自然地理条件深刻影响着土地利用的宏观格局,而土地利用政策调控、经济及对外贸易发展、人口增加及空间迁移、道路修建等是导致巴西土地利用变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Land use change has the potential to influence energy flows, standing crop and biomass turnover at a variety of scales. To understand and quantify the impact of land use change on natural systems, interdisciplinary approaches and concepts linking biophysical and socioeconomic factors are needed. One such approach for analysing the socioeconomic energy flows from land use changes is Human Appropriated Net Primary Production (HANPP). HANPP is defined as the difference between the net primary production of potential vegetation and the actual net primary production remaining in vegetation after harvest. In this study, we used HANPP to quantify the energy flows consequent upon land use/land cover change from 1961 to 1998 in India. Data from the Food and Agricultural Organization Statistics (FAOSTAT) covering land use/land cover estimates, crop production, harvest and fertilizer use data have been used to analyse the trends in HANPP. Land use changes between 1961 and 1998 indicate a small increase in agricultural areas from 58.2% to 60.8% and in forest and woodland areas from 19.0% to 23.2%. Actual above ground net primary production of vegetation increased from 1280.58 to 1818.23 Tg, an increase of approximately 1.4 times over 37 years. Although population increased exponentially, human appropriation of photosynthetic products did not rise as much due to increases in forest cover and agricultural production. Although the HANPP concept is a useful approach to analyse the trends in photosynthetic products brought about by land use changes and harvesting, more robust indicators are needed to understand the impacts associated with these changes. We discuss the relevance of the HANPP analysis results by focusing on land use/land cover change and exploring the inter-linkages between energy flows and environment.  相似文献   

Spatially explicit land use/cover models are indispensable for sustainable rural land use planning, particularly in southern African countries that are experiencing rapid land use/cover changes. Using Zimbabwe as an example, we simulated future land use/cover changes up to 2030 based on a Markov-cellular automata model that integrates Markovian transition probabilities computed from satellite-derived land use/cover maps and a cellular automata spatial filter. A multicriteria evaluation (MCE) procedure was used to generate transition potential maps from biophysical and socioeconomic data. Dynamic adjustments of transition probabilities and transition potential map thresholds were implemented in the Markov-cellular automata model through a multi-objective land allocation (MOLA) procedure. Using the normalised transition probabilities, the Markov-cellular automata model simulated future land use/cover changes (up to 2030) under the 2000 calibration scenario, predicting a continuing downward trend in woodland areas and an upward trend in bareland areas. Future land use/cover simulations indicated that if the current land use/cover trends continue in the study area without holistic sustainable development measures, severe land degradation will ensue.  相似文献   

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