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Earthquake-triggered landslides have aroused widespread attention because of their tremendous ability to harm people's lives and properties.The best way to avoid and mitigate their damage is to develop landslide hazard maps and make them available to the public in advance of an earthquake.Future construction can then be built according to the level of hazard and existing structures can be retrofit as necessary.During recent years various approaches have been made to develop landslide hazard maps using statistical analysis or physical models.However,these methods have limitations.This study introduces a new GIS-based approach,using the contributing weight model,to evaluate the hazard of seismically-induced landslides.In this study,the city and surrounding area of Dujiangyan was selected as the research area because of its moderate-high seismic activity.The parameters incorporated into the model that related to the probability of landslide occurrence were:slope gradient,slope aspect,geomorphology,lithology,base level,surface roughness,earthquake intensity,fault proximity,drainage proximity,and road proximity.The parameters were converted into raster data format with a resolution of 25×25m2 pixels.Analysis of the GIS correlations shows that the highest earthquake-induced landslide hazard areas are mainly in the hills and in some of the moderately steep mountainous areas of central Dujiangyan.The highest hazard zone covers an area of 11.1% of the study area,and the density distribution of seismically-induced landslides was 3.025/km2 from the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.The moderately hazardous areas are mainly distributed within the moderately steep mountainous regions of the northern and southeastern parts of the study area and the hills of the northeastern part;covering 32.0% of the study area and with a density distribution of 2.123/km2 resulting from the Wenchuan earthquake.The lowest hazard areas are mainly distributed in the topographically flat plain in the northeastern part and some of the relatively gently slopes in the moderately steep mountainous areas of the northern part of Dujiangyan and the surrounding area.The lowest hazard areas cover 56.9% of the study area and exhibited landslide densities of 0.941/km2 and less from the Wenchuan earthquake.The quality of the hazard map was validated using a comparison with the distribution of landslides that were cataloged as occurring from the Wenchuan earthquake.43.1% of the study area consists of high and moderate hazardous zones,and these regions include 83.5% of landslides caused by the Wenchuan earthquake.The successful analysis shows that the contributing weight model can be effective for earthquake-triggered landslide hazard appraisal.The model's results can provide the basis for risk management and regional planning is.  相似文献   

In this paper the geographical information system (GIS) is applied to earthquake and tsunami emergency work and an earthquake and tsunami emergency command system (ETECS) for seaside cities is developed which is composed of a basic database and six subsystems. By employing this system, the responsible municipal departments can make rapid prediction before the occurrence of earthquake or tsunami, make commanding decisions concerning the disaster-fight during the disastrous event, and make rapid estimates of the casualties and economic losses. So that the government could conduct relief work in time and planning for future disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

长江南京段岸线资源GIS评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岸线资源是特殊的国土资源,岸线资源评价是岸线资源研究的主要工作之一。以往的研究仅从自然和经济的角度出发,对于生态条件的考虑鲜有涉及。为了达到经济和生态的双赢,根据长江南京段岸线资源的特点,综合考虑自然、经济和生态因素,构建了岸线前沿水深、岸线稳定性、岸线陆域宽度、岸线集疏运条件、水源保护区、风景名胜区六项指标组成的评价指标体系。选取合理的评价单元,运用GIS空间分析技术和ArcGISEngine开发包,在完成单项指标评价的基础上,依据建立的指标体系对研究区内的岸线资源进行综合评价,以期为长江岸线南京段的合理利用与开发提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Jiuzhaigou National Park, located in northwest plateau of Sichuan Province, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and one of the most popular scenic areas in China. On August 8, 2017, a Mw 6.5 earthquake occurred 5 km to the west of a major scenic area, causing 25 deaths and injuring 525, and the Park was seriously affected. The objective of this study was to explore the controls of seismogenic fault and topographic factors on the spatial patterns of these landslides. Immediately after the main shock, field survey, remote-sensing investigations, and statistical and spatial analysis were undertaken. At least 2212 earthquake-triggered landslides were identified, covering a total area of 11.8 km~2. Thesewere mainly shallow landslides and rock falls. Results demonstrated that landslides exhibited a close spatial correlation with seismogenic faults. More than 85% of the landslides occurred at 2200 to 3700 m elevations. The largest quantity of landslides was recorded in places with local topographic reliefs ranging from 200 to 500 m. Slopes in the range of ~20°-50° are the most susceptible to failure. Landslides occurred mostly on slopes facing east-northeast(ENE), east(E), east-southeast(ESE), and southeast(SE), which were nearly vertical to the orientation of the seismogenic fault slip. The back-slope direction and thin ridge amplification effects were documented. These results provide insights on the control of the spatial pattern of earthquake-triggered landslides modified by the synergetic effect of seismogenic faults and topography.  相似文献   

The Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake on May 12, 2008 induced a huge number of landslides. The distribution and volume of the landslides are very important for assessing risks and understanding the landslide - debris flow - barrier lake - bursts flood disaster chain. The number and the area of landslides in a wide region can be easily obtained by remote sensing technique, while the volume is relatively difficult to obtain because it requires some detailed geometric information of slope failure surface and sub-surface. Different empirical models for estimating landslide volume were discussed based on the data of 107 landslides in the earthquake-stricken area. The volume data of these landslides were collected by field survey. Their areas were obtained by interpreting remote sensing images while their apparent friction coefficients and height were extracted from the images unifying DEM (digital elevation model). By analyzing the relationships between the volume and the area, apparent friction coefficients, and the height, two models were established, one for the adaptation of a magnitude scale landslide events in a wide range of region, another for the adaptation in a small scope. The correlation coefficients (R2) are 0.7977 and 0.8913, respectively. The results estimated by the two models agree well with the measurement data.  相似文献   

应用Logistic回归模型评价区域滑坡因子敏感性。将巫山县新址西区选作研究区,选取地形地貌、岩性特征、地质构造等因子,以MAPGIS地理信息系统为技术支撑,将全区按10 m×10 m大小划分为14 450个格网单元,每个格网单元作为一个样本数据,建立Logistic回归模型。对回归模型中取得的各项参数进行分析,得出坡度为15°~30°、坡高300 m以内、坡向南、岩性T2b1和T2b3、顺向坡2(β>α)和切向坡、距有影响的构造线60 m内为研究区滑坡的敏感因素。结果表明采用Logistic回归方法具有较高可信度,可为滑坡灾害的防治、预测及土地利用服务。  相似文献   

基于遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术,采用多层次分析(AHP)法,以北京密云水库上游部分库区为研究对象,根据库区实际情况,选取植被覆盖率、土壤类型、坡度、高程、降雨量、土地利用六种影响滑坡灾害发生的因素作为评价因子,对区域滑坡风险进行分析。同时,在ArcGIS的空间分析环境中运行权重叠加,将研究区域划分成无危险区、低危险区、中危险区、高危险区和极危险区。结果表明,研究区域内大部分地区比较稳定,最易发生滑坡的区域主要集中在密云水库东北部的河谷、山谷地带,呈零星状分布。  相似文献   

通过对凤凰山东北麓工程地质特征的分析.指出该区存在的不良地质问题有滑坡(滑塌)以及危险斜坡等,并对各滑坡(滑塌)以及危险斜坡的变形破坏特征进行了分析,最后运用斜坡(滑坡)稳定性计算中常用的瑞典法、毕肖普法和剩余推力法对其进行了稳定性验算,为凤凰山东北麓后期的治理设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于信息量模型的中国滑坡灾害风险区划研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
基于信息论发展起来的信息量模型是进行区域滑坡灾害风险评估的一种有效方法。GIS技术为滑坡灾害在不同模型条件下的风险评估提供了有效地技术支持。经过研究,开发出了基于MapGIS软件平台的滑坡灾害风险分析系统。在该系统支持下.采用信息量模型对中国范围内的滑坡灾害进行危险性分析。进而进行区域社会经济易损性分析。并在此基础上进行最终的滑坡灾害风险评估。  相似文献   

Submarine landslides occur frequently on most continental margins. They are effective mechanisms of sediment transfer but also a geological hazard to seafloor installations. In this paper, submarine slope stability is evaluated using a 2D limit equilibrium method. Considerations of slope, sediment, and triggering force on the factor of safety (FOS) were calculated in drained and undrained (Φ=0) cases. Results show that submarine slopes are stable when the slope is <16° under static conditions and without a weak interlayer. With a weak interlayer, slopes are stable at <18° in the drained case and at <9° in the undrained case. Earthquake loading can drastically reduce the shear strength of sediment with increased pore water pressure. The slope became unstable at >13° with earthquake peak ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.5 g; whereas with a weak layer, a PGA of 0.2 g could trigger instability at slopes >10°, and >3° for PGA of 0.5 g. The northern slope of the South China Sea is geomorphologically stable under static conditions. However, because of the possibility of high PGA at the eastern margin of the South China Sea, submarine slides are likely on the Taiwan Bank slope and eastern part of the Dongsha slope. Therefore, submarine slides recognized in seismic profiles on the Taiwan Bank slope would be triggered by an earthquake, the most important factor for triggering submarine slides on the northern slope of the South China Sea. Considering the distribution of PGA, we consider the northern slope of the South China Sea to be stable, excluding the Taiwan Bank slope, which is tectonically active.  相似文献   

广东省交通运输厅从2012年起,组织分期研究开发基于地理信息系统的广东省综合运输体系规划信息平台(简称"平台"),旨在建立健全统一的全省交通运输业数据采集、发布标准及技术管理规范,分别构建5大类运输方式线网及重要的运输枢纽站场节点的多级图层,叠加形成全省综合运输体系布局规划"一张图"。"平台"采用4层设计,依托后台管理、应用分析和综合展示3大子系统,搭建了基础地理信息、经济社会、交通运输现状、综合运输体系规划成果及其他共5大类数据库,"平台(一期)"于2014年3月26日通过验收,实现了多维度、多视角展示和查询交通运输业数据成果的预期功能。研究实践将力促综合运输体系规划研究和决策方式实行根本性变革。  相似文献   

基于信息量模型和数据标准化的滑坡易发性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以北川曲山-擂鼓片区为研究区,将坡度、坡向、高程、地层、距断层的距离、距水系的距离和距道路的距离作为该区域滑坡易发性评价因子。采用信息量模型计算了各项评价因子的信息量值,并运用4种标准化模型对信息量值进行标准化处理。各评价因子的权重由层次分析法(AHP)确定。在GIS中将权重值和各评价因子的标准化信息量值,进行叠加计算得到区域滑坡总信息量值,并基于自然断点法对其进行重分类,将研究区划分为极高易发区、高易发区、中易发区、低易发区和极低易发区5级易发区。将基于4种标准化模型和信息量模型得到的滑坡易发性评价结果进行了对比分析,结果表明:基于最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价结果的ROC曲线下面积AUC值为0.807,高于其余模型的AUC值,说明最值标准化信息量模型的滑坡易发性评价效果最好。极高易发区面积占研究区面积的20.03%,离断层和水系较近,主要分布地层为寒武系、志留系和三迭系。研究结果可为区内滑坡风险评价和灾害防治提供参考。  相似文献   

本文以山西省霍西煤矿区为研究区,利用遥感和GIS方法对滑坡灾害的敏感性进行了数值建模与定量评价。利用交叉检验方法构建了径向基核函数支持向量机滑坡敏感性评价模型,并基于拟合精度对模型进行了定量评价;对各评价因子在模型中的重要性进行对比分析;基于空间分辨率为30m的评价因子,通过径向基核函数支持向量机模型获得了霍西煤矿区滑坡敏感性指数值,并利用分位数法将霍西煤矿区的滑坡敏感性分为极高、高、中和低4个等级。结果表明:拟合精度建模阶段和验证阶段分别为87.22%和70.12%;与滑坡敏感性关系最密切的5个评价因子依次是岩性、距道路距离、坡向、高程和土地利用类型;极高和高敏感区域分布了93.49%的滑坡点,面积占总面积的50.99%,是比较合理的分级方案。本研究不仅可以为研究区人工边坡调查和煤矿资源合理开采提供借鉴,对相似矿区的相关工作也具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Base on the oil shale data model,the authors analyz the four main data types and their mutual relations,grasped the focus on the oil shale data management,established UML visual demand model for oil shale resources in the field of evaluation,constructed three-tier system and developed oil shale resource evaluation database management system. The system can be used for managing oil shale data storage,enhancing the efficiency and quality of the oil shale resource evaluation.  相似文献   

提升地理信息数据可获取性对促进我国经济发展的意义   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文在分析我国现有地理信息数据可获取性的现状和问题基础上,提出了对现行地理信息数据政策的一些看法和建议。在经济比较发达、对外比较开放的城市和地区设立“地理信息数据开放特区”的建议,可使GIS在民用和国民经济领域的应用更加合理合法化,使GIS技术在提高经济发展的同时,能够更多地为广大人民服务。  相似文献   

为研究汶川和芦山地震的孕育过程,利用单台单震法,将地震丛发区内发生的地震粗略视为“广义重复地震”,系统分析龙门山断裂带及附近区域1990~2015年波速比时空变化过程。结果发现,波速比在汶川地震前降低,芦山地震后明显恢复。对于龙门山断裂带北段的地震丛发区,大部分台站波速比的同步时间变化过程可分为两个阶段:一是在汶川地震前,2000年~2008-05波速比出现异常降低-回返-发震过程,低值异常持续时间约8 a。汶川地震后,波速比快速回升。二是2010年开始再次显现波速比持续性稳定下降,在2013-04降至最低点,发生芦山地震,震后波速比再次快速回升到正常值。对于龙门山断裂带南段及附近的地震丛发区,大部分台站波速比的同步时间变化从2000年~2013-04波速比维持长时间的异常低值状态,低值持续时间约13 a,直至2013-04芦山地震后波速比快速回升。不论是龙门山南段还是北段,均可看到波速比基本一致的变化,2000~2013年的异常降低-恢复过程,显示了汶川8级地震与芦山7级地震的整体性和差异性,孕震过程长达14 a。由此可见,汶川地震和芦山地震很可能是同一动力学过程孕育的两次先后发生的强震。  相似文献   

GIS专业本科课程改革的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着地理信息在国民经济、国防建设和人们日常生活中的应用越来越广泛,高校所培养的学生远远不能满足社会需求。由于各培养单位的教学水平、力量和能力不同,培养出的人才水平良莠不齐,很多单位培养的GIS人才不尽人意。本文根据GIS教育的特点,就GIS专业本科教育的课程体系、教学内容、技能培养提出了几点意见,供大家批评与深入讨论。  相似文献   

Urban construction land suitability evaluation (UCLSE) is a complex system engineering and the basis for rational use of the limited urban land resources in China. It has an important practical value on urban construction land use planning and management from the angle of methodology. As a widely used technique, traditional multi-criteria evaluation based on GIS (MCE-GIS), is not suitable for UCLSE. This study develops an improved MCE-GIS method which could be more suitable for UCLSE based on urban complex ecological system theory and the summary of the shortcomings of traditional MCE-GIS. The improvements include three aspects: a composite evaluation index system rather than natural indexes alone, an index weight calculated by using fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method rather than the common AHP method, and the integrated overlay rule, which includes selecting the minimum value, weighted linear combination (WLC) and simple summation. The main advantage of this improved technique is that it can make UCLSE more comprehensive, more operational and more reasonable. It can provide a scientific basis for decision making in the planning and management of urban construction land use. The improved MCE-GIS system has been adopted in the New Hefei City, Anhui Province, China. Based on the results of UCLSE in New Hefei, three functional areas including construction-appropriate areas, construction-restricted areas and construction-forbidden areas could be worked out, in which 36.90% of the total study area could be developed as urban construction land and the remaining 63.10% should be protected as reserves land or as ecological land. Furthermore, the results can orovide scientific decision suooort for spatial planning and eco-environment nrotection in New Hefei.  相似文献   

利用华北地区2007年以来的地震资料,基于最邻近事件距离算法计算地震丛集率,对郯庐、燕山-渤海、河北平原、银川-河套、汾渭、淮河、长江下游-黄海等7个地震带进行地震丛集特征研究。对海城老震区的地震丛集特征分析认为,地震序列的丛集性明显减弱,目前发生的小震可视为反映区域应力状态的背景地震。以2015-04-15内蒙古阿拉善左旗5.8级地震为例,对华北地区显著中强地震前的地震丛集特征进行研究,发现中强地震前,地震丛集率在空间区域上先出现高值,随后出现低值,继而发震,对应地震活动中强震前增强-平静的现象,这一特征对判定未来潜在地震危险区有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   

冯家山灌区是陕西省渭北黄土台塬大型灌区之一 ,在灌溉过程中 ,由于片面提高地表水利用率而忽视地表水、地下水联合开发加之灌溉技术落后等原因 ,在灌区诱发了一些生态环境负效应。在分析灌区环境地质问题的基础上 ,运用地理信息系统 (GIS)技术 ,将GIS与模糊综合评价模型集成 ,对灌区地质环境质量进行评价 ,并针对不同地质环境质量分区探讨了水资源合理开发利用模式  相似文献   

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