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Phosphatized remains indisputably belonging to conulariids have been found in the lower Famennian (Upper Devonian) deposits at the Kowala quarry in the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland for the first time. The ornamentation patterns and characteristics of the exoskeleton indicate that the conulariids, represented by at least two incomplete specimens, belong to a single species within the genus? Paraconularia. Some Polish Ordovician fossils previously described as conulariids either do not possess morphological characters seen in conulariids, or are too fragmentary to be confidently assigned to conulariids. Therefore, the fossils reported here not only represent the first documented record of conulariids in the Devonian of Poland, but the first true conulariids ever reported and illustrated from Poland. The exoskeleton of one specimen possesses at least three sublethal injuries. As the host deposit of marly shale originated in deep water, it is possible that the injuries did not result from purely physical factors, but rather from attempted predation. This interpretation is consistent with the fact that the lower Famennian deposits at Kowala preserve other predation-related structures such as fish coprolites, fragmented arthropod cuticle and regurgitated remains.  相似文献   

早侏罗世托阿尔期早期大洋缺氧事件(Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event,~183.8 Ma)是一次全球性的多幕式生物—环境事件,其在四川盆地下侏罗统自流井组大安寨段亦有显示。对采集自川东北地区大安寨段的鱼粪化石进行形态学描述和内含物分析,发现鱼粪化石中含有大量的磷质成分,多为未经消化的鱼骨化石,另有大量介壳类化石与有机质混杂在一起。据露头岩性和显微薄片特征认为: (1)粪化石呈螺旋状,生产该粪化石的鱼类为大型肉食性鱼类,其喜食小型鱼类和软体动物等,推测可能是肺鱼类(角齿鱼);(2)鱼粪化石形成于开放型淡水湖泊中的半深湖—深湖区,其中湖泊表层含氧量丰富,主要由生产者、消费者构成了研究区早侏罗世托阿尔期大型湖泊生态系统,食物链较为复杂,而湖底为水动力条件较弱的还原环境。该研究成果可为早侏罗世托阿尔期大洋缺氧事件在湖泊中的沉积响应及生态影响研究提供依据。  相似文献   

The continental climatic evolution of Anatolia has been reconstructed quantitatively for the last 45 million years using the coexistence approach. Although there were some regional effects, the Anatolian Cenozoic continental climate record correlated with the European climatic condition and the global oxygen isotope record from marine environments. From middle Eocene to late Miocene, continental warming in Anatolia was pronounced for inferred winter temperature and mean annual temperature as in Europe. Generally, the palaeoclimatic property of Anatolia resembles the European climatic changing and marine temperature changing based on the oxygen isotope record; however, climatic values of the terrestrial area in Anatolia are higher from Lutetian to Aquitanian and these values are lower than European values from Aquitanian to Tortonian. Correspondingly, Cenozoic climatic cooling in Anatolia is directly associated with an increase of seasonality, palaeogeographic position and terrestrial condition. Furthermore, mean annual precipitation values of Anatolia remained relatively stable during the Eocene–Oligocene; however, these values indicated changing throughout middle–late Miocene. Moreover, in this study, decline of abundance and variables for the mangrove and back mangrove palaeocommunities during the last 45 million years is recorded because of the decreasing of humidity, temperature and increasing of terrestrial condition.  相似文献   

A single locality of the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Lameta Formation at Pisdura in Central India has yielded a large number of coprolites attributed to titanosaurian dinosaurs. Internally the coprolites are dark grey and contain abundant plant tissues and other organic materials. The plant tissues are mostly of gymnospermous origin. In addition, remains of bacterial colonies, fungal spores and algae are seen in the macerated fraction under scanning electron microscope. The dark grey appearance is probably attributable to fine-grained organic matter within voids in tracheids or xylem. The average 13C/12C ratio of the organic matter in the coprolites is -24‰ (relative to PDB) suggesting that plants of C3type were the main diet of their producers. A comparison of δ15N value (about 4‰ w.r.t. air) of the coprolites with that of faecal matter of modern herbivores and carnivores suggests that gut fermentation may not have been an active mechanism in the digestion process of titanosaurs.  相似文献   

Zircon occurs in voids and cracks in phosphatic coprolites enclosed in siderite concretions in Mississippian shales near Edinburgh, Scotland. The zircon formed during hydrothermal alteration of early-diagenetic concretions and occurs as spherical aggregates of prismatic crystals, sometimes radiating. Vitrinite reflectance measurements indicate temperatures of ~270°C for the zircon-bearing concretions and the host shales. Molecular parameter values based on dibenzothiophene and phenanthrene distribution and occurrence of di- and tetra-hydro-products of polycyclic aromatic compounds suggest that the rocks experienced relatively high-temperature aqueous conditions related to hydrothermal fluids, perhaps associated with neighboring mafic intrusions. The zircon was dissolved from the concretions, transported in fluids, and reprecipitated in voids. This is the first record of the precipitation of authigenic zircon in sedimentary rock as a new phase, not as outgrowths.  相似文献   

Coprolites from the Beechy Member of the Cretaceous Bearpaw Formation, southern Saskatchewan, presumably deposited by one or more species of mosasaur or large fish/shark, were recovered and analyzed using SEM/EDS. The data reveal the presence of pseudomorphous coccoid bacteria, potential filamentous bacteria, bacterial endospores and filamentous fungi. No recorded fossil plant or bone material could be identified, either within the highly compressed coprolitic mat-flattened full coprolite bolus – of recovered marine sediment encased in a mixed mat of hematite–apatite primary minerals heavily coated with Ca-smectite and nontronite, or the full coprolite bolus. The presence of fossil bacteria with morphological characteristics similar to those of endospores in other environments suggests that only robust microbial forms such as these survive diagenesis, partly with some carbon still intact, the remainder replaced with silica and iron. The data support the view that coprolites can serve as a useful source of information on the ancient microbial world.  相似文献   

The globular to suboval microfossils with distinctively ornamented outer coverings interpreted as animal eggs and embryos have been discovered from the black phosphatic chert lentils of the Ediacaran (Terminal Proterozoic) Chambaghat Formation (Krol sandstone), Krol Group, Himachal Lesser Himalaya, India. Similar animal eggs and embryos have earlier been recorded only from the phosphorites of the uppermost Neoproterozoic Doushantuo Formation (Ca. 570±20 Ma) exposed at Weng’an, South China. Present record of eggs and embryos is comparable with extant eggs and embryos of cnidarians and bilaterians like molluscs, annelids and arthropods. The eggs and embryos from the Terminal Proterozoic rocks of India are the only one recorded from the equivalent stratigraphic horizon outside China. This discovery of eggs and embryos adds to the understanding the evolutionary trends in the Proterozoic metazoan life.  相似文献   

An interesting selachian fish assemblage having stratigraphic and palaeoecological significance is being described from the two intraformational calcareous conglomeratic horizons within the Upper Bhuban unit of Bhuban Formation, Surma Group (Lower to Middle Miocene). The assemblage consists of eighteen species of selachian fishes including two new ones (Carcharhinus bhubanicus and Hemipristis unidenticulata) belonging to thirteen genera and another thirteen forms have been identified up to generic level. It is dominated by the families Carcharhinidae and Lamnidae, and is one of the most diversified Miocene assemblages from the Indian subcontinent. The fish fauna and the associated mega-invertebrates suggest Lower Miocene (Aquitanian - Burdigalian) age for the Upper Bhuban unit of Bhuban Formation. These further suggest that the fish yielding horizons were deposited under a warm shallow marine set-up near to the shoreline in a high-energy environment.  相似文献   

Carbonate platform drownings are frequent, often synchronous global occurrences, yet explanations for these world-wide events remain unsatisfactory. In the Central Apennines, Lower and Middle Miocene carbonate rocks deposited on a 'temperate' ramp in the Maiella platform margin record two episodes of platform drowning followed by hemipelagic sedimentation, dated as latest Oligocene–Aquitanian (26–23 M a) and as Burdigalian–Langhian (20–16 Ma). A high-resolution stratigraphy, based on strontium- isotopes, allows us to correlate key phases of platform evolution with events recorded in deep water ocean sediments. This paper suggests that high weathering rates and nutrient input in the Mediterranean during the early and middle Miocene –possibly linked to the uplift of the Tibetan region – set the preconditions for platform drowning, which were ultimately caused by rapid eustatic sea-level rises.  相似文献   


Five compositional-textural types of ilmenite can be distinguished in nine kimberlites from the Eastern Dharwar craton of southern India. These ilmenite generations record different processes in kimberlite history, from mantle to surface. A first generation of Mg-rich ilmenite (type 1) was produced by metasomatic processes in the mantle before the emplacement of the kimberlite. It is found as xenolithic polycrystalline ilmenite aggregates as well as megacrysts and macrocrysts. All of these ilmenite forms may disaggregate within the kimberlite. Due to the interaction with low-viscosity kimberlitic magma replacement of pre-existing type 1 ilmenite by a succeeding generation of geikielite (type 2) along grain boundaries and cracks occurs. Another generation of Mg-rich ilmenite maybe produced by exsolution processes (type 3 ilmenite). Although the identity of the host mineral is unclear due to extensive alteration and possibility includes enstatite. Type 4 Mn-rich ilmenite is produced before the crystallization of groundmass perovskite and ulvöspinel. It usually mantles ilmenite and other Ti-rich minerals. Type 5 Mn-rich ilmenite is produced after the crystallization of the groundmass minerals and replaces them. The contents of Cr and Nb in type 2, 4 and 5 ilmenites are highly dependent on the composition of the replaced minerals, they may not be a good argument in exploration. The highest Mg contents are recorded in metasomatic ilmenite that is produced during kimberlite emplacement, and cannot be associated with diamond formation. The higher Mn contents are linked to magmatic processes and also late processes clearly produced after the crystallization of the kimberlite groundmass, and therefore ilmenite with high Mn contents cannot be considered as a reliable diamond indicator mineral (DIM) and kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM).


Laser ablation ICP-MS was used to determine trace (TE) and rare earth element (REE) contents of sedimentary phosphatic pellets and coprolites collected from late Paleocene-early Eocene phosphorite deposits in Tunisia. TE and REE contents in the investigated deposits exhibit a close relationship with grain types and paleogeography. Phosphatic pellets seem to concentrate more TE and REE than co-existing coprolites. Both particle types display modern oxic-suboxic seawater patterns. In most coprolites, ∑REE, Y, Cr, Ni, Th, and V show an increase from core to rim, whereas Ba, Cd, Cu, and U abundances decrease from core to rim, reflecting adsorption processes during early diagenesis consistent with changing redox and productivity conditions.The northern basins (Sra Ouertane) within open marine and platform settings tended to be more oxic-suboxic with relative high organic matter flux, while the eastern basins (Jebel Jebs) and Gafsa-Metlaoui basin are characterized by semi-restricted situation associated with suboxic-oxic conditions. This result is consistent with previous reconstructions which suggest that phosphorites of northern basins had a more direct connection to the open ocean than those to the south and east of the emerged area.This study highlights the potential for using laser ablation ICP-MS as a tool to reconstruct phosphorite depositional paleoenvironments.  相似文献   

Pseudo–coprolites are inorganic structures often confused with fossil faeces. The absence of some diagnostic features, such as inclusions, coprofabrics, grain adhesion, and defined shape, suffices to disregard these structures as coprolites. Herein we revise the so–called “coprolites” from the Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation (Maastrichtian of Bauru Group, Paraná Basin), at “Ponto 1 do Price” locality near the town of Peirópolis (Uberaba municipality, Minas Gerais State, Brazil) and conclude that they are, in fact, pseudo–coprolites related to calcretes. These data also agree with the geological setting of “Ponto 1 do Price”, composed mainly of coarse sandstones and conglomerates, in which these pseudo–coprolites were found. In addition, some of these specimens exhibit superficial traces, here described as a new boring ichnospecies, Asthenopodichnium fallax isp. nov., produced by invertebrates in Late Cretaceous fresh–water settings of Brazil.  相似文献   

Lensoid, irregular nodules and laminations of chert appear along the bedding planes and laminations of the Vidyanagar Dolomite Member of the Kaladgi Group, Karnataka, India. The field relations of the chert nodules with the host dolomite and evidence on polished hand-specimens clearly demonstrate that the cherts are secondary after dolomite. This contention finds extensive support from thin-sections which reveal floating relict dolomite fragments on a microcrystalline quartz mat, dolomite rhombs in various stages of progressive replacement, polycrystalline quartz rhombs apparently after dolomite. Chertification has also resulted in an aggrading neomorphic recrystallization of dolomicrite into dolomicrospar which rims the dislodged floating fragments of dolomite.Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed three distinct types of surfaces of chert; the polyhedral surface characteristic of microcrystalline quartz, the spongy surface characteristic of chalcedonic quartz (documented in thin-sections as semi-radiating to radiating aggregates of elongated crystals growing on the rhombic surfaces of dolomite, and the intermediate type showing both. The microcrystalline quartz seems to have originated through multinucleation at equally spaced centres on the dolomite mat, whereas the chalcedonic quartz originated by slow but direct and unhindered precipitation into cavities and residual pore-spaces, following dolomitisation. The silica invasion seems to have been accomplished by alkaline interstitial waters charged with silica.The occurrence and relation of chert-nodules with the host dolomite not only helps in unravelling their own origin, but also aids in drawing the dolomitisation curtain and in turn the post-dolomitisation diagenetic modifications of the host carbonates. It may be added, however, that the Kaladgi Carbonates have undergone mineralogical/textural modifications during diagenesis with superimposition of changes affected later, i.e. during tectonism which folded and cross-folded these sediments.  相似文献   

Fossil leaflet impression described here as a new species Rourea miocaudata sp. nov., showing close resemblance with the modern leaflets of Rourea caudata Planch. (Connaraceae R. Br.), has been recorded from the lower part of the Siwalik sediments (Dafla Formation, middle–upper Miocene) exposed at the road-cutting section of Pinjoli area in West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh. The important morphological characters of the fossil are its narrow elliptic leaflet, cuneate base, long caudate apex, entire margin, eucamptodromous to brochidodromous secondary veins, presence of intersecondary veins, percurrent and reticulate tertiary veins and orthogonally reticulate quaternary veins. This is the first authentic record of the occurrence of leaflet comparable to R. caudata of Connaraceae from the Cenozoic sediments of India and abroad. At present R. caudata does not grow in India and is restricted only in southeast Asia especially in China and Myanmar. This taxon probably migrated to these southeast Asian regions after lower Siwalik sedimentation (middle–upper Miocene) due to climatic change caused by post-Miocene orogenic movement of the Himalaya. The recovery of this species and other earlier-described evergreen taxa from the same formation, suggests the existence of a tropical, warm and humid climatic conditions during the depositional period.  相似文献   

Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara (D. Don) G. Don) due to its long age and wide ecological amplitude in the Himalayan region has strong dendroclimatic potential. A well replicated ring-width chronology of it, derived from the ensemble of tree-ring samples of two adjacent homogeneous sites, has been used to reconstruct precipitation for the non-monsoon months (previous year October to concurrent May) back to AD 1171. This provides the first record of hydrological conditions for the western Himalayan region, India during the whole of the ‘Little Ice Age’ and latter part of the ‘Medieval Warm Period’. The reconstruction revealed the wettest and the driest non-monsoon months during the fourteenth and the thirteenth centuries, respectively. The seventeenth century consistently recorded dry non-monsoon months in the western Himalayan region. Surplus precipitation, especially more pronounced since the 1950s, is recorded in the current century.  相似文献   

现代珠江三角洲地区QZK4孔第四纪沉积年代   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在地质环境变迁迅速的现代珠江三角洲地区,对于第四纪沉积的年代存在多种认识。结合南中国海的海平面变化记录,通过AMS14C和光释光测年发现,珠江三角洲腹地QZK4孔第四纪岩心底部最老年龄约为43.71ka BP。岩心记录的第四纪环境对南中国海海平面变化有着良好的响应:岩心下部陆相河流沉积和暴露风化层发育于末次冰期至早全新世的低海平面时期,上部滨海—河口湾沉积发育于早中全新世以来的高海平面时期。根据钻孔岩心的环境分析,推测现代珠江三角洲地区第四纪的底界可能较本钻孔记录的更老。  相似文献   

Although a very high invertebrate faunal diversity is known from the outcrops of the Ariyalur group in the Cauvery Basin, southern India, little is known about its vertebrate fauna. Recent fieldwork in the badland exposures of the Karai Formation (Upper Cenomanian-Lower Turonian) near Garudamangalam in the basin has yielded two teeth belonging to the Late Cretaceous shark Ptychodus decurrens (Ptychodontidae). The fossil record of Ptychodus decurrens from the southern continents is very poor, being known from a single Late/Middle Albian occurrence in Australia. This finding documents the first record of fossil P. decurrens in India and second from a Gondwanan landmass, and provides the first evidence of a cosmopolitan, Pangaean, distribution of the species during the Albian-Turonian and additional insights into the palaeoecology of the Cauvery Basin during the deposition of the Karai Formation.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the application of laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and hyperspectral imaging to the investigation of coprolite and fossil samples. Solid samples from the Permian (seven coprolites and one fossil), Cretaceous (one coprolite) and Oligo‐Miocene (two coprolites) periods were directly analysed, and emission spectra from 186 to 1042 nm were obtained in several areas covering coprolite/fossil and rock material. Initial exploratory analyses were performed using principal component analysis with the data set normalised by the norm (Euclidean norm = 1). After identification and selection of emission lines of eleven elements (Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P and Si), the signals were normalised again by the relative intensity of the selected element. Phosphorus was identified mainly in the coprolites, while K and Na were primarily found in the rock material. In several cases, there was a positive correlation between Ca and P. A sample from the Oligo‐Miocene series was also analysed using inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES) (rock and coprolites were analysed separately). Based on the quantitative results from ICP‐OES, it was confirmed that the tendency was the same as that observed with the results obtained from LIBS directly in the solid sample.  相似文献   

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