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Urban growth is a significant trend in Africa. Scholarly attention and urban planning efforts have focused disproportionately on the challenges of big cities, while small and medium-sized urban settlements are growing most rapidly and house the majority of urban residents. Small towns have received some attention, but very few studies have focused on secondary cities. This paper offers a study of urban transformations, migration and residential mobility patterns in Arusha, a rapidly growing secondary city of Tanzania. Arusha functions as a major attraction for migrants and in-migration is a central dynamic shaping transformation processes in central areas characterized by high population turnovers, vibrant rental markets and widespread landlordism. There is also a considerable degree of intra-urban residential mobility within and between central areas. Intra-urban residential mobility is the most important dynamic shaping transformation processes in peripheral areas characterized by long-term urban residents moving from central parts of the city as part of a process of establishing themselves as homeowners. Overall, the paper provides crucial insights on how migration and residential mobility patterns influence processes of urban growth and transformation in the context of large secondary city, and thereby contributes to fill a significant knowledge gap on secondary cities in Africa.  相似文献   


Existing research on urban Ghana mainly focuses on processes occurring within the country’s major cities, thereby reproducing a trend within the social sciences to overlook the role of intermediate and secondary cities. This paper aims to address this shortcoming by exploring spatial and social transformations in Sekondi–Takoradi, one of Ghana’s secondary cities and the metropolitan area serving the region’s emerging rubber industries as well as the country’s oil and gas economy. Using qualitative interviews conducted with residents in five of the city’s neighbourhoods, and a modified version of Kaufmann’s typology of mobility, we examine migration into Sekondi–Takoradi, residential mobility within the city and the daily mobility of the city’s residents. The paper highlights how these diverse forms of mobility interact with processes taking place both within and outside Sekondi–Takoradi, most notably influencing and being influenced by livelihood strategies. It is argued that the city and its hinterlands can best be envisaged as a mobile networked whole, rather than consisting of disconnected and compartmentalized locales. The paper thus contributes to broader debates on how mobility shapes urbanization by providing new empirical data on events unfolding in Africa’s secondary cities, and extends existing research by providing a counter-narrative to literature that examines the city and its surrounding rural areas separately.  相似文献   

A study of a 1·5 km stretch of a perennial stream in arid northern Oman describes the physical, chemical and faunal characteristics of riffles, runs and pools. Air temperature seems to influence invertebrate recruitment. Flooding is the most important catastrophic event that alters the physical and chemical environment. Current velocity and substrate composition are also probable factors affecting the community structure. All other chemical conditions except nitrate (–N) were significantly similar in all biotopes. Three vertebrate and 33 invertebrate taxa were recorded. The low faunal diversity is a reflection of a physically controlled system.  相似文献   

The promotion and preservation of biodiversity in urban areas remains scant, especially in Asian cities. This study focuses on spatial pattern and diversity of landscape trees in compact Taipei. Aggregate species diversity of three urban habitats (streets, urban parks and riverside parks) exceeded the countryside's secondary forests. Urban parks with site heterogeneity and multiple functions accommodate the highest richness, and streets with acute site limitations the poorest represented by popular native species. More affinities exist between urban and riverside parks. Low diversity in riverside parks echoes natural site constraints and primary use for river discharge and flood control. The compact urban form has not stifled species diversity and spatial variability of urban forests. Development history and park area have no significant relationship with species diversity. Understanding species composition in urban ecosystems could frame conservation strategies to augment species richness, appropriate site selection, habit preservation and wildlife recruitment.  相似文献   

中原城市群城市竞争力的评价与时空演变   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
城市竞争能力的强弱决定着城市的兴衰.全球流动的资本、创新知识与技能、高级人才、旅游者等都是当今经济全球化趋势下城市发展的宝贵要素,这些要素的有限性使城市之间的竞争愈加激烈.以省域城市群为背景区域,研究城市竞争力的评价与时空演变,对于完善我国城市竞争力研究体系、整合城市群各城市具有重要意义.本文建立了中原城市群城市竞争力...  相似文献   

京津冀城市群协同发展的理论基础与规律性分析   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
推动京津冀城市群协同发展既是一项国家重大战略,又是一个复杂的长期博弈过程,需要遵循科学理论,尊重科学规律,推动京津冀城市群实现共同繁荣昌盛、共享蓝天白云、共担发展风险、共建世界都会的战略目标。本文从理论上提出了京津冀城市群协同发展的科学理论基础与科学规律。认为推进京津冀城市群协同发展应以协同论、博弈论、耗散结构理论和突变论作为科学理论基础,其中协同论为核心理论。京津冀城市群的协同发展过程是一个博弈、协同、突变、再博弈、再协同、再突变的非线性螺旋式上升过程,每一次博弈—协同—突变过程,都将城市群的协同发展推向更高级协同阶段,并呈现出阶段性规律。具体包括协助阶段、协作阶段、协调阶段、协合阶段、协同阶段、协振阶段、一体化阶段和同城化阶段共8大阶段。进一步分析认为,京津冀城市群协同发展的真正内涵是推动城市群实现规划协同、交通协同、产业协同、城乡协同、市场协同、科技协同、金融协同、信息协同、生态协同和环境协同,建设协同发展共同体。本文成果旨在为京津冀协同发展提供科学基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

The Wahiba Sands in northeastern Oman are bordered on the north, south and west by highlands. Remote sensing data are used to characterize the region between 19–23.5°N and 56.5–60°E by mapping surface and near-surface drainage, faults and fractures and aeolian features. It is suggested that the sands were originally deposited with surface runoff from the principal wadis and fluvially reworked fault zones, which define the northeastern and southwestern margins. These fluvial processes resulted in the accumulation of the vast groundwater resources now stored there. During dry climates, wind became the principal modification regime and it began to sort and shape the sediments into the dune forms that characterize today's Wahiba region. The thickness of the sands reflects the depth of the basin in which they lie. The center of the basin is filled with the thickest sand (the High Sands) and contains the highest groundwater concentrations. Presently, aeolian reworking dominates in the Wahiba region, although the Low and the Peripheral Sands continue to experience some fluvial action from occasional, seasonal rainfall. Even though dry conditions dominate today, it is clear that similar to the Sahara of North Africa, the surface sands of the Wahiba basin are indicators of groundwater occurrence.  相似文献   

In recent years urban geographers have devoted considerable attention to the dynamics of policy mobility. After reviewing the progress achieved in this literature, in this article I offer two distinctive contributions. First, I draw on the “argumentative turn” in policy studies and related fields in order to develop an alternative conceptualization of urban policy mobility that pays greater attention to its discursive and argumentative aspects. I thus reassert the significance of democratic processes in the negotiation of urban policy. Second, I outline an alternative methodology for the study of urban policy mobility, focusing on the analysis of argumentation. I apply this methodology to historical instances of urban policy mobilities arising from a recent research project that aimed to historicize the phenomenon of the “model city,” defined as the local deployment of another city’s experience as an argumentative resource supporting particular policy claims.  相似文献   

Fault throw gradients create transverse folding, and this can influence accommodation creation and sedimentary routing and infill patterns in extensional half-graben basin. The Fanja half-graben basin (Oman) offers an excellent outcrop of an alluvial fan succession displaying cyclical stacking and basin-scale growth-fold patterns. These unique conditions allow for an investigation of fault-timing and accommodation development related to fault-transverse folding. Our study combines geological mapping, structural analysis, sedimentary logging and correlation, and bulk mineralogical compositions. Mapping reveals that the basin is bounded by a regional-scale fault, with local depocentres changing position in response to transverse syncline and anticline development ascribed to fault-displacement gradients. The alluvial Qahlah Formation (Late Cretaceous) is unconformably overlying the Semail Ophiolite, and is in turn overlain by the marine Jafnayn Formation (Late Palaeocene). Facies and stratigraphic analysis allows for subdivision of the Qahlah Formation into four informal units, from base to top: (i) laterite in topographic depressions of the ophiolite, (ii) greenish pebbly sandstones, deriving from axially draining braided streams deposited in the low-relief half-graben basin. This green Qahlah grades vertically into the red Qahlah, formed by alluvial fanglomerates and floodplain mudstones, with drainage patterns changing from fault-transverse to fault-parallel with increasing distance to the main fault. The red Qahlah can be divided into (iii) the Wadi al Theepa member, found in a western basin depocentre, with higher immaturity and sand: mud ratio, suggesting a more proximal source, and (iv) the Al Batah member, located in the eastern part of the basin. The latter shows better sorting, a lower sand: mud ratio, and more prominent graded sub-units. It also shows eastward expansion from an orthogonal monocline, ascribed to accommodation developed in a relay ramp. Changes in sedimentary facies and depositional patterns are consistent with differential mineralogical composition. The Green Qahlah is composed of quartz and lithic mafic rock fragments, sourced from the ophiolite and schists of the metamorphic basement. The Red Qahlah is composed of chert and kaolinite sourced from the Hawasina Nappe succession in the footwall of the master fault. These changes in source area are linked to unroofing of fault-footwalls and domal structures during the extensional collapse of the Semail Ophiolite. The novelty of this study resides in linking sedimentology and fault-displacement events controlling fault-perpendicular folding, and its influence on depocentre generation and stratigraphic architecture. This is an approach seldom considered in seismic analysis, and rarely analysed in outcrop studies, thus placing the results from this study among the key outcrop-based contributions to the field.  相似文献   

In view of the significance of agricultural commercialization for rural development, this study analyzed factors determining agricultural commercialization and mechanization in the hinterland of an urban centre in Morang district, Nepal. Information needed for the study was collected through a questionnaire survey, covering 120 farm households, and group discussion and key informant interviews. The regression analysis of determinants of agricultural commercialization revealed four significant variables, namely, the amount of inorganic fertilizer used, area under tractor-ploughing, area under pump-set irrigation and landholding size. The predicted R value of 0.87, R square of 0.75, and adjusted R square of 0.75 indicate the high explanatory power of the model as a whole. The regression model related to the area under pump-set irrigation predicted the degree of agricultural commercialization and the distance from the city as significantly influencing factors, with a predicted R value of 0.79, R square of 0.63, and adjusted R square of 0.62. The analysis of determinants of the area under tractor-ploughing found only the degree of commercialization as a significantly influencing factor, with a predicted R value of 0.77, R square of 0.59, and adjusted R square of 0.58. In both instances of farm mechanization, the degree of commercialization is the most influential factor, indicating the significant role of mechanization in agricultural commercialization. The major policy implications of the findings of the study are outlined.  相似文献   

基于公路客流的中国城市网络结构与空间组织模式   总被引:24,自引:8,他引:24  
多视角和多尺度城市网络逐渐成为认识空间关系的主要途径。公路流数据具有显著的空间依赖性和距离衰减特性,对于刻画区域尺度空间关系具有重要意义。基于全国地级行政单元间的公路客运流,论文尝试刻画中国城市网络功能结构和区域效应,并对其空间组织模式进行特征提取和规律挖掘,以期能够为城市网络研究提供新的方法支撑和认知视角。研究结果表明:① 基于公路流的城市网络空间形态表现出强烈的空间依赖性和层级特征,与中国主要城市群分布存在较大程度的空间耦合,更多体现的是区域尺度的空间关系及核心—外围组合关系;② 通过社区发现算法识别出19个城市经济区,其空间内涵主要包括行政区经济、巨型区域溢出效应和核心—边缘结构等;③ 不同地域系统内城市网络自成体系,表现出显著的空间依赖性和多元的空间组织模式,多层次、流动性和网络化的地域系统格局凸显;④ 从空间形态上看,区域城市网络空间结构大致可划分为单中心结构、双核心结构、多中心结构和低水平均势结构等区域关联形态,并以单中心发育模式为主。  相似文献   

庄元  薛东前  王剑 《干旱区地理》2017,40(2):276-283
基于2000 年、2008 年和2015 年landsat5 TM影像和Landsat8 OLI影像,以单窗算法反演地表温度,研究包头市区近15 a 的城市热岛时空分布及演变特征,并对下垫面土地利用/覆盖类型、 NDVI 与城市热岛的关系进行了定量分析。研究结论表明:包头城市热岛15 a 来呈逐步扩展趋势,且主要集中于裸地区、工矿区、商业和人口密集区三类区域,空间演变趋势与城市扩张格局呈现出高度的一致性;城市热岛效应强度增强,但2008-2015 年以来,市中心区高温区面积比重大大降低;下垫面土地利用/覆盖类型是影响城市热岛空间分布的重要因子,地表温度呈现出裸地>工矿用地>建设用地>城市绿地>农用地>水体的规律;地表温度与 NDVI 呈现显著的负相关关系,即植被指数越高,城市的地表温度越低。  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal patterns of urban growth can help identify impacts of urbanization, assess conceptual models of that growth, help predict future change, and inform associated urban management policies. Using multi-temporal spatial data (1938-2014), we categorized the newly urbanized area in Treasure Valley, Idaho into four urban growth forms and six urban land use classes. A time series analysis of new development revealed the existence of decadal-scale variability of urbanization at various levels of urban land use. Alternating dominance of dispersion and compaction processes were observed at the urban patch level. A similar periodicity was observed between edge-expansion and infill in terms of growth forms, and between residential and commercial development at the land use level. Our observations also indicate that recent urban densification is occurring in the Treasure Valley, similar to some other metropolitan regions in the United States.  相似文献   

The use of multi-perspective and multi-scalar city networks has gradually developed into a range of critical approaches to understand spatial interactions and linkages. In particular, road linkages represent key characteristics of spatial dependence and distance decay, and are of great significance in depicting spatial relationships at the regional scale. Therefore, based on highway passenger flow data between prefecture-level administrative units, this paper attempted to identify the functional structures and regional impacts of city networks in China, and to further explore the spatial organization patterns of the existing functional regions, aiming to deepen our understanding of city network structures and to provide new cognitive perspectives for ongoing research. The research results lead to four key conclusions. First, city networks that are based on highway flows exhibit strong spatial dependence and hierarchical characteristics, to a large extent spatially coupled with the distributions of major megaregions in China. These phenomena are a reflection of spatial relationships at regional scales as well as core-periphery structure. Second, 19 communities that belong to an important type of spatial configuration are identified through community detection algorithm, and we suggest they are correspondingly urban economic regions within urban China. Their spatial metaphors include the administrative region economy, spatial spillover effects of megaregions, and core-periphery structure. Third, each community possesses a specific city network system and exhibits strong spatial dependence and various spatial organization patterns. Regional patterns have emerged as the result of multi-level, dynamic, and networked characteristics. Fourth, adopting a morphology-based perspective, the regional city network systems can be basically divided into monocentric, dual-nuclei, polycentric, and low-level equilibration spatial structures, while most are developing monocentrically.  相似文献   

The effect of climatic changes on human comfort levels was investigated through examination and statistical analysis of long-term trends in human discomfort during summer months in the desert city of Beer Sheva, Israel and in the adjacent rural area of Wadi Hatzerim. In an era of global warming, the urban warming effect is likely to be amplified and as a result increase human discomfort, especially during summer.Climate data for the city of Beer Sheva over the last 40 years shows an increase of temperature and air humidity in comparison to the surrounding rural area. Wind velocity data for Wadi Hatzerim show that changes are inconstant and not significant, while in Beer Sheva, wind velocity is significantly reduced. Two indices – the Discomfort Index (DI) and Physiological Equivalent Air temperature (PET) – were used to evaluate the effect of these climatic changes on human discomfort. Although the bio-meteorological indices showed the same tendency of increasing heat stress values and duration, in Beer Sheva they were more pronounced and more significant than in the desert environment. The study concludes that these combined climatic effects negatively impact human comfort and are more noticeable in desert cities at peak daytime hours during summer.  相似文献   

城市地理分形研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:57,自引:7,他引:57  
刘继生  陈彦光 《地理科学》2000,20(2):166-171
简要地回顾了城市地理学的分形研究历程,重点介绍了国内分形城市和城市体系的研究成果,对比了中外有关研究的异同,指出了存在的问题和未来的发展方向,论述了城市地理分形研究的意义和前景。  相似文献   

Delhi, the worlds' second most populous city, has experienced rapid, planned and unplanned expansion at the cost of its green cover in recent decades. In this study, we use satellite images from 1986, 1999 and 2010 to map changes in urban and green cover, assess the fragmentation of green spaces, and identify the drivers of change. We find that urban patterns of development have shaped the distribution and fragmentation of green spaces, with the city center containing more green spaces with less fragmentation compared to intermediate areas and the peri-urban periphery. Yet, the city core has also experienced the greatest degree of vegetation clearing and fragmentation over time due to infrastructural expansion, while the peri-urban periphery has shown an increase in vegetation and a decrease in fragmentation due to recent compensatory plantation in these peripheral areas. Forests, archaeological sites, and military and academic campuses have played a major role in protecting green cover and limiting fragmentation in the core and intermediate areas of the city. This research helps in advancing our understanding of the pattern–process relationship between urbanization and land cover change/fragmentation in India's largest city.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of grazing on vegetation composition on the Arabian Peninsula. The aim of this study therefore was to analyse the vegetation response to environmental conditions of open woodlands along an altitudinal and a grazing gradient in the Jabal al Akhdar mountain range of Oman. The species composition, vegetation structure, grazing damage and several environmental variables were investigated for 62 samples using a nested plot design. Classification analysis and a Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) were used to define vegetation types and to identify underlying environmental gradients. The relationship between environmental variables and diversity was analysed using correlation coefficients and a main-effects ANOVA. The plant species richness followed a unimodal distribution along the altitudinal gradient with the highest number of species at the intermediate altitudinal belt. The cluster analysis led to five vegetation groups: The Sideroxylon mascatenseDodonaea viscosa group on grazed and the Olea europaeaFingerhuthia africana group on ungrazed plateau sites at 2000 m a.s.l., the Ziziphus spina-christiNerium oleander group at wadi sites and the Moringa peregrinaPteropyrum scoparium group at 1200 m a.s.l, and the Acacia gerrardiiLeucas inflata group at 1700 m a.s.l. The CVA indicated a clear distinction of the groups obtained by the agglomerative cluster analysis. The landform, altitude and grazing intensity were found to be the most important variables distinguishing between clusters. Overgrazing of the studied rangeland is an increasing environmental problem, whereas the plant composition at ungrazed sites pointed to a relatively fast and high regeneration potential of the local vegetation.  相似文献   

肖宝玉  朱宇  林李月 《地理研究》2020,39(12):2796-2807
基于2017年流动人口动态监测数据,选取福厦泉城市群,构建融入-隔离对比的指标体系,探讨了流动人口在流入地的主观社会融合及其影响因素。研究发现:① 流动人口在流入地的主观社会融合程度较高,但融入与隔离并存,且以融入为主。② 流动人口主观社会融合受流迁模式、社会网络、生计资本、制度政策和人口特征等因素综合影响:宏观上基本公共服务均等化能显著地增强融入、削弱隔离,淡化了户籍制度造成的融入障碍;中观上在流入地加强社会交往和积极参加组织活动、改善住房和提高收入确实有助于流动人口在流入地增强融入、减弱隔离,但基于流出地方向的土地预期收益、家庭困难及乡土依恋等主客观因素则增强了流动人口在流入地的主观隔离、削弱了主观融入;微观上近距离、长时段和家庭化迁移的流动人口主观融入程度较高,受教育程度的提高有助于流动人口削弱主观隔离,更好地融入流入地。研究认为应促进流动人口客观融合并使其与主观融合相匹配,改变以流动人口融入当前流入地实现市民化的单向思维,统筹考虑流入地与流出地的双向影响,将流动人口市民化工作重心由落户转向基本公共服务的无差别覆盖,实现流动人口从主观“愿意”到客观“能够”的社会融合。  相似文献   

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