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HR 5983 is a sixth-magnitude composite-spectrum binary system. It has a circular orbit and a period of 108 d. We separate the component spectra and show that they are of types ∼G6 IIIa and A2.5 IV, with a mass ratio (giant:dwarf) of ∼1.04. We find that the secondary has a mass close to 2.6 M and has already evolved somewhat from the main sequence, and that the primary appears to have reached the helium-burning 'blue loop' stage and is in synchronous rotation. The system resembles Capella in several respects, and may represent an earlier phase in the evolution of the latter.  相似文献   

HR 6046 has long been known as a single-lined binary system, for which preliminary orbital solutions were given in the 1930s, but the nature of the secondary star in the system has to date appeared puzzling. The rather large masses which the component stars were once believed to possess caused much speculation that the secondary was a 'collapsed star', and the large mass function that was originally published encouraged determined, but unsuccessful, efforts to be made to resolve the system by optical interferometry. We have observed the system as a double-lined binary, and now present the orbit. We are unable to specify the exact nature of the secondary star, whose mass is only slightly less than that of the primary, but comparison with late-type standard spectra suggests that it is an evolved star, while the primary is a giant somewhat cooler than the published spectral type indicates. The Hipparcos parallax is consistent with such a model for the system, but it is possible that it is vitiated by the photocentric motion. Our new orbital elements and their improved level of precision show conclusively that the system is by no means as exotic as was once thought.  相似文献   

We analyse 81 optical spectra of the composite-spectrum binary HD 216572, and show that the primary is a cool giant of type G8 III while the secondary is a double-lined binary consisting of two nearly identical B9 dwarfs in a 1.18-d orbit. The inner system undergoes partial eclipses, whose photometry we model to derive the physical parameters of both secondary stars. The outer system does not eclipse. We isolate the combined spectrum of the secondary by spectral subtraction, and from 48 separate radial-velocity measurements of both secondary components we obtain a triple-lined orbit solution from which we determine the individual masses of all three stars and the inclinations of both the inner and the outer orbits. The period of the outer system is 55 d, which is surprisingly short for a giant star, and our detection of small but non-negligible amounts of variable chromospheric emission in the Ca  ii K line is not unlike that detected in other systems with comparably short periods. The secondary components are in a circular orbit and are rotating at about  95 ± 10 km s−1  ; although their surface-to-surface separation is only  4 R  the stars are not noticeably distorted geometrically by such close proximity. All three stars appear to be in synchronous rotation in their respective orbits. We derive fairly accurate Hertzsprung–Russell diagram positions for all three stars and compare them to evolutionary tracks calculated for the respective stellar masses, but cannot reconcile the age of the cool giant with that of the B stars.  相似文献   

The spectrum of the secondary component of the bright composite-binary system α Equ, whose visual orbit is already known accurately, is isolated by the method of spectrum subtraction and classified accurately for the first time. The primary is a normal giant of type ∼G7, while the secondary is an Am star of type ∼kA3hA4mA9. The system's mass ratio, q , is determined to be  1.15±0.03  from measurements of the relative radial-velocity displacements between the components. Random and systematic errors in q are evaluated on the basis of the scatter of results derived from sets of spectra obtained from three different sources, and from tests conducted on independent versions of the secondary's spectrum. A spectroscopic analysis of a composite system such as α Equ is strongly challenged by the blending of a great many lines that are common to both spectra. Even when the primary spectrum is thought to have been subtracted adequately, a seemingly unavoidable ghost spectrum of faint residuals can bias wavelength measurements of the secondary's lines. That blending was the principal cause of a history of puzzling and discrepant measurements of q in α Equ. The derived masses of  M1=2.3 M  ,  M2=2.0 M  for the giant and dwarf, respectively, constrain the choice of models for fitting evolutionary tracks in the (log  T eff, log  L ) plane; the stellar points fit a single isochrone (for 0.74 Gyr). Both components are found to be slightly over-luminous compared to normal for their supposed luminosity classes. The giant appears to be commencing its first ascent of the red-giant branch. The dwarf has started to evolve away from the main sequence; its M V is similar to that of a sub-giant.  相似文献   

It is believed that η Carinae is actually a massive binary system, with the wind–wind interaction responsible for the strong X-ray emission. Although the overall shape of the X-ray light curve can be explained by the high eccentricity of the binary orbit, other features like the asymmetry near periastron passage and the short quasi-periodic oscillations seen at those epochs have not yet been accounted for. In this paper we explain these features assuming that the rotation axis of η Carinae is not perpendicular to the orbital plane of the binary system. As a consequence, the companion star will face η Carinae on the orbital plane at different latitudes for different orbital phases and, since both the mass-loss rate and the wind velocity are latitude dependent, they would produce the observed asymmetries in the X-ray flux. We were able to reproduce the main features of the X-ray light curve assuming that the rotation axis of η Carinae forms an angle of  29°± 4°  with the axis of the binary orbit. We also explained the short quasi-periodic oscillations by assuming nutation of the rotation axis, with an amplitude of about  5°  and a period of about 22 days. The nutation parameters, as well as the precession of the apsis, with a period of about 274 years, are consistent with what is expected from the torques induced by the companion star.  相似文献   

The orbital elements of three red‐giant single‐lined spectroscopic binaries, HR 1304, HR 1908 and HD 126947, are presented. They are obtained from observations made with two photoelectric spectrometers of CORAVEL type, the first located at the Observatoire de Haute‐Provence and the second at the Cambridge Observatories. HR 1304 and HR 1908 are known to be chromospherically active stars and to have high spatial velocities; HD 126947 is an intrinsic variable newly detected by Hipparcos. The three systems have long orbital periods: 1.9, 3.2 and 7.7 yr for HR 1304, HR 1908 and HD 126947, respectively. From the orbital elements that we determined and other data available in the literature, we deduce some information about the unseen companions and their separations with respect to the primaries. Finally we discuss the rotation–revolution synchronism and conclude that one star, HR 1908, may have reached the state of pseudo‐synchronism, despite of its long orbital period. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A spectroscopic study of the binary Wolf–Rayet (WR)+O system WR 145 is performed, in order to determine the radial velocity orbits of the individual stars, the angle of orbital inclination and the stellar masses. The emission and absorption components are separated from the original spectra, allowing us to confirm the spectral classification WN 7o/CE of the hybrid WR component and to derive a spectral classification O7V((f)) for the O star. A study of the wind-collision properties is performed. Fitting the radial velocity and full width at half-maximum of the excess emission with Lührs' model results in an inclination angle of   i = 63°  , leading to estimates of the stellar masses:   M WR= 18 M  and   M O= 31 M  . Both of these masses are compatible with those of other stars of similar types.  相似文献   

We separate and analyse the component spectra of the composite‐spectrum binary HD 208253. We find that the cool primary is an evolving star of spectral type G7 III, while its hot secondary is an early‐A dwarf. The giant is currently near the lowest point of the red‐giant branch and is slightly less luminous than its dwarf companion. We provide a set of precise radial‐velocity measurements for both stars. The double‐lined orbit which we derive from them shows that the component mass ratio is close to unity (q = 1.05 ± 0.01). We deduce the physical properties of both stars, determine their respective masses to be 2.75 ± 0.07 Me (giant) and 2.62 ± 0.07 Me (dwarf), and show that the orbit's inclination is within a degree or two of 68°. The spectrum of the A‐type component has quite component has quite narrow lines (we infer a rotational velocity of 18 km s–1), though since the period of the orbit is well over 1 year that component cannot be in synchronous rotation. An intriguing property of the dwarf is its enhanced Sr and Ba, though it does not exhibit the other spectral peculiarities that would signal a classical Am star. While by no means unique amongst the multitude of oddities exhibited by A and early‐F stars, this dwarf which we have uncovered in a long‐period binary offers valuable constraints and challenges to stellar‐evolution theory. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

A succession of near-infrared (near-IR) spectroscopic observations, taken nightly throughout an entire cycle of SS 433's orbit, reveal (i) the persistent signature of SS 433's accretion disc, having a rotation speed of  ∼500 km s−1  , (ii) the presence of circumbinary disc recently discovered at optical wavelengths by Blundell, Bowler & Schmidtobreick (2008) and (iii) a much faster outflow than has previously been measured for the disc wind, with a terminal velocity of  ∼1500 km s−1  . The increased wind terminal velocity results in a mass-loss rate of  ∼10−4 M yr−1  . These, together with the newly (upwardly) determined masses for the components of the SS 433 system, result in an accurate diagnosis of the extent to which SS 433 has super-Eddington flows. Our observations imply that the size of the companion star is comparable with the semiminor axis of the orbit which is given by     , where e is the eccentricity. Our relatively spectral resolution at these near-IR wavelengths has enabled us to deconstruct the different components that comprise the Brackett-γ (Brγ) line in this binary system, and their physical origins. With this line being dominated throughout our series of observations by the disc wind, and the accretion disc itself being only a minority (∼15 per cent) contribution, we caution against use of the unresolved Brγ line intensity as an 'accretion signature' in X-ray binaries or microquasars in any quantitative way.  相似文献   

We present a collation of the available data on the opening angles of jets in X-ray binaries, which in most cases are small (≲10°). Under the assumption of no confinement, we calculate the Lorentz factors required to produce such small opening angles via the transverse relativistic Doppler effect. The derived Lorentz factors, which are in most cases lower limits, are found to be large, with a mean >10, comparable to those estimated for active galactic nuclei (AGN) and much higher than the commonly assumed values for X-ray binaries of 2–5. Jet power constraints do not, in most cases, rule out such high Lorentz factors. The upper limits on the opening angles show no evidence for smaller Lorentz factors in the steady jets of Cygnus X-1 and GRS 1915+105. In those sources in which deceleration has been observed (notably  XTE J1550−564  and Cygnus X-3), some confinement of the jets must be occurring, and we briefly discuss possible confinement mechanisms. It is however possible that all the jets could be confined, in which case the requirement for high bulk Lorentz factors can be relaxed.  相似文献   

We study the usage of the X-ray light curve, column density towards the hard X-ray source, and emission measure (density square times volume), of the massive binary system η Carinae to determine the orientation of its semimajor axis. The source of the hard X-ray emission is the shocked secondary wind. We argue that, by itself, the observed X-ray flux cannot teach us much about the orientation of the semimajor axis. Minor adjustment of some unknown parameters of the binary system allows to fit the X-ray light curve with almost any inclination angle and orientation. The column density and X-ray emission measure, on the other hand, impose strong constrains on the orientation. We improve our previous calculations and show that the column density is more compatible with an orientation where for most of the time the secondary – the hotter, less massive star – is behind the primary star. The secondary comes closer to the observer only for a short time near periastron passage. The 10-week X-ray deep minimum, which results from a large decrease in the emission measure, implies that the regular secondary wind is substantially suppressed during that period. This suppression is most likely resulted by accretion of mass from the dense wind of the primary luminous blue variable star. The accretion from the equatorial plane might lead to the formation of a polar outflow. We suggest that the polar outflow contributes to the soft X-ray emission during the X-ray minimum; the other source is the shocked secondary wind in the tail. The conclusion that accretion occurs at each periastron passage, every five and a half years, implies that accretion had occurred at a much higher rate during the Great Eruption of η Car in the 19th century. This has far reaching implications for major eruptions of luminous blue variable stars.  相似文献   

From accurate radial‐velocity measurements covering 11 circuits of the orbit of the composite‐spectrum binary 45 Cnc, together with high‐resolution spectroscopy spanning nearly 3 circuits, we have (i) isolated cleanly the spectrum of the early‐type secondary, (ii) classified the component spectra as G8 III and A3 III, (iii) derived the first double‐lined orbit for the system and a mass ratio (M1/M2) of 1.035 ± 0.01, and (iv) extracted physical parameters for the component stars, deriving the masses and (log) luminosities of the G star and A star as 3.11 and 3.00 M, and 2.34 and 2.28 L, respectively, with corresponding uncertainties of ±0.10 M and ±0.09 L. Since the mass ratio is close to unity, we argue that the more evolved component is unlikely to have been a red giant long enough to have made multiple ascents of the RGB, an argument that is supported somewhat by the rather high eccentricity of the orbit (e = 0.46) and the evolutionary time‐scales of the two components, but chiefly by the presence of significant Li I in the spectrum of the cool giant. (© 2015 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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