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Mesoscale eddies are important suppliers of nutrients to the surface waters of oligotrophic gyres, but little is known about the biological response, particularly that of higher trophic levels, to these physical perturbations. During the summers of 2004 and 2005, we followed the development of a cyclonic eddy and an anti-cyclonic mode-water eddy in the Sargasso Sea. Zooplankton (>150 μm) were collected across both eddies in 9 discrete depth intervals between 0 and 700 m. Comparison of the abundance of major taxa of mesozooplankton in the upper 150 m at eddy center and outside the eddies (day and night) indicated that the cyclone and mode-water eddy supported similar mesozooplankton communities, with several taxa significantly higher in abundance inside than outside the eddies, when compared with the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site as representative of mean conditions. In both eddies copepod peak abundance occurred in the 50-100 m depth interval, coincident with the chlorophyll a maximum, suggesting elevated food concentration in the eddies may have influenced zooplankton vertical distribution. The two eddies differed in the strength of diel vertical migration of zooplankton, as indicated by the ratio of night:day abundance in the epipelagic zone, which was higher at the center of the mode-water eddy for most taxa. Over the sampling interval of 1-2 months, abundance of the three most common taxa (copepods, chaetognaths, and ostracods) decreased in the cyclone and increased in the mode-water eddy. This further supports previous findings that over the sampling period the cyclone was in a decay phase, while the mode-water eddy was sustaining nutrient fluxes and high phytoplankton concentrations. A more detailed analysis of community structure in the mode-water eddy indicated the 0-700 m integrated abundance of doliolids was significantly higher inside the mode-water eddy than outside. The presence of a mesopelagic (200-700 m) layer of lepadid barnacle cyprids in this eddy highlights the potential of eddies to transport and disperse biota. We conclude that when compared with average ambient conditions (as measured at BATS), mesoscale eddies can influence zooplankton behavior and alter zooplankton community structure which can affect food-web interactions and biogeochemical cycling in the open ocean.  相似文献   

The EDdy Dynamics, mixing, Export, and Species composition (EDDIES) project provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the response of the microbial community and further understand the biological and biogeochemical consequences of mesoscale perturbation events in an oligotrophic system. In order to characterize microbial dynamics, we performed measurements of bacterial biomass (BB) and production (BP) and phytoplankton pigment analyses in two upwelling eddies in the Sargasso Sea sampled in 2004 and 2005. We also observed a 3-fold increase in BP at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site during the passage of a cyclonic eddy in 2003. Although the integrated BB and BP over 140 m in 2004 and 2005 eddies remained within the climatological range measured at the BATS site, there was systematic variability in bacterioplankton dynamics across both eddies. Cyclonic eddy C1 demonstrated decreased BP at the feature's center relative to its periphery, and BP was not correlated with total chlorophyll a (TChl a) variability. However, BP correlated with prymnesiophyte pigments throughout the feature. In contrast, mode-water eddy A4 showed an enhancement in BP at the eddy center (EC) relative to its edges and was coincident with elevated TChl a, high primary production measurements, and a high concentration of diatoms. In eddy A4, the tight relationship between enhanced BP, TChl a and specific phytoplankton taxa implies that the phytoplankton community structure was an important factor influencing BP variability. While the heterotrophic bacterial response in C1 and A4 was not enhanced relative to BATS summer climatology, these data and the presence of similar nutrient fields across both eddies suggest that BP and BB were influenced by the eddy perturbations and responded to changes in the phytoplankton community.  相似文献   

Satellite ocean-color imagery and field spectroradiometer observations are used to assess the bio-optical signatures of two mesoscale features, a cyclone C1 and an 18°-water anticyclone A4, in the Sargasso Sea. Field determinations of upper layer bio-optical properties, such as the diffuse attenuation coefficient and remote-sensing reflectance spectra, show little statistically significant variations with distance to the eddy center for either eddy. This contrasts field observations showing many-fold higher phytoplankton pigment biomass at depth (and for A4 higher primary production rates at depth) than is typical for this region. The cyclone C1 does show a significant decrease in the depth of the 1% photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) isolume with increasing distance from eddy center while the anticyclone A4 shows no coherent signal vs. distance. Vertical profiles of bio-optical properties show consistent patterns where subsurface maxima are displaced higher inside the core of the cyclone C1 than in the surrounding waters while the highest values of the diffuse attenuation coefficient at 443 nm are observed within the core of anticyclone A4. Satellite observations of near-surface bio-optical properties show signals consistent with eddy physical characteristics, although the magnitude of these variations is very small, barely detectable by typical field measurement protocols. Mean values of bio-optical properties are higher within the cyclone compared with its periphery but not for the anticyclone. For both eddies, significant inverse correlations are observed between time series of bio-optical properties and eddy center sea-level anomaly. Consistent response to wind speed is also noted: following strong wind events, bio-optical parameters are elevated inside the anticyclone and are reduced inside the cyclone. These observations demonstrate that a combination of physical processes, including vertical eddy uplift, eddy horizontal advection, and eddy-scale Ekman pumping, contribute to the bio-optical imprint of mesoscale eddies. The contributions of these forcing mechanisms change over the period of observation, illustrating the limitations of inferring eddy bio-optical dynamics from short-term, field observations. The present analyses provide insights into the potential as well as the drawbacks of bio-optical techniques for probing the biological and biogeochemical impacts of open-ocean eddies.  相似文献   

In general, a mesoscale cyclonic (anticyclonic) eddy has a colder (warmer) core, and it is considered as a cold (warm) eddy. However, recently research found that there are a number of “abnormal” mesoscale cyclonic (anticyclonic) eddies associated with warm (cold) cores in the South China Sea (SCS). These “abnormal” eddies pose a challenge to previous works on eddy detection, characteristic analysis, eddy-induced heat and salt transports, and even on mesoscale eddy dynamics. Based on a 9-year (2000–2008) numerical modelling data, the cyclonic warm-core eddies (CWEs) and anticyclonic cold-core eddies (ACEs) in the SCS are analyzed. This study found that the highest incidence area of the “abnormal” eddies is the northwest of Luzon Strait. In terms of the eddy snapshot counting method, 8 620 CWEs and 9 879 ACEs are detected, accounting for 14.6% and 15.8% of the total eddy number, respectively. The size of the “abnormal” eddies is usually smaller than that of the “normal” eddies, with the radius only around 50 km. In the generation time aspect, they usually appear within the 0.1–0.3 interval in the normalized eddy lifespan. The survival time of CWEs (ACEs) occupies 16.3% (17.1%) of the total eddy lifespan. Based on two case studies, the intrusion of Kuroshio warm water is considered as a key mechanism for the generation of these “abnormal” eddies near the northeastern SCS.  相似文献   

We sampled zooplankton and fecal pellets in the upper 200 m of Monterey Bay and nearby coastal regions in California, USA. On several occasions, we observed high concentrations of large pellets that appeared to be produced during night-time by dielly migrating euphausiids. High concentrations of pellets were found in near-surface waters only when euphausiids co-occurred with high concentrations of large (>10 μm) phytoplankton. Peak concentrations of pellets at mid-depth (100 or 150 m) during the day were consistent with the calculated sinking speeds of pellets produced near the surface at night. At these high flux locations (HI group), pellet concentrations declined below mid-depth. In contrast, at locations where the phytoplankton assemblage was dominated by small phytoplankton cells (<10 μm), pellet production and flux were low (LO group) whether or not euphausiid populations were high. Protozooplankton concentrations did not affect this pattern. We concluded that the day and night differences in pellet concentration and flux in the HI profiles were mostly due to sinking of dielly-pulsed inputs in the surface layer, and that small zooplankton (Oithona, Oncaea), heterotrophic dinoflagellates, and bacterial activity probably caused some pellet degradation or consumption below 100 m. We estimated that consumption of sinking pellets by large copepods was insignificant. High fluxes of pellets were episodic because they required both high concentrations of large phytoplankton and large stocks of euphausiids. Under these conditions, flux events overwhelmed retention mechanisms, resulting in large exports of organic matter from the upper 200 m.  相似文献   

The vertical flux of particulate matter from the surface of the Ross Sea, Antarctica, has been suggested as being large, with substantial seasonal and spatial variations. We conducted a study in which vertical flux was quantified using sediment traps deployed at 200 m and compared to estimates calculated from one-dimensional budgets of nutrients (nitrogen and silicon). Estimates of flux were collected at two locations in the southern Ross Sea from late December to early February during four years: 2001-2002, 2003-2004, 2004-2005, and 2005-2006. Phytoplankton biomass and vertical flux varied substantially seasonally and spatially between the two sites, and among years. The greatest flux was observed in 2001-2002, with a short-term maximum organic carbon flux of 3.13 mmol m−2 d−1, and the summer mean organic carbon flux equal to 0.93 mmol m−2 d−1. In contrast, the mean carbon flux at the same site in 2003-2004 was over an order of magnitude less, averaging 0.19 mmol m−2 d−1, despite the fact that productivity in that year was substantially greater. In 2005-206 the contribution of fecal pellets to flux was smallest among all years, and the pellet contribution ranged from <1 to more than 50% of organic flux. As the moorings also had surface layer fluorometers, the relationship between surface biomass and sediment trap flux was compared. Temporal lags between surface fluorescence and flux at 200 m maxima in 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 ranged from two to six days; however, in 2005-2006 the temporal offset between biomass and flux was much longer, ranging from 11 to 27 days, suggesting that fecal pellet production appeared to increase the coupling between flux and surface production. Estimates of export from the upper 200 m based on one-dimensional nutrient budgets were greater than those recorded by the sediment traps. Nutrient budgets also indicated that siliceous production averaged ca. 40% of the total annual production. The variations observed in the flux of biogenic matter to depth in the Ross Sea are large, appear to reflect different forcing among years, and at present are not adequately understood. However, such variability needs to be both understood and represented in biogeochemical models to accurately assess and predict the effects of climate change on biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) were determined in the upper 500 m of the Sargasso Sea at different times of the year. Total Cr concentrations ranged between 2.5 and 4.5 nM, and the predominant species of Cr was the thermodynamically favoured Cr (VI). Cr (III) concentrations were greatest during periods of high biological activity, as indicated by strong correlations between the ratio of Cr (III):Cr (VI) and both bacterial biomass and primary productivity. Whilst the oxidation state varied substantially over the seasonal cycle, the upper water column inventory of Cr was relatively constant. The long residence time of Cr in the surface Sargasso Sea estimated with respect to atmospheric inputs (1410–2240 years) is indicative of the largely conservative behaviour of this element. Deep particle fluxes of Cr are similar or somewhat greater than atmospheric inputs, and this downward flux of Cr is well correlated with organic carbon fluxes from the upper Sargasso Sea. The long residence time coupled with the seasonal changes in oxidation state of Cr implies rapid seasonal recycling of Cr between redox states, with only slow removal via particles to the deep ocean at this site.  相似文献   

Time series of freshwater runoff, seawater salinity, temperature and oxygen were used in transfer functions (TF) to model changes of mesozooplankton taxa in the Baltic Sea from the 1960’s to the 1990’s. The models were then compared with long term zooplankton monitoring data from the same period. The TF models for all taxa over the whole Baltic proper and at different depth layers showed statistically significant estimates in t-tests. TF models were further compared using parsimony as a criterion. We present models showing 1) r2 > 0.4, 2) the smallest residual standard error with the combination of exploratory variables, 3) the lowest number of parameters and 4) the highest proportional decrease in error term when the TF model residual standard error was compared with those of the univariate ARIMA model of the same response variable. Most often (7 taxa out of a total of 8), zooplankton taxa were dependent on freshwater runoff and/or seawater salinity. Cladocerans and estuarine copepods were more conveniently modelled through the inclusion of seawater temperature and oxygen data as independent variables. Our modelling, however, explains neither the overall increase in zooplankton abundance nor a simultaneous decrease found in the neritic copepod, Temora longicornis. Therefore, biotic controlling agents (e.g. nutrients, primary production and planktivore diets) are suggested as independent variables for further TF modelling. TF modelling enabled us to put the controlling factors in a time frame. It was then possible, despite the inherent multiple correlation among parameters studied to deduce a chain-of-events from the environmental controls and biotic feedback mechanisms to changes in zooplankton species. We suggest that the documented long-term changes in zooplankton could have been driven by climatic regulation only. The control by climate could be mediated to zooplankton through marine chemical and physical factors, as well as biotic factors if all of these were responding to the same external control, such as changes in the freshwater runoff. Increased runoff would explain both the increasing eutrophication, causing the overall increase of zooplankton, and the changes in selective predation, contributing to decline of Temora.  相似文献   

利用 AVISO 提供的中尺度涡数据集,对1993–2019年间安达曼海中尺度涡的涡旋特征、运动规律及其季节变化机制进行统计分析。结果显示,27年间安达曼海共出现中尺度涡328个,其中反气旋涡(171个)多于气旋涡(157个),主要分布在中西部盆地深水区。涡旋平均寿命为46.4 d,平均半径为111.8 km,平均振幅为4.7 cm,平均最大转速为24.8 cm/s,平均移动速度为15.0 cm/s,反气旋涡的平均半径、振幅和转速均大于气旋涡,而移动速度小于气旋涡。涡旋的半径、振幅和最大转速在其生命周期中都经历了先增大后减小的过程,移动速度则先减小后增大。在季节变化方面,反气旋涡和气旋涡性质冬夏对比呈现“跷跷板”现象,即夏季气旋涡比反气旋涡更多更强更大,冬季则反气旋涡更多更强更大;涡旋分布位置,夏季从北向南呈“气旋–反气旋–气旋”的极性反转交替分布,冬季则与之相反。动力机制分析显示,背景流场涡度可能影响安达曼海涡旋极性交替分布,正(负)涡度背景流利于气旋(反气旋)涡存在。涡旋能量变化机制显示,风强迫是安达曼海涡旋主要能量来源,风场能量输入与涡旋动能的季节变化吻合。  相似文献   

Seven-year(2005–2011) Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images are applied to study oceanic eddies in the East China Sea. It is found that most of these eddies detected from the SAR images are less than 10 km, which are submesoscale eddies. Seasonal differences are evident in the distribution of eddies, with the highest and the lowest number of eddies noted in summer and winter, respectively. Since slick streaks in SAR images look dark, an eddy identified due to the slicks is referred to as "black eddy". As a result of wave-current interactions in the zones of current shear, it can be seen that an eddy exhibits a bright curve, the eddy is called "white eddy". During the seven years, 95 black eddies and 50 white eddies are identified in the study area. Black eddies are found in the whole study area while white eddies are mainly distributed in the vicinity of the Kuroshio Current. This study suggests that the distribution of the white eddy is denser around the Kuroshio because of the strong shear in the Kuroshio region. In terms of the eddy sizes, white eddies are generally smaller than black eddies.  相似文献   

The continental slope in the northern South China Sea(SCS) is rich in mesoscale eddies which play an important role in transport and retention of nutrients and biota. In this study, we investigate the statistical properties of eddy distributions and propagation in a period of 24 years between 1993 and 2016 by using the altimeter data. A total of 147 eddies are found in the continental slope region(CSR), including 70 cyclonic eddies(CEs) and 77 anticyclonic eddies(ACEs). For those eddies that appear in the CSR, the surrounding areas of Dongsha Islands(DS) and southwest of Taiwan(SWT) are considered as the primary sources, where eddies generated contribute more than 60% of the total. According to the spatial distribution of eddy relative vorticity, eddies are weakening as propagating westward. Although both CEs and ACEs roughly propagate along the slope isobaths, there are discrepancies between CEs and ACEs. The ACEs move slightly faster in the zonal direction, while the CEs tend to cross the isobaths with large bottom depth change. The ACEs generally move further into the basin areas after leaving the CSR while CEs remain around the CSR. The eddy propagation on the continental slope is likely to be associated with mean flow at a certain degree because the eddy trajectories have notable seasonal signals that are consistent with the seasonal cycle of geostrophic current. The results indicate that the eddy translation speed is statistically consistent with geostrophic velocity in both magnitude and direction.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRecentyears’studyhasprimarilyshownthattheSCShasanimportantinfluenceonthemonsooncurrentsandonthefloodactivitiesoccurredintheregionofChina (Sunetal .,1 999,Dingetal.,1 999) .ThemonsoononsetinevitablycausestheadjustmentoftheSCScircula tion ,andinturn ,th…  相似文献   

We compared wintertime depth distributions of the mesozooplankton community and dominant copepods between the subtropical (S1) and subarctic (K2) Pacific Oceans to evaluate the relative importance of actively transported carbon by vertical migrants to sinking particulate organic carbon flux. Primary production was higher and the ratio of sinking particulate organic carbon flux to primary production was lower at S1 compared with those at K2. The mesozooplankton community was lower in abundance and biomass at S1 compared to K2. Copepods were the dominant group among both mesozooplankton abundance and biomass throughout the water column down to 1000 m at both sites. The depth distribution showed that diel vertical migration was obvious for the mesozooplankton abundance and biomass at S1 but was not apparent for the abundance at K2, because the dominant component was diurnally migrating species at S1 and overwintering species residing at mesopelagic depths at K2. The major components of diel migrants were copepods and euphausiids at S1 and only euphausiids at K2. Respiratory flux by the diurnally migrating mesozooplankton was estimated to be 2 mgC m−2 day−1 at S1 and 7 mgC m−2 day−1 at K2. The respiratory flux was equivalent to 131% of sedimentary fecal pellet flux at S1 and 136% of that at K2. Because pathways of downward carbon flux are facilitated by the mesozooplankton community, the actively transported carbon (respiration of dissolved inorganic carbon, excretion of dissolved organic carbon and egestion of fecal pellets at depth) might be larger during winter than the flux of sinking fecal pellets.  相似文献   

The eddy tracking approach is developed using the global nearest neighbor filter(GNNF) to investigate the evolution processes and behaviors of mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea(SCS). Combining the Kalman filter and optimal data association technologies, the GNNF algorithm is able to reduce pairing errors to 0.2% in tracking synthetic eddy tracks, outperforming other existing methods. A total of 4 913 eddy tracks that last more than a week are obtained by the GNNF during 1993–2012. The analysis of a growth and a decay based on 3 445 simple eddy tracks show that eddy radius, amplitude, and vorticity smoothly increase during the first half of lifetime and decline during the second half following a parabola opening downwards. The genesis of eddies mainly clusters northwest and southwest of Luzon Island whereas the dissipations concentrate the Xisha Islands where the underwater bay traps and terminates eddies. West of the Luzon Strait, northwest of Luzon Island, and southeast of Vietnam are regions where eddy splits and mergers are frequently observed. Short disappearances mainly distribute in the first two regions. Moreover, eddy splits generally result in a decrease of the radius and the amplitude whereas eddy mergers induce growing up. Eddy intensity and vorticity, on the contrary, are strengthened in the eddy splits and diminished in mergers.  相似文献   

南大洋涡旋在跨锋面物质热量输送方面具有重要作用,斯科舍海位于德雷克海峡东面,属于重要的经济渔区,因此针对斯科舍海的涡旋分布及其影响进行研究具有迫切意义。本文基于2005–2019年卫星遥感数据对斯科舍海涡旋进行了探测与追踪,并统计了涡旋半径、传播距离、生命周期等特征参数,分析涡旋的地理分布特点、涡旋跨锋面情况以及移动特性,同时结合剖面数据分析了该海域涡旋内部水文特性。结果显示,该海域近92%的涡旋均为生命周期小于30 d的短寿命涡旋,平均半径集中在10~30 km之间。涡旋产生地主要集中在斯科舍海中部的极锋(PF)、南极绕极流南锋(SACCF)和亚南极锋(SAF)附近水深为3 000~5 000 m的海域。受斯科舍海海底山脊的阻碍作用,涡动能(EKE)高值聚集在PF和SAF之间,并在2016年之后达到显著正异常。跨PF和SACCF锋面的涡旋中,低纬向涡旋数量占主导,其中以气旋式涡旋居多。在高纬向涡旋中反气旋式涡旋占主导。涡旋内部水文结构显示,冷涡内部次表层相对低温低盐,与高纬水团特征一致;暖涡内部次表层相对高温高盐。推测冷涡可能携带高纬海域水体向低纬移动,暖涡可能携带低纬海水向高纬移动。本研究为进一步理解斯科舍海涡旋特性及其在该海域物质能量运输上的作用研究提供了基础支撑。  相似文献   

Zooplankton diel vertical migration is evident on the mixed isothermal side of the western Irish Sea frontal system but is often influenced by large tides and persistent geostrophic currents. On the stratified side of the front, temperature acts as a controlling factor with most of the zooplankton occurring above the thermocline and carrying out pronounced vertical migration when chlorophyll a levels are low and diffuse. At higher chlorophyll levels, when discrete chlorophyll a maxima form, zooplankton vertical movement may be greatly modified with a large number of species and stages concentrating within these maxima at all times of the diel light cycle.  相似文献   

利用南海20 a逐日海流再分析资料对南海海域中尺度涡进行时空特征分析。经过数据处理、涡漩识别、统计分析等方法,对南海海域中尺度涡空间分布、时间分布、生命周期、空间尺度、移动路径、移动速度、影响频率等特征进行分析,对南海中尺度涡进行全面详细的解读。研究发现:涡旋出现位置跟南海200 m等深线较一致。大部分涡旋周期都集中在30 d以内,直径大都在100~300 km,主要向西南方向移动,速率在15~20 cm/s的涡旋比例最高。反气旋式中尺度涡影响频率要大于气旋式中尺度涡的影响频率,主要影响区域大致在200 m等深线以内海域。  相似文献   

基于高分辨率海洋环流模式,通过比较吕宋海峡处地形优化后的黑潮入侵形态和强度不同的试验,我们研究了黑潮入侵优化后对南海中尺度涡模拟的影响。我们发现黑潮入侵的减弱导致了涡旋活动的减弱,这使得模式结果与观测结果更为相近。在这种情况下,模式模拟的吕宋海峡西部及北部陆坡区域的涡动动能明显减弱。模式涡动动能的减弱与模式反气旋式涡数量的减少和气旋式涡强度的减弱有关。涡动动能收支的分析进一步表明,黑潮入侵的优化将通过改变水平速度切变和温跃层斜率来改变涡动动能,而这两个参数分别与正压和斜压不稳定性有关。前者在模式涡动动能减弱中起着更为重要的作用,而黑潮入侵导致的涡动动能的水平输送对吕宋海峡西部区域的能量收支同样起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

We examined metal (Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb) and particulate organic carbon (OC) concentrations of the marine vertical export flux at the DYFAMED time-series station in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. We present here the first data set of natural and anthropogenic metals from sediment trap moorings deployed at 1000 m-depth between 2003 and 2007 at the DYFAMED site. A highly significant correlation was observed between most metal concentrations, whatever the nature and emission source of the metal. Cu, Zn and Cd exhibit different behaviors, presumably due to their high solubility and complexation with organic ligands. The observed difference of atmospheric and marine fluxes in terms of temporal variability and elemental concentration suggests that dense water convection and primary production and not atmospheric deposition control the marine vertical export flux. This argument is strengthened by the fact that significant Saharan dust events did not result in concomitant marine vertical export fluxes nor did they generate significant changes in metal concentrations of trapped particles.  相似文献   

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