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La micro-topographie des zones inondables influence l'étendue des nappes d'eau des secteurs submergés lors des crues. Cette analyse vise à comparer des méthodes d'interpolation pour la réalisation de modèles numériques d'élévation (MNE) de haute précision représentant la micro-topographie des plaines d'inondation. Ces méthodes ont été comparées au moyen d'un système d'information géographique (SIG) afin d'identifier lesquelles apparaissent les plus efficaces dans l'élaboration de l'image micro-topographique des sites, et ce en fonction d'un nombre restreint de données d'élévation. L'efficacité de chacune des méthodes d'interpolation a été validée au moyen du calcul de l'erreur quadratique moyenne, de tests statistiques, de cartes de l'erreur et d'une évaluation visuelle en trois dimensions. Il ressort que les méthodes d'interpolation du krigeage simple, de la fonction radiale, du réseau de triangles irréguliers et du krigeage ordinaire sont celles qui représentent le plus adéquatement la micro-topographie des sites, alors que les méthodes d'interpolation de l'inverse de la distance et du krigeage universel produisent des erreurs élevées.

Citation Drouin, A. & Saint-Laurent, D. (2010) Comparaison des méthodes d'interpolation pour l'élaboration de modèles numériques d'élévation de haute précision dans la représentation micro-topographique des plaines inondables. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(4), 526?539.  相似文献   

Summary The author summarizes the various results concerning the total -radioactivity of the samples taken either at the level of the earth or at different altitudes. Furthermore, in the first paragraph, the difficulties encountered during these measurements as well as the observations made after the French explosions, are indicated. The results, in the second paragraph are discussed either under the form of radioactivity curves dependant on the altitude, or through employing the notion of the speed of the fall out.  相似文献   

Résumé Des intervalles de grande variabilité dans les températures des hivers en Europe occidentale coincident avec une période de l'activité solaire d'environ 80 ou 90 années. Le coefficient de corrélation pour la serie 1831–1937 est +0.74 à Prague, +0.82 à De Bilt.
Summary Intervals of large variability in the winter temperatures of Western Europe coincide with a period of solar activity of about 80 or 90 years. The correlation coefficient for the year 1831–1937 amounts to +0.74 at Prague, +82 at De Bilt.


The superconducting-gravimeter data of Melchior and Ducarme (1986) has been interpreted as internal motion in the Earth's core by Aldridge and Lumb (1987) using a Poincaré model. Several low-order modes with periods of 13–16 hours have been tentatively identified in the core which is taken to be an incompressible, homogeneous fluid within a rigid, rotating container. The identification is based on asymptotic values of the frequencies which change slowly with time while the modes decay with an e-folding time of about 280 days. The slow change in frequency with time implies a small temporal variation in the rotation rate of the core. This mean flow is a nonlinear effect often observed in laboratory experiments designed to excite Poincaré modes. Interaction among modes during free ringdown is also observed in those experiments and apparently in the data of Melchior et al. (1988) as well. Laboratory work thus provides the link to extend the Poincaré model to include viscous and nonlinear effects in order to interpret the gravimetric observations as core modes.  相似文献   


The multi-layered Jeffara de Gabes aquifer system is greatly influenced by tectonics. This system is limited at the base and laterally by evaporite layers and has lateral contacts with the sebkhas (salt flats). The groundwater in this aquifer is characterized by high salinity (3–10 g L-1). Multivariate statistical analysis and a geochemical approach were applied to determine the influence of the evaporite layers and sebkhas on the hydrochemical quality of the Jeffara de Gabes aquifer, and to understand the processes governing its salinity. According to these methods, and based in part on the Sr2+/Ca2+ ratio, it is demonstrated that the strong salinity of the groundwater is due to interactions between water and the evaporite layers that act as a substratum of this aquifer, as well as saltwater intrusion from the sebkhas. Moreover, the medium- to poor-quality groundwaters are characterized by geochemical interactions: cationic exchange and the precipitation/dissolution process of minerals in the aquifer formations.

Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Ben Alaya, M., Zemni, T., Mamou, A. et Zargouni, F., 2014. Acquisition de salinité et qualité des eaux d’une nappe profonde, Tunisie: approche statistique et géochimique. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (2), 395–419.  相似文献   

The magnetic interface forward and inversion method is realized using the Taylor series expansion to linearize the Fourier transform of the exponential function. With a large expansion step and unbounded neighborhood, the Taylor series is not convergent, and therefore, this paper presents the magnetic interface forward and inversion method based on Padé approximation instead of the Taylor series expansion. Compared with the Taylor series, Padé’s expansion’s convergence is more stable and its approximation more accurate. Model tests show the validity of the magnetic forward modeling and inversion of Padé approximation proposed in the paper, and when this inversion method is applied to the measured data of the Matagami area in Canada, a stable and reasonable distribution of underground interface is obtained.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur rappelle d'abord les propriétés physicochimiques idéales que doivent posséder des noyaux glaçogènes et, s'attachant plus particulièrement à l'iodure d'argent, il fait remarquer, que malgré sa très faible solubilité, il existe une dimension critique des germes au-dessous de laquelle ils demeurent inéfficaces par suite de leur dissolution lorsqu'ils sont introduits dans le nuage à des températures positives ou faiblement négatives. Il en résulte que contrairement aux techniques utilisées jusqu'à présent, il n'est pas opportun de rechercher des dispersions à haut rendement, le nombre de germes mesurés en laboratoire, donc en chambre froide n'étant pas représentatif de l'efficacité des germes introduits par exemple à partir du sol dans un nuage à température positive. Un optimum dimensionnel est à respecter pour les techniques d'ensemencement, compte tenu à la fois des considérations de solubilité et de désactivation photochimique ou purement chimique.
Summary The author first recalls the ideal physico-chemical properties for iceforming nuclei, and with particular reference to silver iodide he observer that, despite its very weak solubility, there is a critical dimension of the germs below which they are ineffectual, owing to the fact that they dissolve when introduced into clouds at positive or weakly negative temperatures. As a result, contrary to the techniques used up till now, it is not advisable to try to obtain dispersion with a high output, since the number of germs measured in the laboratory, or in the cold chamber, does not represent the efficacy of the germs introduced for istance from the ground into a cloud of positive temperature. For seeding techniques, a dimensional optimum should be respected, taking into consideration both solubility and the photochemical, or purely chemical disattivation.

Relation présentée au Colloque International sur la Physique des Nuages et ses applications à l'Agricolture, Asti 27–28 Avril 1958.  相似文献   

The normal moveout correction is important to long-offset observations, especially deep layers. For isotropic media, the conventional two-term approximation of the normal moveout function assumes a small offset-to-depth ratio and thus fails at large offset-to-depth ratios. We approximate the long-offset moveout using the Padé approximation. This method is superior to typical methods and flattens the seismic gathers over a wide range of offsets in multilayered media. For a four-layer model, traditional methods show traveltime errors of about 5 ms for offset-to-depth ratio of 2 and greater than 10 ms for offset-to-depth ratio of 3; in contrast, the maximum traveltime error for the [3, 3]-order Padé approximation is no more than 5 ms at offset-to-depth ratio of 3. For the Cooper Basin model, the maximum offset-to-depth ratio for the [3, 3]-order Padé approximation is typically double of those in typical methods. The [7, 7]-order Padé approximation performs better than the [3, 3]-order Padé approximation.  相似文献   

A violent outburst of the Lopevi volcano in the central New Hebrides occurred on the 10th July, 1960. The eruption was preceded 4 months before by a deep earthquake (h=250 kms, Mag. 7 1/4), the focus of which was just under the volcano. An inventory of all shocks recorded in the Group since 1910 has been made and all informations about volcanic eruptions in this region have been collected. A close correlation appeared between these two phenomena. Each of the large volcanic eruptions recorded between 1910 and 1962 followed a deep focus earthquake of magnitude greater than 7. Moderate eruptions were preceded by earthquakes of magnitude between 5 3/4 and 6 3/4. The time between the tectonic shock and the climactic phase of the volcanic activity appears to be related to the distance between the focus and the volcano (i.e. the focal depth), the type of the volcano and the pattern of its eruption. It is of few months duration for the volcanoes in the Central group: Ambrym, Lopévi, the submarine volcano east of Epi and Karua. The authors tried to find the same correlations for others volcanoes in the world for which they have been able to collect dates of eruptions: Asama-Yama (Japan), Bezymiannyi (Kamtchatka), Paricutin and Izalco (Central America), Vesuve, Stromboli (Italy). Thus volcanic eruptions would appear to have their first origin in the mantle. A systematic survey of all volcanoes and deep regional earthquakes would bring evidence of this correlation and may permit a long term prediction of their eruptions.  相似文献   

Disturbances of the daily variations in the total electron content (TEC) of the ionosphere during and after geomagnetic storms, obtained from the observations of the GPS satellite signals, are considered. The specific features of these disturbances consist in the intensification of the variations with periods of 4–6 h, the amplitude of which increase at midlatitudes, and in a weak dependence of local maximums on latitude and their considerable longitudinal variability. The possibility of explaining observed disturbances of the considered daily variations by the generation of standing planetary Poincaré waves is discussed. The estimated periods of Poincaré waves, latitudinal structure of these waves, and their ionospheric effects make it possible to qualitatively explain the observed specific variations in TEC.  相似文献   

Summary The domain of Skutari Lake affords considerable geographical, tectonic and seismological problems. The shrinkage of the Dinar mountain system from NW and almost simultaneus to that of the Pinds from S.E. met and under the mutual resistance declined towards NE and E.On the site of their joincture resulted considerable dislocations and blocks lowering of fractured faults. Therefrom resulted the formation of the Skutari Lake basin and its tectonic domain. On this break are frequent earthquakes of different intensity and rather frequent seismic catastrophes. Though, there aren't many chartered data of previous years. The author used statements of the last hundred years (1837–1940). During that period on Skutari tectonic depression two series of seismic catastrophes at an interval of exactly fifty years. First series of five catastrophes desastered in 1855 (3. VII-14.VIII); second series consisting also of five catastrophes araised very region on the same epicenters in 1905 (1.VI-10.VIII). In both of these series catastrophical shocks followed nearly on the same date.The general opinion prevailed that the causes of these seismic motions are to be found in local tectonic circumstances. However, the author after investigations lasting many years, stated the main source of these motions to be much deeper and more extended. Between the Dinar and Pind mountain blocks on ground and blocks in the floor of the joining Adriatic bottom, exist in a certain degree steady relationship.In the course of time the stability under the influence of permanent motions the earth crust, gradually turns into labil state, and this is connected with the tendency of labil blocks into labil state, and this is connected with the tendency of labil blocks to be set again into a stabil position. The causes of Skutari seismic motions are resulting from the lability of land and submarine Adriatic blocks, and at any rate of local tectonic reasons.The fact, that microseismic waves of Skutari catastrophes were spread over great distances over 6700 km (1.VI.1905) suggests the cause of these catastrophe to be much more profound, and to be found on the isostatic, probably in still bigger depth. Such deep isostatic motions provoke superficial perturbations and demonstrate from time to time considerable seismic catastrophes.  相似文献   

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