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为了探究雷州半岛作物布局调整对雷暴发生的可能影响,以达到趋利避害,利用相关分析、11种模型拟合和全变量回归分析等数理统计方法进行了分析和研究。结果表明:雷州半岛年雷暴日数总的变化趋势是明显下降,一年四季均有雷暴天气,午后热雷雨占雷暴天气的大多数,其中5~9月雷暴日数最多,开雷、收雷年际变化差异大。随着稻田的减少,糖蔗、水果种植面积的增加,雷州半岛植被结构得到改善,雷暴天数呈明显减少趋势;蔬菜的种植改变了冬季闲田植被性质,不利于冬初、春末雷暴天气的生成;花生种植面积的调整对雷暴天数变化影响不大。雷州半岛水稻、糖蔗、水果、蔬菜等主要农作物布局调整对雷暴发生可能有明显的影响,主要农作物对雷暴天数可能影响从大到小依次为糖蔗、水稻、蔬菜和水果,农作物布局调整对年开雷、收雷的迟早没有影响。  相似文献   

近50年广东省雷暴、闪电时空变化特征的研究   总被引:33,自引:12,他引:33  
用1957-2004年广东省24站和1951-2004年曲江、广州、汕头、湛江4站的年、月雷暴、闪电的观测资料,研究了广东省年、月的雷暴日、闪电日的时、空分布特征。对年雷暴日、闪电日的经验正交分解表明,在研究的时间段内。广东省年的雷暴日、闪电日都有明显减少的趋势。广东省平均每10年雷暴日减少4.8天、闪电日减少9.5天。雷暴日和闪电日的趋势变化有明显的区域特征,雷暴日减少最明显的是在广东雷州半岛的湛江、徐闻;广东东南部的雷暴日、闪电日则减少不多。闪电的负趋势比雷暴的负趋势更明显。研究表明,雷暴日、闪电日的长期趋势有明显的季节变化。5-9月是雷暴日、闪电日减少最明显的月份,冬季(12、1、2月)的雷暴日、闪电日略有增加。1983年以后广东冬季的雷暴、闪电比1980年以前更加频繁。广东雷暴、闪电的减少是气候变化的一个反映,它们与广东省雨日的气候变化比较一致。  相似文献   

By using data of serially numbered typhoons in northwestern Pacific and NOAA OLR data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data of wind field, based on the statistics and study of the relationship between the calendar years with more (or fewer) summer typhoons and ENSO events, we compared the composites of OLR eigenvectors and tropical summer wind fields during El Nino and La Nina events with more or fewer than normal summer typhoons, respectively. The results show that, in summer, without remarkable systematic anomalies of Mascarene High and Australia High in South Hemisphere, the anomaly of Walker circulation will dominate and follow the rule of ENSO impacts to atmospheric circulation and typhoon frequency. Otherwise, when systematic anomalies of Australia High appear during the El Nino events, circulation anomalies in the South Hemisphere will dominate, and many more typhoons will occur. In 1999, which is a special year of La Nina events, northward and eastward monsoon was induced by the stronger Mascarene High, and fewer typhoons arose. The typhoon source are regions where weak vertical wind shear, warm pool in western Pacific and the area with monsoon troughs are overlapping with each other. Finally, this paper analyzes and compares the source locations and ranges of more (fewer) typhoons in the events of El Nino and La Nina, respectively.  相似文献   

Synoptic systems and microphysical properties associated with a sea fog event are analyzed based on the measurements of visibility, meteorological elements and fog droplet spectrum from a comprehensive field campaign in Xiamen, Fujian province during spring 2013. The influences of meteorological elements on the microstructures of the sea fog are also discussed. The results showed that the wind speed and direction changed suddenly during the intermittent and disperse phases of the sea fog. Liquid water content, number concentration and average diameter varied obviously in the development, mature and disperse phases of the sea fog. The burst re-enforcement of sea fog was accompanied by explosive broadening of fog droplet spectrum; average diameter, number concentration and liquid water content increased sharply; and background meteorological conditions also changed significantly. The microstructures fluctuated intensely due to changes in turbulence, radiation and meteorological conditions at different stages, including nucleation, condensation, coagulation, and evaporation, as well as the discontinuity of spatial distribution of droplets.  相似文献   

我国大陆地区浓雾发生频数的时空分布研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
利用中国137个站点1956~2001年46年的浓雾发生频数资料,结合地理信息系统分析作图软件,统计和分析了我国浓雾频数的多年空间分布、年代际变化及各区域浓雾频数变化特征,并作出了雾频数与时间序列相关图.结果表明:我国浓雾频数最多的区域集中在东南沿海、四川盆地等,而浓雾频数最少的区域集中在西北、青藏高原及内蒙;我国浓雾频数从1956年开始基本呈现"两头波谷中间波峰"的时间变化趋势;全国大部分地区雾频数与时间序列的相关系数绝对值小于0.3,且相关系数为负的地区明显多于为正的地区,除了华北平原雾频数整体上增加外,其它地区基本上呈减少趋势或者变化不大.  相似文献   

The relationship between global warming and the variation in tropical cyclone (TC) genesis frequency is analyzed using the data of the Tropical Cyclone Year Book by the China Meteorological Administration and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data from 1949 to 2007. The observational results indicate that the average sea surface temperature (SST) in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region (10°N – 20°N, 100°E – 140°E) increases by 0.6°C against the background of global warming, while the frequency of tropical cyclone geneses in this region decreases significantly. Generally, the rise of SSTs is favorable for the genesis of tropical cyclones, but it is now shown to be contrary to the normal effect. Most of the tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific (WNP) are generated in the ITCZ. This is quite different from the case in the Atlantic basin in which the tropical cyclones are mostly generated from the easterly wave. Our research results demonstrate that the ITCZ has a weakening trend in strength, and it has moved much more equatorward in the past 40 years; both are disadvantageous to the formation of tropical cyclones. Furthermore, our study also found that the ridge of the subtropical high tends to shift slightly equatorward, which is another adverse mechanism for the formation of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between sea surface temperature(SST) and weather phenomena in different seasons in the Bohai region(China). Five categories of weather phenomena were screened(i.e., fine, cloudy,foggy, rainy and windy conditions) and their relationships with the difference between air temperature and SST observed at Oil Platform A during 2003-2010 were analyzed statistically. The effects of the difference between air temperature and SST in different weather phenomena were examined using the flux method of the atmospheric boundary layer and a formula for the difference between air temperature and SST. The results revealed diurnal variation of the difference between air temperature and SST of-1.0 to +1.0 ℃, i.e., air temperature above the sea surface is subtracted from the SST in corresponding weather phenomena in different seasons in the Bohai region. Moreover,according to the formula for the difference between air temperature and SST, wind and shortwave radiation are the most important factors in terms of the effects of SST on weather processes. In conclusion, the effects of SST on weather phenomena are manifest via the exchange of momentum and energy from sea to air. When the air temperature above the sea surface is lower than the SST, the SST helps develop mesoscale convection systems within the synoptic system through moisture and sensible heat fluxes. When the air temperature above the sea surface is greater than the SST,synoptic systems transfer energy into the sea through heat flux, which affects SST variation. Moreover, a mesoscale convection system will weaken if the synoptic system passes over a colder underlying surface.  相似文献   

根据西太平洋编号台风资料、NOAA卫星观测OLR资料和NCEP/NCAR风场再分析资料,在统计和探讨夏季西太平洋台风多(少)发年与ENSO事件的关系的基础上,分别对夏季台风异常偏多或偏少的E1Nifio、LaNifia年的OLR特征量和热带夏季风环流进行合成对比分析。分析表明:夏季当南半球马斯可林高压和澳大利亚高压无明显的系统性异常时,Walker环流异常的影响占主导作用,并遵循ENSO事件对大气环流及台风频数影响的基本规律。若E1Nifio期间澳大利亚高压环流出现系统性异常时,南半球环流异常的影响则占主导地位,台风反而异常偏多。对于1999年LaNifia特殊年份,马斯可林高压异常偏强引发的季风西风偏北偏东,台风反而异常偏少。弱风速垂直切变区、西太平洋暖池和季风槽的重叠部分是台风频发源地,本文分别对E1Nifio、LaNifia台风异常偏多(少)年台风频发源地的位詈和范围作了比较分析.  相似文献   

利用光腔衰荡光谱(CRDS)技术在线观测了广州番禺大气成分站(GPACS)的大气CO2浓度特征,分析了地面风对CO2的作用。结果表明:(1)大气CO2在珠江三角洲地区存在明显的地域不均匀特征,2014—2016年期间GPACS的年均本底浓度比全球背景地区平均增加了22.5×10-6(22.5 ppm);(2)大气CO2浓度在春季最高,冬、秋季次之,夏季最低,年均值为426.64±15.76 ppm;(3) CO2的日变化为双峰结构,峰值分别在05:00—07:00和21:00—22:00,谷值在13:00—15:00,表明受到了自然过程以及人为排放源的复合影响;(4)风场显著影响CO2的浓度分布,春、夏季CO2浓度距平日变化与地面风速为显著负相关,秋、冬季则为显著正相关。在春、夏季,S-WSW和NNE-N风向上CO2浓度较低,在秋、冬季,SSE-S和N方向均导致CO2浓...  相似文献   

采用一点相关法研究了青藏高原东部对流层-平流层下部温度场低频变化的垂直结构,指出了最大负相关层的高度和强度随季节的变化特点,并与高原北部格尔木和我国东部(120°E、30~50°N)区域作了比较。从青藏高原对流层顶高度的季节变化、大气温度层结和动能垂直分布探讨了青藏高原温度场低频垂直结构及季节变化的物理背景。并指出:秋季10~11月青藏高原东部垂直热力结构、赤道印度洋-太平洋的两个纬向垂直Walker环流圈强度与赤道东太平洋(0~10°S、180~90°W)区域SSTA之间具有极为密切的耦合关系。  相似文献   

分析了广州市雷暴日变化的基本气候特征。结果表明:广州市雷暴日主要集中在5~8月,占全年雷暴日总量的71.38%,雷暴日的季节分布具有双峰型的特征。近48年以来广州市雷暴日呈明显的下降趋势。广州市5~8月的雷暴日与同期850hPa大气环流的关系:多雷暴年整个亚洲中纬地区(35N)有明显的偏西风距平,南海及广东以及向北延伸的广大地区的西南及偏南气流盛行,少雷暴年则刚好相反。与近海海温做了简单的相关分析,得出:广州市雷暴日与前期4~6月印尼附近西太平洋海温呈负相关的变化趋势。  相似文献   

应用广西壮族自治区国家气象站降水,NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,NOAA逐日向外长波辐射(OLR)等逐日资料,NOAA-CPC热带大气季节内振荡(MJO)指数等,使用经验正交函数分解方法分析了广西冬季降水的气候特征;用功率谱、带通滤波、相关分析和滞后线性回归等方法,以及定义MJO相关降水事件,研究了广西冬季降水异常偏多年的降水低频特征及其与MJO的联系。(1)广西冬季降水特征以全区一致型分布为主;冬季降水异常偏多年份的逐日降水具有14~26 d的低频周期。(2) MJO强对流在赤道印度洋东部发展并东传到西太平洋热带地区时,广西可出现冬季持续强降水。(3)当MJO异常对流在印度洋东部热带地区产生,中南半岛地区到华南地区上空为异常低频偏南和偏西南气流,有利于降水形成;当印度洋东部热带地区为MJO对流抑制区,华南地区上空为异常低频偏东气流控制,不利于降水产生。(4)华南地区上空大气环流的异常是由热带印度洋地区的MJO对流激发的Rossby波列造成。   相似文献   

The climatic characteristics of the precipitation in Guangdong province over the past 50 years were analyzed based on the daily rainfall datasets of 86 stations from 1961 to 2010. The rainfall was divided into five categories according to its intensity, and their spatiotemporal characteristics and variation trends were investigated. The annual rainfall amount was within 1,500 to 2,000 mm over most parts of Guangdong, but substantial differences of rainfall amount and rainy days were found among different parts of the province. There were many rainy days in the dry seasons (October to March), but the daily rainfall amounts are small. The rainy seasons (April to September) have not only many rainy days but also heavy daily rainfall amounts. The spatial distributions of light rainy days (1 mm 100 mm) are generally concentrated in three regions, Qingyuan, Yangjiang, and Haifeng/Lufeng. The average rainfall amount for rainy days increases form the north to the south of Guangdong, while decreasing as the rainfall intensity increases. The contributions from light, moderate and heavy rain to the total rainfall decreases form the north to the south. The annual rainy days show a decreasing trend in the past 50 years. The light rainy days decreased significantly while the heavy, rainstorm and downpour rainy days increased slightly. The annual total rainfall amount increased over the past 50 years, which was contributed by heavy, rainstorm and downpour rains, while the contribution from light and moderate rains decreased.  相似文献   

西南地区降水量的气候特征及变化趋势   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
董谢琼  段旭 《气象科学》1998,18(3):239-247
本文利用云,贵,川(包括重庆市)76个基本站1951-1995年降水资源,通过-0系列计算分析,得出西南地区降水的气候学特征和近40多年来的变化趋势特点如下;西南地区的降水量分布受地影响较大,空间分布不均,局地差异大,年降水量分布由东,南向西北减少,全区年降水率多在10-20%之间,降水量的季节分配不均匀,冬季雨量最少,夏季最多,大部分地区秋雨多于春雨,各季降水量的相对变率都比年降水量的大,冬季最  相似文献   

Spatio-temporal variation of actual evapotranspiration (ETa) in the Pearl River basin from 1961 to 2010 are analyzed based on daily data from 60 national observed stations. ETa is calculated by the Advection-Aridity model (AA model) in the current study, and Mann–Kendall test (MK) and Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation method (IDW) were applied to detect the trends and spatial variation pattern. The relations of ETa with climate parameters and radiation / dynamic terms are analyzed by Person correlation method. Our findings are shown as follows: 1) Mean annual ETa in the Pearl River basin is about 665.6 mm/a. It has significantly decreased in 1961–2010 at a rate of -24.3 mm/10a. Seasonally, negative trends of summer and autumn ETa are higher than that of spring and winter. 2) The value of ETa is higher in the southeast coastal area than in the northwest region of the Pearl River basin, while the latter has shown the strongest negative trend. 3) Negative trends of ETa in the Pearl River basin are most probably due to decreasing radiation term and increasing dynamic term. The decrease of the radiation term is related with declining diurnal temperature range and sunshine duration, and rising atmospheric pressure as well. The contribution of dynamic term comes from increasing average temperature, maximum and minimum temperatures in the basin. Meanwhile, the decreasing average wind speed weakens dynamic term and finally, to a certain extent, it slows down the negative trend of the ETa.  相似文献   

冬季积雪的异常分布型及其与冬、夏大气环流的耦合关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用 ECMWF1 979~ 1 993年 2 .5°× 2 .5°的网格点积雪深度资料 ,研究了较为细致的积雪异常的空间分布特征 ,揭示了欧亚大陆冬季积雪的异常空间分布型 ;并采用 SVD方法研究了冬季积雪的异常分布型与冬、夏大气环流的耦合关系。结果表明 :欧亚大陆冬季积雪深度存在典型的异常空间分布型 ;积雪的异常分布型与冬、夏大气环流之间均存在一定的耦合关系。冬季积雪的异常分布型与大气 EU遥相关型存在明显的同时性相互作用 ,大气 EU遥相关型有利于冬季积雪异常分布型的出现和维持 ,而积雪异常分布型对大气 EU遥相关型的发生起一定的作用 ,进而对冬季风活动产生影响。冬季积雪的这种异常分布型与夏季大气环流 ,尤其是东亚地区的夏季大气环流 ,也存在一定的联系。积雪异常分布型可以通过影响副热带高压的南北进退 ,对东亚季风及中国夏季雨带产生影响。  相似文献   

为进一步掌握我国大陆极端高温的时空分布特征,利用去趋势波动分析法确定全国83 个站点极端高温阈值,通过排列熵方法检测全国10 个区的极端高温周期和突变。结果表明,我国大陆极端高温频数主要以7 年、10~13 年和16~20 年三大周期变化;突变主要发生在1960 年代、1970 年代末和1980 年代初;1950 年代初极端高温频率年值最大,而后急剧下降,直至1980 年代中后期才出现明显的增长趋势;极端高温年频数均值南方较北方大,且大、小频数分布区域集中。   相似文献   

This work investigates the distribution of high winds above Beaufort scale 6 in the offshore zones of China using high-resolution satellite measurements.A numerical experiment is carried out in order to find out the effects of Taiwan Island on the formation of strong winds.The analysis indicates that the distribution of high wind occurrence is similar to that of the average wind velocity in winter.High winds tend to be anchored in special topographical regions,such as the Taiwan Strait,the Bashi Channel and the southeast coast of Vietnam.High winds occur much more frequently over the warmer than the colder flank of Kuroshio front as it meanders from Taiwan to Japan.The frequency of high winds decreases drastically in spring.The Taiwan Strait maintains the largest high wind occurrence.Besides,high winds remain frequent in the Bashi Channel,the southeast tip of Taiwan Island and the warmer flank of Kuroshio front.In summer,high winds generally occur infrequently except over a broad region off the southeast coast of Vietnam near 10°N and the frequency there decreases from southwest to northeast.High winds around Taiwan Island present near axisymmetric distribution with larger frequency along southeast-northwest direction and smaller frequency along southwest-northeast direction.The dominant direction of high winds exhibits a counterclockwise circulation surrounding the island.The frequency of high winds increases rapidly in autumn and almost repeats the distribution that appears in winter.The simulation results suggest that the effects of Taiwan Island topography on high winds vary with seasons.In winter,topography is the major cause of high winds in the surrounding oceanic zones.High winds in both Taiwan Strait and the southeast corner of the island disappear and the frequency decreases gradually from south to north when the terrain is removed.However,in summer,high wind frequency derived from two simulations with and without terrain is almost identical.We attribute this phenomenon to the factors which are responsible for the formation of high winds.  相似文献   

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