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中国太阳能热发电站选址模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
太阳能热发电技术在我国新世纪能源战略中具有重要地位,太阳能热发电电站位置的合理选择对发电成本有直接影响,涉及到太阳能热发电技术本身、高时空分辨率的太阳能法直辐射分布、土地利用分布、水资源分布、社会经济分布,以及政策税收等众多因素。本文提出了一个太阳能热发电站选址的决策支持系统框架,就其中的太阳能直法辐射调查进行了初步试验。本文依据供需时空平衡原则进一步讨论了多种绿色能源互补的大能源系统运筹问题。  相似文献   

节能降耗,任重道远——漫长的循环经济之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十五"期间,我国国民经济保持高速增长,但是,高能耗、高物耗、污染重的粗放经济增长方式没有得到根本转变。在工业领域,能源消费超常规增长,能源结构仍然以煤炭为主,能源消耗量大,污染物排放量大。而生态农业建设虽然部分地缓解了农村经济发展与环境保护之间的矛盾,但其只是在低层次上实现了物质能量的循环,废弃物利用率较低,有机农业发展缓慢。如果继续沿袭传统的以资源的大量消耗为代价实现工农业现代化的发展模式,是难以持续的。为了减轻经济增长对资源供给的压力,必须大力发展循环经济,实现资源的高效利用和循环利用。本文从六个方面分析了目前我国发展循环经济的主要措施、存在的问题及解决的途径:加强对太阳能的利用,重视多晶硅规模生产技术的自主研发;发展风力发电,培育风电设备制造产业;利用秸秆发电,发展可部分替代传统化石能源的生物质能源;推动以节能、节地、节水、节材和环保为核心的绿色建筑技术发展;节水与集雨;加强土壤污染监测与防治,通过人工方法修复天然的生态系统。通过分析,作者认为,发展循环经济是缓解资源约束矛盾、节能降耗的根本出路,在我国任重而道远。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的飞速发展,对资源的需求量越来越大,矿产资源是主要的能源供应,因此矿产资源的开发监测变得尤为重要。该文将地形比较复杂的云南安宁矿区作为研究对象,论证了遥感图像在复杂地形下的矿山监测中的应用,认为相对目前采用的传统监测手段,遥感图像在时效性、效率、成本等多方面存在很多优势。  相似文献   

中国属于太阳能资源丰富的国家之一,光伏装机量位居世界第一,未来其装机量仍会不断增加。本文拟利用遥感技术获取区域太阳能资源的时空分布,采用多因子评价模型对中国地区大型光伏电站区域适宜性进行评估,以期为光伏电站的选址提供科学依据。结合太阳总辐射、日照时数的稳定程度、离路网的距离、离城镇的距离和坡向5个因子,通过设定海拔以及土地覆盖类型对应的限制区域,利用MuSyQ辐射产品、DEM、道路网数据、VIIRS夜间灯光数据、土地覆盖产品得到因子图层,使用层次分析法确定各因子在模型中的权重,借助GIS进行叠加分析并分为“低适宜”、“较适宜”、“适宜”、“非常适宜”和“限制区”5类,得到光伏电站建设的空间适宜性分布。研究结果表明,西北地区的适宜区占全国的53.0%,“非常适宜”区占全国的47.3%,其累计光伏电站装机量占全国的45.6%。建设光伏电站的“适宜”和“非常适宜”区面积的大小与装机量的多少没有明显的线性关系。“非常适宜”区作为光伏电站的最佳建设场所,光伏发电潜力大于2016年全国发电量的5倍。同时,国家政策制定的装机规模指标以及光电补贴政策对光伏电站的选址也起了一定的指向作用。  相似文献   

Based on recent year's advances in geothermal resources studies and explorations in China, this paper reviews the basic distributive characteristics of hot springs in the uplifted area and geothermal water in the Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary basins, suggests that two hydrothermal activity concentrated zones (South Tibet Autonomous Region - West Sichuan Province - West Yunnan Province and coastalarea of Southeast China), one large basin(North China Basin) and two smaller basins(Weihe Basin and Leiqiong Basin) are major areas of study and exploration of geothermal resources in China continent, considers that geothermal resources in China have certain potential of exploitation and should be used, but the scale of exploitation seems to be limited, they cannot occupy an important position in energy supply and can only be regarded as a supplementary energy source.  相似文献   

GLACIERMELTWATERRUNOFFINCHINAANDITSNOURISHMENTTORIVER¥YangZhenniang(杨针娘)(LanzhouInstituteofGlaciologyandGeocryology,theChines...  相似文献   

邹平市北部平原区孔隙水分布广泛且南北差异较大,摸清邹平市地下水资源储量,进行开采潜力分析,提出解决水资源供需矛盾和合理开发利用地下水资源的现实措施,对邹平市合理高效开发利用地下水资源具有重要意义。为推动邹平市地下水合理高效开发利用,本文利用地下水均衡原理,对区内浅层及深层孔隙水进行资源量计算,并对浅层地下水开发利用潜力进行分区。分析表明,邹平市地下水分布较为不均,存在"南超北余"不均匀分布的现状。调整开采布局的原则是以环境地质问题为约束条件,并最大限度地发挥地下水资源潜力。遵循以调控浅层地下水合理水位为中心的资源开发利用总方针,依据浅层地下水开采资源潜力和开采现状等,主要分为强化开采、稳定开采、控制开采、补源开采和半咸水改造利用5个大区。  相似文献   

Based on the finite-volume coastal ocean model(FVCOM),a three-dimensional numerical model FVCOM was built to simulate the ocean dynamics in pre-dam and post-dam conditions in Bachimen(BCM).The domain decomposition method,which is effective in describing the conservation of volume and non-conservation of mechanical energy in the utilization of tidal energy,was employed to estimate the theoretical tidal energy resources and developable energy resources,and to analyze the hydrodynamic effect of the tidal power station.This innovative approach has the advantage of linking physical oceanography with engineering problems.The results indicate that the theoretical annual tidal energy resources is about 2×10~8 k Wh under the influence of tidal power station;Optimized power installation is confirmed according to power generation curve from numerical analysis;the developable resources is about 38.2% of theoretical tidal energy resources with the employment of one-way electricity generation.The electricity generation time and power are 3479 hours and 2.55×10~4 KW,respectively.The power station has no effect on the tide pattern which is semi-diurnal tide in both two conditions,but the amplitudes of main constituents apparently decrease in the area near the dam,with the M_2 decreasing the most,about 62.92 cm.The tidal prism shrinks to 2.28×10~7 m~3,but can still meet the flow requirement for tidal power generation.The existence of station increases the flow rate along the waterway and enhances the residual current.There are two opposite vortexes formed on the east side beside the dam of the station,which leads to pollutants gathering.  相似文献   

Projections of climate change are essential to guide sustainable development plans in the tropical Andean countries such as Peru. This study assessed the projections of precipitation and potential evaporation, rain erosive potential, and precipitation concentration in the Mantaro River Basin, in the Peruvian Andes, which is important for agriculture and energy production in Peru. We assumed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) A1B greenhouse gas emission scenario and simulated the global climate change by the HadCM3 global climate model. Due to the steepness of the mountain slopes and the narrowness of the river valley, this study uses the downscaling of the global model simulations by the regional Eta model down to 20-km resolution. The downscaling projections show decrease in the monthly precipitation with respect to the baseline period, especially during the rainy season, between February and April, until the end of the 21st century. Meanwhile, a progressive increase in the monthly evaporation from the baseline period is projected. The Modified Fournier Index (MFI) shows a statistically significant downward trend in the Mantaro River Basin, which suggests a possible reduction in the rain erosive potential. The Precipitation Concentration Index (PCI) shows a statistically significant increasing trend, which indicates increasingly more irregular temporal distribution of precipitation towards the end of the century. The results of this study allow us to conclude that there should be a gradual increase in water deficit and precipitation concentration. Both changes can be negative for agriculture, power generation, and water supply in the Mantaro River Basin in Peru.  相似文献   

优化发电能源结构的初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国电力工业发展的角度,浅析了国内外发电能源结构及其变化趋势,作者认为优化我国发电能源结构、采取必要的技术措施,是实现我国电力 工业可持续发的重要途径。  相似文献   

一个地区水量的充足与否直接影响该区农作物产量的高低。利用空间信息技术(RS和GIS)建立的东北地区农业需水动态调控模型,可服务于不同地区农业(农作物)的合理发展。文中以东北地区黑龙江、吉林、辽宁3省主要农作物及其分布现状为研究对象,依据区内水资源的供需平衡原理和水资源与农业的相互耦合关系,运用RS和GIS手段,进行了东北地区农业需水动态调控模型系统的概念设计。东北农业需水动态调控GIS不仅可以实现对现有数据查询、检索、修改和分析,还可对农业未来的发展做出预测,对未来20年内东北地区作物单产、作物耗水量、作物需水量以及作物产量变化等趋势做出评价。据此可为一些重大水利工程规划布局决策提供参考依据,从而实现东北地区农业稳定、快速的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The Hexi Corridor is an important base of agriculture development in Northwest China. According to recent statistics, there are 65.94×108m3 of water resources available in the Hexi Corridor. At present, net consumption in development and utilization is 43.33×108m3. Water supply and demand reach a balance on the recent level of production, but loss of evaporation and evapotranspiration is as much as 25.69×108m3. So net use efficiency of water resources is 59%. Based on analyzing balance between water and land considering ecological environment at present, there exists the serious water shortage in the Shiyang River system where irrigation lands have overloaded. There is a comparative balance between supply and demand of water resource in the Heihe River system; and the Sule River system has some surplus water to extend irrigation land. Use of agriculture water accounts for 83.3% and ecological forest and grass for 6.9%. The Hexi Corridor still has a great potential for water saving in agriculture production. Water-saving efficiency of irrigation is about 10% by using such traditional technologies as furrow and border-dike irrigation and small check irrigation, and water-saving with plastic film cover and techniques of advanced sprinkler and drip/micro irrigation etc. cansave more than 60% of irrigated water. Incremental irrigation area for water-saving potential in the Hexi Corridor has been estimated as 56% – 197% to original irrigation area. So the second water sources can be developed from water saving agriculture in the Hexi Corridor under Development of the Western Part of China in large scale. This potential can be realized step by step through developing the water-saving measures, improving the ecological condition of oasis agriculture, and optimizing allocation of water resources in three river systems. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the Key innovation Project Engineering of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZcx-1-10-03) Biography: GAO Qian-zhao (1942 –), male, a native of Changzhou, Jiangsu, Professor and supervisor of Ph. D students. His research interests include hydrology and rational utilization of water resources in the arid zone.  相似文献   

我国人多地少,后备耕地资源极其短缺,人地矛盾突出。伴随工业化和城镇化步伐的加快,土地供需矛盾日益尖锐。为合理配置、有效利用土地资源,统筹城乡发展,有效落实城乡建设用地增减挂钩政策成为缓解建设用地供需矛盾、优化城乡建设用地布局的有效途径和手段。该文结合夏津县城乡建设用地增减挂钩工作实践,提出了适应鲁北平原区的城乡建设用地增减挂钩模式,总结了一些好的经验与做法。同时,也对存在问题进行了剖析,并提出了对策。  相似文献   

China is a mountainous country,and Southwest mountain areas cover the most mountain areas in China and have the most serious problems.Taking Zhaotong city as the study area,based on 902 rural household questionnaires of 11 villages in 2 counties and Tobit model,this paper analyzes the geographical differences and influencing factors of energy consumption for non-production purposes of rural households living in different terrain conditions.This research finds that:(1) Coal takes up the main part of energy consumption in valley areas and coal consumption is mainly affected by per capita cultivated land area,household income,proportion of rural household energy expenditure in total expenditure,coal price,and family population size.Firewood takes up the main part of energy consumption in high mountain areas and firewood consumption is mainly affected by per capita firewood forest area,distance to purchase coal,household income,electricity price,and coal price.(2) Only when the distance is greater than 20 kilometers,that is the average distance of rural households living in middle mountain areas(1,600m~1,800m) to purchase coal,the transportation condition has a significant impact on coal consumption.(3) In high mountain areas,prices of coal and electricity are the main factors influencing energy consumption choice of rural households.Too high prices of coal and electricity would to some extent lead rural households to choose firewood as the main energy consumption type.Compared to coal,rural households prefer to choose electricity.  相似文献   

根据矿坑热水水质、水量、水温,立足矿山实际,因地制宜提出了综合开发利用方式:赵楼煤矿矿坑水可向巨野县城提供洗浴用水;彭庄煤矿矿坑水宜作为种植冬暖式大棚蔬菜的热源;经热能梯级利用后,郭屯煤矿矿坑水可与低氟水混合后作为水产养殖用水;龙堌煤矿矿坑排水量大,距巨野县城较近,经降酸处理后可作为城镇工业供水水源。矿坑水经全部梯级利用后,可节省地下水资源及煤炭资源费2 493.84万元/a。  相似文献   

沿黄地区浅层淡水水源地傍河取水技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为开辟区域供水新途径,经过对沿黄地区供水勘察资料的分析研究,认为临黄靠渠区,浅层地下水水质较好。从黄河侧渗补给稳化的角度分析,具备了形成中小型供水水源地的条件,技术可行、经济便利,能够满足该区村镇生活及工矿企业用水需求,是缓解该区供水危机的新途径。  相似文献   

La Rance Tidal Range Power Station in France and Jiangxia Tidal Range Power Station in China have been both long-term successful commercialized operations as kind of role models for public at large for more than 40 years. The Sihwa Lake Tidal Range Power Station in South Korea has also developed to be the largest marine renewable power station with its installed capacity 254 MW since 2010. These practical applications prove that the tidal range energy as one kind of marine renewable energy exploitation and utilization technology is becoming more and more mature and it is used more and more widely. However, the assessment of the tidal range energy resources is not well developed nowadays. This paper summarizes the main problems in tidal range power resource assessment, gives a brief introduction to tidal potential energy theory, and then we present an analyzed and estimated method based on the tide numerical modeling. The technical characteristics and applicability of these two approaches are compared with each other. Furthermore, based on the theory of tidal range energy generation combined with flux conservation, this paper proposes a new assessment method that include a series of evaluation parameters and it can be easily operated to calculate the tidal range energy of the sea. Finally, this method is applied on assessment of the tidal range power energy of the Jiantiao Harbor in Zhejiang Province, China for demonstration and examination.  相似文献   

水资源平衡分析是进行土地整理的前提和基础。在项目可行性研究中,只有摸清项目区的水资源量和可用水量,才能因地制宜对项目区进行科学规划。以济南市商河县郑路镇中低产田项目区为例,对水资源供需平衡进行了评价和分析,以求得水资源供需平衡,进而提高土地利用率。  相似文献   

The sea area east of Chenshan Cape has peak tidal current flows that exceed 2.3 m s-1, which make it a promising site for the development of tidal current energy. Before these resources can be exploited, a comprehensive assessment is needed of the potential environmental impacts of the extraction of this energy. In this paper, we describe our construction of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the waters near Chengshan Cape, and verify the performance of the model using continuous data measured in situ. We modeled the potential impacts of the exploitation of these resources on the flow field by adding a momentum loss term in the governing equation of the model. Simulation results show that an assumed tidal farm with an estimated power output of 20.34 MW would have a significant impact on the surrounding water level, especially next to the farm, where fluctuation could reach 6 cm. The maximum drop in the flow velocity in the wake of the farm was predicted to be more than 0.8 m s-1, and this influence would extend 10 km downstream.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖地区土地覆盖空间分布格局与景观特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 鄱阳湖是我国第一大淡水湖,具有洪水调蓄、水源涵养等重要生态服务功能。掌握鄱阳湖地区土地覆盖的空间分布格局和规律,对于评价其环境保护和生态服务功能具有重要作用。本文利用环境卫星影像、2005年鄱阳湖地区土地覆盖数据,经遥感解译分析获取了鄱阳湖地区2010年土地覆盖现状数据及其空间分布格局图。研究表明:(1)采用2010年的环境星影像结合2005年土地覆盖数据,人工目视解译得到的2010年土地覆盖数据的精度为80.4%。(2)景观生态学、GIS及统计学的思想和方法可以为土地覆盖空间特征的定量分析提供技术支持。文中采用的斑块面积指数、斑块形状指数、不同土地覆盖类型的邻接指数,从不同角度反映了鄱阳湖地区土地覆盖的空间分布格局及景观特征。(3)景观指数能定量说明土地覆盖景观的形状、大小、数量和空间组合,能反映景观的生态环境特点、人类活动及社会经济状况。面积特征指数显示研究区农村聚落的离散度及破碎度最高;斑块形状指数反映出研究区水体形状趋于规则化,其受到人类的"围湖造田,围湖造地"及防洪工程建设的干扰。(4)不同土地覆盖类型的邻接指数能定量说明相邻类型在物质交换、结构与功能的相互影响及土地资源形成机制、演替过程等。水田与常绿阔叶林的邻接关系反映了人类"毁林开荒"活动对林地与水田演替关系的影响;水田与农村聚落的邻接关系,表明研究区耕地保护的重点是城镇及农村周边耕地的保护;城镇建设用地的邻接关系表明了人类生活所需的生活条件,为"移民建镇"工程提供了科学依据。分析认为:鄱阳湖地区是以耕地为主的农业区,并且有丰富的水资源及森林资源,但今后要重视农村土地的集约化利用、水资源保护、耕地资源保护和自然资源的合理开发利用。  相似文献   

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