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为了了解海南文昌地区雷暴电环境的基本特征,利用安装于距地面3.5 m 楼顶的大气电场仪和雨量资料,分析了文昌夏季阵性降水对应不同类型的电场特征、单体雷暴活动电场演变规律及降水和闪电之间的关系。通过分析发现过观测场顶部无闪电的阵性降水过程地面电场极值较小,电场和降水基本呈现反向同步的变化特征。过顶单体雷暴在闪电发生前,地面电场提前产生扰动,明显的扰动一般提前于电场过零点约15~30 分钟,第1 次闪电发生一般提前于降水20~30 分钟。统计多次较强单体雷暴过程发现,阵性降水之前和降水过程中闪电比较密集,降水后期闪电较少发生,降水强度和闪电频次有一定的正比例关系。典型单体雷暴进入衰退期电场变化呈现出较为明显的阻尼振荡(EOSO)。 相似文献
浅谈雷暴与闪电的观测记录姜庆芝(兴安盟气象处)雷暴和闪电都是积雨云中,云间或云地之间产生的放电现象。雷暴出现时有时闪电兼雷暴,有时只闻雷声而不见闪电。雷暴与闪电的观测记录方法《规范》中己有明确规定,但从报表审核发现,在雷电多发季节,疑误记录时有发生,... 相似文献
雷暴云中闪电放电条件下的雨滴增长 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
从考虑雷暴云中电场力作用的水滴运动方程出发,利用球的正面阻力系数ψ和雷诺数Re的实验关系,计算出水滴在外力作用下的瞬时运动速度,从而计算出环境电场作周期性变化时水滴增长的规律。 相似文献
本文根据2010年9月17日成都地区一次强雷暴过程中大气电场仪和闪电定位资料,分析雷暴起始、发展、消亡阶段地面电场演变特征,通过对比地闪监测网资料发现地面电场仪能够准确反映闪电活动规律。将地面电场仪与闪电定位资料相结合,可大大提高雷电预警的准确性,同时实现面向重点区域的雷电短临预警,该预警模式具有时效性高、准确率高等特点,同时也能够有效弥补现有雷电预警方法的不足。同时为四川省强对流天气系统的演变和分类检测和临近预报提供参考。 相似文献
雷暴下的电流密度测量和准稳态特性讨论 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
利用电场和麦克斯韦电流密度的同时测量,对雷暴下闪电间的麦克斯韦电流密度的准稳态特性进行了验证,并利用实验观测和模式计算相结合的方法,对传导电流、位移电流和电晕电流的相对重要性作了估计。 相似文献
阿吉古丽.沙依提 《沙漠与绿洲气象(新疆气象)》2013,7(4):55-60
利用西天山地区14个气象站1960-2010年雷暴资料和新疆雷电监测网2008年观测资料,分析了西天山地区雷暴和闪电变化特征。结果表明:西天山地区年平均雷暴日数分布呈东西多,南北少的形势。该区域年平均雷暴日数在17.3~85.5 d之间,并以2.7 d/10 a的速率减少。西天山地区雷暴日数的年变化呈单峰型,并在6-7月达到最大值。整个区域以正闪为主,正闪占总闪的比例达66%。该区域闪电电流强度在-130~+63 kA之间,负闪强度大于正闪强度。 相似文献
利用卫星云图和闪电资料对1994年8月2日影响首都机场的一次雷暴过程进行了详细的分析。结果表明,这次雷暴过程中有3个尺度对流系统的发生和发展,因而对首都机场的影响持续了约5h。闪电资料的分析表明,闪电活动的位置、频率和极性与对流系统的发展阶段有关。因此,除了每小时一次的卫星云图外,即时的闪电观测资料也是预报中尺度对流系统很有用的工具。 相似文献
利用NOx分析仪和大气平均电场仪在青海省大通县对雷暴天气过程中自然闪电产生的NOx进行了地面观测。分析结果表明:在晴天稳定大气条件下,全天NOx的平均体积混合比相对比较平稳,观测值虽然比理想中的干净背景大气条件下的地面值要大一些,但比污染大气中的值小许多;在雷暴天气中,闪电次数与NOx的平均体积混合比峰值个数相同,且峰值由闪电产生。闪电产生的NOx的平均体积混合比峰值在出现时间上比闪电有一定的滞后。雷暴过程中各次闪电产生NOx的传输时间序列变化,可用二次多项式进行拟合,且相关系数较高,传输时间和传输距离之间不存在严格的线性关系。高、低能量闪电的能量域值为12~13×106J,高、低能量的闪电是间隔发生的,且随着时间的推移间隔增大。 相似文献
利用1997-2011年云地闪电定位探测资料和深圳国家基本气象站1953-2011年的观测资料,对深圳云地闪电(简称地闪)时空分布特征和雷暴日变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:深圳雷暴日数近59 a来呈下降趋势,小波分析显示年雷暴日数存在5 a周期和10-15 a的次周期;年内地闪频次特征表现为6月和8月双峰形特征,8月为全年地闪次数最多的月份;雷暴的活跃程度与太阳辐射热力条件密切相关,地闪活动高峰出现在14-18时;深圳地闪密度呈现西北多、东南少,内陆地区多、沿江沿海地区少的分布特征,地形、海陆分布是影响地闪空间分布的重要原因;地闪强度的分析表明,正、负闪月平均强度峰值分别出现在2月和6月,负闪强度低于正闪,正、负闪日强度峰值均未出现在频次峰值时段。 相似文献
W. David Rust Donald R. MacGorman Eric C. Bruning Stephanie A. Weiss Paul R. Krehbiel Ronald J. Thomas William Rison Timothy Hamlin Jeremiah Harlin 《Atmospheric Research》2005,76(1-4):247
Balloon-borne electric field soundings and lightning mapping data have been analyzed for three of the storms that occurred in the Severe Thunderstorm Electrification and Precipitation Study field program in 2000 to determine if the storms had inverted-polarity electrical structures. The polarities of all or some of the vertically stacked charge regions in such storms are opposite to the polarities observed at comparable heights in normal storms. Analyses compared the charge structures inferred from electric field soundings in the storms with charges inferred from three-dimensional lightning mapping data. Charge structures were inferred from electric field profiles by combining the one-dimensional approximation of Gauss's law with additional information from three-dimensional patterns in the electric field vectors. The three different ways of inferring the charge structure in the storms were found to complement each other and to be consistent overall. Charge deposition by lightning possibly occurred and increased the charge complexity of one of the storms.Many of the cloud flashes in each case were inverted-polarity flashes. Two storms produced ground flash activity comprised predominantly of positive ground flashes. One storm, which was an isolated thunderstorm, produced inverted-polarity cloud flashes, but no flashes to ground. The positive and negative thunderstorm charge regions were found at altitudes where, respectively, negative and positive charge would be found in normal-polarity storms. Thus, we conclude that these storms had anomalous and inverted-polarity electrical structures. Collectively, these three cases (along with the limited cases in the refereed literature) provide additional evidence that thunderstorms can have inverted-polarity electrical structures. 相似文献
北京多频段闪电三维定位网及一次雷暴过程的闪电时空演化特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
北京多频段闪电三维定位网(Beijing Broadband Lightning NETwork,简称BLNET)是一个研究和业务相结合的区域性全闪三维定位网。2015年,对BLNET硬件、站网布局及定位算法等方面进行了更新升级,提高了传感器的灵敏度,提升了软件的运算效率和站网的探测性能。升级后的BLNET不仅具备了对云闪、地闪脉冲类型的快速识别和电流峰值估算等功能,也实现了对闪电辐射源脉冲的三维实时定位,以及通道可分辨的闪电放电过程精细定位。对2017年7月7日一次雷暴过程的闪电辐射源脉冲实时三维定位结果分析表明,这次雷暴过程一共观测到11902次闪电,以云闪为主,地闪占总闪的28%,正地闪较少,仅占总地闪的5%,在雷暴成熟期,最大闪电频数高达927 flashes (6 min)?1。通过对比分析闪电辐射源位置和对应时刻的雷达回波,发现辐射源基本集中在强回波范围内。对一次正地闪的精细定位表明,该正地闪初始阶段表现出明显的预击穿过程,闪电辐射源的始发位置位于海拔高度约5.4 km,随后通道向上发展,在约10 km高度,通道开始沿着水平发展。对一次负地闪的精细定位表明,初始阶段放电首先从约7.1 km高度处始发,通道向南水平发展,同时部分负先导分支向下发展,约38 ms后,通道短暂停止发展,17 ms后,通道始发处重新激发。以上结果表明,BLNET不仅具备对整个雷暴生命史闪电活动的三维实时定位和监测,而且可以实现对闪电三维放电通道的精细定位。 相似文献
Jianhua Dai Yuan Wang Lei Chen Lan Tao Jianfeng Gu Jianchu Wang Xiaodong Xu Hong Lin Yudan Gu 《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):438-452
Using 10-year lightning localization data observed by the TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), the relationship between lightning activity and a series of convective indices was investigated over nine monsoon-prone areas of China in which high-impact weather (HIW) events are frequently observed.Two methods were used to verify and reconstruct LIS lightning data. First, LIS lightning flash data were verified by both surface thunderstorm reports and ground-based lightning detection data. Seasonal, monthly, and 5-day distributions of LIS observed lightning activity agree well with the surface reports and ground-based lightning observations. Second, due to LIS's low sampling frequency, a data reconstruction and compensation scheme for LIS lightning observations was designed using both LIS lightning seasonal diurnal cycles and surface thunderstorm reports. After data reconstruction, five lightning products were derived: daily mean and maximum LIS flash rate, daily mean and maximum LIS lightning cell rate, and number of lightning days per five day period.Then, a series of convective indices describing convection conditions were derived from radiosonde data according to atmospheric instability and convective potential analysis. Correlation analysis for each study region was done between 10-year lightning derived products and corresponding convective indices by 5-day periods. The correlation analysis results show that higher lightning flash rate and lightning probability are associated with more unstable air and smaller vertical wind shear in a nearly saturated lower layer in most of the study regions. But the correlation varies from region to region. The best correlation between lightning activity and convective indices was found in eastern and southern China, whereas the correlation is lowest in some inland or basin topography regions in which topographic effects are more significant. Moreover, ambient moisture plays a much more important role in the convective development of thunderstorms in southern China than other regions. Thunderstorm development mechanism differences among regions were also discussed.Based on the close relationship between lightning activity and convective indices, some regression equations for forecasting 5-day mean or maximum LIS lightning flash rate and lightning area (a thunderstorm cell) rate, and 5-day lightning days for the study regions were developed using convective indices as predictors. The verifications show that the convective index-based lightning forecast methods can provide a reasonable lightning outlook including probability and lightning flash rate forecasts for a 5-day period. 相似文献
The lifetime of electric energy in the atmosphere is introduced and investigated as is the total electric energy of the atmosphere related to the total mean rate of electric energy dissipation. This lifetime, as determined from general estimations and convenient analytical expressions, turns out to be very small – from about 10 to about 100 s, depending on the assumptions on the control parameters of principal sources in the global electric circuit. In particular the energy lifetime is less than the relaxation time of the “global condenser” and field relaxation time near the ground surface. It is explained by the high dissipative rate of the electric energy in the atmosphere, taking into account that the regions mainly contributing to the total energy and its dissipative rate are connected to the altitudes of active parts of electrified (thunderstorm) clouds in the atmosphere with exponentially increasing conductivity. 相似文献
利用北京闪电定位网(BLNET,Beijing Lightning Network)和SAFIR3000(Surveillance et Alerte Foudre par Interometrie Radioelectrique)定位网7年共423次雷暴的闪电资料,并按照雷暴产生闪电多少,同时参考雷达回波和雷暴持续时间,将雷暴划分为弱雷暴(≤1000次)、强雷暴(>1000次且≤10000次)和超强雷暴(>10000次),分析了北京地区的闪电时空分布特征及不同强度等级雷暴对闪电分布的贡献。北京总闪电密度最大值约为15.4 flashes km-2a(^-1),平均值约为1.9 flashes km^-2a(^-1),大于8 flashes km^-2a(^-1)的闪电密度高值区基本分布在海拔高度200 m等高线以下的平原地带。不同强度雷暴对总雷暴闪电总量贡献不同,弱雷暴(超强雷暴)次数多(少),产生的闪电少(多),超强雷暴和强雷暴产生的闪电分别占总雷暴闪电的37%和56%。不同强度雷暴对总雷暴的闪电密度高值中心分布和闪电日变化特征影响显著,昌平区东部、顺义区中东部和北京主城区是总雷暴闪电密度大于12 flashes km-2a(-1)的三个主要高值区中心,前两个高值中心受强雷暴影响大,而主城区高值中心主要受超强雷暴影响。总雷暴晚上频繁的闪电活动主要受超强雷暴和强雷暴影响,这两类雷暴晚上闪电活动活跃,分别占各自总闪电的69%和65%,而弱雷暴闪电活动白天陡增很快,对总雷暴午后的闪电活动影响大。另外,不同下垫面条件闪电日变化差异大,山区最强的闪电活动出现在白天,午后闪电活动增强很快,主峰值出现在北京时间18:00,而平原最强的闪电活动发生在晚上,平原(山麓)的主峰值比山区推迟了约1.5小时(1小时)。 相似文献
北京城区相继多次降雹的一次强雷暴的闪电特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
受东北冷涡和低层暖湿气流影响,2016年6月10日北京午后爆发了相继5次降冰雹的一次强雷暴天气过程。利用国家“973”项目“雷电重大灾害天气系统的动力—微物理—电过程和成灾机理(雷暴973)”2016年夏季协同观测期间获得的闪电全闪三维定位和多普勒天气雷达等资料,详细分析了此次雹暴的闪电活动和雷达回波特征。此次雹暴过程包括三个孤立的单体相继发展、并合,所分析的4次降雹过程中,总闪电频数在降雹期间都有明显增多,最高可达179 flashes min?1。云闪占全部闪电的80%以上,其中3次降雹前出现正地闪突增,其比例升高,占全部地闪的比例最高达58%。降雹时雷达回波>45 dBZ的面积增大,顶高超过13 km。整个雹暴过程,闪电辐射源主要分布在6~10 km的高度区域,与强回波具有一致性。所分析的4次降雹过程均出现明显的总闪频数跃增,并通过2σ阈值检验,其中3次提前时间为8~18 min,说明总闪频数对于降雹过程有一定的预警能力。 相似文献