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Three-dimensional numerical simulation for transport of oil spills in seas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study extends previous two-dimensional research [Wang, S.D., Shen, Y.M., Zheng, Y.H., 2005. Two-dimensional numerical simulation for transport and fate of oil spills in seas. Ocean Engineering 32, 1556–1571] to three dimensions in order to investigate the vertical dispersion/motion of the spilled oil slick, which is a more realistic model of the motion of the spilled oil. To this end, a three-dimensional (3-D) model, based on the particle approach, is developed for simulating oil spill transport and fate in seas. The amount of oil released at sea is distributed among a large number of particles tracked individually. These particles are driven by a combination of water current, wave- and wind-induced speed and move in a 3-D space. Horizontal and vertical diffusion are taken into account using a random walk technique. The model simulates the most significant processes which affect the motion of oil particles, such as advection, surface spreading, evaporation, dissolution, emulsification, turbulent diffusion, the interaction of the oil particles with the shoreline, sedimentation and the temporal variations of oil viscosity, density and surface tension. In addition, the processes of hydrolysis, photo-oxidation and biodegradation are also considered in this model. The model has been applied to simulate the oil spill accident in the Bohai Sea.  相似文献   

杨寅  韩大雄  王海燕  黄浩 《台湾海峡》2012,31(2):286-291
通过对海洋生态系统服务的讨论,结合生态学及经济学的评估方法,提出对不同规模溢油事故的区别性评估方法体系:简易评估和综合评估.中小型溢油选用公式化的简易评估法,大型溢油污染事故则建议从生物资源、海洋生境、环境容量、景观文化开展综合评估,并分别提出相应的评估方法.简易评估在美国佛罗里达公式的基础上,进行了适于我国国情的修改,该方法对信息量的要求小,简单易行,其推算的赔偿范围符合以往的索赔案例,可在今后的中小型溢油中推广实践并不断完善.综合评估中,对生物资源的评估,实现了非经济物种的价值化;生境价值评估采用在我国鲜有应用的生境等价分析;环境容量评估是我国海洋生态损害评估研究相对较多的内容,在价值化时结合已有的环境规划项目,可使其在相关索赔中更为合理.景观文化是在以往案例中很少被考虑的非使用价值,随着生态损害评估方法体系的不断完善,应在今后的实践中得以有效合理的赔偿.  相似文献   

张晖  母清林  韩锡锡  王悠 《海洋科学》2023,47(1):99-107
海洋石油污染是全球性的海洋环境问题之一,对海洋生态系统影响极大。本文综述了溢油入海后降解、转化及其随食物链的传递过程,分析其对海洋三大生物类群的毒性效应及可能的作用机制,探讨评价溢油环境风险的方法,并对今后的研究进行展望,为深入研究溢油的生态学效应、科学评价溢油的环境生态风险提供参考。  相似文献   

北部湾潮汐潮流的三维数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
基于二阶湍流闭合模型计算涡动粘性系数的POM三维水动力模式,采用细网格,考虑6个岛屿、海底摩擦系数进行划片取值,模拟北部湾潮汐潮流.所得潮汐调和常数与81个实测站比较,绝对平均误差:K1分潮振幅为46cm,迟角为9°;O1分潮振幅为56cm,迟角为7°;M2分潮振幅为62cm,迟角为15°.由模拟结果分析出该海区潮汐、潮流、余水位和潮余流,以及水平速度垂直分布等特征.  相似文献   

基于MODIS与HJ-1多源卫星的上海海域溢油事故诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
杨红  杭君 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):90-97
随着上海港海上运输业和石油产业链的日趋发达,海上溢油事故风险也随之加剧。本文就2012年发生在上海海域吴淞口和九段沙附近的2起重大溢油事故,基于美国NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)中等分辨率MODIS(Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)与国产"环境一号"卫星HJ-1的多源卫星数据,对溢油信息进行对比,通过对油水敏感通道进行波段比值运算,突出油膜与背景海水的光谱反射率差异,再结合重柴油光谱特征,利用图像分割的阈值确定法,从疑似溢油区域中有效提取溢油信息,实现溢油区域定位、溢油面积和溢油量的诊断,为事发后海域应急响应工作提供基础性分析依据。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONInearly 1 96 0’s,thetideandtidalcurrentintheBeibuGulfwereobservedandanalysedbyChinaincooperationwithVietnam1) .ThesystematicstudiesoftideandtidalcurrentintheBeibuGulfwerefirstcarriedoutbyFang (1 986 ) .Thehistoryofnumericalstudyoftideandtidalcurrent…  相似文献   

在海冰覆盖的极地海区,浮游植物季节性藻华变化呈现典型的单峰特征。由于藻华过程受控于海冰、光照、混合层深度和营养盐供给等多个因素,其发生时间和强度在地球系统模式模拟结果中存在较大的不确定性。本研究选取11种CMIP6地球系统模式结果,以多种类型的观测资料和产品作为判断参考值,评估各模式结果能否准确模拟北极典型海区(巴伦支海、楚科奇海及白令海)浮游植物藻华动态的变化规律。通过计算能表征光照和营养盐限制的多个指标,分析表层叶绿素a浓度模拟结果的误差来源。结果表明,依据冰下光照时长、混合层变化速率、表层硝酸盐指标将11种模式分为3组,与参考值指标差异较小组别中的模式在藻华模拟方面明显占优,而其余模式在表层硝酸盐或混合层变化的模拟上存在较大误差,导致表层叶绿素a浓度峰值的发生时间延后且峰值浓度误差大。总体而言,地球系统模式配置中除要考虑光照和营养盐这两种基础限制条件外,也需关注由温盐控制的上混合层深度,从而准确模拟出表层叶绿素a浓度的季节性变化规律,上述研究为地球系统模式中相关参数化方案的改进提供了参考。  相似文献   

The role of the Spanish scientific community in the initial assessment of the environmental and socioeconomic damages caused by the Prestige oil spill is analysed. A discussion of the reasons for the failures in the response of the scientific community is presented, highlighting that despite the existence of adequate human capital and infrastructures, failures were related to the weakness of the structures and organisational capacity of the scientific institutions and the public administration. Some developments for an effective response to future catastrophes are proposed: (1) oceanographic and ecological models, including scientific and local knowledge; (2) management systems for scientific information; (3) organisational and incentive systems to allow the creation of temporary, large and well-organised multidisciplinary teams; (4) protocols for rapid, “real-time”, damage assessments; and (5) participation of different social groups (NGOs, fishers’ organisations, aquaculture industry or volunteer groups) in plans for the assessment and management of crises.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional finite difference transport model appropriate for the coastal environment is developed for the solution of the three-dimensional convection-diffusion equation. A higher order upwind scheme is used for the convective terms of the convection-diffusion equation, to minimise the numerical diffusion. The validity of the numerical model is verified through five test problems, whose exact solutions are known.  相似文献   

南海冬、夏季环流的三维数值模拟   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用一个斜压三维陆架海模式——HAMSOM模式对12月份和8月份的南海环流进行数值模拟,结果为:对上层流场,在12月份,在西沙群岛-中沙群岛海区间呈现一个气旋式环流,在越南中部东岸存在一支南向西边界流,在金兰湾的远海为一局地反气旋涡,在南海南部,主要表现为万安滩的气旋式大弯曲(气旋涡)及在北康暗沙北侧的反气旋涡;在8月份,在东沙群岛-中沙群岛-吕宋岛西侧海域间存在一大尺度的气旋涡,在南海西部主要表现为以西沙群岛南部的气旋涡与金兰湾-礼乐滩间的反气旋式大环流相对峙的局面,同时在万安滩东侧有-气旋涡.由于斜压效应、底形效应的作用,使冬、夏季的南海南部中层流场几乎与上层流场相反.  相似文献   

通过采用不规则的三角网格和有限体积法的FVCOM模式,建立三维潮流数值模型。利用大海域计算得到的调和常数值作为开边界的输入值,模拟出崖城附近海域的潮流和潮位变化情况。在潮流、潮位验证正确的前提下,利用欧拉—拉格朗日追踪方法,建立了溢油轨迹预测模型,进行崖城油气田附近海域溢油中心轨迹的预测,同时预测了溢油漂移的平均速率和油膜抵达敏感区的时间,为油气田实施应急措施提供技术支持。  相似文献   

A sediment numerical model was embedded into a wave-tide-circulation coupled model to simulate the transport processes of the Yellow River-derived sediment considering the wave-induced vertical mixing (Bv) and the wave-current coupled bottom shear stress (BSS). Numerical results show that the main stream of the Yellow River-derived sediment moves first eastward off the northern Shandong Peninsula and then southward into the South Yellow Sea all year round. In spring, the sediment moves northeastward in the Bohai Sea. In summer, there is a northeastward branch of sediment in the Bohai Sea off the west coast of the Liaodong Peninsula, while the main part goes eastward to the Yellow Sea. The Yellow River-derived sediment transport from the Bohai Sea to the North Yellow Sea across the Bohai Strait is mainly limited to the top 10 m, and with a maximum centered at 37.9°N in summer. The transport from the North Yellow Sea to the South Yellow Sea across the transect of 37°N is mainly in the 0–30 m layer with a maximum around 123.7°E in autumn. The simulated Yellow River-discharged sediment deposits along the Shandong Peninsula and between 20 and 30 m isobaths in the Yellow Sea, which is consistent with observation. If surface waves are not considered in the model, the sediment deposits westward to the nearshore area in the South Yellow Sea. The sediment would deposit further southward in the numerical experiment results without wind influence. In the numerical experiment of no tide, there is hardly any sediment deposited on the Yellow Sea floor, while in the Bohai Sea most of the sediment is transported southward and northwestward around the river mouth instead of eastward as in the Control Run, indicating the tides play a key role in forming the deposition pattern.  相似文献   

Based on the time-dependent mild slope equation including the effect of wave energy dissipation, an expression for the energy dissipation factor is derived in conjunction with the wave energy balance equation. The wave height of regular and irregular waves is numerically simulated by use of the parabolic mild slope equation considering the energy dissipation due to wave breaking. Comparison of numerical results with experimental data shows that the expression for the energy dissipation factor is reasonable. The effects of the wave breaking coefficient on the breaking point and the distribution of wave height after breaking are discussed through the study of a specific experimental topography.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation and topography of the mixed layer in the Sea of Japan are studied by comparison of results from long-term observation data analysis and from numerical simulation with the MHI oceanic model (Shapiro. 1998. Marine Hydrophysical Journal, 6:26~40). The data are retrieved from Oceanographic Atlas of the Bering Sea, Okhotsk Sea, and Japan/East Sea (Rostov, Rostov, Dmitrieva, et al. 2003. Pacific Oceanography, 1 (1):70-72). The simulated and long-term patterns are compared. An impact of surface buoyancy flux, wind, and convergence/divergence of surface currents upon the mixed layer in the Sea of Japan is analyzed.  相似文献   

Recent observations over the Sigsbee Escarpment in the Gulf of Mexico have revealed extremely energetic deep currents (near 1 m s−1), which are trapped along the escarpment. Both scientific interest and engineering needs demand dynamical understanding of these extreme events, and can benefit from a numerical model designed to complement observational and theoretical investigations in this region of complicated topography. The primary objective of this study is to develop a modeling methodology capable of simulating these physical processes and apply the model to the Sigsbee Escarpment region. The very steep slope of the Sigsbee Escarpment (0.05–0.1) limits the application of ocean models with traditional terrain-following (sigma) vertical coordinates, which may represent the very complicated topography in the region adequately, can result in large truncation errors during calculation of the horizontal pressure gradient. A new vertical coordinate system, termed a vanishing quasi-sigma coordinate, is implemented in the Navy Coastal Ocean Model for application to the Sigsbee Escarpment region. Vertical coordinate surfaces for this grid have noticeably gentler slopes than a traditional sigma grid, while still following the terrain near the ocean bottom. The new vertical grid is tested with a suite of numerical experiments and compared to a classical sigma-layer model. The numerical error is substantially reduced in the model with the new vertical grid. A one-year, realistic, numerical simulation is performed to simulate strong, deep currents over the Escarpment using a very-high-resolution nested modeling approach. The model results are analyzed to demonstrate that the deep-ocean currents in the simulation replicate the prominent dynamical features of the observed intense currents in the region.  相似文献   

三维潮流和潮流输沙问题的一种混合数值模拟及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用一种平面迎风有限元与垂向隐式有限差分相结合的数值计算方法建立了三维潮流和潮流输沙数学模型,并分别与相应的理论公式进行了对比验证.将建立的模型对广西廉州湾水域进行了计算,与实测资料的对比分析表明模型的计算结果符合实际.  相似文献   

Demersal rockfish are the only fish species that have been found dead in significant numbers after major oil spills, but the link between oil exposure and effect has not been well established. After the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, several species of rockfish (Sebastes spp.) from oiled and reference sites were analyzed for hydrocarbon metabolites in bile (1989-1991) and for microscopic lesions (1990 and 1991). Biliary hydrocarbons consistent with exposure to Exxon Valdez oil were elevated in 1989, but not in 1990 or 1991. Significant microscopic findings included pigmented macrophage aggregates and hepatic megalocytosis, fibrosis, and lipid accumulation. Site differences in microscopic findings were significant with respect to previous oil exposure in 1991 (P=0.038), but not in 1990. However, differences in microscopic findings were highly significant with respect to age and species in both years (P<0.001). We conclude that demersal rockfish were exposed to Exxon Valdez oil in 1989, but differences in microscopic changes in 1990 and 1991 were related more to age and species differences than to previous oil exposure.  相似文献   

This study presents data on chloride and bromide concentrations in porewater, water and anion diffusion coefficients, and their accessible porosities based on radial diffusion experiments on rock samples collected from a 2000 m-deep borehole (EST433) drilled by Andra in the eastern Paris Basin. The distributions of water stable isotope and chloride concentrations in porewater along this column reveal transient flows of water and solutes between the aquitard layers and the surrounding aquifers. These distributions confirm the occurrence of two separate aquitard/aquifer systems: “Oxfordian/Callovo–Oxfordian/Dogger” and “Dogger/Liassic/Rhaetian”. This separation is confirmed by Cl/Br ratios, which are low in Liassic and Dogger porewater, suggesting the influence of primary brines, and which are close to the marine ratio in the Dogger groundwater. Based on these results, transport simulations in the two systems were carried out according to different scenarios. The simulation results confirm that transport properties obtained in the laboratory at sample scale may be extrapolated to the formation scale. It is highly probable that diffusion is the main transport process in the Callovo–Oxfordian formation. This may also be the case in the Dogger/Liassic layer, although a limited contribution from advection cannot be totally excluded. By testing different scenarios of boundary conditions in diffusive models, it is proposed that the Dogger aquifer was first activated in the Early Miocene.  相似文献   

The Ordovician is the most important exploration target in the Tabei Uplift of the Tarim Basin, which contains a range of petroleum types including solid bitumen, heavy oil, light oil, condensate, wet gas and dry gas. The density of the black oils ranges from 0.81 g/cm3 to 1.01 g/cm3 (20 °C) and gas oil ratio (GOR) ranges from 4 m3/m3 to 9300 m3/m3. Oil-source correlations established that most of the oils were derived from the Mid-Upper Ordovician marine shale and carbonate and that the difference in oil properties is mainly attributed to hydrocarbon alteration and multi-stage accumulation. In the Tabei Uplift, there were three main periods of hydrocarbon accumulation in the late Caledonian stage (ca. 450–430 Ma), late Hercynian stage (ca. 293–255 Ma) and the late Himalayan stage (ca. 12–2 Ma). The oil charging events mainly occurred in the late Caledonian and late Hercynian stage, while gas charging occurred in the late Hercynian stage. During the late Caledonian stage, petroleum charged the reservoirs lying east of the uplift. However, due to a crustal uplifting episode in the early Hercynian (ca. 386–372 Ma), most of the hydrocarbons were transformed by processes such as biodegradation, resulting in residual solid bitumen in the fractures of the reservoirs. During the late Hercynian Stage, a major episode of oil charging into Ordovician reservoirs took place. Subsequent crustal uplift and severe alteration by biodegradation in the west-central Basin resulted in heavy oil formation. Since the late Himalayan stage when rapid subsidence of the crust occurred, the oil residing in reservoirs was exposed to high temperature cracking conditions resulting in the production of gas and charged from the southeast further altering the pre-existing oils in the eastern reservoirs. A suite of representative samples of various crude oils including condensates, lights oils and heavy oils have been collected for detailed analysis to investigate the mechanism of formation. Based on the research it was concluded that the diversity of hydrocarbon physical and chemical properties in the Tabei Uplift was mainly attributable to the processes of biodegradation and gas washing. The understanding of the processes is very helpful to predict the spatial distribution of hydrocarbon in the Tabei Uplift and provides a reference case study for other areas.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion gases in minerals from shale hosted fracture-fill mineralization have been analyzed for stable carbon isotopic ratios of CH4 using a crushing device interfaced to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS). The samples of Paleozoic strata under study originate from outcrops and wells in the Rhenish Massif and Campine Basin, Harz Mountains, and the upper slope of the Southern Permian Basin. Fracture-fill mineralization hosted by Mesozoic strata was sampled from drill cores in the Lower Saxony Basin. Some studied sites are candidates for shale gas exploration in Germany. Samples of Mesozoic strata are characterized by abundant calcite-filled horizontal fractures which preferentially occur in TOC-rich sections of the drilled sediments. Only rarely are vertical fractures filled with carbonates and/or quartz in drill cores from Mesozoic strata but in Paleozoic shale they occur frequently. The δ13C(CH4) values of fluid inclusions in calcite from horizontal fractures hosted by Mesozoic strata suggest that gaseous hydrocarbons were generated during the oil/early gas window and that the formation of horizontal fractures seems to be related to hydraulic expulsion fracturing. The calculated maturity of the source rocks at the time of gas generation lies below the maturity derived from measured vitrinite reflectance. Thus, the formation of horizontal fractures and trapping of gas that was generated in the oil and/or early gas window obviously occurred prior to maximal burial. Rapidly increasing vitrinite reflectance data seen locally can be explained by hydrothermal alteration, as indicated by increasing δ13C (CH4–CO2) values in fluid inclusions. The formation of vertical fractures in studied Mesozoic sediments is related to stages of post-burial inversion; gas-rich inclusions in fracture filling minerals recorded the migration of gas that had probably been generated instantaneously, rather than cumulatively, from high to overmature source rocks. Since no evidence is given for the presence of early generated gas in studied Paleozoic shale, it appears likely that major gas loss from shales occurred due to deformation and uplift of these sediments in response to the Variscan Orogeny.  相似文献   

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