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This paper presents a review of sediment dispersal processes in the Strait of Georgia, based on marine geological studies. Sediment from the Fraser River is dispersed around the Strait through a variety of transport pathways. Most sand and coarser silt fractions settle out and are deposited within a few 100 m of the channel mouths. Both channelled and non-channelled gravity flows probably transport sediment downslope and onto the basin floor. Asymmetric tidal currents force a predominantly northward sediment drift, resulting in a reworked slope off Roberts Bank and a finer-grained depositional slope off Sturgeon Bank. Far-field sediment accumulation is controlled by local morphology and sediment dynamics. Multibeam mapping and seismic profiling reveal that some parts of the basin floor are characterized by bottom sediment reworking and erosion. Given the complexities of sediment dispersal and seafloor reworking, generalizations about sediment dispersal paths and sedimentation rates are difficult. Future understanding will be advanced by the cabled observatory, VENUS, which will enable near real-time monitoring of key processes.  相似文献   

The west-central Florida inner shelf represents a transition between the quartz-dominated barrier-island system and the carbonate-dominated mid-outer shelf. Surface sediments exhibit a complex distribution pattern that can be attributed to multiple sediment sources and the ineffectiveness of physical processes for large-scale sediment redistribution. The west Florida shelf is the submerged extension of the Florida carbonate platform, consisting of a limestone karst surface veneered with a thin unconsolidated sediment cover. A total of 498 surface sediment samples were collected on the inner shelf and analyzed for texture and composition. Results show that sediment consists of a combination of fine quartz sand and coarse, biogenic carbonate sand and gravel, with variable but subordinate amounts of black, phosphorite-rich sand. The carbonate component consists primarily of molluskan fragments. The distribution is patchy and discontinuous with no discernible pattern, and the transition between sediment types is generally abrupt. Quartz-rich sediment dominates the inner 15 km north of the entrance into Tampa Bay, but south of the Bay is common only along the inner 3 km. Elsewhere, carbonate-rich sediment is the predominate sediment type, except where there is little sediment cover, in which cases black, phosphorite-rich sand dominates. Sediment sources are likely within, or around the periphery of the basin. Fine quartz sand is likely reworked from coastal units deposited during Pleistocene sea-level high stands. Carbonate sand and gravel is produced by marine organisms within the depositional basin. The black, phosphorite-rich sand likely originates from the bioerosion and reworking of the underlying strata that irregularly crop out within the study area. The distribution pattern contains elements of both storm- and tide-dominated siliciclastic shelves, but it is dictated primarily by the sediment source, similar to some carbonate systems. Other systems with similar sediment attributes include cool-water carbonate, sediment-starved, and mixed carbonate/siliciclastic systems. This study suggests a possible genetic link among the three systems.  相似文献   

Triassic platform-margin deltas in the western Barents Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Early to Middle Triassic in the Barents Sea was dominated by prograding transgressive-regressive sequences. Internal clinoform geometries indicate that sediments were derived from the Baltic Shield in the south and the Uralian Mountains in the east and southeast. These systems were formed in a large, relatively shallow epicontinental basin, where modest variations in relative sea-level relocated the shoreline significantly. This study shows the development of strike elongated depositional wedges that thicken just basinward of the platform-edge. Seismic facies and time-thickness maps show the position and development of platform-margin delta complexes within each sequence. Seismic clinoforms and trajectory analysis show significant lateral variation from the axis of the delta complex to areas adjacent to the main delivery system. Frequent toplap geometries are observed in proximity to coarse-grained deposits, while aggradation of seismic clinoforms characterizes areas laterally to the platform-margin deltas. Complex shifts in depocenters are revealed by large-scale compensational stacking pattern and relict platform breaks. Locally, relict breaks are created due to pre-existing paleo-topography. Platform-margin deltas can be identified by careful mapping of clinoform geometries, clinoform angles and trajectories. However, seismic analysis of prograding clinoform units indicate that the shoreline and delta complexes commonly are positioned landward of the platform-edge. Deposition of platform-margin deltas is sometimes caused by locally increased sediment supply during slightly rising relative sea-level, and occasionally caused by a regional drop in relative sea-level with significant shelf bypass.Development, position, thickness and facies distribution of platform deltas and platform-margin deltas of very broad low-relief basins, like the Triassic of the epicontinental Barents Sea basin, are strongly sensitive to changes in relative sea-level due to rapid emergence and submergence of wide areas, and to changes in position of major rivers supplying sand to the delta systems. In this respect, the depositional model of the present study deviates from models of clinoform successions obtained from small and narrow basins or siliciclastic platforms with high coarse-clastic sediment supply.  相似文献   

东海陆架中北部沉积物粒度特征及其沉积环境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过对东海陆架表层沉积物粒级组成、粒度参数、14C年龄和微体古生物组合的综合分析,绘制了东海陆架的沉积物类型分布图;运用Folk等(1970)沉积物分类方法将东海表层沉积物分成砂、粉砂、粉砂质砂、砂质粉砂、砂质泥5种类型,其中粉砂质砂分布最广,砂质泥分布最少;沉积物由陆向海粒度变粗,反映沉积过程中的物源和沉积动力控制作用。根据沉积环境及成因分析,可将东海陆架沉积分为3类:分别是长江口外席状砂沉积区、现代泥质沉积区和陆架中部砂质沉积区。长江口外砂质沉积是全新世冰消期晚期潮流作用及风暴潮流共同作用的产物,是高海平面以来太平洋潮波系统作用下的潮流沙沉积,沙波地貌仍在发生变化。现代泥质沉积区包括长江前三角洲沉积、浙闽沿岸流沉积和济州岛西南泥质沉积三个区域,不同沉积区的成因机制不同。陆架中部砂质沉积是末次冰盛期之后海侵作用下发育的砂质沉积物,在海侵的不同阶段中沉积物被冲刷改造,具有不等时性特征,沉积环境与现代陆架海洋环流的动力特征不一致,现代沉积作用较弱,仅接受悬浮体细粒沉积。  相似文献   

The Pliocene to Recent of the Sinú Accretionary Prism, offshore Colombia, features gravity current dominated basins characterised primarily by channel- and sheet-like architectures and those with dominantly hemipelagic fills. The prism is fed by rivers that drain from uplifted older basins and volcanic Andean terranes to the south and east which source large volumes of sediment to the Colombian Shelf into the Colombian Basin. Some basin fills show evidence of both localised fold-induced sediment failure and regional-scale shelf collapse, both related to the generation and destruction of oversteepened slopes. Large scale collapses can create new sediment routing pathways and/or local depocentres into which sediment subsequently accumulates. In the Colombian Basin, even relatively distal basins show evidence of channel activity related primarily to the creation of new sediment distribution pathways through breaches in the substrate barriers between basins. These channels are often orientated parallel to the regional drainage trend, suggesting that regional sediment transport trends can assert themselves relatively early in a basin filling history regardless of the local bathymetric grain. While, at a regional scale, sediment dispersal fairways reflect drainage from the continental shelf to the basin floor, intraslope basins form local bathymetric obstructions that can drive local spatial variations in sediment distribution. Thus, both local and regional length scales of bathymetric control are evident within the intraslope basins of the Sinú Accretionary Prism. Although regional dispersal patterns generally become more important in time, individual intraslope basins exhibit more complex filling histories because events such as sill or shelf collapse may serve to disrupt established distribution pathways, initiating repeated episodes of adjustment.  相似文献   

Along the coast at Praia de Leste, southern Brazil (25° 41’ S latitude), a positive sedimentary budget and a lowering of the sea level following the postglacial maximum has given rise to a progradational strandplain barrier that is 3–5 km wide. Sand quarries that lie 3.5 km from the present-day coastline have provided material from exceptional outcrops of 75% of the sequence of Holocene barrier facies. Five facies associations have been identified, which correspond to the inner shelf, the lower, middle and upper shorefaces, and the foreshore. The architecture of the facies shows a regressive sequence that overlies an erosional surface and downlapping Pleistocene sediments. At Praia de Leste, the facies association has a thickness of 14 m and is deposited between 2 m above and 12 m below mean paleo sea level. The barrier corresponds to a coastal environment that is characterised by medium to low wave energy under the additional influence of episodic storm events. The sequence at the Praia de Leste barrier differs from the sequence of clastic shoreline facies found elsewhere in two main ways. The first difference is the high content of fine sediment and plant debris, released at around the same time as the formation of the barrier from large estuarine systems, and the second is the predominance on the middle and lower shorefaces of swaley cross-stratified sand facies with abundant plant debris. We also describe two further characteristics of the barrier at Praia de Leste. First, the swaley cross-stratified sand represents a component of onshore transport that resulted in the accumulation of sediment transported from the shelf. Second, the beach step has been well preserved, thereby allowing the continuous tracing of seaward-dipping, low-angle cross-stratification to a sigmoidal cross-stratified beach-step sandy facies. Finally, we have herein been able to improve the precision of the sequence of formation of the depth of the facies, by making reference to paleo sea level during the formation of the barrier, rather than to present-day mean sea level.  相似文献   

In order to assess the controlling factors on the evolution of a shelf margin and the timing of sediment transfer to deep waters, a seismic stratigraphic investigation was carried out in the Eocene interval of northern Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. The studied succession configures a complex of prograding slope clinoforms formed in a passive margin and encompasses five seismic facies and their respective depositional settings: shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces, oblique slope clinoforms, sigmoidal slope clinoforms, continental to shelfal deposits and mass-transport deposits. These are stratigraphically arranged as seven depositional sequences recording a total shelf-edge progradation of about 35 km and a progradation rate of 1,75 km/My. Two main types of sequences can be recognized, the first one (type A) being dominated by oblique slope clinoforms and shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces in which shelf-edge trajectories were essentially flat to descending and extensive sandy turbidites were deposited on the foreset to bottomset zones. Sequences of this type are dominated by forced-regressive units deposited during extensive periods of relative sea-level fall. Type B comprises an upper part represented by aggradational shelfal deposits and a lower part composed of mass-transport deposits and high-relief sigmoidal clinoforms with descending shelf-edge trajectory. Steep slump scars deeply cut the shelfal strata and constitutes the boundary between the two intervals observed in type B sequences. Sandy turbidites occur at the same frequency in both forced- and normal-regressive units but are more voluminous within forced-regressive clinoforms associated with shelf-margin deltas/shorefaces. Major slope failures and mass-transport deposits, by the other hand, occurred exclusively in type B sequences during the onset of sea-level fall and their volume are directly related to the thickness of the shelfal sediments formed during the pre-failure normal regressions.  相似文献   

The northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea(SCS) is characterized by the development of large scale foresets complexes since Quaternary. Based on integral analysis of the seismic, well logging and paleontological data, successions since ~3.0 Ma can be defined as one composite sequence, consist of a set of regional transgressive to regressive sequences. They can be further divided into six 3 rd order sequences(SQ0–SQ5) based on the Exxon sequence stratigraphic model. Since ~1.6 Ma, five sets of deltaic systems characterized by development of wedge-shaped foresets complexes or clinoforms had been identified. High-resolution seismic data and the thick foresets allowed further divided of sub-depositional sequences(4 th order) of regression to transgression, which is basically consistent with published stacked benthic foram O-isotope records. Depositional systems identified in the study area include deltaic deposits(inner-shelf deltas and shelf-edge deltas), incised valleys, and slope slumping massive deposits. Since ~1.6 Ma, clinoforms prograded from the southern Panyu Lower Uplift toward the northern Baiyun Depression, shelf slope break migrated seaward, whereas the shelf edge of SQ0 migrated landward. The development of incised valleys in the continental shelf increased upward,especially intensive on the SB3 and SB2. The slumping massive deposits increased abruptly since SB2, which corresponds to the development of incised valleys. The evolution of depositional systems of continental slope mainly controlled by the combined influence of sea level changes, tectonic movements, sediment supply and climate changes. Since ~3.0 Ma, relative sea level of the northern SCS had been experienced transgression(~3.0 Ma BP) to regression(~1.6 Ma BP). The regional regression and maximum transgressions of the composite sequences were apparently enhanced by uplift or subsidence related to tectono-thermal events. In addition,climatic variations including monsoon intensification and the mid-Pleistocene transition may have enhanced sediment supply by increasing erosion rate and have an indispensable influence on the development of the incised valleys and 5 sets of deltaic systems since ~1.6 Ma.  相似文献   

The deep lacustrine gravity-flow deposits are widely developed in the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, southeast Ordos Basin, central China. Three lithofacies include massive fine-grained sandstone, banded sandstone, and massive oil shale and mudstone. The massive fine-grained sandstones have sharp upper contacts, mud clasts, boxed-shaped Gamma Ray (GR) log, but no grading and Bouma sequences. In contrast, the banded sandstones display different bedding characteristics, gradational upper contacts, and fine-upward. The massive, fine-grained sandstones recognized in this study are sandy debrites deposited by sandy debris flows, while the banded sandstones are turbidites deposited by turbidity currents not bottom currents. The sediment source for these deep gravity-flow sediments is a sand-rich delta system prograding at the basin margin. Fabric of the debrites in the sandy debris fields indicates initial formation from slope failure caused by the tectonic movement. As the sandy debris flows became diluted by water and clay, they became turbidity currents. The deep lacustrine depositional model is different from the traditional marine fan or turbidite fan models. There are no channels or wide lobate sand bodies. In the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, layers within the sandy debrites have higher porosity (8–14%) and permeability (0.1–4 mD) than the turbidites with lower porosity (3–8%) and permeability (0.04–1 mD). Consequently, only the sandy debrites constitute potential petroleum reservoir intervals. Results of this study may serve as a model for hydrocarbon exploration and production for deep-lacustrine reservoirs from gravity-flow systems in similar lacustrine depositional environments.  相似文献   

东海西北部陆架表层沉积物重矿物组合及其沉积环境指示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了东海陆架360个表层沉积物的碎屑矿物和粒度组成,利用R型聚类方法提取稳定重矿物和重矿物分异指数作为矿物分布规律的指示因子;根据快速聚类结果将重矿物组成分为3个区:东海陆架海侵体系域晚期残留砂体区、高位体系域晚期长江水下前三角洲和浙闽沿岸流泥质沉积区、高位体系域扬子浅滩沉积区。结合粒度参数和特征矿物分布、沉积物14C年龄对各区沉积环境进行讨论,确定陆架残留沉积和改造沉积的成因、长江水下三角洲和浙闽沿岸流泥质区的范围,以及对应不同海侵层序的矿物分异特征和物质"源-汇"关系。聚类分析虽能够指示同一物源碎屑矿物分布与沉积动力关系,但物源不同,聚类结果可能误导沉积环境分析。扬子浅滩表层砂体是在距今6~4和3~2 ka 的两个潮流沉积发育期形成的多期改造沙波沉积。  相似文献   

晚更新世末期(12000-25000a BP)为玉木冰期最盛时期,气候寒冷而干燥,极地冰流的扩展使世界海面大幅度下降,我国东部沿海海面下降约130-160m,黄海、东海陆架裸露成陆。在寒冷干燥的气候条件下,陆架沉积物不仅受到强烈的机械风化作用,而且受到来自北方强大干冷气流的吹扬作用,陆架沉积物在这些外力因素的作用下破坏解体,形成一系列的风沙地貌和风沙沉积,反映出晚更新世末期南黄海陆架沙漠化景观。根据本区浅地层测量断面分析研究的结果,并结合柱状岩芯及钻孔资料,初步揭示了本地区晚更新世末期的古地貌特征。  相似文献   

Based on an integrated analysis of seismic, well logging and paleontological data, the sequence architecture and depositional evolution of the northeastern shelf margin of the South China Sea since Late Miocene are documented. The slope deposits of the Late Miocene to Quaternary can be divided into two composite sequences (CS1 and CS2) bounded by regional unconformities with time spans of 3–7 Ma, and eight sequences defined by local unconformities or discontinuities with time spans of 0.8–2.3 Ma. Unconformities within CS1 feature shelf-edge channel erosion, while in CS2 they form truncations at the top of the shelf margin as prograding complexes and onlap contacts against the slope.Depositional systems recognized in the slope section include unidirectionally migrating slope channels, slope fans or aprons, shelf-edge deltas and large-scale slope clinoforms. CS1 (Late Miocene to Pliocene) is characterized by development of a series of shelf-margin channels and associated slope fan aprons. The shelf-margin channels, oriented mostly NW-SE, migrate unidirectionally northeastwards and intensively eroded almost the entire shelf-slope zone. Two types of channels have been identified: (1) broad, shallow and unconfined or partly confined outer-shelf to shelf-break channels; and (2) deeply incised and confined unidirectionally migrating slope channels. They might be formed by gravity flow erosion as bypassing channels and filled mostly with along-slope current deposits. Along the base of the shelf slope, a series of small-scale slope fans or fan aprons are identified, including three depositional paleo-geomorphological elements: (1) broad or U-shaped, unconfined erosional-depositional channels; (2) frontal splays-lobes; and (3) non-channelized sheets. CS2 (Quaternary) consists mainly of a set of high-angle clinoforms, shelf-margin deltas and lower slope unidirectionally migrating channels.The relative sea level changes reflected in the sequence architecture of the study area are basically consistent with Haq's global sea level curve, but the development of regional unconformities were apparently enhanced by tectonic uplift. The development of high-angle (thick) clinoforms in the Quaternary may be attributed to a high sediment supply rate and rapid tectonic subsidence. The formation of the unidirectionally migrating channels appears to have resulted from the combined effects of the northeastward South China Sea Warm Current (SCSWC) and downslope gravity flow. The formation of the slope channels in the outer-shelf to shelf-break zone may be predominately controlled by bottom current, whereas those developed along the middle to lower slope zone may be dominated by gravity flow.  相似文献   

西非下刚果盆地为一典型被动大陆边缘含盐盆地,下刚果盆地北部海域在白垩系海相碳酸盐岩层系获得丰富油气发现。研究区海相碳酸盐岩领域油气勘探面临的核心瓶颈问题,即白垩系碳酸盐岩的沉积模式、演化规律、储层特征以及沉积储层发育控制因素。综合钻井、地震、区域地质等资料,分析认为自下向上相对海平面的上升控制了沉积演化,沉积体系演化模式为浅海碳酸盐岩台地→浅海混积陆棚→半深海-海底扇。下刚果盆地碳酸盐岩储层展布在纵向及平面上均可以划分为内中外3个储层发育带,碳酸盐岩储层最主要发育于下白垩统Albian阶下Sendji组。该时期研究区整体发育浅海碳酸盐岩混积缓坡台地沉积体系,沉积亚相可进一步划分为混积滨岸、后缓坡、浅水缓坡以及深水缓坡4种类型,其中浅水缓坡亚相颗粒滩微相与后缓坡亚相台内浅滩、砂质浅滩微相储层最为发育。碳酸盐岩储层岩性组合主要包括颗粒灰岩、砂岩、砂质灰岩、白云岩4种类型;储层发育主要受沉积相带的控制,并受成岩作用的影响。  相似文献   

《Marine Geology》2003,193(1-2):61-91
The Gargano subaqueous delta formed on the eastern and southeastern sides of the Gargano promontory, in the western Adriatic. This subaqueous deposit represents the southernmost portion of the late-Holocene highstand systems tract (HST) growing along the western side of the Adriatic as an extensive wedge of deltaic and shallow-marine mud. The late-Holocene HST rests above a regional downlap surface that marks the time of maximum landward shift of the shoreline attained around 5.5 cal. kyr BP, at the end of the late-Pleistocene–Holocene sea-level rise. High-resolution seismic–stratigraphic and tephra correlation indicate the presence of a thin basal unit recording condensed deposition between 5.5 and 3.7 cal. kyr BP over much of the basin. Above this unit, sediment accumulation rates increased to high values (as much as 1.5 cm yr−1) reflecting the stabilisation of relative sea level and the forcing from high frequency climatic or anthropogenic changes affecting river dynamics. The late-Holocene mud wedge, of which the Gargano subaqueous delta is a significant component, reaches up to 35 m in thickness and has a volume of ca 180 km3. The shore-parallel thickness distribution of the mud wedge reflects the dominant oceanographic regime of the basin and the asymmetric location of the mostly western sediment sources (with a combined modern delivery of 51.7×106 t yr−1 of mean suspended load). In sections perpendicular to the coast the late-Holocene mud wedge appears composed of forestepping clinoforms with gently dipping foresets (typically 0.5°). The Gargano subaqueous delta is characterised by a submarine topset in water depths shallower than 25–28 m, and accounts for about 1/7th of the total volume of the late-Holocene mud wedge, despite the absence of direct river supply to the Gargano area. In the area of maximum interaction between shore-parallel currents and basin morphology, progradation occurs onto a flat and barren bedrock outcrop in about 50–80 m water depth. The rapid transition from a thickness of 30 m of late-Holocene mud to nil is a good indication of the role of southward-flowing bottom-hugging shelf currents in causing the redistribution of sediment along the Adriatic inner shelf. Additional evidence of this regime comes from: (1) the most recent sigmoid (defined at seismic–stratigraphic scale) deposited since the onset of the Little Ice Age, showing a shore-parallel thickness distribution and a main depocentre to the southeast of the Gargano promontory; (2) the maximum values of sediment accumulation rates over the last century (documented by 210Pb measurements) defining a narrow shore-parallel belt immediately seaward of the depocentre of the most recent sigmoid. The Gargano subaqueous delta grows from the outbuilding of progressively younger progradational sigmoids that tend to parallel the previous ones. The Gargano subaqueous delta differs from other documented late-Holocene subaqueous deltas because its growth reflects: (1) sediment transport dominated by bottom currents sub-parallel to the strike of the composing clinoforms; (2) a complex supply regime including the Po delta (350 km to the north) and several coalescing Apennine rivers acting as ‘line source’; (3) several alternating intervals of enhanced outbuilding and condensed deposition; and (4) an in-phase growth of the most recent sigmoid with the major progradation of the Po delta during the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

The barrier-island systems of the Mississippi River Delta plain are currently undergoing some of the highest rates of shoreline retreat in North America (~20 m/year). Effective management of this coastal area requires an understanding of the processes involved in shoreline erosion and measures that can be enacted to reduce loss. The dominant stratigraphy of the delta plain is fluvial mud (silts and clays), delivered in suspension via a series of shallow-water delta lobes that prograded across the shelf throughout the Holocene. Abandonment of a delta lobe through avulsion leads to rapid land subsidence through compaction within the muddy framework. As the deltaic headland subsides below sea level, the marine environment transgresses the bays and wetlands, reworking the available sands into transgressive barrier shorelines. This natural process is further complicated by numerous factors: (1) global sea-level rise; (2) reduced sediment load within the Mississippi River; (3) diversion of the sediment load away from the barrier shorelines to the deep shelf; (4) storm-induced erosion; and (5) human alteration of the littoral process through the construction of hardened shorelines, canals, and other activities. This suite of factors has led to the deterioration of the barrier-island systems that protect interior wetlands and human infrastructure from normal wave activity and periodic storm impact. Interior wetland loss results in an increased tidal prism and inlet cross-sectional areas, and expanding ebb-tidal deltas, which removes sand from the littoral processes through diversion and sequestration. Shoreface erosion of the deltaic headlands does not provide sufficient sand to balance the loss, resulting in thinning and dislocation of the islands. Abatement measures include replenishing lost sediment with similar material, excavated from discrete sandy deposits within the muddy delta plain. These sand bodies were deposited by the same cyclical processes that formed the barrier islands, and understanding these processes is necessary to characterize their location, extent, and resource potential. In this paper we demonstrate the dominant fluvial and marine-transgressive depositional processes that occur on the inner shelf, and identify the preservation and resource potential of fluvio-deltaic deposits for coastal management in Louisiana.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the interpretation of stratigraphic sequences through the integration of biostratigraphic, well log and 3D seismic data. Sequence analysis is used to identify significant surfaces, systems tracts, and sequences for the Miocene succession.The depositional systems in this area are dominantly represented by submarine fans deposited on the slope and the basin floor. The main depositional elements that characterize these depositional settings are channel systems (channel-fills, channel-levee systems), frontal splays, frontal splay complexes, lobes of debrites and mass-transport complexes.Five genetic sequences were identified and eleven stratigraphic surfaces interpreted and correlated through the study area. The Oligocene-lower Miocene, lower Miocene and middle Miocene sequences were deposited in bathyal water depths, whereas the upper Miocene sequences (Tortonian and Messinian) were deposited in bathyal and outer neritic water depths. The bulk of the Miocene succession, from the older to younger deposits consists of mass-transport deposits (Oligocene-lower Miocene); mass transport deposits and turbidite deposits (lower Miocene); debrite deposits and turbidite deposits (middle Miocene); and debrite deposits, turbidite deposits and pelagic and hemipelagic sediments (upper Miocene). Cycles of sedimentation are delineated by regionally extensive maximum flooding surfaces within condensed sections of hemipelagic mudstone which represent starved basin floors. These condensed sections are markers for regional correlation, and the maximum flooding surfaces, which they include, are the key surfaces for the construction of the Miocene stratigraphic framework. The falling-stage system tract forms the bulk of the Miocene sequences. Individual sequence geometry and thickness were controlled largely by salt evacuation and large-scale sedimentation patterns. For the upper Miocene, the older sequence (Tortonian) includes sandy deposits, whereas the overlying younger sequence (Messinian) includes sandy facies at the base and muddy facies at the top; this trend reflects the change from slope to shelf settings.  相似文献   

Tanan sub-basin is an active-fault bounded basin. The spatial distribution and temporal evolution of depositional systems were significantly influenced by tectonics. Fault movement and stages of basin development controlled the subsidence rates and the potential for erosion and the rate of sediment supply. Distinct stages of rift evolution during the early Cretaceous can be recognized, namely the early syn-rift, rift climax and late syn-rift stages. Three types of lacustrine sequence, consisting of distinctive depositional systems, are distinguished: (1) the early syn-rift sequences (SQ1 + SQ2), which are composed mainly of fan delta and shallow lacustrine depositional systems; (2) the rift climax sequences (SQ3) which developed in response to rapid and differential tectonic subsidence rates, and consist of fan delta, deep lacustrine and sublacustrine fan depositional systems; and (3) the late syn-rift sequences (SQ4) which are comprised of braided-delta and shallow lacustrine depositional systems. Each of the three lacustrine sequence architectures stands for a particular stage of basin fill and reflects variable rates of basin subsidence. Within each sequence, depositional systems and their stacking patterns are interpreted to have been a function of the interaction between tectonics and sediment supply. Differential subsidence across the basin, related to rotation of fault blocks, resulted in the formation of distinct paleomorphologies in different structural settings. These settings were fault-scarp zones controlling the development of fan-deltas, fault-terrace zones controlling the development of fan-delta and sublacustrine fans, half-graben dip-slope zones controlling the development of braided river and braided deltas, and intra-basinal fault-break zones controlling the development of sublacustrine fans. During the late syn-rift stage, active tectonism, displacement on the boundary faults had ceased. At this stage the depositional systems and their stacking patterns were dominantly related to the sediment supply rates, and not to tectonic activity.  相似文献   

A regional study of the Veracruz Basin provided an excellent view of long-term deepwater sedimentation patterns from an evolving foreland-type basin. The regional seismic and well-log data set allows for an accurate reconstruction of slope and basin-floor depositional patterns, lithologic compositions, and paleogradients from a continuous succession of bathyal strata that span the Miocene to the lower Pliocene. Variations in Miocene and Pliocene deepwater reservoirs can be linked to prevailing slope characteristics. The Miocene basin had a high-gradient, tectonically generated slope, and the Pliocene basin had a low-gradient constructional slope. The Miocene basin owes its steep margin to the tectonic stacking of early Tertiary, Laramide-age thrust sheets. The Miocene margin shed a mixture of coarse elastic sediments (sands, gravels, and cobbles) and fines (silts and clays) that were transported into the deep basin via turbidity currents and debris flows. Channelized deposits dominate the Miocene slope, and reservoirs occur in long-lasting basement-confined canyons and shorter-lived shallower erosional gulleys. Thick and areally-extensive basin-floor fans exist outboard of the strongly channelized Miocene slope. Fan distribution is strongly controlled by synsedimentary contractional anticlines and synclines. In contrast, the latest Miocene to early Pliocene basin development was dominated by a strongly prograding wedge of shelf and slope deposits that was induced by volcanogenic uplift and increased sediment supply. During this phase, turbidite reservoirs are limited to narrow and sinuous deepwater channels that reside at the toe of the constructional clinoforms and areally limited, thinner basinal fans.  相似文献   

潮流场对渤、黄、东海陆架底质分布的控制作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用二维潮流数学模型,模拟了渤、黄、东海陆架的M2潮汐、潮流。结果表明,渤、黄、东海陆架的潮流有强弱之分以及往复流和旋转汉之别。在此基础上,计算了8种粒径沙的湖平均悬移输沙率、潮平均推移输沙以及相应的输沙率散度。根据输沙率散度的正负,划分了海底冲刷区与淤积区。根据不同粒径泥沙输沙率散度的相对大小,确定出海底的主要底质类型为砂质沉积、粉砂质泥沉积和以粉砂为主的混合沉积。计算结果表明,海底3种主要底负类型的分布格局与海底的冲淤格局以及与输沙率矢量的发散和聚合状况基本一致。在渤、黄、东海陆架,沙脊主要在强往复流区形成,沙席主要在强或较强的旋转流区形成,泥质沉积主要在弱潮流区形成。砂质沉积、泥质沉积以及混合沉积这3种主要底质类型并非孤立存在,而是受渤、黄、东海陆架潮流场控制而形成的一个完整的潮流沉积体系。渤、黄、东海陆架的砂质沉积与泥质沉积并非残留沉积,而是潮流沉积。在没有冷涡的情况下,黄、东海陆架的典型泥质沉积在弱潮流环境中同样可以形成,因此,认为冷涡并非黄、东海陆架典型泥质沉积形成的必要条件。  相似文献   

Seismic characterization of Eocene-Oligocene heterozoan carbonate strata from the Browse Basin, Northwest Shelf of Australia, defines marked progradation of nearly 10 km. Stratal terminations and stacking subdivide the succession into mappable seismic units. Stratal architecture and seismic geomorphology varies systematically through the succession.Individual surfaces, discerned by toplap, onlap, and truncation, outline sigmoidal to tangential oblique clinoforms with heights of ranging from 350 to 650 m and maximum gradients between 8 and 18°. Sigmoidal clinoforms can include aggradation in excess of ∼200 m, prograde more than 500 m, and have slopes characterized by inclined, wavy to discontinuous reflectors that represent ubiquitous gullies and channels. In contrast, the overlying tangential oblique clinoforms include downstepped shelf margins, limited on-shelf aggradation (<100 m) and toplap, subdued progradation (<500 m), and continuous parallel inclined reflectors on the slope. Wedges of basinally restricted reflectors at toe of slope onlap surfaces of pronounced erosional truncation or syndepositional structural modification. The succession includes repeated patterns of seismic units that onlap, aggrade, and prograde, interpreted to represent sequence sets and composite sequences.The associations of shelf aggradation, shelf-margin progradation, and slope channeling within sigmoidal seismic units and the less marked progradation and channeling within tangential oblique seismic units contrast with the classic sequence model in which sediment delivery to the slope and pronounced progradation is favored by limited shelf accommodation. This distinct divergence is interpreted to reflect the prolific heterozoan production across the shelf during periods of rising and high base level when the shelf is flooded, perhaps enhanced by downwelling. Comparison with purely photozoan systems reveals similarities and contrasts in seismic stratigraphic heterogeneity and architecture, interpreted to be driven by distinct characteristics of heterozoan sedimentary systems.  相似文献   

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