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The Longchi area with the city of Dujiangyan, in the Sichuan province of China, is composed of Permian stone and diorites and Triassic sandstones and mudstones intercalated with slates. An abundance of loose co-seismic materials were present on the slopes after the May 12, 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, which in later years served as source material for rainfall-induced debris flows or shallow landslides. A total of 48 debris flows, all triggered by heavy rainfall on 13th August 20l0, are described in this paper. Field investigation, supported by remote sensing image interpretation, was conducted to interpret the co-seismic landslides in the debris flow gullies. Specific characteristics of the study area such as slope, aspect, elevation, channel gradient, lithology, and gully density were selected for the evaluation of debris flow susceptibility. A score was given to all the debris flow gullies based on the probability of debris flow occurrence for the selected factors. In order to get the contribution of the different factors, principal component analyses were applied. A comprehensive score was obtained for the 48 debris flow gullies which enabled us to make a susceptibility map for debris flows with three classes. Twenty-two gullies have a high susceptibility, twenty gullies show a moderate susceptibility and six gullies have a low susceptibility for debris flows.  相似文献   

Karanganyar and the surrounding area are situated in a dynamic volcanic arc region, where landslide frequently occurs during the rainy season. The rain-induced landslide disasters have been resulting in 65 fatalities and a substantial socioeconomical loss in last December 2007. Again, in early February 2009, 6 more people died, hundreds of people temporary evacuated and tens of houses damaged due to the rain-induced landslide. Accordingly, inter-disciplinary approach for geological, geotechnical and social investigations were undertaken with the goal for improving community resilience in the landslide vulnerable villages. Landslide hazard mapping and community-based landslide mitigation were conducted to reduce the risk of landslides. The hazard mapping was carried out based on the susceptibility assessment with respect to the conditions of slope inclination, types and engineering properties of lithology/soil as well as the types of landuse. All of those parameters were analyzed by applying weighing and scoring system which were calculated by semi qualitative approach (Analytical Hierarchical Process). It was found that the weathered andesitic-steep slope (steeper than 30o) was identified as the highest susceptible slope for rapid landslide, whilst the gentle colluvial slope with inter-stratification of tuffaceous clay-silt was found to be the susceptible slope for creeping. Finally, a programme for landslide risk reduction and control were developed with special emphasize on community-based landslide mitigation and early warning system. It should be highlighted that the social approach needs to be properly addressed in order to guarantee the effectiveness of landslide risk reduction.  相似文献   

Field investigations and aerial photography after the earthquake of May 12,2008 show a large number of geo-hazards in the zone of extreme earthquake effects.In particular,landslides and debris flows,the geo-hazards that most threaten post-disaster reconstruction,are widely distributed.We describe the characteristics of these geo-hazards in Beichuan County using high-resolution remote sensing of landslide distribution,and the relationships between the area and volume of landslides and the peak-discharges of debris flows both pre-and post-earthquake.The results show:1) The concentration(defined as the number of landslide sources per unit area:Lc) of earthquaketriggered landslides is inversely correlated with distance from the earthquake(DF) fault.The relationship is described by the following equation:Lc = 3.2264exp(-0.0831DF)(R2 = 0.9246);2) 87 % of the earthquake-triggered landslides were less than 15×104 m2 in area,and these accounted only for 50% of the total area;84% of the landslide volumes were less than 60×104 m3,and these accounted only for 50% of the total volume.The probability densities of the area and volume distributions are correlated:landslide abundance increases with landslide area and volume up to maximum values of 5 × 104 m2 and 30 × 104 m3,respectively,and then decreases exponentially.3) The area(AL) and volume(VL) of earthquake-triggered landslides are correlated as described with the following equation:VL=6.5138AL1.0227(R2 = 0.9131);4) Characteristics of the debris flows changed after the earthquake because of the large amount of landslide material deposited in the gullies.Consequently,debris flow peak-discharge increased following the earthquake as described with the following equation:Vpost = 0.8421Vpre1.0972(R2 = 0.9821)(Vpre is the peak discharge of pre-earthquake flows and the Vpost is the peak discharge of post-earthquake flows).We obtained the distribution of the landslides based on the above analyses,as well as the magnitude of both the landslides and the post-earthquake debris flows.The results can be useful for guiding post-disaster reconstruction and recovery efforts,and for the future mitigation of these geo-hazards.However,the equations presented are not recommended for use in site-specific designs.Rather,we recommend their use for mapping regional seismic landslide hazards or for the preliminary,rapid screening of sites.  相似文献   

Conducting a hazard assessment for secondary mountain hazards is the technical basis for reconstructing destroyed highways and for disaster prevention.It is necessary to consider the role and influence of structural engineering measures as an important assessment factor.In this study,based on six substantial field investigations conducted between July 2008 and July 2012,a 2 km wide zone along both sides of the Dujiangyan Wenchuan(Du Wen) Highway was selected as the study area.Microgeomorphic units and small watersheds in the study area were extracted with GIS software and used as basic assessment units.Through field investigations,remote sensing surveys and experimental analysis,a structural engineering effectiveness assessment was conducted using the technique of principal component analysis.The results showed the following:1) A total of 491 collapses,12 landslides,32 slope debris flows and 17 gully debris flows were scatted across the study area.The total overall areal density of all mountain hazards was 25.7%.The distribution of secondary hazards was influenced mainly by seismic intensity,active fault zones,lithology,slope and altitude.More than 70% of secondary hazards occurred in zones with a seismic intensity of XI,a distance to the fault zone of between 0 and 25 km,a slope between 25° and 50°,and an altitude of between 1,000 m and 1,800 m.2) Different structural engineering measures play different roles and effects in controlling different types and scales of secondary mountain hazards.3) With a secondary mountain hazard area of 128.1 km2and an areal density of 34.9%,medium,high and very high hazard zones accounted for 74% of the study area and were located on the high,steep slopes along both sides of the highway.The low hazard zone was located mainly in the valley floor,on gentle slope platforms and at locations 1.5 km away from the highway the hazard area was 45 km2and the areal density was 3.3%.4) The methodology for hazard assessment of secondary mountain hazards,which is based on five factors,solves such key technical problems as the selection of assessment units,multi-source data fusion,and the weight calculation for each assessment index.This study provides a new and more effective method for assessing secondary mountain hazards along highways,and the proposed models fit well with validation data and field observations.The findings were applied to reconstruction and disaster mitigation in the case of the Du Wen Highway and proved to be feasible.  相似文献   

Critical rainfall assessment is a very important tool for hazard management of torrents and debris flows in mountainous areas. The Wenchuan Earthquake 2008 caused huge casualties and property damages in the earthquake-stricken area, which also generated large quantities of loose solid materials and increased occurrence probabilities of debris flows. There is an urgent need to quantify the critical rainfall distribution in the area so that better hazard management could be planned and if real time rainfall forecast is available, torrent and debris flow early-warning could be issued in advance. This study is based on 49-year observations (1954-2003) of up to 678 torrent and debris flow events. Detailed contour maps of 1 hour and 24 hour critical rainfalls have been generated (Due to the data limitation, there was insufficient 10 minute critical rainfall to make its contour map). Generally, the contour maps from 1 hour and 24 hours have similar patterns. Three zones with low, medium and high critical rainfalls have been identified. The characteristics of the critical rainfall zones are linked with the local vegetation cover and land forms. Further studies and observations are needed to validate the finding and improve the contour maps.  相似文献   

Landslides and debris flows are typical geo-hazards which occur in hilly or mountainous regions. Debris flows may result from landslides. Geotechnical instrumentation plays an important role in monitoring and warning of landslides and resulted debris flows. Traditional technologies for monitoring landslides and debris flows have certain limitations. The new optical fiber sensors presented in this paper can overcome those limitations. This paper presents two new optical fiber sensor systems: one is the Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG)-based in-place inclinometer for monitoring landslides and the other is the FBG-based column-net system for monitoring debris flows. This paper presents the calibration results of FBG-based in-place inclinometers in laboratory. It is found that the calibration results are in good agreement with theoretical results. Both the FBG-based in-place inclinometers and the FBG-based column-net system have been installed at a site in Weijiagou valley, Beichuan County, Sichuan Province of China. Some preliminary results have been obtained and reported in the paper. The advantages of the FBG monitoring systems and their potential applications are also presented.  相似文献   

Fine root is critical to restrain soil erosion and its distribution pattern is of great influence on the restraining effects. This study studied the fine root biomass(Br) distribution of different aged Leucaena leucocephala(5, 10, 15 years) in debris flow source area in Jiangjia Gully by digging downward to the bottom at different distances to stem in three directions on slope. The results showed the Br increased dramatically by 143% from 5 years to 10 years and then rose slowly by 38% from 10 years to 15 years. The Br of 5 years was significantly asymmetric between uphill and alonghill directions, but there was little difference among directions for other ages, and a concentration trend appeared to exist in downhill and alonghill directions. Moreover, fine root(D≤1 mm) was significantly heavier than that of fine root(1mmD≤2 mm), playing a leading role in the vertical distribution of the whole fine root, with a logarithmic or an exponential function. The results presented may shed light on fine root distribution pattern and evaluation of its effect on slope stability in debris flow source area.  相似文献   

Debris flows have caused serious human casualties and economic losses in the regions strongly affected by the Ms8.0 Wenchuan earthquake of 2008. Debris flow mitigation and risk assessment is a key issue for reconstruction.The existing methods of inundation simulation are based on historical disasters and have no power of prediction.The rain-flood method can not yield detailed flow hydrograph and does not meet the need of inundation simulation. In this paper,the process of water flow was studied by using the Arc-SCS model combined with hydraulic method,and then the debris flow runoff process was calculated using the empirical formula combining the result from Arc-SCS.The peak discharge and runoff duration served as input of inundation simulation. Then,the dangerous area is predicted using kinematic wave method and Manning equation.Taking the debris flow in Huashiban gully in Beichuan County,Sichuan Province,China on 24 Sep.2008 as example,the peak discharge of water flow and debris flow were calculated as 35.52 m3·s-1 and 215.66 m3·s-,with error of 4.15%compared to the measured values.The simulated area of debris-flow deposition was 161,500 m2,vs.the measured area of 144,097 m2,in error of 81.75%.The simulated maximum depth was 12.3 m,consistent with the real maximum depth between 10 and 15 m according to the field survey.The minor error is mainly due to the flow impact on buildings and variations in cross-section configuration.The present methodology can be applied to predict debris flow magnitude and evaluate its risk in other watersheds inthe earthquake area.  相似文献   

2019年8月,济南市南部山区水井北村发生滑坡地质灾害。根据水井北村滑坡的地质背景,针对性布置物探、钻探等勘查手段,研究滑坡工程地质特征,分析水井北村滑坡类型及发生的地质成因机制;采用刚体极限平衡分析法,研究水井北村滑坡整体稳定性。研究认为断裂发育、岩层风化、地势、浅层含水层受降雨影响,是水井北村地质灾害点具备滑坡发生的内在条件。降雨和泉水入渗、耕植等行为是滑坡发生的外在条件。水井北村山体滑坡在天然条件下,稳定系数平均值为1.033,整体属欠稳定状态。暴雨状态下,稳定系数平均值为0.903,坡体处于不稳定状态。  相似文献   

According to the data of preliminary survey, the authors established a landslide geological model,on the basis of analyses on the sensitivity of landslide, tried to simulate and calculate the landslide stability of Shuitianba with the method of transfer coefficient when it is under different strength parameters, and study the landslide mechanism. The results show that it is sensitive to the effects of shear strength parameters of sliding zone and groundwater level on landslide stability safety coefficient, which provides reliable basis for calculation of landslide stability.  相似文献   

Measuring the internal velocity of debris flows is very important for debris flow dynamics research and designing debris flow control works. However, there is no appropriate method for measuring the internal velocity because of the destructive power of debris flow process. In this paper, we address this problem by using the relationship between velocity and kinetic pressure, as described by surface velocity and surface kinetic pressure data. Kinetic pressure is the difference of impact pressure and static pressure. The former is detected by force sensors installed in the flow direction at the sampling section. Observations show that static pressure can be computed using the formula for static water pressure by simply substituting water density for debris flow density. We describe the relationship between surface velocity and surface kinetic pressure using data from seven laboratory flume experiments. It is consistent with the relationship for single phase flow, which is the measurement principle of the Pitot tube.  相似文献   

Due to the special condition of provenance and disaster environment after 5·12 Earthquake, the probability and conditions of the occurrence of gully debris flow change greatly after the event, which make it difficult to prevent disaster effectively. In this study the hydrological model of ground water table in loose sediment is established. According to infinite slope theory, the safety factor of deposits is defined as the ratio of resistance force to driving force. The starting condition of post-earthquake...  相似文献   

Debris flows are among the most common geological disasters in China,and have been particularly frequent in Sichuan Province since the Wenchuan earthquake on 12 May 2008.The construction of debris flow drainage channels is a countermeasure used to distribute debris flow fans,and these channels play a critical role in the mitigation and prevention of damage resulting from debris flows.Under field conditions,the useful life of drainage channels can be greatly shortened as a result of strong abrasions to the drainage structure caused by the debris flow.Field investigations have shown that the types of damage to drainage channels include(a) erosion caused by hyper-concentrated silt flow,(b) impact fractures and foundation scour at the groundsills of the drainage channel,(c) destruction of the drainage channel outlet,and(d) destruction of the drainage channel caused by debris flow abrasion.In addition,based on the destruction of the drainage channel during the debris flow drainage process,a new type of drainage channel with energy dissipation components was proposed and applied in a steep,narrow gully for debris flow mitigation.Moreover,design and engineering repair recommendations for drainage channels are provided as a reference for repairing the damage to the channel.The results can provide an important reference for the effective repair and optimal design of drainage channels.  相似文献   

Taiwan has disadvantageous conditions for sediment-related disasters such as debris flows. The construction of engineering structures is an effective strategy for reducing debris flow disasters. However, it is impossible to construct engineering structures in all debris flow areas in a short period. Therefore, the government aims to gradually develop non-structural preventive strategies, including evacuation planning, debris flow disaster emergency action system, disaster resistant community program, recruitment of debris flow professional volunteers, debris flow warning systems, and land management strategies, to mitigate disasters and secure the safety of residents. This review describes the processes and effects of recent debris flow non-structural preventive strategies in Taiwan. The average number of casualties prior to the year 2000 was far higher than the corresponding number after 2000 because debris flow evacuation drills have been promoted since 2000 and the debris flow disaster emergency action system has been progressively improved since 2002. Furthermore, the changes in risks caused by debris flow disasters before and after the implementation of non-structural preventive strategies were used to explain the effectiveness of these strategies at the community level. The results showed that software-based non-structural preventive strategies can effectively reduce the casualties caused by debris flows at both the national and community levels.  相似文献   

In August 2009,Typhoon Morakot brought a large amount of rainfall with both high intensity and long duration to a vast area of Taiwan.Unfortunately,this resulted in a catastrophic landslide in Hsiaolin Village,Taiwan.Meanwhile,large amounts of landslides were formed in the Jiaopu Stream watershed near the southeast part of the Hsiaolin Village.The Hsiaolin Village access road(Provincial Highway No.21 and Bridge No.8) was completely destroyed by the landslide and consequent debris flow.The major scope of this study is to apply a debris flow model to simulate the disaster caused by the debris flow that occurred in the Jiaopu Stream during Typhoon Morakot.According to the interviews with local residents,this study applied the destruction time of Bridge No.8 and Chen's house to verify the numerical debris flow model.By the spatial rainfall distributions information,the numerical simulations of the debris flow are conducted in two stages.In the first stage(before the landslide-dam failure),the elevation of the debris flow and the corresponding potential damages toward residential properties were investigated.In the second stage(after the landslidedam failure),comparisons of simulation results between the longitudinal and cross profiles of the Jiaopu Stream were performed using topographic maps and satellite imagery.In summary,applications of the adopted numerical debris flow model have shown positive impact on supporting better understanding of the occurrence and movement of debris flow processes.  相似文献   

威海市草庙子镇洪水岚汤温泉是低温热水型地热田,位于苏鲁造山带(Ⅰ)胶南隆起(Ⅱ)乳山-威海凸起的东部.热储位于印支期花岗岩构造破碎带内,受NW,NE向断裂构造控制,呈点状、带状分布,洪水岚汤位于2个断裂构造交会处,出露标高66.83 m,平均水温71℃.根据流体化学特征分析,洪水岚汤温泉热水来源主要是大气降水,水化学类型按舒卡列夫法分类属HCO-3·SO2-4-Na+型热泉,氟、偏硅酸含量较高,含有多种微量元素和放射性元素.  相似文献   

西天山温泉地区广泛发育泥盆—石炭纪火山—沉积地层,布拉格达瓦一带出露的托斯库尔他乌组发育一套由滨海间夹陆相—滨浅海相—浅海相过渡的碎屑岩夹火山碎屑岩的沉积建造,沉积物源主要为中酸性火山岩,碎屑颗粒沉积速度较快,属于近源沉积,蚀源区构造环境具活动性质,形成于未切割的活动岛弧。火山岩呈夹层、透镜体状分布于托斯库尔他乌组地层中,火山作用具周期性间歇喷发的特征,岩相表现为爆发—喷溢—沉积—爆发—沉积—爆发的周期性特点。火山岩属钙碱性岩石系列,火山岩浆对应的俯冲深度为上地幔。火山岩微量元素Nb,Sr,P,Ti,Ba为亏损型,Th,Zr元素富集,与岛弧环境密切相关;Nb/Ta为11.96~15.19,略低于原始地幔值,Zr/Hf为30.17~38.20,与原始地幔值相近。稀土总量∑REE为(186.57~208.58)×10-6,轻重稀土比值为5.38~6.13;(Ce/Yb)N为3.90~4.48,(La/Yb)N为4.67~6.70,δEu为0.28~0.49,属于轻稀土富集型,显示为负铕异常。根据沉积物源区分析及主、微量元素特征,结合区域构造背景,认为晚泥盆世托斯库尔他乌组沉积建造所反映的构造环境为消减带俯冲碰撞的岛弧环境。  相似文献   

利用钻井、测井、录井和地震等资料,分析岩石结构构造和古生物,研究准噶尔盆地车排子地区白垩系沉积相发育特征.结果表明:研究区白垩系主要发育扇三角洲相和湖相,可以划分为扇三角洲平原﹑扇三角洲前缘和滨浅湖亚相,以及水上分流河道、漫滩沼泽、水下分流河道、水下分流河道间、席状砂、泥滩、滩坝微相.总体为滨浅湖沉积背景,西北部为隆起区,提供物源,向东、南方向逐渐演化为宽缓的斜坡,碎屑物质主要沉积于斜坡的滨浅湖区.从清水河组到连木沁组沉积范围不断往西南部扩大.受湖平面升降、气候变化、沉积物供给等因素的影响,扇三角洲砂体规模较小,滩坝砂体广泛发育,砂体紧靠生油凹陷,是油气聚集的有利场所,易于形成下生上储型油藏,是油气勘探的重要目标.  相似文献   

温泉具有医疗保健作用,是一种重要的健康旅游资源。江西省拥有丰富的温泉资源,分布范围广泛,集中分布在西部和南部的山地丘陵地区。江西温泉资源进行现代旅游开发的历史较短,已进行旅游开发的温泉仅占少数,开发强度由赣北、赣中到赣南依次递减。依据江西省内各区域温泉资源特点、交通条件、经济状况及旅游业发展水平等因素,提出采用网络化模式发展温泉旅游,通过“点—轴”渐进式扩散,形成“点”、“轴”、“面”相结合的空间结构网络系统,形成“一心两核、二轴四区”的旅游空间格局。  相似文献   

为认识准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系层序地层及沉积体系展布,根据层序地层学理论,综合地震、测井、录井及岩心资料,并结合各层序井—震联合标定,对准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系进行层序地层划分,建立层序地层格架。结果表明:在该地区共识别3个二级层序界面和5个三级层序界面,划分7个三级层序;二级层序界面对应侏罗系顶、底界面及西山窑组沉积末期;三级层序自下而上对应八道湾组下段、八道湾组上段、三工河组、西山窑组、头屯河组、齐古组及喀拉扎组地层;根据层序地层结构特征,将7个三级层序分为二分层序、三分层序和四分层序3种类型。该地区沉积相类型主要包括扇三角洲、辫状河三角洲、曲流河三角洲、辫状河—曲流河和湖泊相,其中辫状河三角洲相是主要沉积相类型。SQ1—SQ6层序格架内,沉积相演化依次表现为扇三角洲(八道湾组,即SQ1—SQ2)—辫状河三角洲(三工河组,即SQ3)—曲流河三角洲(西山窑组,即SQ4)—辫状河—曲流河(头屯河组,即SQ5)—曲流河(齐古组,即SQ6)的演化序列,整体上侏罗系形成一套正旋回,粒度自下而上由粗逐渐变细。综合分析各层序地层特征及沉积体系展布规律,为寻找优质储集砂体、确定有利勘探方向提供重要证据。  相似文献   

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