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The paper compares and contrasts the development experiences of two fisheries-dependent archipelagos: the Shetland Islands, located in the temperate seas of the North-east Atlantic, and the Lau community of the island of Malaita, in the Solomon Islands of the tropical Pacific Ocean. Whilst the coastal communities of both island groups have always depended upon the sea for their livelihood, their indigenous peoples are distinct in origins, culture, historic tradition, economy, and social imperatives. However, a closer examination of the recent development of the two archipelagos reveals that, whilst they are contrasting in the fisheries sector specifics, they have, over different time scales, adopted similar management strategies in the pursuit of sustainable fishing. In both instances, the island communities have sought to support the local fisheries economy by tempering the external forces of the centre. This has been achieved, with varying degrees of success, by adopting management control and resource 'ownership' strategies in response to social and economic turbulence in the environment. The experiences of the two archipelagos have demonstrated that to maintain a coherent fisheries management strategy over time and a sustainable resources base requires a pro-active approach, the input of resources, and moderation of the pressures created by the market. The future is uncertain as the fisheries organisations of the archipelagos seek to stabilise the access and ownership arrangements applied to the common-property fisheries resources of coastal waters.  相似文献   

Adequate access to healthy food has become a social issue due to the recent Great Recession and heightened levels of unemployment. Geographers have focused their attention on how to accurately evaluate food access and how to identify and delineate food deserts; that is, low-income neighborhoods where affordable and healthy food is lacking or limited. Findings of recent food access studies are, however, dramatically inconsistent. We argue that spatial scale and the level of aggregation used in constructing food access measures could account for a major portion of the varying results. We draw on an empirical study in the Tucson, Arizona, metropolitan area, to examine how varying geographic scales and aggregation methods affect food access assessment. We also provide an analysis to show how spatial scale and aggregation practices lead to inconsistent conclusions about food access and designation of food deserts.  相似文献   

多尺度土壤侵蚀评价指数的技术与方法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对不同尺度开展土地利用与土壤侵蚀的综合研究是自然地理学研究的前沿领域和热点问题。多尺度土 壤侵蚀评价指数作为新近提出的土壤侵蚀模型, 在跨尺度土地利用与土壤侵蚀的研究中具有良好应用前景。本文 基于多尺度土壤侵蚀评价指数计算公式及其因子内涵, 应用尺度转换的思想, 阐述了降雨侵蚀力、土壤可蚀性、作 物覆盖与管理因子、地形因子等不同评价因子在坡面、小流域、流域不同尺度上的计算方法与GIS 实现技术, 以期 服务于多尺度土地利用与土壤侵蚀研究的深入和多尺度土壤侵蚀评价指数的发展。  相似文献   

陈品宇  李鲁奇 《热带地理》2019,39(5):625-634
区域的社会建构议题较少得到国内学者的关注。既有关于粤港澳大湾区的研究,也鲜有涉及具体城市政府的行动和策略。为此,文章采取政策话语分析方法探索佛山融入粤港澳大湾区建设的政策和策略响应,作为弥补上述问题的文献空白。研究发现,佛山把区域身份建构为粤港澳大湾区西部核心城市,从战略统一上确定了佛山融入粤港澳大湾区的策略和行动方向。佛山与不同城市和区域之间建立关系网络,形成不同尺度作用下的区域合作地域载体。表现为3个方面:1)在城市尺度上,佛山与广州、深圳、香港和澳门等城市建立合作联系,建设三龙湾高端创新集聚区为地域载体,将松散的资源重新盘整,进一步提高统筹地区发展和聚集资源要素的能力,培育新的地方增长极以保持竞争优势。2)在区域尺度上,佛山与广西和贵州建立合作联系,建设佛山西站枢纽新城为地域载体,连接西南地区,把粤桂黔高铁经济合作带作为其经济腹地。3)在全球尺度上,佛山与德国建立合作联系,建设中德工业服务区为地域载体,创造地方-全球尺度的连接渠道,嵌入全球的市场经济。佛山案例展示了区域作为不同尺度上多个行动者的节点汇合,如何把区域资产与国家和跨国经济联系起来,从而生产与再生产新国家空间。文章回应了新区域地理学从社会建构主义视角审视区域发展问题,也回应了中国城市网络研究的最新呼吁。在实践中为其他城市如何融入粤港澳大湾区建设乃至区域发展问题提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Various stakeholders contribute to the current state of resource management in the inshore fisheries of Pattani, southern Thailand. Taking the state, empowered by national legislation, as the main agent of enforcement, this paper uses an actor-oriented approach derived from political ecology to evaluate how key agents in state agencies at provincial and district levels translate Thai political and legal systems at the local level; more specifically, how cross-scalar institutional linkages and translations affect coastal resources management and the access of village-based, small-scale fishermen to coastal resources. The paper shows that trans-scalar interpretations have created a space of contestation and negotiation in resource governance at the local level that reveals intrastate tensions. Based on extensive fieldwork, the paper demonstrates that access to environmental resources at the local level is highly influenced or regulated by the unequal power relations between different actors at various levels.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how efforts to achieve local economic growth conflicted with long‐term sustainable resource use when road accessibility was improved between a supply area – the households and household firms in a Philippine fishing village, Dinahican, previously hampered by very poor transport conditions and accessibility – and its major market. Findings indicate that improved road access to big fish markets stimulated investment in production enhancing inputs, which allowed increased fish landings and sales outside Dinahican, together with employment and incomes. At the same time, poorly implemented fisheries resource management resulted in overfishing in municipal waters and obvious disparities in access to productive resources. Thus, while road investment in relatively inaccessible rural resource rich areas may spur economic development as an underutilized production potential is released, it can facilitate resource depletion and intensify an unequal distribution of benefits if the enforcement of laws and regulations is lacking. In the case of Dinahican, coordination between infrastructure supply and the implementation and enforcement of fisheries resource management is found to be urgently needed.  相似文献   

The place of individuals in the politics of scale   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Julie Cidell 《Area》2006,38(2):196-203
Conceptualizations and re-conceptualizations of scale have been powerful tools for explaining spatial processes that transcend traditionally-bounded territories. Examining the role of individuals within a politics of scale can do even more to explain multi-scalar conflicts. This paper does so by examining struggles over airport expansion in the US, showing how an understanding of the various roles of individuals in the politics of scale – as sites of multiple scales, as actors constituting other scales, and as scales in and of themselves – better explains multi-scalar conflicts and offers more opportunities for resolving them.  相似文献   

This study uses a mixed methodology to investigate the relationship between agricultural trade and socioeconomic inequality in Mozambique at multiple geographical scales. The quantitative analysis examines all rural regions of the country and a nationally representative sample of rural households, whereas the qualitative analysis focuses primarily on two case study villages. Research findings suggest that social and geographical context greatly influence the relationships between agricultural trade and regional inequality. Trade-related effects on economic inequality—and the social status of traders—vary across Mozambican regions. Results suggest that trade increases inequality in regions where traders have low social status, but reduces inequality in areas where they have high social status. These findings suggest that social and economic factors work together to shape landscapes of inequality.  相似文献   

Decentralization in access to and control of Bolivia's forest resources, coupled with a rising global demand for tropical hardwoods, raises important questions about whether increased trade and community forest management (CFM) initiatives can enable forms of market integration that have more favourable outcomes for rural communities. This paper assesses the prospects for such a transition through an examination of the relationships linking wood product market intermediaries (brokers and buyers) to rural suppliers and forest communities in Bolivia. The analysis centres on whether trust – conceptualized as a power‐laden sociospatial process driven by multiscalar factors – can evolve between buyers and suppliers such that more progressive (sustainable and mutually beneficial) partnerships devolop. Focusing on three types of buyer–supplier relationships in Bolivia – direct ties between wood brokers/buyers and suppliers, nongovernmental organization (NGO) mediated exchange relationships and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of suppliers – our findings show how trust building initiatives that focus on one scale may fail if factors at other scales create obstacles to collaboration, Given these relational constraints, CFM strategies in Bolivia currently face limitation on their viability as economic development strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The article identifies important themes and future research directions for analyzing water and conflict dynamics at the subnational scale in the Indus Basin. A historical overview of water development in the Indus Basin suggests that the water‐security nexus was always a salient theme in the minds of water developers, even in the nineteenth century. Conflicts over contemporary large‐scale water‐development projects in the Indian and Pakistani parts of the Indus Basin are reviewed. Engineers' single‐minded focus on megaprojects, to the neglect of the wider set of values that societies attach to water resources in the eastern and western Indus Basin are largely to blame for continuing low‐grade conflict in the basin. A review of local‐level conflicts over water supply and sanitation in Karachi and the distribution of irrigation water in Pakistani Punjab illustrates the critical role of governance and differential social power relations in accentuating conflict. The article argues against neo‐Malthusian assumptions about the inevitability of conflict over water because of its future absolute scarcity. Instead, the article seeks to demonstrate that, despite evidence suggesting that international armed conflict over water does not exist, the potential for political instability over domestic water distribution and development issues is real. The question of whether conflict at the subnational scale will culminate in violence will depend on how water‐resources institutions in the basin behave.  相似文献   

In the oil palm frontier regions of West New Britain and Oro provinces, Papua New Guinea, customary land tenure arrangements are changing in response to the growing demand for land for agricultural development. This paper examines one aspect of these changes, namely the gifting and selling of customary land for oil palm development to people who have no customary birthrights to the land. By analysing how access rights are maintained over the relatively long cultivation cycle of oil palm (approximately 25 years), and in the context of the rapidly changing socio-economic and demographic environments of the oil palm frontiers, the paper demonstrates that while land transactions seemingly entail the commodification of land, land rights and security of land tenure remain embedded in social relationships. For customary landowners, the moral basis of land rights is contingent on 'outsiders' maintaining particular kinds of social and economic relationships with their customary landowning 'hosts'. In exploring how these social relationships are constituted through the performance of particular kinds of exchange relationships, the paper provides insights into relational concepts of land rights and how these are able to persist in Papua New Guinea's oil palm frontier regions where resource struggles are often intense and where large migrant populations are seeking land for agricultural development.  相似文献   

贾晓朋  吕拉昌 《地理科学》2017,37(8):1145-1150
文化贸易作为人与地多方面、宽视角、深层次结合,是人地关系综合体,地理学视角对其影响因素深入研究具有重大的理论和现实意义。基于中国核心文化产品主要出口国家和地区贸易额、主要社会经济统计数据,采用多元线性回归分析模型对中国文化出口贸易影响因素进行研究。研究发现:中国文化出口贸易受到贸易规模、产业结构、经济规模、国土面积、市场规模等因素影响;贸易规模、产业结构和经济规模是中国文化贸易出口的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

Cross‐border automobile production and trade is still subject to regulations and restrictions in developed as well as developing political economic spaces. Although global production networks are within this industrial sector are significantly underpinned by political economies at national scales, macro‐scale regulation increasingly influences how and where lead firms operate within the global economy. Within this changing context, this paper outlines the recent regulatory changes in the regional political economy of Southeast Asia with the introduction of the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Drawing on empirical evidence from the Thai industry, and how macroregional automobile production networks are established, the paper focuses on the changes of this free trade policy for component as well as vehicle trade.  相似文献   

基于东北航线的中欧贸易研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王武林  王成金 《地理学报》2021,76(5):1105-1121
东北航线因其战略地位重要而日益受到世界各国的关注.本文计算出中欧港口航运经济成本及中欧国家贸易互补指数,基于东北航线构建随机前沿贸易引力模型,探究中国对欧洲18国进出口贸易的影响因素,结果发现:①以12000 TEU运输量为对比,中欧港口基于东北航线的航运经济成本约为传统航线的1.58~2.80倍.②2000-2018...  相似文献   


Expanding cities present a sustainability challenge, as the uneven proliferation of hybrid landscape types becomes a major feature of 21st century urbanization. To fully address this challenge, scholars must consider the broad range of land uses that being produced beyond the urban core and how land use patterns in one location may be tied to patterns in other locations. Diverse threads within political ecology provide useful insights into the dynamics that produce uneven urbanization. Specifically, urban political ecology (UPE) details how economic power influences the development decision-making that proliferate urban forms, patterns of uneven access, and modes of decision-making, frequently viewing resource extraction and development through the urban metabolism lens. The political ecology of exurbia, or, perhaps, an exurban political ecology (ExPE), examines the symbolic role nature and the rural have played in conservation and development efforts that produce social, economic, and environmental conflicts. While UPE approaches tend to privilege macroscale dynamics, ExPE emphasizes the role of landowners, managers, and other actors in struggles over the production of exurban space, including through decision-making institutions and within the context of broader political economic forces. Three case studies illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches, demonstrating the benefits for and giving suggestions on how to integrate their insights into urban sustainability research. Integrated political ecology approaches demonstrate how political-economic processes at a variety of scales produce diverse local sustainability responses.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the proliferation of the new Japanese food‐safety regime has influenced the edamame industries of China and Taiwan—the two largest producers of edamame beans in the world. Edamame is not only a popular cuisine in the Asia‐Pacific region, it is also responsible for the largest‐scale frozen vegetable flow in East Asia. This study addresses how the interaction between geopolitical realities and the subcontracting of edamame crops has created an access regime governing the vegetable trade in East Asia. By addressing the complexity of the geopolitics related to contract farming, this study considers the extent to which the Japanese edamame trade has subordinated edamame producers in multiple places in Asia, while Taiwan's edamame industry has positioned itself to obtain preferential access to the edamame flow between Japan, Taiwan, and China.  相似文献   

This paper examines how transnational gold mining operations are transforming rural household livelihoods in the Cajamarca region of Peru. In particular, this paper evaluates how Newmont Mining Corporation's Minera Yanacocha (MYSA) mining operations are altering access to the produced, human, natural and social capital resources that households utilize to produce their livelihoods. The paper argues that while access to produced and human capital resources has increased in the past decade, albeit unevenly, access to natural and social capital resources has declined. The paper begins with a discussion of new frameworks for evaluating local livelihood change and household access to resources. Subsequently, the paper describes Peru's new transnational mining sector, livelihoods and livelihood change in the Cajamarca region. The paper then presents the results of case study field research evaluating the impacts of MYSA on household access to resources in three communities. Finally, the paper concludes with a critical discussion of livelihoods frameworks and how they can contribute to geographic studies.  相似文献   

Nathan Frey 《Urban geography》2017,38(10):1534-1549
This study examines equity issues in access to urban environmental amenities using Washington, D.C. as a case study. The amenities that are the focus of this study, urban trees and urban parks, have a range of social and health benefits for city dwellers, and Washington, D.C. is a major city with a large, diverse population and long-standing geographic divisions by race and class. Using spatial regression techniques, the study examines disparities in access to these amenities by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status at citywide and sub-city scales. Mixed evidence is found for disparities in access across amenities and across scales. The results emphasize the need for studies of access to urban environmental amenities to pay closer attention to the differences between amenities and to issues of scale.  相似文献   

旅游景区合理布局是实现黄河流域旅游业高质量发展的内在要求与根本保障,识别景区空间格局及其影响因素如何随尺度发生变化,对黄河流域的景区多层级统筹管理具有重要现实意义。基于地理因素的空间尺度效应,从县域、市域、集聚区3个尺度构建了分析框架,利用统计与GIS技术揭示黄河流域A级景区多尺度空间格局,运用地理探测器、空间叠加分析等揭示各尺度影响因素及其差异特征。结果表明:(1)黄河流域A级景区整体呈东部和南部密集、西部和北部稀疏的空间格局,流域南部形成一个中高密度弧形带。随着研究尺度增大,景区集聚范围逐渐扩大,集聚程度逐渐降低;(2)县域尺度上,全国重点文物保护单位密度对景区格局影响程度最大,其次是植被覆盖度、年降水量、到最近河流距离、国家湿地公园密度。人口密度是市域尺度影响程度最大的主导因素,非主导因素在与各主导因素交互后形成强烈的增强效应。集聚区尺度景区格局主要受年降水量、植被覆盖度等自然环境因素的刚性约束;(3)3个尺度的影响因素明显不同,不同尺度景区格局并不是主导因子简单组合或累积的结果,而是自然环境、旅游资源、社会经济及区位复杂交互后的产物。  相似文献   

Animals select habitat resources at multiple spatial scales. Thus, explicit attention to scale dependency in species–habitat relationships is critical to understand the habitat suitability patterns as perceived by organisms in complex landscapes. Identification of the scales at which particular environmental variables influence habitat selection may be as important as the selection of variables themselves. In this study, we combined bivariate scaling and Maximum entropy (Maxent) modeling to investigate multiscale habitat selection of endangered brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations in northwest Spain. Bivariate scaling showed that the strength of apparent habitat relationships was highly sensitive to the scale at which predictor variables are evaluated. Maxent models on the optimal scale for each variable suggested that landscape composition together with human disturbances was dominant drivers of bear habitat selection, while habitat configuration and edge effects were substantially less influential. We found that explicitly optimizing the scale of habitat suitability models considerably improved single-scale modeling in terms of model performance and spatial prediction. We found that patterns of brown bear habitat suitability represent the cumulative influence of habitat selection across a broad range of scales, from local resources within habitat patches to the landscape composition at broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

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