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王韬  刘云刚 《地理科学进展》2022,41(6):1097-1108
地图是地理学的基本语言,也是空间分析必不可少的工具。但长期以来,地图一直被视为一种客观中立的科学成果。受批判地理学的启发,批判制图学/GIS应运而生,其目标是阐明制图实践中所嵌入的话语、权力关系,挑战地图表征中未经检验却被认为是理所当然的假设。经历40余年的争论与磨合,这一研究领域初现轮廓,批判制图学/GIS大致形成2个研究方向:解构路径主要从制图主体身份和地图知识生产过程2个方面出发,分别剖析制图术与国家治理密不可分的联系及其内在的权力作用机制;建构路径主要借助协作制图和反制图手段以实现地图数据的再生产。国内批判制图学/GIS研究刚刚起步,需要继续吸收批判地理学成果,开展不同历史时期、不同类型地图的解构研究,也需要加强建构路径与解构路径的深度弥合,并面向公众开展更加开放、公正的地图应用研究,将研究成果积极应用于社会实践。  相似文献   

李凡  朱竑  黄维 《地理科学》2009,29(6):929-937
明以来佛山逐渐形成八图土著宗族文化景观和侨寓宗族文化景观并存的格局,对佛山城市空间发展产生影响。通过从古地图和文献中提取历史时期基本空间数据和祠堂等文化景观地理信息,建立佛山历史GIS数据库。以此为基础,通过景观复原、地图再现、空间分析和景观分析等方法,以祠堂景观为视角,解读明至民国初期佛山宗族文化景观时空演变及其所意涵的社会文化空间意义。结果表明:①宋元时期祠堂主要集中在佛山南部大塘涌沿岸,反映出宋代涌入佛山的移民早期多定居在南部;②明代佛山镇祠堂数量急增,表现出聚落空间由南部向中部扩展的趋势,祠堂景观基本形成了以南部的锦澜、东头、栅下铺和中部的祖庙、黄伞铺为中心的空间格局;③清以后祠堂景观总体空间格局没有大变化,但八图土著宗族内部产生的裂变促使土著祠堂景观发生空间扩散。土著祠堂与侨寓祠堂景观空间上既互补又相互混杂,说明随着侨寓的大量进入,土著传统血缘空间被打破,地缘、业缘等因素增强,这正适应了佛山城市化发展的大趋势。  相似文献   


The apparent features of a rural landscape are the final result of the interaction among several natural and anthropic factors. The analysis of a landscape, as well as the identification of its best management strategies, can be improved when useful information about its modifications along a wide time period is available, so as to assess the effect of the transformations that have taken place there. The implementation within a geographic information system (GIS) of geographical information derived from ancient historical maps, combined with modern digital cartography and recent remote sensing images may provide a very powerful tool for a better-informed analysis and targeted decision-making strategies about the most appropriate rural landscape planning. With the purpose to detect the land use changes in a typical rural landscape in the Basilicata Region (Southern Italy), spatial analysis using free and open-source GIS tools, in which data covering a period of about two centuries, from 1829 to 2017, were implemented. This multi-temporal analysis was carried out to investigate the landscape structure transformations through the assessment of land use change and the implementation of a methodology for the identification of areas in which there has been a natural evolution of the rural landscape. Then, using landscape metrics and spatial analysis tools, some areas in which the landscape has naturally evolved without any anthropic intervention during these 188 years have been identified, and changes occurred on the rural landscape were assessed quantitatively.


Wen Lin 《Urban geography》2013,34(7):901-922
While local governments have been one of the major user groups of GIS, there is still little research on how GIS development in local government might be intertwined with urban governance, particularly in non-Western contexts. Drawing upon insights from GIS implementation, critical GIS, and governmentality studies, this article seeks to bridge this gap by examining the implications of Chinese urban government GIS practices amidst China's changing urban governance. Through an in-depth case study of Shenzhen, this article analyzes how urban GIS has been transformed from a practice involving internal organizational workflow automation, into a more active dimension of the governance of urban spaces—reflected in the expanding practice of “geo-coding” the urban landscape. “Geo-coding” here refers to a broadly defined spatial practice of carving and reconstructing a rational urban space. GIS practices have constituted a particular form of geographic rationality that seeks to govern at a distance while simultaneously regulating the urban environment, intersecting with the broader transformations of China's urban governance. These GIS developments have been largely government-centric rather than citizen-centric, yet they provide possibilities for new forms of spatial knowledge production for citizen participation in urban governance.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of Xerox PARC Map Viewer, there is a high growth in the number of Web GIS (Geographical Information System) applications for public use in different contexts. These applications instruct, advise and provide the tools for spatial analysis to their users, and the people who use them depend or rely on these systems. Many of these users are non-experts who have no GIS expertise and a limited understanding of spatial data handling. These inherent characteristics of non-expert interaction establish risk and uncertainty, which are further increased due to the complexity of Web GIS interfaces. These issues of uncertainty, risk perception and dependence are all trust-related aspects. Online trust has been repeatedly identified as a major concept for online information systems and its value recognised as it influences the intentions to use and the acceptance of online systems and the overall user experience. However, there is a very limited understanding as to exactly how trust is constructed when people, especially non-experts, interact with Web GIS. To improve knowledge in this domain, this article explores the theoretical foundations on how trust can be investigated in this context. Trust studies (mainly from the e-commerce domain) suggest that a trust-oriented interface design may improve the trustworthiness of online systems, and such attention can be given to Web GIS interfaces. Such studies are reviewed and their applicability is considered in the Web GIS context, taking into consideration their special characteristics. A case study is used to discuss how some features may potentially influence the trustworthiness of Web GIS applications. This article concludes by suggesting future research directions for the implementation of a holistic approach, which is necessary to investigate trust in this context.  相似文献   

The concept of place attachment has been studied extensively across multiple disciplines but only recently with empirical measurement using public participation GIS (PPGIS) and related crowd-sourcing mapping methods. This research trialed a spatially explicit method for identifying place attachment in a regional study in South Australia. Our research objectives were to (1) analyze and present the spatial results of the mapping method as a benchmark for future research, (2) compare mapped place attachment to the more common practice of mapping landscape values in PPGIS that comprise a values home range, (3) identify how participant socio-demographic and home location attributes influence place attachment, (4) provide some guidance for mapping place attachment in future research. We found large spatial variability in individual place attachment and mapped landscape values using both area and distance-based measures. The area of place attachment is influenced by occupational roles such as farming or conservation, as well as home location, especially in coastal versus non-coastal contexts. The spatial distribution of mapped landscape values or values home range is related to, but not identical to mapped place attachment with just over half of landscape values located outside the area of mapped place attachment. Economic livelihood values, as an indicator of place dependence, and social values, as an indicator of place identity, are more likely to be mapped within the place attachment area. Aggregated place attachment across participants in the region showed similar spatial intensity to aggregated values home range, but area-based assessment of place attachment and values home range are distorted by edge effects such as a coastline. To further develop the mapping of place attachment in PPGIS, we identify knowledge gaps from our study and offer suggestions for future research design.  相似文献   

The rise of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies has been producing powerful tools for spatial data processing, management, analysis, modeling, and visualization. While supporting many tasks, GIS technologies have evoked new thinking and advanced intellectual inquiries in geography. Technological advances in other fields often stimulate new research questions and lead to revolutionary discoveries. The Hubble telescope revolutionizes our understanding of the universe, and 3D digital microscopes transform our knowledge of the coordination among biological, neurological, and physiological systems in living organisms. Can GIS claim similar revolutionary effects on geography? The answer is much up for debate. With GIS technologies, geographic studies can explore a broader extent across multiple scales in space and time and tackle problems through increasingly complex spatial statistics, visual analytics, computation, simulation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Both the Hubble telescope and 3D digital microscope were built based on scientific research that subserves the technological advances for inquiries into space and life systems. Likewise, GIScience research innovates GIS methods that enable novel geographic investigations and therefore contribute to geographic knowledge production. For the sake of simplicity, the term GIS used here represents both GIScience and GIS technologies. This essay attempts to clarify the intellectual contributions of GIS to geography on the following two questions: (1) What novel geographic thinking is driven by GIS? (2) How may GIS provoke new geographic inquiries and knowledge? Building on Nystuen's notion of four tensions that trigger geographic questions, the essay discusses how GIS innovations mediate historical tension, space‐time tension, dimensional tension and scale tensions.  相似文献   

This article presents a methodology for a more detailed investigation of urban landscape change in rapidly growing cities of the less developed world beyond typical macrolevel approaches. This research is an attempt to bridge the gap between traditional landscape analysis and geographic information science (GIS). The article presents the preliminary results from a pilot project in Zamalek, Egypt, highlighting the benefits and drawbacks of the two techniques. Rarely used to study the less developed world, these techniques are utilized to assess change within a portion of Cairo's urban landscape. Large‐scale historic maps and high‐resolution satellite imagery, combined with field attribute collection, are the major data sources in this applied landscape analysis. A motivating factor in the desire to examine landscape change at such a large scale is the need to create monitoring systems for historic preservation in cities of the less developed world.  相似文献   

城市怀旧研究是认识城市空间的社会、文化和情感意义的重要途径,近年来逐渐成为国外学者关注的热点话题。基于地理学视角,以Web of Science为数据源,利用Citespace软件对国外城市怀旧的地理学研究进行了知识计量分析,并基于原文回溯,对该研究进行综述,发现:近年来国外城市怀旧的研究越来越受到地理学者们的关注;研究热点呈现出以“怀旧”、“城市”和“记忆”为中心,向“地方”、“历史”、“地理”和“景观”等多方面拓展的趋势;研究内容上,主要集中在城市怀旧的构成维度与多维空间尺度、城市怀旧与记忆、身份认同及怀旧旅游的关系、城市怀旧的触发要素与影响因素、城市怀旧对地方建构的影响、城市怀旧应用研究等方面。研究方法上,国外城市怀旧研究逐渐由定量研究转向定性和定量研究相结合,GIS技术、认知地图和景观分析等方法对于拓展城市怀旧的研究将起着重要作用。最后,文章指出城市怀旧的本质及其所反映的城市人地关系特征研究、城市怀旧的影响及其作用机制研究、城市怀旧的符号景观及空间特征研究以及城市怀旧与地方建构的关系研究是未来我国城市怀旧研究中值得深入的重要领域。  相似文献   

李凡  司徒尚纪 《地理研究》2009,28(6):1550-1561
明代以来佛山的民间信仰迅速发展,神庙系统庞杂,既有广府民系的属性,又反映出商品经济高度发达的特征,对佛山城市发展产生了影响。从古地图和文献中提取历史时期基本空间数据和神庙等文化景观地理信息,建立佛山历史GIS数据库。通过景观复原、地图再现、空间分析和景观分析等方法,以神庙景观为视角,研究表明:明代至民国初年,神庙景观基本上以祖庙铺和明心铺及其周围地带为核心,呈自南向北逐渐扩展的分布总趋势,并与佛山城市社会空间发展相一致,逐渐形成了以佛山祖庙为中心的北帝信仰文化景观的核心地位。通过对北帝巡游路径空间的解读,反映出佛山民间信仰场域的构成,以北帝信仰为纽带,形成了以祖庙为中心的"中心—四方"空间形式,整合了佛山的城市社会文化空间。  相似文献   

This article recounts information gleaned from a case study of three indigenous tribes in Taiwan regarding the origin and nature of their spatial knowledge. Sketched mental maps and GIS 3D virtual environment (VE) are used by indigenous elders and hunters to delineate their traditional territories. Spatial components representing the predominant spatial elements are identified. Spatial structures used for locational positioning are analyzed, as are spatial reference systems for orientation and movement. The results show that spatial components are used for daily activities, as well as having historical and cultural meaning; a quadrant structure is used for spatial positioning; and instead of using the directional reference system of east, south, west, and north, these indigenous people rely on the orientation analogies of uphill, downhill, upstream, and downstream for direction.  相似文献   

作为人文地理学的核心概念之一,地方认同反映了主体对地方的情感依恋,不仅对居民满意度和游客忠诚度产生影响,还能影响主体的环境行为,进而影响旅游业的可持续发展。论文在对国内外相关文献系统梳理的基础上,对地方认同的内涵、维度、影响因素及形成机制进行了综合分析。主要结论包括:① 地方认同内涵理解和维度划分,因学者学科背景及研究目的不同呈现差异化。地方认同及其相关概念存在5种逻辑关系。基于新的认识论基础上的内涵解析,将有助于促进地方认同概念内涵认识及理解的趋同化发展。地方认同及其相关概念关系的进一步梳理,有助于维度分类、方法及适用标准的规范化。② 地方认同影响因素包括个人、地方自然环境及社会文化。基于人文地理学视角的人地关系研究,是地方认同形成机制的主要范式。多理论视角的分析,是未来地方认同影响因素及机制探究研究的重要方向。③ 国内地方认同研究开始时间较晚。虽然目前国内外学者在地方认同研究的核心内容上存在一致性,但研究的深度和广度不同,其中国内只有少量学者关注到空间尺度与地方景观对地方认同的影响,气候、时间方面与地方认同的关系研究是未来需要重点关注的内容。  相似文献   

在剖析地域性认同双重内涵及其与土地利用关系的基础上,结合SoftGIS技术,研究构建土地利用地域性认同测度方法,并以荷兰为例进行实证分析。数据分析显示,传统GIS数据可与土地利用认知数据相融合,基于核密度修正法构建的土地利用地域性认同指数可测度地域性认同的空间差异,应用于土地利用评价或规划决策。结论表明,测度平台在问卷设计和调查空间尺度上具有灵活性,数据收集快捷,通过平台的高清卫星地图定位,调查对象可反馈空间准确、情景真实的土地利用地域性认同信息。  相似文献   

The ‘less‐is‐more’ concept in interface design for computer applications has recently gained ground. In this article, the concept is adopted for a user‐centered design of geovisualization application. The premise is that using simple and clear design can lead to successful applications with improved ease of use. Over the last three decades, the development of GIS and geovisualization has seen a marked increase in the levels of interaction between the user, the system and the information. However, these enthusiastic advances in technology have not resulted in a significant increase in the number of users.

This article suggests that types of user interaction should not simply emphasize traditional GIS functions such as zooming and panning but move towards interaction based on facilitating the knowledge construction process. Considerations are made for the complexity of the system, the task at hand and the skills and limitations of the users. These elements are particularly important when maps act as the mediators in collaboration with users across disciplinary backgrounds. In such cases, the emphasis on simplicity and usability becomes as important as functionality. In these situations a geovisualization application designed for specific uses can maximize effective development of geographic knowledge.

In this article, a minimalistic design approach to geovisualization is adopted by creating a geographic profiling tool which shifts the emphasis from technological advances or interaction with the map to the interaction elements key to building the spatial knowledge of GIS experts and non‐experts alike. To evaluate this notion of ‘less‐is‐more geovisualization’ the profiling tool is evaluated according to usability matrices: efficiency, effectiveness and learnability. How well the Suburban Profiler contributes to these elements is assessed by conducting a video analysis of the types and forms of user interaction available. The video analysis demonstrates the usefulness and usability of the Suburban Profiler, providing proof of concept for ‘less‐is‐more geovisualization’.  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(5):213-217

Spatial literacy is a new frontier in K–12 education. This article describes a place-based introductory GIS/GPS middle school curriculum unit in which students used measuring tools, GPS units, and My World GIS software to collect physical and spatial data of trees to create a schoolyard tree inventory. Maine students completed “memory maps” of their schoolyards as a pre/post exercise assessment. A statistically significant increase in students’ spatial awareness was documented. A technology-based curriculum can significantly increase students’ spatial awareness especially in a place and context relevant to each student.  相似文献   

The growth of the Internet and the digital revolution have meant increased reliance on electronic representations of information. Geospatial information has been readily adapted to the world of cyberspace, and most Web pages incorporate graphics, images, or maps to represent spatial and spatialized data. But flat computer screens do not facilitate a map or graph experience by those who are visually impaired. The traditional method for compensating for nonvisual access to maps and graphics has been to construct hard‐copy tactile maps. In this article, we examine an electronic accommodation for nonvisual users—the haptic map. Using new and off‐the‐shelf hardware—force feedback and vibrotactile mice—we explore how touch can be combined with virtual representations of shapes and patterns to enable nonvisual access to onscreen map or graphic material.  相似文献   

孙九霞  周一 《地理研究》2015,34(12):2381-2394
文化地理学者对“地方”这一理论视角主观性意义的强调,使得“地方认同”等呈现人与地方情感联系的概念被重新审视。在当今中国申遗热的背景下,当地人的地方认同在各方力量对遗产归属与表述的争夺中重塑,如果将这种重塑放在多尺度的分析框架下,就可以发现地方认同不仅仅局限于某一特定封闭的地点,在本土、全国以及跨国空间中呈现不同的表述。开平碉楼与村落作为广东首个世界文化遗产,并且是中国唯一以华侨文化为主题的世界文化遗产,是研究遗产生产对地方认同变迁影响的典型案例。结合文献分析、观察法与访谈法等,阐述遗产旅游发展背景下当地居民的地方认同变迁,分析开平作为“碉乡”的具体内涵。研究发现:遗产申报和维护使碉楼被硬性确立为地方的象征,具有高度符号化的特点;“碉乡”形象在居民地方认同中的展开并不完整;“碉乡”在历史延续中存在着多重割裂;“碉乡”的空间边界既明确又封闭。  相似文献   

空间认同:城市空间研究转向中的知识前沿、趋势与启发   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郭文 《地理科学》2019,39(4):587-595
中国城市化进程的快速发展,促使人们不断解构、调整和重构对城市空间的认同,这是城市化发展中不容忽视的新问题。以Web of Science(WoS)为数据源,对国外城市空间认同研究进行了分析和知识再现。研究发现:城市空间认同是人们对城市发展中社会经济认同、文化认同、集体认同、身份认同与情感认同的集合。作为重要的国民意识,城市空间认同主题是国外学者关注的重要领域,对该领域研究的本质上是对城市空间实践中人文主义空间诉求的知识表征; 在2008~2017年的国外城市空间认同研究中,美国、英国、澳大利亚等国家具有明显优势,国际合作研究网络主要在美洲-欧洲、欧洲-澳洲,以及澳洲-欧美之间;国外城市空间认同研究高被引文献注重对“空间多中心性”“地方与连续性”“城市社区”“城市公民身份”“空间绅士化”“地方主义”等方面的讨论。 未来研究更加倾向在“认同”“空间”“城市”“地理”“政治”“地方”,以及“社区”等新主题方面。相比较而言,国内对城市空间认同的研究较为欠缺,随着中国城市空间实践不断推向纵深阶段,需要强化城市空间认同研究的“理论自觉”。  相似文献   

空间数据挖掘的地理案例推理方法及试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜云艳  温伟  曹锋 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1285-1296
从空间数据挖掘的角度谈地理案例推理方法,认为地理案例推理是面向问题的一种空间数据挖掘方法。针对这一思想进行了基于地理案例的空间数据挖掘具体算法介绍。首先在明确地理案例具体定义的基础上,给出了面向问题的空间数据挖掘地理案例界定和组织方法;其次,鉴于地理空间的自然地带性和区域分异性规律的影响,深入探讨了地理案例自身或其间所可能存在的相互依赖和相互制约关系,并给出了采用粗糙集方法进行地理案例内蕴空间关系的定量挖掘方法;第三,针对地理案例表达时考虑的空间特征和空间关系的不同,给出了三种状况下的空间相似性计算模型;最后,以土地利用这一典型的地学现象为例,给出具体实例,一方面进行土地利用问题的定量分析与推测;另一方面,通过实例展示地理案例推理方法在地学问题求解以及空间数据定量分析上的特点和优势。  相似文献   

南京城市森林景观格局特征与空间结构优化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
赵清  郑国强  黄巧华 《地理学报》2007,62(8):870-878
城市森林研究是一个新兴的研究领域, 城市森林的景观生态学研究是城市森林研究的必然发展趋势和重要内容。首先根据景观生态分类法的思想和原则, 将城市森林景观分为2 个类型4 个亚型, 然后综合运用RS 和GIS 技术进行南京城市森林景观类型空间信息调查, 获取城市森林景观类型分布图及类型空间属性数据。在此基础上, 以定量和定性相结合的方法分析城市森林景观格局特征, 并提出城市森林景观空间结构优化的措施和建议。研究认为, 南京城市森林景观具有总覆盖度适宜, 空间分布的区域差异极为突出, 大型半自然和近自然 林斑块是景观主体, 景观生态系统的形成、分布和类型分异与自然环境的地域分异密切相关, 人类对景观干扰作用强等特点, 而因地制宜的构建基于" 集中与分散相结合原则" 的总体结构优化模式是南京城市森林景观发展的主导方向, 设计不同尺度和等级规模的景观廊道是景观建设的主要任务, 加强生态敏感部位景观斑块建设是关键措施。  相似文献   

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