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通过对国内外人工超硬材料技术水平、生产情况,市场情况的调研,分析,总结出了超硬材料工业在合成技术,合成材料,产品市场方面的发展规律,提出了加快发展我国人工超硬材料的途径和措施。 相似文献
我国超硬材料工业发展评述 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本以1989-1993年的统计资料为依据,结合作的经验,分析了近年来我国超硬材料待业不景气的原因,对地质系统超硬材料企业如何摆脱困境,再创新绩提出了建议。 相似文献
钻井工程用超硬材料及钻头的发展 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
介绍了钻井工程用超硬复合材料(包括PDC、PCBN、陶瓷和金刚石膜)的发展现状及前景;同时也介绍了以这些材料切削具的钻头制造及应用情况;指出金刚石膜合成技术的发展已使金刚石膜制造钻井工程用切削具成为可能。 相似文献
对我国超硬材料及其制品市场国际化进展缓慢的原因进行了分析,提出加快超硬材料及其制品市场国际化的对策。 相似文献
地勘单位在属地化、企业化、市场化转变中,要树立人才新理念,加大人才资本的投资,优化人才工作环境,创新人才工作机制,牢牢抓住人才培养、吸引、使用三个环节,加快人才资源向人才资本的转变,充分发挥人才资本的营运作用,实现地勘单位发展的新跨越。 相似文献
1HistoricResponsibilityofMarineGeologicWorkMarinegeologicstructure,mineralresources,environmentalhazards,andglobalchanges,especiallydistributionsofhydrocarbonandvarioussolidmineralresourcesandassessmentsoftheirreserves,areveryimportantfactorsthatshouldbeconsideredinnationaleconomicconstructions,seaareademarcationsanddefenseofstatemaritimesovereignrightsandinterests.1.1DefendingStateSovereignRightsandInterestsInordertosafeguardstatesovereignrightsandinterests,itisamusttocarryoutr… 相似文献
我国海洋地质工作发展战略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
海洋占地球表面积的2/3以上,蕴藏着丰富的空间资源、生物资源、矿产资源和水动力资源,是人类社会实现可持续发展的宝贵财富,是广大地质工作者勘查、研究、开发的重要对象之一. 相似文献
Disciplinary System and Development Strategy for Eco-hydrology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Eco-hydrology is a new discipline developed in recent decades. It is of great significance to accelerate and promote the development of eco-hydrology subject by constructing a perfect discipline system and formulating future development strategies. By reviewing a large number of literatures, this paper systematically combed and expounded the development and evolution of the eco-hydrology, which can be divided into five stages, the embryonic period of eco-hydrology (1970-1986), formulation terminology and the initial exploration period of eco-hydrology (1987-1991), discipline establishment and the initial development period of eco-hydrology (1992-1995), the rapid development period of eco-hydrology (1996-2007) and the improvement period of eco-hydrology (2008-present). Based on the analysis of the development of eco-hydrology, the disciplinary system of eco-hydrology was proposed as a framework of “theory-method-practice-branch discipline”. Finally, combined with the authors’ understanding, this paper put forward the development strategy system of the eco-hydrology, including the disciplinary research plan, the key research project, the country’s major demand, the discipline construction and the international cooperation, which will provide support for the promotion and establishment of a sound disciplinary system of eco-hydrology. 相似文献
An implicit material point method (MPM), a variant of the finite element method (FEM), is presented in this paper. The key feature of MPM is that the spatial discretisation uses a set of material points, which are allowed to move freely through the background mesh. All history-dependent variables are tracked on the material points and these material points are used as integration points similar to the Gaussian points. A mapping and re-mapping algorithm is employed, to allow the state variables and other information to be mapped back and forth between the material points and background mesh nodes during an analysis. In contrast to an explicit time integration scheme utilised by most researchers, an implicit time integration scheme has been utilised here. The advantages of such an approach are twofold: firstly, it addresses the limitation of the time step size inherent in explicit integration schemes, thereby potentially saving significant computational costs for certain types of problems; secondly, it enables an improved algorithm accuracy, which is important for some constitutive behaviours, such as elasto-plasticity. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a unified MPM framework, in which both quasi-static and dynamic analyses can be solved, and to demonstrate the model behaviour. The implementation closely follows standard FEM approaches, where possible, to allow easy conversion of other FEM codes. Newton’s method is used to solve the equation of motion for both cases, while the formation of the mass matrix and the required updating of the kinematic variables are unique to the dynamic analysis. Comparisons with an Updated Lagrangian FEM and an explicit MPM code are made with respect to the algorithmic accuracy and time step size in a couple of representative examples, which helps to illustrate the relative performance and advantages of the implicit MPM. A geotechnical application is then considered, illustrating the capabilities of the proposed method when applied in the geotechnical field. 相似文献
盐岩油气储库介质地质力学模型相似材料的研制 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
以江苏金坛盐岩地下油气储库为示范工程,以精铁粉、重晶石粉、石英砂、一级松香和医用酒精为原料,根据相似原理以及金坛盐岩油气储库地层中盐岩、泥岩和盐岩夹层的实测物理力学参数,开展了各种配比条件下材料的单轴压缩、三轴压缩、直剪和巴西劈裂试验,通过原岩和模型材料的重度、泊松比、弹性模量、抗压强度、抗拉强度、黏聚力、内摩擦角等基本物理力学参数以及相应变形特征和强度破坏特性的对比分析,研制出基本满足相似条件要求的盐岩油气储库介质(盐岩、泥岩和盐岩夹层)的地质力学模型相似材料,为开展盐岩地下油气储库运营的变形与失效破坏地质力学模型试验提供了可靠的材料保证。 相似文献
针对富水破碎地层注浆治理过程中传统水泥类材料难以实现注浆加固和堵水同步进行的难题,以硫铝酸盐水泥熟料和钢渣微粉为主要原材,成功制备了一种水泥基复合注浆材料(CGM)。通过与传统水泥材料进行性能对比试验,采用扫描电镜和X射线测试手段,分析了CGM材料制备工艺、组分含量和浆液制备条件对材料性能的作用规律,并检验了CGM材料的工程适用性。结果表明:CGM材料宜采用混合粉磨制备工艺,可显著提高其水化活性,且粉磨时间应不超过45 min。钢渣微粉含量越高,水灰比越大,结石体强度越低,凝结时间越长,水灰比超过1.2:1时,结石体后期会出现干缩。与传统水泥材料相比,CGM材料浆液凝结时间与黏度的环境敏感度低,具有显著的工程适用性和性能优越性。 相似文献
含瓦斯煤相似材料研制及其突出试验应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用相似物理模拟试验研究煤与瓦斯突出机制和规律是目前有效的方法,含瓦斯煤体相似材料是突出定量模拟的关键因素。研制出一种新型的含瓦斯煤体相似材料,该相似材料以一定粒径分布的煤粉为骨料,以腐植酸钠水溶液为胶结剂,混合压制成型后干燥。大量正交配比试验表明:在成型压力15 MPa下,相似材料的重度、孔隙率趋于稳定并与原煤十分接近;相似材料抗压强度高,可调范围达0.5~2.8 MPa,与胶结剂浓度近似呈线性正比关系;吸附解吸试验表明,相似材料的吸附性良好,其与原煤的吸附等温线一致;并且具有材料价格低廉、无毒副作用、配比简单、性能稳定和各物理力学参数调节方便等特点,可用来模拟不同强度原煤。采用相似材料制作的型煤开展了煤与瓦斯突出试验,成功模拟了煤与瓦斯突出现象和过程,证明该相似材料能很好地模拟具有吸附解吸特性的含瓦斯煤体。 相似文献