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Re–Os isotope compositions of syngenetic sulphide inclusions in both eclogite suite (E-type) and peridotite suite (P-type) parageneses in diamonds from the Koffiefontein mine, South Africa have been analysed using a technique capable of analysing single inclusion grains, or, in some cases multiple inclusions from the same diamonds. Sulphide inclusion Ni contents broadly correlate with Os abundances in that low-Ni (6.8–8.7% Ni), E-type sulphides have 4.7 to 189 ppb Os whereas the two high-Ni (25%), P-type sulphides have 5986 and 6097 ppb Os. Two P-type sulphides from the same diamond define the first mineral isochron obtained for a single diamond which has an age of 69±30 Ma with chondritic initial 187Os/188Os. This indicates that the sulphides, and hence the host diamond, crystallised close to the time of kimberlite emplacement (90 Ma), in the Mesozoic. This is supported by Pb isotopic measurements of a fragment from one of the sulphides, together with the absence of significant Type IaB nitrogen aggregation in the host diamond lattice. E-type sulphide inclusions have radiogenic Os isotopic compositions, 187Os/188Os 0.346 to 2.28, and Re–Os model ages from 1.1 to 2.9 Ga. They define an array on a Re–Os isochron diagram that may be interpreted as defining a single period of E-type sulphide growth at 1.05±0.12 Ga, with an elevated initial 187Os/188Os. Alternatively, two episodes of sulphide crystallisation, from a chondritic reservoir, may be invoked in the Archaean and in the Proterozoic. The results for both P- and E-type diamonds point to a spectrum of diamond crystallisation ages. High contents of both Re and Os, and the similarity of Re/Os ratios of sulphide inclusions in diamonds to whole rock eclogite and peridotite xenoliths indicate that small amounts of sulphides can dominate the mantle budget of both these elements during melting. Recent addition to the lithospheric mantle of high-Os material similar to that from which the P-type sulphides crystallised may explain the variable, sometimes young Os model ages seen in whole rock xenolith Re–Os data.  相似文献   

Csaba  Szabó  Károly  Hidas  Enik&#;  Bali  Zoltán  Zajacz  István  Kovács  Kyounghee  Yang  Tibor  Guzmics  Kálmán  Török 《Island Arc》2009,18(2):375-400
In this paper we present a detailed textural and geochemical study of two equigranular textured amphibole-bearing spinel lherzolite xenoliths from Szigliget, Bakony–Balaton Highland Volcanic Field (BBHVF, western Hungary) containing abundant primary silicate melt inclusions (SMIs) in clinopyroxene rims and secondary SMIs in orthopyroxene (and rarely spinel) along healed fractures. The SMIs are dominantly composed of silicate glass and CO2-rich bubbles. Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are zoned in both studied xenoliths, especially with respect to Fe, Mg, Na, and Al contents. Cores of clinopyroxenes in both xenoliths show trace element distribution close to primitive mantle. Rims of clinopyroxenes are enriched in Th, U, light rare earth elements (LREEs) and medium REEs (MREEs). Amphiboles in the Szg08 xenolith exhibit elevated Rb, Ba, Nb, Ta, LREE, and MREE contents. The composition of silicate glass in the SMIs covers a wide range from the basaltic trachyandesite and andesite to phonolitic compositions. The glasses are particularly rich in P2O5. Both primary and secondary SMIs are strongly enriched in incompatible trace elements (mostly U, Th, La, Zr) and display a slight negative Hf anomaly. The development of zoned pyroxenes, as well as the entrapment of primary SMIs in the clinopyroxene rims, happened after partial melting and subsequent crystallization of clinopyroxenes, most probably due to an interaction between hot volatile-bearing evolved melt and mantle wall-rocks. This silicate melt filled microfractures in orthopyroxenes (and rarely spinels) resulting in secondary SMIs.  相似文献   

Two unusual diamonds were studied from kimberlites from China, which contain both ultramafic and eclogitic mineral inclusions in the same diamond hosts. Diamond L32 contains seven Fe-rich garnets, four omphacites and one olivine inclusion. Four olivine, one sanidine and one coesite were recovered from diamond S32. Both garnet and omphacite inclusions have similar compositions as those from other localities of the world, and show basaltic bulk composition. All the garnet and omphacite inclusions in diamond L32 have positive Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu*1.64 1.79). These observations support the proposal that mantle eclogite is the metamorphic product of subducted ancient oceanic crust. The Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratio of the olivine inclusions from the two diamonds (91-92) are evidently lower than the normal olivine inclusions in diamonds from the same kimberlite pipe (92-95). The following model is proposed for the formation of diamonds with “mixed” mineral inclusions. Ascending diamond-bearing eclogite (recycled oceanic crust) entrained in mantle plumes may experience extensive partial melting, whereas the ambient peridotite matrix remains subsolidus in the diamond stable field. This provides a mechanism for the transport of diamond from its original eclogitic host to an ultramafic one. Subsequent re-growth of diamond in the new environment makes it possible to capture mineral inclusions of different lithological suites. Partial melts of basaltic sources may interact with the surrounding peridotite, resulting in the relatively lower Mg/(Mg + Fe) ratios of the coexisting olivine inclusions from the studied diamonds. Diamonds with “mixed” mineral inclusions demonstrate that plume activity also occurred in the Archean cratons.  相似文献   

Melt inclusions from four individual lava samples representing the HIMU (Mangaia Island), EMI (Pitcairn Island) and EMII (Tahaa Island) end member components, have heterogeneous Pb isotopic composition larger than that defined by the erupted lavas in each island. The broad linear trend in 207Pb/206Pb–208Pb/206Pb space produced by the melt inclusions from Mangaia, Tahaa and fPitcairn samples reproduces the entire trend defined by the Austral chain, the Society islands and the Pitcairn island and seamount groups. The inclusions preserve a record of melt composition of far greater isotopic diversity than that sampled in whole rock basalts. These results can be explained by mixing of a common depleted component with the HIMU, EMI and EMII lavas, respectively. We favor a model that considers the oceanic lithosphere to be that common component. We suggest that the Pb isotopic compositions of the melt inclusions reflect wall rock reaction of HIMU, EMI and EMII melts during their percolation through the oceanic lithosphere. Under these conditions, the localized rapid crystallization of olivine from primitive basalt near the reaction zone would allow the entrapment of melt inclusions with different isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) is an instrument for effectively determining gaseous composition of fluid inclusion. The gaseous component is extracted from inclusions with thermal decrepitation method and then determined with the sensitive QMS instrument. The method is characterized by high sensitivity and high accuracy with the relative standard deviation (RSD,n=6) of less than 3%. It has been successfully used for analyzing fluid inclusions. The analytical results meet the requirement of geological study.  相似文献   

We present an inventory of B, Cl and Li concentrations in (a) key minerals from a set of ultramafic samples featuring the main evolutionary stages encountered by the subducted oceanic mantle, and in (b) fluid inclusions produced during high-pressure breakdown of antigorite serpentinite. Samples correspond to (i) nonsubducted serpentinites (Northern Apennine and Alpine ophiolites), (ii) high-pressure olivine-bearing antigorite serpentinites (Western Alps and Betic Cordillera), (iii) high-pressure olivine-orthopyroxene rocks recording the subduction breakdown of antigorite serpentinites (Betic Cordillera). Two main dehydration episodes are recorded by the sample suite: partial serpentinite dewatering during formation of metamorphic olivine, followed by full breakdown of antigorite serpentine to olivine+orthopyroxene+fluid. Ion probe and laser ablation ICP-MS (LA ICP-MS) analyses of Cl, B and Li in the rock-forming minerals indicate that the hydrous mantle is an important carrier of light elements. The estimated bulk-rock B and Cl concentrations progressively decrease from oceanic serpentinites (46.7 ppm B and 729 ppm Cl) to antigorite serpentinites (20 ppm B and 221 ppm Cl) to olivine-orthopyroxene rocks (9.4 ppm B and 45 ppm Cl). This suggests release of oceanic Cl and B in subduction fluids, apparently without inputs from external sources. Lithium is less abundant in oceanic serpentinites (1.3 ppm) and the initial concentrations are still preserved in high-pressure antigorite serpentinites. Higher Li contents in olivine, Ti-clinohumite of the olivine-orthopyroxene rocks (4.9 ppm bulk rock Li), as well as in the coexisting fluid inclusions, suggest that their budget may not be uniquely related to recycling of oceanic Li, but may require input from external sources.Laser ablation ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions in the olivine-orthopyroxene rocks enabled an estimate of the Li and B concentrations in the antigorite breakdown fluid. The inclusion compositions were quantified using a range of salinity values (0.4-2 wt.% NaClequiv) as internal standards, yielding maximum average fluid/rockDB∼5 and fluid/rockDLi∼3.5. We also performed model calculations to estimate the B and Cl loss during the two dehydration episodes of serpentinite subduction. The first event is characterized by high fluid/rock partition coefficients for Cl (∼100) and B (∼60) and by formation of a fluid with salinity of 4-8 wt.% NaClequiv. The antigorite breakdown produces less saline fluids (0.4-2 wt.% NaClequiv) and is characterized by lower partition coefficients for Cl (25-60) and B (12-30). Our calculations indicate that the salinity of the subduction fluids decreases with increasing depths. fluid/rockDB/fluid/rockDCl<1 (∼0.5) indicates that Cl preferentially partitions into the evolved fluids relative to B and that the B/Cl of fluids progressively increases with increasing depths and temperatures.Despite light element release in fluids, appreciable B, Cl and Li are still retained in chlorite, olivine and Ti-clinohumite beyond the antigorite stability field. This permits a bulk storage of about 10 ppm B, 45 ppm Cl and 5 ppm Li, i.e., concentrations much higher than in mantle reservoirs. Chlorite is the Cl repository and its stability controls the Cl and H2O budget beyond the antigorite stability; B and Li are bound in olivine and clinohumite. The subducted oceanic mantle thus retains light elements beyond the depths of arc magma sources, potentially introducing anomalies in the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Detailed petrological work was carried out on serpentinized peridotite dredged and sampled by submersible from the southern part of the Mariana Trench to reveal the nature of the mantle wedge in the southern Mariana forearc. The southern part of the Mariana Trench is important in that we should expect to find a transect of a typical island arc structure; that is, from east to west, the Mariana forearc, the Mariana arc proper, the Mariana Trough (active back-arc spreading center), and the West Mariana Ridge (remnant arc). The most striking feature of peridotites from the southern part of the trench is that primary hornblende is a major constituent mineral in many specimens. Thus, the peridotite samples are divided into anhydrous (A-type), hydrous (H-type) and intermediate (I-type) groups. Petrological data suggest that each type of peridotite is a residue of extensive partial melting in the upper mantle. It is argued here that the I- and H-type peridotites were modified from `proto-A-type peridotite' by fluid infiltration. The fluid was enriched in Al, Ti, Fe, and alkalis, and may have caused changes in mineral and bulk chemical compositions of the peridotites. A-type peridotite derives from the `proto-A-type peridotite' directly, without any fluid contamination. After the formation of the `proto-A-, I-, and H-type peridotites', lower-temperature fluids, probably of seawater origin, produced retrograde metamorphism and alteration including serpentinization. The mantle wedge in the southern Mariana forearc was heterogeneous in fluid supply.  相似文献   

Abstract   Abundant peridotite xenoliths have been found in pyroclasitics of Avacha (Avachinsky) volcano, the south Kamchatka arc, Russia. They are mostly refractory harzburgite with or without clinopyroxene: the Fo of olivine and Cr/(Cr + Al) atomic ratio of spinel range from 91 to 92 and from 0.5 to 0.7, respectively. They are metasomatized to various extents, and the metasomatic orthopyroxene has been formed at the expense of olivine. The metasomatic orthopyroxene, free of deformation and exsolution, is characterized by low contents of CaO and Cr2O3. The complicated way of replacement possibly indicates low viscosity of the metasomatic agent, namely hydrous fluids released from the relatively cool slab beneath the south Kamchatka arc. This is a good contrast to the north Kamchatka arc, where the slab has been hot enough to provide slab-derived melts. High content of total orthopyroxene, 40 vol% on average, in metasomatized harzburgite from Avacha suggests silica enrichment of the mantle wedge, and is equivalent to some subcratonic harzburgite. Some subcratonic harzburgites therefore could have been formed by transportation of subarc metasomatized peridotites to a deeper part of the upper mantle.  相似文献   

Water (or H) in the silicate mantle is a key element in influencing Earth’s climate, habitability, geochemical evolution, geophysical properties and geodynamical processes, and has received increasing attention in the past decades. Experimental work under simulated high-pressure and high-temperature conditions is a powerful tool in characterizing the species, distribution, storage capacity and various physicochemical impacts of water in the mantle. In recent years, significant approaches have been acquired about some key physical, chemical and dynamical properties of water in the mantle and their various impacts, as a result of extensive studies by high-pressure and temperature experiments, and our knowledge of Earth’s water cycle, especially the deep water cycle, on both temporal and spatial scales has been greatly enhanced. In this paper, a brief review based mainly on experimental studies is presented concerning the current understanding and some recent approaches of water in the silicate mantle, such as the possible origin, amount, storage and the effect on mantle properties.  相似文献   

Combined evidence from the outcrop and the fluid inclusion assemblage (FIA) analysis indicates that there exist two episodes of fluid flow controlled by the tectonic activity. The first episode was recorded mainly in the reservoir rock of the Honghuayuan Formation,representing the fluid flow of hydrocarbon charging. The second episode occurred mainly along the fault systems,representing the fluid move-ment when the ancient oil reservoir was destroyed. The host mineral morphology,homogeneous tem-perature,and salinity of the FIAs record an episodic fluid movement. Characters of high homogenous temperature,low salinity and a quick temperature variation of the first episode fluid flow may indicate an early-stage fluid eruption,and correspondingly,fine-grained calcite was formed. Temperature of the erupted fluid tended to decrease during its mixing with the upper formation fluid and finally had the same temperature as the upper formation. From then on,the temperature was rather steady and fa-vored the growth of the coarse calcite. Due to this character of the temperature variation of the episodic fluid flow,we can use the homogenous temperature of the FIA of the coarse calcite to date the forma-tion and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir. Episodic fluid flow was known for its inhomogeneous trapping,which resulted in the failure of dating according to the burial history. But taking a close look at its temperature variation,we think that the latest stage of fluid flow,characterized by steady state temperature and grow of the coarser crystals,can be used for dating. It will be of great value if this method is proved to be effective. The formation and the destruction time of the Majiang ancient oil reservoir were dated to be in the Indosinian Period and the late Yanshan-early Hymalayan Period respectively. This conclusion is in great discrepancy with the common accepted idea that the Majiang ancient oil reservoir was formed and destroyed during the Caledonian tectonic movement. Even so,this paper further discussed its reliability from the view of the source rock evolution and also the local tectonic evolution.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline quartz ribbons in high-grade metamorphic rocks from the Daqingshan region, are typical microfabrics of, and provide information for, deep crust deformation and metamorphism. The quartz ribbons have straight boundaries and extend stably along gneissosity. They truncate other mineral grains in the rocks and may contain inclusions of such minerals that are lens-shaped and oriented. They frequently end into branching termination. Analysis fluid inclusions in polycrystalline quartz ribbons reveal that the complex types of fluid inclusions are inhomogeneously distributed. They are obviously different from inclusions captured at granulite facies, in both fluid compositions and T-P estimations. Based on microfabric and fluid inclusion analysis, the polycrystalline quartz ribbons are suggested to be formed by SO2-rich fluids filling micro-fractures that are parallel to early gneissosity. The SO2 composition is derived from the deformed host rocks. The fluid phase has significant effects on the rheological characteristics, fracturing of rocks, and formation of quartz ribbons.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline quartz ribbons in high-grade metamorphic rocks from the Daqingshan region, are typi- cal microfabrics of, and provide information for, deep crust deformation and metamorphism. The quartz ribbons have straight boundaries and extend stably along gneissosity. They truncate other mineral grains in the rocks and may contain inclusions of such minerals that are lens-shaped and oriented. They frequently end into branching termination. Analysis fluid inclusions in polycrystalline quartz rib- bons reveal that the complex types of fluid inclusions are inhomogeneously distributed. They are ob- viously different from inclusions captured at granulite facies, in both fluid compositions and T-P esti- mations. Based on microfabric and fluid inclusion analysis, the polycrystalline quartz ribbons are suggested to be formed by SO2-rich fluids filling micro-fractures that are parallel to early gneissosity. The SO2 composition is derived from the deformed host rocks. The fluid phase has significant effects on the rheological characteristics, fracturing of rocks, and formation of quartz ribbons.  相似文献   

An historical introduction to the geotherm and its significance for the existence of a diamond window at the base of the peridotite lithosphere is followed by a brief survey of types of mantle zenoliths (low T, high T and metasomatized peridotites, megacrysts or discrete nodules, eclogites and less common varieties). The similarities of eclogite xenoliths to the subducted eclogites with graphitized diamonds in the peridotite massif of Beni Bousera, northern Morocco, are reviewed. Diamond-bearing peridotite (Archaean harzburgite and lherzolite) and eclogite xenoliths are rare, having suffered excessive disaggregation. They do not necessarily relate proportionately to the types of diamonds in the host kimberlite/lamproite.Batches of single mineral species from disaggregated diamondiferous xenoliths, particularly garnets, form a realistic approach to diamond exploration. Nickel thermometry applied to Cr pyropes, developed by Griffin et al. (1989) Contr. Miner. Petrol. 103, 199–203, and barometry dependent upon Cr content in notional coexisting spinels, provide a realistic appreciation of the extent of the diamond window. Sodium and K pressure “indicators” in eclogitic garnets and clinopyroxenes are reviewed, but estimates are affected by mantle processes (metasomatism) and amounts of coexisting P and Ti.Metasomatic processes in the basal lithosphere are sourced in the underlying asthenospheric (megacryst) magmas. Depending on the degree and type of interaction they can result in the destruction of ancient diamonds or the growth of new peridotitic diamonds. Partial destruction or replacement of mineral indicators may also result and Cr garnets acquire distinctive quantifiable trace element signatures. High T minerals encapsulated in diamond are either relict from former ambient high T conditions or the result of localized thermal highs emanating from asthenospheric magmas (or plume/diapir).It is concluded that the fullest significance of the geochemistry (sensuo lato) of the diamondiferous debris erupted by kimberlites and lamproites, can only be made by reference to complementary geophysical, structural and isotopic studies of the surrounding cratonic country rocks. Thus, tectonothermal events which punctuate the varied evolutionary histories of cratons—plume migration, rifting, subduction/overthrusting, delamination, cratonization, flood basalt generation, regional metamorphism and metasomatism, etc.—can be manifested in the deep lithosphere environment, and cannot be divorced from questions of diamond formation and survival.  相似文献   

The deep well MV5A, drilled in the western part of the Larderello geothermal field, crossed a 20-cm-thick hydraulic fracture breccia unit at a depth of 1090 m below ground level (b.g.l.). This breccia occurs in a fine-grained Triassic metasandstone and consists of angular to subangular clasts of up to some centimeters in size. Pervasive alteration has affected the breccia clasts and wall rock around the breccia, with the formation of Mg–Fe chlorite. After such alteration, hydrothermal circulation caused the precipitation of two generations of calcite cement. Then, ankerite partially replaced these two calcite generations. Ankerite also precipitated in late veinlets with chlorite. Late hydrothermal activity led to the crystallization of albite, quartz and finally, anhydrite. The calcite contains vapor-rich inclusions and two populations of liquid-rich (L1 and L2) inclusions. L1 inclusions are characterized by homogenization temperatures between 304 and 361°C and salinities from 7.4 to 11.6 wt.% NaCl equivalent; L2 inclusions revealed homogenization temperatures in the range of 189–245°C and salinities from 2.6 to 6.3 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The fluids contained in L2 inclusions were probably trapped coevally with some vapor-rich inclusions under boiling conditions after the L1 inclusions formed. Some of the abundant vapor-rich inclusions in calcite may also represent early, low-temperature inclusions affected by decrepitation and/or stretching and/or leaking during L1 trapping. The liquid-rich (L) inclusions trapped at later stages in ankerite, albite and anhydrite display, respectively, homogenization temperature ranges of 189–198°C, 132–145°C, and 139–171°C, and salinities ranging from 1.6 to 1.7 wt.% NaCl equivalent, 1.4 to 2.1 wt.% NaCl equivalent and 3.7 to 6.2 wt.% NaCl equivalent. The inclusions studied record the evolution, over time, of the fluids flowing in the breccia level: L1 inclusions capture high-temperature fluid (about 300 to 350°C) of high salinity (around 10 wt.% NaCl equivalent) at above-hydrostatic pressures (up to about 150 bar). The L2 inclusions in calcite and liquid-rich inclusions in ankerite and albite represent subsequent hydrothermal fluid evolution toward lower temperatures (about 250 to 130°C), pressures (45 to a few bar) and salinities (6.3 to 1.4 wt.% NaCl equivalent). During this stage, boiling processes and infiltration of meteoric waters probably occurred. Finally, moderately saline fluids (around 5 wt.% NaCl equivalent) at a temperature (about 160°C) close to that of present-day in-hole measurements was trapped in the anhydrite inclusions. The liquids trapped in liquid-rich inclusions circulated at 41,000 years (maximum age of calcite) or later. This age represents an upper limit for the development of vapor-dominated condition, in this part of the geothermal system. The fluids circulating at the breccia level were probably meteoric and/or connate waters. These fluids may have interacted with the anhydrite and carbonate bearing formations present in the Larderello area. The occurrence of the hot and saline fluids, trapped in L1 inclusions at above-hydrostatic pressure, suggests that similar fluids but with higher pressure (≥167 bar) and temperature (≥360°C) may have been responsible for rock fracturing.  相似文献   

The experiments in the model system CaMgSi2O6–(Na2CO3, CaCO3)–KCl are performed at 5 GPa and 1400–1600 °C in order to study the phase relations, including liquid immiscibility, in the chloride–carbonate–silicate systems with application to alkali and chlorine-rich liquids preserved in kimberlitic diamonds. Experiments in the boundary joins of the system demonstrated that both the carbonate–silicate and chloride–carbonate melts are homogeneous; while high-temperature (above 1800 °C) liquid immiscibility is assumed for the chloride–silicate join of the above system. Addition of silicate component into the chloride–carbonate melts and chloride component into the carbonate–silicate melts results in splitting of the homogeneous liquids into the immiscible chloride–carbonate brine and carbonate–silicate melt. Carbonate–silicate and chloride–carbonate branches of the miscibility gap converge within the carbonate-rich region of the system. Regular temperature evolution of the shape and size of the miscibility gap is deduced. With decreasing temperature, the convergence point moves toward more Si-rich compositions, expanding fields of homogeneous chloride–carbonate silica-saturated melts. This effect is governed by the precipitation of the silicate phases even from silica-bearing chloride–carbonate melts. In addition, experiments revealed regular evolution of both Cl-bearing carbonate–silicate melt and Si-bearing chloride–carbonate brine toward the low-temperature chlorine–bearing carbonatitic liquid with decreasing temperature. These trends are similar to the evolution of the melt and brine inclusions in some diamonds from Botswana, Brazil, Canada, and Yakutia, indicating their growth during cooling. The model for interaction of the chloride–carbonate brine with the mantle rocks is developed on the basis of the present experimental data. This model is applied to the chlorine-enriched kimberlites of the Udachnaya–East pipe.  相似文献   

Using secondary spinel standard method, we have measured precisely the compositions of spinels of amphibole-bearing mantle peridotite xenoliths from Nüshan in eastern China, and calculated the mantle oxygen fugacities recorded by the xenoliths. Results indicate that the mantle metasomatism for forming amphiboles in Nüshan region of Anhui has resulted in the decrease of mantle redox, which is in contrast with theoretical estimation and previous research results from other areas around the world. Combining with related studies on the mantle of eastern China, we give a reasonable explanation to the 'new finding' and further elucidate the compositions and nature of mantle fluids in eastern China.  相似文献   

The lead content of five whole-rock peridotite inclusions (four lherzolites and one harzburgite) in alkali basalt ranges from 82 to 570 ppb (parts per billion). Approximately 30–60 ppb of this amount can be accounted for by analyzed major silicate minerals (olivine ≤ 10 ppb; enstatite 5–28 ppb; chrome diopside ~400 ppb). Through a series of acid leaching experiments, the remainder of the lead is shown to be quite labile and to reside in either glassy or microcrystalline veinlets or accessory mineral phases, such as apatite and mica. The lead isotopic composition of the peridotites (206Pb/204Pb= 18.01–18.90;207Pb/204Pb= 15.52–15.61;208Pb/204Pb= 37.80–38.86) lies within the range of values defined by many modern volcanic rocks and, in particular, is essentially coextensive with the abyssal tholeiite field. In all but one instance, isotopic differences were found between the peridotite and its host alkali basalt. Two of the peridotites clearly demonstrated internal isotopic heterogeneity between leachable and residual fractions that could not simply be due to contamination by the host basalt. However, there is no evidence that these ultramafic rocks form some layer in the mantle with isotopic characteristics fundamentally different from those of the magma sources of volcanic rocks.  相似文献   

Masanori  Kurosawa  Satoshi  Ishii  Kimikazu  Sasa 《Island Arc》2010,19(1):40-59
Fluid inclusions in quartz from miarolitic cavities, pegmatites, and quartz veins in Miocene biotite-granite plutons, Kofu, Japan, were analyzed by particle-induced X-ray emission to examine chemistries and behaviors of granite-derived fluids in island-arc granite. Most inclusions are aqueous two-phase inclusions, and halite-bearing polyphase inclusions are also observed in quartz veins in the upper part of the plutons. From element contents of fluid inclusions in the miarolitic cavities, the original fluid released from the granite plutons during solidification is inferred to have concentrations of Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Ge, Br, Rb, Pb, and Ba of several tens to hundreds of parts per million by weight (ppm) and a salinity of about 10 wt% NaCl equivalent. We estimated the formation conditions of the fluid to have been at about 1.3–1.9 kb and 530–600°C on the basis of the homogenization temperatures of the inclusions and the solidification conditions of the plutons. The polyphase inclusions probably originated from hypersaline fluid by boiling of part of the released fluid during its ascent in the plutons. The polyphase inclusions contain several hundreds to tens of thousands of ppm of Fe and Mn, and tens to several hundreds of ppm of Cu, Zn, Br, Rb, and Pb. The salinities are about 35 wt% NaCl equivalent. Compositional variations in two-phase inclusions from the miarolitic cavities and quartz veins are primarily explained by mineral precipitation with dilution by surface water exerting a secondary influence. Thus, chemistries and behaviors of the granite-derived fluids in the plutons can be explained by mineral precipitation, boiling, and dilution of the originally released fluid.  相似文献   

Xenoliths entrained in alkaline basalts and kimberlites give strong evidence that mantle carbonatitic and carbonated high alkaline mafic silicate melts, which are initially produced at very low degrees of partial melting (?1%), percolate and accumulate to form impregnations with a melt concentration of up to 10%. At present no compaction model has explained such huge local amplification of melt concentration. Recently, Bercovici et al. [1] have shown that the commonly used equations of compaction are not sufficiently general to describe all melt percolation processes in the mantle. In particular, they show that, when the melt concentration in the mantle is very low, the pressure jump ΔP between the solid and liquid fractions of the mantle mush is very important and plays a driving role during compaction. 1-D compaction waves generated with two different systems of equations are computed. Three types of wave-trains are observed, i.e. (1) sinusoidal waves; (2) periodic waves with flat minima and very acute maxima (‘witch hat waves’); (3) periodic solitary waves with flat maxima and extremely narrow minima (‘bowler hat waves’). When the initial melt distribution in the mantle is quite homogeneous, the compaction waves have sinusoidal shapes and can locally amplify the melt concentration by a factor less than two. When there is a drastic obstruction at the top of the wetted domain, the pressure jump ΔP between solid and liquid controls the shape of the waves. If the computation assumes the equality of pressure between the two phases (ΔP=0), the compaction wave has a ‘bowler hat shape’, and locally amplifies the melt concentration by a factor less than 5. Alternatively, simulations taking into account the pressure jump between phases ΔP predict compaction waves with ‘witch hat shape’. These waves collect a large quantity of melt promoting the development of magmons with local melt concentration exceeding 100× the background melt concentration. It is inferred that in a mantle with very low concentrations of carbonatitic or high alkaline mafic silicate melt the magmons are about 1 km thick and reach, in less than 1 Ma, a melt concentration of about 10%. The magmons are likely generated below the lithosphere at some distance away from the center of hot spots. This can explain the development of mantle carbonatitic eruptions in the African rift and the carbonatite and high alkaline mafic silicate volcanic activity in oceanic islands.  相似文献   

高安泰  杨多兴  刘耀炜 《地震》2002,22(4):24-29
深部流体, 尤其是深部热流体已成为目前研究地震孕育及前兆成因的重要内容, 特别是由于深部流体活动引起浅层流体的变化, 是探索地震预报方法的重要途径。由于人们在现有的能力范围内只能通过观察研究浅层流体来了解深部流体的变化, 所以通过研究深部流体与浅层流体的相互关系, 进而了解深部流体的变化, 对于研究孕震过程、前兆成因机理以及地震预报的理论和方法, 都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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