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Diverse radiolarians (over 70 species) are detected in cherty rocks above the bituminous shale horizon, the marker of anoxic event OAE-2 recorded across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the upper part of the Ananuri Formation of flyschoid deposits, the Lazarevskoe area of the western Caucasus. The radiolarian assemblages studied are comparable in composition with radiolarians from concurrent Cenomanian-Turonian boundary strata in other Mediterranean regions (e.g., in the Crimea and Turkey). The lower radiolarian assemblage includes index species Dactyliosphaera silviae of synonymous Cenomanian zone. Alievium superbum present in the upper assemblage is index species of the relevant Turonian zone. Within the studied flyschoid sequence, sediments indicative of the above event (bituminous shales and cherts) are confined to upper elements of flysch rhythms.  相似文献   

The middle Cenomanian–lower Turonian deposits of Ohaba-Ponor section (Southern Carpathians) were studied from biostratigraphic and isotopic points of view. Both the qualitative and semiquantitative nannofloral analyses, as well as the stable isotope (δ13C and δ18O) data support significant palaeoenvironmental changes in the investigated interval. Two δ13C positive excursions were recognized: (1) an excursion up to 1.8‰ (PDB) within the middle/late Cenomanian boundary; (2) an excursion up to 2.2‰ (PDB) in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval. The oldest δ13C positive excursion recorded (placed within the Acanthoceras jukes-brownei/Eucalycoceras pentagonum Ammonite Zone boundary interval, and in the NC11 Calcareous Nannofossil Zone respectively) could be assigned to the middle Cenomanian Event II (MCEII). During the above-mentioned event, significant increase in abundance of Watznaueria barnesae, followed by successive blooms of Biscutum constans and Eprolithus floralis, were observed. The youngest δ13C positive excursion was identified in the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval (in the NC12 and lower part of the NC13 Calcareous Nannofossil Zones). Even the amplitude of this δ13C positive excursion is lower in the Ohaba-Ponor section, as generally reported, this may represent the regional record of the OAE2. The successive peaks of the nannofossils Biscutum constans, Zeugrhabdotus erectus and Eprolithus floralis indicate episodes of cooler surface water and high fertility, which preceded and lasted the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary event. Additionally, fluctuations of δ18O values between −2 and −6‰ suggest also cooler conditions within the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary interval.  相似文献   

Integrated biostratigraphic (planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils), chemostratigraphic (bulk C and O isotopes) and compound-specific organic geochemical studies of a mid-Cretaceous pelagic carbonate—black shale succession of the Ionian Zone (western Greece), provide the first evidence for the Cenomanian–Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2, ‘Bonarelli’ event) in mainland Greece. The event is manifested by the occurrence of a relatively thin (35 cm), yet exceptionally organic carbon-rich (44.5 wt% TOC), carbonate-free black shale, near the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary within the Vigla limestone formation (Berriasian–Turonian). Compared to the ‘Bonarelli’ black-shale interval from the type locality of OAE2 in Marche–Umbria, Italy, this black shale exhibits greatly reduced stratigraphic thickness, coupled with a considerable relative enrichment in TOC. Isotopically, enriched δ13C values for both bulk organic matter (−22.2‰) and specific organic compounds are up to 5‰ higher than those of underlying organic-rich strata of the Aptian-lower Albian Vigla Shale member, and thus compare very well with similar values of Cenomanian–Turonian black shale occurrences elsewhere. The relative predominance of bacterial hopanoids in the saturated, apolar lipid fraction of the OAE2 black shale of the Ionian Zone supports recent findings suggesting the abundance of N2-fixing cyanobacteria in Cretaceous oceans during the Cenomanian–Turonian and early Aptian oceanic anoxic events.  相似文献   

The Wadi Daya Formation, or the Calcaires crayeux of the older literature, attains a thickness of 10–40 m in the Talerhza Basin of the South Riffian Ridges. Previously, this unit was first dated as “Vraconian” (i.e., late upper Albian), but then reinterpreted as Cenomanian-Turonian and Cenomanian-Coniacian on the basis of foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages, respectively. Here, we record for the first time in the South Riffian Ridges, some typically Turonian ammonoids and a nautiloid species, namely Romaniceras (Yubariceras) cf. ornatissimum (Stoliczka), Spathites (Jeanrogericeras) cf. reveliereanus (Courtiller), Neoptychites cephalotus (Courtiller), Pachydesmoceras linderi (de Grossouvre), Lewesiceras peramplum (Mantell) and Angulithes galea (Fritsch, in Fritsch & Schlönbach). These species are herein described and illustrated. In view of these data, the underlying Marnes et marno-calcaires jaunes Formation, formerly dated as “Vraconian”, could in fact be of a middle to late Cenomanian date, in accordance with the age assignment based on planktonic foraminifera. Deposition of the overlying Marnes jaunes Formation, previously dated as Cenomanian-“Senonian”, probably started during the latest Turonian or earliest Coniacian.  相似文献   

Hard inorganic substrates (rock clasts and rocky bottom) belonging to the Ka k Member of the Korycany Formation (upper Cenomanian–?lower Turonian) and to the Bílá Hora Formation (lower Turonian) have offered a good opportunity for the study of encrusting faunas of the Cenomanian–Turonian boundary interval. Distributional features of cemented epibionts and the recorded period of phosphogenesis enabled the differentiation of two-phases in the Ka k Member conglomerate formation. During the first phase, the rock substrates were occupied by a so-called A-association of encrusters (29 species, with dominance of oysters and bryozoans). This fauna partly changed during the subsequent phosphogenic period and not only survived the following period of reworking and the second phase of conglomerate formation, but also persisted until the onset of calmer sedimentation in the early Turonian. This changed community is named theAtreta-Bdelloidinacommunity (23 species). The opportunistic agglutinated foraminifersBdelloidina cribrosaand/orAcruliammina longalocally dominated the respective communities during several physico-chemically stressed episodes. On sloping substrates, the bivalvesAtretaandSpondylusattached themselves in a preferred orientation (so-called slope orientation). This feature indicates the original position in which some mobile substrates were colonized. Other questions, such as the taphonomy of encrusters and the character of their substrates are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, the currently accepted correlation of the Early Pleistocene Ludhamian stage of England with the Tiglian‐A sub‐stage of the Netherlands is challenged. Recent investigations of Early Pleistocene marine North Sea deposits from a borehole near Noordwijk (the Netherlands) yielded evidence from molluscs, dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs for an alternation of warm‐temperate and arctic intervals within the Praetiglian and Tiglian stages. Marine equivalents of the terrestrial‐based pollen sub‐stages Tiglian A and B have been recognised in the upper part of the sequence. A Praetiglian age can be assigned to the lower part of the sequence on the basis of mollusc analysis. Within the Praetiglian, an alternation of warm and cold phases has been recognised from both the dinoflagellate cyst and molluscan records. Three cold phases within the Praetiglian are tentatively correlated with marine isotope stages (MIS) 96–100. The molluscan assemblages provide evidence for climate forcing of the sea level: highest sea levels are reached in the warm‐temperate intervals. Within the Praetiglian, an interval with an acme zone of the dinoflagellate cyst Impagidinium multiplexum, is correlated with the Ludhamian and tentatively linked to MIS 97 and/or MIS 96. The cold molluscan assemblages from the Noordwijk borehole include an acme zone of Megayoldia thraciaeformis, the first and only occurrence of this North Pacific bivalve in the North Sea Basin. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Calcareous nannofossil assemblages at Site 641C (Galicia Margin, North Atlantic) were investigated in order to determine changes in fertility and temperature of surface waters. Taxa such as Zeughrabdotus spp. <3.5 μm, Biscutum constans, Discorhabdus rotatorius and Diazomatolithus lehmanii, which thrived in higher fertility conditions, are particularly abundant across the CM0 interval as opposed to those with oligotrophic affinities such as Watznaueria spp. and Nannoconus spp., which are generally reduced in abundance. The abundances of nannoconids are much lower than those observed in Tethyan sections, indicating higher fertility conditions. Slumpings and low recovery prevent the identification of the onset of the “nannoconid crisis”, but a sharp drop in nannoconid abundances, observed prior to the CM0 interval, correlates with the “nannoconid decline” observed in several Tethys sections.The normalized ratio between low and high fertility taxa (Fertility Index) was used to characterize the nannofossil assemblages in terms of productivity changes. The highest values of the Fertility Index were observed across magnetic chron CM0. The paucity of cold water taxa such as Seribiscutum spp. and Repagulum parvidentatum suggests warm water conditions throughout the deposition of upper Barremian–lower Aptian sediments on the Galicia Margin.  相似文献   

The marine Oligo-Miocene units of western Taurides, deposited under different tectonic regimes (in Bey Da?lar? platform in foreland and coeval sequences in hinterland), were studied to establish a high-resolution biostratigraphic framework. Biometric study of the full spectrum of larger foraminifera in a regional scale allowed us correlating them with the shallow benthic zonation (SBZ) system introduced by [Cahuzac, B., Poignant, A., 1997. Essai de biozonation de l’Oligo-Miocène dans les bassins européens à l’aide des grands foraminifères néritiques. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 168, 155–169], and to determine the ages of these sites on zonal precision for the first time. In correlating these assemblages to standard shallow benthic zones, planktonic data were also used whenever possible. Taxa, classified under the genera Nummulites, Miogypsina, Miolepidocyclina, Nephrolepidina, Eulepidina, Heterostegina, Operculina and Cycloclypeus (?) and their assemblages, closely resemble to the fauna described from European basins. These groups characterize the SBZ 22B to 25 zones referring to a time interval from early Chattian to Burdigalian. However, a main gap in late Chattian (SBZ 23) and in early part of the Aquitanian (SBZ 24) is also recorded in the platform succession. In the meantime, rare Eulepidina in the Burdigalian levels suggest a clear Indo-Pacific influence. Based on the discovery of early Chattian (SBZ 22B) deposits (previously mapped under Eocene/Miocene units), the Oligo-Miocene stratigraphy of the Bey Da?lar? platform is also revised. A more precise chronology for regional Miocene transgression is presented based on the miogypsinid evolutionary scale.  相似文献   

For the first time, ichthyoliths are described from the Santos sedimentary basin, offshore southern Brazil. Isolated teeth, dermal scales and the first documented otoliths from Cretaceous (Albian) to Recent cuttings from five wells are described. The following groups are represented: Chondrichthyans: Triakidae, Carcharhinidae; Ginglymostomatidae: ?Ginglymostoma sp., Lamnidae indet., Scyliorhinidae; Osteichthyans: Teleostei; Myctophiidae: Diaphus aff. splendidus sp. complex, Diaphus spp., Diaphus cf. garmani, Ceratoscopelus aff. warmingii; Sternoptychidae: Valenciennellus tripunctulatus, teeth of indeterminate Teleostei. The majority of these ichthyofossils represent extant forms, known to occur in the Atlantic Ocean, and are of potential value for stratigraphical correlations between oil‐yielding basins in the region. Ostracods are not well preserved but can be identified to generic level indicating marine environments. The ostracod faunas offer potential for intrabasinal correlation in the Eocene and Oligocene. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

沉积于北美西部白垩纪内陆海盆的Niobrara组,是一套以白垩,白垩质灰岩,以及钙质页岩为主的海相沉积,其中自垩的主要组分为颗石藻及其它钙质超微化石。通过对Kansas州西部和South Dakota州东部四条剖面中Niobrara组的岩性,沉积物厚度,及钙质超微化石的研究,证明北美西部内陆海盆的沉积环境及水体温度在Niobrara组沉积时期因地而异。在Niobrara组沉积初期,海盆内的水体温度为北冷南暖,其后,至少在位于Kansas西部海域的海水温度呈与时逐渐降低趋势。钙质超微化石有关属种在盆地内的分布差异,进一步说明海水变冷的直接原因源自北极海域水体的缓慢南浸。  相似文献   

Based on a detailed sedimentological analysis of Lower Triassic continental deposits in the western Germanic sag Basin (i.e. the eastern part of the present‐day Paris Basin: the ‘Conglomérat basal’, ‘Grès vosgien’ and ‘Conglomérat principal’ Formations), three main depositional environments were identified: (i) braided rivers in an arid alluvial plain with some preserved aeolian dunes and very few floodplain deposits; (ii) marginal erg (i.e. braided rivers, aeolian dunes and aeolian sand‐sheets); and (iii) playa lake (an ephemeral lake environment with fluvial and aeolian sediments). Most of the time, aeolian deposits in arid environments that are dominated by fluvial systems are poorly preserved and particular attention should be paid to any sedimentological marker of aridity, such as wind‐worn pebbles (ventifacts), sand‐drift surfaces and aeolian sand‐sheets. In such arid continental environments, stratigraphic surfaces of allocyclic origin correspond to bounding surfaces of regional extension. Elementary stratigraphic cycles, i.e. the genetic units, have been identified for the three main continental environments: the fluvial type, fluvial–aeolian type and fluvial/playa lake type. At the time scale of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, these high‐frequency cycles of climatic origin are controlled either by the groundwater level in the basin or by the fluvial siliciclastic sediment input supplied from the highland. Lower Triassic deposits from the Germanic Basin are preserved mostly in endoreic basins. The central part of the basin is arid but the rivers are supplied with water by precipitation falling on the remnants of the Hercynian (Variscan)–Appalachian Mountains. Consequently, a detailed study of alluvial plain facies provides indications of local climatic conditions in the place of deposition, whereas fluvial systems only reflect climatic conditions of the upstream erosional catchments.  相似文献   

北美西部内陆海盆上白垩统Niobrara组中的钙质超微化石十分丰富,且多保存良好,呈现典型的晚白垩世远洋钙质超微化石组合面貌,经系统鉴定,计有60属100余种和亚种。为适应不同的环境,Kansas西部和South Dakota东部的钙质超微化石组合面貌稍有不同。经与白垩纪颗石藻化石带对比,可将Kansas西部的Niobrara组划分为6个化石带(CC13~CC18)和8个亚带,其中,根据本文研究地区的化石序列,CC15和CC16带被进一步划分。根据与同一剖面所建立的无脊椎动物化石带对比,钙质超微化石CC17带的时代被重新厘定,即该带应始于中Santonian的晚期,结束于晚Santonian的早期,并据此将Santoniatr/Campanian的界线划在CC18带之内。  相似文献   

The Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform (ADCP) was one of the largest and relatively well preserved Mesozoic platforms in the Mediterranean region (central Tethys). The peninsula Istria, in the northwestern part of the ADCP, is built up predominantly of shallow-water carbonates of the Middle Jurassic (Dogger) to Eocene age and, to a lesser extent, of Paleogene clastic deposits (flysch and calcareous breccia). This study focuses on a Lower Cretaceous (Barremian to Albian) succession of strata at five localities in western Istria. Stratigraphic determinations are based on identification of nine microfossil assemblages (benthic foraminifera and calcareous algae Dasycladales) and on using their taxa as index fossils. The age of strata with these microfossil assemblages, however, is questionable. Most of the age uncertainties are associated with a regional emersion, which occurred on the ADCP during the Aptian or close to the Aptian-Albian transition. It is unclear what portions of the Upper Aptian and/or Lower Albian are missing along this unconformity. A stable isotope study was conducted on homogenous micritic matrix samples in an attempt to resolve some of these uncertainties. Variations in carbon isotope compositions proved useful for stratigraphic correlation between the examined successions of strata, for improving their age determination, and for relating them to other coeval successions that span an important time interval of major oceanographic changes and carbon-cycle perturbations associated with the Early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE 1a).  相似文献   

K–Ar dating was applied on authigenic potassic minerals which are abundant in sandstones from the south of the Sanfranciscana Basin, Western Minas Gerais State, central Brazil. The Quintinos Member fluvial sandstones (Três Barras Formation, Areado Group) contain significant amounts of authigenic K‐feldspar as microcrystals of adularia and sanidine habits. The ages of these microcrystals cluster into three groups: 106.1 ± 2.2, 89.9 ± 1.9 and 88.8 ± 1.8 Ma (from Albian to Coniacian). The older age of 106.1 ± 2.2 Ma was obtained from the coarse fraction analysed (10–20 µm) that can contain a mixture of detrital potassic minerals (K‐feldspar, muscovite, biotite and illite) and different authigenesis of K‐feldspar (overgrowths and microcrystals). Thus, only the younger ages were interpreted as precipitation of K‐feldspar microcrystals during the Late Cretaceous into the Quintinos Member sandstones. Moreover, these ages can document the formation of microcrystals within a few million years after deposition of the sandstones. The ages of authigenic illite from the Capacete Formation epiclastic sandstones (Mata da Corda Group) range from 88.5 ± 1.9 to 71.5 ± 1.9 Ma (Coniacian–Campanian). These results suggest the timing of the illitization event in these sandstones as well as a synchrony with K‐feldspar authigenesis in the Quintinos Member sandstones. These results are well constrained and are in agreement with stratigraphic, biostratigraphic and radiometric ages previously reported for the Sanfranciscana Basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

藏北双湖县巴岭乡地区出露一套深水相黑色页岩地层,包括下侏罗统曲色组和中侏罗统色哇组二个组地层单元。根据菊石化石控制的生物地层时代,下伏曲色组划归Pliensbachian-Toarcian 阶,上覆色哇组级代表Aalenian-Bajocian 期沉积,二者之间为连续沉积,是目前西藏特提斯域菊石化石控制程度最高的中下侏罗统地层。野外实测了索布查J2/J1界线剖面,按2m间距采集了148件样品,室内开展了无机碳(δ13Ccarb)和有机碳(δ13Ckero)分析,目的是揭示早侏罗世末期到中侏罗世初期这一时段的古海洋演化过程。研究结果表明,曲色组沉积期古海水δ13CDIC偏正,而色哇组δ13CDIC偏负,J2/J1界线上下δ13Ccarb值显示阶步式负向偏移的特点。根据相关分馏方程计算,Toarcian期海洋浮游植物繁盛,δ13CDIC偏正,海水营养盐NO3浓度偏低,而Aalenian期海洋浮游植物衰减,δ13CDIC偏低,NO3浓度升高。沉积有机质或干酪根碳同位素δ13Ckero在J2/J1界线上下与δ13Ccarb变化趋势一致,也具有由高值逐渐偏低的特点,但δ13Ccarb和δ13Ckero变化曲线的波峰和波谷并不同步,这是因为海源和陆源有机质相对含量高低变化所致。文中根据碳同位素质量平衡方程,定量的描述了索布查界线剖面陆源和海源有机质比例的变化过程,讨论了曲色组和色哇组烃源岩在油气勘探中的意义。  相似文献   

The island of Lampedusa lies on the northern edge of the African continental shelf, but during some Quaternary marine lowstands it was joined to the African continent. The study and dating of the aeolian, alluvial, detrital sediments, calcareous crusts and speleothems have established that the climatic–environmental variations recorded on the island can be related chronologically to those known for northern Libya, Tunisia and the Italian peninsula. During the Last Glacial Maximum, phases of Saharan dust accumulation on Lampedusa occurred, and were coeval with dust accumulation in crater lakes and on high mountains in central‐southern Italy, and with phases of glacial advance in the Apennines and in the Alps. During the late Holocene, accumulation of Saharan dust on Lampedusa occurred but there was little accumulation of dust on the northern side of the Mediterranean Sea. With the new data from Lampedusa, it is possible to envisage two different scenarios of atmospheric circulation relating to the Last Glacial Maximum and to the late Holocene. During the Last Glacial Maximum, southerly atmospheric circulation brought rainfall to the southern slopes of the Alps and to the Apennines. During the late Holocene, a prevalent westerly atmospheric circulation became established in the northern Mediterranean. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The presence of oil shows associated with fractures provides a significant opportunity to a) unravel the type, origin and evolution of fluids involved in fracture-fills, and b) examine how they relate to oil migration. Two stages of calcite cement (C1 and C2) were distinguished in the fractures of the Eocene Armàncies platform carbonates; C1 is characterised by fence-like crystals, exhibits dull red luminescence and contains abundant twin planes, inclusions and δ18O values that range from − 6.2‰ to − 4.8‰ VPDB. C2 consists of blocky clean crystals, is characterized by dark brown-red luminescence that alternates with yellow bands, and contains hydrocarbon fluid inclusions with homogenisation temperatures of approximately 120 °C. δ18O values range from − 9.6‰ to − 8.9‰ VPDB. The remaining porosity after C2 precipitation is filled with liquid oil that reached 115 °C. This would seem to indicate that free oil and fluid inclusions oil probably come from the same migration pulse. Oil migration timing was coeval with C2 and continued after calcite cementation was completed.  相似文献   

Trace elements together with some O and C isotope analysis were undertaken on duricrust strandline deposits in the palaeo-Makgadikgadi sub-basin (PMSB) to provide insight into palaeo-climatic conditions through the interpretation of calcrete, silcrete–calcrete intergrade and silcrete deposits. Trace element content and relative abundance suggest that the duricrust origins are associated with the long-term weathering of the Karoo Large Igneous Province which underlies the PMSB. This work shows that duricrust origins are related to Ca2+ and Si (and associated trace elements) being transported mainly through the groundwater and then subsequently precipitated at different strandline elevations over time. Local groundwater feeding in towards the pan margin and accumulating in near-neutral pan-marginal pools, appears to facilitate Si concentration and permeation of pre-existing calcretes. The silica precipitates as the pH drops when renewed freshwater enters the pools. Hence the inferred palaeo-climatic regime for silcretisation may be similar to that occurring in Botswana at present being dry semi-arid with low seasonal rainfall. In contrast the extensive calcrete precipitation in the strandlines results from abundant Ca2+ in adjacent waters which appear to be derived from both local and regional sources. The arrival of Ca2+ from regional sources (shown by trace element evidence) infers heavy rainfall in the upper catchment suggesting a major humid event followed by regional drying. Palaeo-climatic inferences suggest the juxtaposition of major humid events interspersed with more normal semi-arid palaeo-climates with an exception obtained from isotope data, of drier and cooler conditions than usual for the region around 80–90 000 years ago. Whereas trace element data can greatly assist in the interpretation of complex deposits such as duricrusts, care should be taken over the use of particular ratios (such as Yb/Gd ratio) which may produce spurious results.  相似文献   

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