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A 27 m core collected on the sea floor near Juan de Nova island at 1,909 m depth in the SW Indian Ocean preserves a high‐resolution record of carbonate sediment export to the deep sea over the past 1 Myr. Core chronology was established using calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and benthic foraminiferal δ18O. Throughout the core, preserved highstand intervals (MIS 1, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 23 and 25) are marked by an increase in the aragonite content within the sediment. Aragonite is likely sourced from the nearby Juan de Nova carbonate platform ca 10 km to the south, and is interpreted as resulting from flooding of the platform top. Platform inundation allows carbonate muds to be winnowed from their original shallow‐water environment of deposition, suspended in the water column, and redeposited onto the proximal slopes and within the basin. Sharp increases in aragonite content at the beginning of each highstand interval can be used to estimate the approximate sea‐level range when platform flooding occurred; results show that the depth of the platform top has likely changed little over the past 1 Myr due to balanced aggradation and subsidence. Previously hypothesized large‐scale aragonite dissolution cycles are evidenced by a disproportionally low aragonite increase during MIS 11. This study provides a new, exceptionally long record of highstand shedding, expanding the known occurrences of the process to the southern Indian Ocean and supporting its importance as a globally significant depositional mechanism that impacts deep‐sea stratigraphic records.  相似文献   

木兰山蓝片岩中两种文石的产出特征及其动力学意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵文俞  刘嵘等 《地球科学》2001,26(6):568-573
微米-纳米尺度显微超显微研究表明,木兰山蓝片岩中存在微米级粒间文石和亚微米级文石包裹体,它们是木兰山蓝片岩快速折返动力学机制的证据。并指出木兰山蓝片岩区硬柱石和绿纤石等Ca-Al硅酸盐矿物的缺失与本区变质流体中CO2浓度较高和(或)岩石中含方解石/文石有关。  相似文献   

显生宙非骨屑碳酸盐矿物经历了文石海和方解石海的交替,主要造礁生物和沉积物生产者的骨骼矿物与非骨屑碳酸盐矿物具有同步变化的趋势。这种长期的变化趋势可以用海水化学Mg/Ca摩尔比的变化来解释。流体包裹体、同位素和微量元素等证据也证实了海水化学在地质历史中经历过剧烈的变化。虽然生物诱导矿化和生物控制矿化的相对重要性一直存在争议,但古生物地层记录和人工海水养殖实验结果都表明,海水化学演化对生物矿化有重要的影响,体现在造礁生物群落的兴衰、生物起源时对骨骼矿物类型的选择以及微生物碳酸盐岩在地质历史中的分布等。这些为研究前寒武纪海水化学演化、古气候和古环境的重建、同位素地层对比以及碳酸盐的沉积和成岩等问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

The pyroclastic deposits of the Minoan eruption (ca 3600 yr bp ) in Santorini contain abundant xenoliths. Most of these deposits are calcareous blocks of laminated‐botryoidal, stromatolite‐like buildups that formed in the shallow waters of the flooded pre‐Minoan caldera; they consist of (i) light laminae, of fibrous aragonite arranged perpendicular to layering, and (ii) dark laminae, with calcified filaments of probable biological origin. These microstructures are absent in the light laminae, suggesting a predominant inorganic precipitation of aragonite on substrates probably colonized by microbes. Internal cavities contain loose skeletal grains (molluscs, ostracods, foraminifera and diatoms) that comprise taxa typical of shallow marine and/or lagoon environments. Most of these forms are typical of warm water environments, although no typical taxa from hydrothermal vents have been observed. Past gasohydrothermal venting is recorded by the occurrence of barite, pyrolusite and pyrite traces. The most striking features of the stable isotopic data set are: (i) an overall wide range in δ13CPDB (0·16 to 12·97‰) with a narrower variation for δ18OPDB (?0·23 to 4·33‰); and (ii) a relatively uniform isotopic composition for the fibrous aragonite (δ13C = 12·40 ± 0·43‰ and δ18O = 2·42 ± 0·77‰, = 21). The δ13C and δ18O values from molluscs and ostracods display a covariant trend, which reflects a mixing between sea water and a fluid influenced by volcano‐hydrothermal activity. Accordingly, 87Sr/86Sr from the studied carbonates (0·708758 to 0·709011 in fibrous aragonite and 0·708920 to 0·708991 in molluscs) suggests that the aragonite buildups developed in sea water under the influence of a hydrothermal/volcanic source. Significant differences in trace elements have been detected between the fibrous aragonite and modern marine aragonite cements. The caldera water from which the fibrous aragonite crusts formed received an input from a volcano‐hydrothermal system, probably producing diffuse venting of volcanogenic CO2 gas and of a fluid enriched in Ca, Mn and Ba, and depleted in Mg and probably in Sr.  相似文献   


The gabbroic rocks of the Oreokastro ophiolite suite have been affected by an intensive sea‐floor hydrothermal metamorphism resulting in the formation of a mineral assemblage actinolite+epidote+chlorite+titanite+quartz, equivalent to an actinolite grade followed by a retrograde greenschist‐facies metamorphism. A subsequent intense brecciation of the rocks occurred locally in the oceanic environment. Ca‐enriched fluids were incorporated through the fracturing pattern and prehnite has developed as thin fracture fillings or as a stockwork. Mossbauer studies revealed that all iron in the prehnite structure is in ferric state and replaces A1 in the octahedral site. Electron microprobe study of prehnite from Oreokastro has shown the presence of as high as 14.3% mole of the Ca2Fe2Si3O10(OH)2 end member in solid solution. Prehnite was the latest mineral to be formed under higher metamorphic conditions than the prehnite‐pumpellyite facies in an environment of high fCO2‐ Mineral assemblages and textures indicate that during the metamorphic and metasomatic processes fluid composition and temperature were changing with time.

Michailidis, K., Kassoli‐Fournaraki, A., Ericsson, T., Filippidis, A. & Godelitsas, A., 1995: Prehnite formation and metamorphic relations in the metagabbros of the Oreokastro ophiolite suite, Macedonia, Greece. GFF, Vol. 117 (Pt. 1, March), pp. 15–21. Stockholm. ISSN 1103–5897.  相似文献   


古环境研究中沉积物碳酸盐成分的提取常使用不同浓度的稀醋酸进行。已有的研究表明沉积物的非碳酸盐组分也会对稀醋酸提取组分产生一定影响。查明非碳酸盐组分对稀醋酸溶解Mg的贡献十分重要,可为碳酸盐化学组成定量研究提供必要的约束,也是进一步开展沉积物碳酸盐Mg同位素研究的基础。然而目前对稀醋酸提取非碳酸盐来源Mg的研究尚十分缺乏。本研究选取了5个来自西宁盆地莫家庄剖面中中新世-上新世沉积地层碳酸盐含量各异的沉积物样品开展醋酸溶解非碳酸盐来源Mg的实验研究。实验结果表明,全岩样品的稀醋酸提取组分含有非碳酸盐来源的Ca和Mg,特别是在低碳酸盐含量(< 1%)样品中,非碳酸盐组分的影响十分显著。进一步的多相态连续提取实验表明,交换态和硅酸盐是醋酸提取组分非碳酸盐Mg的主要来源。较高Mg/Ca比值的硅酸盐和交换态端元与低Mg/Ca比值的方解石端元混合,可以解释各样品醋酸提取组分的Mg/Ca比值与Ca、Mg含量成分特征。醋酸提取组分相对较高的Mg/Al比值及其变化表明硅酸盐Mg可能主要来自非晶格位置Mg的溶解(如粘土层间)。醋酸提取组分中的Mg/Al比值显著高于全岩沉积物本身的Mg/Al比值,所以不宜采用固定的全岩沉积物元素比值或者标准物质成分(如上部大陆地壳、标准页岩)来校正在醋酸提取组分中硅酸盐溶解对Mg的贡献。


16 ka以来青海湖湖相自生碳酸盐沉积记录的古气候   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
研究了青海湖沉积物碳酸盐的组成、来源及其同湖水物理化学性质的关系,建立了文石饱和指数同温度和湖水Mg/Ca比值(可指示盐度)的关系,利用碳酸盐的组成探讨了青海湖16ka B.P.以来的古气候环境演化过程。结果表明,青海湖沉积碳酸盐大都是自生的,16ka B.P.以来沉积碳酸盐以文石为主。文石的高含量时段同暖湿气候相对应,低含量则同冷干气候相对应。15.2ka B.P.为末次冰期盛冰阶进入晚冰期的界限,晚冰期气候的冷暖波动频繁,幅度较小,13.4-13ka B.P.,11.6-12ka B.P.和11-10.4ka B.P.之间的冷颤动分别相当于老仙女木、中仙女木和新仙女木事件,12-13ka B.P.和11.6-11ka B.P.之间的暖期则分别对应于博令和阿勒罗得暖期。全新世初期(10.4-10ka B.P.)白云石含量的突然增高和文石的消失,可能同淡水快速补给前期盐度较高的湖水有关,反映了全新世开始时气温和降水的增加具有突变性的特点。全新世大暖期的鼎盛期,即6.7ka B.P.左右时湖水的盐度较低。6.7-4ka B.P.为气候转型过程中的冷暖和干湿的快速波动期。4ka B.P.以后碳酸盐含量急剧降低,气候逐步向冷干化方向发展。  相似文献   

论述了当前海底地形数据获取的主要方法,根据各种不同方法的特点分析了其可能达到的精度,由此得出各种海底地形数据获取的方法适用性。  相似文献   

上海地区早更新世两条主要的淡水古河道,其可能流向长江口区和杭州湾海域,这对嵊泗列岛的缺水岛屿供水提供了可能性,即开发海底淡水古河道以解决沿海岛屿的供水问题。  相似文献   

Sea floor spreading between Antarctica and Australia was resolved into two stages: (1) fast (27 mm/year), from the present to 49 Ma on a northerly azimuth constrained by well mapped fracture zones; and (2) slow (4.5 mm/year), from 49 Ma to break‐up at 96 Ma. A northwesterly azimuth was inferred by interpolation between the position of the continents at 49 Ma and the initial fit of the continents at break‐up at 96 Ma; during this stage, jumps to Australia of the spreading ridge west of the Spencer‐George V Fracture Zone were postulated to have transferred parts of the Australian Plate to Antarctica. Recently acquired satellite gravity trends confirm the inferred northwesterly azimuth and ridge jumps of the early spreading stage.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONItisanacknowledgedfactthataragonite,ahigh pressurepolymorphofCaCO3 ,occurswidelyasanindexmineralofhigh pressureandlow temperaturemetamorphism (glaucophaneschistfacies)withinthegeodynamiccontextofsubduction obductionandcontinentalcollision (Liou…  相似文献   

本文利用电子探针显微分析仪对来自冲绳海槽的海底玄武岩的基质结构及基质矿物成分进行了初步研究。电子探针下观察,海底玄武岩的基质只有在冷凝边处是纯玻璃质的,向内基质发生了不同程度的结晶作用。电子探针成分分析显示,基质矿物组成与斑晶矿物组成相同,均是由斜长石、辉石和橄榄石组成;与斑晶矿物相比基质斜长石贫Ca、富Na,基质辉石、橄榄石贫Mg、富Fe。  相似文献   

黄骅坳陷奥陶纪岩相古地理   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
黄骅坳陷地处埕宁隆起和沧县隆起之间,北与燕山褶皱带相连。区内奥陶系厚600~800m,主要由石灰岩和白云岩组成。下奥陶统分冶里组和亮甲山组,中奥陶统分下马家沟组、上马家沟组和峰峰组,上奥陶统缺失。下马家沟组、上马家沟组和峰峰组又分别分下段和上段。早奥陶世冶里期和亮甲山期,本区以局限海环境为主,其内散布着一些潮坪和滩。中奥陶世,本区岩相古地理显示出明显的沉积旋回,早马家沟期早期潮坪广布,晚期以局限海为主;晚马家沟期早期又是潮坪广布,晚期以开阔海为主;峰峰期早期潮坪广布,晚期又以开阔海为主。在奥陶纪,本区经历了4个大的海侵-海退旋回,其中晚马家沟期晚期是本区乃至整个华北地台的最大海侵期。  相似文献   

Electromagnetometry at the sea floor has been developed over the last two decades taking advantage of the progress of positioning and acoustic technology in marine region. In spite of its risks and costs, electromagnetometry at the sea floor has significantly contributed to the study of conductivity anomalies through direct observations of electromagnetic variations at the sea floor. Some of the fruitful results of the ocean bottom observations around Japan as well as data processing of sea floor electromagnetic measurements are reviewed. Future problems in electromagnetometry at the sea floor are also discussed. In conclusion, the importance of establishing semipermanent electromagnetic observatories at the sea floor is emphasized.  相似文献   

Abstract: The occurrences of the Early Archean carbonate minerals are compiled and their precipitation processes are investigated for the Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton. Sedimentary carbonate rocks such as limestone and dolostone are very rare, and only a small amount of sedimentary carbonate minerals are sometimes contained in the hydrothermal bedded chert, implying that a sink of CO2 was minor in the Early Archean sediments. Moreover, it is very likely that the activity of cyanobacteria forming stromatolites was considerably low in the Early Archean. Microfossils and carbonaceous matter in the hydrothermal cherts are probably derived from a non-photosynthetic microorganisms related to the seafloor hydrothermal activity. Their preservation in sediments may play a very minor role in carbon sink of the Earth's surface.
On the other hand, carbonatized volcanic rocks subjected to seafloor hydrothermal alteration occur ubiquitously in the Early Archean greenstone belts such as the Warrawoona Group, suggesting that the hydrothermally altered oceanic crust had large amounts of CO2 as carbonate minerals. Global carbon cycle in the Early Archean is considered to have been controlled by the intense seafloor hydrothermal alteration. Large amounts of CO2 were sunk into the oceanic crust by the alteration. The carbonatized oceanic crust was partly accreted to the continents and/or island–arcs, and partly subducted into the mantle without decomposition. Significant amounts of carbonate minerals in the carbonatized oceanic crust were very likely to store in the accretionary prisms and mantle, consequently giving rise to a decrease of atmospheric and oceanic CO2.  相似文献   

张赤军 《地学前缘》2002,9(2):393-400
介绍了全球垂直基准 (GVD)在监测与全球变化有关的海平面变化、现今地壳运动中的作用 ,论及GVD与国际地球参考架 (ITRF)的关系 ,对如何建立全球垂直基准及其精度作了讨论。研究表明只要按文中的方法进行卫星激光测距 (SLR)、全球定位系统 (GPS)观测与重力测量 ,则可使全球垂直基准比现今世界各地高程之差约 2m要提高一个数量级。  相似文献   

华南古海洋热水沉积作用研究概述及若干认识   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
华南地区热水沉积建造发育,在沉积建造类型、沉积作用方式、产出的大地构造背景及岩石地球化学特征等方面反映了热水沉积的多样性。该地区的热水沉积作用具有相对确定的演化特性,并与许多金属矿床有直接或间接的关系。  相似文献   

安徽峙门口矿床中黄铁矿的Pb同位素组成为:206Pb/204Pb=18.06~18.20,207Pb/204Pb=15.55~15.58,208Pb/204=38.19~38.30.其变化范围很小,落在侵入岩Pb的变化范围内,而与安徽沿江地区沉积岩Pb的变化范围不同,说明峙门口矿床不是沉积成因的.前人的Pb和S同位素以及微量元素分析支持这一结论.前人的Re-Os年龄(303 Ma左右)表明该矿床的形成很可能与石炭纪海底喷流有关,但大的年龄误差指示中生代岩浆活动的改造.钟鸣地区叶山石炭系黄龙组底部砾岩中黄铁矿的Pb同位素组成为206Pb/204Pb=18.11~18.14,207Pb/204Pb=15.57~15.59,208Pb/204=38.23~38.31,与峙门口黄铁矿的一致,变化范围也很小,两者可能有相同成因.但是长江中下游的大部分铜、铁、金、硫矿床的成矿与晚中生代岩浆活动同时,石炭纪海底喷流成因这一结论不能推广到这些矿床.同样,现有的同位素和年龄证据不能判别这些矿床的成矿物质来自石炭纪喷流形成的层状黄铁矿还是来自晚中生代岩浆岩.  相似文献   

海底MT信号采集电路的设计   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
设计海底大地电磁信号采集电路,需考虑海底信号特征、海上作业以及海底环境等各种因素。分析表明,除遵循电路设计的一般原则外,海底大地电磁测量要重点解决微弱信号检测、智能化数据采集、海底环境监测和同步记录等4个方面的问题。在设计方案中,电路灵敏度达到微伏级;使用嵌入式计算机实现采集控制;对方位、倾斜、振动、温度等参数进行巡回记录;仪器的时钟精度精准到微秒。所研制的电路经过了室内模拟测试和海洋试验。首次采集到中国海域的大地电磁数据。  相似文献   

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