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Incised valleys are canyon‐like features that initially form near the highstand shoreline and evolve over geological time as rivers erode into coastal plains and continental shelves to maintain equilibrium‐gradient profiles in response to sea‐level fall. Most of these valleys flood during sea‐level rise to form estuaries. Incised‐valley morphology strongly controls the rate of creation of sediment accommodation, valley‐fill facies architecture and the preservation potential of coastal lithosomes on continental shelves, and affects coastal physical processes. Nonetheless, little is known about what dictates incised‐valley size and shape and whether these metrics can be used to explain principal formation processes. The main control on alluvial channel morphology over human time scales is discharge; this is based on numerous empirical studies and is well‐constrained because all variables are easily measured at this short time scale. Knowledge of long‐term river evolution over a complete glacio‐eustatic cycle, on the contrary, remains largely conceptual, experimental and based on individual systems because variables that are thought to drive morphological change are not easily quantified. In spite of this difficulty, existing models of incised‐valley formation at the coast suggest that valley evolution is driven largely by downstream forcing mechanisms, highlighting sea‐level and shelf gradient/morphology as the dominant controls on valley incision. Although valleys are cut by rivers, whose channels are a direct reflection of discharge, little empirical data exist in coastal areas to address the degree to which valley evolution is governed by upstream controls. The late Quaternary is the best time period to examine because it provides the most complete sedimentary record and many variables, including sea‐level, tectonics, substrate lithology and drainage network characteristics, are accurately constrained. Here, 38 late Quaternary valleys along the coast of two different passive continental margins are compared, which suggests that valley shape and size are governed primarily by upstream, intrinsic controls such as discharge. Valley width, depth and cross‐sectional area are found to be predictable at the highstand shoreline and are scaled with the size of their drainage basin, which has important implications for estimating sediment discharge to continental shelves and deep water environments during periods of low sea‐level.  相似文献   

Namurian (Carboniferous) eustatic fluctuations drove the incision and backfill of shelf-crossing valley systems located in humid subequatorial regions, which are now preserved in successions of the United Kingdom and Ireland. The infills of these valleys archive the record of palaeoriver systems whose environmental, hydrological and palaeogeographic characteristics remain unclear. A synthesis of sedimentological data from fluvial strata of 18 Namurian incised-valley fills in the United Kingdom and Ireland is undertaken to elucidate the nature of their formative river systems and to refine regional palaeogeographic reconstructions. Quantitative analyses are performed of facies proportions, of geometries of incised-valley fills and related architectural elements, and of the thickness of dune-scale sets of cross-strata. Reconstruction of the size of the drainage areas that fed these valleys is attempted based on two integrative approaches: flow-depth estimations from dune-scale cross-set thickness statistics and scaling relationships of incised-valley fill dimensions derived from late-Quaternary examples. The facies organization of these incised-valley fills suggests that their formative palaeorivers were perennial and experienced generally low discharge variability, consistent with their climatic context; however, observations of characteristically low variability in cross-set thickness might reflect rapid flood recession, perhaps in relation to sub-catchments experiencing seasonal rainfall. Variations in facies characteristics, including inferences of flow regime and cross-set thickness distributions, might reflect the control of catchment size on river hydrology, importance of which is considered in light of data from modern rivers. Palaeohydrological reconstructions indicate that depth estimations from cross-set thickness contrast with observations of barform and channel-fill thickness, and projected thalweg depths exceed the depth of some valley fills. Limitations in data and interpretations and high bedform preservation are recognized as possible causes. With consideration of uncertainties in the inference of catchment size, the palaeogeography of the valley systems has been tentatively reconstructed by integrating existing provenance and sedimentological data. The approaches illustrated in this work can be replicated to the study of palaeohydrological characteristics and palaeogeographic reconstructions of incised-valley fills globally and through geological time.  相似文献   

Understanding the stratigraphic fill and reconstructing the palaeo‐hydrology of incised valleys can help to constrain those factors that controlled their origin, evolution and regional significance. This condition is addressed through the analysis of a large (up to 18 km wide by 80 m deep) and exceptionally well‐imaged Late Pleistocene incised valley from the Sunda Shelf (South China Sea) based on shallow three‐dimensional seismic data from a large (11 500 km2), ‘merge’ survey, supplemented with site survey data (boreholes and seismic). This approach has enabled the characterization of the planform geometry, cross‐sectional area and internal stratigraphic architecture, which together allow reconstruction of the palaeo‐hydrology. The valley‐fill displays five notable stratigraphic features: (i) it is considerably larger than other seismically resolvable channel forms and can be traced for at least 180 km along its length; (ii) it is located in the axial part of the Malay Basin; (iii) the youngest part of the valley‐fill is dominated by a large (600 m wide and 23 m deep), high‐sinuosity channel, with well‐developed lateral accretion surfaces; (iv) the immediately adjacent interfluves contain much smaller, dendritic channel systems, which resemble tributaries that drained into the larger incised valley system; and (v) a ca 16 m thick, shell‐bearing, Holocene clay caps the valley‐fill. The dimension, basin location and palaeo‐hydrology of this incised valley leads to the conclusion that it represents the trunk river, which flowed along the length of the Malay Basin; it connected the Gulf of Thailand in the north with the South China Sea in the south‐east. The length of the river system (>1200 km long) enables examination of the upstream to downstream controls on the evolution of the incised valley, including sea‐level, climate and tectonics. The valley size, orientation and palaeo‐hydrology suggest close interaction between the regional tectonic framework, low‐angle shelf physiography and a humid‐tropical climatic setting.  相似文献   

Spatial and quantitative analysis of infilling processes of the tide‐dominated incised valleys beneath the Tokyo Lowland during the last 14 kyr was undertaken by using data from 18 sediment cores, 467 radiocarbon dates and 6100 borehole logs. The post‐Last Glacial Maximum valley fills consist of braided river, meandering river, estuary, spit and delta systems in ascending order. The boundary between the estuary and delta systems is regarded as the maximum flooding surface. The maximum flooding surface beneath the Tokyo Lowland is dated at 8 ka in the Arakawa Valley and 7 ka in the Nakagawa Valley. This age difference is due to the migration of the Tone River from the Arakawa Valley to the Nakagawa Valley at 5 ka, and suggests that the widely held view that the global initiation of deltas coincided with the abrupt rise of sea‐level at 9 to 8 ka is true only where there has been steady sediment supply from major rivers. The meandering river system is dominated by sheet‐like sands that were deposited during lateral migration of channels during the Younger Dryas and isolated vertical sands within muds that reflect vertical aggradation of channels before and after the Younger Dryas. The transition between these channel geometries is controlled by a threshold sea‐level rise of 4 to 7 mm yr?1. Before migration of the Tone River at 5 ka, the tide‐dominated bay in the Nakagawa Valley was filled by upward‐fining laterally accreting muds. The muds accreted from the margin to the axis of the bay. Such lateral accretion of suspended particles derived from outside the bay has been documented in other tide‐dominated coastal environments and is probably common in other similar settings. After the migration of the Tone River, the bay was filled by upward‐coarsening deltaic sediments.  相似文献   

Many studies of foreland basins have recognized a hierarchical organization in the stacking of sequences deposited by axial‐deltaic and alluvial fan systems. The hierarchy is often explained in terms of the competing control of eustasy and pulsed tectonic subsidence and the different frequencies at which these processes operate. Unravelling the relative contributions of tectonic and eustatic controls on the sequence stacking pattern is a fundamental question in foreland basin analysis, yet this is difficult because of the lack of independent stratigraphic evidence. In this study, a three‐dimensional numerical model is presented, which aids in the interpretation of alluvial successions in foreland basins filled by transverse and axial depositional systems, under conditions of variable tectonism and eustatic sea‐level change. The tectono‐sedimentary model is capable of simulating the hierarchical stratigraphic response to both eustatic and tectonic forcing, and is of higher resolution than previous models of foreland basin filling. Numerical results indicate that the onset of tectonic activity is reflected by rapid retrogradation of both depositional systems and by widespread flooding and onlap of carbonate sediments. Syntectonic fluvial patterns on the axial‐deltaic plain are dominated by bifurcating channels, swiftly relocating in response to the general rise in relative sea level induced by flexural subsidence. The resulting surface morphology of the axial delta is convex upwards. Syntectonic eustatic sea‐level fluctuations result in parasequence‐scale packages of retrograding and prograding fan and delta sediments bounded by minor flooding surfaces and type 2 sequence boundaries. Incised channels are rare within the syntectonic parasequences and are formed only during phases of tectonic quiescence when eustatic falls are no longer compensated by the subsidence component in the rise in relative sea level. Suites of amalgamating, axial channels corresponding to multiple eustatic falls delineate the resulting type 1 unconformities. Coarse‐grained, incised‐channel fills are found in the zone between the alluvial fan fringes and the convex‐upward body of the axial delta, as the axial streams tend to migrate towards this zone of maximum accommodation.  相似文献   

The evolution of incised valleys is an important area of research due to the invaluable data it provides on sea‐level variations and depositional environments. In this article the sedimentary evolution of the Ría de Ferrol (north‐west Spain) from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present is reconstructed using a multidisciplinary approach, combining seismic and sedimentary facies, and supported by radiocarbon data and geochemical proxies to distinguish the elements of sedimentary architecture within the ria infill. The main objectives are: (i) to analyse the ria environment as a type of incised valley to evaluate the response of the system to the different drivers; (ii) to investigate the major controlling factors; and (iii) to explore the differentiation between rias and estuaries. As a consequence of the sea‐level rise subsequent to the Last Glacial Maximum (ca 20 kyr bp ), an extensive basin, drained by a braided palaeoriver, evolved into a tide‐dominated estuary and finally into a ria environment. Late Pleistocene and Holocene high‐frequency sea‐level variations were major factors that modulated the type of depositional environments and their evolution. Another major modulating factor was the antecedent morphology of the ria, with a rock‐incised narrow channel in the middle of the basin (the Ferrol Strait), which influenced the evolution of the ria as it became flooded during Holocene transgression. The strait acted as a rock‐bounded ‘tidal inlet’ enhancing the tidal erosion and deposition at both ends, i.e. with an ebb‐tidal delta in the outer sector and tidal sandbanks in the inner sector. The final step in the evolution of the incised valley into the modern‐defined ria system was driven by the last relative sea‐level rise (after 4 kyr bp ) when the river mouths retreated landward and a single palaeoriver was converted into minor rivers and streams with scattered mouths in an extensive coastal area.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Tonkin coastline migrated at an average rate of ca 60 m year?1 landward during Holocene sea‐level rise (20 to 8 ka). Due to a combination of rapid coastline migration and undersupply of sand, neither coastal barriers nor tidal sand bars developed at the mouth of the Red River incised valley. Only a 30 to 80 cm thick sandy interval formed at the base of full‐marine deposits. Thus, the river mouth represented a mud‐dominated open funnel‐shaped estuary during transgression. At the base of the valley fill, a thin fluvial lag deposit marks a period of lowered sea‐level when the river did not reach geomorphic equilibrium and was thus prone to erosion. The onset of base‐level rise is documented by non‐bioturbated to sparsely bioturbated mud that occasionally contains pyrite indicating short‐term seawater incursions. Siderite in overlying deposits points to low‐salinity estuarine conditions. The open funnel‐shaped river mouth favoured upstream incursion of seawater that varied inversely to the seasonal strongly fluctuating discharge: several centimetres to a few tens of centimetres thick intervals showing marine or freshwater dominance alternate, as indicated by bioturbational and physical sedimentary structures, and by the presence of Fe sulphides or siderite, respectively. Recurrent short‐term seawater incursions stressed the burrowing fauna. The degree of bioturbation increases upward corresponding to increasing marine influence. The uppermost estuarine sediments are completely bioturbated. The estuarine deposits aggraded on average rapidly, up to several metres kyr?1. Siphonichnidal burrows produced by bivalves, however, document recurrent episodes of enhanced deposition (>0·5 m) and pronounced erosion (<1 m) that are otherwise not recorded. The slope of the incised valley affected the sedimentary facies. In steep valley segments, the marine transgressive surface (equivalent to the onset of full‐marine conditions) is accentuated by the Glossifungites ichnofacies, whereas in gently sloped valley segments the marine transgressive surface is gradational and bioturbated. Marine deposits are completely bioturbated.  相似文献   

The Pennsylvanian to Permian lower Cutler beds comprise a 200 m thick mixed continental and shallow marine succession that forms part of the Paradox foreland basin fill exposed in and around the Canyonlands region of south‐east Utah. Aeolian facies comprise: (i) sets and compound cosets of trough cross‐bedded dune sandstone dominated by grain flow and translatent wind‐ripple strata; (ii) interdune strata characterized by sandstone, siltstone and mudstone interbeds with wind‐ripple, wavy and horizontal planar‐laminated strata resulting from accumulation on a range of dry, damp or wet substrate‐types in the flats and hollows between migrating dunes; and (iii) extensive, near‐flat lying wind‐rippled sandsheet strata. Fluvial facies comprise channel‐fill sandstones, lag conglomerates and finer‐grained overbank sheet‐flood deposits. Shallow marine facies comprise carbonate ramp limestones, tidal sand ridges and bioturbated marine mudstones. During episodes of sand sea construction and accumulation, compound transverse dunes migrated primarily to the south and south‐east, whereas south‐westerly flowing fluvial systems periodically punctuated the dune fields from the north‐east. Several vertically stacked aeolian sequences are each truncated at their top by regionally extensive surfaces that are associated with abundant calcified rhizoliths and bleaching of the underlying beds. These surfaces record the periodic shutdown and deflation of the dune fields to the level of the palaeo‐water‐table. During episodes of aeolian quiescence, fluvial systems became more widespread, forming unconfined braid‐plains that fed sediment to a coastline that lay to the south‐west and which ran approximately north‐west to south‐east for at least 200 km. Shallow marine systems repeatedly transgressed across the broad, low‐relief coastal plain on at least 10 separate occasions, resulting in the systematic preservation of units of marine limestone and calcarenite between units of non‐marine aeolian and fluvial strata, to form a series of depositional cycles. The top of the lower Cutler beds is defined by a prominent and laterally extensive marine limestone that represents the last major north‐eastward directed marine transgression into the basin prior to the onset of exclusively non‐marine sedimentation of the overlying Cedar Mesa Sandstone. Styles of interaction between aeolian, fluvial and marine facies associations occur on two distinct scales and represent the preserved expression of both small‐scale autocyclic behaviour of competing, coeval depositional systems and larger‐scale allocyclic changes that record system response to longer‐term interdependent variations in climatic and eustatic controlling mechanisms. The architectural relationships and system interactions observed in the lower Cutler beds demonstrate that the succession was generated by several cyclical changes in both climate and relative sea‐level, and that these two external controls probably underwent cyclical change in harmony with each other in the Paradox Basin during late Pennsylvanian and Permian times. This observation supports the hypothesis that both climate and eustasy were interdependent at this time and were probably responding to a glacio‐eustatic driving mechanism.  相似文献   

The glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) of the British Isles is complex due to the interplay between local and non‐local signals. A number of recent studies have modelled the GIA response of the British Isles using relative sea‐level data. This study extends these previous analyses by using output from a numerical glaciological model as input to a GIA model. This is a necessary step towards more realistic GIA models, and although there have been similar studies for the major late Pleistocene ice sheets, this is the first study to do so for the British Isles. We test three reconstructions, classed as ‘minimal’, ‘median’ and ‘maximal’ in terms of their volume at maximum extent, and find it is possible to obtain good data–model fits. The minimal reconstruction is clearly preferred by the sea‐level data. The ice reconstructions tested were not constrained by geomorphological information of past ice extent (lateral and vertical). As a consequence, the reconstructions extend further than much of this information suggests, particularly in terms of ice thickness. It is notable, however, that the reconstructions produce good fits to many sea‐level data from central, mountainous regions (e.g. Scottish highlands), which lends support to the suggestion that trimlines, often used as an constraint on the palaeo ice surface location, are in fact features formed at the transition from warm‐ to cold‐based ice and so mark a minimum constraint on the ice surface altitude. Based on data–model misfits, suggestions are made for improving the ice model reconstructions. However, in many locations, the cause of the misfit could be due to non‐local, predominantly Fennoscandian ice and so interpretation is not straightforward. As a result, we suggest that future analyses of this type consider models and observations for both Fennoscandia and the British Isles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The interplay of eustatic and isostatic factors causes complex relative sea‐level (RSL) histories, particularly in paraglacial settings. In this context the past record of RSL is important in understanding ice‐sheet history, earth rheology and resulting glacio‐isostatic adjustment. Field data to develop sea‐level reconstructions are often limited to shallow depths and uncertainty exists as to the veracity of modelled sea‐level curves. We use seismic stratigraphy, 39 vibrocores and 26 radiocarbon dates to investigate the deglacial history of Belfast Lough, Northern Ireland, and reconstruct past RSL. A typical sequence of till, glacimarine and Holocene sediments is preserved. Two sea‐level lowstands (both max. ?40 m) are recorded at c. 13.5 and 11.5k cal a bp . Each is followed by a rapid transgression and subsequent periods of RSL stability. The first transgression coincides temporally with a late stage of Meltwater Pulse 1a and the RSL stability occurred between c. 13.0 and c. 12.2k cal a bp (Younger Dryas). The second still/slowstand occurred between c. 10.3 and c. 11.5k cal a bp . Our data provide constraints on the direction and timing of RSL change during deglaciation. Application of the Depth of Closure concept adds an error term to sea‐level reconstructions based on seismic stratigraphic reconstructions.  相似文献   

In southern Patagonia, outcrops of the Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation preserve a >150 km long deep‐water axial channel belt in the Magallanes–Austral Basin, providing a unique opportunity to investigate longitudinal variations in the depositional characteristics of a deep‐water channel system. This study documents sedimentological, stratigraphical and geochronological data from the Cerro Toro Formation in the Argentine sector of the basin. New results are integrated with previous work from the Chilean basin sector to conduct a basin‐scale comparison of the timing of deposition, provenance and lithofacies proportions. The Cerro Toro channel belt includes a nearly 1000 m thick section characterized by high‐density turbidites and mass‐wasting deposits. Two ash beds from the base of the section yield U–Pb zircon ages of 90·4 ± 2 Ma and 88·0 ± 3 Ma, indicating similar initiation ages as documented in the Chilean sector. The U–Pb detrital zircon age spectra from samples in the study area reveal similar provenance trends to samples from the Chilean basin sector, with peak age populations at 310 to 260 Ma, 160 to 135 Ma and 110 to 82 Ma. The maximum depositional age of the channel belt in the Argentine sector is 87·8 ± 1·5 Ma and all new geochronology data corroborate an 86 to 80 Ma depositional age for the main Cerro Toro channel belt. Statistical analyses of 7370 beds from nearly 8000 m of new and previously published stratigraphic sections along the entire outcrop belt suggest progressive variations in the down‐system proportion of lithofacies. In the up‐slope region, lithofacies representing mass wasting processes (for example, debris‐flow and mass‐transport deposits) account for ca 29% of the stratigraphic thickness, as opposed to 5% in the down‐slope region of the channel belt, where turbidity current deposits are more prevalent. The proportion of beds >1 m thick also decreases systematically down slope, particularly for conglomeratic turbidite deposits. This work highlights that: (i) the proportion of thick beds and distribution of lithofacies are key down‐system changes in the stratigraphic fill of this deep‐water channel belt; (ii) detrital zircon trends suggest a relatively well‐mixed longitudinal depositional system; and (iii) geochronology of the main Cerro Toro outcrop belt supports but does not necessitate the model of a single, roughly age‐equivalent, channel system. This study has implications for understanding the downslope variability in depositional processes, stratigraphic architecture and reservoir quality of submarine channel systems.  相似文献   

This study from the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth documents a Late Pleistocene incised valley‐fill succession that differs from the existing facies models, because it comprises gravelly shoal‐water and Gilbert‐type deltaic deposits, shows strong wave influence and lacks evidence of tidal activity. The valley‐fill is at least 140 m thick, formed in 50 to 100 ka between the interglacials Marine Isotope Stage 9a and Marine Isotope Stage 7c. The relative sea‐level rise left its record both inside and outside the incised valley, and the age of the valley‐fill is estimated from a U/Th date of coral‐bearing deposits directly outside the palaeovalley outlet. Tectonic up‐warping due to formation of a valley‐parallel structural relay ramp contributed to the valley segmentation and limited the landward extent of marine invasions. The valley segment upstream of the ramp crest was filled with a gravelly alluvium, whereas the downstream segment accumulated fluvio‐deltaic deposits. The consecutive deltaic systems nucleated in the ramp‐crest zone, forming a bathymetric gradient that promoted the ultimate growth of thick Gilbert‐type delta. The case study contributes to the spectrum of conceptual models for incised valley‐fill architecture. Four key models are discussed with reference to the rates of sediment supply and accommodation development, and it is pointed out that not only similarity, but also all departures of particular field cases from these end‐member models may provide valuable information on the system formative conditions. The Akrata incised valley‐fill represents conditions of high sediment supply and a rapid, but stepwise development of accommodation that resulted from the spatiotemporal evolution of normal faulting at the rift margin and overprinted glacioeustatic signals. This study adds to an understanding of valley‐fill architecture and provides new insights into the Pleistocene tectonics and palaeogeography of the Corinth Rift margin.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the evolution of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system during the last 200 kyr, over a series of glacial to interglacial cycles. Six individual deep‐sea fans were identified from an extensive field data set. Each fan comprises a canyon, channel system and terminal lobes. Two of these fan systems were possibly active at the same time, at least during some periods. Large‐scale slope failures destroyed channel segments and caused the formation of new submarine fan systems. These slope failures thus played an important role in the overall evolution of the turbidite system. During the last glacial maximum (ca 25 to 14·8 ka) the central and eastern parts of the Nile deep‐sea turbidite system were relatively inactive. This inactivity corresponds to a lowstand in sea‐level, and a period of arid climate and relatively low sediment discharge from the Nile fluvial system. Rapid accumulation of fluvial flood‐derived deposits occurred across the shallower part of the submarine delta during sea‐level rise between ca 14·8 and 5 ka. The most recent deep‐sea channel–lobe system was very active during this period of rising sea‐level, which is also associated with a wetter continental climate and increased sediment and water discharge from the Nile. Increased sediment deposition in shallower water areas led to occasional large‐scale slope failure. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system was largely inactive after ca 5 ka. This widespread inactivity is due to retreat of the coastline away from the continental shelf break, and to a more arid continental climate and reduced discharge of sediment from the Nile. The Nile deep‐sea turbidite system may be more active during periods of rising and high sea‐level associated with wetter climates, than during lowstands, and may rapidly become largely inactive during highstands in sea‐level coupled with arid periods. These acute responses to climate change have produced sedimentary/stratigraphic features that diverge from traditional sequence models in their nature and timing. This large‐scale sedimentary system responded to monsoon‐driven climate change and sea‐level change in a system‐wide and contemporaneous manner.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of the analysis of paired cosmogenic isotopes (10Be and 26Al) from eight quartz‐rich samples collected from ice‐moulded bedrock on the Aran ridge, the highest land in the British Isles south of Snowdon. On the Aran ridge, comprising the summits of Aran Fawddwy (905 m a.s.l.) and Aran Benllyn (885 m a.s.l.), 26Al and 10Be ages indicate complete ice coverage and glacial erosion at the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Six samples from the summit ridge above 750–800 m a.s.l. yielded paired 10Be and 26Al ages ranging from 17.2 to 34.4 ka, respectively. Four of these samples are very close in age (10Be ages of 17.5 ± 0.6, 17.5 ± 0.7, 19.7 ± 0.8 and 20.0 ± 0.7 ka) and are interpreted as representing the exposure age of the summit ridge. Two other summit samples are much older (10Be ages of 27.5 ± 1.0 and 33.9 ± 1.2 ka) and these results may indicate nuclide inheritance. The 26Al/10Be ratios for all samples are indistinguishable within one‐sigma uncertainty from the production rate ratio line, indicating that there is no evidence for a complex exposure history. These results indicate that the last Welsh Ice Cap was thick enough to completely cover the Aran ridge and achieve glacial erosion at the LGM. However, between c. 20 and 17 ka ridge summits were exposed as nunataks at a time when glacial erosion at lower elevations (below 750–800 m a.s.l.) was achieved by large outlet glaciers in the valleys surrounding the mountains. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The most recent deglaciation resulted in a global sea‐level rise of some 120 m over approximately 12 000 years. In this Part I of two parts, a moving boundary numerical model is developed to predict the response of rivers to this rise. The model was motivated by experiments at small scale, which have identified two modes describing the transgression of a river mouth: autoretreat without abandonment of the river delta (no sediment starvation at the topset–foreset break) and sediment‐starved autoretreat with abandonment of the delta. In the latter case, transgression is far more rapid and its effects are felt much further upstream of the river mouth. The moving boundary numerical model is checked against experiments. The generally favourable results of the check motivate adaptation of the model to describe the response of the much larger Fly‐Strickland River system, Papua New Guinea to Holocene sea‐level rise; this is done in the companion paper, Part II.  相似文献   

Nine different types of cross‐stratified packages from the coal‐bearing, deltaic succession of the Barakar Formation (Permian) of the Satpura Gondwana Basin, central India, are described. The deposits are characterized by periodic mudstone drapes, reactivation surfaces including all other features suggestive of deposition from periodically unsteady, tidally‐influenced flows. The inferred flow patterns varied from purely bidirectional to pulsating unidirectional. The different types of cross‐stratified packages are interpreted to have resulted from superimposition of ebb‐oriented, steady, unidirectional fluvial currents of variable strength on the tidal flow in a deltaic setting. The study helps to distinguish cross‐strata that may develop in settings where fluvial and tidal currents interact. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Determining the relative influence of eustasy versus local sedimentary processes on strata formation is a fundamental challenge in the study of continental margin stratigraphy. In this paper, the relative contribution of these factors on continental margin evolution during the Middle to Late Pleistocene is evaluated using samples from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317. Core‐logging, biostratigraphy and quantitative X‐ray diffraction mineralogy are used to delineate continental shelf sedimentary systems. Major lithological unconformities bound stratigraphic sequences that contain recurring compositional patterns and that resemble other examples of Middle to Upper Pleistocene sequences. However, a preliminary chronology suggests that sequence boundary formation cannot be linked ‘one to one’ with eustatic cycles and therefore these sequences can contain multiple ca 100 ka eustatic cycles. Smaller amplitude, higher frequency transitions in sediment composition are interpreted as stratigraphic sequences driven by more rapid perturbations in the interplay of accommodation and sediment supply; their stratigraphy is variable in time and across the shelf, suggesting a strong influence of local sedimentary forcing in their formation. Changes in sediment composition after the Middle Pleistocene Transition indicate that sediment transfer from onshore sources in the glaciated Southern Alps to the middle‐shelf occurred over a single 100 ka glacio‐eustatic cycle, with an additional 100 ka lag before the mineralogical signal was preserved on the outer‐shelf. This phenomenon is coincident with rapid shelf progradation in this basin, suggesting a causal relation between across‐shelf sediment transport and margin progradation. This is one of very few studies that provide insights at the core scale into the processes driving continental margin evolution during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. This work shows that compositional changes in mud‐dominated successions can lead to a sequence stratigraphic interpretation and the identification of high‐frequency sequences, which may not be possible using a conventional stratigraphic approach.  相似文献   

The sedimentological and chronological analysis of the last deglacial reef sequences of Tahiti (French Polynesia), drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 310, provide a high‐resolution data set allowing a well‐constrained forward modelling study. This study represents the first attempt to model in three dimensions the coral reef development of Tahiti during the last deglacial sea‐level rise (23 000 to 6000 cal yr bp ) using the software dionisos developed by IFP Energies nouvelles. It allows the testing of the reconstructed last deglacial sea‐level curve and the different environmental parameters (for example, wave energy and sediment fluxes) that could have influenced the reef development. These last deglacial reef sequences form two prominent ridges occurring seaward of the living barrier reef that consist of successive submerged reefs. These reefs have been prone to drowning because the window of maximum carbonate production rate is inhibited by high water turbidity (sediment supply from a nearby river), shallow depth of wave action and substrate availability. These factors, combined with rapid sea‐level rise, have driven the growth of retrograding reef pinnacles. Local factors (substratum nature, sediment supply and wave energy) were the main processes that induced the drowning of the inner ridge, whereas interplay of local and global factors (acceleration of the sea‐level rise) was responsible for the drowning of the outer ridge. This particular acceleration of sea‐level rise of 16 m between 14·6 ka and 14 ka bp corresponds to meltwater pulse 1A.  相似文献   

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