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The relative space motions of the Sun and nearby stars are considered. The coordinates and velocities of the stars are taken from the Catalogue of Nearby Stars by Gliese and Jahreiss (1991). The minimum space separation between the Sun and every star as well as the corresponding moment of time are calculated by two ways. Firstly, the straight line motions are considered. Secondly, the effect of the Galaxy potential is taken into account. The Galaxy model proposed by Kutuzov and Ossipkov (1989) is used. Twenty five stars approaching the Sun closer than two parsecs are selected. The effects of the uncertainties in the observational data are studied. The influence of the encounters to the Oort cloud is discussed.  相似文献   

We consider a model of the in situ Oort cloud which is isotropic with a random distrihution of perihelia directions and angular momenta. The energy distribution adopted has a continuous range of values appropriate for long-period (>200 yr) comets. Only the tidal torque of the Galaxy is included as a perturbation of comet orbits and it is approximated to be that due to a quasi-steady state distribution of matter with disk-like symmetry. The time evolution of all orbital elements can be analytically obtained for this case. In particular, the change in the perihelion distance per orbit and its dependence on other orbital elements is readily found. We further make the assumption that a comet whose perihelion distance was beyond 15 AU during its last passage through the Solar System would have orbit parameters that are essentially unchanged by planetary perturbations. Conversely, if the prior passage was inside 15 AU we assume that planetary perturbations would have removed the comet from the in situ energy distribution accessible by the galactic tide. Comets which had their perihelia changed from beyond 15 AU to within 5 AU in a single orbit are taken to be observable. We are able to track the evolution of 106 comets as they are made observable by the galactic tidal touque. Detailed results are obtained for the predicted distribution of new (0 < 1/ < 10–4 AU–1) comets. Further, correlations between orbital elements can be studied. We present predictions of observed distributions and compare them with the random in situ results as well as with the actual observed distributions of class I comets. The predictions are in reasonable agreement with actual observations and, in many cases, are significantly different from random when perihelia directions are separated into galactic northern and southern hemispheres. However the well-known asymmetry in the north-south populations of perihelia remains to be explained. Such an asymmetry is consistent with the dominance of tidal torques today if a major stochastic event produced it in the past since tidal torques are unable to cause the migration of perihelia across the latitude barriers ±26°.6 in the disk model.  相似文献   

Stars passing through the Oort cloud eject comets to interstellar space and initiate showers of comets into the planetary region. Monte Carlo simulations of such passages are performed on a representative distribution of cometary orbits. Ejected comets generally lie along a narrow tunnel drilled by the star through the cloud. However, shower comets come from the entire cloud, and do not give a strong signature of the star's passage, except in the inverse semimajor axis distribution for the shower comets. The planetary system is likely not experiencing a cometary shower at this time.  相似文献   

We have integrated the orbits of the 76 scattered disk objects (SDOs), discovered through the end of 2002, plus 399 clones for 5 Gyr to study their dynamical evolution and the probability of falling in one of the following end states: reaching Jupiter's influence zone, hyperbolic ejection, or transfer to the Oort cloud. We find that nearly 50% of the SDOs are transferred to the Oort cloud (i.e., they reach heliocentric distances greater than 20,000 AU in a barycentric elliptical orbit), from which about 60% have their perihelia beyond Neptune's orbit (31 AU<q<36 AU) at the moment of reaching the Oort cloud. This shows that Neptune acts as a dynamical barrier, scattering most of the bodies to near-parabolic orbits before they can approach or cross Neptune's orbit in non-resonant orbits (that may allow their transfer to the planetary region as Centaurs via close encounters with Neptune). Consequently, Neptune's dynamical barrier greatly favors insertion in the Oort cloud at the expense of the other end states mentioned above. We found that the current rate of SDOs with radii R>1 km incorporated into the Oort cloud is about 5 yr−1, which might be a non-negligible fraction of comet losses from the Oort cloud (probably around or even above 10%). Therefore, we conclude that the Oort cloud may have experienced and may be even experiencing a significant renovation of its population, and that the trans-neptunian belt—via the scattered disk—may be the main feeding source.  相似文献   

The age dependence of the velocity dispersions σv(τ) of the nearby stars is considered under distinct assumptions on the history of the star formation rate. The velocity distributions N¦U¦, N¦V¦, N¦W¦ are derived from this by means of the diffusion theory using the standard case by WIELEN AND FUCHS (1983a) and are compared with the observed distributions of a kinematically unbiased sample of nearby stars. The best agreement is found for a nearly constant star formation rate.  相似文献   

Both physical and dynamical issues are important in order to judge the origin and evolution of the Jupiter family of short-period comets. The steady-state condition for maintaining this structure at its present size by captures from the classical Oort cloud is reviewed on the basis of recent results concerning the absolute number of Jupiter family comets as a function of perihelion distance as well as the coupled physical and dynamical evolutions that evidently occur. Like in most earlier investigations, a clear shortage is found in the classical Oort cloud source. The shortage seems, however, less extreme than sometimes assumed. Monte Carlo simulations are envisaged as a way to shed further light on the fate of Jupiter family comets.  相似文献   

We simulated the passage of a star through the Oort cometary cloud andanalyzed the resulting sample of observable long period comets, noting strong asymmetries in the directional distribution of the perihelion points of thosecomets. We discuss the results previously published byWeissman (1996) for the same case. An explanation is suggestedwhy the isotropic output can be obtained only for a very peculiar case. The``cometary shower' density variation with time is also presented and thetime-dependence of the directional distribution is discussed.  相似文献   

Assuming the motion of particles in an orbiting aggregate (e.g., the Oort Cloud is unperturbed Keplerian, the mean joint density of distance and speed depends only upon the densities of eccentricity and semi-major axis length. We derive a formula for the mean joint density of distance and speed in terms of these densities. Also provided are formulae which, given an observed mean joint density of distance and speed, permit the computation of the corresponding semi-major axis length and eccentricity densities. The results of this paper permit one to derive the structure of an orbiting aggregate given a minimum of information.Box 58421 Houston, Texas 77058  相似文献   

A two-dimensional velocity distribution in the UV plane has been obtained for stars in the solar neighbourhood, using Hipparcos astrometry for over 4000 'survey' stars with parallaxes greater than 10 mas and radial velocities found in the Hipparcos Input Catalogue. In addition to the already known grouping characteristics (field stars plus young moving groups), the velocity distribution seems to exhibit a more complex structure characterized by several longer branches running almost parallel to each other across the UV plane. By using the wavelet transform technique to analyse the distribution, the branches are visible at relatively high significance levels of 90 per cent or higher. They are roughly equidistant with a separation of about 15 km s−1 for early-type stars and about 20 km s−1 for late-type stars, creating an overall quasi-periodic structure which can also be detected by means of a two-dimensional Fourier transform. This branch-like velocity distribution might be caused by the Galactic spiral structure.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to revisit the lost siblings of the Sun candidates within 100 pc. The solar siblings should have some similar characteristics as their ages, chemical compositions and kinematics properties. Considering their chemical compositions, age and kinematics properties only three potential candidates have been found in the literature: HD28676, HD83423 and HD175740. The first two stars are mentioned by [Brown et al., 2010] and [Bobylev et al., 2011], respectively. HD175740 is, to our knowledge, the first giant to be proposed as potential candidate.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the Solar System is surrounded by a swarm of comets, the so-called Oort Cloud, which contains approximately 1011 members. The observed comets belong to a small subsection of the Cloud, and they have very elongated orbits. The origin of the Cloud is presently unclear. Here we consider the possibility that the comets were born in a star cluster together with the Sun. We follow the evolution of the star cluster with its embedded swarm of comets and calculate the rate at which stars accumulate stable comet companions. We conclude that if the Oort Cloud of comets was born in this process, then the present day density of comets in interstellar space has to be high, and that comets make a significant contribution to the overall mass density of the Galaxy.  相似文献   

We introduce a model for integrating the effects of Galactic tides on Oort cloud comets, which involves two procedures, according to the values of the osculating semi-major axis a and eccentricity e. Ten simulations of the dynamics of 106 comets over 5 Gyr are performed using this model. We thus investigate the long-term effects of the Galactic tide with and without a radial component, the effects of the local density of the Galactic disk, and those of the Oort constants. Most of the results may be understood in terms of the integrability or non-integrability of the system. For an integrable system, which occurs for moderate semi-major axes with or without radial component, the dynamics is explained by periodic variation of the cometary perihelion, inducing the depletion of the outer region of the Oort cloud, a constant flux from the inner region after 500 Myr, and the quick formation of a reservoir of comets with argument of perihelion near 26.6°. When the system is non-integrable, the efficiency of the tide in reducing the cometary perihelion distance is enhanced both by replenishing the Oort cloud domain from which comets are sent toward the planetary system, and by reducing the minimal value that the perihelion distance may reach. No effects of varying the Oort constants were observed, showing that the flat rotation curve is a satisfactory approximation in Oort cloud dynamics.  相似文献   

In this contribution I will review the present knowledge about helium and metal diffusion efficiency in the Sun and in old cluster stars and the influence of the uncertainties still present on these mechanisms concerning the stellar characteristics in different evolutionary phases. I will also discuss the relevance of the current uncertainties on the assumed chemical composition for the main evolutionary features of population II stars.  相似文献   

Inverse Compton (IC) scattering by relativistic electrons produces a major component of the diffuse emission from the Galaxy. The photon fields involved are the cosmic microwave background and the interstellar radiation field (ISRF) from stars and dust. Calculations of the inverse Compton distribution have usually assumed a smooth ISRF, but in fact a large part of the Galactic luminosity comes from the most luminous stars, which are rare. Therefore we expect the ISRF, and hence the inverse Compton emission, to be clumpy at some level, which could be detectable by instruments such as GLAST. Even individual nearby luminous stars could be detectable assuming just the normal cosmic-ray electron spectrum. We present the basic formalism required and give possible candidate stars to be detected and make predictions for GLAST. Then we apply the formalism to the OB associations and the Sun, showing that the IC emission produced is not negligible compared to the sensitivity of current or coming detectors. We estimate that the gamma-ray flux from the halo around the Sun contributes to the diffuse background emission at the few percent level.  相似文献   

At visual inspection of objective-prism plates one frequently detects a pair or higher multiple of apparently identical stellar spectra so close together that they form a conspicuous configuration for the eye. An attempt to analyse this type of objects has given no positive indication that it should be identified with any unique physical phenomenon. A series of explanations is presented. A minor fraction of the objects may constitute widely separated binary components, the identity of which is physically conditioned by the process of formation. For the majority, however, it seems more probable that they form parts of cluster remnants or very small clusters, and that the coincidence of the spectral types is in the first instance to consider as a fortunate random effect that facilitates the detection of the hidden cluster. Although there are several interpretations of the appearance of such ‘miniclusters’, I find it particularly important to take the possibility into consideration that the number of open clusters (and associations) may be considerably greater than one has hitherto assumed—from observational as well as from theoretical point of view.  相似文献   

The question whether the solar chemical composition is typical for solar-type stars is analysed by comparing the Sun with different stellar samples, including a sample of stars with very similar parameters, solar twins. Although typical in terms of overall metallicity for stars of solar age and galactic orbit, the solar atmosphere is found to have abundances, as compared with solar twins, that indicate that its gas has once been affected by dust formation and dust separation. It is concluded that this may be related to the formation of the solar planetary system and its special properties.  相似文献   

Comets must form a major part of the interstellar medium. The solar system provides a flux of comets into the interstellar space and there is no reason to suspect that many other stars and their surrounding cometary systems would not make a similar contribution. Occasionally interstellar comets must pass through the inner solar system, but Whipple (1975) considers it unlikely that such a comet is among the known cases of apparently hyperbolic comets. Even so the upper limit for the density of unobserved interstellar comets is relatively high.In addition, we must consider the possibility that comets are a genuine component of interstellar medium, and that the Oort Cloud is merely a captured part of it (McCrea, 1975). Here we review various dynamical possibilities of two-way exchange of comet populations between the Solar System and the interstellar medium. We describe ways in which a traditional Oort Cloud (Oort, 1950) could be captured from the interstellar medium. However, we note that the so called Kuiper belt (Kuiper, 1951) of comets cannot arise through this process. Therefore we have to ask how necessary the concept of the yet unobserved Kuiper belt is for the theory of short period comets.There has been considerable debate about the question whether short period comets can be understood as a captured population of the Oort Cloud of comets or whether an additional source has to be postulated. The problem is made difficult by the long integration times of comet orbits through the age of the Solar System. It would be better to have an accurate treatment of comet-planet encounters in a statistical sense, in the form of cross sections, and to carry out Monte Carlo studies. Here we describe the plan of action and initial results of the work to derive cross sections by carrying out large numbers of comet — planet encounters and by deriving approximate analytic expressions for them. Initially comets follow parabolic orbits of arbitrary inclination and perihelion distance; cross sections are derived for obtaining orbits of given energy and inclination after the encounter. The results are used in subsequent work to make evolutionary models of the comet population.  相似文献   

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