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Mostly lip service treatments of negative spatial autocorrelation (NSA) appear in the literature, although spatial scientists confront it in practice. NSA was detected serendipitously in recalcitrant empirical analyses containing a sizeable amount of global positive spatial autocorrelation (PSA) unaccounted for by standard spatial statistical models, and labeled hidden because conventional spatial statistical tools detected only PSA while giving absolutely not hint of NSA existing. The meaning of this phenomenon is explored empirically, with findings including: a better understanding of NSA, spatial filter model construction guidelines, effective illustrations of NSA, and how hidden NSA furnishes a diagnostic for model misspecification.
Daniel A. GriffithEmail: Phone: +1-972-8834950Fax: +1-972-8836297

Since before the inception of work by Okabe, the intermingling of spatial autocorrelation (i.e., local distance and configuration) and distance decay (i.e., global distance) effects has been suspected in spatial interaction data. This convolution was first treated conceptually because technology and methodology did not exist at the time to easily or fully address spatial autocorrelation effects within spatial interaction model specifications. Today, however, sufficient computer power coupled with eigenfunction-based spatial filtering offers a means for accommodating spatial autocorrelation effects within a spatial interaction model for modest-sized problems. In keeping with Okabe’s more recent efforts to dissemination spatial analysis tools, this paper summarizes how to implement the methodology utilized to analyze a particular empirical flows dataset.
Daniel A. GriffithEmail:

Forest conservation is considered an option for mitigating the effect of greenhouse gases on global climate, hence monitoring forest carbon pools at global and local levels is important. The present study explores the capability of remote-sensing variables (vegetation indices and textures derived from SPOT-5; backscattering coefficient and interferometric coherence of ALOS PALSAR images) for modeling the spatial distribution of above-ground biomass in the Environmental Conservation Zone of Mexico City. Correlation and spatial autocorrelation coefficients were used to select significant explanatory variables in fir and pine forests. The correlation for interferometric coherence in HV polarization was negative, with correlations coefficients r = −0.83 for the fir and r = −0.75 for the pine forests. Regression-kriging showed the least root mean square error among the spatial interpolation methods used, with 37.75 tC/ha for fir forests and 29.15 tC/ha for pine forests. The results showed that a hybrid geospatial method, based on interferometric coherence data and a regression-kriging interpolator, has good potential for estimating above-ground biomass carbon.  相似文献   

城市无障碍设施在区域空间中往往呈现聚集分布的特征,通常利用核密度估计方法分析总体空间分布形态,研究区域空间分布的数量差异,探测分布热点;同时通过分析无障碍设施空间自相关性特征,反映无障碍设施服务的聚集特点。将空间分析方法引入到无障碍环境评估当中,可以优化无障碍环境发展空间。结果表明,北京市核心区无障碍设施总体呈现出"多核分布"的态势。无障碍设施的总体分布存在空间差异性,局部无障碍设施空间分布存在聚集特性。  相似文献   

Hedonic house price models typically impose a constant price structure on housing characteristics throughout an entire market area. However, there is increasing evidence that the marginal prices of many important attributes vary over space, especially within large markets. In this paper, we compare two approaches to examine spatial heterogeneity in housing attribute prices within the Tucson, Arizona housing market: the spatial expansion method and geographically weighted regression (GWR). Our results provide strong evidence that the marginal price of key housing characteristics varies over space. GWR outperforms the spatial expansion method in terms of explanatory power and predictive accuracy.
Christopher BitterEmail:

Geographic applications frequently require the gathering and analysis of socioeconomic data. For many nations, these data are normally collected through a census. However, during the intercensal period (5–10 years), these data lose their currency and must be updated. The objective of this project was to estimate housing unit density from Landsat ETM+ imagery in the Terre Haute, IN, USA, region. Modelling was done for 1945 census blocks in the study area containing 30 972 housing units. Landtype, as represented by six cluster classes, was used as the primary surrogate for housing unit density. The percentage of each landtype within the census blocks was calculated. Other landscape metrics representing landtype patch dominance and diversity were also calculated on a per-block basis. Housing unit density within the census block was then modelled as a function of those percentages and metrics using discriminant analysis and multiple regression. The simple correlation between the observed and modelled housing unit density was 0.79. The mean residual error produced by the model was 0.37 housing units per hectare.  相似文献   


The cartographic identification and characterization of urban settlements is problematic, particularly in varied areas or in large geographical extensions. This is due to the divergence between morphological area structures and data attribution, which is generally available at the level of administrative units. Most existing experiences focus on small regions or use indirect data, from which only indirect information can be derived. This paper proposes an identification of urban settlements in the European Union space, which combines urban population and shape through geographic information system (GIS) techniques. For that purpose, 1 km2 cells with associated population data are used. A procedure is developed establishing three different types of urban settlements, according to population and population density values: high-density urban clusters, small and medium-sized towns, and very small towns. A validation of this procedure is performed using direct survey from local experts in 10 selected study areas. The final results show that 78,307 urban settlements can be identified: 88.17% of them are classified as “very small towns,” 10.75% as “small and medium-sized towns,” and 1.08% as high-density urban clusters. This exercise generates new information for the European Union and surrounding countries, and yields the basis for further research. All GIS operations are performed using vector layers, which is not usual in large-area regional studies.  相似文献   

Regional interactions and spillover effects should be considered as important factors in growth analysis of regional economies. Using modified versions of the Dendrinos–Sonis model, this paper analyses the spatial hierarchical system of Italy. The interaction among Italian regions is considered at three different levels of spatial aggregation, the NUTS-1, NUTS-2 and NUTS-3 levels. Compared to more popular spatial econometric approaches, the Dendrinos–Sonis model and its extensions provide greater flexibility in the way interaction between regions is handled but the results strongly depend on the choice of a reference region.
Geoffrey J. D. HewingsEmail:

Predictive vegetation modeling is defined as predicting the distribution of vegetation across a landscape based upon its relationship with environmental factors. These models generally ignore or attempt to remove spatial dependence in the data. When explicitly included in the model, spatial dependence can increase model accuracy. We develop presence/absence models for 11 vegetation alliances in the Mojave Desert with classification trees and generalized linear models, and use geostatistical interpolation to calculate spatial dependence terms used in the models. Results were mixed across models and methods, but in general, the spatial dependence terms more consistently increased model accuracy for widespread alliances. GLMs had higher accuracy in general.  相似文献   

An online spatial biodiversity model (SBM) for optimized and automated spatial modelling and analysis of geospatial data is proposed, which is based on web processing service (WPS) and web service orchestration (WSO) in parallel computing environment. The developed model integrates distributed geospatial data in geoscientific processing workflow to compute the algorithms of spatial landscape indices over the web using free and open source software. A case study for Uttarakhand state of India demonstrates the model outputs such as spatial biodiversity disturbance index (SBDI) and spatial biological richness index (SBRI). In order to optimize and automate, an interactive web interface is developed using participatory GIS approaches for implementing fuzzy AHP. In addition, sensitivity analysis and geosimulation experiments are also performed under distributed GIS environment. Results suggest that parallel algorithms in SBM execute faster than sequential algorithms and validation of SBRI with biological diversity shows significant correlation by indicating high R2 values.  相似文献   

An assessment of gully erosion along road drainage-release sites is critical for understanding the contribution of roads to soil loss and for informed land management practices. Considering that road-related gully erosion has traditionally been measured using field methods that are expensive, tedious and limited spatially as well as temporally, it is important to identify affordable, timely and robust methods that can be used to effectively map and estimate the volume of gullies along the road networks. In this study, gullies along major roads were identified from remotely sensed data sets and their volumes were estimated in a Geographic Information Systems environment. Also, the biophysical and climatic factors such as vegetation cover, the road contributing surface area, the gradient of the discharge hillslope and rainfall were derived from remotely sensed data sets using Geographic Information Systems techniques to find out whether they could explain the morphology of gullies that existed in this area. The results of this study indicate that hillslope gradient (R2?=?0.69, α = 0.00) and road contributing surface area (R2?=?0.63, α = 0.00) have a strong influence on the volume of gullies along the major roads in the south-eastern region of South Africa, as might have been expected. However, other factors such as vegetation cover (R2 = 0.52, α = 0.00) and rainfall (R2 = 0.41 and α = 0.58) have a moderately weaker influence on the overall volume of gullies. Overall, the findings of this study highlight the importance of using remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems technologies in investigating gully erosion occurrence along major roads where detailed field work remains a challenge.  相似文献   

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