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We study the possibility that the mutual interactions between Jupiter and Saturn prevented Type II migration from driving these planets much closer to the Sun. Our work extends previous results by Masset and Snellgrove [Masset, F., Snellgrove, M., 2001. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 320, L55-L59], by exploring a wider set of initial conditions and disk parameters, and by using a new hydrodynamical code that properly describes for the global viscous evolution of the disk. Initially both planets migrate towards the Sun, and Saturn's migration tends to be faster. As a consequence, they eventually end up locked in a mean motion resonance. If this happens in the 2:3 resonance, the resonant motion is particularly stable, and the gaps opened by the planets in the disk may overlap. This causes a drastic change in the torque balance for the two planets, which substantially slows down the planets' inward migration. If the gap overlap is substantial, planet migration may even be stopped or reversed. As the widths of the gaps depend on disk viscosity and scale height, this mechanism is particularly efficient in low viscosity, cool disks. The initial locking of the planets in the 2:3 resonance is a likely outcome if Saturn formed at the edge of Jupiter's gap, but also if Saturn initially migrated rapidly from further away. We also explore the possibility of trapping in other resonances, and the subsequent evolutions. We discuss the compatibility of our results with the initial conditions adopted in Tsiganis et al. [Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2005. Nature 435, 459-461] and Gomes et al. [Gomes, R., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Morbidelli, A., 2005. Nature 435, 466-469] to explain the current orbital architecture of the giant planets and the origin of the Late Heavy Bombardment of the Moon.  相似文献   

Astronomical observations have shown that protoplanetary disks are dynamic objects through which mass is transported and accreted by the central star. This transport causes the disks to decrease in mass and cool over time, and such evolution is expected to have occurred in our own solar nebula. Age dating of meteorite constituents shows that their creation, evolution, and accumulation occupied several Myr, and over this time disk properties would evolve significantly. Moreover, on this timescale, solid particles decouple from the gas in the disk and their evolution follows a different path. It is in this context that we must understand how our own solar nebula evolved and what effects this evolution had on the primitive materials contained within it. Here we present a model which tracks how the distribution of water changes in an evolving disk as the water-bearing species experience condensation, accretion, transport, collisional destruction, and vaporization. Because solids are transported in a disk at different rates depending on their sizes, the motions will lead to water being concentrated in some regions of a disk and depleted in others. These enhancements and depletions are consistent with the conditions needed to explain some aspects of the chemistry of chondritic meteorites and formation of giant planets. The levels of concentration and depletion, as well as their locations, depend strongly on the combined effects of the gaseous disk evolution, the formation of rapidly migrating rubble, and the growth of immobile planetesimals. Understanding how these processes operate simultaneously is critical to developing our models for meteorite parent body formation in the Solar System and giant planet formation throughout the galaxy. We present examples of evolution under a range of plausible assumptions and demonstrate how the chemical evolution of the inner region of a protoplanetary disk is intimately connected to the physical processes which occur in the outer regions.  相似文献   

F.J. Ciesla 《Icarus》2009,200(2):655-671
Large-scale radial transport of solids appears to be a fundamental consequence of protoplanetary disk evolution based on the presence of high temperature minerals in comets and the outer regions of protoplanetary disks around other stars. Further, inward transport of solids from the outer regions of the solar nebula has been postulated to be the manner in which short-lived radionuclides were introduced to the terrestrial planet region and the cause of the variations in oxygen isotope ratios in the primitive materials. Here, both outward and inward transport of solids are investigated in the context of a two-dimensional, viscously evolving protoplanetary disk. The dynamics of solids are investigated to determine how they depend on particle size and the particular stage of protoplanetary disk evolution, corresponding to different rates of mass transport. It is found that the outward flows that arise around the disk midplane of a protoplanetary disk aid in the outward transport of solids up to the size of CAIs s and can increase the crystallinity fraction of silicate dust at 10 AU around a solar mass star to as much as ∼40% in the case of rapidly evolving disks, decreasing as the accretion rate onto the star slows. High velocity, inward flows along the disk surface aid in the rapid transport of solids from the outer disk to the inner disk, particularly for small dust. Despite the diffusion that occurs throughout the disk, the large-scale, meridonal flows associated with mass transport prevent complete homogenization of the disk, allowing compositional gradients to develop that vary in intensity for a timescale of one million of years. The variations in the rates and the preferred direction of radial transport with height above the disk midplane thus have important implications for the dynamics and chemical evolution of primitive materials.  相似文献   

Nathan A. Kaib  Thomas Quinn 《Icarus》2008,197(1):221-238
We study the influence of an open cluster environment on the formation and current structure of the Oort cloud. To do this, we have run 19 different simulations of the formation of the Oort cloud for 4.5 Gyrs. In each simulation, the Solar System spends its first 100 Myrs in a different open cluster environment before transitioning to its current field environment. We find that, compared to forming in the field environment, the inner Oort cloud is preferentially loaded with comets while the Sun resides in the open cluster and that most of this material remains locked in the interior of the cloud for the next 4.4 Gyrs. In addition, the outer Oort cloud trapping efficiencies we observe in our simulations are lower than previous formation models by about a factor of 2, possibly implying an even more massive early planetesimal disk. Furthermore, some of our simulations reproduce the orbits of observed extended scattered disk objects, which may serve as an observational constraint on the Sun's early environment. Depending on the particular open cluster environment, the properties of the inner Oort cloud and extended scattered disk can vary widely. On the other hand, the outer portions of the Oort cloud in each of our simulations are all similar.  相似文献   

The core-accretion mechanism for gas giant formation may be too slow to create all observed gas giant planets during reasonable gas disk lifetimes, but it has yet to be firmly established that the disk instability model can produce permanent bound gaseous protoplanets under realistic conditions. Based on our recent simulations of gravitational instabilities in disks around young stars, we suggest that, even if instabilities due to disk self-gravity do not produce gaseous protoplanets directly, they may create persistent dense rings that are conducive to accelerated growth of gas giants through core accretion. The rings occur at and near the boundary between stable and unstable regions of the disk and appear to be produced by resonances with discrete spiral modes on the unstable side.  相似文献   

E.W. Thommes  M.J. Duncan 《Icarus》2003,161(2):431-455
Runaway growth ends when the largest protoplanets dominate the dynamics of the planetesimal disk; the subsequent self-limiting accretion mode is referred to as “oligarchic growth.” Here, we begin by expanding on the existing analytic model of the oligarchic growth regime. From this, we derive global estimates of the planet formation rate throughout a protoplanetary disk. We find that a relatively high-mass protoplanetary disk (∼10 × minimum-mass) is required to produce giant planet core-sized bodies (∼10 M) within the lifetime of the nebular gas (?10 million years). However, an implausibly massive disk is needed to produce even an Earth mass at the orbit of Uranus by 10 Myrs. Subsequent accretion without the dissipational effect of gas is even slower and less efficient. In the limit of noninteracting planetesimals, a reasonable-mass disk is unable to produce bodies the size of the Solar System’s two outer giant planets at their current locations on any timescale; if collisional damping of planetesimal random velocities is sufficiently effective, though, it may be possible for a Uranus/Neptune to form in situ in less than the age of the Solar System. We perform numerical simulations of oligarchic growth with gas and find that protoplanet growth rates agree reasonably well with the analytic model as long as protoplanet masses are well below their estimated final masses. However, accretion stalls earlier than predicted, so that the largest final protoplanet masses are smaller than those given by the model. Thus the oligarchic growth model, in the form developed here, appears to provide an upper limit for the efficiency of giant planet formation.  相似文献   

S. Inaba  G.W. Wetherill 《Icarus》2003,166(1):46-62
We have calculated formation of gas giant planets based on the standard core accretion model including effects of fragmentation and planetary envelope. The accretion process is found to proceed as follows. As a result of runaway growth of planetesimals with initial radii of ∼10 km, planetary embryos with a mass of ∼1027 g (∼ Mars mass) are found to form in ∼105 years at Jupiter's position (5.2 AU), assuming a large enough value of the surface density of solid material (25 g/cm2) in the accretion disk at that distance. Strong gravitational perturbations between the runaway planetary embryos and the remaining planetesimals cause the random velocities of the planetesimals to become large enough for collisions between small planetesimals to lead to their catastrophic disruption. This produces a large number of fragments. At the same time, the planetary embryos have envelopes, that reduce energies of fragments by gas drag and capture them. The large radius of the envelope increases the collision rate between them, resulting in rapid growth of the planetary embryos. By the combined effects of fragmentation and planetary envelope, the largest planetary embryo with 21M forms at 5.2 AU in 3.8×106 years. The planetary embryo is massive enough to start a rapid gas accretion and forms a gas giant planet.  相似文献   

As planetary embryos grow, gravitational stirring of planetesimals by embryos strongly enhances random velocities of planetesimals and makes collisions between planetesimals destructive. The resulting fragments are ground down by successive collisions. Eventually the smallest fragments are removed by the inward drift due to gas drag. Therefore, the collisional disruption depletes the planetesimal disk and inhibits embryo growth. We provide analytical formulae for the final masses of planetary embryos, taking into account planetesimal depletion due to collisional disruption. Furthermore, we perform the statistical simulations for embryo growth (which excellently reproduce results of direct N-body simulations if disruption is neglected). These analytical formulae are consistent with the outcome of our statistical simulations. Our results indicate that the final embryo mass at several AU in the minimum-mass solar nebula can reach about ∼0.1 Earth mass within 107 years. This brings another difficulty in formation of gas giant planets, which requires cores with ∼10 Earth masses for gas accretion. However, if the nebular disk is 10 times more massive than the minimum-mass solar nebula and the initial planetesimal size is larger than 100 km, as suggested by some models of planetesimal formation, the final embryo mass reaches about 10 Earth masses at 3-4 AU. The enhancement of embryos’ collisional cross sections by their atmosphere could further increase their final mass to form gas giant planets at 5-10 AU in the Solar System.  相似文献   

Jade C. Bond  Dante S. Lauretta 《Icarus》2010,205(2):321-19170
No terrestrial planet formation simulation completed to date has considered the detailed chemical composition of the planets produced. While many have considered possible water contents and late veneer compositions, none have examined the bulk elemental abundances of the planets produced as an important check of formation models. Here we report on the first study of this type. Bulk elemental abundances based on disk equilibrium studies have been determined for the simulated terrestrial planets of O’Brien et al. [O’Brien, D.P., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2006. Icarus 184, 39-58]. These abundances are in excellent agreement with observed planetary values, indicating that the models of O’Brien et al. [O’Brien, D.P., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2006. Icarus 184, 39-58] are successfully producing planets comparable to those of the Solar System in terms of both their dynamical and chemical properties. Significant amounts of water are accreted in the present simulations, implying that the terrestrial planets form “wet” and do not need significant water delivery from other sources. Under the assumption of equilibrium controlled chemistry, the biogenic species N and C still need to be delivered to the Earth as they are not accreted in significant proportions during the formation process. Negligible solar photospheric pollution is produced by the planetary formation process. Assuming similar levels of pollution in other planetary systems, this in turn implies that the high metallicity trend observed in extrasolar planetary systems is in fact primordial.  相似文献   

In a set of 16 drop tower experiments the motion of sub-millimeter to millimeter-sized particles under microgravity was observed. Illumination by a halogen lamp induced acceleration of the particles due to photophoresis. Photophoresis on dust-free chondrules, on chondrules, glass spheres and metal spheres covered with SiC dust and on pure SiC dust aggregates was studied. This is the first time that photophoretic motion of millimeter-sized particles has been studied experimentally. The absolute values for the photophoretic force are consistent with theoretical expectations for spherical particles. The strength of the photophoretic force varies for chondrules, dust covered particles and pure dust from low to strong, respectively. The measurements support the idea that photophoresis in the early Solar System can be efficient to transport solid particles outward.  相似文献   

M Podolak 《Icarus》2003,165(2):428-437
I compute the opacity of grains in a protoplanetary atmosphere. The grain size distribution at different levels in the atmosphere is calculated using a simple microphysical model of grain growth via collisions and destruction via vaporization at high temperatures. The Rosseland mean opacity of the resulting distribution is then computed. For most cases examined, the grain opacity is significantly lower than earlier estimates.  相似文献   

J.E. Chambers 《Icarus》2010,208(2):505-19170
The formation of 1-1000 km diameter planetesimals from dust grains in a protoplanetary disk is a key step in planet formation. Conventional models for planetesimal formation involve pairwise sticking of dust grains, or the sedimentation of dust grains to a thin layer at the disk midplane followed by gravitational instability. Each of these mechanisms is likely to be frustrated if the disk is turbulent. Particles with stopping times comparable to the turnover time of the smallest eddies in a turbulent disk can become concentrated into dense clumps that may be the precursors of planetesimals. Such particles are roughly millimeter-sized for a typical protoplanetary disk. To survive to become planetesimals, clumps need to form in regions of low vorticity to avoid rotational breakup. In addition, clumps must have sufficient self gravity to avoid break up due to the ram pressure of the surrounding gas. Given these constraints, the rate of planetesimal formation can be estimated using a cascade model for the distribution of particle concentration and vorticity within eddies of various sizes in a turbulent disk. We estimate planetesimal formation rates and planetesimal diameters as a function of distance from a star for a range of protoplanetary disk parameters. For material with a solar composition, the dust-to-gas ratio is too low to allow efficient planetesimal formation, and most solid material will remain in small particles. Enhancement of the dust-to-gas ratio by 1-2 orders of magnitude, either vertically or radially, allows most solid material to be converted into planetesimals within the typical lifetime of a disk. Such dust-to-gas ratios may occur near the disk midplane as a result of vertical settling of short-lived clumps prior to clump breakup. Planetesimal formation rates are sensitive to the assumed size and rotational speed of the largest eddies in the disk, and formation rates increase substantially if the largest eddies rotate more slowly than the disk itself. Planetesimal formation becomes more efficient with increasing distance from the star unless the disk surface density profile has a slope of −1.5 or steeper as a function of distance. Planetesimal formation rates typically increase by an order-of-magnitude or more moving outward across the snow line for a solid surface density increase of a factor of 2. In all cases considered, the modal planetesimal size increases with roughly the square root of distance from the star. Typical modal diameters are 100 km and 400 km in the regions corresponding to the asteroid belt and Kuiper belt in the Solar System, respectively.  相似文献   

Ca-Al rich refractory mineral inclusions (CAIs) found at 1-6% mass fraction in primitive chondrites appear to be 1-3 million years older than the dominant (chondrule) components which were accreted into the same parent bodies. A prevalent concern is that it is difficult to retain CAIs for this long against gas-drag-induced radial drift into the Sun. We reassess the situation in terms of a hot inner (turbulent) nebula context for CAI formation, using analytical models of nebula evolution and particle diffusion. We show that outward radial diffusion in a weakly turbulent nebula can overcome inward drift, and prevent significant numbers of CAI-size particles from being lost into the Sun for times on the order of 106 years. CAIs can form early, when the inner nebula was hot, and persist in sufficient abundance to be incorporated into primitive planetesimals at a much later time. Small (?0.1 mm diameter) CAIs persist for longer times than large (?5 mm diameter) ones. To obtain a quantitative match to the observed volume fractions of CAIs in chondrites, another process must be allowed for: a substantial enhancement of the inner hot nebula in silicate-forming material, which we suggest was caused by rapid inward drift of meter-sized objects. This early in nebula history, the drifting rubble would have a carbon content probably an order of magnitude larger than even the most primitive (CI) carbonaceous chondrites. Abundant carbon in the evaporating material would help keep the nebula oxygen fugacity low, plausibly solar, as inferred for the formation environment of CAIs. The associated production of a larger than canonical amount of CO2 might also play a role in mass-independent fractionation of oxygen isotopes, leaving the gas rich in 16O as inferred from CAIs and other high temperature condensates.  相似文献   

We present results from a suite of N-body simulations that follow the formation and accretion history of the terrestrial planets using a new parallel treecode that we have developed. We initially place 2000 equal size planetesimals between 0.5 and 4.0 AU and the collisional growth is followed until the completion of planetary accretion (>100 Myr). A total of 64 simulations were carried out to explore sensitivity to the key parameters and initial conditions. All the important effect of gas in laminar disks are taken into account: the aerodynamic gas drag, the disk-planet interaction including Type I migration, and the global disk potential which causes inward migration of secular resonances as the gas dissipates. We vary the initial total mass and spatial distribution of the planetesimals, the time scale of dissipation of nebular gas (which dissipates uniformly in space and exponentially in time), and orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. We end up with 1-5 planets in the terrestrial region. In order to maintain sufficient mass in this region in the presence of Type I migration, the time scale of gas dissipation needs to be 1-2 Myr. The final configurations and collisional histories strongly depend on the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter. If today’s eccentricity of Jupiter is used, then most of bodies in the asteroidal region are swept up within the terrestrial region owing to the inward migration of the secular resonance, and giant impacts between protoplanets occur most commonly around 10 Myr. If the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter is close to zero, as suggested in the Nice model, the effect of the secular resonance is negligible and a large amount of mass stays for a long period of time in the asteroidal region. With a circular orbit for Jupiter, giant impacts usually occur around 100 Myr, consistent with the accretion time scale indicated from isotope records. However, we inevitably have an Earth size planet at around 2 AU in this case. It is very difficult to obtain spatially concentrated terrestrial planets together with very late giant impacts, as long as we include all the above effects of gas and assume initial disks similar to the minimum mass solar nebular.  相似文献   

C.W. Ormel  C.P. Dullemond 《Icarus》2010,210(1):507-538
When preplanetary bodies reach proportions of ∼1 km or larger in size, their accretion rate is enhanced due to gravitational focusing (GF). We have developed a new numerical model to calculate the collisional evolution of the gravitationally-enhanced growth stage. The numerical model is novel as it attempts to preserve the individual particle nature of the bodies (like N-body codes); yet it is statistical in nature since it must incorporate the very large number of planetesimals. We validate our approach against existing N-body and statistical codes. Using the numerical model, we explore the characteristics of the runaway growth and the oligarchic growth accretion phases starting from an initial population of single planetesimal radius R0. In models where the initial random velocity dispersion (as derived from their eccentricity) starts out below the escape speed of the planetesimal bodies, the system experiences runaway growth. We associate the initial runaway growth phase with increasing GF-factors for the largest body. We find that during the runaway growth phase the size distribution remains continuous but evolves into a power-law at the high-mass end, consistent with previous studies. Furthermore, we find that the largest body accretes from all mass bins; a simple two-component approximation is inapplicable during this stage. However, with growth the runaway body stirs up the random motions of the planetesimal population from which it is accreting. Ultimately, this feedback stops the fast growth and the system passes into oligarchy, where competitor bodies from neighboring zones catch up in terms of mass. We identify the peak of GF with the transition between the runaway growth and oligarchy accretion stages. Compared to previous estimates, we find that the system leaves the runaway growth phase at a somewhat larger radius, especially at the outer disk. Furthermore, we assess the relevance of small, single-size fragments on the growth process. In classical models, where the initial velocity dispersion of bodies is small, these do not play a critical role during the runaway growth; however, in models that are characterized by large initial relative velocities due to external stirring of their random motions, a situation can emerge where fragments dominate the accretion, which could lead to a very fast growth.  相似文献   

Particle stirring in turbulent gas disks: Including orbital oscillations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the diffusion and random velocities of solid particles due to stochastic forcing by turbulent gas. We include the orbital dynamics of Keplerian disks, both in-plane epicycles and vertical oscillations. We obtain a new result for the diffusion of solids. The Schmidt number (ratio of gas to particle diffusivity) is Sc≈1+(Ωtstop)2, in terms of the particle stopping time tstop and the orbital frequency Ω. The standard result, Sc=1+tstop/teddy, in terms of the eddy turnover time, teddy, is shown to be incorrect. The main difference is that Sc rises quadratically, not linearly, with stopping time. Consequently, particles larger than 10 cm in protoplanetary disks will suffer less radial diffusion and will settle closer to the midplane. Such a layer of boulders would be more prone to gravitational collapse. Our predictions of RMS speeds, vertical scale height and diffusion coefficients will help interpret numerical simulations. We confirm previous results for the vertical stirring of particles (scale heights and random velocities), and add a correction for arbitrary ratios of eddy to orbital times. The particle layer becomes thinner for teddy>1/Ω with the strength of turbulent diffusion held fixed. We use two analytic techniques—the Hinze–Tchen formalism and the Fokker–Planck equation with velocity diffusion—with identical results when the regimes of validity overlap. We include simple physical arguments for the scaling of our results.  相似文献   



Current planet search programs are detecting extrasolar planets at a rate of 60 planets per year. These planets show more diverse properties than was expected.


We try to get an overview of possible gas giant (proto-) planets for a full range of orbital periods and stellar masses. This allows the prediction of the full range of possible planetary properties which might be discovered in the near future.


We calculate the purely hydrostatic structure of the envelopes of proto-planets that are embedded in protoplanetary disks for all conceivable locations: combinations of different planetesimal accretion rates, host star masses, and orbital separations. At each location all hydrostatic equilibrium solutions to the planetary structure equations are determined by variation of core mass and pressure over many orders of magnitude. For each location we analyze the distribution of planetary masses.


We get a wide spectrum of core-envelope structures. However, practically all calculated proto-planets are in the planetary mass range. Furthermore, the planet masses show a characteristic bimodal, sometimes trimodal, distribution. For the first time, we identify three physical processes that are responsible for the three characteristic planet masses: self-gravity in the Hill sphere, compact objects, and a region of very low adiabatic pressure gradient in the hydrogen equation of state. Using these processes, we can explain the dependence of the characteristic masses on the planet’s location: orbital period, host star mass, and planetesimal accretion rate (luminosity). The characteristic mass caused by the self-gravity effect at close proximity to the host star is typically one Neptune mass, thus producing the so-called hot Neptunes.


Our results suggest that hot Jupiters with orbital period less than 64 days (the exact location of the boundary depends on stellar type and accretion rate) have quite distinct properties which we expect to be reflected in a different mass distribution of these planets when compared to the “normal” planetary population. We use our theoretical survey to produce an upper mass limit for embedded planets: the maximum embedded equilibrium mass (MEEM). This naturally explains the lack of high mass planets between 3 and 64 days orbital period.  相似文献   

Henry B. Throop 《Icarus》2011,212(2):885-895
The origin of complex organic molecules such as amino acids and their precursors found in meteorites and comets is unknown. Previous studies have accounted for the complex organic inventory of the Solar System by aqueous chemistry on warm meteoritic parent bodies, or by accretion of organics formed in the interstellar medium. This paper proposes a third possibility: that complex organics were created in situ by ultraviolet light from nearby O/B stars irradiating ices already in the Sun’s protoplanetary disk. If the Sun was born in a dense cluster near UV-bright stars, the flux hitting the disk from external stars could be many orders of magnitude higher than that from the Sun alone. Such photolysis of ices in the laboratory can rapidly produce amino acid precursors and other complex organic molecules. I present a simple model coupling grain growth and UV exposure in a young circumstellar disk. It is shown that the production may be sufficient to create the Solar System’s entire complex organic inventory within 106 yr. Subsequent aqueous alteration on meteoritic parent bodies is not ruled out.  相似文献   

To date, no accretion model has succeeded in reproducing all observed constraints in the inner Solar System. These constraints include: (1) the orbits, in particular the small eccentricities, and (2) the masses of the terrestrial planets - Mars’ relatively small mass in particular has not been adequately reproduced in previous simulations; (3) the formation timescales of Earth and Mars, as interpreted from Hf/W isotopes; (4) the bulk structure of the asteroid belt, in particular the lack of an imprint of planetary embryo-sized objects; and (5) Earth’s relatively large water content, assuming that it was delivered in the form of water-rich primitive asteroidal material. Here we present results of 40 high-resolution (N = 1000-2000) dynamical simulations of late-stage planetary accretion with the goal of reproducing these constraints, although neglecting the planet Mercury. We assume that Jupiter and Saturn are fully-formed at the start of each simulation, and test orbital configurations that are both consistent with and contrary to the “Nice model”. We find that a configuration with Jupiter and Saturn on circular orbits forms low-eccentricity terrestrial planets and a water-rich Earth on the correct timescale, but Mars’ mass is too large by a factor of 5-10 and embryos are often stranded in the asteroid belt. A configuration with Jupiter and Saturn in their current locations but with slightly higher initial eccentricities (e = 0.07-0.1) produces a small Mars, an embryo-free asteroid belt, and a reasonable Earth analog but rarely allows water delivery to Earth. None of the configurations we tested reproduced all the observed constraints. Our simulations leave us with a problem: we can reasonably satisfy the observed constraints (except for Earth’s water) with a configuration of Jupiter and Saturn that is at best marginally consistent with models of the outer Solar System, as it does not allow for any outer planet migration after a few Myr. Alternately, giant planet configurations which are consistent with the Nice model fail to reproduce Mars’ small size.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new semianalytical model of oligarchic growth of planets considering a distribution of planetesimal sizes, fragmentation of planetesimals in mutual collisions, sublimation of ices through the snow line, random velocities out of equilibrium and merging of planetary embryos. We show that the presence of several planetary embryos growing simultaneously at different locations in the protoplanetary disk affects the whole accretion history, specially for the innermost planets. The results presented here clearly indicate the relevance of considering a distribution of planetesimal sizes. Fragmentation occurring during planetesimal-planetesimal collisions represent only a marginal effect in shaping the surface density of solid material in the protoplanetary disc.  相似文献   

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