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在对松原地区开展的活断裂探测工作中发现了一条晚更新世活动断裂,称之为孤店断裂。本文通过三维地震资料获得了孤店隐伏活动断裂的地下细部结构,在对其地质构造、第四纪活动性、历史地震记录及地震活动性等进行综合研究的基础上,采用石油物探三维地震资料获得的基岩破裂长度进行经验关系拟合,对其潜在地震最大震级进行了评估,评估结果认为其约为M_W7。此外,采用地震矩方法获得复发周期、年发生率等定量参数,利用中国大陆古地震复发概率模型估算出孤店断裂未来50~200a的大地震发生概率。  相似文献   

2013年8月31日5.9级地震的震中地区位于川滇菱形块体西北边界附近,地质构造复杂,近SN向的金沙江断裂带与NW向的德钦-中甸-大具断裂在此交会。野外地质、地貌调查结果表明,金沙江断裂带的曾大同断裂、里甫-日雨断裂带、郎中断裂、古学断裂等晚更新世—全新世表现出明显的活动迹象,运动性质以右旋走滑为主,兼有逆冲滑动分量,其全新世右旋水平滑动速率为3.5~4.3mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.9~1.1mm/a。德钦-中甸-大具断裂具明显的右旋走滑兼正断性质,最新活动时代为晚更新世—全新世,水平滑动速率为1.7~2.0mm/a,垂直滑动速率为0.6~0.7mm/a。该断裂与金沙江断裂带一起,共同构成了川滇菱形块体的西北边界。它是青藏高原EW向伸展作用下的一条重要的右旋走滑断裂,起着调节高原物质向SE运动的作用。据地震烈度等震线长轴方向、震源机制解资料和滑坡崩塌体展布位置分析认为,2013年奔子栏M5.9地震的发生与德钦-中甸-大具断裂的活动密切相关。  相似文献   

地震动持时对结构损伤的影响显著,然而目前地震易损性研究中很少考虑地震动持时的影响。本文提出了一种地震易损性分析的条带-云图法,引入向量型地震动强度指标■,利用IM1进行基于条带法的结构时程分析,然后采用与地震动持时相关的IM2离散化时程分析统计结果,进行云图法回归分析,建立合理考虑地震动持时影响的结构概率地震需求模型,进而分析地震动持时对结构地震易损性的影响。为了说明本文提出的方法,分别选取具有长、短持时特性的两组地震动作为输入,对3个高度不同的钢筋混凝土框架结构采用条带-云图法进行了地震易损性分析。分析结果表明:采用条带-云图法获得的IM与结构损伤之间的相关程度明显增加,可以提高概率地震需求模型的可靠性;与短持时地震动相比,长持时地震动可以在更低的强度水平引起更严重的结构损伤,在易损性分析中需要考虑持时影响;地震动持时对结构易损性分析结果的影响与选择的地震动强度指标有关,与能量相关的指标可以更好地反映地震动持时的影响。  相似文献   

断层活动性的探测研究是城市防震减灾的基础性工作。为了查明郑州老鸦陈断层的位置、性质及其活动性,2006年底跨老鸦陈断层进行了高分辨率的浅层地震P波和S波探测,通过采用不同的地震波激发源、不同的观测系统参数相结合的工作方法,获得了沿剖面不同深度的地下细结构图像,揭示了老鸦陈断层的形态和特征。结果表明,老鸦陈断层为一条倾向NE、走向NW的正断层,该断层错断了新近系(N)以前的地层,在Q+N地层内部没有发现断层引起的地层错断现象  相似文献   

浅层地震勘探资料地质解释过程中值得重视的问题   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
浅层地震勘探是第四系覆盖区隐伏断层活动性研究常用的手段,叠加剖面上反射波组的分叉、合并、弯曲、中断、尖灭等被用作判断断层存在的重要标志。松花江北的吕刚屯、巨宝屯浅层地震叠加剖面上,T0为下更新统砂砾石层等松散堆积和白垩系砂岩、泥岩的分界面,反射波组清晰。T0-1波组为砂砾石层和黏土层、或砂砾石层和粉细砂层的反射界面,反射波组振幅大,能量强。根据地震反射剖面和测线上的钻孔资料,认为阿什河断层错断了下更新统下段,滨州断层错断了上更新统下段。而通过建立高精度的钻探联合地质剖面、地层年代测试和地层对比,确认阿什河断层没有错断第四系,滨州断层错断了下更新统下段。最后,从第四系的岩性、厚度变化等解释了浅层地震叠加剖面上反射波组的中断、弯曲并非断层活动的结果,而是由第四纪地层相变引起的  相似文献   

应用三维地震资料设计水平井的轨迹,用人工合成记录标定层位和岩性并进行精细的构造解释和储层横向预测,对测区速度场进行研究,利用Geoquest 人机联作解释系统编绘层拉平图、转弯测线剖面图,不整合面构造图,各套油层顶面构造图,沿地层倾向设计水平井的轨迹.经两口井钻探,钻遇不整合面的误差0.19%—0.39%,一口井平均钻遇油层204m,相当9口直井的效益.用地震资料设计巷道水平井的关键是油层标定、深度标定和确定油层走向,用人机联作系统绘制水平切片图、反射波振幅图、油层顶构造图,设计了在油层内钻探的巷道井.经钻探,钻遇不整合面的误差0.07%,在真厚度8.23m 的油层内钻进563m.  相似文献   

乾安-前郭5.0级地震的构造背景分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乾安—前郭Ms5.0级地震是吉林省40年来发生的最大一次中强地震。本文从地震烈度考察、地震活动性分析、地震地质条件等方面综合分析了此次地震发生的构造背景并对此次地震成因进行了探讨。  相似文献   

利用高精度的浅层地震勘探手段,探测出北京市立水桥附近的黄庄-高丽营隐伏断裂,并进行了地质解释。结果表明北京市立水桥附近区域的浅部速度模型为4层结构。第1层至第2层的介质深度从0~150m,P波速度从800~2000m/s,介质为第四纪或古-新近纪覆盖层;第3层至第4层的介质深度为130~300m,P波速度在2000~2500m/s以上,推测为泥岩、砂岩类的基岩区。黄庄-高丽营隐伏活断裂其浅部由东西2条近似平行、相距1300m、走向N23°E、倾向SE的断裂所组成,西断裂F2倾角22°,东断裂F1倾角67°,在634m深度归结成单条断层,构成分叉状结构;断层上盘埋深101m,下盘埋深109m,断距为8m,为断错T2,T3地层界面、带走滑分量的正断层型  相似文献   

Most of the regions in southeastern China are covered by thick Cenozoic sediments, or are the mountainous areas, so it is difficult to find and locate the active faults using the conventional geologic methods. The precisely relocated background seismicity in the seismically active region can be used to identify the buried active structure. In this paper, we investigated the relationship between regional tectonics and background seismicity, and interpreted the possible buried active faults in southeastern China using the relocated background seismicity. We relocated the background seismicity occurring in the region from 106°E to 122°E and from 22°N to 35°N between 1990 and 2014 using the doubble difference earthquake location algorithm. More than 51000 small earthquakes were relocated. In general, the relocated background seismicity corresponds well to the tectonics, showing the zonation features with typical seismicity pattern in each tectonic regime. It is observed that in the weakly active tectonic regime, the seismicity distributes dispersely or even scarcely, while in the strongly active tectonic region, the seismicity is highly clustered and organized to lineation pattern showing the same direction as the strike of the dominating fault zone. We interpreted the buried active faults using the lineation of seismicity. The inferred active faults are observed in the southeast coast region, the northwest Guangxi Province, the southeast boundary region of the Sichian Basin, and around the Huoshan Fault, many of which were not found by previous studies. The relocated hypocentral depth varies greatly in southeastern China. The shallowest earthquakes between 0 and 15km mainly distribute in the central region, indicating that the brittle deformation process only occurred in the upper crust, while the middle and lower crust are to be half-ductile and ductile deformation. There are earthquakes occurred in lower crust in the southeast coast region. The maximum depths distribute in the southeast boundary region of the Sichuan Basin, some are greater than 40km, indicating that the crust depth is larger than other places and the lower crust still sustains brittle deformation, which corresponds to the lower geothermal value and high crustal strength.  相似文献   

The study area is located at the junction of the northern margin of the Qinling orogenic belt and the southern margin of the North China Block. In order to study the fine crustal structure and the deep-shallow structural features of faults in this area, we conducted deep seismic reflection profiling with the seismic profile of 100km long, directing NE-SW in Zhumadian City, Henan Province, and got clear lithospheric structure images along the profile. As regards the data acquisition, we applied the geometry of 25m group interval, 1000 recording channels and more than 60 folds. Seismic wave exploding applies the 30kg shots of dynamite source with the borehole depth of 25m. The shot interval is 200m. In data processing, we focused on improving the signal-to-noise ratio. Data processing methods mainly include first break removal, tomographic static correction, abnormal amplitude elimination, amplitude compensation, pre-stack denoising, surface consistent deconvolution, velocity analysis, several iterations of the residual static correction, dip moveout, post-stack time migration and post-stack denoising, etc. The profile with high signal-to-noise ratio was obtained. The reflection wave group characteristics is obvious in the crust, which reflects abundant information about geological structure. Along the profile, the crust is characterized by double-layer reflection structure, and the Moho surface is composed of a series of laminated arc-shaped strong reflections. The thickness of the upper crust is about 14.8~20.7km, and the total thickness of the crust is about 32.0~35.1km. The upper crust is dominated by the inclined, densely stratified or arc-shaped reflections. The lower crust is dominated by arc-shaped and inclined reflection, and there is a reflective transparent zone under the Moho surface. The reflection sequences with different directions and shapes in the upper crust constitute the nappe structure in southwest segment and the structural model of two concaves with one uplift in NE segment, which correspond to the north Qinling nappe, Zhumadian-Huaibin depression, Pingyu-Xiping uplift and a secondary depression, respectively. There are abundant arc-shaped reflection sequences in the lower crust, which may represent multi-stage magmatic activities. The deep seismic reflection profile shows that faults in the upper crust are well developed. According to the characteristics of reflected wave field in the profile, four groups of fault structure which contain ten faults with different scales are interpreted. Among them, faults FP1, FP2 and FP3 constitute the thrust fault system in the northern margin of Qinling Mountains, and FP5 and FP7 are boundary faults of Zhumadian-Huaibin depression. These faults are all developed within the upper crust. In addition, the Fault FPM is a large fault that cuts through the lower crust and Moho surface. The deep seismic reflection profile reveals the crustal structure and deep-shallow structural features of faults at the junction of the northern margin of the Qinling orogenic belt and the southern margin of the North China block, which provides seismological evidence for the analysis of structural differences, the deep earth's interior processes and deep-shallow structural relationships between the Qinling-Dabie orogenic belt and the southern margin of the North China block. The lower crust of the study area is divided into two parts by deep faults that dislocate the Moho surface. These two parts have distinct reflective structures, suggesting that the area has experienced intense complex tectonic movements. The faults in the upper crust control the formation of basin-mountain structure and stratigraphic deposition of this area. And deep faults in the crust that disrupt Moho surface create conditions for the upwelling and energy exchange of deep materials. All of these have regulated the composition of material and the distribution of energy in the crust. The deep faults cutting through the lower crust and Moho surface and the south-dipping arc-shaped and inclined strong reflection sequences developed in the lower crust should indicate the large-scale subduction of the southern margin of the North China block towards the south-trending Qinling orogenic belt.  相似文献   

The fault F5 is considered as the most active fault in the Tanlu fault zone(Yi-Shu fault zone), which is located from Weifang of Shandong Province to Jiashan of Anhui Province, with a length of 360km. It has always been a focus of concern to many geoscientists because of its complexity and importance. But, for a long period of time, there exists biggish indetermination in the accurate position and active ages of the fault F5 in Suqian section of Tanlu fault zone. Seismic reflection exploration is the main technique in present urban active faults detecting. In order to investigate the spatial distribution, characteristics and activities of the fault F5 in covered terrains, we carried out a systematic survey to the fault with shallow seismic prospecting method and obtained the accurate position and development characteristics of the fault. The results show that the fault F5 continues to develop toward south rather than ending at the Huancheng South Road of Suqian City. F5 is mainly composed of two main faults, which dip in opposite directions and almost vertically. Near the Sankeshu town, F5 is composed of three faults with right-stepping, forming a small pull-apart basin with length of 6km, width of 2.5km, controlling the deposition of Neogene and Quaternary strata. By combining the results of composite drilling section and trenching, we make a conclusion that the western branch of fault F5 is a Holocene active fault, and the eastern branch is a Pleistocene active fault. Our general view is that fault F5 is a Holocene active fault.  相似文献   

The time-dependent probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of the active faults based on the quantitative study of seismo-geology has the vital practical significance for the earthquake prevention and disaster management because it describes the seismic risk of active faults by the probability of an earthquake that increases with time and the predicted magnitude. The Poisson model used in the traditional probabilistic method contradicts with the activity characteristics of the fault, so it cannot be used directly to the potential earthquake risk evaluation of the active fault where the time elapsing from the last great earthquake is relatively short. That is to say, the present Poisson model might overestimate the potential earthquake risk of the Xiadian active fault zone in North China because the elapsed time after the historical M8 earthquake that occurred in 1679 is only 341a. Thus, based on paleoearthquake study and geomorphology survey in the field, as well as integrating the data provided by the previous scientists, this paper reveals two paleo-events occurring on the Xiadian active fault zone. The first event E1 occurred in 1679 with magnitude M8 and ruptured the surface from Sanhe City of Hebei Province to Pinggu District of Beijing at about 341a BP, and the other happened in (4.89±0.68)ka BP(E2). Our research also found that the average co-seismic displacement is ~(1.4±0.1)m, and the predicted maximum magnitude of the potential earthquake is 8.0. In addition, the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis of great earthquakes for Xiadian active fault zone in the forthcoming 30a is performed based on Poisson model, Brownian time passage model(BPT), stochastic characteristic-slip model(SCS)and NB model to describe time-dependent features of the fault rupture source and its characteristic behavior. The research shows that the probability of strong earthquake in the forthcoming 30a along the Xiadian active fault zone is lower than previously thought, and the seismic hazard level estimated by Poisson model might be overestimated. This result is also helpful for the scientific earthquake potential estimation and earthquake disaster protection of the Xiadian active fault zone, and for the discussion on how to better apply the time-dependent probabilistic methods to the earthquake potential evaluation of active faults in eastern China.  相似文献   

2008年5月12日发生在龙门山构造带的汶川MS8.0大地震是映秀-北川断裂突发错动的结果。此次地震不但使NE向的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂发生了地表破裂,而且,在成都平原区的什邡、绵竹等地也出现了不同程度的地表裂缝、公路拱曲以及带状的喷砂冒水现象。此项探测研究以出现在什邡市师古镇附近的疑似地震地表破裂带为切入点,通过采用可控震源以及高精度的浅层地震反射勘探方法,获得了深度15~800m范围内高分辨率的地下结构和构造图像。结果表明,在地表破裂之下存在向平原区逆冲的隐伏断层和反向的逆冲断层,地震过程中隐伏逆断层的活动可能是近地表地层出现褶皱变形和地表破裂的主要原因  相似文献   

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