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A detailed study of the geochemistry of a new suite of early Iceland plume picrites shows that extremely high 3He/4He ratios (up to 50 Ra) are found in picrites from Baffin Island and West Greenland. High 3He/4He picrites display a wide range in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70288–0.70403), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51288–0.51308) and incompatible trace element ratios (e.g. La/Smn = 0.5–1.6). These overlap the complete range of compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts and most northern hemisphere ocean island basalts, including Iceland. Crustal contamination modelling in which high-grade Proterozoic crustal basement rocks for the region are mixed with a depleted parent cannot account for the trend displayed by the Baffin Island and West Greenland picrites. This rules out the possibility that the incompatible trace element, Sr and Nd isotope range of the high 3He/4He picrites is due to crustal contamination. The compositional range at high 3He/4He is also inconsistent with derivation from a primordial-He-rich reservoir that is a residue of ancient mantle depletion. This implies that the composition of the high 3He/4He mantle cannot be determined simply by extrapolating ocean island basalt He–Sr–Nd–Pb–Os isotope data.The apparent decoupling of He from trace element and lithophile radiogenic isotope tracers is difficult to attain by simple mixing of a high-[He], high 3He/4He reservoir with various depleted and enriched He-poor mantle reservoirs. The possibility that primordial He has diffused into a reservoir with a composition typical of convecting upper mantle cannot be ruled out. If so, the process must have occurred after the development of existing mantle heterogeneity, and requires the existence of a deep, primordial He-rich reservoir.  相似文献   

Helium isotope compositions of the mantle xenoliths and megacrysts in the Cenozoic basalts in the eastern China were measured. The samples were collected from Ludao of Heilongjiang, Huinan and Jiaohe of Jilin, Kuandian of Liaoning, Hannuoba of Hebei, Nüshan of Anhui, Dingan of Hainan. The3He/4He ratios of the mantle xenoliths and megacrysts from the most areas were about 1 × 10-5, and were similar to those of the MORB, thus reflecting the characteristics of the MORB-typed depleted mantle. The3He/4He ratios of the mantle xenoliths from Jiaohe were 4.8×10-6 and the3He/4He ratios of xenoliths from Hannuoba vary from 0.15× 10-6 to 7.4 ×10-6, obviously lower than those of the MORB, and even lower than the atmospheric helium isotope ratios, indicating that the continental mantle was strongly replaced in Jiaohe and Hannuoba areas. The helium isotope compositions of the mantle xenoliths and megacrysts in the same region vary in a very wide range. It is inferred that the mantle xenoliths and megacrysts were from different parts of the continental mantle. There were not necessary origin relations between the mantle xenoliths, megacrysts and their host basalts. An extremely high3He/4He ratio of garnet megacryst from Hannuoba, Hebei was found.  相似文献   

We present new and reprocessed seismic reflection data from the area where the southeast and southwest Greenland margins intersected to form a triple junction south of Greenland in the early Tertiary. During breakup at 56 Ma, thick igneous crust was accreted along the entire 1300-km-long southeast Greenland margin from the Greenland Iceland Ridge to, and possibly 100 km beyond, the triple junction into the Labrador Sea. However, highly extended and thin crust 250 km to the west of the triple junction suggests that magmatically starved crustal formation occurred on the southwest Greenland margin at the same time. Thus, a transition from a volcanic to a non-volcanic margin over only 100–200 km is observed. Magmatism related to the impact of the Iceland plume below the North Atlantic around 61 Ma is known from central-west and southeast Greenland. The new seismic data also suggest the presence of a small volcanic plateau of similar age close to the triple junction. The extent of initial plume-related volcanism inferred from these observations is explained by a model of lateral flow of plume material that is guided by relief at the base of the lithosphere. Plume mantle is channelled to great distances provided that significant melting does not take place. Melting causes cooling and dehydration of the plume mantle. The associated viscosity increase acts against lateral flow and restricts plume material to its point of entry into an actively spreading rift. We further suggest that thick Archaean lithosphere blocked direct flow of plume material into the magma-starved southwest Greenland margin while the plume was free to flow into the central west and east Greenland margins. The model is consistent with a plume layer that is only moderately hotter, 100–200°C, than ambient mantle temperature, and has a thickness comparable to lithospheric thickness variations, 50–100 km. Lithospheric architecture, the timing of continental rifting and viscosity changes due to melting of the plume material are therefore critical parameters for understanding the distribution of magmatism.  相似文献   

The influence of thermochemical convection on the fixity of mantle plumes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A general feature of both isochemical and thermochemical studies of mantle convection is that horizontal plume velocities tend to be smaller than typical convective velocities, however, it is not clear which system leads to a greater fixity of mantle plumes. We perform two- and three-dimensional numerical calculations and compare both thermochemical and isochemical cases with similar convective vigor to determine whether presence of a dense component in the mantle can lead to smaller ratios of horizontal plume velocity to surface velocity. We investigate different viscosity and density contrasts between chemical components in the thermochemical calculations, and we perform isochemical calculations with both free-slip and no-slip bottom boundary conditions. We then compare both visually and quantitatively the results of the thermochemical and isochemical calculations to determine which leads to greater plume fixity. We find that horizontal plume velocities for thermochemical calculations are similar to those from isochemical calculations with no-slip bottom boundary conditions. In addition, we find that plumes tend to be more fixed for isochemical cases with free-slip bottom boundary conditions for two-dimensional calculations, however, in three dimensions, we find that plume fixity is similar to that observed in thermochemical calculations.  相似文献   

Geochemical variations in mid-ocean ridge basalts have been attributed to differing proportions of compositionally distinct mantle components in their sources, some of which may be recycled crust. Oxygen isotopes are strongly fractionated by near-surface interactions of rocks with the hydrosphere, and thus provide a tracer of near-surface materials that have been recycled into the mantle. We present here oxygen isotope analyses of basaltic glasses from the mid-Atlantic ridge south of and across the Azores platform. Variations in δ18O in these samples are subtle (range of 0.47‰) and may partly reflect shallow fractional crystallization; we present a method to correct for these effects. Relatively high fractionation-corrected δ18O in these samples is associated with geochemical indices of enrichment, including high La/Sm, Ce/Pb, and 87Sr/86Sr and low 143Nd/144Nd. Our results suggest two first-order conclusions about these enriched materials: (1) they are derived (directly or indirectly) from recycled upper oceanic crustal rocks and/or sediments; and (2) these materials are present in the north Atlantic MORB sources in abundances of less than 10% (average 2–5%). Modeling of variations of δ18O with other geochemical variables further indicates that the enriched component is not derived from incorporation of sediment or bulk altered oceanic crust, from metasomatism of the mantle by hydrous or carbonate-rich fluids, or from partial melting of subducted sediment. Instead, the data appear to require a model in which the enriched component is depleted mantle that has been metasomatized by small-degree partial melts of subducted, dehydrated, altered oceanic crust. The age of this partial melting is broadly constrained to 250 Ma. Reconstructed plate motions suggest that the enriched component in the north Atlantic mantle may have originated by subduction along the western margin of Pangea.  相似文献   

Helium (He) and Argon (Ar) isotopic compositions of the Tertiary basic igneous rocks were determined by the high temperature melting extraction method. The selected samples for the studies included al-kaline basalts and diabases from the Jiyang basin,and the surrounding Shanwang and Qixia outcrops in the Shandong Peninsula,eastern China. The results show that the Paleogene basalts and diabases from the Jiyang basin yielded a wide range of P4 PHe abundance of (73.70-804.16)×10 P-8 Pcm P3 P STP·g P-1 P,with P3 PHe/ P4 PHe ratios of 0.374-2.959 Ra,which was lower than the MORB but evidently higher than the con-tinental crust value. The Neogene alkaline basalts from the Jiyang basin,Shanwang and Qixia outcrops have variable P4 PHe abundances ((42.34-286.72)×10-8 Pcm P3 P STP·g-1 P),and "continental crust-like" P3 PHe/ P4 PHe ratios (0.013-0.074 Ra). All of them contain atmospheric-like P40 PAr/ P36 PAr ratio (395.4-1312.7),reflecting the mantle sources with air components. Their low P3 PHe/ P4 PHe ratios are interpreted as the enrichment of the radiogenic P4 PHe mainly inherited from the mantle. He and Ar systematics show the mixing of MORB-type,air and a P4 PHe enriched member in the mantle source,suggesting that these igneous rocks originated from the depleted asthenospheric mantle mixed with an EMI component. Therefore,the present He and Ar isotopes do not support the viewpoints that the Cenozoic igneous rocks of Eastern North China were the products of mantle plume(s) activities.  相似文献   

The currently active off-rift central volcano Öræfajökull in south-east Iceland sits unconformably on much older (10–12 Ma) and eroded crust. The composition of recent volcanics ranges from basalt to rhyolite, but the series is more sodic alkaline than the common rift zone tholeiitic suites. In this study we present Sr, Nd, Pb and O isotopic data for a suite of Öræfajökull samples. The complete suite shows typical mantle values for oxygen isotopes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios (average of 15 SAMPLES=0.703702) of the modern Öræfajökull rocks (basalts as well as rhyolites) are much higher than observed so far for any other Icelandic rocks. The 143Nd/144Nd ratios (average=0.512947; n=15) are lower than for rift rocks, but similar to rocks of the off-rift Snæfellsnes volcanic zone. Furthermore, the Öræfajökull rocks are enriched in the 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb isotope ratios compared to Icelandic rift basalts. The enriched nature of the suite indicates that Öræfajökull samples a source component that has characteristics common with EM2 type mantle. Furthermore, it is concluded that the silicic rocks of Öræfajökull formed by fractional crystallization from mafic melts rather than by partial melting of older crust.  相似文献   

The pattern and style of mantle convection govern the thermal evolution, internal dynamics, and large-scale surface deformation of the terrestrial planets. In order to characterize the nature of heat transport and convective behaviour at Rayleigh numbers, Ra, appropriate for planetary mantles (between 104 and 108), we perform a set of laboratory experiments. Convection is driven by a temperature gradient imposed between two rigid surfaces, and there is no internal heating. As the Rayleigh number is increased, two transitions in convective behaviour occur. First we observe a change from steady to time-dependent convection at Ra≈105. A second transition occurs at higher Rayleigh numbers, Ra≈5×106, with large-scale time-dependent flow being replaced by isolated rising and sinking plumes. Corresponding to the latter transition, the exponent β in the power law relating the Nusselt number Nu to the Rayleigh number (NuRaβ) is reduced. Both rising and sinking plumes always consist of plume heads followed by tails. There is no characteristic frequency for the formation of plumes.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent geological investigations of the Isua Supracrustal Belt (3.8 Ga), southern West Greenland, have suggested that it is the oldest accretionary complex on earth, defined by an oceanic plate‐type stratigraphy and a duplex structure. Plate history from mid‐oceanic ridge through plume magmatism to subduction zone has been postulated from analysis of the reconstructed oceanic plate stratigraphy in the accretionary complex. Comparison between field occurrence of greenstones in modern and ancient accretionary complexes reveals that two types of tholeiitic basalt from different tectonic settings, mid‐oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) and oceanic island basalt (OIB), occur. This work presents major, trace and rare earth element (REE) compositions of greenstones derived from Isua MORB and OIB, and of extremely rare relict igneous clinopyroxene in Isua MORB. The Isua clinopyroxenes (Cpx) have compositional variations equivalent to those of Cpx in modern MORB; in particular, low TiO2 and Na2O contents. The Isua Cpx show slightly light (L)REE‐depleted REE patterns, and the calculated REE pattern of the host magma is in agreement with that of Isua MORB. Analyses of 49 least‐altered greenstones carefully selected from approximately 1200 samples indicate that Isua MORB are enriched in Al2O3, and depleted in TiO2, FeO*, Y and Zr at the given MgO content, compared with Isua OIB. In addition, Isua MORB show an LREE‐depleted pattern, whereas Isua OIB forms a flat REE pattern. Such differences suggest that the Early Archean mantle had already become heterogeneous, depending on the tectonic environment. Isua MORB are enriched in FeO compared with modern MORB. Comparison of Isua MORB with recent melting experiments shows that the source mantle had 85–87 in Mg? and was enriched in FeO. Potential mantle temperature is estimated to be approximately 1480°C, indicating that the Early Archean mantle was hotter by at most approximately 150°C than the modern mantle.  相似文献   

Mass heterogeneities in the earth's mantle are retrieved from the gravity data and the topography of the core-mantle boundary as well as the topography of the earth's surface. A mantle circulation induced by the heterogeneities is modelled by solving the Stokes problem for incompressible Newtonian fluid. The derived models of mantle motions correlate well with the plate tectonics and point at a close relation between the surface tectonic activity and the processes in the vicinity of the core-mantle boundary.  相似文献   

The ∼0.2 mm/yr uplift of Hawaiian islands Lanai and Molokai and Hawaiian swell topography pose important constraints on the structure and dynamics of mantle plumes. We have formulated 3-D models of mantle convection to investigate the effects of plume-plate interactions on surface vertical motions and swell topography. In our models, the controlling parameters are plume radius, excess plume temperature, and upper mantle viscosity. We have found that swell height and swell width constraints limit the radius of the Hawaiian plume to be smaller than 70 km. The additional constraint from the uplift at Lanai requires excess plume temperature to be greater than 400 K. If excess plume temperature is 400 K, models with plume radius between 50 and 70 km and upper mantle viscosity between 1020 and 3×1020 Pa s satisfy all the constraints. Our results indicate that mantle plume in the upper mantle may be significantly hotter than previously suggested. This has important implications for mantle convection and mantle melting. In addition to constraining plume dynamics, our models also provide a mechanism to produce the observed uplift at Lanai and Molokai that has never been satisfactorily explained before.  相似文献   

We utilized recordings of seismic shear phases provided by several North American broadband seismometer arrays to provide unique constraints on shear wave anisotropy beneath the northern and central Pacific Ocean. Using a new analysis method that reduces measurement errors and enables the analysis of a larger number of available waveforms, we examined relative travel times of teleseismic S and Sdiff that sample a large area of lowermost mantle structure. The results of this study provide evidence for small-scale lateral and depth variations in shear wave anisotropy for a broad region of the lowermost mantle beneath the Pacific Ocean. In particular, we image a localized zone of anomalously strong anisotropy whose strength increases toward the top of D″ beneath Hawaii. Our results, combined with a previous study of VP/VSH ratios, indicate that ancient subducted slab material may be responsible for observations beneath the northern Pacific, while lenses or layers of core–mantle boundary reaction products or partial melt, oriented by horizontal inflow of mantle material to the Hawaiian plume source, can explain observations beneath the central Pacific.  相似文献   

The relationships between the major terrestrial volatile reservoirs are explored by resolving the different components in the Xe isotope signatures displayed by Harding County and Caroline CO2 well gases and mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). For the nonradiogenic isotopes, there is evidence for the presence of components enhanced in the light 124–128Xe/130Xe isotope ratios with respect to the terrestrial atmosphere. The observation of small but significant elevations of these ratios in the MORB and well gas reservoirs means that the nonradiogenic Xe in the atmosphere cannot be the primordial base composition in the mantle. The presence of solar-like components, for example U–Xe, solar wind Xe, or both, is required.For radiogenic Xe generated by decay of short-lived 129I and 244Pu, the 129Xerad/136Xe244 ratios are indistinguishable in MORB and the present atmosphere, but differ by approximately an order of magnitude between the MORB and well gas sources. Correspondence of these ratios in MORB and the atmosphere within the relatively small uncertainties found here significantly constrains possible mantle degassing scenarios. The widely held view that substantial early degassing of 129Xerad and 136Xe244 from the MORB reservoir to the atmosphere occurred and then ended while 129I was still alive is incompatible with equal ratios, and so is not a possible explanation for observed elevations of 129Xe/130Xe in MORB compared to the atmosphere. Detailed degassing chronologies constructed from the isotopic composition of MORB Xe are therefore questionable.If the present estimate for the uranium/iodine ratio in the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) is taken to apply to all interior volatile reservoirs, the differing 129Xerad/136Xe244 ratios in MORB and the well gases point to two episodes of major mantle degassing, presumably driven by giant impacts, respectively  20–50 Ma and  95–100 Ma after solar system origin assuming current values for initial 129I/127I and 244Pu/238U. The earlier time range, for degassing of the well gas source, spans Hf–W calculations for the timing of a moon-forming impact. The second, later impact further outgassed the upper mantle and MORB source. A single event that degassed both the MORB and gas well reservoirs at the time of the moon-forming collision would be compatible with their distinct 129Xerad/136Xe244 ratios only if the post-impact iodine abundance in the MORB reservoir was about an order of magnitude lower than current estimates. In either case, such late dates require large early losses of noble gases, so that initial inventories acquired throughout the Earth must have been substantially higher.The much larger 129Xerad/136Xe244 ratio in the well gases compared to MORB requires that these two Xe components evolve from separate interior reservoirs that have been effectively isolated from each other for most of the age of the planet, but are now seen within the upper mantle. These reservoirs have maintained distinct Xe isotope signatures despite having similar Ne isotope compositions that reflect similar degassing histories. This suggests that the light noble gas and radiogenic Xe isotopes are decoupled, with separate long-term storage of the latter. However, without data on the extent of heterogeneities within the upper mantle, this conclusion cannot be easily reconciled with geophysical observations without significant re-evaluation of present noble gas models. Nevertheless the analytic evidence that two different values of 129Xerad/136Xe244 exist in the Earth appears firm. If the uranium/iodine ratio is approximately uniform throughout the BSE, it follows that degassing events from separate reservoirs at different times are recorded in the currently available terrestrial Xe data.  相似文献   

The Quaternary Eifel volcanic fields, situated on the Rhenish Massif in Germany, are the focus of a major interdisciplinary project. The aim is a detailed study of the crustal and mantle structure of the intraplate volcanic fields and their deep origin. Recent results from a teleseismic P-wave tomography study reveal a deep low-velocity structure which we infer to be a plume in the upper mantle underneath the volcanic area [J.R.R. Ritter et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 186 (2001) 7-14]. Here we present a travel-time investigation of 5038 teleseismic shear-wave arrivals in the same region. First, the transverse (T) and radial (R) component travel-time residuals are treated separately to identify possible effects of seismic anisotropy. A comparison of 2044 T- and 2994 R-component residuals demonstrates that anisotropy does not cause any first-order travel-time effects. The data sets reveal a deep-seated low-velocity anomaly beneath the volcanic region, causing a delay for teleseismic shear waves of about 3 s. Using 3773 combined R- and T-component residuals, an isotropic non-linear inversion is calculated. The tomographic images reveal a prominent S-wave velocity reduction in the upper mantle underneath the Eifel region. The anomaly extends down to at least 400 km depth. The velocity contrast to the surrounding mantle is depth-dependent (from −5% at 31-100 km depth to at least −1% at 400 km depth). At about 170-240 km depth the anomaly is nearly absent. The resolution of the data is sufficient to recover the described features, however the anomaly in the lower asthenosphere is underestimated due to smearing and damping. The main anomaly is similar to the P-wave model except the latter lacks the ‘hole’ near 200 km depth, and both are consistent with an upper mantle plume structure. For plausible anhydrous plume material in the uppermost 100 km of the mantle, an excess temperature as great as 200-300 K is estimated from the seismic anomaly. However, 1% partial melt reduces the required temperature anomaly to about 100 K. The temperature anomaly associated with the deeper part of the plume (250 to about 450 km depth) is at least 70 K. However, this estimate is quite uncertain, because the amplitude of the shear-wave anomaly may be larger than the modelled one. Another possibility is water in the upwelling material. The gap at 170-240 km depth could arise from an increase of the shear modulus caused by dehydration processes which would not affect P-wave velocities as much. An interaction of temperature and compositional variations, including melt and possibly water, makes it difficult to differentiate quantitatively between the causes of the deep-seated low-velocity anomaly.  相似文献   

Peridotite xenoliths with a broad range of textures provides evidence for consistent microstructural evolution in a vertical transect of the shallow lithospheric mantle (35–55 km depth) beneath the Persani Mountains, SE Carpathians, Romania, due to ongoing plate convergence in the Carpathian Arc nearby. The recrystallized grain size, crystal preferred orientations strength, and resulting seismic anisotropy vary continuously and display a strong correlation to equilibrium temperatures, suggesting a continuous change in deformation conditions with depth. The shallowmost xenoliths have microstructures typical of high stress deformation, marked by strong recrystallization to fine grain sizes, which results in weak crystal preferred orientations and anisotropy. The deepest xenoliths have coarse-grained porphyroclastic microstructures and strong crystal preferred orientations. Replacive orthopyroxene structures, consuming olivine, and high H2O concentrations in the pyroxenes are observed in some xenoliths indicating limited percolation of fluids or volatile-rich melts. Despite the high stress deformation and high H2O contents in some of the studied xenoliths, analysis of olivine crystallographic orientations indicates that [100] slip systems, rather than “wet” [001] accommodate most of the deformation in all samples. Seismic anisotropy estimated from the measured olivine and pyroxene crystal preferred orientations suggests that the strike-parallel fast SKS polarization directions and ~ 1 s delay times measured in the SE Carpathians are likely the consequence of convergence-driven belt-parallel flow in the lithospheric mantle.  相似文献   

青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度结构及各向异性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
黎源  雷建设 《地球物理学报》2012,55(11):3615-3624
本研究使用中国地震局地壳应力研究所2010—2011年期间在云南地区布设流动地震台站以及青藏高原周边地区固定地震台站记录到的波形资料,提取了大量高质量Pn波到时资料.联合中国地震台网观测报告,我们获得了一个新的青藏高原东缘上地幔顶部Pn波速度和各向异性结构模型.结果显示,研究区内上地幔顶部存在明显横向不均匀性.古老盆地和稳定地台区如四川盆地、柴达木盆地、拉萨地块和阿拉善块体呈现为明显高波速异常,而祁连山至西秦岭褶皱带和川滇菱形块体北部等为相对弱高波速异常.在龙日坝断裂带以东的松潘—甘孜地块往南沿安宁河—则木河断裂至川滇菱形块体南部显示为一条近南北向明显低波速异常.三江褶皱系、缅甸弧俯冲带以及四川盆地东南等地区为明显低波速异常.地壳强震多发生在高波速异常边缘或高低波速异常过渡带上,表明地壳强震的孕育可能还与地幔构造作用存在一定相关性.青藏高原东构造结的各向异性快波方向呈顺时针旋转分布,与印度—欧亚碰撞密切相关.龙门山断裂带东西两侧的各向异性快波方向发生明显变化,由其西侧松潘—甘孜地块下方的NE向转变为四川盆地下方的近EW向,说明青藏高原物质流动遇四川盆地后分为NE和SW向两支.在川滇地区26°N以南地区上地幔顶部各向异性呈现近NS向与地表GPS观测相一致,但与SKS分裂结果存在较大差异,可能表明地壳与上地幔顶部形变表现为耦合现象,而上地幔顶部至岩石圈内部则存在解耦现象.  相似文献   

李岚静  陈卓奇  郑雷  程晓 《地球物理学报》2022,65(10):3818-3828

格陵兰冰盖在夏季会发生剧烈融化,融水在低洼处汇集形成冰面湖,储存了大量的融水,在冰盖的水文系统中起着至关重要的作用,是格陵兰冰盖质量平衡的重要组成部分.近期有研究发现大量的冰面湖在冬季不会完全冻结,而是掩埋在雪层或冰层下以液态水形式存在,形成冰盖次表面湖.冰盖次表面湖对格陵兰冰盖稳定性和物质平衡会产生重要的影响.由于次表面湖存在于冰盖表层之下难以通过可见光影像进行提取和分析,次表面湖的监测成为次表面湖研究的难点之一.本研究提出一种利用Landsat8和Sentinel-1数据自动提取次表面湖范围的方法.该方法先利用可见光影像提取夏季冰面湖的范围对SAR影像进行掩膜,再根据冬天水体和冰面的后向散射具有可分性的原理,通过Rosin阈值分割算法,提取得到2018—2019年冬季格陵兰中西部流域的次表面湖并对其分布进行分析.在研究区内选择10个测试区域,利用该方法对区域内的次表面湖进行目视解译,并对算法自动提取次表面湖结果进行精度验证.结果表明,本研究提出的自动提取算法Kappa系数为0.85.基于该方法,本研究在2018年格陵兰中西部流域共提取夏季冰面湖的面积为102.28 km2.约43.09%的夏季冰面湖不会完全冻结,从而在冬季形成次表面湖(面积为44.07 km2).


The ophiolites from the Yarlung Zangbo River (Tibet),Southwestern China,were analysed for the con-tents of helium and neon and their isotopic compositions by stepwise heating. The serpentinites from Bainang showed a high 3He/4He value of 32.66Ra (Ra is referred to the 3He/4He ratio in the present air) in 700 ℃ fraction. At lower temperature,all of the dolerites displayed as very high 3He/4He ratios as ones investigated for hotspots. It was clear that the high 3He/4He ratio was one of immanent characterics in the magma source formed the dolerites,suggesting that there was a large amount of deep mantle fluids in these rocks. In the three-isotope diagram of neon,the data points from the ophiolites of the Yarlung Zangbo River were arranged along the Loihi Line. This is in agreement with the characteristics of he-lium isotopes,revealing that the high-3He plume from deep mantle had played an important role in the formation of the Neo-Tethyan Ocean. The helium isotopic compositions in the basalts were far higher than atomospheric value but lower than the average value of MORB,although there were various de-grees of alteration. The possible reasons were that basaltic magmas  相似文献   

Stable oxygen isotope analysis and measurement of several dissolved cations and anions of bulk meltwater samples have provided information about the hydrochemical environment of the glacial hydrological system at Imersuaq Glacier, an outlet tongue from the Greenland ice‐sheet, West Greenland. The samples were collected at frequent intervals during the period 20–28 July 2000 in a small (<20 L s?1) englacial meltwater outlet at the glacier margin. The results document the following findings: (i) a marked diurnal variation of δ18O is related to the composition of oxygen isotope provenances, mainly near‐marginal local superimposed ice and basal up‐sheared ice further up‐glacier; (ii) a relationship is seen between all base cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+), SO42? and δ18O, indicating that solute acquisition is provided by solid–solution contact with the up‐sheared ice—as the relationship with Cl? is weak the influence of seasalt‐derived solutes is small in the area; (iii) when the melt rate is high, two diurnal maxima of δ18O values and solute concentrations are measured, and it is suggested that a snow meltwater component is responsible for the second maximum of δ18O—a short residence time leads to a delayed decrease in ion concentrations. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report isotope analyses of helium, neon, argon, and xenon using different extraction techniques such as stepwise dynamic and static crushing, and high-resolution stepwise heating of three mantle xenoliths from Réunion Island. He and Ne isotopic compositions were similar to previously reported Réunion data, yielding a more radiogenic composition when compared to the Hawaiian or Icelandic mantle plume sources. We furthermore observed correlated 129Xe/130Xe and 136Xe/130Xe ratios following the mantle trend with maximum values of 6.93 ± 0.14 and 2.36 ± 0.06, respectively. High-resolution argon analyses resulted in maximum 40Ar/36Ar ratios of 9000–11,000, in agreement with maximum values obtained in previous studies. We observed a well-defined hyperbolic mixing curve between an atmospheric and a mantle component in a diagram of 40Ar/36Ar vs. 20Ne/22Ne. Using a mantle 20Ne/22Ne of 12.5 (Ne–B) a consistent 40Ar/36Ar value of 11,053 ± 220 in sample ILR 84-4 was obtained, whereas extrapolations to a higher mantle 20Ne/22Ne ratio of 13.8 (solar wind) would lead to a much higher 40Ar/36Ar ratio of 75,000, far above observed maximum values. This favours a mantle 20Ne/22Ne of about 12.5 considered to be equivalent to Ne–B. Extrapolated and estimated 40Ar/36Ar ratios of the Réunion, Iceland, Loihi, and MORB mantle sources, respectively, tend to be linearly correlated with air corrected 21Ne/22Ne and show the same systematic sequence of increasing relative contributions in radiogenic isotopes (Iceland–Loihi–Réunion–MORB) as observed for 4He/3He. In general, He–Ne–Ar isotope systematics of the oceanic mantle can be explained by following processes: (i) different degree of mixing between pure radiogenic and pure primordial isotopes generating the MORB and primitive plume (Loihi-type) endmembers; (ii) relatively recent fractionation of He relative to Ne and Ar, in one or both endmembers; (iii) after the primary fractionation event, different degrees of mixing between melts or fluids of MORB and primitive plume affinity generate the variety of observed OIB data, also on a local scale; (iv) very late-stage secondary fractionation during magma ascent and magma degassing leads to further strong variation in He/Ne and He/Ar ratios.  相似文献   

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