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Using more than five years of data from the magnetometer and electron reflectometer (MAG/ER) on Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), we derive the draping direction of the magnetic field above a given latitude band in the northern hemisphere. The draping direction varies on timescales associated with the orbital period of Mars and with the solar rotation period. We find that there is a strongly preferred draping direction when Mars is in one solar wind sector, but the opposite direction is not preferred as strongly for the other solar wind sector. This asymmetry occurs at or below the magnetic pileup boundary (MPB), is observed preferentially on field lines that connect to the collisional ionosphere, and is independent of planetary longitude. The observations could be explained by a hemispherical asymmetry in the access of field lines to the low-altitude ionosphere, or possibly from global modification of the low-altitude solar wind interaction by crustal magnetic fields. We show that the draping direction affects both the penetration of sheath plasma to 400 km altitudes on the martian dayside and the radial component of the magnetic field on the planetary night side.  相似文献   

We present estimates of the day-side ionospheric conductivities at Mars based on magnetic field measurements by Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) at altitudes down to ∼100 km during aerobraking orbits early in the mission. At Mars, the so-called ionospheric dynamo region, where plasma/neutral collisions permit electric currents perpendicular to the magnetic field, lies between 100 and 250 km altitude. We find that the ionosphere is highly conductive in this region, as expected, with peak Pedersen and Hall conductivities of 0.1-1.5 S/m depending on the solar illumination and induced magnetospheric conditions. Furthermore, we find a consistent double peak pattern in the altitude profile of the day-side Pedersen conductivity, similar to that on Titan found by Rosenqvist et al. (2009). A high altitude peak, located between 180 and 200 km, is equivalent to the terrestrial peak in the lower F-layer. A second and typically much stronger layer of Pedersen conductivity is observed between 120 and 130 km, which is below the Hall conductivity peak at about 130-140 km. In this altitude region, MGS finds a sharp decrease in induced magnetic field strength at the inner magnetospheric boundary, while the day-side electron density is known to remain high as far down as 100 km. We find that such Titan-like behaviour of the Pedersen conductivity is only observed under regions of strongly draped magnetospheric field-lines, and negligible crustal magnetic anomalies below the spacecraft. Above regions of strong crustal magnetic anomalies, the Pedersen conductivity profile becomes more Earth-like with one strong Pedersen peak above the Hall conductivity peak. Here, both conductivities are 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than the above only weakly magnetised crustal regions, depending on the strength of the crustal anomaly field at ionospheric altitudes. This nature of the Pedersen conductivity together with the structured distribution of crustal anomalies all over the planet should give rise to strong conductivity gradients around such anomalies. Day-side ionospheric conductivities on Mars (in regions away from the crustal magnetic anomalies) and Titan seem to behave in a very similar manner when horizontally draped magnetic field-lines partially magnetise a sunlit ionosphere. Therefore, it appears that a similar double peak structure of strong Pedersen conductivity could be a more general feature of non-magnetised bodies with ionised upper atmospheres, and thus should be expected to occur also at other non-magnetised terrestrial planets like Venus or other planetary bodies within the host planet magnetospheres.  相似文献   

The technique of electron reflectometry, a method for remote estimation of planetary magnetic fields, is expanded from its original use of mapping crustal magnetic fields at the Moon to achieving the same purpose at Mars, where the presence of a substantial atmosphere complicates matters considerably. The motion of solar wind electrons, incident on the martian atmosphere, is considered in detail, taking account of the following effects: the electrons' helical paths around the magnetic field lines to which they are bound, the magnetic mirror force they experience due to converging field lines in the vicinity of crustal magnetic anomalies, their acceleration/deceleration by electrostatic potentials, their interactions with thermal plasma, their drifts due to magnetic field line curvature and perpendicular electric fields and their scattering off, and loss of energy through a number of different processes to, atmospheric neutrals. A theoretical framework is thus developed for modeling electron pitch angle distributions expected when a spacecraft is on a magnetic field line which is connected to both the martian crust and the interplanetary magnetic field. This framework, along with measured pitch angle distributions from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment, can be used to remotely measure crustal magnetic field magnitudes and atmospheric neutral densities at ∼180 km above the martian datum, as well as estimate average parallel electric fields between 200 and 400 km altitude. Detailed analysis and full results, concerning the crustal magnetic field and upper thermospheric density of Mars, are left to two companion papers.  相似文献   

Using an electron transport model, we calculate the electron density of the electron impact-produced nighttime ionosphere of Mars and its spatial structure. As input we use Mars Global Surveyor electron measurements, including an interval when accelerated electrons were observed. Our calculations show that regions of enhanced ionization are localized and occur near magnetic cusps. Horizontal gradients in the calculated ionospheric electron density on the night side of Mars can exceed 104 cm−3 over a distance of a few tens of km; the largest gradients produced by the model are over 600 cm−3 km−1. Such large gradients in the plasma density have several important consequences. These large pressure gradients will lead to localized plasma transport perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field which will generate horizontal currents and electric fields. We calculate the magnitude of these currents to be up to 10 nA/m2. Additionally, transport of ionospheric plasma by neutral winds, which vary in strength and direction as a function of local time and season, can generate large (up to 1000 nA/m2) and spatially structured horizontal currents where the ions are collisionally coupled to the neutral atmosphere while electrons are not. These currents may contribute to localized Joule heating. In addition, closure of the horizontal currents and electric fields may require the presence of vertical, field-aligned currents and fields which may play a role in high altitude acceleration processes.  相似文献   

F. Duru  D.A. Gurnett  R. Frahm 《Icarus》2010,206(1):74-82
The Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding (MARSIS) on the Mars Express (MEX) spacecraft is capable of measuring ionospheric electron density by the use of two main methods: remote radar sounding and from the excitation of local plasma oscillations. The frequency of the locally excited electron plasma oscillations is used to measure the local electron density. However, plasma oscillations are not observed when the plasma flow velocity is higher than about 160 km/s, which occurs mainly in the solar wind and magnetosheath. As a consequence, in many passes, there is a sudden disappearance of the plasma oscillations as the spacecraft enters into the magnetosheath. This fact allows us to identify a flow velocity boundary on the dayside, between the ionosphere of Mars and the shocked solar wind. This paper summarizes the results of the measurement of 552 orbits mostly over a period from August 4, 2005 to August 17, 2007. The boundary points found using MARSIS have been verified by measurements from the Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) Electron Spectrometer (ELS) instrument on Mars Express. The average position of the flow velocity boundary is compared to flow velocity simulations computed using hybrid model and other boundaries. The boundary altitude is slightly lower than the magnetic pile-up boundary determined using Phobos 2 and Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) crossings, but it is in good agreement with the induced magnetospheric boundary determined by ASPERA-3. Investigation of the effect of the crustal magnetic field revealed that the flow velocity boundary is raised at the locations with strong crustal magnetic fields.  相似文献   

J.S. Halekas  D.A. Brain 《Icarus》2010,206(1):64-73
We present the results of the first systematic survey of current sheets encountered by Mars Global Surveyor in its ∼400 km mapping orbit. We utilize an automated procedure to identify over 10,000 current sheet crossings during the ∼8 year mapping mission. The majority of these lie on the nightside and in the polar regions, but we also observe over 1800 current sheets at solar zenith angle <60°. The distribution and orientation of current sheets and their dependence on solar wind drivers suggests that most magnetotail current sheets have a local induced magnetospheric origin caused by magnetic field draping. On the other hand, most current sheets observed on the day side likely result from solar wind discontinuities advected through the martian system. However, the clustering of low altitude dayside current sheet crossings around the perimeters of strongly magnetized crustal regions, and the smaller than expected rotations in the IMF draping direction, suggest that crustal magnetic fields may also play an indirect role in their formation. The apparent thicknesses of martian current sheets, and the characteristics of electrons observed in and around the current sheets, suggest one of two possibilities. Martian current sheets at low altitudes are either stationary, with thicknesses of a few hundred km and currents carried by low energy (<10 eV) electrons, or they move at tens of km/s, with thicknesses of a few thousand km and currents carried by ions.  相似文献   

Mars Express (MEX) does not carry its own magnetometer which complicates interpretation of ASPERA-3/MEX ion measurements. The direction of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is especially important because it, among other things, determines the direction of the convective electric field and orientation of the cross tail current sheet and tail lobes. In this paper we present a case study to show the properties of the magnetic field near Mars in a quasi-neutral hybrid (QNH) model at the orbits where the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) has made measurements, present a method to derive the IMF clock angle by comparing fields in a hybrid model and the direction of the magnetic field measured by MGS by deriving the IMF clock angle. We also use H+ ring velocity distribution observations upstream of the bow shock measured by the IMA/ASPERA-3 instrument on board MEX spacecraft. These observations are used to indirectly provide the orientation of the IMF. We use a QNH model (HYB-Mars) where ions are modeled as particles while electrons form a mass-less charge neutralizing fluid. We found that the direct MGS and non-direct IMA observations of the orientation magnetic field vectors in non-crustal magnetic field regions are consistent with the global magnetic field draping pattern predicted by the global model.  相似文献   

Details are presented of an improved technique to use atmospheric absorption of magnetically reflecting solar wind electrons to constrain neutral mass densities in the nightside martian upper thermosphere. The helical motion of electrons on converging magnetic field lines, through an extended neutral atmosphere, is modeled to enable prediction of loss cone pitch angle distributions measured by the Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) experiment on Mars Global Surveyor at 400 km altitude. Over the small fraction of Mars' southern hemisphere (∼2.5%) where the permanent crustal magnetic fields are both open to the solar wind and sufficiently strong as to dominate the variable induced martian magnetotail field, spherical harmonic expansions of the crustal fields are used to prescribe the magnetic field along the electron's path, allowing least-squares fitting of measured loss cones, in order to solve for parameters describing the vertical neutral atmospheric mass density profile from 160 to 230 km. Results are presented of mass densities in the southern hemisphere at 2 a.m. LST at the mean altitude of greatest sensitivity, 180 km, continuously over four martian years. Seasonal variability in densities is largely explained by orbital and latitudinal changes in dayside insolation that impacts the nightside through the resulting thermospheric circulation. However, the physical processes behind repeatable rapid, late autumnal cooling at mid-latitudes and near-aphelion warming at equatorial latitudes is not fully clear. Southern winter polar warming is generally weak or nonexistent over several Mars years, in basic agreement with MGS and MRO accelerometer observations. The puzzling response of mid-latitude densities from 160° to 200° E to the 2001 global dust storm suggests unanticipated localized nightside upper thermospheric lateral and vertical circulation patterns may accompany such storms. The downturn of the 11-year cycle of solar EUV flux is likely responsible for lower aphelion densities in 2004 and 2006 (Mars years 27 and 28).  相似文献   

The MARSIS (Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding) instrument on the Mars Express spacecraft provides both local and remote measurements of electron densities and measurements of magnetic fields in the martian ionosphere. The density measurements show a persistent level of large fluctuations, sometimes as much as a factor of three or more at high altitudes. Large magnetic field fluctuations are also observed in the same region. The power spectrums of both the density and magnetic field fluctuations have slopes on a log-log plot that are consistent with the Kolmogorov spectrum for isotropic fluid turbulence. The fractional density fluctuation, Δne/ne, of the turbulence increases with altitude, and reaches saturation, Δne/ne ∼ 1, at an altitude of about 400 km, near the nominal boundary between the ionosphere and the magnetosheath. The fluctuations are usually so large that a well-defined ionopause-like boundary between the ionosphere and the solar wind is seldom observed. Of mechanisms that could be generating this turbulence, we believe that the most likely are (1) solar wind pressure perturbations, (2) an instability in the magnetosheath plasma, such as the mirror-mode instability, or (3) the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability driven by velocity shear between the rapidly flowing magnetosheath and the ionosphere.  相似文献   

We apply improved kinetic modeling of electron transport in the martian thermosphere to fit pitch angle distributions measured by the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER), together with appropriate filtering, binning, averaging and error correction techniques, to create the most reliable ER global map to date of crustal magnetic field magnitude at 185 km altitude, with twice the spatial resolution and considerably higher sensitivity to crustal fields than global maps of magnetic field components produced with MAG data alone. This map compares favorably to sparsely sampled dayside MAG data taken at similar altitudes, insofar as a direct comparison is meaningful. Using this map, we present two case studies. The first compares the magnetic signatures of two highland volcanoes, concluding that the comparatively greater thermal demagnetization at Syrtis Major compared with Tyrrhena Patera is likely due to a higher ratio of intruded to extruded magmas. The second uses the map along with topographic data to compare the magnetic signatures and crater retention ages of the demagnetized Hellas impact basin and magnetized Ladon impact basin. From this comparison, we determine that the martian global dynamo magnetic field went from substantial to very weak or nonexistent in the absolute model age time interval 4.15±0.05 to 4.07±0.05 Ga ago.  相似文献   

Recently aurora-type UV emissions were discovered on the nightside of Mars [Bertaux, J.-L., Leblanc, F., Witasse, O., et al., 2005. Discovery of an aurora on Mars. Nature 439, doi:10.1038/nature03603]. It was suggested that these emissions are produced by suprathermal electrons with energies of tens of eV, rather than by the electrons with spectra peaked above 100 eV [Leblanc, F., Witasse, O., Winningham J., et al., 2006. Origin of the martian aurora observed by spectroscopy for investigation of characteristics of the atmosphere of Mars (SPICAM) onboard Mars Express. J. Geophys. Res. 111, A09313, doi:10.1029/2006JA011763]. In this paper we present observations of fluxes of suprathermal electrons (Ee≈30-100 eV) on the Martian nightside by the ASPERA-3 experiment onboard the Mars Express spacecraft. Narrow spikes of suprathermal electrons are often observed in energy-time spectrograms of electron fluxes at altitudes between 250 and 600 km. These spikes are spatially organized and form narrow strips in regions with strong upward or downward crustal magnetic field. The values of electron fluxes in such events generally could explain the observed auroral UV emissions although a question of their origin (transport from the dayside or local precipitation) remains open.  相似文献   

Abstract— Intense magnetic anomalies over Martian surface suggest preservation of large volumes of very old crust (>3 Gyr) that formed in the presence of a global magnetic field. The global distribution of the magnetic intensities observed above the Martian crust suggests a division into three zones. Zone 1 is where the magnetic signature is negligible or of relatively low intensity at Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) satellite mapping altitude (400 km). Zone 2 is the region of intermediate crustal magnetic amplitudes and zone 3 is where the highest magnetic intensities are measured. Crater demagnetization near zone 3 reveals the presence of rocks with both high magnetic intensity and coercivity. Magnetic analyses of terrestrial rocks show that compositional banding in orogenic zones significantly enhances both magnetic coercivity and thermal remanent magnetization (TRM) efficiency. Such enhancement offers a novel explanation for the anomalously large intensities inferred of magnetic sources on Mars. We propose that both large magnetic coercivity and intensity near the South Pole is indicative of the presence of a large degree of deformation. Associated compositional zoning creates conditions for large scale magnetic anisotropy allowing magnetic minerals to acquire magnetization more efficiently, thereby causing the distinct magnetic signatures in zone 3, expressed by intense magnetic anomalies. We use a simple model to verify the magnetic enhancement. We hypothesize that magnetically enhanced zone would reside over the down welling plume at the time of magnetization acquisition.  相似文献   

Mars Express (MEX) Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) data is providing insights into atmospheric loss on Mars via the solar wind interaction. This process is influenced by both the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the solar wind and by the magnetic ‘anomaly’ regions of the martian crust. We analyse observations from the ASPERA-3 Electron Spectrometer near to such crustal anomalies. We find that the electrons near remanent magnetic fields either increase in flux to form intensified signatures or significantly reduce in flux to form plasma voids. We suggest that cusps intervening neighbouring magnetic anomalies may provide a location for enhanced escape of planetary plasma. Initial statistical analysis shows that intensified signatures are mainly a dayside phenomenon whereas voids are a feature of the night hemisphere.  相似文献   

Using minimum variance analysis of the circular mapping data from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft during four selected weeks of observation, we identify 360 magnetic field structures in the Martian topside ionosphere with characteristic signatures of flux ropes. Physical parameters including size, peak field strength, helicity, orientation, and external conditions at the time of each observation are compiled for the events in each population. We observe that Martian flux ropes typically have a peak field amplitude of ∼15 nT and a diameter of ∼80–100 km assuming they are stationary. Flux ropes tend to be aligned approximately parallel to the planetary surface, and perpendicular to the direction from which the solar wind flows. They are more frequently observed during times of low solar wind pressure, but do not show a clear preference for a particular Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) draping direction. Flux rope characteristics of peak field amplitude, diameter, and helicity vary with solar zenith angle. Amplitudes tend to be higher during periods of high solar wind pressure. The events are sorted into three populations based on the location at which they were observed, possibly corresponding to distinct formation mechanisms. Flux ropes observed in eclipse tend to have smaller peak amplitudes and are larger than those observed in sunlight, and are less likely to be oriented parallel to the planetary surface. Proximity to crustal fields does not appear to influence the characteristics of flux ropes observed at the 400 km spacecraft altitude. The frequent observation of flux rope structures near Mars in a variety of locations suggests that the low-altitude plasma environment is quite dynamic, with magnetic shear playing a prominent role in determining magnetic field structure near the planet.  相似文献   

Data from the Ion Mass Analyzer (IMA) sensor of the ASPERA-3 instrument suite onboard Mars Express and data from the Magnetometer/Electron Reflectometer (MAG/ER) on Mars Global Surveyor have been analyzed to determine whether ion beam events (IBEs) are correlated with the direction of the draped interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) or the proximity of strong crustal magnetic fields to the subsolar point. We examined 150 IBEs and found that they are organized by IMF draping direction. However, no clear dependence on the subsolar longitude of the strongest magnetic anomaly is evident, making it uncertain whether crustal magnetic fields have an effect on the formation of the beams. We also examined data from the IMA sensor of the ASPERA-4 instrument suite on Venus Express and found that IBEs are observed at Venus as well, which indicates the morphology of the Martian and Venusian magnetotails are similar.  相似文献   

The observations of electron inverted ‘V’ structures by the MGS and MEX spacecraft, their resemblance to similar events in the auroral regions of the Earth, and the discovery of strong localized magnetic field sources of the crustal origin on Mars, raised hypotheses on the existence of Martian aurora produced by electron acceleration in parallel electric fields. Following the theory of this type of structures on Earth we perform a scaling analysis to the Martian conditions. Similar to the Earth, upward field-aligned currents necessary for the generation of parallel potential drops and peaked electron distributions can arise, for example, on the boundary between ‘closed’ and ‘open’ crustal field lines due to shears of the flow velocity of the magnetosheath or magnetospheric plasmas. A steady-state configuration assumes a closure of these currents in the Martian ionosphere. Due to much smaller magnetic fields as compared to the Earth case, the ionospheric Pedersen conductivity is much higher on Mars and auroral field tubes with parallel potential drops and relatively small cross scales to be adjusted to the scales of the localized crustal patches may appear only if the magnetosphere and ionosphere are decoupled by a zone with a strong E. Another scenario suggests a periodic short-circuit of the magnetospheric electric fields by a coupling with the conducting ionosphere.  相似文献   

The ELectron Spectrometer (ELS) from the Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) flown on the Mars Express spacecraft has an 8% energy resolution, combined with the capability to oversample the martian electron distribution. This makes possible the resolution and identification of electrons generated as a result of the He 304 Å ionization of CO2 at the martian exobase on the dayside of the planet. Ionospheric photoelectrons were observed during almost every pass into the ionosphere and CO2 photoelectron peaks were identified near the terminator. Atmospherically generated CO2 photoelectrons are also observed at 10,000 km altitude in the martian tail near the inner magnetospheric boundary. Observations over a wide range of spacecraft orbits showed a consistent presence of photoelectrons at locations along the inner magnetospheric boundary and in the ionosphere, from an altitude of 250 to 10,000 km.  相似文献   

The Analyzer of Space Plasma and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA) on-board the Mars Express spacecraft (MEX) measured penetrating solar wind plasma and escaping/accelerated ionospheric plasma at very low altitudes (250 km) in the dayside subsolar region. This implies a direct exposure of the martian topside atmosphere to solar wind plasma forcing leading to energization of ionospheric plasma. The ion and electron energization and the ion outflow from Mars is surprisingly similar to that over the magnetized Earth. Narrow “monoenergetic” cold ion beams, ion beams with broad energy distributions, sharply peaked electron energy spectra, and bidirectional streaming electrons are particle features also observed near Mars. Energized martian ionospheric ions (O+, O+2, CO+2, etc.) flow in essentially the same direction as the external sheath flow. This suggests that the planetary ion energization couples directly to processes in the magnetosheath/solar wind. On the other hand, the beam-like distribution of the energized plasma implies more indirect energization processes like those near the Earth, i.e., energization in a magnetized environment by waves and/or parallel (to B) electric fields. The general conditions for martian plasma energization are, however, different from those in the Earth's magnetosphere. Mars has a weak intrinsic magnetic field and solar wind plasma may therefore penetrate deep into the dense ionospheric plasma. Local crustal magnetization, discovered by Acuña et al. [Acuña, M.J., Connerey, J., Ness, N., Lin, R., Mitchell, D., Carlsson, C., McFadden, J., Anderson, K., Rème, H., Mazelle, C., Vignes, D., Wasilewski, P., Cloutier, P., 1999. Science 284, 790-793], provide some dayside shielding against the solar wind. On the other hand, multiple magnetic anomalies may also lead to “hot spots” facilitating ionospheric plasma energization. We discuss the ASPERA-3 findings of martian ionospheric ion energization and present evidences for two types of plasma energization processes responsible for the low- and mid-altitude plasma energization near Mars: magnetic field-aligned acceleration by parallel electric fields and plasma energization by low frequency waves.  相似文献   

Maps of the vector components of the martian crustal magnetic field over the strongly magnetized Terra Cimmeria/Sirenum region are constructed using Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer data. Although pronounced east-west trending anomalies are present on the radial and north field component maps at the mapping altitude (∼360-380 km), these trends are much less prominent at the lower aerobraking altitude (∼90-150 km). Comparisons with similar maps produced using artificial data at the aerobraking altitude indicate that elongated sources in this region may have maximum lengths along the martian surface of ∼500 km and maximum aspect ratios of ∼2. Iterative forward modeling of several relatively isolated anomalies in the mapped region yields paleomagnetic pole positions consistent with those estimated in previous studies of other anomalies using mapping phase and science phasing orbit data. On this basis, it is inferred that sources in the studied region are most probably magnetized primarily in northward or southward directions. Using this additional constraint, iterative forward modeling is then applied to determine a magnetization distribution that is consistent with data at both the aerobraking altitude and the mapping altitude. The model magnetization distribution, which includes 41 discrete sources, again indicates no highly elongated sources. An examination of surface geology in the region as well as a consideration of the global distribution of anomalies suggests that magmatic intrusions (e.g., subsurface dike swarms), cooling in the presence of water, are the most likely sources of the magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

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