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Low rates of lateral migration (centimetres to decimetres per year) combined with relatively high rates of vertical accretion (millimetres to centimetres per year) recorded in microtidal channels of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) give rise to point‐bar geometries and internal facies arrangements that differ substantially from widely accepted models of point‐bar sedimentary architecture. In this study, field data from the Venice Lagoon are combined with a three‐dimensional forward stratigraphic model, the ‘Point‐Bar Sedimentary Architecture Numerical Deduction’ (PB‐SAND), to predict the stratal geometries of point bars formed in aggradational settings. The PB‐SAND uses a combined geometric and stochastic modelling approach that can be constrained by field evidence. The model applied determines the geometry of four point bars generated by 9 to 11 m wide channels cutting through salt marshes. An iterative best‐fit modelling approach has been used to obtain multiple simulations for each case study, each of which fits the observations derived from the analysis of time‐series historical aerial photographs and 44 sedimentary cores. Results demonstrate how the geometry of the bars is determined by the development of two key stratal surfaces: the point‐bar brink and channel‐thalweg surfaces. These surfaces are defined by the progressive translation and vertical shift of the point‐bar brink (i.e. break of slope between bar top and bar slope) and the channel thalweg (i.e. deepest part of the channel) during bar evolution. The approach is used to: (i) reconstruct three‐dimensional point‐bar geometries; (ii) propose alternative reconstructions; (iii) provide insight to drive the acquisition of additional data to better constrain the proposed models; and (iv) provide insight into the mechanism of bar growth for slowly migrating channels in settings subject to relatively high rates of aggradation. This study highlights how interaction between styles of planform transformation and latero‐vertical shifts of meandering channels can determine the geometry of related sedimentary bodies.  相似文献   

The mode of channel‐bend transformation (i.e. expansion, translation, rotation or a combination thereof) has a direct bearing on the dimensions, shape, bedding architecture and connectivity of point‐bar sandstone bodies within a fluvial meander belt, but is generally difficult to recognize in vertical outcrops. This study demonstrates how the bend transformation mode and relative rate of channel‐floor aggradation can be deciphered from longitudinal outcrop sections aligned parallel to the meander‐belt axis, as a crucial methodological aid to the reconstruction of ancient fluvial systems and the development of outcrop analogue models for fluvial petroleum reservoirs. The study focuses on single‐storey and multi‐storey fluvial meander‐belt sandstone bodies in the Palaeogene piggyback Boyabat Basin of north‐central Turkey. The sandstone bodies are several hundred metres wide, 5 to 40 m thick and encased in muddy floodplain deposits. The individual channel‐belt storeys are 5 to 9 m thick and their transverse sections show lateral‐accretion bed packages representing point bars. Point bars in longitudinal sections are recognizable as broad mounds whose parts with downstream‐inclined, subhorizontal and upstream‐inclined bedding represent, respectively, the bar downstream, central and upstream parts. The inter‐bar channel thalweg is recognizable as the transition zone between adjacent point‐bar bedsets with opposing dip directions into or out of the outcrop section. The diverging or converging adjacent thalweg trajectories, or a trajectory migrating in up‐valley direction, indicate point‐bar broadening and hence channel‐bend expansion. A concurrent down‐valley migration of adjacent trajectories indicates channel‐bend translation. Bend rotation is recognizable from the replacement of a depositional riffle by an erosional pool zone or vice versa along the thalweg trajectory. The steepness of the thalweg trajectory reflects the relative rate of channel‐floor aggradation. This study discusses further how the late‐stage foreland tectonics, with its alternating pulses of uplift and subsidence and a progressive narrowing of the basin, has forced aggradation of fluvial channels and caused vertical stacking of meander belts.  相似文献   

The widespread distribution of tidal creeks and channels that undertake meandering behaviour in modern coasts contrasts with their limited documentation in the fossil record, where point‐bar elements arising from the interaction between a mix of both fluvial and tidal currents are mainly documented. The sedimentary products of tidal channel‐bend evolution are relatively poorly known, and few studies have focused previously on specific facies models for tidal point bars present in modern settings. This study improves understanding of tidal channel meander bends through a multi‐disciplinary approach that combines analyses of historical aerial photographs, measurements of in‐channel flow velocity, high‐resolution facies analyses of sedimentary cores and three‐dimensional architectural modelling. The studied channel bend (12 to 15 m wide and 2 to 3 m deep) drains a salt marsh area located in the north‐eastern sector of the microtidal Venice Lagoon, Italy. Historical photographs show that, during the past 77 years, the bend has translated seaward ca 15 m. Results show that the channel bend formed on a non‐vegetated mud flat that was progressively colonized by vegetation. Seaward translation occurred under aggradational conditions, with an overall migration rate of 0·2 to 0·3 m year−1, and was promoted by the occurrence of cohesive, poorly erodible outer bank deposits. Ebb currents are dominant, and translation of the channel bend promotes erosion and deposition along the landward and seaward side of the bar, respectively. Tidal currents show a clear asymmetry in terms of velocity distribution, and their offset pattern provides a peculiar grain‐size distribution within the bar. During the flood stage, sand sedimentation occurs in the upper part of the bar, where the maximum flow velocity occurs. During the ebb stage, the bar experiences the secondary helical flow that accumulates sand at the toe of the bar. Lateral stacking of flood and ebb deposits has caused the formation of localized coarsening‐upward and fining‐upward sedimentary packages, respectively.  相似文献   

Point bars formed by meandering river systems are an important class of sedimentary deposit and are of significant economic interest as hydrocarbon reservoirs. Standard point‐bar models of how the internal sedimentology varies are based on the structure of small‐scale systems with little information about the largest complexes and how these might differ. Here a very large point bar (>25·0 m thick and 7·5 × 13·0 km across) on the Mississippi River (USA) was examined. The lithology and grain‐size characteristics at different parts of the point bar were determined by using a combination of coring and electrical conductivity logging. The data confirm that there is a general fining up‐section along most parts of the point bar, with a well‐defined transition from massive medium‐grained sands below about 9 to 11 m depth up into interbedded silts and fine–medium sand sediment (inclined heterolithic strata). There is also a poorly defined increase in sorting quality at the transition level. Massive medium sands are especially common in the region of the channel bend apex and regions upstream of that point. Downstream of the meander apex, there is much less evidence for fining up‐section. Finer sediment accumulated more readily after the establishment of a compound bar in the later stages of construction, at the terminal apex and in the bar tail. This work implies that the best reservoir sands are likely to be located in the centre of the point bar, deposited in a simple bar system. Reservoir quality decreases towards the bar edge. The early‐stage channel plug is largely composed of coarsening‐upward cycles of silt to clay and is dominated by clay and clayey silt material with poor reservoir characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Holocene deposits of the Firenze alluvial plain (Northern Apennines, Italy) and deals with the sedimentary features of chute channels draining the down‐river edges of the meander neck formed by 70 to 100 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep sinuous channels. Two main types of chute channels have been recognized. Type 1 is represented by 3 to 6 m wide and 0·5 to 1 m deep straight channels filled with mud aggregates overlying a basal gravel lag made of reworked caliches. These channels drained the point bar top during floods, and are thought to have been initiated as small rills when a shallow flow overpassed the downstream side of the point bar. Type 2 channels, 3 to 6 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep, are moderately to highly sinuous and filled with well‐stratified sand and gravels sourced from nearby rocky highlands. Type 2 channels were connected to the main river channel also during the base flow stage. The transition from Type 1 to Type 2 channels is documented and is interpreted as the result of the meander cut‐off process. Type 1 chute channels represent the early stage of the cut‐off phase, when a headcut is incised on the down‐river edges of the meander neck. The headcut migrates up‐river across the meander neck during floods, when fast currents shape the chute channels into a straight route. The transition from Type 1 into Type 2 channels is linked to the connection of the up‐river migrating headcut with the main channel and the termination of the cut‐off process. At this stage, the cut‐off channel is drained permanently and receives bedload from the main channel. The progressive shaping of the newly formed channel will convert it into the main channel and lead to the formation of an oxbow lake in the abandoned meander branch. Development of chute channels in the Firenze alluvial plain is thought to have heralded a decrease in sinuosity of the main channels, triggered by a climate‐driven increase in water discharge.  相似文献   

Modern fluvial meander plains exhibit complex planform transformations in response to meander‐bend expansion, downstream migration and rotation. These transformations exert a fundamental control on lithology and reservoir properties, yet their stratigraphic record has been poorly evaluated in ancient examples due to the lack of extensive three‐dimensional exposures. Here, a unique exhumed meander plain exposed to the north of Scarborough (Yorkshire, UK) is analysed in terms of architecture and morphodynamics, with the aim of developing a comprehensive model of facies distribution. The studied outcrop comprises tidal platforms and adjacent cliffs, where the depositional architecture of un‐tilted deposits was assessed on planform and vertical sections, respectively. In its broader perspective, this study demonstrates the potential of architectural mapping of extensive planform exposures for the reconstruction of ancient fluvial morphodynamics. The studied exhumed meander plain is part of the Scalby Formation of the Ravenscar Group, and originally drained small coastal incised valleys within the Jurassic Cleveland Basin. The meander plain is subdivided into two storeys that contain in‐channel and overbank architectural elements. In‐channel elements comprise expansional and downstream‐migrating point bars, point‐bar tails and channel fills. Overbank elements comprise crevasse complexes, levées, floodplain fines and lake fills. The evolution of the point bars played a significant role in dictating preserved facies distributions, with high flood‐stage nucleation and accretion of meander scrolls later reworked during waning flood‐stages. At a larger scale, meander belt morphodynamics were also a function of valley confinement and contrasts in substrate erodibility. Progressive valley infilling decreased the valley confinement, promoting the upward transition from prevalently downstream migrating to expansional meander belts, a transition associated with enhanced preservation of overbank elements. Strikingly similar relations between valley confinement, meander‐bend transformations and overbank preservation are observed in small modern meandering streams such as the Beaver River of the Canadian prairies and the Powder River of Montana (USA).  相似文献   

Flow processes and sediment transport in a channel bend and associated point bar have been studied in modern rivers, theoretical models and physical experiments: however, the relationship between flow process and point‐bar morphology has rarely been explained due to the complex nature of open channel flow. Plan‐view exposures of an ancient point‐bar complex, exposed at the top of the Cretaceous Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale Formation, south‐central Utah, allowed reconstruction of bar morphology, sediment transport and bed shear stress, which were used to extrapolate flow processes. Studies of these outcrops show that compound point bars and scroll bars were probably formed during falling and rising flood stages, respectively. A simulation model of plan‐view channel form shows that channel dimensions, such as radius of curvature and sinuosity of the point‐bar complex, range between 205 m and 351 m and 1·04 and 1·22, respectively, throughout the evolution of the channel bend. Variations in strength of the helical flow were interpreted as the main control on facies architecture and bar morphology. Strong helical flow was related to the deposition of the scroll bars, while strength of helical flow is decreased for compound bars. The use of cross‐beds as a common palaeocurrent indicator was found to be inconsistent with mean flow directions and channel margin orientation.  相似文献   

Biotic forcing on river meandering is a highly debated topic in sedimentology. Vegetation is assumed to hold a vital role on channel stability and sinuosity, for example through bank stabilization and pedogenic production of cohesive clays. However, statistically solid and causal relationships between vegetation density and river sinuosity remain largely untested in natural systems. This study investigates physical and biotic forcings on channel sinuosity in the Bonneville Basin of Utah (USA), an endorheic depression flanked by active fluvial networks (‘washes’) that display diverse vegetation density and channel‐planform style. By means of remote sensing and ground‐data collection, 58 washes are considered, 0·1 to 90 km2 in surface area and drained by trunk channels <45 m wide and <1·2 m deep. Each wash is composed of a catchment basin connected downstream to an aggradational and distributive channel network. Statistically solid regressions highlight the primary roles played by base level and catchment size on fluvial morphogenesis. In contrast, no correlation is found between vegetation density and other parameters such as trunk‐channel width or surface area of the largest meander in a wash. Similarly, no statistical correlation exists between vegetation density and meander size or sinuosity index. Rather, larger and more sinuous meanders are invariably associated with lower vegetation density. These results are corroborated by field evidence showing that sparse vegetation promotes flow disturbance, channel branching and bar braiding instead of stabilizing sediment surfaces. Thus, river meandering is attributed to cohesion offered by mud retention within the endorheic basin, as well as discharge and stream‐power modulation along bifurcating and low‐gradient channel reaches. Hence, this work demonstrates how meandering‐channel patterns may arise from entirely physical forcings in the absence of vegetation.  相似文献   

Deep‐water sediments in the Molasse Basin, Austria, were deposited in a narrow foreland basin dominated by a large channel belt located between the steep Alpine fold and thrust belt to the south and the gentler northern slope off the Bohemian Massif. Several gas fields occur outside the channel belt, along the outer bend of a large meander. Accumulation of these overbank sediments reflects a complicated interplay between slope accommodation and debris‐flow and turbidity‐flow interaction within the channel. The tectonically oversteepened northern slope of the basin (ca 2 to 3°) developed a regionally important erosional surface, the Northern Slope Unconformity, which can be traced seismically for >100 km in an east–west direction and >20 km from the channel to the north. The slope preserves numerous gullies sourced from the north that eroded into the channel belt. These gullies were ca 20 km long, <1 km wide and ca 200 m deep. As the channel aggraded, largely inactive and empty gullies served as entry points into the overbank area for turbidity currents within the axial channel. Subsequently, debris‐flow mounds, 7 km wide and >15 km long, plugged and forced the main channel to step abruptly ca 7 km to the south. This resulted in development of an abrupt turn in the channel pathway that propagated to the east and probably played a role in forming a sinuous channel later. As debris‐flow topography was healed, flows spread out onto narrow area between the main channel and northern slope forming a broad fine‐grained apron that serves as the main gas reservoir in this area. This model of the overbank splay formation and the resulting stratigraphic architecture within the confined basin could be applied in modern and ancient systems or for subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs where three‐dimensional seismic‐reflection data is limited. This study elucidates the geomorphology of the oversteepened slope of the under‐riding plate and its effects on the sedimentation.  相似文献   

To date, published studies of alluvial bar architecture in large rivers have been restricted mostly to case studies of individual bars and single locations. Relatively little is known about how the depositional processes and sedimentary architecture of kilometre‐scale bars vary within a multi‐kilometre reach or over several hundreds of kilometres downstream. This study presents Ground Penetrating Radar and core data from 11, kilometre‐scale bars from the Río Paraná, Argentina. The investigated bars are located between 30 km upstream and 540 km downstream of the Río Paraná – Río Paraguay confluence, where a significant volume of fine‐grained suspended sediment is introduced into the network. Bar‐scale cross‐stratified sets, with lengths and widths up to 600 m and thicknesses up to 12 m, enable the distinction of large river deposits from stacked deposits of smaller rivers, but are only present in half the surface area of the bars. Up to 90% of bar‐scale sets are found on top of finer‐grained ripple‐laminated bar‐trough deposits. Bar‐scale sets make up as much as 58% of the volume of the deposits in small, incipient mid‐channel bars, but this proportion decreases significantly with increasing age and size of the bars. Contrary to what might be expected, a significant proportion of the sedimentary structures found in the Río Paraná is similar in scale to those found in much smaller rivers. In other words, large river deposits are not always characterized by big structures that allow a simple interpretation of river scale. However, the large scale of the depositional units in big rivers causes small‐scale structures, such as ripple sets, to be grouped into thicker cosets, which indicate river scale even when no obvious large‐scale sets are present. The results also show that the composition of bars differs between the studied reaches upstream and downstream of the confluence with the Río Paraguay. Relative to other controls on downstream fining, the tributary input of fine‐grained suspended material from the Río Paraguay causes a marked change in the composition of the bar deposits. Compared to the upstream reaches, the sedimentary architecture of the downstream reaches in the top ca 5 m of mid‐channel bars shows: (i) an increase in the abundance and thickness (up to metre‐scale) of laterally extensive (hundreds of metres) fine‐grained layers; (ii) an increase in the percentage of deposits comprised of ripple sets (to >40% in the upper bar deposits); and (iii) an increase in bar‐trough deposits and a corresponding decrease in bar‐scale cross‐strata (<10%). The thalweg deposits of the Río Paraná are composed of dune sets, even directly downstream from the Río Paraguay where the upper channel deposits are dominantly fine‐grained. Thus, the change in sedimentary facies due to a tributary point‐source of fine‐grained sediment is primarily expressed in the composition of the upper bar deposits.  相似文献   

The Bosphorus Strait accommodates two‐way flow between the Aegean and Black Seas. The Aegean (Mediterranean) inflow has speeds of 5 to 15 cm sec?1 in the strait and a salinity contrast of ~12‰ to 16‰ with the Black Sea surface waters on the shelf. An anastomosed channel network crosses the shelf and in water deeper than 70 m is characterized by first‐order channels 5 to 10 m deep, local lateral accretion bedding, muddy in‐channel barforms, and a variety of sediment waves both on channel floors and bar crests, crevasse channels entering the overbank area and levée/overbank deposits which are radiocarbon‐dated in cores to be younger than ~7·5 to 8·0 ka. This channel network accommodates the saline density current formed by the Mediterranean inflow. The density contrast between the density underflow and the ambient water mass is ~0·01 g cm?3, similar to the density contrast ascribed to low‐concentration turbidity currents in the deep sea. Channel‐floor deposits are sandy to gravelly with local shell concentrations. Low‐relief bedforms on the channel floor have relatively straight crests, upflow‐dipping cross‐stratification, heights 1 to 1·5 m and wavelengths 85 to 155 m. Bankfull flows are subcritical, so these probably are not antidunes. Bar tops are ornamented locally with mudwaves having heights 1 to 2 m and wavelengths ~20 to 100 m; these are potentially antidunes formed under shallow overbank flows. Towards the shelf edge, the degree of channel bifurcation increases dramatically and bar tops are dissected locally by secondary channels, some of which terminate in hanging valleys. Conical mounds on the shelf (possibly mud volcanoes or sites of fluid seepage) interact with the channel network by promoting accretion of muddy streamlined macroforms in their lee. This channel network may be one of the largest and most accessible natural laboratories on Earth for the study of continuously flowing density currents. Although the driver is salinity contrast, the underflow transports sufficient sediment to form levée wedges and large streamlined barforms, and presumably transports sediment into deep water.  相似文献   

Limestones containing radiaxial fibrous cements were sampled along the southern slope of the late Anisian (Middle Triassic) Latemar carbonate platform in the Dolomites, northern Italy. The Latemar upper slopes comprise massive microbial boundstone, whereas lower slopes are made of clinostratified grainstone, rudstone and breccia. Samples are representative of a seawater column from near sea‐level to an aphotic zone at about 500 m water depth. Radiaxial fibrous cements were analyzed for carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotopic composition, as well as major and trace element content, to shed light on the origin of the slope facies zonation. The δ13C vary between 1·7‰ and 2·3‰ (Vienna Pee‐Dee Belemnite), with lowest values at palaeo‐water depths between 70 m and 300 m. Radiaxial fibrous cements yielded seawater‐like rare earth element patterns with light rare earth element depletion (NdSN/YbSN ≈ 0·4), superchondritic yttrium/holmium ratios (≈55) and negative cerium anomalies. Cadmium reaches maximum values of ca 0·5 to 0·7 μg/g at palaeo‐water depths between 70 m and 300 m; barium contents (0·8 to 1·8 μg/g) increase linearly with depth. The downslope patterns of δ13C and cadmium suggest increased nutrient and organic matter contents at depths between ca 70 m and 300 m and point to an active biological pump. The peak in cadmium and the minimum of δ13C mark a zone of maximum organic matter respiration and high nutrient and organic matter availability. The base of this zone at ca 300 m depth corresponds with the transition from massive microbial boundstone to clinostratified grainstone, rudstone and breccia. The microbial boundstone facies apparently formed only in seawater enriched in organic matter, possibly because this organic matter sustained benthic microbial communities at Latemar. The base of slope microbialites on high‐relief microbial carbonate platforms may be a proxy for the depth to maximum respiration zones of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic periplatform basins.  相似文献   

Downstream migration of point bars is an important process in meander belts. Inherent to downstream migration is sediment accumulation in concave channel banks, immediately adjacent to and downstream of convex point bars. Despite this, associated concave bank processes are often overlooked, with depositional products sparsely identified in the stratigraphic record. Counter-point-bar deposits are a type of concave-bank deposit that have been positively identified in subsurface three-dimensional seismic datasets, yet outcrop examples are not well-constrained. This study characterizes and establishes recognition criteria of counter-point-bar deposits in outcrop using extensive exposure of Late-Cretaceous meander-belt deposits in eastern Alberta, Canada. Using a combination of traditional field-based sedimentological analyses and three-dimensional outcrop mapping with an Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry, point bar, counter-point bar, and associated abandoned-channel deposits, as well as adjacent floodplain deposits are identified. Bed-scale characteristics of counter-point-bar deposits include interlaminated and interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone, abundant organic detritus, and evidence of deformation and slumping. At the bend scale, accretion packages bounded by internal erosion surfaces are composed of dipping siltstone and minor sandstone beds that extend from the top to the base of the meander belt. At the belt scale, positive identification relies on concave accretion surface mapping, their orientation relative to the meander-belt edge (i.e. dipping away), and consideration of meander-bend evolution. These results have implications for recognition of counter-point-bar deposits in analogous, less-constrained data sets, which provides a foundation for more complete palaeoenvironmental interpretations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The Upper Carboniferous deep‐water rocks of the Shannon Group were deposited in the extensional Shannon Basin of County Clare in western Ireland and are superbly exposed in sea cliffs along the Shannon estuary. Carboniferous limestone floors the basin, and the basin‐fill succession begins with the deep‐water Clare Shales. These shales are overlain by various turbidite facies of the Ross Formation (460 m thick). The type of turbidite system, scale of turbidite sandstone bodies and the overall character of the stratigraphic succession make the Ross Formation well suited as an analogue for sand‐rich turbidite plays in passive margin basins around the world. The lower 170 m of the Ross Formation contains tabular turbidites with no channels, with an overall tendency to become sandier upwards, although there are no small‐scale thickening‐ or thinning‐upward successions. The upper 290 m of the Ross Formation consists of turbidites, commonly arranged in thickening‐upward packages, and amalgamated turbidites that form channel fills that are individually up to 10 m thick. A few of the upper Ross channels have an initial lateral accretion phase with interbedded sandstone and mudstone deposits and a subsequent vertical aggradation phase with thick‐bedded amalgamated turbidites. This paper proposes that, as the channels filled, more and more turbidites spilled further and further overbank. Superb outcrops show that thickening‐upward packages developed when channels initially spilled muds and thin‐bedded turbidites up to 1 km overbank, followed by thick‐bedded amalgamated turbidites that spilled close to the channel margins. The palaeocurrent directions associated with the amalgamated channel fills suggest a low channel sinuosity. Stacks of channels and spillover packages 25–40 m thick may show significant palaeocurrent variability at the same stratigraphic interval but at different locations. This suggests that individual channels and spillover packages were stacked into channel‐spillover belts, and that the belts also followed a sinuous pattern. Reservoir elements of the Ross system include tabular turbidites, channel‐fill deposits, thickening‐upward packages that formed as spillover lobes and, on a larger scale, sinuous channel belts 2·5–5 km wide. The edges of the belts can be roughly defined where well‐packaged spillover deposits pass laterally into muddier, poorly packaged tabular turbidites. The low‐sinuosity channel belts are interpreted to pass downstream into unchannellized tabular turbidites, equivalent to lower Ross Formation facies.  相似文献   

This paper documents a subsurface trace fossil and ichnofabric study of the proximal parts of a structurally confined and channelized sand‐rich, lower slope and proximal basin‐floor deep‐marine system in the Middle Eocene Ainsa basin, Spanish Pyrenees. Five depositional environments are recognized based on sedimentary facies associations, depositional architecture and stratigraphic context (channel axis, channel off‐axis, channel margin, leveé‐overbank and interfan), as well as a channel abandonment phase. Each environment is characterized by distinct and recurring ichnofabrics. Ichnological measurements and observations were recorded from six cores recovered from six wells drilled at a spacing of between 400 m and 500 m at outcrop, and totalling 1213 m in length. From channel axis to levée‐overbank environments, there is a trend of increasing bioturbation intensity and ichnodiversity. Ichnofabrics in channel axis and channel off‐axis environments are characterized by low bioturbation intensity and low ichnodiversity. Thalassinoides‐dominated firmground ichnofabrics associated with erosive sediment gravity flows are common in these environments. In contrast, channel margin and levée‐overbank environments are characterized by ichnofabrics associated with high bioturbation intensity and ichnodiversity. Sediments of the interfan are characterized by the highest bioturbation intensity, associated with burrow mottling and an absence of primary sedimentary structures. This paper demonstrates that in core‐based studies, ichnofabric analysis is an important and valuable tool in discriminating between different environments in channelized deep‐marine siliciclastic systems. The results of this study should find wide applicability in reservoir characterization studies in the petroleum industry, in field‐based analogue ichnofabric studies and other core‐based studies in deep‐water siliciclastic systems worldwide such as the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.  相似文献   

The integration of core sedimentology, seismic stratigraphy and seismic geomorphology has enabled interpretation of delta‐scale (i.e. tens of metres high) subaqueous clinoforms in the upper Jurassic Sognefjord Formation of the Troll Field. Mud‐prone subaqueous deltas characterized by a compound clinoform morphology and sandy delta‐scale subaqueous clinoforms are common in recent tide‐influenced, wave‐influenced and current‐influenced settings, but ancient examples are virtually unknown. The data presented help to fully comprehend the criteria for the recognition of other ancient delta‐scale subaqueous clinoforms, as well as refining the depositional model of the reservoir in the super‐giant Troll hydrocarbon field. Two 10 to 60 m thick, overall coarsening‐upward packages are distinguished in the lower Sognefjord Formation. Progressively higher energy, wave‐dominated or current‐dominated facies occur from the base to the top of each package. Each package corresponds to a set of seismically resolved, westerly dipping clinoforms, the bounding surfaces of which form the seismic ‘envelope’ of a clinoform set and the major marine flooding surfaces recognized in cores. The packages thicken westwards, until they reach a maximum where the clinoform ‘envelope’ rolls over to define a topset–foreset–toeset geometry. All clinoforms are consistently oriented sub‐parallel to the edge of the Horda Platform (N005–N030). In the eastern half of the field, individual foresets are relatively gently dipping (1° to 6°) and bound thin (10 to 30 m) clinothems. Core data indicate that these proximal clinothems are dominated by fine‐grained, hummocky cross‐stratified sandstones. Towards the west, clinoforms gradually become steeper (5° to 14°) and bound thicker (15 to 60 m) clinothems that comprise medium‐grained, cross‐bedded sandstones. Topsets are consistently well‐developed, except in the westernmost area. No seismic or sedimentological evidence of subaerial exposure is observed. Deposition created fully subaqueous, near‐linear clinoforms that prograded westwards across the Horda Platform. Subaqueous clinoforms were probably fed by a river outlet in the north‐east and sculpted by the action of currents sub‐parallel to the clinoform strike.  相似文献   

通过对东营凹陷史南地区沙二9砂层组的小层精细对比和微相细分,可以将梁家楼水下扇扇中亚相进一步划分出辫状水道、辫状砂坝、“边滩”、侧缘砂坝、侧缘分支沟道、末端砂坝、冲溢扇、低阶地、高阶地等9个微相。不同微相之间的砂体粒度变化、平面发育位置都有明显的不同,尤其是其中的辫状砂坝、“边滩”、侧缘砂坝是在水下地形较平坦,坡度较小的情况下,由辫状沟道侧向迁移形成的。对水下扇扇中亚相的微相细分和重新厘定,不仅有助于对水下扇沉积过程的进一步了解,而且也将有助于油田对水下扇砂体剩余油的分布研究和开发方案的调整。   相似文献   

A dynamic mathematical model for simulation of sedimentation in meandering streams is briefly described. This is composed of component mathematical models which are formulated to predict the following aspects of the system for a given physical situation and a single time increment. (1) The characteristics of the plan form of the meander; (2) the movement of the meander in plan, and definition of cross-sections across the meander in which erosion and deposition are considered in detail; (3) the hydraulic properties of the channel in the bend and the erosional and depositional activity within the channel as defined in specific cross-sections; (4) the nature and occurrence of cut-off; (5) a relative measure of the discharge during a seasonal high water period, which is used in (3) and (4); (6) aggradation. The model, in the form of a FORTRAN IV computer program, has been used to simulate various aspects of sedimentation in meandering streams by performing a set of experiments with the program under different input conditions. The geometry of simulated point bar sediments, as controlled by channel migration over floodplains with variable sediment type, agrees broadly with the natural situation, however extensive sheets of point bar sediment cannot be simulated because large scale meander-belt movements are not accounted for. In the simulated sediments, successive surfaces of the point bar before falling stage deposition (lateral and vertical) may be picked out, and these delineate the epsilon cross-stratification of Allen (1963b). The epsilon unit thickness is that measured from bankfull stage down to the lowest channel position existing prior to deposition. The model records the characteristic fining upwards of grain sizes in the point bar, and the systematic distribution of sedimentary structures. Channel migration combined with seasonal scouring and filling across the channel section produces a characteristic relief in the basal scoured surfaces and facies boundaries (as defined by variation in grain size and sedimentary structure). A related lensing and inter-fingering of the facies may also be present. The model also records large-scale lateral changes in grain size and sedimentary structure associated with changes in the shape of developing meanders. When channel migration is combined with a constant aggradation rate the model predicts a general slope (relative to the land surface) of facies boundaries and scoured basal surfaces upward in the direction of channel movement. If aggradation sufficiently increases the thickness of fine-grained overbank material, there is a channel stabilization effect. It is shown that a complete sequence of point bar sediments capped by overbank sediments would rarely be preserved in the moving-phase situation. Such preservation only becomes likely when an aggrading section lies out of range of an eroding channel for a considerably longer time span than it takes a meander to move one half-wavelength downvalley. Deep channel scours have a higher preservation potential than contemporary shallower ones. Where appropriate field data exist the model can be used in the more accurate recognition of ancient fluviatile sediments. Inferences may be made about the erosion-deposition processes operating in the ancient channel system, and the geometry and hydraulics of the system can be alluded to. A representative application of the model to the quantitative interpretation of an ancient point bar deposit is illustrated. There is reasonable agreement between the natural and the simulated deposits, and a broad quantitative picture of the palaeoenvironment of sedimentation is obtained.  相似文献   

Little is known about controls on river avulsion at geological time scales longer than 104 years, primarily because it is difficult to link observed changes in alluvial architecture to well‐defined allogenic mechanisms and to disentangle allogenic from autogenic processes. Recognition of Milankovitch‐sale orbital forcing in alluvial stratigraphy would provide unprecedented age control in terrestrial deposits, and also exploit models of allogenic forcing enabling more rigorous testing of allocyclic and autocyclic controls. The Willwood Formation of the Bighorn Basin is a lower Eocene fluvial unit distinctive for its thick sequence of laterally extensive lithological cycles on a scale of 4 to 10 m. Intervals of red palaeosols that formed on overbank mudstones are related to periods of relative channel stability when gradients between channel belts and floodplains were low. The intervening drab, heterolithic intervals with weak palaeosol development are attributed to episodes of channel avulsion that occurred when channels became super‐elevated above the floodplain. In the Deer Creek Amphitheater section in the McCullough Peaks area, these overbank and avulsion deposits alternate with a dominant cycle thickness of ca 7·1 m. Using integrated stratigraphic age constraints, this cyclicity has an estimated period of ca 21·6 kyr, which is in the range of the period of precession climate cycles in the early Eocene. Previous analyses of three older and younger sections in the Bighorn Basin showed a similar 7 to 8 m spacing of red palaeosol clusters with an estimated duration close to the precession period. Intervals of floodplain stability alternating with episodes of large‐scale reorganization of the fluvial system could be entirely autogenic; however, the remarkable regularity and the match in time scales documented here indicate that these alternations were probably paced by allogenic, astronomically forced climate change.  相似文献   

The first sandstone unit of the Esdolomada Member of the Roda Formation (hereafter referred to as ‘Esdolomada 1’) was formed by a laterally‐migrating, shelf tidal bar. This interpretation is based on detailed mapping of the bedding surfaces on the digital terrain model of the outcrop built from light detection and ranging data and outcrop photomosaics combined with vertical measured sections. The Esdolomada 1 sandbody migrated laterally (i.e. transverse to the tidal currents) towards the south‐west along slightly inclined (1.6° to 4.6°) master bedding surfaces. The locally dominant tidal current flowed to the north‐west. This current direction is indicated by the presence of stacked sets of high‐angle (average 21°) cross‐stratification formed by dunes that migrated in this direction, apparently in an approximately coast‐parallel direction. The tidal bar contains sets and cosets of medium‐grained cross‐stratified sandstone that stack to reach a thickness of about 5·5 m. Individual cross‐bed sets average about 50 cm thick (with a range of 10 to 70 cm) and have lengths of ca 130 to 250 m in a direction perpendicular to the palaeocurrent. Set thickness decreases in the direction of migration, towards the south‐west, and the degree of bioturbation increases, so that the cross‐bedded sandstones gradually change into highly bioturbated finer‐grained and thinner‐bedded sandstones lacking any cross‐stratification. The rate of thinning of individual dune sets as they are traced down any obliquely‐accreting master surface is some 40 cm per 100 m (0·004) for the older, thicker sandstones, whereas the younger, thinner beds thin at a rate of 15 cm over 100 m (0·0015). The tidal bar has a sharp base and top and is encased in finer‐grained bioturbated, marine sandstones. The Esdolomada bar crest was oriented north‐west to south‐east, parallel to the tidal palaeocurrents and to the nearby palaeoshoreline, but built by lateral accretion towards the south‐west. Lateral outbuilding generated a flat‐topped bar with a measured width of about 1700 m, and a preserved height of 5·5 m. The bar, disconnected from a genetically related south‐westward prograding delta some 2 km to the north‐east, developed during the transgressive phase of a sedimentary cycle. The tidal bar was most probably initiated as a delta‐attached bar at the toesets of the delta front and during transgression evolved into a detached tidal bar.  相似文献   

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